Description: Halosauridae, or genus Halosaurus (single median dorsal fin, anal fin tapering to a fine tip). The snout tip is rounded and a bit inflated, consistent with genus Halosaurus, as opposed to the otherwise similar genus Aldrovandia. Item Type: Image Title: Eel Copyright: SERPENT project Species: Halosaurus sp. Behaviour: Swimming above seabed. Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Nigeria -- Usan fieldAtlantic -- Central Atlantic -- Nigeria -- Usan field Site Description: Equipment Depth (m): 750m Latitude: 3 deg 29' 00" N Longitude: 7 deg 28' 00" E Countries: North AfricaNorth Africa Habitat: Benthic Rig: Bourbon Diamond Project Partners: Total EandP Nigeria, Bourbon, Oceaneering ROV: Millennium 73 Deposited By: Mr R Curry Deposited On: 08 December 2009
Description: 600 - 1000 mm length. Not a Synaphobranchidae, but a
Halosauridae, of either the genus Halosaurus or Aldrovandia. If we had a better image, I could zoom in on the top of the head to see if scales are present (Halosaurus) or absent (Aldrovandia). However, since
the brain is visible through the occipital 'window', scales
are probably absent. Item Type: Image Title: Halosaurus Copyright: SERPENT project Species: Halosaurus sp. Behaviour: Swimming above the seabed. Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Nigeria -- Akpo fieldAtlantic -- Central Atlantic -- Nigeria -- Akpo field Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 1366m Latitude: 3 deg 07' 00" N Longitude: 6 deg 49' 00" E Countries: West Africa -- Nigeria Habitat: Benthic Rig: Jack Ryan Project Partners: Total, Transocean, Oceaneering ROV: Millennium 43 Deposited By: Mr Rob Curry Deposited On: 14 December 2009
Description: Halosaurus johnsonianus. Date: 1896. Source: Résultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par Albert Ier, prince souverain de Monaco Fascicule X, Albert I, Prince of Monaco, 1848-1922 url. Author: Carl Nielsen.
Hector Espinosa. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Biologia. Hector Espinosa. Year: 2011. Contact:
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