
Migration ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Amphidromous. Refers to fishes that regularly migrate between freshwater and the sea (in both directions), but not for the purpose of breeding, as in anadromous and catadromous species. Sub-division of diadromous. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.Characteristic elements in amphidromy are: reproduction in fresh water, passage to sea by newly hatched larvae, a period of feeding and growing at sea usually a few months long, return to fresh water of well-grown juveniles, a further period of feeding and growing in fresh water, followed by reproduction there (Ref. 82692).
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Tess Cruz
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Trophic Strategy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Inhabits creeks and rivers, usually in cool, clear waters over gravel bottoms in sections alternating between pools and rapids. Often form large schools especially prior to spawning. Feeds on small crustaceans, insects and their larvae and algae. Spawn: Feb.-May; 25,000-68,000 eggs which sink to bottom downstream of spawning site. Hatching: 10-20 days; larvae, 6-7 mm TL, swept downstream to estuaries/sea, return to freshwater after 6 mos.
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Biology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Adults inhabit creeks and rivers, usually in cool, clear waters over gravel bottoms in sections alternating between pools and rapids. Usually found in clear, moderate to fast-flowing water in the upper reaches of rivers (sometimes to altitudes above 1000 meters). Often forming aggregations below barriers to upstream movement. Timid species that forms fast-moving shoals (Ref. 44894). Often form large schools especially prior to spawning. Feed on small crustaceans, insects and their larvae and algae. The intestinal tract is long, s specialization to assist in the breakdown of ingested plant material (Ref. 44894). Spawn: Feb.-May; 25,000-68,000 eggs which sink to bottom downstream of spawning site. Hatching: 10-20 days; larvae, 6-7 mm TL, swept downstream to estuaries and the sea, return to freshwater after 6 months.
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Importance ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
fisheries: commercial; gamefish: yes
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Australischer Forellenhechtling ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Australische Forellenhechtling (Prototroctes maraena) ist eine 1864 von Albert Günther beschriebene Knochenfischart aus der Gattung der Forellenhechtlinge (Prototroctes) innerhalb der Familie der Neuseelandlachse (Retropinnidae).


Der Australische Forellenhechtling kann eine Standardlänge von mehr als 30 cm erreichen, übertrifft heute aber nur selten 25 cm.[1] Er ist am Rücken dunkelbraun bis olivgrün, an den Seiten grünlich-bronzefarben, gelegentlich mit einem stahlblauen Schimmer. Die Kiemendeckel sind silberfarben, die Bauchseite und die Unterseite des Kopfes silberweißlich bis gelblich. Die Flossen sind transparent bis gräulich oder strohfarben.[2] Die Rückenflosse sitzt über den Bauchflossen, eine Fettflosse ist vorhanden. Die Maxillare ist zahnlos, den Unterkiefer umgibt ein horniger Rand. Die Anzahl der Wirbel beträgt 62 bis 72.[3]

Frisch duftet der Australische Forellenhechtling nach Gurke. Die meisten Tiere werden zwei bis drei, manche bis zu fünf Jahre alt.[1]


Vorkommen des Australischen Forellenhechtlings sind im Südosten Australiens, vom Grose River im Osten des Bundesstaates New South Wales bis zum Hopkins River (Bundesstaat Victoria), bekannt. Er ist auch in Tasmanien und auf King Island am westlichen Ende der Bass Strait zu finden.[4]

Lebensraum und Lebensweise

Der Australische Forellenhechtling ist eine amphidrome Art, die die Oberläufe klarer, mäßig bis schnell fließender Flüsse bewohnt. Manchmal ist er in Höhen über 1000 m zu finden. Er laicht in küstennahen Flüssen, die Laichzeit im australischen Herbst variiert je nach Fluss und Umwelteinflüssen. Ein Weibchen kann annähernd 47.000 Eier legen. Die demersalen (zu Boden sinkenden), nicht anhaftenden Eier haben einen Durchmesser von 0,9 mm. Die Fischlarven werden von den Flüssen ins Meer gespült, wo sich die jungen Australischen Forellenhechtlinge die ersten 6 Monate ihres Lebens aufhalten, danach kehren sie in die Flüsse zurück, wo sie den Rest ihres Lebens verbringen. Der Australische Forellenhechtling ernährt sich von Algen und Wasserinsekten. Mit den kammartigen Kieferzähnen können Insekten von Fadenalgen aufgenommen werden, das schwarze Bauchfell könnte von pflanzlichem Anteil in der Nahrung herrühren.[1]


In den 1880er Jahren wurde von einem Massensterben der Australischen Forellenhechtlinge berichtet, das mit der Einführung von Forellen in Tasmanien zusammenfiel. Saville-Kent deutete 1888 an, dass eine tödliche Krankheit mit den Forellen eingeschleppt wurde, und berichtete, dass tote und sterbende Tiere gesehen wurden:[5]

„zu Tausenden die Flüsse hinabtreibend, bedeckt ... mit einem watteartigen Pilzbefall“

Heute sind die Australischen Forellenhechtlinge in vielerlei Hinsicht bedroht. Zum einen durch Dämme und Wehre, die die Wanderungen zum Meer und zurück, von denen die Art abhängig ist, behindern. Rodungen führen zu einer Verschlammung und Verschlechterung der Wasserqualität. Eingeführte Forellenarten bedrohen die Art durch Verdrängung.[4]

Der Australische Forellenhechtling wird unter den nach Australiens Environment Protection und Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 bedrohten Arten mit dem Status „gefährdet“ (vulnerable) aufgeführt.[6] Die International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) stuft die Art, da sie von Schutzmaßnahmen abhängig ist, als gering gefährdet, Vorwarnliste (Near Threatened, NT) ein.[4]


  1. a b c Tim M. Berra: Freshwater Fish Distribution. University of Chicago Press, 2007, ISBN 978-0226044422, S. 261–262.
  2. Australian Government - Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities: Prototroctes maraena — Australian Grayling
  3. Joseph S. Nelson, Fishes of the World, John Wiley & Sons, 2006, ISBN 978-0471250319, S. 196.
  4. a b c Prototroctes maraena in der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten der IUCN 2011.2. Eingestellt von: A. Jenkins, F.F. Kullander, H.H. Tan, 2009. Abgerufen am 17. März 2012.
  5. G. Backhouse, J. Jackson, J. O’Connor: National Recovery Plan for the Australian Grayling Prototroctes maraena. 2008, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne, S. 7. ( Online (Memento vom 22. März 2012 im Internet Archive); PDF; 694 kB)
  6. Guidelines for detecting fish listed as threatened under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. ( Online (Memento vom 19. März 2012 im Internet Archive); PDF; 602 kB)
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Australischer Forellenhechtling: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Australische Forellenhechtling (Prototroctes maraena) ist eine 1864 von Albert Günther beschriebene Knochenfischart aus der Gattung der Forellenhechtlinge (Prototroctes) innerhalb der Familie der Neuseelandlachse (Retropinnidae).

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Australian grayling ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Australian grayling (Prototroctes maraena) is a primarily freshwater fish found in coastal rivers in south-eastern mainland Australia and Tasmania. In past decades it has also been known as the cucumber mullet or cucumber herring, for its cucumber-like odour.

Description and diet

The Australian grayling is a streamlined fish with a long and slender body and small conical head.[2] Colouration is usually silver on the flanks and dusky olive on the back, overlain with a gold sheen.[3]

Australian grayling commonly live for 2–3 years and reach around 20 centimetres (7.9 in) in length, although rare individuals have been recorded up to at least 5 years in age and 33 centimetres (13 in) in length.[3] The fish has an omnivorous diet, feeding upon algae, shrimp, and small insects. They have specially adapted teeth and a long gut to help with the digestion of algae.[2]


Australian grayling spawn in the freshwater reaches of coastal rivers. Spawning is thought to occur in late autumn or early winter. McDowall (1996) reports that egg counts range from 25,000 to 67,000 in females 170–200 mm long, and that the small (~1 mm) demersal eggs probably settle among gravel and cobble in the river bed before hatching. Hatched larvae are washed out to sea. Australian grayling juveniles return to the freshwater reaches of rivers after roughly 6 months at sea and spend the rest of their lives in river habitats.[3]


Before the introduction of exotic fish species including the Eastern mosquitofish and trout to Australian waterways the Australian grayling and spotted galaxias were keenly fished by recreational anglers using fly-fishing gear.[2] The species was appreciated for its willingness to take wet and dry flies, its excellent fighting ability on very light tackle, and its relatively large size. However, due to declining numbers the fish is now protected under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.[2] Heavy penalties apply for taking any of the fish.

Historical declines and current threats

Australian grayling suffered massive initial declines in 1868–70 through very large, unexplained fish kills (Saville-Kent, 1888). Australian grayling killed in these events are described as being covered in "cottony growths", a characteristic hallmark of the exotic fungus-like oomycete Saprolegnia; these kills likely mark the arrival of this exotic pathogen in Australian freshwater habitats via the importation, culturing and stocking of exotic salmonid species.[4]

Saville-Kent then went on to consider the apparent epidemic some 17–18 years previously which had caused the demise of the Australian grayling Prototroctes maraena. The grayling were said to "have been seen floating down the rivers in thousands, covered more or less extensively with a cottony fungoid growth. So virulent and exhaustive was this epidemic that many, more especially of the southern rivers, were more or less completely denuded of their stock of this species and have so remained up to the present date". Saville-Kent posed the questions of how, when and where the epidemic originated and whether at the time there were any abnormal conditions associated with the rivers carrying the infected fish. He went on to say: "The approximate date of the appearance of this epidemic would appear to be about the year 1869 or 1870, periods it may be remarked of great activity in association with the distribution of the fry of the newly acclimatised Salmonidae in the rivers of this colony. Is it possible ... that the fungus, ‘’Saprolegnia’’, was hitherto unknown to Tasmania and was introduced with the ova of these Salmonidae, or more probably in the moss wherein they were packed? Under such conditions the germs or spores, like the microbes of measles or smallpox, arriving on a virgin and congenial soil, might be expected to spread with devastating virulence among the aboriginal inhabitants."[5]

Australian grayling are threatened by a number of things. Dams and weirs block migration and also block floods and reduce base flows, both of which are important for habitat maintenance and for spawning and movement of grayling larvae and juveniles to and from the sea. Irresponsible forestry and farming practices degrade and fragment river environments through siltation and other effects. Exotic trout species threaten grayling through predation and competition. Scientific studies have shown native fish species similar in habitat and lifestyle such as spotted galaxias are severely depressed in number in rivers inhabited by exotic trout species (Ault & White, 1994), and are forced into sub-optimal feeding locations, feeding times and diets by aggressive competition from exotic trout species (McDowall, 2006). A chronic lack of exotic-trout-free habitat reserved for galaxias species and other native fish species in south-eastern Australia generally is a major concern.[6][7]

Two Australian grayling were observed in the Glenelg River in south-western Victoria in early 2021, the first recorded sighting since 1899. Scientists think that some of the environmental degradation caused after agriculture was introduced into the area was being reversed, and the health of the river and estuary has improved enough for the fish to make a comeback.[8]

Australian grayling are listed as a vulnerable species under Australia's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and under the IUCN Red List.[2] There are now a number of conservation measures focused on conserving the fish.


  1. ^ Koster, W.; Gilligan, D. (2019). "Prototroctes maraena". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T18383A123378802. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-3.RLTS.T18383A123378802.en. Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b c d e Bray, Dianne; Gomon, Martin. "Australian Grayling, Prototroctes maraena Günther 1864". Fishes of Australia. Retrieved 28 February 2021.
  3. ^ a b c "Prototroctes maraena — Australian Grayling". Australian Government, Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. Retrieved 31 August 2008.
  4. ^ Kaminskas, S. (2020). "Alien pathogens and parasites impacting native freshwater fish of southern Australia: a scientific and historical review". Australian Zoologist. doi:10.7882/AZ.2020.039.
  5. ^ Cadwallader, P.L. (1996)
  6. ^ Cadwallader, P.L. (1996)
  7. ^ Jackson, J.E.; Raadik, T.A.; Lintermans, M.; Hammer, M. (2004). "Alien salmonids in Australia: impediments to effective impact management, and future directions". New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research (38): 447–455. doi:10.7882/AZ.2020.039.
  8. ^ Johnson, Sian (24 February 2021). "Australian grayling found in Glenelg River after 'vanishing' a century ago". ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 28 February 2021.
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Australian grayling: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Australian grayling (Prototroctes maraena) is a primarily freshwater fish found in coastal rivers in south-eastern mainland Australia and Tasmania. In past decades it has also been known as the cucumber mullet or cucumber herring, for its cucumber-like odour.

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Prototroctes maraena ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Prototroctes maraena Prototroctes generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Retropinnidae familian sailkatzen da.



  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Prototroctes maraena FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Prototroctes maraena: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Prototroctes maraena Prototroctes generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Retropinnidae familian sailkatzen da.

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Prototroctes maraena ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Il temolo australiano (Prototroctes maraena Günther, 1864) è un pesce osseo appartenente alla famiglia dei Retropinnidi (i cosiddetti «sperlani meridionali»). Nonostante sia stato chiamato «temolo» dai primi colonizzatori europei, non è affatto imparentato con il suo omonimo dell'emisfero boreale, appartenente addirittura ad un ordine distinto, quello dei Salmoniformi.


Il temolo australiano è un pesce snello che presenta una colorazione variabile dal marrone scuro al verde oliva sul dorso e bronzo-verdastra sui fianchi, occasionalmente con riflessi blu acciaio. Gli opercoli sono color argento, mentre il lato ventrale e quello inferiore della testa vanno dal bianco-argento al giallastro. Le pinne, trasparenti, presentano un leggero riflesso grigiastro o paglierino[2]. La specie possiede grandi occhi, generalmente di colore giallo brillante, muso arrotondato e testa piccola.

Il temolo australiano misura generalmente 17–19 cm di lunghezza, ma può raggiungere i 30–33 cm[3]. La mascella inferiore è più corta di quella superiore. Possiede una pinna adiposa situata tra le pinne dorsale e caudale. L'apertura boccale si spinge fino al di sotto dell'occhio. Non sono presenti né scaglie sulla testa né linea laterale. La mascella superiore è priva di denti, ma presenta un bordo corneo. Il numero di vertebre varia da 62 a 72[4] . Questa pesce emana un forte odore di cetriolo una volta catturato e tirato fuori dall'acqua. La maggior parte degli esemplari vive due o tre anni, ma alcuni possono raggiungere i cinque anni[3].


Il temolo australiano è una specie anfidroma che vive nel tratto superiore dei fiumi limpidi, dal corso sia moderato che rapido. A volte può essere trovato anche ad altitudini superiori ai 1000 m. Si riproduce nei fiumi costieri; la stagione riproduttiva, nell'autunno australe, varia a seconda del fiume e dell'habitat. Una femmina può deporre circa 47.000 uova. Le uova, demersali (che affondano verso il basso) e prive di aderenza sul fondale, hanno un diametro di 0,9 mm. Gli avannotti vengono trasportati dai fiumi verso il mare, dove i giovani temoli trascorrono i primi sei mesi della loro vita, dopo di che ritornano nei fiumi, dove trascorrono il resto dell'esistenza. Il temolo australiano si nutre di alghe e insetti acquatici. Con i denti a pettine presenti sulla mascella inferiore riesce a filtrare gli insetti situati tra le alghe filamentose; il colore nero del peritoneo potrebbe essere dovuto al contenuto vegetale nella dieta[3].

Distribuzione e habitat

Il temolo australiano è diffuso nei corsi d'acqua dell'Australia sud-orientale, dal fiume Grose nel Nuovo Galles del Sud al fiume Hopkins nel Victoria. Vive anche in Tasmania e nell'isola di King, all'estremità occidentale dello stretto di Bass[1].


Negli anni '80 del XIX secolo fu registrata una grave morìa di temoli australiani, in concomitanza con l'introduzione della trota in Tasmania. Nel 1888 Saville-Kent ipotizzò che assieme alla trota fosse stato introdotto anche un qualche tipo di malattia mortale: lo scenario che si presentava davanti agli occhi dei naturalisti era devastante; lo stesso Saville-Kent parla di esemplari morti e morenti

«alla deriva lungo i fiumi a migliaia, ricoperti ... da un'infezione fungina simile al cotone[5]

Al giorno d'oggi, la sopravvivenza della specie è ancora minacciata da vari fattori. In primo luogo la costruzione di dighe e sbarramenti ne ostacola gli spostamenti verso il mare e il ritorno nei fiumi nativi, dai quali dipende per la riproduzione. Inoltre, a causa della deforestazione, una grande quantità di terra e fango finisce nei fiumi, deteriorando la qualità dell'acqua. Anche le trote introdotte costituiscono un problema, sia perché danno la caccia al temolo che perché competono con esso per le prede[1].

Il temolo australiano viene classificato come specie «vulnerabile» (Vulnerable) ai sensi dell'Australian Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999[6], mentre l'Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura (IUCN) lo classifica come «specie prossima alla minaccia» (Near Threatened)[1].


  1. ^ a b c d (EN) Jenkins, A., Kullander, F.F. & Tan, H.H. 2009, Prototroctes maraena, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ Guidelines for detecting fish listed as threatened under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. (Online Archiviato il 19 marzo 2012 in Internet Archive.; PDF; 602 kB)
  3. ^ a b c Tim M. Berra: Freshwater Fish Distribution. University of Chicago Press, 2007, ISBN 978-0226044422, pp. 261-262.
  4. ^ Joseph S. Nelson, Fishes of the World, John Wiley & Sons, 2006, ISBN 978-0471250319, p. 196.
  5. ^ Australian Government - Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities: Prototroctes maraena — Australian Grayling
  6. ^ G. Backhouse, J. Jackson, J. O’Connor: National Recovery Plan for the Australian Grayling Prototroctes maraena. 2008, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne, p. 7. (Online Archiviato il 22 marzo 2012 in Internet Archive.; PDF; 694 kB)

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Prototroctes maraena: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Il temolo australiano (Prototroctes maraena Günther, 1864) è un pesce osseo appartenente alla famiglia dei Retropinnidi (i cosiddetti «sperlani meridionali»). Nonostante sia stato chiamato «temolo» dai primi colonizzatori europei, non è affatto imparentato con il suo omonimo dell'emisfero boreale, appartenente addirittura ad un ordine distinto, quello dei Salmoniformi.

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Prototroctes maraena ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Prototroctes maraena is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van Nieuw-Zeelandse snoekforellen of smelten (Retropinnidae).[2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1864 door Günther.

De soort staat op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN als Gevoelig, beoordelingsjaar 2007. De omvang van de populatie is volgens de IUCN dalend.[1]

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. a b (en) Prototroctes maraena op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. (en) Prototroctes maraena. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 10 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
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澳洲南茴魚 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Prototroctes maraena
Günther, 1864

澳洲南茴魚,為輻鰭魚綱胡瓜魚目後鰭鮭科的其中一,分布於大洋洲澳洲東南部Grose河至南部沿岸淡水、半鹹水域, 包括塔斯馬尼亞島國王島,體長可達33公分,棲息在小溪與河礫石底部冷又清澈的水域,成群活動,以小型甲殼類昆蟲藻類等為食,繁殖期在2月至5月,幼魚孵化後會游向河口及沿海,6個月大後再游回河川上游,可做為食用魚。



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澳洲南茴魚: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科

澳洲南茴魚,為輻鰭魚綱胡瓜魚目後鰭鮭科的其中一,分布於大洋洲澳洲東南部Grose河至南部沿岸淡水、半鹹水域, 包括塔斯馬尼亞島國王島,體長可達33公分,棲息在小溪與河礫石底部冷又清澈的水域,成群活動,以小型甲殼類昆蟲藻類等為食,繁殖期在2月至5月,幼魚孵化後會游向河口及沿海,6個月大後再游回河川上游,可做為食用魚。

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