Pacific Sardine | NOAA
fornecido por EOL authors
The West Coast Pacific sardine fishery was first developed during World War I to fill an increased demand for nutritious food that could be canned and easily carried onto battlefields...
fornecido por FAO species catalogs
One of the most important commercial fishes of Japan. The total catch for 1983 was 4 219 677 t. Record catches in 1934-39 (over 2 000 000 t) were succeeded by a sharp decline around 1941, with only partial recovery from 1945 and then further decline. Fluctuations in the catches and their relationship to the Kuroshio current were reviewed by Kawasaki (1979) and Watanabe, Honjo & Okutani (1979). The total catch reported for this species to FAO for 1999 was 515 477 t. The countries with the largest catches were Japan (351 207 t) and China (147 125 t). This species is mainly caught by "small pelagic purse seining", particularly "American boat operated purse seine".
- citação bibliográfica
- FAO Species catalogue Vol. 7. Clupeoid fishes of the world. (Suborder CLUPEOIDEI) An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, anchovies and wolf-herrings. Part 1. Chirocentridae, Clupeidae and Pristigasteridae.Whitehead, P.J.P. 1985. FAO Fish. Synop., (125)Vol.7 Pt. 1:303 p.
- autor
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
Brief Summary
fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Coastalpelagic, forming large schools,migratory, moving northward in summer and tending also to move more inshore, the reverse as temperatures begin to drop.Feeds mainly on zooplankton, especially copepods, but also phytoplankton. Breeds from December to the beginning of May, earlier in the southern than the northern parts of range, in bays and in coastal parts of open sea; fishes mostly mature in second year.
- citação bibliográfica
- FAO Species catalogue Vol. 7. Clupeoid fishes of the world. (Suborder CLUPEOIDEI) An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, anchovies and wolf-herrings. Part 1. Chirocentridae, Clupeidae and Pristigasteridae.Whitehead, P.J.P. 1985. FAO Fish. Synop., (125)Vol.7 Pt. 1:303 p.
- autor
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
fornecido por FAO species catalogs
To 24 cm standard length, usually 15 to 20 cm.
- citação bibliográfica
- FAO Species catalogue Vol. 7. Clupeoid fishes of the world. (Suborder CLUPEOIDEI) An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, anchovies and wolf-herrings. Part 1. Chirocentridae, Clupeidae and Pristigasteridae.Whitehead, P.J.P. 1985. FAO Fish. Synop., (125)Vol.7 Pt. 1:303 p.
- autor
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
Diagnostic Description
fornecido por FAO species catalogs
The radiating bony striae on the operculum distinguish this fish from all other clupeoids in the area; in addition, species, of Sardinella and Herklotsichthys have two fleshy outgrowths on the hind margin of the gill opening and no series of dark spots along the flank (Amblygaster sirm has similar spots, but seems to be rare north of Taiwan Island, possibly to Okinawa); Clupea pallasii has the pelvic fin insertion before the dorsal fin origin and lacks spots on the flank; and Etrumeus teres and Dussumieria elopsoides lack scutes along the belly, also no spots.
- Hayashi, (1960 - fisheries). A great deal of Japanese literature is available, summarized to 1959 by the papers cited here
- Kurita, (1960 - fisheries)
- Nakai, (1960 - fisheries)
- Svetovidov, (1952, 1963 - full synopsis of biology); also, see Anon. (1960- biology, synopsis)
- Uda, (1960 - fisheries)
- citação bibliográfica
- FAO Species catalogue Vol. 7. Clupeoid fishes of the world. (Suborder CLUPEOIDEI) An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, anchovies and wolf-herrings. Part 1. Chirocentridae, Clupeidae and Pristigasteridae.Whitehead, P.J.P. 1985. FAO Fish. Synop., (125)Vol.7 Pt. 1:303 p.
- autor
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
Trophic Strategy
fornecido por Fishbase
In South America it is caught down to depths of about 40 m, in summer at 16 to 23 C, in winter at 10 to 18 C. Forms large schools in the Peru current. Likewise in North America, it forms large schools, up to 10 million individuals; it is migratory with a definite northward movement between California and British Columbia waters in summer and return in autumn, winter. Zooplankton and phytoplankton feeder. Food items of larvae and early juveniles consist of copepods and larvaceans (Ref. 32837). Young fish feeds on zooplankton such as copepods and adults on phytoplankton (Ref. 39882). Employs both filter- and particulate-feeding modes on phytoplankton and zooplankton (Ref. 42392).
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- FishBase
- Recorder
- Crispina B. Binohlan
Life Cycle
fornecido por Fishbase
Oviparous (Ref. 265). In the Gulf of California, some individuals spawn in their first year, but most in their second (Ref. 188).In Australia (as S. neopilchardus), this species breeds in spring and summer in southern part of range, and in summer and autumn in northern part, apparently related to seasonal movement of the limiting 14°C and 21°C isotherms, then autumn to early spring (Ref. 6390). It was believed that individual Australian pilchards only spawn once or twice in a season (Ref. 26422, 26424), but research on related species suggests that they may spawn a number of times (Ref. 6882). Batch fecundities range from about 10,000 eggs in 13 cm long females to about 45,000 eggs in females of about 18 cm (Ref. 26420).
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- FishBase
- Recorder
- Crispina B. Binohlan
fornecido por Fishbase
Oceanodromous. Migrating within oceans typically between spawning and different feeding areas, as tunas do. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.
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- FishBase
- Recorder
- Crispina B. Binohlan
fornecido por Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 13 - 21; Analspines: 0; Analsoft rays: 12 - 23; Vertebrae: 48 - 54
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- cc-by-nc
- direitos autorais
- FishBase
- Recorder
- Crispina B. Binohlan
Diseases and Parasites
fornecido por Fishbase
Pilchard Herpes Virus. Viral diseases
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- direitos autorais
- FishBase
Diagnostic Description
fornecido por Fishbase
Body cylindrical and elongate; ventral part of operculum with clear cut bony striae radiating downwards; belly rounded with ventral scutes; back blue green; flanks white, with 1 to 3 series of dark spots along the middle (Ref. 55763). The radiating bony striae on the operculum distinguish this species from all other clupeids in the area. The radiating bony striae on the operculum distinguish this fish from all other clupeids in the area. In New Zealand the species appears to grow larger (21.3 cm standard length; cf. 19.7 cm), has slightly larger eggs and a higher mean number of vertebrae (50.52; cf. 49 to 50.08 in various samples) (Ref. 859).
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- FishBase
- Recorder
- Crispina B. Binohlan
fornecido por Fishbase
Neritic (Ref. 11230). A coastal species that forms large schools (Ref. 188). Occur at temperatures ranging from 16° to 23°C in summer and from 10° to 18°C in winter. Feed mainly on planktonic crustaceans. Young fish feed on zooplankton such as copepod and adults on phytoplankton (Ref. 39882). Oviparous, with pelagic eggs, and pelagic larvae (Ref. 265). Possibly can live up to 25 years (Ref. 265). In the California region, pilchards make northward migrations early in summer and travel back south again in autumn. With each year of life, the migration becomes farther (Ref. 6885). Marketed fresh, frozen or canned. Utilized mainly for fish meal; but also eaten fried and broiled (Ref. 9988). Main source of landing: NE Pacific: Mexico (Ref. 4931).
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- FishBase
- Recorder
- Crispina B. Binohlan
fornecido por Fishbase
fisheries: highly commercial; bait: usually; price category: low; price reliability: reliable: based on ex-vessel price for this species
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- cc-by-nc
- direitos autorais
- FishBase
- Recorder
- Crispina B. Binohlan
Espanhol; Castelhano
fornecido por IABIN
Chile Central
fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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- 臺灣魚類資料庫
fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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- 臺灣魚類資料庫
fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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- 臺灣魚類資料庫
fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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- 臺灣魚類資料庫
fornecido por wikipedia AF
Die sardyn (Sardinops sagax) is 'n seevis wat rondom die hele Suid-Afrikaanse kus aangetref word en in groot skole voorkom. Hulle kom ook voor in die noordelike Stille Oseaan en staan ook bekend as die pelser in Afrikaans, of pilchard in Engels.
Die vis is silwer van kleur met 'n ry swart kolletjies aan die kante en word 28 cm groot. Die vis kom in skole voor en is verantwoordelik vir die jaarlikse sardienstormloop aan die kus van KwaZulu-Natal.
Daar is twee bevolkings van die sardyn aan die Suider-Afrikaanse kus. Die een groep kom by Namibië voor; vanaf Angola tot by Luderitz en die ander groep vanaf die Oranjerivier tot by Maputo. Die twee bevolkings sal nie meng nie omrede daar 'n konstante opwelling van koue water naby Luderitz plaasvind.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking skiet kuit gedurende die lente en somer op die Agulhasbank terwyl daar ook 'n kleiner kuitskietaksie plaasvind aan die kus van KwaZulu-Natal gedurende die winter en lente. Die eiers en larwes van die Agulhasbank dryf dan weswaarts. Die klein vissies versamel naby die kus van die Wes-Kaap gedurende die herfs en winter en migreer dan suid en ooswaarts waar die kuitskietaksie weer begin.
Die sardyn eet onder andere soöplankton en word op hulle beurt gejag deur snoek, tuna, geelstert, leervis, geelbek, kabeljou, verskeie haaie, dolfyne, robbe en pikkewyne.
Kommersiële waarde
Die sardyn is baie belangrik vir die Suid-Afrikaanse sowel as die Namibiese kommersiële visvangbedrywe. Gedurende die vroeë 1960's was daar 400,000 ton per jaar gevang deur die Suid-Afrikaanse bedryf maar dit het afgeneem na 70,000 ton per jaar in 1967. Die Namibiese tonnemaat was 1,400,000 ton per jaar in 1968 en het geval tot 300,000 ton per jaar in 1971 en het konstant onder 100,000 ton per jaar gebly tussen 1978 en 1988.
Jaarlikse sardienstormloop
Die jaarlikse sardienstormloop word veroorsaak deur veranderinge in die temperatuur van die water aan die ooskus. Gedurende Mei en Junie word warm water aan die ooskus vervang met koue water van minder as 20 °C. Hierdie koeler water maak dit moontlik vir groot skole sardyne, ansjovis en rondeoogharing om nader aan die land en noordwaarts te beweeg. Hierdie groot skole word maklik deur haaie en dolfyne na vlakker baaie gedryf waar hulle gevang word deur mense, seediere en seevoëls.
Sien ook
Eksterne skakel
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Wikipedia skrywers en redakteurs
Sardyn: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia AF
Die sardyn (Sardinops sagax) is 'n seevis wat rondom die hele Suid-Afrikaanse kus aangetref word en in groot skole voorkom. Hulle kom ook voor in die noordelike Stille Oseaan en staan ook bekend as die pelser in Afrikaans, of pilchard in Engels.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Wikipedia skrywers en redakteurs
fornecido por wikipedia AZ
Sardinops - Siyənəklər (Clupeidae) fəsiləsinə daxil olan cins
Cinsin tərkibinə 5 növ daxildir:
Bəzi alimlər bu cinsə daxil olan Sardinops sagax növünü monotip növ kimi qeydə alırlar. Növə ümumilikdə 4-5 yarımnöv daxildir.
- Ayling, T. & G. Cox. Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand. William Collins Publishers Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand. 1982. ISBN 0-00-216987-8
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
Sardinops: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia AZ
Sardinops - Siyənəklər (Clupeidae) fəsiləsinə daxil olan cins
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
Sardinops sagax
Catalão; Valenciano
fornecido por wikipedia CA
Banc de Sardinops del Pacífic
Sardinops sagax és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família dels clupèids i l'única del gènere Sardinops.[4]
- Pot arribar a fer 39,5 cm de llargària màxima (normalment, en fa 20) i 486 g de pes.
- Cos cilíndric i allargat.
- Nombre de vèrtebres: 48-54.
- 13-21 radis tous a l'aleta dorsal i 12-23 a l'anal.[5][6][7][8]
És ovípar, amb larves i ous pelàgics.[9][10]
Els juvenils es nodreixen sobretot de zooplàncton (com ara, copèpodes) i els adults de fitoplàncton.[11]
A Sud-àfrica és depredat per Pterogymnus laniarius, Helicolenus dactylopterus, Chelidonichthys capensis, Merluccius capensis, Merluccius paradoxus, Atractoscion aequidens, Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus, el tauró bronzat (Carcharhinus brachyurus), el tauró de puntes negres (Carcharhinus limbatus), el tauró fosc (Carcharhinus obscurus) i el peix martell (Sphyrna zygaena); a Austràlia per Arripis georgianus, Arripis trutta, Arripis truttaceus, Thyrsites atun, el tallahams (Pomatomus saltator) i ocells i mamífers marins (incloent-hi el pingüí petit -Eudyptula minor-); al Perú per Trachurus symmetricus murphyi, Merluccius gayi peruanus, Sarda chiliensis chiliensis, el bis (Scomber japonicus), Seriolella violacea, el dofí fosc (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) i l'ós marí sud-americà (Arctocephalus australis); al Japó per Champsodon snyderi, Alcichthys alcicornis, Gymnocanthus intermedius, Gadus macrocephalus, Theragra chalcogramma, Hexagrammos otakii, Physiculus japonicus, Galeus nipponensis i Triakis scyllium; a Mèxic per Tetrapturus audax i a Corea del Nord per Sphyraena pinguis. A més, també és depredat per Sarda australis, Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus, Raja alba, Raja clavata, Etmopterus compagnoi, l'agullat (Squalus acanthias), el rorqual d'aleta blanca (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), el rorqual de Bryde (Balaenoptera edeni) i la marsopa de Dall (Phocoenoides dalli).[12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]
És un peix marí, pelagiconerític, oceanòdrom[26] i de clima subtropical (9°C-21°C; 61°N-47°S, 145°W-180°E), que viu entre 0-200 m de fondària.[5][27][28]
Distribució geogràfica
Es troba des del sud d'Àfrica fins al Pacífic oriental.[5][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68]
Ús comercial
Es comercialitza fresc, congelat o en conserva per a ser menjat fregit o rostit a la graella. També és emprat per a elaborar farina de peix.[71]
És inofensiu per als humans.[5]
↑ Hubbs C. L., 1929. The generic relationships and nomenclature of the Californian sardine. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (Ser. 4) v. 18 (núm. 11). 261-265.
↑ Jenyns, L., 1840-1842. Fish. A: The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, under the command of Captain Fitzroy, R. N., during the years 1832 to 1836. Londres: Smith, Elder, and Co. Issued in 4 parts. Fish, Voyage Beagle: i-xvi + 1-172, Pls. 1-29.
↑ Catalogue of Life (anglès)
↑ The Taxonomicon (anglès)
↑ 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,3 FishBase (anglès)
↑ Whitehead, P.J.P. i Y.R. Rodríguez-Sánchez, 1995. Clupeidae. Sardinas, sardinetas, machuelos, sábalos, piquitingas. P. 1015-1025. A: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K.E. Carpenter i V. Niem (eds.). Guia FAO para Identificación de Especies para los Fines de la Pesca. Pacífico Centro-Oriental. 3 Vols. FAO, Roma.
↑ Whitehead, P.J.P., 1985. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 7. Clupeoid fishes of the world (suborder Clupeioidei). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, shads, anchovies and wolf-herrings. Part 1 - Chirocentridae, Clupeidae and Pristigasteridae. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(7/1):1-303.
↑ Hart, J.L., 1973. Pacific fishes of Canada. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. 180: 740 p.
↑ Matarese, A.C., A.W. Kendall, D.M. Blood i M.V. Vinter, 1989. Laboratory guide to early life history stages of Northeast Pacific fishes. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 80:1-652.
↑ Davies, D.H., 1956. The South African pilchard (Sardinops ocellata). Sexual maturity and reproduction 1950-1954. Invest. Rep. Div. Sea Fish. S. Afr. 22:1-155.
↑ Anònim, 2001. Increasing competition between fisheries and whales. Japan's Whale Research in the Western North Pacific (JARPN II). Fisheries Agency, Govern del Japó.
↑ FishBase (anglès)
↑ Abitia-Cárdenas, L.A., F. Galvan-Magaña i J. Rodriguez-Romero, 1997. Food habits and energy values of prey of striped marlin, Tetrapterus audax, off the east coast of Mexico. Fish. Bull. 95:360-368.
↑ Baeck, G.W. i S.-H. Huh, 2004. Feeding habits of brown barracuda (Sphyraena pinguis, Teleostei) in the coastal waters of Gadeok-do, Korea. J. Korean Fish. Soc. 36(6):505-510.
↑ David, J.H.M., 1987. Diet of the South African fur seal (1974-1985) and an assessment of competition with fisheries in Southern Africa. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 5:693-713.
↑ Dudley, S.F.J. i G. Cliff, 1993. Sharks caught in the protective gill nets off Natal, South Africa. 7. The blacktip shark Carcharhinus limbatus (Valenciennes). S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 13:237-254.
↑ Ebert, D.A., L.J.V. Compagno i P.D. Cowley, 1992. A preliminary investigation of the feeding ecology of squaloid sharks off the west coast of southern Africa. S. Afr. J. mar Sci. 12:601-609.
↑ Griffiths, M.H. i T. Hecht, 1995. On the life history of Atractoscion aequidens, a migratory sciaenid off the east coast of southern Africa. J. Fish Biol. 47(6):962-985.
↑ Horie, T. i S. Tanaka, 2000. Reproduction and food habits of two species of sawtail catsharks, Galeus eastmani and Galeus nipponensis, in Suruga Bay, Japan. Fish. Sci. 66(5):812-825.
↑ Kamura, S. i H. Hashimoto, 2004. The food habits of four species of triakid sharks, Triakis scyllium, Hemitriakis japanica, Mustelus griseus and Mustelus manazo, in the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Fish. Sci. 70(6):1019-1035.
↑ Morales-Nin, B., 1988. Crecimiento de Scomber japonicus (Houyttun, 1872) (Pisces: Scombridae) i Sardinops sagax(Jenyns, 1923) (Pisces: Clupeidae) en aguas ecuatorianas. Inv. Pesq. 52(4):483-500.
↑ Morohoshi, Y. i K. Sasaki, 2003. Intensive cannibalism and feeding on bregmacerotids in Champsodon snyderi (Champsodontidae): evidence for pelagic predation. Ichthyol. Res. 50:387-390.
↑ Pillar, S.C. i I.S. Wilkinson, 1995. The diet of cape hake Merluccius capensis on the south coast of South Africa. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 15:225-239.
↑ Punt, A.E., R.W. Leslie i S.E. du Plessis, 1992. Estimation of the annual consumption of food by Cape hake Merluccius capensis and Merluccius paradoxus off the South African west coast. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 12:611-634.
↑ Smale, M.J., 1991. Occurence and feeding of three shark species, Carcharinus brachyurus, Carcharinus obscurus and Sphyrna zygaena, on the eastern Cape coast of South Africa. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 11:31-42
↑ Riede, K., 2004. Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. Final Report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn, Alemanya. 329 p.
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↑ Grant, W.S., A.M. Clark i B.W. Bowen, 1998. Why restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of mitochondrial DNA failed to resolve sardine (Sardinops) biogeography: insights from mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequences. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 55(12):2539-2547.
↑ Al Sakaff, H. i M. Esseen, 1999. Occurrence and distribution of fish species off Yemen (Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea). Naga ICLARM Q. 22(1):43-47.
↑ Blackburn, M., 1949. The age, rate of growth and general life history of the Australian pilchard in New South Wales waters. Bull. Sci. Industry Res. Org. (242):1-86.
↑ Blackburn, M., 1950. Studies on the age, growth and life history of the pilchard, Sardinops neopilchardus (Steindachner), in southern and western Australia. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 1:221-258.
↑ Blackburn, M., 1951. Races and populations of the Australian pilchard, Sardinops neopilchardus (Steindachner) in southern and western Australia. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 2:179-192.
↑ Béarez, P., 1996. Lista de los peces marinos del Ecuador continental. Rev. Biol. Trop. 44(2):731-741.
↑ Cardenas, G., 1982. Estudio de al edad y crecimiento de la sardina (Sardinops sagax sagax) de region central del Peru. Rev. Com. Perm. Pac. Sur.
↑ Chen, C.-H., 2004. Checklist of the fishes of Penghu. FRI Special Publication. Núm. 4. 175 p.
↑ Chirichigno, N.F., 1974. Clave para identificar los peces marinos del Perú. Inf. Inst. Mar Perú (44):387 p.
↑ Clemens, W.A. i G.V. Wilby, 1946. Fishes of the Pacific coast of Canada. Fish. Res. Board Can. Bull. 68: 368 p.
↑ De Anda-Montañez, A., F. Arreguin-Sanchez i S. Martinez-Aguilar, 1999. Length-based growth estimates for Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) in the Gulf of California, Mexico. CalCOFI Rep. 40:179-183.
↑ Eschmeyer, W.N., E.S. Herald i H. Hammann, 1983. A field guide to Pacific coast fishes of North America. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Estats Units. 336 p.
↑ Escobar-Fernández, R. i M. Siri, 1997. Nombres vernáculos y científicos de los peces del Pacífico mexicano. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Sociedad Ictiológica Mexicana, A.C. Mexico.
↑ Fischer, W., I. Sousa, C. Silva, A. de Freitas, J.M. Poutiers, W. Schneider, T.C. Borges, J.P. Feral i A. Massinga, 1990. Fichas FAO de identificaçao de espécies para actividades de pesca. Guia de campo das espécies comerciais marinhas e de águas salobras de Moçambique. Publicaçao preparada em collaboraçao com o Instituto de Investigaçao Pesquiera de Moçambique, com financiamento do Projecto PNUD/FAO MOZ/86/030 e de NORAD. Roma, FAO. 1990. 424 p.
↑ Fricke, R., 1999. Fishes of the Mascarene Islands (Réunion, Mauritius, Rodriguez): an annotated checklist, with descriptions of new species. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein, Theses Zoologicae, Vol. 31: 759 p.
↑ Huang, Z., 2001. Marine species and their distribution in China's seas. p. 404- 463. Vertebrata. Smithsonian Institution, Florida, Estats Units. 598 p.
↑ Johnson, J.W., 1999. Annotated checklist of the fishes of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 43(2):709-762.
↑ Jordan, D.S. i E.C. Starks, 1895. The fishes of Puget Sound. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 5:785-855.
↑ Kashkin, N.I., 1989. Mesopelagic ichthyofauna of the southwestern Pacific. J. Ichthyol. 29(3):116-127.
↑ Kim, I.S., Y. Choi, C.L. Lee, Y.J. Lee, B.J. Kim i J.H. Kim, 2005. Illustrated book of Korean fishes. Kyo-Hak Pub Co. Seül, Corea del Sud. 615 p.
↑ Kim, Y.M. i J.Y. Kim, 1984. Stock assessment of Pacific sardine, Sardinops melanosticta (Temminck et Schlegel) in Korean waters. Bull. Fish. Res. Dev. Agency 33:35-47.
↑ Masuda, H., C. Araga i T. Yoshino, 1975. Coastal fishes of southern Japan. Tokai University Press, Tòquio, Japó. 382 p.
↑ Masuda, H., K. Amaoka, C. Araga, T. Uyeno i T. Yoshino, 1984. The fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. Vol. 1. Tokai University Press, Tòquio, Japó. 437 p.
↑ McAllister, D.E., 1990. A list of the fishes of Canada. Syllogeus Núm. 64. Nat. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ottawa, el Canadà. 310 p.
↑ Nakamura, I., T. Inada, M. Takeda i H. Hatanaka, 1986. Important fishes trawled off Patagonia. Japan Marine Fishery Resource Research Center, Tòquio. 369 p.
↑ Nelson, J.S., E.J. Crossman, H. Espinosa-Pérez, L.T. Findley, C.R. Gilbert, R.N. Lea i J.D. Williams, 2004. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. American Fisheries Society, Special Publication 29, Bethesda, Maryland, Estats Units.
↑ Newman, G., 1970. Stock assessment of the pilchard Sardinops ocellata at Walvis Bay, southwest Africa. Div. Fish. Invest. Rep. (85):1-14.
↑ Okiyama, M., 1988. An atlas of the early stage fishes in Japan. Tokai University Press, Tòquio, Japó. 1157 p.
↑ Parrish, J.D., R. Serra i W.S. Grant, 1989. The monotypic sardines, Sardina and Sardinops: their taxonomy, distribution, stock structure, and zoogeography. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 46:2019-2036.
↑ Paul, L.J., 1992. Age and growth studies of New Zealand marine fishes, 1921-1990: a review and bibliography. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 43:879-912.
↑ Paulin, C., A. Stewart, C. Roberts i P. McMillan, 1989. New Zealand fish: a complete guide. National Museum of New Zealand Miscellaneous Series Núm. 19. xiv+279 p.
↑ Paxton, J.R., D.F. Hoese, G.R. Allen i J.E. Hanley, 1989. Pisces. Petromyzontidae to Carangidae. Zoological Catalogue of Australia, Vol. 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 665 p.
↑ Quast, J.C. i E.L. Hall, 1972. List of fishes of Alaska and adjacent waters with a guide to some of their literature. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS SSRF-658, 47 p.
↑ Randall, J.E. i K.K.P. Lim (eds.), 2000. A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. Suppl. (8):569-667.
↑ Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea i W.B. Scott, 1980. A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (12)1-174.
↑ Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea i W.B. Scott, 1991. World fishes important to North Americans. Exclusive of species from the continental waters of the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (21):243 p.
↑ Sokolovskaya, T.G., A.S. Sokolovskii i E.I. Sobolevskii, 1998. A list of fishes of Peter the Great Bay (the Sea of Japan). J. Ichthyol. 38(1):1-11.
↑ Stevens, J.D., H.F. Hausfeld i S.R. Davenport, 1984. Observations on the biology, distribution and abundance of Trachurus declivis, Sardinops neopilchardus and Scomber australasicus in the Great Australian Bight. CSIRO Mar. Lab. Rep. Núm. 164. 27 p.
↑ Watanabe, Y. i H. Saito, 1998. Feeding and growth of early juvenile Japanese sardines in the Pacific waters off Central Japan. J. Fish Biol. 52(3):519-533.
↑ Wing, B.L., J.M. Murphy i T.L. Rutecki, 2000. Occurrence of Pacific sardine, Sardinops sagax, off southeastern Alaska. Fish. Bull. 98(4):881-883.
↑ Yamada, U., S. Shirai, T. Irie, M. Tokimura, S. Deng, Y. Zheng, C. Li, Y.U. Kim i Y.S. Kim, 1995. Names and Illustrations of fishes from the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation, Tòquio, Japó.
↑ Whitehead, P.J.P., 1985.
↑ Baird, D., 1970. Age and growth of the South African pilchard, Sardinops ocellata. Invest. Rep. Div. Sea Fish. S. Afr. Núm. 91:1-16.
↑ Frimodt, C., 1995. Multilingual illustrated guide to the world's commercial coldwater fish. Fishing News Books, Osney Mead, Oxford, Anglaterra. 215 p.
- Anònim, 2000. Base de dades de la col·lecció de peixos del J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, Sud-àfrica. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, Sud-àfrica.
- Anònim, 2001. Base de dades de la col·lecció de peixos del National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution - Division of Fishes.
- Anònim, 2002. Base de dades de la col·lecció de peixos del American Museum of Natural History. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West, NY 10024-5192, Estats Units.
- Baker, A.N., 1972. Reproduction, early life history, age growth relationships of the New Zealand pilchard, Sardinops neopilchardus (Steindachner). Fish. Res. Bull. Fish. Res. N. Z. Minist. Agricult. Fish. 5:1-64.
- Beverton, R.J.H., 1963. Maturation, growth and mortality of clupeid and engraulid stocks in relation to fishing. Cons. Perm. Int. Explor. Mer, Rapp. p.-v. Réun. 154:44-67.
- Coppola, S.R., W. Fischer, L. Garibaldi, N. Scialabba i K.E. Carpenter, 1994. SPECIESDAB: Global species database for fishery purposes. User's manual. FAO Computerized Information Series (Fisheries). Núm. 9. Roma, FAO. 103 p.
- Crespo, J., J. Gajate i R. Ponce, 2001. Clasificación científica e identificación de nombres vernáculos existentes en la base de datos de seguimiento informático de recursos naturales oceánicos. Instituto Español de Oceanografía (Madrid).
- Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. ISBN 0-940228-47-5.
- Eschmeyer, William N., Genera of Recent Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. 1990 San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units iii + 697. ISBN 0-940228-23-8
- Kotlyar, A.N., Dictionary of names of marine fishes on the six languages. All Union Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, 1984, Moscou. 288 p.
- Museu Suec d'Història Natural. Base de dades de la col·lecció d'ictiologia. Secció d'Ictiologia, Departament de Zoologia de Vertebrats. Estocolm, Suècia, 1999
- Wheeler, A., Das grosse Buch der Fische. Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co. 1977, Stuttgart. 356 p.
- Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao i C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan
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Sardinops sagax: Brief Summary
Catalão; Valenciano
fornecido por wikipedia CA
Banc de Sardinops del Pacífic
Sardinops en moviment
Sardinops sagax
Sardinops sagax és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família dels clupèids i l'única del gènere Sardinops.
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Pazifische Sardine
fornecido por wikipedia DE
Sardinops sagax melanosticus
Die Pazifische Sardine (Sardinops sagax) ist ein heringsartiger Schwarmfisch des tropischen und subtropischen Pazifiks. Die Rote Liste gefährdeter Arten stuft ihn als „nicht bedroht“ ein.[1] Früher wurden die Unterarten als eigene Arten in die Gattung Sardinops eingeordnet, heute ist Sardinops sagax die einzige Art der damit monotypischen Gattung. In der kommerziellen Fischerei nimmt die Pazifische Sardine eine bedeutende Stellung ein.[1]
Die Pazifische Sardine hat einen spindelförmigen Körper und einen verhältnismäßig großen Kopf mit großen Augen. Für gewöhnlich erreicht sie eine Körpergröße von etwa 20 Zentimetern Standardlänge.[1] Die Augen haben sogenannte Fettlider. Entlang der silbrigen Flanken befindet sich eine Reihe von kleinen, dunklen Flecken. Der Rücken zeigt eine blaugrünliche Färbung. Alle Flossen bestehen ausschließlich aus Weichstrahlen. Die Rückenflosse beinhaltet 13 bis 21 Strahlen, die Afterflosse 12 bis 23.[1] Die Schwanzflosse ist gespalten.
Verbreitung, Lebensraum und Biologie
Das Verbreitungsgebiet der Pazifischen Sardine erstreckt sich von der Westküste des Amerikanischen Doppelkontinents über den Pazifik, den Malaiischen Archipel und den indopazifischen Raum weiter bis an die Küsten Afrikas, dort auch bis zur Atlantikküste.
Der Bestand teilt sich in fünf verschiedene Unterarten auf, Sardinops sagax sagax in den Gewässern um Chile, Sardinops sagax caeruleus in Kalifornien, Sardinops sagax melanosticus in Japan, Sardinops sagax neopilchardus in Australien und Sardinops sagax ocellatus um Afrika.[1] Die Kalifornischen Populationen unternehmen im Frühsommer Wanderungen nach Norden und kehren im Herbst zurück.[1]
Die Pazifische Sardine lebt in großen Schwärmen pelagisch in Küstennähe. Gelegentlich werden gemeinsame Schwärme mit der Japanischen Makrele gebildet.[2] Larven und Eier sind ebenfalls pelagisch. Jungtiere ernähren sich von Zooplankton, ausgewachsene Exemplare hauptsächlich von Phytoplankton.
- Peter J.P. Whitehead: Clupeoid fishes of the world (Suborder Clupeoidei). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, shads, anchovies, and wolf-herrings. Part 1. Chirocentridae, Clupeidae and Pristigasteridae FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 7. FAO Rom 2005. (PDF)
↑ a b c d e f Sardinops sagax auf (englisch)
↑ Bruce B. Colette, Cornelia E. Brauen (Hrsg.): Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of tunas, mackerels, bonitos and related species known to date. FAO Species Catalogue Vol.2., Rom 1983. (PDF)
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Pazifische Sardine: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia DE
Sardinops sagax melanosticus
Die Pazifische Sardine (Sardinops sagax) ist ein heringsartiger Schwarmfisch des tropischen und subtropischen Pazifiks. Die Rote Liste gefährdeter Arten stuft ihn als „nicht bedroht“ ein. Früher wurden die Unterarten als eigene Arten in die Gattung Sardinops eingeordnet, heute ist Sardinops sagax die einzige Art der damit monotypischen Gattung. In der kommerziellen Fischerei nimmt die Pazifische Sardine eine bedeutende Stellung ein.
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Ivasi, sardina (Sardinops sagax) — seldsimonlar oilasiga mansub baliq. Tinch okean sardinasi koʻplab ovlanadi (qarang Sardinalar). [1]
↑ OʻzME. Birinchi jild. Toshkent, 2000-yil
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Ivasi: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
Ivasi, sardina (Sardinops sagax) — seldsimonlar oilasiga mansub baliq. Tinch okean sardinasi koʻplab ovlanadi (qarang Sardinalar).
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fornecido por wikipedia EN
Sardinops is a monotypic genus of sardines of the family Clupeidae. The only member of the genus is Sardinops sagax. It is found in the Indo-Pacific and East Pacific oceans. Its length is up to 40 cm (16 in). It has numerous common or vernacular names, some of which more appropriately refer to subspecies, including blue pilchard, Australian pilchard (S. s. neopilchardus), blue-bait, Californian pilchard (S. s. caeruleus), Peruvian Pacific sardine (S. s. sagax), South American pilchard, Chilean sardine (S. s. sagax), Japanese pilchard (S. s. melanostictus), Pacific sardine, and Southern African pilchard (S. s. ocellatus).
South Australian sardine fishery
South Australian sardine fishery - Total catch (1990-2012)
The South Australian sardine fishery targets Sardinops sagax and is the highest yielding single species fishery in Australia by volume. The fishery employs the technique of purse seining. Schools of sardines are encircled by a net up to 1 kilometre in length which is then drawn closed at the bottom. The catch is then pumped on board the fishing vessel where it is stored in refrigerated holds at below freezing temperatures. 94% of the catch is used as feed in Southern bluefin tuna ranching operations off Port Lincoln, South Australia. The remaining 6% of the catch serves human consumption, recreational fishing bait and premium pet food markets.[2]
The industry commenced in South Australia in 1991 with an annual catch quota of 1,000 metric tons (980 long tons; 1,100 short tons). In 2003, the fishery's annual quota was set at 36,000 metric tons (35,000 long tons; 40,000 short tons).[3] By 2014, the annual quota had increased to 38,000 metric tons (37,000 long tons; 42,000 short tons).[4] The fishery's total landed catch peaked at 56,952 metric tons (56,053 long tons; 62,779 short tons) in the financial year 2004-05 stabilising at around 32,000 metric tons (31,000 long tons; 35,000 short tons) per year thereafter.
A key area of concern for industry compliance in 2004 was quota evasion. Quota evasion had previously occurred in several forms: unloading catch directly to tuna farms, failing to report prior to unloading catch and dumping excess catch at sea.[3]
Catch of Pacific sardines
Pacific sardines are blue-green on the back and have white flanks with 1 to 3 lengthwise rows of dark spots.
See also
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Sardinops: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia EN
Sardinops is a monotypic genus of sardines of the family Clupeidae. The only member of the genus is Sardinops sagax. It is found in the Indo-Pacific and East Pacific oceans. Its length is up to 40 cm (16 in). It has numerous common or vernacular names, some of which more appropriately refer to subspecies, including blue pilchard, Australian pilchard (S. s. neopilchardus), blue-bait, Californian pilchard (S. s. caeruleus), Peruvian Pacific sardine (S. s. sagax), South American pilchard, Chilean sardine (S. s. sagax), Japanese pilchard (S. s. melanostictus), Pacific sardine, and Southern African pilchard (S. s. ocellatus).
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fornecido por wikipedia EO
Sardinops estas monotipa genro de sardinoj de la familio Klupeedoj. La nura membro de la genro estas Sardinops sagax. Ĝi troviĝas en Hindo-Pacifiko kaj Orienta Pacifiko. Ties longo estas de ĝis 40 cm. Ĝi havas nombrajn popularajn aŭ nacilingvajn nomojn, kelkaj el kiuj plej kongrue referencas al subspecioj, kiel "blue pilchard" (blua sardino), "Australian pilchard" ("S. s. neopilchardus"), "blue-bait", "Californian pilchard" (Kalifornia sardino "S. s. caeruleus"), "sardina peruana" (Perupacifika sardino, "S. s. sagax"), "sardina sudamericana" (Sudamerika sardino), "sardina chilena" (Ĉilia sardino, "S. s. sagax"), Japana sardino ("S. s. melanostictus"), Pacifika sardino kaj Sudafrika sardino ("S. s. ocellatus").
La ĝenerala aspekto de tiu specio ne estas tre diferenca el la komuna sardino, ĉar ties korpo estas ŝpinilforma kaj la sekco cilindra. Sub la brankaj malfermaĵoj estas kelkaj karakteraj strioj ostecaj radiaj kiuj distingas "S. sagax" el la aliaj specioj de Klupeedoj kiuj vivas en la arealo. Sub la ventro estas la duraj skvamoj tipaj de la Klupeedoj.[1][2]
La dorso estas blu-verdeca, la flankoj kaj ventro estas blankecaj. Sur la flankoj estas el 1 ĝis 3 longecaj strioj de nigraj punktoj.[1][2]
La specio atingas la longon de 40 cm, la averaĝa estas de 20 cm. La maksimuma pezo estas sub 500 g.[1]
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 1,2 (EN) Sardinops sagax, en FishBase. URL konsultita la 7/7/2020.
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 Retejo de la FAO URL konsultita la 7/7/2020.
- Tony Ayling & Geoffrey Cox, Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand, (William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1982) ISBN 0-00-216987-8
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Sardinops: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia EO
Sardinops estas monotipa genro de sardinoj de la familio Klupeedoj. La nura membro de la genro estas Sardinops sagax. Ĝi troviĝas en Hindo-Pacifiko kaj Orienta Pacifiko. Ties longo estas de ĝis 40 cm. Ĝi havas nombrajn popularajn aŭ nacilingvajn nomojn, kelkaj el kiuj plej kongrue referencas al subspecioj, kiel "blue pilchard" (blua sardino), "Australian pilchard" ("S. s. neopilchardus"), "blue-bait", "Californian pilchard" (Kalifornia sardino "S. s. caeruleus"), "sardina peruana" (Perupacifika sardino, "S. s. sagax"), "sardina sudamericana" (Sudamerika sardino), "sardina chilena" (Ĉilia sardino, "S. s. sagax"), Japana sardino ("S. s. melanostictus"), Pacifika sardino kaj Sudafrika sardino ("S. s. ocellatus").
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Sardinops sagax
fornecido por wikipedia EU
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Sardinops sagax: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia EU
Sardinops sagax Sardinops generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Clupeidae familian sailkatzen da.
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fornecido por wikipedia FI
Tyynenmerensardiini[3] eli perunsardiini (Sardinops sagax) on sillikalojen lahkoon kuuluva kalalaji. Se kuuluu sukuun Sardinops, yhteen kolmesta tavallisesti sardiineiksi kutsutusta kalasuvusta. Sardinops sisältää viisi tai neljä erillistä, maantieteellisesti suuresti eriytynyttä kantaa eri puolilla Tyyntämerta ja Intian valtamerta. Tavallisesti niitä on pidetty erillisinä lajeina,[4][5] mutta muun muassa FishBase luokittelee ne nykyään yhdeksi lajiksi, Sardinops sagax.[6] IUCN luokittelee Tyynenmeren itärannikon kannan elinvoimaiseksi.[7] Sardinops-kalat voivat kasvaa noin 30 senttimetriä pitkäksi, ja ne ovat australialaista kantaa lukuun ottamatta kaupallisesti merkittäviä kaloja.[4] Kalasta käytetyt kauppanimikkeet ovat kannasta riippuen australiansardiini, kaliforniansardiini, perunsardiini, japaninsardiini ja silmäsardiini.[8][9]
- Whitehead, P. J. P. & Nelson, G. J. & T. Wongratana: Clupeoid fishes of the world (suborder Clupeoidei), s. 57. Rooma: United Nations Development Programme, 1988. ISBN 92-5-102340-9. Kirja Googlen teoshaussa. (englanniksi)
- Grant, W. A. S. & Bowen, B. W.: Shallow population histories in deep evolutionary lineages of marine fishes: insights from sardines and anchovies and lessons for conservation. Journal of Heredity, 1.9.1998, nro 5, s. 415–426. doi:10.1093/jhered/89.5.415. ISSN 0022-1503. Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
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Tyynenmerensardiini: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia FI
Tyynenmerensardiini eli perunsardiini (Sardinops sagax) on sillikalojen lahkoon kuuluva kalalaji. Se kuuluu sukuun Sardinops, yhteen kolmesta tavallisesti sardiineiksi kutsutusta kalasuvusta. Sardinops sisältää viisi tai neljä erillistä, maantieteellisesti suuresti eriytynyttä kantaa eri puolilla Tyyntämerta ja Intian valtamerta. Tavallisesti niitä on pidetty erillisinä lajeina, mutta muun muassa FishBase luokittelee ne nykyään yhdeksi lajiksi, Sardinops sagax. IUCN luokittelee Tyynenmeren itärannikon kannan elinvoimaiseksi. Sardinops-kalat voivat kasvaa noin 30 senttimetriä pitkäksi, ja ne ovat australialaista kantaa lukuun ottamatta kaupallisesti merkittäviä kaloja. Kalasta käytetyt kauppanimikkeet ovat kannasta riippuen australiansardiini, kaliforniansardiini, perunsardiini, japaninsardiini ja silmäsardiini.
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Pilchard de Californie
fornecido por wikipedia FR
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Pilchard de Californie: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia FR
Sardinops sagax
Le pilchard de Californie (Sardinops sagax) est une espèce de poissons de la famille des Clupeidae. Elle vit dans le bassin Indo-Pacifique.
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Sardinops sagax
fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician
Sardinops sagax (Jenyns, 1842) é un peixe osteíctio mariño da familia dos clupeidos, dentro da orde dos clupeiformes, único representante do xénero Sardinops.
O xénero, Sardinops, deriva do de Sardina,[3] e da forma latina -ops, derivada do grego antigo ώψ óps, "vista", co significado de "parecido", "da mesma aparencia".[4]
O nome específico, sagax é un adxectivo latino, sagax, -acis, que significa "que ten o olfacto fino", "sagaz".[4]
Ten o corpo alongado e pode alcanzar os 39 cm de lonxitude, aínda que normalmente non pasa dos 20, e até 486 g de peso. A súa columna vertebral está composta de 48 a 54 vértebras. A aleta dorsal está sustentada por de 12 a 21 raios brandos, e a aleta anal, algo máis grande, conta con de 13 a 19 raios, así mesmo brandos. [4]
Hábitat e bioloxía
Distribúese polas costas do Pacífico, desde o sur de Alasca até a Terra do Fogo, polas illas da Micronesia, sueste asiático, desde a China até Indonesia, Nova Zelandia, Australia, por todas as costas do norte do océano Índico, desde Indonesia até o cabo da Boa Esperanza, e incluíndo as illas índicas, e polo Atlántico sur, dobrando este cabo, até o sur de golfo da Guinea.[5]
É un peixe mariño, peláxico-nerítico, oceanódromo.[6] propio dos mares de clima subtropical (augas de 9 °C a 21 °C; latitude de 61 °N a 47°S; loxitude de 145°W a 180 °E) que vive desde a superficie atá os 200 m de profundidade.[4][7]
Os individuos xuvenís aliméntanse principalmente de zooplancto (sobre todo copépodos), e os adultos de fitoplancton.[8]
A reprodución, como en todos os clupeidos, é ovípara, e os ovos son peláxicos, así omo as larvas.[9] Poden vivir até os 25 anos de idade.[8]
Outros sinónimos
Non é de estrañar que unha especie que teña unha área de distribución tan ampla fora descrita en diversos puntos por diferentes autores, polo que, ademais dos sinónimos citados na caixa taxonómica ten os seguintes:[10]
Alausa californica (Gill, 1862)
Alosa musica (Girard, 1855)
Arengus sagax (Jenyns, 1842)
Clupanodon caeruleus (Girard, 1854)
Clupea advena (Philippi, 1879)
Clupea caerulea (Mitchill, 1815)
Clupea melanosticta (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846)
Clupea neopilchardus (Steindachner, 1879)
Clupea ocellata (Pappe, 1853)
Clupea sagax (Jenyns, 1842)
Meletta caerulea (Girard, 1854)
Sardina caerulea (Mitchill, 1815)
Sardina neopilchardus (Steindachner, 1879)
Así como tamén moitos outros sinónimos vulgares:[11]
South American pilchard (sardiña suramericana)
blue pilchard (sardiña azul)
Australian pilchard (sardiña australiana)
Californian pilchard (sardiña de California)
Chilean sardine (sardiña chilena)
Japanese pilchard (sardiña xaponesa)
Pacific sardine (sardiña do Pacífico)
Southern African pilchard (sardiña surafricana)
entre outros.
↑ Sardinops Hubbs, 1929 en WORMS (en inglés)
↑ 2,0 2,1 Sardinops sagax (Jenyns, 1842) en WORMS(en inglés)
↑ Ver etimoloxía en Sardiña.
↑ 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 Sardinops sagax (Jenyns, 1842) ewn FishBase
↑ Ver mapa
↑ Riede, K. (2004): "Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales". Final Report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn, Alemaña,
↑ Kailola, P. J., M. J. Williams, P. C. Stewart, R. E. Reichelt, A. McNee e C. Grieve, (1993): Australian fisheries resources. Bureau of Resource Sciences. Canberra: Australia.
↑ 8,0 8,1 Baird, D. (1970): "Age and growth of the South African pilchard, Sardinops ocellata". Invest. Rep. Div. Sea Fish. S. Afr. 91: 1-16.
↑ Davies, D. H. (1956): "The South African pilchard (Sardinops ocellata). Sexual maturity and reproduction 1950-1954". Invest. Rep. Div. Sea Fish. S. Afr. 22: 1-155.
↑ Sardinops sagax en WORMS (en inglés)
↑ Froese, Rainer e Pauly, Daniel eds. (2006): "Sardinops sagax" en FishBase.
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Sardinops sagax: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician
Sardiñas do Pacífico.
Cardume de sardiñas de California.
Sardinops sagax (Jenyns, 1842) é un peixe osteíctio mariño da familia dos clupeidos, dentro da orde dos clupeiformes, único representante do xénero Sardinops.
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Pilchard Amerika Selatan
fornecido por wikipedia ID
Pilchard Amerika Selatan, Sardinops sagax, adalah sarden dari famili Clupeidae, satu-satunya anggota genus Sardinops, dapat ditemui di samudra indo-Pasifik. Panjang mereka sekitar 40 cm.
"Sardinops sagax". FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. May 2006 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2006.
- Tony Ayling & Geoffrey Cox, Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand, (William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1982) ISBN 0-00-216987-8
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Pilchard Amerika Selatan: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia ID
Pilchard Amerika Selatan, Sardinops sagax, adalah sarden dari famili Clupeidae, satu-satunya anggota genus Sardinops, dapat ditemui di samudra indo-Pasifik. Panjang mereka sekitar 40 cm.
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fornecido por wikipedia IS
Sardina (fræðiheiti: Sardinops sagax) er sardina af sildaætt og eina tegundin af ættkvíslinni Sardinops. Nafnið sardinops kemur úr latínu og grísku, orðið sarda þýðir „sardina“; nafn sem tengist eyjunni Sardiníu, og ops kemur frá grísku sem þýðir „að birtast“ eða „sýnd“. Caeruleus hefur margar þýðingar, getur meðal annars þýtt „að lúta sjónum“ eða fyrir dökkan lit, bláan eða því líkt og vísar líklegast að blágræna búk sardínunnar.
Sardínur eru þunnvaxnar og sívalar. Hausinn er í meðallagi, augun eru stór en kjafturinn lítill og endastæður. Neðri skoltur teygist fram yfir þann efri þegar kjafturinn er opinn. Tálknalok eru geislagárótt. Bakuggi er á miðum bol en nær trjónu en sporði og raufarugginn er aftar. Öftustu geislar raufarugga eru lengri en hinir. Sporðurinn er stór og djúpsýldur. Kviðuggar eru oftast undir bakugga og eyruggar eru vel þroskaðir. Hreistur er mjög stórt og laust en engar rákir sjást. Kaliforníusarndína er 25-36 cm að lengd en meðallengd hennar er rúmlega 20 cm. Þessi miðlungsstóri fiskur er auðþekkjanlegur með silfurlitaðum búknum og svörtum dílum víða á líkamanum. Meðalþyngd kaliforníusardínunar er 475 gr. Einnig vekur athygli að hún getur orðið allt að 25 ára gömul en fer þó yfirleitt ekki yfir 13 árin.
Lífsferill og lifnaðarhættir
Kaliforníusardínan er uppsjávarfiskur og lifir innan við 50 m dýpi. Þær sýna þó greinilega dægursveiflu og á daginn eru þær nálægt yfirborði sjávar en þegar myrkra tekur þá fara þær í meira dýpi. Sardínurnar finnast frá suð-austur Alaska að Kaliforníuflóa eða Mexíkó.
Sardínur lifa í vatni nálægt fjöru en einnig utan fjöru, meðfram stöndinni. Þær finnast einnig í árósum. Sardínur kjósa frekar að búa í hlýjum sjó. Frá árunum 1950 – 1970 yfirgáfu margar sardínurnar norðurslóðir þegar hitastig sjóssins fór minnkandi. Nú þegar hitinn hefur farið upp í eðlilegt stig fyrir þær þá hafa þær komið til baka og eru að aukast í miklum mæli við Kaliforníu, Oregon, Washington og Bresku Kólumbíu. Sardínurnar færa sig um set eftir árstíðum. Eldri sardínurnar færa sig frá hryggningarstöðvum í Suður-Kaliforníu og Norður Baja Kaliforníu að hryggningarstöðvum út fyrir Norð-vestur Kyrrahafið og Kanada. Yngri sardínurnar virðast flykkjast að fæðustöðvunum sem aðallega eru í mið- og norður- Kaliforníu.
Þar sem kaliforníusardínan er lítil og viðkvæm þá ræður hún ekki við stóra fæðu og því étur hún aðallega dýra- og plöntusvif. Sardínur eru með mikið af seleníum og vítamíninu B12, sem og hátt magn af kalsíum, níasín og fosfór og eiga þar að leiðandi að vera hollar fyrir menn. Varast þarf þó að borða þær í miklu magni því þær eru einnig mjög feitar og eru með hátt kólesteról. Í Kaliforníu er hún soðinn niður og seldur sem sardínur en er einnig framleitt úr honum lýsi og fiskimjöl. Í töflunni hérna fyrir neðan má sjá innihaldslýsingu fyrir eina 100 g sardínu. Að vísu er verið að meina að hún sé roðlaus,beinlaus og innpökkuð í vatn.
Skammtur 1 þyngd 100 gr Kaloríur 217 Prótein 24,58 g Fita 12,37 g Mettuð fitusýra 2,791 g Kolvetni 9 g sykur 0 g Trefjar 0 g Kólesteról 82 mg Seleníum 52,6 mcg Sódíum 918 mg
Karlkyns sardína er kallaður hængur en kvenkyns sardína er kölluð hrygna. Einkenni eggja Kaliforníusardínunnar eru stór egg, frá 1, 3 mm – 2, 1 mm og eru með þunnan og brothættan æðabelg með stóru utanblómabili. Á fyrsta ári verða sardínurnar kynþroska og sumar hrygna þá, en flestar hrygna á öðru ári.
Útbreiðsla á þessari tegund er að einhverju leiti takmörkuð, hún heldur sig að mestu við Norður-Ameríku niður að Mexíkó en á þó til að færa sig upp að Kanada.
Löndun á sardínunum náði hámarki í 1936 en þá voru veitt 791.100 tonn af henni. Upp úr 1944 fór löndun að minnka alveg þar til að veiðin féll saman og stofninn hrundi og var greiðslustöðvun lýst yfir árið 1967. Þrátt fyrir að stofninn hafi verið hættulega nálægt útrýmingu þá er hann smám saman að taka við sér aftur og náði hármarki árið 1989 með 509,248 veiddum tonnum, bara í Mexíkó. Á nýjustu árum, þó eftir fækkun árið 1993, þá náði heildarafli 412.433 tonnum árið 1995 en 90% af því var veitt af Mexíkó en restin af Bandaríkjunum og Kanada. Sardínan er veidd á fjórum stöðum, Enenada (Mexíkó), Suður-Kaliforníu (San Pedro að Santa Barbara), miðsvæðis Kaliforníu (Monterey flói) og við Norð-vestan kyrrahafið (Oregon, Washington og Bresku Kólumbíu. Kyrrahafs sardínur, þar á meðal Kaliforníusardínurnar flytja landa á milli og eru þar að leiðandi einhvers konar„yfir landarmæri auðlind“, þær eiga upprunan að rekja til Bandaríkjana, en flytja sig um set til Mexíkó og Kanada. Þó svo að það sé ekkert alþjóðlegt samkomulag um sardínurnar þá hittast vísindamenn og fulltrúar Bandaríkjana, Mexíkó og Kanada árlega þar sem þeir ræða hugmyndir sínar og skiptast á niðurstöðum rannsókna.
Staða stofns
Staða Kaliforníusardínunar hefur verið mismunandi undanfarna áratugi. Eitt sinn mátti finna torfur sem í voru tíu milljónir fiska, en upp úr 1930 veiddist mörg þúsund tonn árlega og við það fækkaði stofninn mjög og um 1967 hrundi stofninn gjörsamlega. Ein ástæðan fyrir ofveiði á þessum tíma var að í kringum fyrri heimsstyrjöldina vantaði meiri næringarrikan mat sem væri auðveldlega hægt að bera með sér á vígvellinum. Ekki var aðeins veitt Kaliforníu Sardínur heldur allar kyrrahafs sardínur sem til voru á svæðinu og voru um 200 skip að veiða. Sardínur tóku um 25% af öllum lönduðum fisk. Þó svo stofninn hafi minnkað mikið við veiði, þá er það ekki eini skaðvaldurinn. Samkvæmt rannsóknum sem framdar voru hefur verið komið í ljós að ofveiði var ekki það eina sem hrjáði stofninn, heldur einnig var það breyting á hringrás sjóssins, sem leiddi til þess að hitastig vatnsins lækkaði til lengri tíma. Sardínur eru hrifnari af heitari sjó og því hafði það mikil áhrif á þær þegar hitastigið lækkaði. Þessar breytingar voru skólabókadæmi um það hversu mikil áhrif hringrásin í sjónum hefur á uppsjávarfiska og sjávarútveg. Upp úr 1980 fór stofninn að taka aftur við sér og hefur verið að koma þéttur til baka.Helstu hættur sem stafa fyrir Kaliforníusardínuna eru aðrir fiskar, sjávarspenndýr og sjófuglar. Auk þess er sardínan veidd af mönnum og notuð sem beita eða til manneldis.
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Kaliforníusardína: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia IS
Sardina (fræðiheiti: Sardinops sagax) er sardina af sildaætt og eina tegundin af ættkvíslinni Sardinops. Nafnið sardinops kemur úr latínu og grísku, orðið sarda þýðir „sardina“; nafn sem tengist eyjunni Sardiníu, og ops kemur frá grísku sem þýðir „að birtast“ eða „sýnd“. Caeruleus hefur margar þýðingar, getur meðal annars þýtt „að lúta sjónum“ eða fyrir dökkan lit, bláan eða því líkt og vísar líklegast að blágræna búk sardínunnar.
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Sardinops sagax
fornecido por wikipedia IT
La sardina oceanica[2] (Sardinops sagax Jenyns, 1842), conosciuta anche come sardina della California[3], unico membro del genere Sardinops, è un pesce osseo marino appartenente alla famiglia Clupeidae.
L'aspetto generale di questa specie non è dissimile a quello della comune sardina, il corpo è affusolato e a sezione cilindrica. Sull'opercolo branchiale sono presenti alcune caratteristiche striature ossee radiali che consentono di distinguere S. sagax da tutti gli altri Clupeidae che vivono nell'areale. Sul ventre sono presenti gli scutelli, ovvero le scaglie indurite tipiche dei clupeidi[4][5].
Il dorso ha colore azzurro-verdastro, fianchi e ventre sono biancastri. Sui fianchi ci sono da 1 a 3 file longitudinali di punti neri[4][5].
Raggiunge la lunghezza di 40 cm, la taglia media è sui 20 cm. Il peso massimo noto è inferiore a 500 grammi[4].
Distribuzione e habitat
Questa specie popola le regioni temperate dell'Indo-Pacifico fino all'Oceano Pacifico orientale a nord fino alla California. Esistono sottospecie diverse in Sudafrica, Australia, Cile, Giappone e California. La sottospecie californiana effettua migrazioni stagionali verso nord nella stagione calda. Si tratta di un animale pelagico costiero. Frequenta acque a temperature comprese tra i 10 °C e i 23 °C. Catturata fino a una profondità di 40 metri[4][5].
Può vivere fino a 25 anni. Gregaria, forma densi banchi[4][5].
I giovani si cibano soprattutto di zooplancton, principalmente copepodi, mentre gli adulti si nutrono di fitoplancton[4][5].
La maturità sessuale avviene a due anni, talvolta a uno. Le uova e le larve sono pelagiche. La riproduzione avviene in stagioni diverse nelle varie parti dell'areale. Può deporre le uova più volte all'anno. Le femmine più grandi possono deporre fino a 45.000 uova per volta[5].
Si tratta di una specie importante per la pesca commerciale di diverse aree del pianeta. La pesca avviene con reti da circuizione. Impiegata soprattutto per la produzione di farina di pesce e olio di pesce ma utilizzata anche per l'alimentazione dell'uomo. L'entità degli stock, e quindi del pescato, è molto variabile di anno in anno a seguito di una molteplicità di fattori il più importante dei quali è El Niño. La maggior parte delle catture avviene in Cile, Perù e Messico[1][4][5].
La conservazione di questa specie non desta grandi preoccupazioni e per questo la IUCN la pone nel più basso livello di minaccia[1].
- Tony Ayling & Geoffrey Cox, Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand, (William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1982) ISBN 0-00-216987-8
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Sardinops sagax: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia IT
La sardina oceanica (Sardinops sagax Jenyns, 1842), conosciuta anche come sardina della California, unico membro del genere Sardinops, è un pesce osseo marino appartenente alla famiglia Clupeidae.
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Chileense pelser
Neerlandês; Flamengo
fornecido por wikipedia NL
Vissen De Chileense pelser (Sardinops sagax) is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van haringen (Clupeidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1842 door Jenyns.
Deze middelgrote, zilverkleurige vissen hebben zwarte stipjes op de flanken. De lichaamslengte bedraagt 25 tot 36 cm en het gewicht 475 gram.
Verspreiding en leefgebied
Deze sardine komt algemeen voor in de noordoostelijke Grote Oceaan.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties -
David Burnie (2001) - Animals, Dorling Kindersley Limited, London. ISBN 90-18-01564-4 (naar het Nederlands vertaald door Jaap Bouwman en Henk J. Nieuwenkamp).
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Chileense pelser: Brief Summary
Neerlandês; Flamengo
fornecido por wikipedia NL
De Chileense pelser (Sardinops sagax) is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van haringen (Clupeidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1842 door Jenyns.
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Перуанская сардина
fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Вид: Тихоокеанская сардина
Международное научное название
Sardinops sagax (Jenyns[en], 1842)
Sardinops caerulea (Girard, 1854)
Sardinops caeruleus (Girard, 1854)
Sardinops dakini Whitley, 1937
Sardinops melanostictus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846)
Sardinops neopilchardus (Steindachner, 1879)
Sardinops ocellata (Pappe, 1853)
Sardinops ocellatus (Pappe, 1853)
Sardinopus melanostictus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846)
на Викивидах
на Викискладе ITIS 161729NCBI 28381EOL 338628 Перуанская сарди́на[1] (лат. Sardinops sagax) — вид рыб из рода сардинопсов (Sardinops) из семейства сельдевых (Clupeidae).
Иногда выделяют в монотипический род Sardinops [2].
↑ Промысловые рыбы России. В двух томах / Под ред. О. Ф. Гриценко, А. Н. Котляра и Б. Н. Котенёва. — М.: изд-во ВНИРО, 2006. — Т. 1. — С. 145—146. — 656 с. — ISBN 5-85382-229-2.
↑ Решетников Ю. С., Котляр А. Н., Расс Т. С., Шатуновский М. И. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Рыбы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1989. — С. 64—65. — 12 500 экз. — ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
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- Авторы и редакторы Википедии
Перуанская сардина: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Перуанская сарди́на (лат. Sardinops sagax) — вид рыб из рода сардинопсов (Sardinops) из семейства сельдевых (Clupeidae).
Иногда выделяют в монотипический род Sardinops .
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Авторы и редакторы Википедии
fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
遠東擬沙丁魚: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
遠東擬沙丁魚(学名:Sardinops sagax),俗名青鱗仔,為輻鰭魚綱鯡形目鯡科的其中一種。
fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과
정어리(학명: Sardinops sagax)는 청어과에 해당하는 작은 어류이다. 15세기 초에 최초로 등장한 중세 영어에서 비롯되었고 그 명칭은 정어리가 풍부한 지중해의 섬 사르데냐(사르디니아)에서 유래된 것으로 본다. 현재의 영어 명칭은 sardine 또는 pilchard이다.
정어리를 길이에 따라 구분하는데 10 cm 이하면 그냥 정어리로 구분하며 더 크면 pilchard 로 따로 구분한다. 세계식량기구와 세계보건기구에 따르면 정어리는 21개의 종으로 구분된다고 한다.
통조림으로 먹는 정어리는 서구에서는 쉽게 찾을 수 있으며(대한민국에서는 정어리 통조림을 구하기가 어렵다), 고급 통조림은 정어리의 머리와 꼬리부분의 살을 제거한뒤에 포장된다. 내장부분은 보통 제거된 뒤에 통조림에 사용된다. 만약 내장이 제거되지 않았더라도, 내장에 있던 소화되지 않은 먹이나 배설물등은 통조림에 사용되기 전에 제거된다. (원해에서 잡은 뒤 정어리의 소화기관이 텅 빌때까지 물탱크에 놔둔다.)
포르투갈에서는 정어리를 석쇠에 구워 만든 사르디냐 아사다를 먹는다. 구이나 조림용으로도 많이 먹는다.
외부 링크