
Behavior ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Communication in these animals has not been studied extensively. However, it is likely that some visual cues are important, especially during mating, and that tactile and accoustic cues are used.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic

Other Communication Modes: vibrations

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; vibrations ; chemical

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Reum, J. 2005. "Stegostoma fasciatum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Stegostoma_fasciatum.html
Pamela Rasmussen, Michigan State University
Jessica Reum, Michigan State University
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Predators of zebra sharks are other large sharks and humans.

Known Predators:

  • Humans
  • other large sharks

Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Reum, J. 2005. "Stegostoma fasciatum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Stegostoma_fasciatum.html
Pamela Rasmussen, Michigan State University
Jessica Reum, Michigan State University
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Zebra sharks range from about 2.5 m to 3.0 m in length. The largest zebra shark captured wasabout 3.5 m in length. The body is cylindrical with lateral ridges and a tail as long as the body. The head is broad with large eyes and a transverse mouth just below them. Five gill slits are present on the side of the head. The anterior dorsal fin is larger than the posterior and the gray body is covered in dark brown spots.

Range length: 2.0 to 3.5 m.

Average length: 2.5-3.0 m.

Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: male larger

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Reum, J. 2005. "Stegostoma fasciatum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Stegostoma_fasciatum.html
Pamela Rasmussen, Michigan State University
Jessica Reum, Michigan State University
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

When S. fasciatum is kept in small tanks, the expected life span is about 9 years. When held captive in large aquariums, the average lifespan of S. fasciatum is about 25 years. In the wild, it is suspected that the lifespan is about the same, although it could be closer to 30 years.

Range lifespan
Status: wild:
33 (high) years.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
25 years.

Range lifespan
Status: captivity:
5 to 27 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
25 years.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
25 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
25 years.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Reum, J. 2005. "Stegostoma fasciatum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Stegostoma_fasciatum.html
Pamela Rasmussen, Michigan State University
Jessica Reum, Michigan State University
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Stegostoma fasciatum is commonly found around warm water reefs and sandy areas. It is common along the Australian coast. It usually resides at a depth of 62 m.

Average depth: 62 below sea level m.

Habitat Regions: saltwater or marine ; freshwater

Aquatic Biomes: reef ; coastal

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Reum, J. 2005. "Stegostoma fasciatum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Stegostoma_fasciatum.html
Pamela Rasmussen, Michigan State University
Jessica Reum, Michigan State University
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Zebra sharks (Stegostoma fasciatum) live in the central, western and Indian Pacific oceans. This species is abundant in Australian coastal waters. It lives mainly over continental and insular shelves and is very common around coral reefs and sandy bottoms. It generally resides around 62 m below the surface of the ocean, but it has occasionally been found in fresh water also.

Biogeographic Regions: indian ocean (Native ); pacific ocean (Native )

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Reum, J. 2005. "Stegostoma fasciatum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Stegostoma_fasciatum.html
Pamela Rasmussen, Michigan State University
Jessica Reum, Michigan State University
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Natural foods include gastropod and bivalve mollusks with smaller amounts of crabs, shrimp, and small fish.

Animal Foods: fish; mollusks; aquatic or marine worms; aquatic crustaceans; other marine invertebrates

Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats non-insect arthropods, Molluscivore )

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Reum, J. 2005. "Stegostoma fasciatum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Stegostoma_fasciatum.html
Pamela Rasmussen, Michigan State University
Jessica Reum, Michigan State University
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

These sharks are predators on a number of invertebrate and vertebrate species. Because of this, they likely affect the popultion dynamics of those species that serve as their prey.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Reum, J. 2005. "Stegostoma fasciatum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Stegostoma_fasciatum.html
Pamela Rasmussen, Michigan State University
Jessica Reum, Michigan State University
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Zebra sharks are seen in fish markets all around Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, and India. The liver of this species is used to make vitamins, and its fins are used in many soups.

Positive Impacts: food ; source of medicine or drug

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Reum, J. 2005. "Stegostoma fasciatum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Stegostoma_fasciatum.html
Pamela Rasmussen, Michigan State University
Jessica Reum, Michigan State University
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Zebra sharks are not known to have a negative effect on human economies.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Reum, J. 2005. "Stegostoma fasciatum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Stegostoma_fasciatum.html
Pamela Rasmussen, Michigan State University
Jessica Reum, Michigan State University
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Life Cycle ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Newly fertilized eggs are laid on rocks at the bottom of reefs. From the time they hatch they are independent of their parents. Individuals less than 70 cm in length are rarely seen, indicating that they spend the first months of their lives at depths that recreational divers do not reach. The young sharks are darker in base color and have light stripes and spots than do adult sharks. As they age, the young lose their stripes and gain spots as their base color lightens.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Reum, J. 2005. "Stegostoma fasciatum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Stegostoma_fasciatum.html
Pamela Rasmussen, Michigan State University
Jessica Reum, Michigan State University
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

The IUCN Red List considers S. fasciatum to be a vulnerable species. The population trend is on a decline, mostly because of human hunters.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: vulnerable

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Reum, J. 2005. "Stegostoma fasciatum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Stegostoma_fasciatum.html
Pamela Rasmussen, Michigan State University
Jessica Reum, Michigan State University
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Details on the mating system of this species are not available.

Stegostoma fasciatum is oviparous. Females lay eggs, and are suspected to lay more than one egg at a time. The eggs are large, about 17 cm in diameter and are fertilized externally. The eggs hatch at about 20 to 36 cm.

Breeding in captivity has been achieved, but the eggs are hard to incubate. At the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Nebraska, 3 eggs hatched out of a group of 46 laid. Of the 46, 7 were infertile and 31 did not develop entirely. Only eight developed to a full embryo. The incubation of these eggs took about 6.5 months, which is estimated to be the same as in the wild.

Breeding interval: The breeding frequency of this species is not known.

Breeding season: Breeding in this species occurs year- round.

Range number of offspring: 2 to 7.

Average number of offspring: 4 .

Average time to independence: 0 minutes.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): around 1.7 meters months.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 1.5 meters to 1.8 meters months.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (External ); oviparous

Females produce very large eggs, which can be considered a form of parental investment. In spite of this early investment, however, there is no pronounced parental care in either eggs or newly hatched offspring.

Parental Investment: pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female)

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Reum, J. 2005. "Stegostoma fasciatum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Stegostoma_fasciatum.html
Pamela Rasmussen, Michigan State University
Jessica Reum, Michigan State University
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Biology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
These sharks are mostly solitary (6) but can occasionally be found in aggregations of 20 to 50 individuals (1). Believed to be a nocturnal hunter, they spend most of the day lazily swimming and resting on the bottom (5), becoming active at night when they hunt for sleeping fish, molluscs and crustaceans (3). A slow but powerful swimmer, leopard sharks have unusually flexible bodies that are used to squirm into tiny crevices in search of food (5) (6). Female leopard sharks lay large, purplish-black eggs, which they anchor to the floor with many long hair-like fibres (7). It is likely that more than one egg is laid at a time. Once hatched, the young are independent of their mother (6). Males reach sexual maturity once they reach a size of between 1.5 and 1.8 metres and females at around 1.7 metres (8). The life-span of leopard sharks in the wild is not exactly known, but it is thought that they may live for an average of 25 years (6).
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Conservation ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
There are currently no conservation measures in place for this species (1).
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Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
The leopard shark is an immediately recognisable, stunningly attractive species, which derives its common name from its distinctive markings of dark brown leopard-like spots set against a yellow-brown skin tone (2). Juveniles, which are less than 70 centimetres in length, can be distinguished from adults by their markedly different colouration. This consists of narrow white stripes and blotches contrasted against a dark brown base colour, from which its alternative common name of 'zebra shark' arises (3) (4). Adults also have prominent longitudinal skin ridges that are lacking in young (5). This shark has a cylindrical body with large pectoral fins, two close-set spineless dorsal fins and a very long caudal fin, almost as long as the rest of the body (2). There are five gill slits on the sides of its broad head (6). Harmless to man, this beautiful shark is approachable, especially during the day as it rests on the seabed (3).
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Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
Leopard sharks inhabit shallow inshore and offshore waters near the bottom, at depths down to around 62 metres, often found close to coral reefs (1). Recorded to have entered freshwater in the Philippines but this needs to be confirmed (5).
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Range ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
The leopard shark is found over continental and insular shelves in warm temperate to tropical areas of the Indian Ocean and west Pacific Ocean. The leopard shark is more abundant in Australian waters than in other parts of its range, as it is not exploited to the same extent as it is elsewhere (2) (6).
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Status ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
Classified as Vulnerable (VU) on the IUCN Red List. In Australia, it is classified as Least Concern (LC) (1).
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Threats ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
There is no direct evidence of a decline in leopard shark numbers but Indo-West Pacific surveys of local fish markets suggest it is much less common than it used to be. Incidental and deliberate capture by fishing companies is the principal threat to the leopard shark across its range outside Australia; it can be found in fish markets all around Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Taiwan and India (1). The liver is used to make vitamins and its fins are dried for the Oriental shark-fin trade to be used in soups (6) (8). Threats in Australia are minimal. Evidence from the Gulf of Thailand show it was historically more abundant and may have been affected by the use of explosives and poisons on reefs (1).
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Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Regularly taken in inshore fisheries in Pakistan, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan (Province of China), and elsewhere where it occurs. It is caught in bottom trawls, in floating and fixed bottom gillnets, and with longlines and other line gear. It rarely takes baited hooks. The meat is utilized fresh and dried-salted for human consumption; livers processed for vitamins; fins dried and processed for the oriental sharkfin trade; and offal utilized for fishmeal. This is a hardy shark, readily kept in captivity and is an attractive and lively aquarium exhibit. It is currently kept in several public aquaria in Australia, Japan, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, and the United States. Conservation Status : The conservation status of the zebra shark needs assessment, as it may have declined in areas such as the Gulf of Thailand where it was formerly more common. Also, it may have been adversely affected by the widespread use of explosives and poisons to fish out reefs in the eastern Indian Ocean and western Pacific as with other reef sharks. It is not known how this shark figures in and is influenced by the international aquarium trade. Although the adults and subadults can only thrive in large public aquaria, as with nurse and tawny sharks, the very attractive newly-hatched young are sufficiently small to live in the tanks of private collectors.
citação bibliográfica
Sharks of the world An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Volume 2 Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes). Leonard J.V. Compagno 2001.  FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 1, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2001. p.269.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
This is an inshore tropical shark of the continental and insular shelves of the Indo-West Pacific, that is very common on coral reefs but also occurs offshore on soft grounds.It ranges from the intertidal down to 62 m. It has been reported from fresh water in Philippines, but this needs to be confirmed. Adults and large spotted juveniles prefer lagoons, channels and faces of coral reefs, reef detritus and sandy places as rest areas, but the striped young are rarely seen and may prefer water below 50 m. The biology of the zebra shark is sketchily known despite being relatively common and readily observed alive by divers on coral reefs and as catches in Indo-West Pacific fish markets. The behaviour and social organization of this shark is little known, but it has been photographed resting on sandy areas within reefs, sometimes propped up on its pectoral fins and facing a current with open mouth. According to Michael (1993), it is usually solitary, but is rarely seen in aggregations. It apparently is rather sluggish, at least during the daytime, and is more active at night as are nurse sharks (Ginglymostomatidae) or when motivated by the presence of food. Because of its rather slender, flexible body and caudal fin it is able to squirm into narrow cracks, crevices and channels while searching for food. In captivity, it spends most of its time resting on the bottom (at least during the day), but becomes active when food is introduced into its tank. An immature male zebra shark about 1.3 m long was observed by the writer on two separate occasions in a large tank at the Waikiki Aquarium (February 2000). It sat on the bottom of its tank in the evening on one day but became highly active during feeding time in the early afternoon on a subsequent day. It swam about as fast as the 1.1 to 1.2 m long blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) that it was quartered with (speed estimated at 1.0 to 1.5 m per second), and during a half-hour's observation stayed near the top of the tank and swam continuously. It swam strongly, with prominent anguilliform undulations of its body and tail, and showed much manoeuvring and considerable agility while swimming. The shark broke the surface with its caudal fin on a few occasions, churning the water, but it was not obvious if it was using its tail in any special way. The caudal fin was held at a low but noticeable angle to the body axis. The elongated caudal fin seems less likely to be used as a weapon to herd and stun small fishes than the caudal fins of threshers (Alopiidae), but could be used during social activities, including courtship, as well as for facilitating entry into tight spaces. Oviparous, laying eggs in large (17 cm long, 8 cm wide and about 5 cm thick), dark brown or purplish black cases with fine lateral tufts of hair-like fibres, which serve to anchor the cases to the substrate. Probably lays more than one or two eggs at once, as four fully formed, encased eggs were found in one oviduct of an adult female. Feeds primarily on molluscs (gastropods and bivalves) but also crustaceans (crabs and shrimp), small bony fishes, and possibly sea snakes.
citação bibliográfica
Sharks of the world An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Volume 2 Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes). Leonard J.V. Compagno 2001.  FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 1, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2001. p.269.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Size ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Maximum possibly 354 cm, but most adults apparently below 2.5 m. Young hatching at a size between 20 and 36 cm; males maturing between 147 and 183 cm; females maturing between 169 and 171 cm and reaching at least 233 cm.
citação bibliográfica
Sharks of the world An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Volume 2 Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes). Leonard J.V. Compagno 2001.  FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 1, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2001. p.269.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Indo-West Pacific: From the east coast of South Africa (Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal Provinces), Mozambique, and Madagascar north to Tanzania and east to the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, the Maldives, the Persian Gulf, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia (including Sarawak, Borneo), Singapore, Indonesia (Java, Macassar Strait, Sulawesi, Dobo and Aru Islands), Thailand, Viet Nam, Kampuchea, Philippines, China, Taiwan (Province of China), Japan, New Guinea, northern Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales), New Caledonia, and Palau.
citação bibliográfica
Sharks of the world An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Volume 2 Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes). Leonard J.V. Compagno 2001.  FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 1, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2001. p.269.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
fieldmarks: Unique large sharks that combine a broad, low caudal fin about as long as the rest of the shark with nasoral grooves, barbels, a small transverse mouth in front of the lateral eyes, two spineless dorsal fins and an anal fin, the first dorsal fin much larger than the second and with its origin far forwards on back, prominent ridges on the sides of the body but no strong lateral keels on the caudal peduncle. Colour: colour pattern banded or spotted. Young sharks are dark brown above, yellowish below, with vertical yellow stripes and spots breaking the dorsal coloration into dark saddles; in specimens between 50 and 90 cm length the saddles break up into small brown spots on a yellow background, these becoming less linear and more uniformly distributed with further increase in size. There is considerable variation in the colour pattern between individuals of like size. An albino specimen was once collected. Head broad, conical and somewhat flattened, without lateral flaps of skin. Snout very broadly rounded or truncated. Eyes laterally situated on head and without strong subocular ridges below them. Eyes without movable upper eyelids or subocular pockets and ridges. Spiracles large and subequal to eyes, without prominent raised external rims; spiracles behind but not below eyes. Gill slits small, fifth gill slit overlapping fourth; internal gill slits without filter screens. Nostrils with short pointed barbels but without circumnarial folds and grooves around incurrent apertures. Nasoral grooves long and strongly developed. Mouth moderately large, nearly transverse and subterminal on head. Lower lip trilobate and with lateral orolabial grooves connecting edge of lip with medial ends of lower labial furrows, no longitudinal symphysial groove on chin. Lower labial furrows ending medially far lateral to symphysis, not connected medially by a mental groove or groove and flap. Teeth not strongly differentiated in upper and lower jaws, with symphysial teeth not enlarged nor fang-like. Tooth row count 28 to 33/22 to 32. Teeth with a strong medial cusp, a pair of short lateral cusplets, and weak labial root lobes. Teeth orthodont with a central pulp cavity and no plug of osteodentine. Body cylindrical, with strong ridges on sides. Precaudal tail shorter than body. Caudal peduncle without lateral keels or precaudal pits. Pectoral fins large, broad and rounded. Pectoral fins semiplesodic and with fin radials partly expanded into fin web. Pectoral propterygium small and separate from mesopterygium and metapterygium; pectoral-fin radial segments three to nine, and with longest distal segments up to 1.3 times the length of longest proximal segments. Pelvic fins smaller than first dorsal fin but larger than second dorsal fin and as large or larger than anal fin, much smaller than pectorals and with anterior margins 0.4 to 0.6 times the pectoral-fin anterior margins. Claspers poorly known but probably without mesospurs, claws or dactyls. Dorsal fins with second dorsal much smaller than first. First dorsal-fin origin expanded well ahead of pelvic-fin origins and with insertion about over pelvic-fin bases. Anal fin larger than second dorsal fin, with broad base, angular apex, origin about opposite second dorsal-fin midbase or insertion, and insertion separated by a space or narrow notch much less than base length from lower caudal-fin origin. Caudal fin greatly elongated horizontally and not crescentic, weakly heterocercal with its upper lobe at a low angle above the body axis; dorsal caudal-fin margin about half as long as the entire shark. Caudal fin with a strong terminal lobe and subterminal notch but without a ventral lobe, preventral and postventral margins not differentiated and forming a continuous curve. Vertebral centra with well-developed radii. Total vertebral count 207 to 243, monospondylous precaudal count 43 to 49, diplospondylous precaudal count 38 to 50, diplospondylous caudal count 120 to 154, and precaudal count 81 to 101. Cranium broad and expanded laterally. Medial rostral cartilage moderately long and not reduced to a low nubbin. Nasal capsules elevated and not greatly depressed or fenestrated, internarial septum moderately high and slightly compressed. Orbits with small foramina for preorbital canals, medial walls not fenestrated around the optic nerve foramina. Supraorbital crests present on cranium and laterally expanded and pedicellate. Suborbital shelves moderately broad and not greatly reduced. Cranial roof solid, without a continuous fenestra from the anterior fontanelle to the parietal fossa. Basal plate of cranium with a pair of stapedial foramina widely separated from medial carotid foramina. Adductor mandibulae muscles of jaws with two divisions. Preorbitalis muscles extending onto posterodorsal surface of cranium. No anterodorsal palpebral depressor, rostromandibular, rostronuchal or ethmonuchal muscles. Valvular intestine of ring type with 18 turns.


  • Barnard, 1937
  • Dibelius, 1993
  • Dingerkus, 1986
  • Dumeril, 1865
  • Faulkner, 1975
  • Fowler, 1941, 1967a
  • Grant, 1982
  • Günther, 1870
  • Herre, 1953, 1958
  • Klausewitz, 1960
  • Marshall, 1965
  • Masuda, Araga & Yoshino, 1975
  • Misra, 1947
  • Müller & Henle, 1838d
  • Nakaya, 1973
  • Regan, 1908a
  • Seba, 1758
  • Shiino, 1972, 1976
  • Teng, 1962
  • Uchida, 1982
  • Whitley, 1934, 1939, 1940

citação bibliográfica
Sharks of the world An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Volume 2 Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes). Leonard J.V. Compagno 2001.  FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 1, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2001. p.269.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

分布 ( Inglês )

fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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利用 ( Inglês )

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描述 ( Inglês )

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棲地 ( Inglês )

fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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Sebrahaai ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Die sebrahaai (Stegostoma fasciatum) is 'n haai wat in westelike Stille Oseaan en die Indiese Oseaan voorkom. Meer spesifiek, dit kom voor aan die ooskus van Suid-Afrika, noordwaarts vanaf Durban. In Engels staan dit bekend as die Zebra shark. Dit word deur die IUBN geklassifiseer as 'n kwesbare spesie.


Die haai het lang, slanke lyf met die breë stert wat langer is as sy liggaam. Bo-op die liggaam is longitudinale riwwe en die haai kan tot 3,5 m lank word. Volwasse haaie is geel of wit met donker vertikale strepe of donker kolletjies op die lyf. Die onvolwasse visse is donkerbruin tot swart. Hulle kom voor by koraal- en rotsriwwe tot op 'n diepte van 30 m. Die haai is ovipaar.


Die haai is 'n bodem bewoner en alleenloper; dit word dikwels gesien waar dit rus op die sand naby riwwe. Hulle vreet snags en vreet hoofsaaklik weekdiere, ongewerweldes en klein vissies. Die haai is nie aggressief nie, is skaars en word dikwels vergesel deur remora's.

Sien ook


  • Coastal Fishes of Southern Africa. Phil & Elaine Heemstra. 2004. ISBN 1-920033-01-7
  • The Reef Guide: Fishes, corals, nudibranchs & other invertebrates: East & South Coasts of Southern Africa. Dennis King & Valda Fraser. Struik Nature. 2014 ISBN 978-1-77584-018-3


  1. Pillans, R. and Simpfendorfer, C. (2003). Stegostoma fasciatum. 2008 IUBN Rooi Lys van bedreigde spesies. Internasionale Unie vir die Bewaring van die Natuur 2008. Verkry op 12 Mei 2009.

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Sebrahaai: Brief Summary ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Die sebrahaai (Stegostoma fasciatum) is 'n haai wat in westelike Stille Oseaan en die Indiese Oseaan voorkom. Meer spesifiek, dit kom voor aan die ooskus van Suid-Afrika, noordwaarts vanaf Durban. In Engels staan dit bekend as die Zebra shark. Dit word deur die IUBN geklassifiseer as 'n kwesbare spesie.

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Zebrli akula ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Zebrli akula, akula-zebr (lat. Stegostoma fasciatum) — Zebrli akulalar fəsiləsinə aid yeganə balıq növü. Sakit və Hind okeanlarının tropik və subtropik sularında, bəzən isə Yapon dənizinin cənub hissələrində rast gəlinir.

Zebrli akulasının uzunluğu 3,3 m-ə qədər çata bilər. Zəhər vəziləri olan kəskin tikanlı axçalara malikdir.

Akula xərçəngkimilər və molyusklarla qidalanın və insan üçün təhlükəli hesab olunmur. Zebrli akula yumurta qoymaqla çoxalır


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Zebrli akula: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijano )

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Zebrli akula, akula-zebr (lat. Stegostoma fasciatum) — Zebrli akulalar fəsiləsinə aid yeganə balıq növü. Sakit və Hind okeanlarının tropik və subtropik sularında, bəzən isə Yapon dənizinin cənub hissələrində rast gəlinir.

Zebrli akulasının uzunluğu 3,3 m-ə qədər çata bilər. Zəhər vəziləri olan kəskin tikanlı axçalara malikdir.

Akula xərçəngkimilər və molyusklarla qidalanın və insan üçün təhlükəli hesab olunmur. Zebrli akula yumurta qoymaqla çoxalır

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Tauró zebra ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

El tauró zebra (Stegostoma fasciatum) viu a les aigües tropicals de l'Oceà Índic i del Pacífic oest, i entre els cinc i els 30 m de fondària.


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Tauró zebra: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

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El tauró zebra (Stegostoma fasciatum) viu a les aigües tropicals de l'Oceà Índic i del Pacífic oest, i entre els cinc i els 30 m de fondària.

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Zebrahai ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Zebrahai (Stegostoma fasciatum; auch: Leopardenhai) gehört zu den Ammenhaiartigen (Orectolobiformes) und ist die einzige Art der Familie Stegostomatidae.

Verbreitungsgebiete des Zebrahais


Der Zebrahai lebt auf dem Schelf der Kontinente, vor Inseln im Roten Meer und im Indopazifik von Ostafrika bis nach Australien, Neukaledonien und Südjapan, meist in Tiefen von 5 bis 30 Metern, maximal bis in Tiefen von etwa 60 Metern.


Die erwachsenen Tiere bleiben meist unterhalb von 2,30 Meter, können möglicherweise aber bis zu 3,6 Metern lang werden. Zebrahaie fallen besonders durch ihre überproportional große Schwanzflosse auf, die fast die Länge des übrigen Körpers erreichen kann. Sie haben zwei stachellose Rückenflossen, die erste ist sehr viel größer als die zweite. An den Körperseiten haben die ausgewachsenen Tiere auffällige Kanten.

Ihre Zähne sind klein. In jedem Kiefer sitzen 20 bis 23 Zahnreihen. Die Augen sitzen auf der Kopfoberseite. Die äußeren Nasenöffnungen befinden sich nahe dem Maul, haben kleine Barteln und sind durch Falten mit dem Maul verbunden. Die Spritzlöcher sind mittelgroß und sitzen hinter den Augen. Von den fünf kleinen Kiemenspalten befinden sich die letzten drei hinter der Brustflossenbasis. Die Brustflossen sind groß und abgerundet. Zebrahaie haben 207 bis 243 Wirbel.

Die markante Zeichnung eines jugendlichen Zebrahais

Jungtiere, die kleiner als 70 Zentimeter sind, haben eine Zeichnung von schwarz-gelblichen Querstreifen; die ausgewachsenen Haie dagegen sind sehr viel heller und dunkel getupft. Deshalb werden sie auch als Leopardenhai bezeichnet. Dabei besteht aber eine Verwechslungsgefahr mit Triakis semifasciata, der selbigen deutschen Namen hat.


Zebrahaie sind vor allem auf Sand- und Geröllböden bei Korallenriffen häufig. Auf den Philippinen soll er auch in Süßgewässer gehen. Zebrahaie sind dämmerungs-, möglicherweise auch nachtaktiv und ernähren sich von Muscheln und Schnecken, Krabben, Garnelen und kleinen Fischen. Sie bewegen sich langsam und können sich bei der Nahrungssuche durch enge Spalten und Höhlen quetschen.

Sie sind ovipar (eierlegend). Die Eikapseln sind groß, dunkelbraun oder schwärzlich purpurn. Die Jungfische sind bei der Geburt 20 bis 26 Zentimeter lang.


  • Joseph S. Nelson: Fishes of the World. John Wiley & Sons, 2006, ISBN 0-471-25031-7.
  • Kurt Fiedler: Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie, Band II, Teil 2: Fische. Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena, 1991, ISBN 3-334-00339-6.
  • Rikke Beckmann Dahl, Eva Egelyng Sigsgaard, Gorret Mwangi, Philip Francis Thomsen, René Dalsgaard Jørgensen, Felipe de Oliveira Torquato, Lars Olsen und Peter Rask Møller. 2019. The Sandy Zebra Shark: A New Color Morph of the Zebra Shark Stegostoma tigrinum, with A Redescription of the Species and A Revision of Its Nomenclature. Copeia. 107(3); 524–541. DOI: 10.1643/CG-18-115


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Zebrahai: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Zebrahai (Stegostoma fasciatum; auch: Leopardenhai) gehört zu den Ammenhaiartigen (Orectolobiformes) und ist die einzige Art der Familie Stegostomatidae.

 src= Verbreitungsgebiete des Zebrahais
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Καρχαρίας ζέβρα ( Grego, Moderno (1453-) )

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Ο καρχαρίας ζέβρα (επιστημονική ονομασία Stegostoma fasciatum - Στεγόστομα το ζωνωτό) είναι ένας καρχαρίας με χαρακτηριστική εμφάνιση και είναι το μόνο μέλος της οικογένειας Στεγοστοματίδες. Απατάνται στα τροπικά νερά του Ινδικού και του Ειρηνικού Ωκεανού, συχνά κοντά σε κοραλλιογενείς υφάλους και αμμώδη πεδία.[2][3] Οι ενήλικες καρχαρίες ζέβρες έχουν χαρακτηριστική εμφάνιση με κυλινδρικό σώμα με πέντε διαμήκεις προεξοχές, ένα χαμηλό και μακρύ ουραίο πτερύγιο, το οποίο αποτελεί το μισό μήκος του καρχαρία, και ένα μοτίβο σκούρων κηλίδων σε ένα παλ σώμα. Οι νεαροί καρχαρίες αυτού του είδους, με μήκος μικρότερο από 50 με 90 εκατοστά, έχουν τελείως διαφορετική εμφάνιση, που χαρακτηρίζεται από ανοικτόχρωμες ρίγες σε καφέ υπόστρωμα, χωρίς προεξοχές.[2] Αυτό το γεγονός είχε ως αποτέλεσμα να αναγνωριστούν αρχικά ως διαφορετικό είδος. Φτάνουν σε μήκος 2,5 μέτρων.[2]

Οι καρχαρίες ζέβρες είναι νυκτόβιοι και περνούν το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της ημέρας ακίνητοι στον πυθμένα της θάλασσας. Τη νύχτα, είναι ενεργοί κυνηγοί, τρώγοντας μαλάκια, καρκινοειδή, μικρά οστεώδη ψάρια, και, ενδεχομένως, θαλάσσια φίδια μέσα σε τρύπες και ρωγμές των υφάλων. Αν και μοναχικοί για το μεγαλύτερο μέρος του έτους, σχηματίζουν μεγάλες εποχιακές συναθροίσεις. Ο καρχαρίας ζέβρα είναι ωοτόκος: τα θηλυκά παράγουν αρκετές δεκάδες μεγάλες κάψες αυγών, τις οποίες προσδένουν σε υποβρύχιες δομές με την βοήθεια ελίκων προσκόλλησης. [2]

Αβλαβείς για τον άνθρωπο και ανθεκτικοί σε συνθήκες αιχμαλωσίας, οι καρχαρίες ζέβρες είναι δημοφιλή θέματα για καταδύσεις οικοτουρισμού και δημόσια ενυδρεία. Η Διεθνής Ένωση Προστασίας της Φύσης αξιολόγησε αυτό το είδος ως εκτεθειμένο σε όλο τον κόσμο, καθώς αλιεύεται εμπορικά στο μεγαλύτερο μέρος του εύρους κατανομής του (εκτός από την Αυστραλία) για το κρέας, τα πτερύγια και το λάδι από το συκώτι του. Υπάρχουν ενδείξεις ότι οι αριθμοί του είναι σε φθίνουσα πορεία.


  1. Pillans, R. & Simpfendorfer, C. (SSG Australia & Oceania Regional Workshop, March 2003) (2003). Stegostoma fasciatum στην Κόκκινη Λίστα Απειλούμενων Ειδών της IUCN. Έκδοση 2013.2. Διεθνής Ένωση Προστασίας της Φύσης (IUCN). Ανακτήθηκε 10 Ιαν. 2014.
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 Compagno, L.J.V. (2002). Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date (Volume 2). Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization. σελίδες 184–188. ISBN 9251045437.
  3. Bester, C. Biological Profiles: Zebra Shark. Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. Ανακτήθηκε 12 Μαΐου 2009.
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Καρχαρίας ζέβρα: Brief Summary ( Grego, Moderno (1453-) )

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Ο καρχαρίας ζέβρα (επιστημονική ονομασία Stegostoma fasciatum - Στεγόστομα το ζωνωτό) είναι ένας καρχαρίας με χαρακτηριστική εμφάνιση και είναι το μόνο μέλος της οικογένειας Στεγοστοματίδες. Απατάνται στα τροπικά νερά του Ινδικού και του Ειρηνικού Ωκεανού, συχνά κοντά σε κοραλλιογενείς υφάλους και αμμώδη πεδία. Οι ενήλικες καρχαρίες ζέβρες έχουν χαρακτηριστική εμφάνιση με κυλινδρικό σώμα με πέντε διαμήκεις προεξοχές, ένα χαμηλό και μακρύ ουραίο πτερύγιο, το οποίο αποτελεί το μισό μήκος του καρχαρία, και ένα μοτίβο σκούρων κηλίδων σε ένα παλ σώμα. Οι νεαροί καρχαρίες αυτού του είδους, με μήκος μικρότερο από 50 με 90 εκατοστά, έχουν τελείως διαφορετική εμφάνιση, που χαρακτηρίζεται από ανοικτόχρωμες ρίγες σε καφέ υπόστρωμα, χωρίς προεξοχές. Αυτό το γεγονός είχε ως αποτέλεσμα να αναγνωριστούν αρχικά ως διαφορετικό είδος. Φτάνουν σε μήκος 2,5 μέτρων.

Οι καρχαρίες ζέβρες είναι νυκτόβιοι και περνούν το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της ημέρας ακίνητοι στον πυθμένα της θάλασσας. Τη νύχτα, είναι ενεργοί κυνηγοί, τρώγοντας μαλάκια, καρκινοειδή, μικρά οστεώδη ψάρια, και, ενδεχομένως, θαλάσσια φίδια μέσα σε τρύπες και ρωγμές των υφάλων. Αν και μοναχικοί για το μεγαλύτερο μέρος του έτους, σχηματίζουν μεγάλες εποχιακές συναθροίσεις. Ο καρχαρίας ζέβρα είναι ωοτόκος: τα θηλυκά παράγουν αρκετές δεκάδες μεγάλες κάψες αυγών, τις οποίες προσδένουν σε υποβρύχιες δομές με την βοήθεια ελίκων προσκόλλησης.

Αβλαβείς για τον άνθρωπο και ανθεκτικοί σε συνθήκες αιχμαλωσίας, οι καρχαρίες ζέβρες είναι δημοφιλή θέματα για καταδύσεις οικοτουρισμού και δημόσια ενυδρεία. Η Διεθνής Ένωση Προστασίας της Φύσης αξιολόγησε αυτό το είδος ως εκτεθειμένο σε όλο τον κόσμο, καθώς αλιεύεται εμπορικά στο μεγαλύτερο μέρος του εύρους κατανομής του (εκτός από την Αυστραλία) για το κρέας, τα πτερύγια και το λάδι από το συκώτι του. Υπάρχουν ενδείξεις ότι οι αριθμοί του είναι σε φθίνουσα πορεία.

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Зебреста ајкула ( Macedônio )

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Зебреста ајкула (Stegostoma fasciatum) — вид на ајкула.

Зебрестата ајкула често ја среќаваат нуркачи околу коралните брегови. Поради нејзиното долго тело со испакнатини и густо источкана кожа, неможно е да се згреши при определувањето. Младенчињата имаат риги наместо точки и немаат испакнатини. Поголемиот дел од денот оваа ајкула го минува лежејќи на гребен, обично свртена кон струјата на водата. Ноќе се провлекува со своето вито тело низ шуплините и пукнатините на грбенот барајќи мекотели, ракови и мали риби.



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Зебреста ајкула: Brief Summary ( Macedônio )

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Зебреста ајкула (Stegostoma fasciatum) — вид на ајкула.

Зебрестата ајкула често ја среќаваат нуркачи околу коралните брегови. Поради нејзиното долго тело со испакнатини и густо источкана кожа, неможно е да се згреши при определувањето. Младенчињата имаат риги наместо точки и немаат испакнатини. Поголемиот дел од денот оваа ајкула го минува лежејќи на гребен, обично свртена кон струјата на водата. Ноќе се провлекува со своето вито тело низ шуплините и пукнатините на грбенот барајќи мекотели, ракови и мали риби.

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Zebra shark ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The zebra shark (Stegostoma tigrinum) is a species of carpet shark and the sole member of the family Stegostomatidae. It is found throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific, frequenting coral reefs and sandy flats to a depth of 62 m (203 ft). Adult zebra sharks are distinctive in appearance, with five longitudinal ridges on a cylindrical body, a low caudal fin comprising nearly half the total length, and usually a pattern of dark spots on a pale background. Young zebra sharks under 50–90 cm (20–35 in) long have a completely different pattern, consisting of light vertical stripes on a brown background, and lack the ridges. This species attains a length of 2.5 m (8.2 ft).

Zebra sharks are nocturnal and spend most of the day resting motionless on the sea floor. At night, they actively hunt for molluscs, crustaceans, small bony fishes, and possibly sea snakes inside holes and crevices in the reef. Though solitary for most of the year, they form large seasonal aggregations. The zebra shark is oviparous: females produce several dozen large egg capsules, which they anchor to underwater structures via adhesive tendrils. Innocuous to humans and hardy in captivity, zebra sharks are popular subjects of ecotourism dives and public aquaria. The World Conservation Union has assessed this species as Endangered worldwide, as it is taken by commercial fisheries across most of its range (except off Australia) for meat, fins, and liver oil. There is evidence that its numbers are dwindling.

Female zebra shark at the Children's Aquarium at Fair Park


Early taxonomists thought that juvenile zebra sharks were a different species because of their different appearance from adults.

The zebra shark was first described as Squalus varius by Seba in 1758 (Seba died years earlier; the publication was posthumous). No type specimen was designated, though Seba included a comprehensive description in Latin and an accurate illustration of a juvenile. Müller and Henle placed this species in the genus Stegostoma in 1837, using the specific epithet fasciatus (or the neuter form fasciatum, as Stegostoma is neuter while Squalus is masculine) from an 1801 work by Bloch and Schneider. In 1984, Compagno rejected the name "varius/m" in favor of "fasciatus/m" for the zebra shark, because Seba did not consistently use binomial nomenclature in his species descriptions (though Squalus varius is one that can be construed as a binomial name). In Compagno's view, the first proper usage of "varius/m" was by Garman in 1913, making it a junior synonym.[2][3] Both S. fasciatum and S. varium are currently in usage for this species;[2] until the early 1990s most authorities used the latter name, but since then most have followed Compagno and used the former name.[4] A taxonomic review in 2019 instead argued that S. tigrinum is its valid name. This name was omitted in Compagno's review in 1984, possibly due to confusion over its year of description (in a publication in 1941, Fowler mistakenly listed it as being described in 1795). Squalus tigrinus was described by Forster in 1781, two years before Squalus fasciatus was described by Hermann. Consequently, the former and older is the valid name (as Stegostoma tigrinum), while the latter and younger is its junior synonym. As the name proposed by Forster in 1781 has been used in tens of publications since 1899, it is not a nomen oblitum.[4]

The genus name is derived from the Greek stego meaning "covered", and stoma meaning "mouth".[5] The specific epithet fasciatum means "banded", referring to the striped pattern of the juvenile.[6] The juvenile coloration is also the origin of the common name "zebra shark". The name "leopard shark" is sometimes applied to the spotted adult, but that name usually refers to the houndshark Triakis semifasciata, and is also sometimes used for the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier).[2] Due to their different color patterns and body proportions, both juveniles and subadults have historically been described as separate species (Squalus tigrinus and S. longicaudatus respectively).[3]


There is robust morphological support for the placement of the zebra shark, the whale shark (Rhincodon typus), and the nurse sharks (Ginglymostoma cirratum, Nebrius ferrugineus, and Pseudoginglymostoma brevicaudatum) in a single clade. However, the interrelationships between these taxa are disputed by various authors.[7] Dingerkus (1986) suggested that the whale shark is the closest relative of the zebra shark, and proposed a single family encompassing all five species in the clade.[8] Compagno (1988) suggested affinity between this species and either Pseudoginglymostoma or a clade containing Rhincodon, Ginglymostoma, and Nebrius.[3] Goto (2001) placed the zebra shark as the sister group to a clade containing Rhincodon and Ginglymostoma.[7]


Adult zebra sharks have longitudinal ridges on the body, a spotted pattern, and small eyes with larger spiracles.
Close-up of zebra shark

The zebra shark has a cylindrical body with a large, slightly flattened head and a short, blunt snout. The eyes are small and placed on the sides of the head; the spiracles are located behind them and are as large or larger. The last 3 of the 5 short gill slits are situated over the pectoral fin bases, and the fourth and fifth slits are much closer together than the others. Each nostril has a short barbel and a groove running from it to the mouth.[9] The mouth is nearly straight, with three lobes on the lower lip and furrows at the corners. There are 28–33 tooth rows in the upper jaw and 22–32 tooth rows in the lower jaw; each tooth has a large central cusp flanked by two smaller ones.[3]

There are five distinctive ridges running along the body in adults, one along the dorsal midline and two on the sides. The dorsal midline ridge merges into the first dorsal fin, placed about halfway along the body and twice the size of the second dorsal fin. The pectoral fins are large and broad; the pelvic and anal fins are much smaller but larger than the second dorsal fin. The caudal fin is almost as long as the rest of the body, with a barely developed lower lobe and a strong ventral notch near the tip of the upper lobe. The zebra shark attains a length of 2.5 m (8.2 ft), with an unsubstantiated record of 3.5 m (11 ft).[3] Males and females are not dimorphic in size.[10]

The color pattern in young sharks is dark brown above and light yellow below, with vertical yellow stripes and spots. As the shark grows to 50–90 cm (20–35 in) long, the dark areas begin to break up, changing the general pattern from light-on-dark stripes to dark-on-light spots.[3] There is substantial variation in pattern amongst adults, which can be used to identify particular individuals.[10] A rare morph, informally called the sandy zebra shark, is overall sandy–brown in color with inconspicuous dark brown freckles on its upperside, lacking the distinct dark-spotted and banded pattern typical of the species. The appearance of juveniles of this morph is unknown, but subadults that are transitioning into adult sandy zebra sharks have a brown-netted pattern. Faint remnants of this pattern can often be seen in adult sandy zebra sharks. This morph, which is genetically inseparable from the normal morph, is only known from the vicinity of Malindi in Kenya, although seemingly similar individuals have been reported from Japan and northwestern Australia.[4]

In 1964, a partially albino zebra shark was discovered in the Indian Ocean. It was overall white and completely lacked spots, but its eyes were blackish-brown as typical of the species and unlike full albinos. The shark, a 1.9 m (6.2 ft) long mature female, was unusual in that albino animals rarely survive long in the wild due to their lack of crypsis.[2]

Distribution and habitat

Zebra sharks are often seen resting on sand near coral.

The zebra shark occurs in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, from South Africa to the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf (including Madagascar and the Maldives), to India and Southeast Asia (including Indonesia, the Philippines, and Palau), northward to Taiwan and Japan, eastward to New Caledonia and Tonga, and southward to northern Australia.[3][5]

Bottom-dwelling in nature, the zebra shark is found from the intertidal zone to a depth of 62 m (203 ft) over the continental and insular shelves. Adults and large juveniles frequent coral reefs, rubble, and sandy areas.[3] There are unsubstantiated reports of this species from fresh water in the Philippines.[5] Zebra sharks sometimes cross oceanic waters to reach isolated seamounts.[10] Movements of up to 140 km (87 mi) have been recorded for individual sharks.[10] However, genetic data indicates that there is little exchange between populations of zebra sharks, even if their ranges are contiguous.[11]

Biology and ecology

During the day, zebra sharks are sluggish and usually found resting on the sea bottom, sometimes using their pectoral fins to prop up the front part of their bodies and facing into the current with their mouths open to facilitate respiration. Reef channels are favored resting spots, since the tightened space yields faster, more oxygenated water.[12] They become more active at night or when food becomes available. Zebra sharks are strong and agile swimmers, propelling themselves with pronounced anguilliform (eel-like) undulations of the body and tail.[3] In a steady current, they have been seen hovering in place with sinuous waves of their tails.[12]

The zebra shark feeds primarily on shelled molluscs, though it also takes crustaceans, small bony fishes, and possibly sea snakes. The slender, flexible body of this shark allows it to wriggle into narrow holes and crevices in search of food, while its small mouth and thickly muscled buccal cavity allow it to create a powerful suction force with which to extract prey.[3] This species may be preyed upon by larger fishes (notably other larger sharks) and marine mammals. Known parasites of the zebra shark include four species of tapeworms in the genus Pedibothrium.[2]

Social life

Zebra sharks are usually solitary, though aggregations of 20–50 individuals have been recorded.[13] Off southeast Queensland, aggregations of several hundred zebra sharks form every summer in shallow water. These aggregations consist entirely of large adults, with females outnumbering males by almost three to one. The purpose of these aggregations is yet unclear; no definite mating behavior has been observed between the sharks.[10] There is an observation of an adult male zebra shark biting the pectoral fin of another adult male and pushing him against the sea floor; the second male was turned on his back, and remained motionless for several minutes. This behavior resembles pre-copulatory behaviors between male and female sharks, and in both cases the biting and holding of the pectoral fin has been speculated to relate to one shark asserting dominance over the other.[14]

Life history

Several egg cases of the zebra shark

The courtship behavior of the zebra shark consists of the male following the female and biting vigorously at her pectoral fins and tail, with periods in which he holds onto her pectoral fin and both sharks lie still on the bottom. On occasion this leads to mating, in which the male curls his body around the female and inserts one of his claspers into her cloaca. Copulation lasts for two to five minutes.[15] The zebra shark is oviparous, with females laying large egg capsules measuring 17 cm (6.7 in) long, 8 cm (3.1 in) wide, and 5 cm (2.0 in) thick. The egg case is dark brown to purple in color, and has hair-like fibers along the sides that secure it to the substrate.[3] The adhesive fibers emerge first from the female's vent; the female circles vertical structures such as reef outcroppings to entangle the fibers, so as to anchor the eggs. Females have been documented laying up to 46 eggs over a 112-day period.[15] Eggs are deposited in batches of around four.[3] Reproductive seasonality in the wild is unknown.[1]

A juvenile zebra shark with a color pattern intermediate between that of young and adults

In captivity, the eggs hatch after four to six months, depending on temperature.[15] The hatchlings measure 20–36 cm (7.9–14.2 in) long and have proportionately longer tails than adults.[3] The habitat preferences of juveniles are unclear; one report places them at depths greater than 50 m (160 ft), while another report from India suggests they inhabit shallower water than adults. The stripes of the juveniles may have an anti-predator function, making each individual in a group harder to target.[12] Males attain sexual maturity at 1.5–1.8 m (4.9–5.9 ft) long, and females at 1.7 m (5.6 ft) long.[3] Their lifespan has been estimated to be 25–30 years in the wild.[5] There have been two reports of female zebra sharks producing young asexually.[16][17][18] An additional study has observed parthenogenesis in females regardless of sexual history.[19]

Human interactions

Docile and slow-moving, zebra sharks are not dangerous to humans and can be easily approached underwater. However, they have bitten divers who pull on their tails or attempt to ride them. As of 2008 there is one record of an unprovoked attack in the International Shark Attack File, though no injuries resulted.[5] They are popular attractions for ecotourist divers in the Red Sea, off the Maldives, off Thailand's Phuket and Phi Phi islands, on the Great Barrier Reef, and elsewhere. Many zebra sharks at diving sites have become accustomed to the presence of humans, taking food from divers' hands and allowing themselves to be touched. The zebra shark adapts well to captivity and is displayed by a number of public aquaria around the world. The small, attractively colored young also find their way into the hands of private hobbyists, though this species grows far too large for the home aquarium.[3]

The zebra shark is taken by commercial fisheries across most of its range, using bottom trawls, gillnets, and longlines.[3] The meat is sold fresh or dried and salted for human consumption. Furthermore, the liver oil is used for vitamins, the fins for shark fin soup, and the offal for fishmeal.[20] Zebra sharks are highly susceptible to localized depletion due to their shallow habitat and low levels of dispersal between populations, and market surveys suggest that they are much less common now than in the past. They are also threatened by the degradation of their coral reef habitat by human development, and by destructive fishing practices such as dynamiting or poisoning. As a result, the World Conservation Union has assessed this species as Endangered. Off Australia, the only threat to this species is a very low level of bycatch in prawn trawls, and there it has been assessed as of Least Concern.[1]


  1. ^ a b c Dudgeon, C.L.; Simpfendorfer, C.; Pillans, R.D. (2019) [amended version of 2016 assessment]. "Stegostoma fasciatum". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T41878A161303882. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-3.RLTS.T41878A161303882.en. Retrieved 19 February 2022.
  2. ^ a b c d e Martin, R.A. (January 31, 1999). Albino Zebras and Leopards Changing Their Spots. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. Retrieved on May 12, 2009.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Compagno, L.J.V. (2002). Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date (Volume 2). Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization. pp. 184–188. ISBN 978-92-5-104543-5.
  4. ^ a b c Dahl, R.B.; E.E. Sigsgaard; G. Mwangi; P.F. Thomsen; R.D. Jørgensen; F.d.O. Torquato; L. Olsen; P.R. Møller (2019). "The Sandy Zebra Shark: A New Color Morph of the Zebra Shark Stegostoma tigrinum, with a Redescription of the Species and a Revision of Its Nomenclature". Copeia. 107 (3): 524–541. doi:10.1643/CG-18-115.
  5. ^ a b c d e Bester, C. Biological Profiles: Zebra Shark. Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. Retrieved on May 12, 2009.
  6. ^ Van der Elst, R. & Borchert, P. (1993). A Guide to the Common Sea Fishes of Southern Africa (third ed.). Struik. pp. 63. ISBN 978-1-86825-394-4.
  7. ^ a b Goto, T. (2001). "Comparative Anatomy, Phylogeny and Cladistic Classification of the Order Orectolobiformes (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii)". Memoirs of the Graduate School of Fisheries Science, Hokkaido University. 48 (1): 1–101. S2CID 80669371.
  8. ^ Dingerkus, G. (1986). "Interrelationships of orectolobiform sharks (Chondrichthyes: Selachii)". In Uyeno, T.; Arai, R.; Taniuchi, T.; Matsuura, K. (eds.). Indo-Pacific fish biology: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Indo-Pacific Fishes. Tokyo: Ichthyological Society of Japan. pp. 227–245.
  9. ^ Randall, J.E. & Hoover, J.P. (1995). Coastal Fishes of Oman. University of Hawaii Press. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-8248-1808-1.
  10. ^ a b c d e Dudgeon, C.L.; Noad, M.J. & Lanyon, J.M. (2008). "Abundance and demography of a seasonal aggregation of zebra sharks Stegostoma fasciatum". Marine Ecology Progress Series. 368: 269–281. Bibcode:2008MEPS..368..269D. doi:10.3354/meps07581.
  11. ^ Dudgeon, C.L.; Broderick, D. & Ovenden, J.R. (2009). "IUCN classification zones concord with, but underestimate, the population genetic structure of the zebra shark Stegostoma fasciatum in the Indo-West Pacific". Molecular Ecology. 18 (2): 248–261. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2008.04025.x. PMID 19192179. S2CID 5244123.
  12. ^ a b c Martin, R.A. Coral Reefs: Zebra Shark. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. Retrieved on May 12, 2009.
  13. ^ Pillans, R.D. & Simpfendorfer, C.A. (2003). "Zebra shark, Stegostoma fasciatum (Hermann, 1783)". In Cavanagh, R.D.; Kyne, P.M.; Fowler, S.L.; Musick, J.A. & Bennet, M.B. (eds.). The Conservation Status of Australasian Chondrichthyans: Report of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group Australia and Oceania Regional Red List Workshop. Queensland: IUCN. pp. 60–61.
  14. ^ Brunnschweiler, J.M. & Pratt, H.L. (Jr.) (2008). "Putative Male – Male Agonistic Behaviour in Free-Living Zebra Sharks, Stegostoma fasciatum". The Open Fish Science Journal. 1 (1): 23–27. doi:10.2174/1874401X00801010023.
  15. ^ a b c Kunize, K. & Simmons, L. (2004). "Notes on Reproduction of the Zebra Shark, Stegostoma fasciatum, in a Captive Environment". In Smith, M.; Warmolts, D.; Thoney, D. & Hueter, R. (eds.). The Elasmobranch Husbandry Manual: Captive Care of Sharks, Rays and their Relatives. Special Publication of the Ohio Biological Survey. pp. 493–497. ISBN 978-0-86727-152-2.
  16. ^ "Zebra shark at centre of 'virgin birth' mystery" (January 5, 2012). BBC News. Retrieved on January 5, 2012.
  17. ^ Cummins, Anna (January 17, 2017). "Zebra shark surprises scientists by giving birth without male". CNN. Retrieved 2017-01-18.
  18. ^ "Virgin Birth: Zebra Shark Has Babies Without Mating". Live Science. Retrieved 2017-01-18.
  19. ^ Dudgeon, Christine L.; Coulton, Laura; Bone, Ren; Ovenden, Jennifer R.; Thomas, Severine (2017). "Switch from sexual to parthenogenetic reproduction in a zebra shark". Scientific Reports. 7: 40537. Bibcode:2017NatSR...740537D. doi:10.1038/srep40537. PMID 28091617.
  20. ^ Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2009). "Stegostoma fasciatum" in FishBase. May 2009 version.

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Zebra shark: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The zebra shark (Stegostoma tigrinum) is a species of carpet shark and the sole member of the family Stegostomatidae. It is found throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific, frequenting coral reefs and sandy flats to a depth of 62 m (203 ft). Adult zebra sharks are distinctive in appearance, with five longitudinal ridges on a cylindrical body, a low caudal fin comprising nearly half the total length, and usually a pattern of dark spots on a pale background. Young zebra sharks under 50–90 cm (20–35 in) long have a completely different pattern, consisting of light vertical stripes on a brown background, and lack the ridges. This species attains a length of 2.5 m (8.2 ft).

Zebra sharks are nocturnal and spend most of the day resting motionless on the sea floor. At night, they actively hunt for molluscs, crustaceans, small bony fishes, and possibly sea snakes inside holes and crevices in the reef. Though solitary for most of the year, they form large seasonal aggregations. The zebra shark is oviparous: females produce several dozen large egg capsules, which they anchor to underwater structures via adhesive tendrils. Innocuous to humans and hardy in captivity, zebra sharks are popular subjects of ecotourism dives and public aquaria. The World Conservation Union has assessed this species as Endangered worldwide, as it is taken by commercial fisheries across most of its range (except off Australia) for meat, fins, and liver oil. There is evidence that its numbers are dwindling.

Female zebra shark at the Children's Aquarium at Fair Park
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Stegostoma fasciatum ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El tiburón cebra o acebrado (Stegostoma fasciatum) es una especie de elasmobranquio orectolobiforme, la única de la familia Stegostomatidae, que habita en los océanos Índico y Pacífico sudoccidental (Indonesia, Australia).[2]


Los tiburones cebra alcanzan un tamaño de 3,54 m y son de color marrón amarillento con puntos oscuros en estado adulto, y negros con franjas blancas o amarillentas cuando son jóvenes.[2]

Historia natural

Los tiburones cebra son nocturnos y pasan la mayor parte del día inmóviles en el fondo marino. Por la noche cazan activamente buscando moluscos, crustáceos, pequeños peces óseos y ocasionalmente serpientes marinas dentro de las cavidades y huecos de los arrecifes. Aunque son criaturas solitarias durante la mayor parte del año durante la estación de apareamiento forman grandes concentraciones. El tiburón cebra es ovíparo: las hembras depositan varias docenas de cápsulas de huevos, que aferra a estructuras subacuáticas con filamentos adhesivos.

Los tiburones cebra son inofensivos y no representan una amenaza para los humanos, son muy populares en acuarios públicos y en excursiones de buceo. La World Conservation Union tiene catalogada la especie como Vulnerable en todo el mundo. La principal amenaza para la especie es la pesca comercial que se realiza en toda su zona de distribución (excepto en Australia) debido a su carne, aletas y el aceite de su hígado. En los últimos años las estadísticas sugieren que su población se encuentra en retroceso.

Véase también


  1. Pillans, R. & Simpfendorfer, C. (SSG Australia & Oceania Regional Workshop, March 2003) (2003). «Stegostoma fasciatum». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2014.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 13 de septiembre de 2014.
  2. a b Stegostoma fasciatum - Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2009. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.fishbase.org, version (10/2009).

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Stegostoma fasciatum: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El tiburón cebra o acebrado (Stegostoma fasciatum) es una especie de elasmobranquio orectolobiforme, la única de la familia Stegostomatidae, que habita en los océanos Índico y Pacífico sudoccidental (Indonesia, Australia).​

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Stegostoma fasciatum ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Stegostoma fasciatum marrazoen espezietako bat da, bere generoan eta Stegostomatidae bere familian kide bakarra dena.[1] Indiako eta Ozeano Bareko ur tropikaletan, gehienetan koralezko uharrien inguruan eta gehienez 62 metroko sakoneran, bizi da. Arrain gautarrak dira, molusku, krustazeo eta arrain txikiak gustukoak dituztenak.


  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Stegostoma fasciatum FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Stegostoma fasciatum: Brief Summary ( Basco )

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Stegostoma fasciatum marrazoen espezietako bat da, bere generoan eta Stegostomatidae bere familian kide bakarra dena. Indiako eta Ozeano Bareko ur tropikaletan, gehienetan koralezko uharrien inguruan eta gehienez 62 metroko sakoneran, bizi da. Arrain gautarrak dira, molusku, krustazeo eta arrain txikiak gustukoak dituztenak.

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Seeprahai ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Seeprahai (Stegostoma fasciatum) on noin kahden metrin pituinen pääasiassa yöaktiivinen hailaji. Se on heimonsa ainoa edustaja. Laji viihtyy hiekkapohjaisissa vesissä 30 metrin syvyyteen asti. Aikuiset yksilöt ovat vaaleanruskeita ja mustatäpläisiä mutta nuorina ne ovat ruskearaidallisia, siitä suomalainen nimi. Se pystyy pumppaamaan vettä kiduksiinsa, joten se voi levätä pitkiä aikoja pohjassa tukehtumatta toisin kuin monet muut hait. Kykynee partenogeneesiin.[2]


Seeprahain ruokavalioon kuuluu kaloja, äyriäisiä ja nilviäisiä.


Seeprahaita tavataan Intian valtameren ja läntisen Tyynenmeren rannikkovesissä.[1]


  1. a b Dudgeon, C. L. & Simpfendorfer, C. & Pillans, R. D: Stegostoma fasciatum IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016.3. 2016. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 10.12.2016. (englanniksi)
  2. Seeprahainaaras yllätti: Lisääntyi "neitseellisesti" akvaariossa – ehkä suurin ilman seksiä poikasia saanut eläin Yle, 2017

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Seeprahai: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Seeprahai (Stegostoma fasciatum) on noin kahden metrin pituinen pääasiassa yöaktiivinen hailaji. Se on heimonsa ainoa edustaja. Laji viihtyy hiekkapohjaisissa vesissä 30 metrin syvyyteen asti. Aikuiset yksilöt ovat vaaleanruskeita ja mustatäpläisiä mutta nuorina ne ovat ruskearaidallisia, siitä suomalainen nimi. Se pystyy pumppaamaan vettä kiduksiinsa, joten se voi levätä pitkiä aikoja pohjassa tukehtumatta toisin kuin monet muut hait. Kykynee partenogeneesiin.

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Stegostoma fasciatum ( Francês )

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Le requin-zèbre, aussi appelé requin-léopard (Stegostoma fasciatum) est une espèce de requins qui vit dans les océans Indien et Pacifique. Il est le seul représentant de la famille des Stegostomatidae et du genre Stegostoma.

Description et caractéristiques

Il est ainsi nommé car au stade juvénile son corps est zébré, avant de laisser place à la maturité à des taches sombres, semblables à celles d'un léopard - d'où les deux noms vernaculaires de l'espèce (qui ont d'ailleurs longtemps considérées comme des espèces séparées par les biologistes, l'autre étant Stegostoma tigrinum (Forster, 1781))[1].

Adulte, il mesure de 2,5 à 3m, au maximum 3,5 m. Il pèse jusqu'à plus de 30 kg[2]. Il peut vivre 25 ans.[3]

Le requin léopard a un corps cylindrique, terminé par un museau arrondi arborant deux très grosses narines rondes et une bouche en position ventrale, dessinant un sourire. Toutes les nageoires sont arrondies, les deux dorsales assez courtes, et la queue est très allongée et unilobée (non divisée en deux). Le tronc est structuré par des côtes longitudinales très marquées[1].

Habitat et répartition

Requin-léopard, îles Similan, Thaïlande.

Il vit généralement collé sur les fonds sableux des récifs coralliens dans les océans Indien et Pacifique, de la Mer Rouge à la Nouvelle-Calédonie[1].

Écologie et comportement


Ce petit requin très pacifique se nourrit essentiellement de mollusques dont des bivalves et des escargots de mer, de crustacés dont des crabes et des crevettes, de petits poissons[1] et quelques fois de serpents de mer.


La maturité sexuelle du requin léopard est fonction de sa longueur : 1,47 m pour les mâles et 1,69 m pour les femelles.[4]

Le requin zèbre est ovipare : les femelles produisent plusieurs dizaines de grandes capsules d'œufs, enveloppes brunes caoutchouteuses et solides, qu'ils ancrent à des structures sous-marines via des vrilles adhésives[5]. Les bébés requins zèbres mesurent à la naissance de 20 à 30 cm.


Le requin léopard est pêché, comme tous les requins, sans réel contrôle, pour sa viande, ses ailerons et son huile ; et il est vendu sur les marchés aux poissons d’Indonésie, de Thaïlande, des Philippines, du Pakistan, d’Inde et de Taïwan. On utilise sa chair pour fabriquer des farines de poissons utilisées par l’aquaculture. On fabrique aussi du cuir avec sa peau.

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Stegostoma fasciatum: Brief Summary ( Francês )

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Le requin-zèbre, aussi appelé requin-léopard (Stegostoma fasciatum) est une espèce de requins qui vit dans les océans Indien et Pacifique. Il est le seul représentant de la famille des Stegostomatidae et du genre Stegostoma.

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Cucut tokek ( Indonésio )

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Cucut tokek atau cucut kembang, Stegostoma fasciatum, adalah sejenis hiu yang gemar berdiam di dasar laut; satu-satunya spesies yang masuk ke dalam suku Stegostomatidae dan marga Stegostoma. Aktif di malam hari (nokturnal), cucut yang tidak berbahaya ini menyebar luas di perairan Indo-Pasifik, mulai dari pantai timur Afrika hingga Nusantara dan Pasifik barat.

Hewan yang muda, dengan panjang kurang dari 90 sentimeter (35 in), biasa berwarna belang-belang seperti zebra, sehingga ada yang menyebutnya sebagai hiu zebra (Ingg.: Zebra Shark). Namun cucut dewasa memiliki pola warna yang jauh berbeda; garis-garis tersebut berubah menjadi totol-totol seperti cheetah. Di wilayah Australia, karenanya, cucut ini juga dinamai Leopard Shark[2]; nama yang di region Pasifik timur Amerika Utara disematkan bagi hiu jenis lain, Triakis semifasciata. Para nelayan di Indonesia barat mengenalnya sebagai cucut tokek atau cucut kembang[3], mungkin karena totol-totolnya mengingatkan pada pola warna tokek atau bunga tertentu.


Cucut tokek dewasa, dengan warna totol-totol dan gigir memanjang di punggungnya.

Cucut berukuran sedang, panjang hingga 2,5 meter (8,2 ft)[4], meskipun ada pula yang mencatatnya hingga 3,5 meter (11,5 ft)[2]. Tubuh silindris dengan kepala besar yang agak gepeng dan moncong pendek tumpul. Terdapat lima jalur gigir memanjang di punggungnya; sementara alih-alih meninggi, sirip ekornya memanjang ke belakang, menyusun hampir setengah panjang total tubuhnya[4]. Matanya kecil dan terletak di sisi kepala. Tiga celah insang yang belakang, dari lima seluruhnya, terletak di atas pangkal sirip dada; sementara yang ke-4 dan ke-5 berdekatan letaknya. Masing-masing lubang hidung dilengkapi dengan misai, dan celah yang menghubungkannya dengan mulut.[5]

Cucut kembang muda, dengan warna peralihan antara berbelang dan bertotol.

Cucut yang muda berwarna coklat gelap berbelang kuning di punggungnya, sementara sisi perutnya berwarna kuning muda. Ketika cucut muda ini mencapai panjang 50–90 cm, warnanya kemudian berubah menjadi totol-totol gelap di atas warna terang pucat.[4]


Cucut tokek ditemukan di perairan wilayah Indo-Pasifik, mulai dari Afrika Selatan di barat, Laut Merah, dan Teluk Persia (termasuk pula perairan Madagaskar dan Maladewa); ke timur melalui India dan Asia Tenggara (termasuk perairan Indonesia, Filipina, dan Palau), ke utara hingga Taiwan dan Jepang, terus ke timur hingga Kaledonia Baru dan Tonga di bagian utara, dan Australia utara di bagian selatan.[4][6]

Habitat dan kebiasaan

Cucut ini acap terlihat berbaring di dasar laut dekat terumbu karang.

Hidup sebagai ikan demersal, cucut tokek berkeliaran mulai dari mintakat pasang-surut hingga kedalaman sekitar 62 meter (203 ft) di wilayah paparan benua dan laut-laut pedalaman. Cucut dewasa dan yang agak besar kerap mengunjungi terumbu karang, paparan pasir dan bebatuan[4]. Suatu catatan dari Filipina melaporkan ditemukannya jenis ini di perairan tawar[6].

Kadang-kadang cucut tokek merenangi samudera untuk mengunjungi gunung bawah-laut yang terisolasi. Tercatat adanya perjalanan hingga sejauh 140 kilometer (87 mi) yang dilakukan oleh individu cucut.[7] Meski demikian, data yang diperoleh memperlihatkan bahwa hanya terjadi sedikit pertukaran genetik di antara populasi-populasi cucut ini.[8]

Cara berenangnya seperti sidat.

Di siang hari, hiu ini bergerak lamban dan sering berdiam di dasar laut dengan sirip dada menopang tubuh bagian depan, sehingga kepalanya terangkat menghadap datangnya arus air untuk memudahkan respirasinya. Tempat favoritnya adalah alur-alur di antara karang, yang memiliki arus yang lebih kuat dan kaya oksigen[9]. Di saat malam atau ketika banyak makanan, ikan ini bergerak lebih aktif. Cucut tokek merupakan perenang yang kuat dan lincah, menggerakkan tubuh dan ekornya dengan cara yang mirip sidat[4].

Hiu ini terutama memangsa moluska bercangkang; meskipun juga tidak menolak jenis-jenis krustasea, ikan-ikan kecil dan mungkin juga ular laut. Tubuhnya yang ramping dan lentur memungkinkannya untuk memasuki lubang kecil dan menyelusup ke sela-sela karang untuk mencari makanan. Sementara struktur mulutnya yang berotot membuatnya mampu menyedot mangsanya yang bersembunyi di lubang-lubang karang.[4]

Pemanfaatan oleh manusia

Cucut kembang di akuarium Océanopolis, Prancis.

Lamban dan jinak, cucut kembang tidak berbahaya dan mudah didekati oleh penyelam. Walaupun demikian, hiu ini mau menggigit apabila ekornya ditarik atau tubuhnya ditunggangi. Hanya ada satu catatan serangan tanpa diprovokasi, pada tahun 2008.[6]

Cucut kembang merupakan atraksi yang menarik untuk ekoturisme bawah laut di pelbagai lokasi di wilayah sebarannya: di Laut Merah, di Maladewa, di Thailand, di Great Barrier Reef, dan lain-lain. Banyak cucut tokek yang menjadi terbiasa dengan manusia, khususnya di lokasi wisata selam, mau menerima makanan dari tangan penyelam, dan membiarkan dirinya disentuh. Cucut ini mampu beradaptasi dengan baik dengan penangkaran, dan beberapa akuarium di dunia mempertontonkan hiu ini. Anak cucut, dengan warnanya yang atraktif, juga ditangkap dan diperdagangkan sebagai pengisi akuarium pribadi; meskipun jenis ini kelak akan tumbuh melampaui ukuran yang layak bagi akuarium rumahan.[4]

Cucut tokek merupakan ikan tangkapan nelayan di kebanyakan tempat di wilayah sebarannya. Ikan ini ditangkap menggunakan pukat dasar, jaring insang, atau pancing[4]. Dagingnya dijual dalam keadaan segar atau diasinkan untuk konsumsi. Minyak dari hatinya dimanfaatkan sebagai vitamin, siripnya dijual untuk bahan sup, dan jeroannya untuk campuran pakan ternak.[10]

Hiu ini amat rawan menghadapi penurunan populasinya secara lokal, karena habitatnya yang dangkal dan rendahnya interaksi antar populasi; kajian pasar memperlihatkan bahwa cucut ini jauh berkurang tangkapannya dibandingkan dulu. Cucut tokek juga terancam karena rusaknya terumbu-terumbu karang akibat pembangunan, dan penangkapan ikan karang dengan cara yang merusak seperti pengeboman dan peracunan. Oleh sebab itu, badan konservasi dunia IUCN menetapkan bahwa populasi ikan ini berstatus Rentan (Vulnerable); kecuali untuk populasinya di Australia yang relatif aman.[1]

Daftar pustaka

  1. ^ a b Pillans, R. and Simpfendorfer, C. (2003). "Stegostoma fasciatum". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Diakses tanggal May 12, 2009.Pemeliharaan CS1: Menggunakan parameter penulis (link)
  2. ^ a b Allen, G. (1999). Marine Fishes of South-East Asia. Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. hlm. 40. ISBN 978-962-953-267-5 Periksa nilai: checksum |isbn= (bantuan).
  3. ^ Nontji, A. (1987). Laut Nusantara. Penerbit Djambatan, Jakarta. hlm. 212. ISBN 979-428-045-3.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i Compagno, L.J.V. (2002). Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date (Volume 2). Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization. hlm. 184–188. ISBN 92-5-104543-7.
  5. ^ Randall, J.E. and Hoover, J.P. (1995). Coastal Fishes of Oman. University of Hawaii Press. hlm. 20. ISBN 0-8248-1808-3.Pemeliharaan CS1: Banyak nama: authors list (link)
  6. ^ a b c Bester, C. Biological Profiles: Zebra Shark. Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. Retrieved on May 12, 2009.
  7. ^ Dudgeon, C.L., Noad, M.J. and Lanyon, J.M. (2008). "Abundance and demography of a seasonal aggregation of zebra sharks Stegostoma fasciatum". Marine Ecology Progress Series. 368: 269–281. doi:10.3354/meps07581.Pemeliharaan CS1: Banyak nama: authors list (link)
  8. ^ Dudgeon, C.L., Broderick, D. and Ovenden, J.R. (2009). "IUCN classification zones concord with, but underestimate, the population genetic structure of the zebra shark Stegostoma fasciatum in the Indo-West Pacific". Molecular Ecology. 18 (2): 248–261. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2008.04025.x. PMID 19192179.Pemeliharaan CS1: Banyak nama: authors list (link)
  9. ^ Martin, R.A. Coral Reefs: Zebra Shark. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. Retrieved on May 12, 2009.
  10. ^ Froese, R. and D. Pauly (Eds). 2011. Stegostoma fasciatum (Hermann, 1783) at FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.fishbase.org, version. Diakses pada 11/08/2012

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Cucut tokek: Brief Summary ( Indonésio )

fornecido por wikipedia ID

Cucut tokek atau cucut kembang, Stegostoma fasciatum, adalah sejenis hiu yang gemar berdiam di dasar laut; satu-satunya spesies yang masuk ke dalam suku Stegostomatidae dan marga Stegostoma. Aktif di malam hari (nokturnal), cucut yang tidak berbahaya ini menyebar luas di perairan Indo-Pasifik, mulai dari pantai timur Afrika hingga Nusantara dan Pasifik barat.

Hewan yang muda, dengan panjang kurang dari 90 sentimeter (35 in), biasa berwarna belang-belang seperti zebra, sehingga ada yang menyebutnya sebagai hiu zebra (Ingg.: Zebra Shark). Namun cucut dewasa memiliki pola warna yang jauh berbeda; garis-garis tersebut berubah menjadi totol-totol seperti cheetah. Di wilayah Australia, karenanya, cucut ini juga dinamai Leopard Shark; nama yang di region Pasifik timur Amerika Utara disematkan bagi hiu jenis lain, Triakis semifasciata. Para nelayan di Indonesia barat mengenalnya sebagai cucut tokek atau cucut kembang, mungkin karena totol-totolnya mengingatkan pada pola warna tokek atau bunga tertentu.

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Stegostoma fasciatum ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Lo squalo zebra (Stegostoma fasciatum Hermann, 1783) è un orectolobiforme piuttosto diffuso nelle acque costiere degli Oceani Indiano e Pacifico, riconoscibile per la pinna caudale molto lunga, che raggiunge all'incirca la lunghezza del resto del corpo. Si tratta dell'unica specie del genere Stegostoma e della famiglia Stegostomatidae.

Nome comune

Il nome squalo zebra è stato dato alla specie perché prima della maturità i membri presentano sul corpo strisce simili a quelle di una zebra. Al momento della maturità le strisce diventano puntini simili a quelli del ghepardo. Ci si riferisce tuttavia a quest'ultimo animale nel nome del piccolo squalo bentico Triakis semifasciata (per l'appunto squalo leopardo o ghepardo) che vive nell'Oceano Pacifico Orientale sulle coste del Nordamerica, e quindi alla specie in esame è stato assegnato il nome di squalo zebra.

Areale e habitat

Si trovano nell'Oceano Pacifico Occidentale ed in quello Indiano. Vivono a profondità comprese tra 5 e 30 metri.


Questa specie è dotata di un corpo molto snello e allungato, di una lunghezza di circa 2.5 metri, ma può raggiungere in via eccezionale la lunghezza di 3,5 metri. Oltre alla lunga coda, segno distintivo per lo squalo zebra sono le creste lungo il corpo. Come suggerisce il nome, il corpo è di due colori: i giovani sono segnati da linee giallastre sul corpo scuro, mentre gli adulti presentano ovunque (ed anche sulle pinne) sul corpo rossastro pallini neri. Il muso è piuttosto arrotondato e presenta barbigli.

Squalo zebra in acquario.


Si muovono lentamente e spesso rimangono immobili in attesa in prossimità di una barriera corallina su fondali sabbiosi o rocciosi. Non deve, come succede in molti squali, necessariamente rimanere sempre in movimento respirando per ingoio: la respirazione può avvenire anche per pompaggio di acqua attraverso le branchie.


Si nutre di molluschi, crostacei e piccoli pesci che riesce a risucchiare dalla sabbia dove si nascondono durante la notte. Grazie al suo corpo longilineo riesce anche a strisciare attraverso piccoli buchi e caverne alla ricerca di cibo.

Interazioni con l'uomo

Vivono bene in cattività e molti acquari in tutto il mondo li espongono. Spesso sono osservati dai sommozzatori e rimangono immobili sul fondo finché essi non si avvicinano troppo. Sono assolutamente innocui nei confronti dei sub se non sono provocati. All'interno degli acquari si è dimostrato che questi pesci apprendono molto in fretta: ad esempio possono imparare a rispondere con un movimento delle branchie al contatto con l'uomo. Anche se sono catturati solo su piccola scala, la loro lunga coda è molto apprezzata per la preparazione della famosa zuppa di pinne di squalo.

Nella cultura di massa

Il protagonista maschile de The Sea Lady di Margaret Drabble è un esperto di squali zebra, animale che gioca un ruolo molto importante nella trama.


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wikipedia IT

Stegostoma fasciatum: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Lo squalo zebra (Stegostoma fasciatum Hermann, 1783) è un orectolobiforme piuttosto diffuso nelle acque costiere degli Oceani Indiano e Pacifico, riconoscibile per la pinna caudale molto lunga, che raggiunge all'incirca la lunghezza del resto del corpo. Si tratta dell'unica specie del genere Stegostoma e della famiglia Stegostomatidae.

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wikipedia IT

Zebriniai rykliai ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Zebriniai rykliai (lot. Stegostomatidae, angl. Zebra shark, vok. Zebrahai) – ūsuotųjų ryklių (Orectolobiformes) šeima, kurioje yra 1 gentis ir 1 rūšis – zebrinis ryklys (Stegostoma fasciatum). Dydis – iki 2,3 m. Uodeginis pelekas labai ilgas, neretai ilgesnis už patį kūną. Jauniklių kūnas su dryžiais kaip zebrų, todėl taip rūšis ir vadinama. Paplitęs Ramiajame ir Indijos vandenynuose tarp koralinių rifų.



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Zebriniai rykliai: Brief Summary ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Zebriniai rykliai (lot. Stegostomatidae, angl. Zebra shark, vok. Zebrahai) – ūsuotųjų ryklių (Orectolobiformes) šeima, kurioje yra 1 gentis ir 1 rūšis – zebrinis ryklys (Stegostoma fasciatum). Dydis – iki 2,3 m. Uodeginis pelekas labai ilgas, neretai ilgesnis už patį kūną. Jauniklių kūnas su dryžiais kaip zebrų, todėl taip rūšis ir vadinama. Paplitęs Ramiajame ir Indijos vandenynuose tarp koralinių rifų.

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wikipedia LT

Zebrahaai ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De zebrahaai (Stegostoma fasciatum) is een vis uit de familie van de zebrahaaien (Stegostomatidae), orde bakerhaaien (Orectolobiformes), die voorkomt in de Grote en Indische Oceaan in een tropisch klimaat. De vis is voornamelijk te vinden in getijdestromen, zeeën, zachtstromend water, rotsachtige wateren, koraalriffen en wateren waarvan de bodem bedekt is met zeegras. De diepte waarop de soort voorkomt is maximaal 63 meter. De zebrahaai kan een maximale lengte bereiken van 235 cm.

De zebrahaai is voor de visserij van beperkt commercieel belang. Wel wordt er op de vis gejaagd in de hengelsport. Voor de mens is de zebrahaai niet geheel ongevaarlijk: de vis is in staat de mens te verwonden.


De zebrahaai leeft in tropische wateren in de Indo-Pacifische regio, van Zuid-Afrika via de Rode Zee en de Perzische Golf (inclusief Madagaskar en de Maldiven) naar India, Zuidoost-Azië (waaronder Indonesië, de Filipijnen en Palau) en noordwaarts richting Taiwan en Japan. Hij leeft ook voor de kust van Nieuw-Caledonië, Tonga en Australië.[2] De zebrahaai houdt zich graag op in de buurt van de bodem van de getijdenzone, tot op een diepte van 63 meter op het continentaal plat. Ze leven in de buurt van koraalriffen en verkiezen een zandige bodem. Er zijn ook ongefundeerde meldingen gemaakt van zebrahaaien die in zoet water zouden leven (in de Filipijnen). Ze leggen zelden grote afstanden af; de grootste bekende migraties gingen over afstanden van 140 kilometer.

Gedrag en dieet

Gedurende de dag zijn zebrahaaien traag en liggen ze meestal te rusten op de bodem (net zoals verpleegsterhaaien). Soms rusten ze ook door niet met hun volledige buik, maar enkel met hun borstvinnen op de bodem te steunen. Op die manier zouden ze gemakkelijker kunnen ademhalen. Hun favoriete rustlocaties zijn smalle kanalen tussen grotere riffen, waar eventueel een zuurstofrijke waterstroom langs passeert. ’s Nachts worden ze actief en verlaten ze hun rustlocatie om voedsel te zoeken. Het zijn sterke en behendige zwemmers, die zich voortbewegen door middel van “palingachtige golvingen” die ze maken met hun lichaam en hun staart.

De zebrahaai voedt zich voornamelijk met weekdieren, maar eet ook schaaldieren, kleine beenvissen en zeeslangen. Dankzij zijn smalle en flexibele lichaam is hij in staat om zich tussen smalle openingen en spleten in het rif te kronkelen op zoek naar voedsel. Met zijn mond kan hij een sterke zuigkracht creëren om prooien op te nemen.

Zebrahaaien worden zelf ook weleens bejaagd door grotere zeezoogdieren. Bekende parasieten van de zebrahaai zijn lintwormen uit het geslacht Pedibothrium.

Zebrahaaien leven meestal solitair, hoewel soms ook groepen kunnen worden waargenomen van 20 tot 50 dieren. Voor de kust van het zuidoosten van Queensland (Australië) komen jaarlijks zelfs een paar honderd zebrahaaien samen in het ondiepe water. Deze groepen bestaan uit grote volwassen dieren, zowel vrouwtjes als mannetjes. Het doel van deze samenkomsten is nog niet duidelijk. Er werd ook geen paargedrag waargenomen in deze groepen. Men heeft wel waargenomen dat de haaien in deze groepen regelmatig in elkaars vinnen bijten. Hiermee zouden ze hun dominantie ten opzichte van elkaar uitdrukken.


Tijdens de balts gaat de mannelijke zebrahaai continu achter een vrouwtje aan zwemmen en hij zal haar geregeld in haar vinnen en haar staart bijten. Ze zullen ook geregeld samen op elkaar op de zeebodem gaan liggen. Soms leidt dit vervolgens tot paring, waarbij het mannetje zijn lichaam rond het vrouwtje krult en een van zijn claspers in de vagina van het vrouwtje brengt. De copulatie duurt twee tot vijf minuten. De zebrahaai is ovipaar, de vrouwtjes leggen eieren met grote en stevige eicapsules van ongeveer 17 centimeter lang, 8 centimeter breed en 5 centimeter dik. De kleur van het ei varieert tussen donkerbruin en paars, en heeft haarachtige vezels langs de zijkanten waarmee het ei aan het (bodem)substraat bevestigd zit. De vrouwtjes kunnen tot 46 eieren per dag leggen, gedurende een periode van 112 dagen. De eieren worden steeds gelegd in groepjes van ongeveer vier stuks. Of voortplantingsgedrag seizoensgebonden is, is voor deze haaiensoort nog onbekend. In gevangenschap werd waargenomen dat zebrahaaien zich ook maagdelijk kunnen voortplanten.[3]

In gevangenschap komen de eieren uit na ongeveer twee tot vier weken. De jongen meten dan ongeveer 20 tot 36 centimeter en hebben in verhouding tot hun lichaam een langere staart dan volwassen dieren. De habitatvoorkeuren van de jongen zijn niet echt duidelijk. Sommige onderzoekers zeggen dat ze meer dan 50 meter diep leven, terwijl anderen zeggen dat ze juist liever in ondiep water zitten. De jongen bezitten een structuur van gekleurde strepen op hun huid waarmee ze effectief potentiële roofdieren kunnen afschrikken. De mannetjes zijn geslachtsrijp wanneer ze 1,5 tot 1,8 meter lang zijn, de vrouwtjes wanneer ze 1,7 meter lang zijn.

Zebrahaaien worden in het wild ongeveer 25 à 30 jaar oud.

Relatie met mensen

De volgzame en trage zebrahaaien zijn doorgaans niet gevaarlijk voor mensen en kunnen gemakkelijk en veilig onder water worden benaderd. Ze zijn in de regel niet agressief. Agressie werd een enkele keer gemeld: duikers wilden zich door de haai laten voorttrekken door de staart vast te nemen, waarna de haai zich bedreigd voelde en tot bijten overging. Naast dit geval werd in 2008 voor het eerst ook een niet-uitgelokte aanval gemeld, hoewel er geen sprake was van verwondingen. De haaien zijn een populaire attractie voor ecotoeristen en duikers in de Rode Zee, de Maldiven, Thailand, Phuket, Great Barrier Reef en andere. Veel zebrahaaien zijn er gewend geraakt aan de aanwezigheid van mensen en nemen zelfs voedsel op uit de handen van duikers. Zebrahaaien passen zich ook goed aan in gevangenschap en zijn wereldwijd te vinden in aquariumcomplexen waar ze ook regelmatig kweken. Ook in België zijn ze te bezichtigen in Sea Life Blankenberge. In sommige landen worden de jongen zelfs verkocht voor particuliere aquaria, maar de zebrahaai wordt hier in de regel bijna altijd veel te groot voor (meer dan 2 meter lang).

De zebrahaai wordt enigszins bedreigd door de commerciële visserij. Het vlees wordt verkocht voor menselijke consumptie, de lever wordt gebruikt voor het maken van olie, de vinnen voor haaienvinnensoep en het slachtafval wordt verwerkt in vismeel. Ze worden ook bedreigd door de vernietiging van hun leefgebied: de koraalriffen.


De volgende synoniemen van de zebrahaai zijn bekend:

  • Scyllia quinquecornuatum van Hasselt, 1823
  • Scyllium heptagonum Rüppell, 1837
  • Squalus cirrosus Gronow, 1854
  • Squalus fasciatus Hermann, 1783
  • Squalus longicaudus Gmelin, 1789
  • Squalus pantherinus Kuhl & van Hasselt, 1852
  • Squalus tigrinus Forster, 1781
  • Squalus varius Seba, 1759
  • Stegostoma carinatum Blyth, 1847
  • Stegostoma tigrinum naucum Whitley, 1939
  • Stegostoma varium Garman, 1913
  • Scyllia quinquecornuatum van Hasselt, 1823
  • Scyllium heptagonum Rüppell, 1837
  • Squalus cirrosus Gronow, 1854
  • Squalus fasciatus Hermann, 1783
  • Squalus longicaudus Gmelin, 1789
  • Squalus pantherinus Kuhl & van Hasselt, 1852
  • Squalus tigrinus Forster, 1781
  • Squalus varius Seba, 1759
  • Stegostoma carinatum Blyth, 1847
  • Stegostoma tigrinum naucum Whitley, 1939
  • Stegostoma varium Garman, 1913
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Zebrahaai op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. http://www.fishbase.org/summary/Stegostoma-fasciatum.html
  3. Dudgeon, C.L., Coulton, L., Bone, R., Ovenden, J.R. & Thomas, S., 2017. Switch from sexual to parthenogenetic reproduction in a zebra shark. Scientific Reports 7 (40537). DOI:10.1038/srep40537
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wikipedia NL

Zebrahaai: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De zebrahaai (Stegostoma fasciatum) is een vis uit de familie van de zebrahaaien (Stegostomatidae), orde bakerhaaien (Orectolobiformes), die voorkomt in de Grote en Indische Oceaan in een tropisch klimaat. De vis is voornamelijk te vinden in getijdestromen, zeeën, zachtstromend water, rotsachtige wateren, koraalriffen en wateren waarvan de bodem bedekt is met zeegras. De diepte waarop de soort voorkomt is maximaal 63 meter. De zebrahaai kan een maximale lengte bereiken van 235 cm.

De zebrahaai is voor de visserij van beperkt commercieel belang. Wel wordt er op de vis gejaagd in de hengelsport. Voor de mens is de zebrahaai niet geheel ongevaarlijk: de vis is in staat de mens te verwonden.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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wikipedia NL

Tubarão-zebra ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

O tubarão-zebra (Stegostoma fasciatum) é uma espécie de Orectolobiformes e o único membro da família Stegostomatidae. É encontrada em todo o Indo-Pacífico tropical, frequentando recifes de coral e áreas arenosas planas até uma profundidade de 62 metros. Os tubarões-zebra adultos são distintos na aparência, com cinco cristas longitudinais em um corpo cilíndrico, uma nadadeira caudal baixa compreendendo quase metade do comprimento total e geralmente um padrão de manchas escuras em um fundo claro. Os tubarões-zebra jovens com menos de 50–90 centímetros de comprimento têm um padrão completamente diferente, consistindo em listras verticais claras em um fundo marrom e sem cristas. Esta espécie atinge um comprimento de 2,5 metros.

Os tubarões-zebra são noturnos e passam a maior parte do dia descansando imóveis no fundo do mar. À noite, eles caçam ativamente por moluscos, crustáceos, pequenos peixes ósseos e, possivelmente, serpentes marinhas dentro de buracos e fendas no recife. Embora solitários na maior parte do ano, eles formam grandes agregações sazonais. O tubarão-zebra é ovíparo: as fêmeas produzem várias dúzias de grandes cápsulas de ovo, que ancoram em estruturas subaquáticas por meio de gavinhas adesivas. Inócuos para os humanos e resistentes em cativeiro, os tubarões-zebra são objetos populares de mergulhos de ecoturismo e aquários públicos. A União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza (UICN) avaliou esta espécie como ameaçada em todo o mundo, uma vez que é capturada por pescarias comerciais em grande parte de sua distribuição (exceto na Austrália) para carne, barbatanas e óleo de fígado. Há evidências de que seus números estão diminuindo.


Taxonomistas pensavam que tubarões-zebra juvenis eram uma espécie seprada devido à sua aparência diferente dos adultos.

O tubarão-zebra foi descrito pela primeira vez como Squalus varius por Seba em 1758 (Seba morreu anos antes; a publicação foi póstuma). Nenhum tipo de espécime foi designado, embora Seba incluísse uma descrição abrangente em latim e uma ilustração precisa de um jovem. Müller e Henle colocaram esta espécie no gênero Stegostoma em 1837, usando o epíteto específico fasciatus (ou a forma neutra fasciatum, já que Stegostoma é neutro enquanto Squalus é masculino) de um trabalho de 1801 por Bloch e Schneider. Em 1984, Compagno rejeitou o nome "varius/m" em favor de "fasciatus/m" para o tubarão-zebra, porque Seba não usou consistentemente a nomenclatura binomial em suas descrições de espécies (embora Squalus varius possa ser interpretado como um nome binomial). Na visão de Compagno, o primeiro uso adequado de "varius/m" foi por Garman em 1913, tornando-o um sinônimo júnior.[2][3] Ambos S. fasciatum e S. varium estão atualmente em uso para esta espécie;[2] até o início de 1990 a maioria das autoridades usava o último nome, mas desde então a maioria seguiu Compagno e usou o primeiro nome.[4] Uma revisão taxonômica em 2019, em vez disso, argumentou que S. tigrinum é seu nome válido. Este nome foi omitido na revisão de Compagno em 1984, possivelmente devido à confusão sobre seu ano de descrição (em uma publicação em 1941, Fowler erroneamente o listou como descrito em 1795). Squalus tigrinus foi descrito por Forster em 1781, dois anos antes de Squalus fasciatus ser descrito por Hermann. Consequentemente, o primeiro e mais antigo é o nome válido (como Stegostoma tigrinum), enquanto o último e mais jovem é seu sinônimo júnior. Como o nome proposto por Forster em 1781 foi usado em dezenas de publicações desde 1899, não é um nomen oblitum.[4]

O nome do gênero é derivado do grego stego, que significa "coberto", e stoma, que significa "boca".[5] O epíteto específico fasciatum significa "em faixas", referindo-se ao padrão listrado do juvenil.[6] A coloração juvenil também é a origem do nome vulgar "tubarão-zebra". O nome "tubarão-leopardo" às vezes é aplicado ao adulto manchado, mas esse nome geralmente se refere ao membro da família Triakidae Triakis semifasciata, e às vezes também é usado para o tubarão-tigre (Galeocerdo cuvier).[2] Devido aos seus diferentes padrões de cores e proporções corporais, tanto os juvenis quanto os subadultos foram historicamente descritos como espécies separadas (Squalus tigrinus e S. longicaudatus respectivamente).[3]


Há um suporte morfológico robusto para a colocação do tubarão-zebra, do tubarão-baleia (Rhincodon typus) e dos tubarões-lixa (Ginglymostoma cirratum, Nebrius ferrugineus e Pseudoginglymostoma brevicaudatum) em um único clado. No entanto, as inter-relações entre esses táxons são contestadas por vários autores.[7] Dingerkus (1986) sugeriu que o tubarão-baleia é o parente mais próximo do tubarão-zebra e propôs uma única família abrangendo todas as cinco espécies do clado.[8] Compagno (1988) sugeriu afinidade entre esta espécie e Pseudoginglymostoma ou um clado contendo Rhincodon, Ginglymostoma e Nebrius.[3] Goto (2001) colocou o tubarão-zebra como o grupo irmão de um clado contendo Rhincodon e Ginglymostoma.[7]


Os tubarões-zebra adultos têm cristas longitudinais no corpo, um padrão manchado e olhos pequenos com espiráculos maiores.
Imagem próxima de um tubarão-zebra

O tubarão-zebra tem um corpo cilíndrico com uma grande cabeça ligeiramente achatada e um focinho curto e achatado. Os olhos são pequenos e colocados nas laterais da cabeça; os espiráculos estão localizados atrás deles e são tão grandes quanto ou maiores que os olhos. As últimas três das cinco fendas branquiais curtas estão situadas sobre as bases da barbatana peitoral, e a quarta e quinta fendas estão muito mais próximas do que as outras. Cada narina tem um barbilho curto e um sulco que vai até a boca.[9] A boca é quase reta, com três lóbulos no lábio inferior e sulcos nos cantos. Existem 28-33 fileiras de dentes na mandíbula superior e 22-32 fileiras de dentes na mandíbula inferior; cada dente tem uma grande cúspide central flanqueada por duas menores.[3]

Existem cinco cristas distintas ao longo do corpo em adultos, uma ao longo da linha média dorsal e duas nas laterais. A crista da linha média dorsal funde-se com a primeira barbatana dorsal, localizada no meio do corpo e com o dobro do tamanho da segunda barbatana dorsal. As barbatanas peitorais são grandes e largas; as barbatanas pélvicas e anal são muito menores, mas maiores do que a segunda barbatana dorsal. A barbatana caudal é quase tão longa quanto o resto do corpo, com um lobo inferior pouco desenvolvido e uma forte incisura ventral perto da ponta do lobo superior. O tubarão-zebra atinge um comprimento de 2,5 metros, com um registro não comprovado de 3,5 metros.[3] Machos e fêmeas não têm tamanho dimórfico.[10]

O padrão de cor em tubarões jovens é marrom escuro acima e amarelo claro abaixo, com listras verticais e manchas amarelas. À medida que o tubarão cresce para 50–90 centímetros de comprimento, as áreas escuras começam a se dividir, mudando o padrão geral de listras de claro sobre escuro para pontos de escuro sobre claro.[3] Há uma variação substancial no padrão entre adultos, que pode ser usada para identificar indivíduos específicos.[10] Uma forma rara, informalmente chamada de tubarão-zebra-arenoso, é geralmente de cor marrom-arenosa com sardas marrom-escuras imperceptíveis em sua parte superior, sem o padrão distinto de manchas escuras e faixas típicas da espécie. O aparecimento de juvenis com essa forma é desconhecido, mas os subadultos que estão em transição para tubarões-zebra-arenosos adultos têm um padrão de malha marrom. Pequenos vestígios deste padrão podem frequentemente ser vistos em tubarões-zebra-arenosos adultos. Essa morfologia, que é geneticamente inseparável da morfologia normal, só é conhecida nos arredores de Malindi, no Quênia, embora indivíduos aparentemente semelhantes tenham sido relatados no Japão e no noroeste da Austrália.[4]

Em 1964, um tubarão-zebra parcialmente albino foi descoberto no Oceano Índico. Era geralmente branco e sem manchas, mas seus olhos eram castanho-escuros como típicos da espécie e ao contrário de albinos inteiros. O tubarão, uma fêmea madura de 1,9 metros de comprimento, era incomum, pois os animais albinos raramente sobrevivem por muito tempo na natureza devido à falta de crípse.[2]

Distribuição e habitat

Tubarões-zebra são comumente vistos a descansar na areia próxima a corais

O tubarão-zebra ocorre nas águas tropicais da região do Indo-Pacífico, da África do Sul ao Mar Vermelho e ao Golfo Pérsico (incluindo Madagascar e as Maldivas), à Índia e sudeste da Ásia (incluindo Indonésia, Filipinas e Palau), para o norte a Taiwan e Japão, para o leste a Nova Caledônia e Tonga, e para o sul ao norte da Austrália.[3][5]

Demersal, o tubarão-zebra é encontrado desde a zona entremarés até uma profundidade de 62 metros sobre as plataformas continentais e insulares. Adultos e grandes juvenis frequentam recifes de coral, entulhos e áreas arenosas.[3] Existem relatos não comprovados dessa espécie em água doce nas Filipinas.[5] Os tubarões-zebra às vezes cruzam as águas oceânicas para alcançar montes submarinos isolados[10] Movimentos de até 140 quilômetros foram registrados para tubarões individuais.[10] No entanto, os dados genéticos indicam que há pouca troca entre as populações de tubarões-zebra, mesmo que seus intervalos sejam contíguos.[11]

Biologia e ecologia

Durante o dia, os tubarões-zebra são lentos e geralmente encontrados descansando no fundo do mar, às vezes usando suas nadadeiras peitorais para apoiar a parte frontal de seus corpos e voltados para a corrente com suas bocas abertas para facilitar a respiração. Os canais de recife são seus locais de descanso favoritos, uma vez que o espaço restrito faz a água ser mais rápida e mais oxigenada.[12] Eles se tornam mais ativos à noite ou quando a comida fica disponível. Os tubarões-zebra são nadadores fortes e ágeis, impulsionando-se com ondulações anguiliformes pronunciadas (semelhantes a enguias) do corpo e da cauda.[3] Em uma corrente constante, eles foram vistos pairando no lugar com ondas sinuosas de suas caudas.[12]

O tubarão-zebra se alimenta principalmente de moluscos com casca, embora também de crustáceos, pequenos peixes ósseos e possivelmente serpentes marinhas. O corpo esguio e flexível deste tubarão permite que ele se contorça em buracos estreitos e fendas em busca de comida, enquanto sua boca pequena e cavidade bucal densamente musculosa permitem que ele crie uma poderosa força de sucção para extrair a presa.[3] Esta espécie pode ser predada por peixes maiores (notadamente outros tubarões maiores) e mamíferos marinhos. Parasitas conhecidos do tubarão-zebra incluem quatro espécies de tênias do gênero Pedibothrium.[2]

Vida social

Os tubarões-zebra são geralmente solitários, embora agregações de 20–50 indivíduos tenham sido registradas.[13] No sudeste de Queensland, agregações de várias centenas de tubarões-zebra se formam a cada verão em águas rasas. Essas agregações consistem inteiramente de adultos grandes, com as fêmeas superando os machos em quase três para um. O propósito dessas agregações ainda não está claro; nenhum comportamento de acasalamento definido foi observado entre os tubarões.[10] Há a observação de um tubarão-zebra macho adulto mordendo a nadadeira peitoral de outro macho adulto e empurrando-o contra o fundo do mar; o segundo macho foi virado de costas e permaneceu imóvel por vários minutos. Este comportamento se assemelha aos comportamentos pré-copulatórios entre tubarões machos e fêmeas e, em ambos os casos, a mordida e a retenção da nadadeira peitoral têm sido especuladas como relacionadas a um tubarão afirmando domínio sobre o outro.[14]

Ciclo de vida

O comportamento de cortejo do tubarão-zebra consiste em o macho seguir a fêmea e morder vigorosamente suas barbatanas peitorais e cauda, ​​com períodos em que ele segura sua barbatana peitoral e os dois tubarões permanecem imóveis no fundo. Ocasionalmente, isso leva ao acasalamento, no qual o macho enrola seu corpo ao redor da fêmea e insere um de seus clásperes em sua cloaca. A cópula dura de dois a cinco minutos.[15] O tubarão-zebra é ovíparo, com as fêmeas colocando grandes cápsulas de ovo medindo 17 centímetros de comprimento, 8 centímetros de largura e 5 centímetros de espessura. O material que envolve o ovo é marrom escuro a roxo, tendo fibras aos lados que o prendem ao substrato.[3] As fibras adesivas emergem primeiro da abertura da fêmea; a fêmea circunda estruturas verticais, como afloramentos de recife, para emaranhar as fibras, de modo a ancorar os ovos. As fêmeas foram documentadas colocando até 46 ovos em um período de 112 dias.[15] Os ovos são depositados em lotes de cerca de quatro.[3] A sazonalidade reprodutiva na natureza é desconhecida.[1]

Em cativeiro, os ovos eclodem após quatro a seis meses, dependendo da temperatura.[15] Os filhotes medem 20–36 centímetros de comprimento e têm caudas proporcionalmente mais longas que os adultos.[3] As preferências de habitat dos juvenis não são claras; um relatório os coloca em profundidades superiores a 50 metros, enquanto outro relatório da Índia sugere que habitam águas mais rasas do que os adultos. As listras dos juvenis podem ter uma função anti-predatorial, tornando cada indivíduo em um grupo mais difícil de atingir.[12] Os machos atingem a maturidade sexual com 1,5–1,8 metros de comprimento e as fêmeas com 1,7 metros de comprimento.[3] Sua vida útil foi estimada em 25-30 anos na natureza.[5] Houve dois relatos de tubarões-zebra fêmeas produzindo filhotes assexuadamente.[16][17][18] Um estudo adicional observou partenogênese em mulheres, independentemente da história sexual.[19]

Interação humana

Dóceis e lentos, os tubarões-zebra não são perigosos para os humanos e podem ser facilmente abordados debaixo d'água. No entanto, eles mordem mergulhadores que puxam suas caudas ou tentam montá-los. Em 2008, havia um registro de um ataque não provocado no Arquivo Internacional de Ataques de Tubarão, embora nenhum ferimento tenha ocorrido.[5] Eles são atrações populares para mergulhadores ecoturistas no Mar Vermelho, nas Maldivas, nas ilhas de Phuket e Phi Phi, na Tailândia, na Grande Barreira de Corais e em outros lugares. Muitos tubarões-zebra em locais de mergulho se acostumaram com a presença de humanos, tirando comida das mãos dos mergulhadores e se deixando tocar. O tubarão-zebra adapta-se bem ao cativeiro e é exibido em vários aquários públicos em todo o mundo. Os jovens pequenos e de cores atraentes também encontram seu caminho nas mãos de amadores particulares, embora esta espécie seja muito grande para o aquário doméstico.[3]

O tubarão-zebra é capturado pela pesca comercial em grande parte de sua área de distribuição, usando redes de arrasto de fundo, redes de emalhar e palangres.[3] A carne é vendida fresca ou seca e salgada para consumo humano. Além disso, o óleo de fígado é usado para vitaminas, as barbatanas para sopa de barbatana de tubarão e as vísceras para farinha de peixe.[20] Os tubarões-zebra são altamente suscetíveis ao esgotamento localizado devido ao seu habitat raso e baixos níveis de dispersão entre as populações, e pesquisas de mercado sugerem que eles são muito menos comuns agora do que no passado. Eles também estão ameaçados pela degradação de seu habitat de recife de coral pelo desenvolvimento humano e por práticas de pesca destrutivas, como dinamitação ou envenenamento. Como resultado, a UICN avaliou esta espécie como ameaçada de extinção. Na costa da Austrália, a única ameaça a esta espécie é um nível muito baixo de captura acidental em redes de arrasto de camarão, e lá foi avaliada como de menor preocupação.[1]


  1. a b c «Stegostoma tigrinum (Zebra Shark)» (em inglês). Lista Vermelha da IUCN. Consultado em 18 de junho de 2021
  2. a b c d e «Albino Zebras and Leopards Changing their Spots» (em inglês). Elasmo Research. Consultado em 19 de junho de 2021
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Compagno, Leonard J.V (2002). Sharks of the World: An annotated and illustrated catalogue of Shark species known to date (Volume 2) (em inglês). Roma: Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura. Consultado em 19 de junho de 2021
  4. a b c Rikke Beckmann Dahl; Eva Egelyng Sigsgaard; Gorret Mwangi; Philip Francis Thomsen; René Dalsgaard Jørgensen; Felipe de Oliveira Torquato; Lars Olsen; Peter Rask Møller (25 de setembro de 2019). «The Sandy Zebra Shark: A New Color Morph of the Zebra Shark Stegostoma tigrinum, with a Redescription of the Species and a Revision of Its Nomenclature». BioOne. Consultado em 19 de junho de 2021
  5. a b c d e «Stegostoma fasciatum» (em inglês). Florida Museum. Consultado em 19 de junho de 2021
  6. Van der Elst, Rudy; Borchert, Peter (1993). A guide to the common sea fishes of southern Africa (em inglês). Cidade do Cabo: Struik. Consultado em 19 de junho de 2021
  7. a b T. Goto (2001). «Comparative anatomy, phylogeny and cladistic classification of the order Orectolobiformes (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii)» (em inglês). Semantic Scholar. Consultado em 19 de junho de 2021
  8. Dingerkus, G. (1986). «Interrelationships of orectolobiform sharks (Chondrichthyes: Selachii)». Indo-Pacific fish biology: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Indo-Pacific Fishes (em inglês). Tóquio: Sociedade Ictiológica do Japão. p. 227-245 |acessodata= requer |url= (ajuda)
  9. E. Randall, John (1995). Coastal Fishes of Oman (em inglês). [S.l.]: Universidade do Havaí. ISBN 978-0-8248-1808-1. Consultado em 19 de junho de 2021
  10. a b c d e Christine L. Dudgeon; Michael J. Noad; Janet M. Lanyon (25 de setembro de 2008). «Abundance and demography of a seasonal aggregation of zebra sharks Stegostoma fasciatum» (em inglês). Marine Ecology Progress Series. Consultado em 19 de junho de 2021
  11. «IUCN classification zones concord with, but underestimate, the population genetic structure of the zebra shark Stegostoma fasciatum in the Indo-West Pacific» (em inglês). FAO. Consultado em 19 de junho de 2021
  12. a b c «Coral Reefs: Zebra Shark» (em inglês). Eslasmo Research. Consultado em 20 de junho de 2021
  13. «The Conservation Status of Australian Chondrichthyans» (em inglês). ResearchGate. Consultado em 20 de junho de 2021
  14. Juerg M. Brunnschweiler; Harold L. Pratt Jr (2008). «Putative Male – Male Agonistic Behaviour in Free-Living Zebra Sharks, Stegostoma fasciatum» (em inglês). The Open Fish Science Journal. Consultado em 20 de junho de 2021
  15. a b c Kunize, K; Simmons, L (2004). Notes on Reproduction of the Zebra Shark, Stegostoma fasciatum, in a Captive Environment (em inglês). [S.l.: s.n.] |acessodata= requer |url= (ajuda)
  16. Philip Hampsheir (5 de janeiro de 2012). «Zebra shark at centre of 'virgin birth' mystery». Dubai. BBC (em inglês). Consultado em 21 de junho de 2021
  17. Anna Cummins (17 de janeiro de 2017). «Zebra shark surprises scientists by giving birth without male». CNN (em inglês). Consultado em 21 de junho de 2021
  18. Megan Gannon (18 de janeiro de 2017). «Virgin Birth: Zebra Shark Has Babies Without Mating». LiveScience (em inglês). Consultado em 21 de junho de 2021
  19. Christine L. Dudgeon; Laura Coulton; Ren Bone; Jennifer R. Ovenden; Severine Thomas (16 de janeiro de 2017). «Switch from sexual to parthenogenetic reproduction in a zebra shark». Nature (em inglês). Consultado em 21 de junho de 2021
  20. «Stegostoma fasciatum» (em inglês). FishBase. Consultado em 19 de junho de 2021
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wikipedia PT

Tubarão-zebra: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

O tubarão-zebra (Stegostoma fasciatum) é uma espécie de Orectolobiformes e o único membro da família Stegostomatidae. É encontrada em todo o Indo-Pacífico tropical, frequentando recifes de coral e áreas arenosas planas até uma profundidade de 62 metros. Os tubarões-zebra adultos são distintos na aparência, com cinco cristas longitudinais em um corpo cilíndrico, uma nadadeira caudal baixa compreendendo quase metade do comprimento total e geralmente um padrão de manchas escuras em um fundo claro. Os tubarões-zebra jovens com menos de 50–90 centímetros de comprimento têm um padrão completamente diferente, consistindo em listras verticais claras em um fundo marrom e sem cristas. Esta espécie atinge um comprimento de 2,5 metros.

Os tubarões-zebra são noturnos e passam a maior parte do dia descansando imóveis no fundo do mar. À noite, eles caçam ativamente por moluscos, crustáceos, pequenos peixes ósseos e, possivelmente, serpentes marinhas dentro de buracos e fendas no recife. Embora solitários na maior parte do ano, eles formam grandes agregações sazonais. O tubarão-zebra é ovíparo: as fêmeas produzem várias dúzias de grandes cápsulas de ovo, que ancoram em estruturas subaquáticas por meio de gavinhas adesivas. Inócuos para os humanos e resistentes em cativeiro, os tubarões-zebra são objetos populares de mergulhos de ecoturismo e aquários públicos. A União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza (UICN) avaliou esta espécie como ameaçada em todo o mundo, uma vez que é capturada por pescarias comerciais em grande parte de sua distribuição (exceto na Austrália) para carne, barbatanas e óleo de fígado. Há evidências de que seus números estão diminuindo.

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Zebra köpek balığı ( Turco )

fornecido por wikipedia TR

Zebra köpekbalığı (Stegostoma fasciatum), Stegostomatidae familyasından bir köpek balığı türü. Büyük Okyanus ve Hint Okyanusu'nun tropik bölgelerinde, 5 – 30 m derinliklerde yaşarlar. Uzunlukları 3,5 m civarındadır. İlginç bir şekilde bireyler gençken çizgili, yetişkin hale geldiklerinde ise benekli bir deriye kavuşurlar. Mercan resiflerinde sık görülür. Yumuşakçalar ve kabuklular ana besinlerini oluşturur.

Stub icon Köpekbalığı ile ilgili bu madde bir taslaktır. Madde içeriğini geliştirerek Vikipedi'ye katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.
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wikipedia TR

Акула-зебра ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK


Довжина зебрової акули може досягати 2,3 м[1]. Тіло циліндричне, з п'ятьма виступаючими поздовжніми гребенями на шкірі (у дорослих). Голова широка, дещо сплощена. Є 5 пар невеликих зябрових щілин. Ніздрі з короткими вусиками. Рот помірно великий, зуби слабо диференційовані, мають центральну вершину і два бічних зубчика; 28—33 у верхній щелепі та 22—32 у нижній. Перший спинний плавець більший за другий. Шипів при плавцях немає. Грудні плавці досить великі і широкі, набагато більші, ніж черевні. Черевні плавці менші за перший спинний, але більші, ніж другий, і приблизно такі ж, чи дещо більші, ніж анальний плавець. Хвостовий плавець дуже довгий, біля половини загальної довжини акули, причому він не має нижньої лопаті[2].

Колір у дорослих жовто-коричневий з темно-коричневими плямами; черевний бік має бліде забарвлення. Молоді особини (до 70 см) забарвлені зовсім інакше: вони темного кольору з білими плямами і вертикальними смугами. Через це, а також те, що вони не мають гребенів на шкірі, раніше їх вважали окремим видом[1][2].

Молода зеброва акула

Харчується акула в основному молюсками, а також ракоподібними та дрібною рибою і не становить небезпеки для людини. Але може вкусити, якщо її спровокувати.

Зеброва акула — яйцекладний вид. Довгасті яйцеві капсули цієї акули мають рогові придатки, за допомогою яких вони і прикріплюються до дна. Тривалість життя оцінюється у 25—30 років.

Ця акула відносно добре переносить неволю; її часто можна зустріти в експозиціях океанаріумів та акваріумах[1].

Див. також


  1. а б в Bester, C. Biological Profiles: Zebra Shark. Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. Перевірено 2012-09-11.
  2. а б Compagno, Leonard J.V. Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date. Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. — Рим : Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. — С. 200–201. — ISBN 92-5-101384-5.


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Cá nhám nhu mì ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá nhám nhu mì[2] (danh pháp hai phần: Stegostoma fasciatum, tiếng Anh: Zebra shark) là một loài thuộc họ Stegostomatidae. Loài cá này được tìm thấy trên khắp Ấn Độ-Thái Bình Dương nhiệt đới, thường xuyên lui tới các rạn san hô và các bãi cát ở độ sâu 62 m. Con trưởng thành có bề ngoài đặc biệt, với các lằn theo chiều dọc trên một cơ thể hình trụ, vây đuôi thấp bao gồm gần một nửa tổng chiều dài, với các chấm đen trên nền nhạt. Con non dài 50–90 cm (20-35) có kiểu màu sắc hoàn toàn khác nhau, bao gồm ánh sáng của các sọc thẳng đứng trên một nền màu nâu, và thiếu các đường gờ. Con trưởn thành loài này đạt chiều dài 2,5 m.

Cá nhám nhu mì là loài ăn đêm và dành hầu hết các ngày nghỉ ngơi bất động dưới đáy biển. Vào ban đêm, chúng chủ động săn bắt động vật thân mềm, động vật giáp xác, cá xương nhỏ, và có thể loài rắn biển bên trong lỗ và đường nứt rạn san hô. Mặc dù đơn độc nhất trong năm, chúng tạo thành các đàn lớn theo mùa. Cá nhám nhu mì là noan sinh: cá cái đẻ vài chục viên nang trứng lớn, họ neo đậu cho các cấu trúc dưới nước thông qua các tua dính. Vô hại cho con người và khỏe mạnh trong điều kiện nuôi nhốt, cá nhám nhu mì là những đối tượng phổ biến của du lịch sinh thái lặn và hồ công cộng. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thế giới đã đánh giá loài này trên toàn thế giới dễ bị tổn thương, vì nó bị đánh bắt thương mại ở hầu hết các phạm vi của nó (trừ ngoài khơi Úc) để lấy thịt, vây, dầu gan. Có bằng chứng rằng các con số của nó đang giảm dần.

Mô tả

Adult zebra sharks have longitudinal ridges on the body, a spotted pattern, and small eyes with larger spiracles.

Cá nhám nhu mì có cơ thể hình trụ với một cái đầu lớn, hơi dẹt và một đoạn mõm ngắn, thẳng. Đôi mắt nhỏ và đặt ở hai bên của đầu, các lỗ thở được đặt phía sau và lớn hơn mắt. 3 khe cuối cùng của 5 khe mang ngắn nằm trên vây ngực, và các khe thứ tư và thứ năm gần với nhau hơn những khe mang khác. Mỗi lỗ mũi có một đoạn râu ngắn và một đường rãnh chạy từ miệng nó vào.[3] Miệng là gần như thẳng, ba thùy trên môi dưới và rãnh ở các góc. Có 28-33 hàng răng ở hàm trên và 22-32 hàng răng ở hàm dưới, mỗi răng có một đỉnh trung tâm lớn và hai đỉnh khác nhỏ hơn.[4]

Có năm rảnh đạc biệt chạy dọc theo cơ thể ở con trưởng thành, một dọc theo đường giữa lưng và hai bên hông. Đường giữa lưng nhập vào trong đầu vây lưng, đặt vào khoảng nửa đường dọc theo cơ thể và hai lần kích thước của vây lưng thứ hai. Vây ngực lớn và rộng, các vùng chậu và vây hậu môn nhỏ hơn nhiều nhưng lớn hơn so với vây lưng thứ hai. Cá nhám nhu mì đạt chiều dài 2,5 m (8,2 ft), với một chiều dài vô căn cứ là 3,5 m (11,5 ft).[4] Cả được và cái không có dị hình kích thước.

Phân bố và môi trường sống

Cá nhám xuất hiện ở các vùng biển nhiệt đới của Ấn Độ-Thái Bình Dương từ Nam Phi đến Biển ĐỏVịnh Ba Tư (bao gồm cả MadagascarMaldives), đến Ấn ĐộĐông Nam Á (trong đó có Indonesia, Philippines, và Palau), phía Bắc đến Đài LoanNhật Bản, phía đông giáp Nouvelle-CalédonieTonga, và về phía nam tới miền bắc Úc.[4][5]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Pillans, R. and Simpfendorfer, C. (2003). Stegostoma fasciatum. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 5 năm 2009.
  2. ^ Thái Thanh Dương (chủ biên), Các loài cá thường gặp ở Việt Nam, Bộ Thủy sản, Hà Nội, 2007. Tr.2.
  3. ^ Randall, J.E. and Hoover, J.P. (1995). Coastal Fishes of Oman. University of Hawaii Press. tr. 20. ISBN 0-8248-1808-3.
  4. ^ a ă â Compagno, L.J.V. (2002). Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date (Volume 2). Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization. tr. 184–188. ISBN 92-5-104543-7.
  5. ^ Bester, C. Biological Profiles: Zebra Shark. Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 5 năm 2009.

Tham khảo

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Cá nhám nhu mì: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá nhám nhu mì (danh pháp hai phần: Stegostoma fasciatum, tiếng Anh: Zebra shark) là một loài thuộc họ Stegostomatidae. Loài cá này được tìm thấy trên khắp Ấn Độ-Thái Bình Dương nhiệt đới, thường xuyên lui tới các rạn san hô và các bãi cát ở độ sâu 62 m. Con trưởng thành có bề ngoài đặc biệt, với các lằn theo chiều dọc trên một cơ thể hình trụ, vây đuôi thấp bao gồm gần một nửa tổng chiều dài, với các chấm đen trên nền nhạt. Con non dài 50–90 cm (20-35) có kiểu màu sắc hoàn toàn khác nhau, bao gồm ánh sáng của các sọc thẳng đứng trên một nền màu nâu, và thiếu các đường gờ. Con trưởn thành loài này đạt chiều dài 2,5 m.

Cá nhám nhu mì là loài ăn đêm và dành hầu hết các ngày nghỉ ngơi bất động dưới đáy biển. Vào ban đêm, chúng chủ động săn bắt động vật thân mềm, động vật giáp xác, cá xương nhỏ, và có thể loài rắn biển bên trong lỗ và đường nứt rạn san hô. Mặc dù đơn độc nhất trong năm, chúng tạo thành các đàn lớn theo mùa. Cá nhám nhu mì là noan sinh: cá cái đẻ vài chục viên nang trứng lớn, họ neo đậu cho các cấu trúc dưới nước thông qua các tua dính. Vô hại cho con người và khỏe mạnh trong điều kiện nuôi nhốt, cá nhám nhu mì là những đối tượng phổ biến của du lịch sinh thái lặn và hồ công cộng. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thế giới đã đánh giá loài này trên toàn thế giới dễ bị tổn thương, vì nó bị đánh bắt thương mại ở hầu hết các phạm vi của nó (trừ ngoài khơi Úc) để lấy thịt, vây, dầu gan. Có bằng chứng rằng các con số của nó đang giảm dần.

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Зебровая акула ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Латинское название Stegostoma fasciatum
(Hermann, 1783)

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

ITIS 159973 NCBI 378071 Международная Красная книга
Status iucn3.1 VU ru.svg
Уязвимые виды
IUCN 3.1 Vulnerable: 41878

Зе́бровая аку́ла[1][2][3], или аку́ла-зе́бра[3] (лат. Stegostoma fasciatum) — единственный вид семейства зебровых акул (Stegostomatidae). Легко узнаваема благодаря пятнистой окраске, длинному хвосту и продольным гребням на коже по бокам.

Распространена в тропических и субтропических водах Тихого и Индийского океанов, иногда встречается в южной части Японского моря.


Длина зебровой акулы может достигать 2,3 м, очень редко 3 м. Тело цилиндрическое, с пятью выступающими продольными гребнями на коже (у взрослых). Голова широкая, несколько уплощенная. Жаберные щели небольшие; их 5 пар. Брызгальца крупные. Ноздри с короткими усиками. Рот умеренно большой, зубы слабо дифференцированы, имеют центральную вершину и два боковых зубчика; 28-33 в верхней челюсти и 22-32 в нижней[4].

Шипов при плавниках нет. Первый спинной плавник больше второго. Грудные плавники довольно большие и широкие, намного больше брюшных. Брюшные меньше первого спинного, но больше второго, и примерно такие же, или несколько больше, чем анальный плавник. Хвостовой плавник очень длинный, около половины общей длины акулы, причем он не имеет нижней лопасти[4].

Stegostoma fasciatum JNC1529 Body.JPG

Цвет у взрослых особей желто-коричневый с темно-коричневыми пятнами; брюшная сторона окрашена бледно. Молодые особи (до 70 см) окрашены совсем по-другому: они темного цвета с белыми пятнами и вертикальными полосами. Из-за этого, а также из-за того, что у них нет гребней на коже, раньше их считали отдельным видом[4].

Молодая зебровая акула

Питается акула в основном моллюсками, а также ракообразными и мелкой рыбой[5].

Зебровая акула принадлежит к числу яйцекладущих. Её яйцевые капсулы довольно большие (до 17 см в длину), продолговатые и имеют роговые придатки, которыми они прикрепляются ко дну[4].

Взаимодействие с человеком

Эта акула не агрессивна и опасности для человека не представляет (но если её спровоцировать, может укусить). Её значение для промышленного рыболовства небольшое, но всё же её ловля ведётся на всём протяжении ареала. Иногда попадается в качестве прилова; также её ловят рыбаки-любители[4][5].

Зебровая акула относительно хорошо переносит неволю: её часто можно встретить в экспозициях океанариумов и в аквариумах[5].

См. также


  1. Жизнь животных. Том 4. Ланцетники. Круглоротые. Хрящевые рыбы. Костные рыбы / под ред. Т. С. Раса, гл. ред. В. Е. Соколов. — 2-е изд. — М.: Просвещение, 1983. — С. 28. — 575 с.
  2. Линдберг, Г. У., Герд, А. С., Расс, Т. С. Словарь названий морских промысловых рыб мировой фауны. — Ленинград: Наука, 1980. — С. 32. — 562 с.
  3. 1 2 Решетников Ю. С., Котляр А. Н., Расс Т. С., Шатуновский М. И. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Рыбы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1989. — С. 21. — 12 500 экз.ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 Compagno, Leonard J.V. Volume 2. Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes) // FAO species catalogue. Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date. — Рим: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, 2002. — P. 184–188. — ISBN 92-5-104543-7.
  5. 1 2 3 Bester, C. Biological Profiles: Zebra Shark. Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. Проверено 2012-09-11.
direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Зебровая акула: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Зе́бровая аку́ла, или аку́ла-зе́бра (лат. Stegostoma fasciatum) — единственный вид семейства зебровых акул (Stegostomatidae). Легко узнаваема благодаря пятнистой окраске, длинному хвосту и продольным гребням на коже по бокам.

Распространена в тропических и субтропических водах Тихого и Индийского океанов, иногда встречается в южной части Японского моря.

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

豹纹鲨 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科













  1. ^ Dudgeon, C.L., Simpfendorfer, C. & Pillans, R.D. Stegostoma fasciatum. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2016 [2018-08-08].
 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:豹纹鲨
皺鰓鯊科 六鳃鲨科
(Cow sharks) 刺鯊科
(Gulper sharks) 黑棘鮫科
笠鱗鮫科 灯笼棘鲛科
(Lantern sharks)
粗皮棘鲛科 梦棘鲛科
(Dogfish sharks)
锯鲨科 扁鯊科 虎鲨科 长须鲨科 绞口鲨科
(Bamboo sharks) 须鲨科
(Collared carpet sharks)
鲸鲨科 豹纹鲨科 沙条鲨科英语Hemigaleidae
(Weasel sharks)
须皱唇鲨科 原鲨科英语Proscylliidae
(Finback sharks)
(Hammerhead sharks) 皱唇鲨科
  • 见下面列出的大表
  • 见下面列出的大表
(River sharks)
(Thresher sharks)
姥鲛科 鼠鲨科 巨口鲨科 尖吻鮫科 锥齿鲨科
拟锥齿鲛科 物種識別信息
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wikipedia 中文维基百科

豹纹鲨: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科


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wikipedia 中文维基百科

トラフザメ ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
トラフザメ Leopard shark.jpg
Stegostoma fasciatum
保全状況評価[1] ENDANGERED
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 EN.svg 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata : 軟骨魚綱 Chondrichthyes : テンジクザメ目 Orectolobiformes : トラフザメ科 Stegostomatidae
Gill, 1862 : トラフザメ属 Stegostoma
Müller & Henle, 1837 : トラフザメ S. fasciatum 学名 Stegostoma fasciatum
(Hermann, 1783) シノニム

Scyllia quinquecornuatum van Hasselt, 1823
Scyllium heptagonum Rüppell, 1837
Squalus cirrosus Gronow, 1854
Squalus fasciatus Hermann, 1783
Squalus longicaudus Gmelin, 1789
Squalus pantherinus Kuhl & van Hasselt, 1852
Squalus tigrinus Forster, 1781
Squalus varius Seba, 1759
Stegostoma carinatum Blyth, 1847
Stegostoma tigrinum naucum Whitley, 1939
Stegostoma varium Garman, 1913

英名 Zebra shark Cypron-Range Stegostoma fasciatum.svg

トラフザメ虎斑鮫、学名:Stegostoma fasciatum、英名:Zebra shark)は、テンジクザメ目に属するサメの一種。トラフザメ科トラフザメ属単型である。インド太平洋全域、60m以浅のサンゴ礁で見られる。成体は円筒形の体、体側の隆起線、非常に長い尾鰭、薄黄色の体色に散らばる黒い斑点を持ち、識別は容易である。幼体は横縞を持ち、成体とは体色が完全に異なる。全長2.5 m程度になる。




1759年に出版されたアルベルトゥス・セバシソーラスLocupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio – Naaukeurige beschryving van het schatryke kabinet der voornaamste seldzaamheden der natuur』の中でツノザメ属英語版の新種Squalus varius として記載された。セバは幼体のイラストとラテン語による包括的な記載を発表したが、タイプ標本は指定しなかった。1783年にジャン・エルマンは『Tabula affinitatum animalium』の中でSqualus fasciatusとして記載命名した。1837年、ミュラーヘンレは本種を独自の新属 Stegostoma 属に移し、1801年にブロッホおよびシュナイダーによって『110の画像付分類魚類学』("Systema ichthyologiae iconibus CX illustratum")の中で用いられた[2] 種小名 fasciatus を使用した。Stegostoma中性形であるため、学名は Stegostoma fasciatum となる。1984年、レオナルド・コンパーニョ英語版は、Squalus variusも学名の一つと解釈することはできるが、セバ が記載論文中で学名を一貫して用いていないことを理由に、"fasciatus/m"を正式な学名として支持した。コンパーニョによれば、最初に"varius/m"が適切に用いられたのは1913年のサミュエル・ガーマンによるものであり、この名はジュニアシノニムとみなせる[3][4]。現在はS. fasciatumS. varium どちらも本種を指す学名として用いられている[3]

属名はギリシャ語の stego(覆い)、stoma(口)に由来する[5]種小名 fasciatum は“縞模様”を意味し、幼魚の体色に因んだものである[6]。この体色は英名"zebra shark"の由来ともなっている。"leopard shark"の名が本種の成体に対して用いられることもあるが、この名は普通はカリフォルニアドチザメ Triakis semifasciata、またはイタチザメを指す[3]。成長に連れて大きく体型・体色が変化するため、幼体はSqualus tigrinus、亜成体はS. longicaudatusとして別種とされていた時代もあった[4]



形態・分子系統の両面から、ジンベエザメコモリザメ科とともに単系統群を構成することは広く受け入れられている[8]。この単系統群内での系統関係には諸説があるが[9][4][8]分子系統解析ではタンビコモリザメ Pseudoginglymostoma brevicaudatum の姉妹群であるという結果が得られている[10]




成魚の体には5列の隆起線があり、1列は背の正中線上で背鰭と一体になり、他の2対は体側にある。第一背鰭は第二背鰭の2倍程度の大きさである。胸鰭は大きくて幅広い。腹鰭臀鰭はそれより小さいが、第二背鰭よりは大きい。尾鰭は体と同じくらい長い。下葉は小さく、上葉の先端には大きな欠刻がある。2.5 m程度まで成長するが、不確実な記録では3.5 mというものもある[4]。全長に雌雄差はない[12]

幼魚は背側が暗褐色、腹側が淡黄色で、黄色い横縞、斑点がある。50-90cmまで成長すると黒い部分が縮小を始め、ヒョウ柄模様に変化してゆく[4]。成体の模様は個体ごとに差があり、個体識別に用いることができる[12]。1964年、インド洋において全ての斑点を欠くアルビノ個体が発見された。これは全長1.9 mの成体雌で、目立つアルビノが野生下で長期間生存していたという点で、非常に珍しいものである[3]



インド太平洋の熱帯に分布する。南アフリカから紅海ペルシャ湾マダガスカルモルディブを含む)・インド東南アジア (インドネシアフィリピンパラオを含む)、北は台湾日本まで、東はニューカレドニアトンガまで、南はオーストラリア北部までで確認されている[4][5]

底生で、潮間帯から水深62 m程度の大陸棚の上に生息する。成体、大型の幼体はよくサンゴ礁・礫底・砂底で見られる[4]。不確実ではあるが、フィリピンの淡水で見られたという報告もある[5]外洋を渡って別の島や海山に移動することもあり[12]、ある個体は140kmを移動した記録がある[12]。だが、遺伝子からは、連続する分布域であっても個体群間の移動は少ないことが示された[13]



餌は主に貝類甲殻類、小さな硬骨魚などで、おそらくウミヘビも食べる。体が細く柔らかいため、狭い穴や裂け目にも入り込み、口腔の分厚い筋肉によって獲物を吸い出すことができる[4]。本種はより大きな魚類や海獣の餌となる。寄生虫として、4種のPedibothrium 属の条虫などが見つかっている[3]








飼育下では、温度に依存するが、卵は4-6ヶ月で孵化する[17]。孵化時は全長20-36cmで、成魚に比べ尾鰭が体に対して長い[4]。幼魚がどのような場所で成長するかはよく分かっていないが、ある報告では50m以深、インドからの別の報告では成体より浅い場所、という結果がある。幼魚の縞模様には、群れの中で各個体の境界を曖昧にし、捕食者が1個体を狙いにくくする役割があると考えられている[14]、雄は1.5-1.8 m、雌は1.7mで性成熟する[4]。寿命は野生下で25-30年と見られている[5]。雌が無性生殖した報告が1例ある[18]





  1. ^ a b c Pillans, R. and Simpfendorfer, C. (Stegostoma fasciatum. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2008. 2009年5月12日閲覧。
  2. ^ Bloch, M.E.; Schneider, J.G. (1801). Systema Ichthyologiae iconibus cx illustratum. Berolini: Sumtibus auctoris impressum et Bibliopolio Sanderiano commissum. p. 367.
  3. ^ a b c d e Martin, R.A. (Jan. 31, 1999). Albino Zebras and Leopards Changing Their Spots. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. Retrieved on May 12, 2009.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Compagno, L.J.V. (2002). Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date (Volume 2). Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization. pp. 184–188. ISBN 92-5-104543-7.
  5. ^ a b c d e Bester, C. Biological Profiles: Zebra Shark. Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. Retrieved on May 12, 2009.
  6. ^ Van der Elst, R. and Borchert, P. (1993). A Guide to the Common Sea Fishes of Southern Africa (third ed.). Struik. pp. 63. ISBN 1-86825-394-5.
  7. ^ 岸上鎌吉 (1903-02-15). “ヤスリサメとトラフサメ”. 動物学雑誌 (日本動物学会) 15 (172): 41-44. NAID 110003357222.
  8. ^ a b Goto, T. (2001). “Comparative Anatomy, Phylogeny and Cladistic Classification of the Order Orectolobiformes (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii)”. Memoirs of the Graduate School of Fisheries Science, Hokkaido University 48 (1): 1–101.
  9. ^ Dingerkus, G. (1986). “Interrelationships of orectolobiform sharks (Chondrichthyes: Selachii)”. In Uyeno, T., Arai, R., Taniuchi, T. and Matsuura, K.. Indo-Pacific fish biology: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Indo-Pacific Fishes. Tokyo: Ichthyological Society of Japan. pp. 227–245.
  10. ^ Naylor, G.J.; Caira, J.N.; Jensen, K.; Rosana, K.A.; Straube, N.; Lakner, C. (2012). “Elasmobranch phylogeny: A mitochondrial estimate based on 595 species”. In Carrier, J.C.; Musick, J.A.; Heithaus, M.R., eds. The Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives (second ed.). CRC Press. pp. 31–57. ISBN 1-4398-3924-7. http://prosper.cofc.edu/~sharkevolution/pdfs/Naylor_et_al_Carrier%20Chapter%202.pdf.
  11. ^ Randall, J.E. and Hoover, J.P. (1995). Coastal Fishes of Oman. University of Hawaii Press. p. 20. ISBN 0-8248-1808-3.
  12. ^ a b c d e Dudgeon, C.L., Noad, M.J. and Lanyon, J.M. (2008). “Abundance and demography of a seasonal aggregation of zebra sharks Stegostoma fasciatum”. Marine Ecology Progress Series 368: 269–281. doi:10.3354/meps07581.
  13. ^ Dudgeon, C.L., Broderick, D. and Ovenden, J.R. (2009). “IUCN classification zones concord with, but underestimate, the population genetic structure of the zebra shark Stegostoma fasciatum in the Indo-West Pacific”. Molecular Ecology 18 (2): 248–261. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2008.04025.x. PMID 19192179.
  14. ^ a b c Martin, R.A. Coral Reefs: Zebra Shark. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. Retrieved on May 12, 2009.
  15. ^ Pillans, R.D. and Simpfendorfer, C.A. (2003). “Zebra shark, Stegostoma fasciatum (Hermann, 1783)”. In Cavanagh, R.D., Kyne, P.M., Fowler, S.L., Musick, J.A. and Bennet, M.B.. The Conservation Status of Australasian Chondrichthyans: Report of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group Australia and Oceania Regional Red List Workshop. Queensland: IUCN. pp. 60–61.
  16. ^ Brunnschweiler, J.M. and Pratt, H.L. (Jr.) (2008). “Putative Male – Male Agonistic Behaviour in Free-Living Zebra Sharks, Stegostoma fasciatum”. The Open Fish Science Journal 1 (1): 23–27. doi:10.2174/1874401X00801010023.
  17. ^ a b c Kunize, K. and Simmons, L.. “Notes on Reproduction of the Zebra Shark, Stegostoma fasciatum, in a Captive Environment”. In Smith, M., Warmolts, D., Thoney, D. and Hueter, R.. The Elasmobranch Husbandry Manual: Captive Care of Sharks, Rays and their Relatives. Special Publication of the Ohio Biological Survey. pp. 493–497. ISBN 0-86727-152-3.
  18. ^ "Zebra shark at centre of 'virgin birth' mystery" (January 5, 2012). BBC News. Retrieved on January 5, 2012.
  19. ^ Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2009). "Stegostoma fasciatum" in FishBase. May 2009 version.


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、トラフザメに関連するカテゴリがあります。
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wikipedia 日本語

トラフザメ: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語

トラフザメ (虎斑鮫、学名:Stegostoma fasciatum、英名:Zebra shark)は、テンジクザメ目に属するサメの一種。トラフザメ科、トラフザメ属は単型である。インド太平洋全域、60m以浅のサンゴ礁で見られる。成体は円筒形の体、体側の隆起線、非常に長い尾鰭、薄黄色の体色に散らばる黒い斑点を持ち、識別は容易である。幼体は横縞を持ち、成体とは体色が完全に異なる。全長2.5 m程度になる。


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wikipedia 日本語

얼룩말상어 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

얼룩말상어 또는 제브라상어(Stegostoma fasciatum)는 수염상어목에 속하는 상어의 일종이다.[2] 얼룩말상어과(Stegostomatidae)와 얼룩말상어속(Stegostoma)의 유일종이다. 열대 인도-태평양 전역에서 발견되며, 수심 62m 이내의 산호초와 모래 바닥에서 주로 서식한다. 몸길이는 최대 2.5m이다.


  1. “Stegostoma fasciatum”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2008판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2003. 2009년 5월 12일에 확인함.
  2. (영어) Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2015년). 어류 정보 사이트 피시베이스(FishBase)의 Stegostoma fasciatum. 2015년 5월판.
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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

얼룩말상어: Brief Summary ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

얼룩말상어 또는 제브라상어(Stegostoma fasciatum)는 수염상어목에 속하는 상어의 일종이다. 얼룩말상어과(Stegostomatidae)와 얼룩말상어속(Stegostoma)의 유일종이다. 열대 인도-태평양 전역에서 발견되며, 수심 62m 이내의 산호초와 모래 바닥에서 주로 서식한다. 몸길이는 최대 2.5m이다.

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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자