
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

fornecido por AnAge articles
Observations: Little is known about the longevity of these animals, but they may live 25 years in captivity (Richard Weigl 2005).
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Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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AnAge articles

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins are occasionally hunted by humans, but not on a commercial scale. They are not generally held in captivity by aquariums because of high mortality rates for captive individuals.

Positive Impacts: food

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Napier, S. 2011. "Sousa chinensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sousa_chinensis.html
Stephanie Napier, University of Oregon
Stephen Frost, University of Oregon
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins communicate with each other through clicks, whistles, and screams. Clicks are frequently heard, while screams are the least common and have only been observed in groups exceeding 4 or 5 individuals.

Communication Channels: acoustic

Perception Channels: tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Napier, S. 2011. "Sousa chinensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sousa_chinensis.html
Stephanie Napier, University of Oregon
Stephen Frost, University of Oregon
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins are listed as near threatened by the IUCN and on Appendix I by CITES. Because they live in lose proximity to the shore, they often get tangled in fishing nets and, in areas in Africa, in anti-shark nets. Destruction of habitats is most likely the greatest threat to this species. This destruction is caused by environmental contaminants and reclamation of coastal waters.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: appendix i

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: critically endangered

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Napier, S. 2011. "Sousa chinensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sousa_chinensis.html
Stephanie Napier, University of Oregon
Stephen Frost, University of Oregon
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

There are no known adverse effects of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins on humans.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Napier, S. 2011. "Sousa chinensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sousa_chinensis.html
Stephanie Napier, University of Oregon
Stephen Frost, University of Oregon
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins eat a variety of fish and are prey to some sharks. They also host some parasites, such as nematodes (Anisakis alexandri), which affect the stomach. In Hong Kong, lungworms (Halocercus pingi) have been observed in their orbits. Barnacles (Halocercus pingi) have also been observed living on the skin of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins.

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • nematodes (Anisakis alexandri)
  • lungworms (Halocercus pingi)
  • barnacles (Halocercus pingi)
direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Napier, S. 2011. "Sousa chinensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sousa_chinensis.html
Stephanie Napier, University of Oregon
Stephen Frost, University of Oregon
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins primarily feed on abundant estuarine fish and fish associated with reef environments. They generally feed close to the ocean floor. Some groups feed with the rising tide. Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins are also known to follow trawlers, feeding on discarded organisms.

Animal Foods: fish; mollusks; aquatic crustaceans; other marine invertebrates

Primary Diet: carnivore (Piscivore , Molluscivore )

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Napier, S. 2011. "Sousa chinensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sousa_chinensis.html
Stephanie Napier, University of Oregon
Stephen Frost, University of Oregon
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins, Sousa chinensis, are found the Indian and Pacific Ocean, from the coast of Africa to the coast of China and Australia. There are two distinct forms of this species: Indian humpbacked dolphins Sousa chinensis plumbea and Pacific humpbacked dolphins Sousa chinensis chinensis. Indian humpbacked dolphins are mainly found along the coasts of the Indian Ocean, while Pacific humpbacked dolphins are mainly found along the coasts of Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and Australia. Members of this species have been observed off the coast of over 30 different countries. They do not, however, occur around the Philippines due to the presence of deep oceanic waters.

Biogeographic Regions: indian ocean (Native ); pacific ocean (Native )

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Napier, S. 2011. "Sousa chinensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sousa_chinensis.html
Stephanie Napier, University of Oregon
Stephen Frost, University of Oregon
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins have a highly tropical and subtropical distribution. They live in warm waters, generally warmer than 15 degrees Celsius, and at an average depth of 20 m, rarely traveling to waters deeper than 25 m. They are often found in or near bays, estuaries, mangrove forests, sandbanks, rocky and coral reefs and large river mouths. They generally remain close to the shore, but occasionally venture further if water depth remains shallow.

Range depth: 25 (high) m.

Average depth: 20 m.

Habitat Regions: tropical ; saltwater or marine

Aquatic Biomes: reef ; brackish water

Other Habitat Features: estuarine

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Napier, S. 2011. "Sousa chinensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sousa_chinensis.html
Stephanie Napier, University of Oregon
Stephen Frost, University of Oregon
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Lifespan of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins is fairly high in the wild; they generally live 40 or more years. Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins are not commonly raised in captivity. Many die after 3 months in captivity, and one individual in India died after 28 days due to starvation. One individual, however, lived 31 years in captivity.

Range lifespan
Status: captivity:
.08 to 31 years.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
40 years.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Napier, S. 2011. "Sousa chinensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sousa_chinensis.html
Stephanie Napier, University of Oregon
Stephen Frost, University of Oregon
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins are medium-sized dolphins, ranging from 1.8 to 3 m in length and weighing 250 to 285 kg when fully grown. Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins in waters near southern Africa express sexual dimorphism, with males larger than females, but sexual dimorphism is not observed in other areas.

The dorsal fin and hump of Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins varies with geographical region. In eastern waters, the dorsal fin is short and sits on a wide base that gradually slopes into the body. The tip of the fin is lightly recurved, and the hump is only 5 to 10% of the total body length. In western waters, the dorsal fin is shorter and more recurved, however it sits atop a much wider and longer base that reaches to about 30% of the body length.

Coloration of Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins varies greatly with developmental stage and with geographic region. In general, subadults are a mottled grayish-pink color and calves are dark gray. Individuals found in southern African waters are typically dark gray with a lighter ventral surface. They develop a pinkish-white spot on the dorsal fin as they age. Calves in this region are much lighter than those of other regions. Individuals found in the northern Indian Ocean are more brownish-gray in color. In waters around China and other areas of southeast Asia, individuals are pure white, often with a pinkish tint. White Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins also often have a speckling of dark flecks on their body.

Range mass: 250 to 280 kg.

Range length: 1.8 to 3 m.

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike; male larger

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Napier, S. 2011. "Sousa chinensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sousa_chinensis.html
Stephanie Napier, University of Oregon
Stephen Frost, University of Oregon
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Sharks are the only known predator of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins. While unconfirmed, it is likely that killer whales, Orcinus orca also prey on this species. Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins have been known to flee from sharks and to chase sharks to avoid predation.

Known Predators:

  • Sharks
direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Napier, S. 2011. "Sousa chinensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sousa_chinensis.html
Stephanie Napier, University of Oregon
Stephen Frost, University of Oregon
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Little information about the mating systems of Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins is documented. However, the most likely reroductive strategy of males is mate searching.

Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins breed once yearly, though births typically occur in the spring and summer. After a gestation period of 10 to 12 months, females usually give birth to 1 offspring that measures approximately 100 cm in length. Young are weaned around 2 years of age, although they are capable of eating solid foods after 6 months. Females reach sexual maturity around 9 to 10 years of age, while males reach sexual maturity around 12 to 13 years of age.

Breeding interval: Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins breed once yearly.

Average number of offspring: 1.

Range gestation period: 10 to 12 months.

Range weaning age: 24 to 36 months.

Average weaning age: 24 months.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 9 to 10 years.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 12 to 13 years.

Key Reproductive Features: gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous

Female Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins provide considerable care to their young. Calves are weaned around 2 years of age and remain in association with their mother for 3 to 4 years. Allomothering, or non-maternal infant care, has been observed off the coasts of South Africa and Hong Kong.

Parental Investment: female parental care ; pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-independence (Protecting: Female)

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Napier, S. 2011. "Sousa chinensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Sousa_chinensis.html
Stephanie Napier, University of Oregon
Stephen Frost, University of Oregon
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Biology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
Little is known about the behaviour of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, but small groups of around three to seven individuals are most commonly seen (5). These are slow-swimming dolphins, typically travelling at around 4.8 kilometres per hour (5). Despite this sluggishness, many aerial displays are seen; including breaching, when the dolphin leaps out of the water, lob tailing (slapping the surface of the water with the tail) and spyhopping, when the dolphin raises its head vertically out of the water and then sinks below the surface quietly (6). These dolphins feed primarily on reef-associated and estuarine fish (9). Individuals may be aggressive and this appears to affect dominance rank within the group (5).
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Conservation ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
Information on population densities and distributions are urgently needed before an effective conservation plan can be put into action.
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Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin has a typically streamlined body and a long slender beak (5). Populations differ in both shape and colour, with those in the west of the range possessing a 'double-step' dorsal fin with a fatty hump upon which the dorsal fin sits (6). Although usually dark grey on their back and lighter underneath, white and pink variations are also known; the most famous of these are the 'pink dolphins' of Hong Kong bay (2). The humpback dolphin has an unusual diving posture, first lifting its beak out of the water and arching its back, and then pausing before dipping below the surface or flipping its tail to dive (2). Given the wide morphological differences, there is some disagreement as to whether the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin does in fact represent four different species: Sousa plumbea, Sousa lentiginosa, Sousa chinensis and Sousaborneensis respectively (5).
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Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
Inhabits coastal tropical and subtropical waters, preferring areas that are less than 20 metres deep (6).
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Range ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
Found along the coasts of the Indian and western Pacific Oceans (6), from southern China and north Australia in the east, to South Africa in the west.
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Status ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
Classified as Near Threatened (NT) on the IUCN Red List (1), and listed on Appendix I of CITES (4).
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Threats ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins are at risk from factors that also threaten all other cetaceans, such as entanglement in fishing nets, pollution and the depletion of fish stocks worldwide (6). These coastal dolphins are also threatened by boat traffic, a factor that is especially pertinent in Hong Kong where this dolphin's habitat is also the busiest harbour in the world. In South Africa, shark nets may be an important cause of mortality but more data on this potential threat is required (8).
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Distribution in Egypt ( Inglês )

fornecido por Bibliotheca Alexandrina LifeDesk

Resident in Red Sea and accidental in Mediterranean (Israel, and Egypt at Port Said, probably from the Suez Canal).

direitos autorais
Bibliotheca Alexandrina
BA Cultnat
Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Status in Egypt ( Inglês )

fornecido por Bibliotheca Alexandrina LifeDesk

Native, resident?

direitos autorais
Bibliotheca Alexandrina
BA Cultnat
Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Size ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Maximum known body sizes are 3.2 m (males) and 2.5 m (females). Weights of up to 284 kg have been recorded. Newborns appear to be around 1 m in length.
citação bibliográfica
Marine mammals of the world. Jefferson, T.A., S. Leatherwood & M.A. Webber - 1993. FAO species identification guide. Rome, FAO. 320 p. 587 figs. . 
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
In the northwest Indian Ocean, at least, some direct catches for human consumption and for oil are known. Incidental captures in fishing nets are known or suspected throughout the range. Catches occur in antishark gillnets off southeast Africa and off eastern Australia. Mortality off South Africa has been implicated as a population threat there. Mangrove habitat degradation may also present a threat to this species. IUCN: Insufficiently known.
citação bibliográfica
Marine mammals of the world. Jefferson, T.A., S. Leatherwood & M.A. Webber - 1993. FAO species identification guide. Rome, FAO. 320 p. 587 figs. . 
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Groups tend to contain fewer than 10 individuals, though some contain up to 30. Group structure has been studied using photo-identification techniques and off South Africa, some herds are stable. Also, off South Africa, where these dolphins have been most thoroughly studied, groups preferentially use sandy bays for resting and socializing, and open rocky coastline for foraging. Herds often patrol slowly parallel to shore. They are moderately acrobatic, but do not often bowride. Mating and calving occur all year, at least in South Africa, but there appears to be a calving peak in summer. Feeding is primarily on nearshore, estuarine, and reef fish.
citação bibliográfica
Marine mammals of the world. Jefferson, T.A., S. Leatherwood & M.A. Webber - 1993. FAO species identification guide. Rome, FAO. 320 p. 587 figs. . 
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Dolphins of this highly variable species are characterized by a robust body with a long, well-defined beak. In most populations (especially those off southern Africa), the dorsal fin sits on a hump, or ridge, in the middle of the animal's back. In others the ridge appears to be absent, or less well-developed. In most areas, there also appear to be well-developed ridges on the tail stock. Males are larger and have more exaggerated ridges on the back and tail stock. The colour pattern varies with age and area. In most regions, light coloured calves darken with age to become dark lead grey above and light grey below. However, off Malaysia and northern Australia calves and adults are nearly white. In the western Indian Ocean and off China dark calves lighten with age. In the latter case, pinkish white with spots and blotches. adults are There are 29 to 38 teeth in each tooth row. Can be confused with: Hump-backed dolphins are most likely to be confused with bottlenose dolphins . Differences in dorsal-fin shape (including presence of the hump on many hump-backed dolphins), head shape, and colour can be used to distinguish between the 2. Also, humpbacks tend to surface differently, pausing at the top of their roll.
citação bibliográfica
Marine mammals of the world. Jefferson, T.A., S. Leatherwood & M.A. Webber - 1993. FAO species identification guide. Rome, FAO. 320 p. 587 figs. . 
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Dofí d'estuari indopacífic ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

El dofí d'estuari indopacífic o dofí geperut indopacífic (Sousa chinensis) és una espècie de dofí oceànic (família Delphinidae).


Els dofins adults solen ser blancs o grisos, però la població que viu a la costa xinesa té una pell rosa.[1] Aquest color de pell no és el resultat d'una pigmentació, sinó que es deu als vasos sanguinis utilitzats per la termoregulació, per evitar que l'animal se sobreescalfi durant els esforços intensos. Els adults mesuren 2-3,5 metres i les cries un metre. Els adults pesen una mitjana de 150-230 quilograms.

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Dofí d'estuari indopacífic: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

El dofí d'estuari indopacífic o dofí geperut indopacífic (Sousa chinensis) és una espècie de dofí oceànic (família Delphinidae).

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Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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wikipedia CA

Delfín indočínský ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Delfín indočínský (Sousa chinensis) je druh živočicha z řádu kytovci, podřádu ozubení, čeledi delfínovití, rodu delfín (Sousa). Vyskytuje se ve dvou poddruzích: Sousa chinensis chinensis, zvaný též čínský bílý delfín, a Sousa chinensis plumbea, zvaný též honkongský růžový delfín.[2][3]


Barva delfína indočínského je po narození téměř černá,[3] v mládí zbarvená do růžova, postupně se mění ve světle šedivou,[2][3] dospělý jedinec má barvu krémově nebo špinavě bílou až světle šedou či až temně olovnatě šedou nebo má barvu růžovou.[4] Zbarvení není způsobeno pigmentací, ale sítí krevních žil, sloužících k lepší termoregulaci.[2]

Dospělý delfín indočínský dosahuje délky 1,6–2,6 m a váží asi 150 kg. Hřbetní ploutev má vysokou a trojúhelníkovou se širokou základnou, hrudní ploutve jsou malé. Horní čelist i dolní čelist má na levé i na pravé straně 32–37 zubů.[4]


Delfín indočínský žije v oceánu, ale dokáže žít i ve sladkých vodách.[2]

Výzkumníci z Wildlife Conservation Society, kteří studovali jejich genetiku, došli k závěru, že delfíni indočínští žijí ve skupinách tvořenými samostatnými populacemi, které se vzájemně nekříží.[5]


Delfín indočínský je kriticky ohrožený druh. Je ohrožen především znečištěním velkých řek, především v Číně (včetně Hongkongu). V Pearl River žije jen asi 40–80 jedinců.[2]



  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]
  2. a b c d e http://www.balzarova.cz/cz/clanky.php?i=15
  3. a b c http://www.czech-press.cz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=692&catid=13&Itemid=4
  4. a b http://zabaci.cz/fauna-a-flora/130-delfini.html
  5. http://www.rozhlas.cz/leonardo/zpravy/_zprava/morske-proudy-oddeluji-delfiny--870641
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Delfín indočínský: Brief Summary ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Delfín indočínský (Sousa chinensis) je druh živočicha z řádu kytovci, podřádu ozubení, čeledi delfínovití, rodu delfín (Sousa). Vyskytuje se ve dvou poddruzích: Sousa chinensis chinensis, zvaný též čínský bílý delfín, a Sousa chinensis plumbea, zvaný též honkongský růžový delfín.

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wikipedia CZ

Chinesischer Weißer Delfin ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Chinesische Weiße Delfin (Sousa chinensis, chinesisch 中華白海豚, Pinyin Zhōnghuá bái hǎitún) ist eine Delfinart aus dem zentralen, tropischen Indopazifik.


Der Artstatus des Kamerunflussdelfins (Sousa teuszii), dessen Verbreitungsgebiet im Atlantik weit entfernt von dem der anderen Tiere der Gattung Sousa liegt und der sich auch in Anzahl der Wirbel und Zähne unterscheidet, ist weitgehend außer Zweifel. Die Populationen im Indopazifik wurden traditionell als eine einzige Art (Sousa chinensis) betrachtet. Dale Rice,[1] Rüdiger Wandrey,[2] sowie Mendez und Mitarbeiter[3] unterschieden jedoch eine westliche Art, den Bleifarbenen Delfin (Sousa plumbea), der sich farblich unterscheidet, einen deutlichen Rückenbuckel besitzt und dessen Verbreitungsgebiet von Südafrika bis Ostindien reicht. Sousa sahulensis, eine bis 2014 unbeschriebene Art, lebt an der Nordküste Australiens.[4] 2015 wurde Sousa chinensis taiwanensis beschrieben, eine in der Formosastraße vorkommende Unterart des Chinesischen Weißen Delfins, die sich durch eine Musterung mit kleinen, dunklen Punkten von der Nominatform (S. c. chinensis) unterscheidet.[5]


Chinesische Weiße Delfine sind im tropischen Indopazifik beheimatet, ihr Verbreitungsgebiet reicht von der Ostküste des Indischen Subkontinents etwa von den Mündungen von Krishna und Godavari über Südostasien, einschließlich des indonesischen Raums bis zum südlichen China.[3] Sie bevorzugen Küstenregionen mit einer Wassertiefe von höchstens 20 Meter und kommen selten auf das offene Meer hinaus. Allerdings sind diese Tiere gelegentlich in Flüssen zu finden, wie dem Jangtsekiang, allerdings schwimmen sie nur selten weiter ins Landesinnere und halten sich vorwiegend in den Mündungsbereichen auf.


Chinesische Weiße Delfine erreichen eine Länge von 2,4 bis 2,8 Meter und ein Gewicht von 170 bis 260 kg. Die Färbung variiert je nach Alter und Population, ist jedoch meist ein hellgrau oder weiß, das bis ins rosafarbene übergehen kann. Der für die Gattung typische Rückenbuckel, auf dem bei anderen Sousa-Arten die dreieckige Finne sitzt, fehlt beim Chinesischen Weißen Delfin.[6] Der Kopf ist durch eine lange Schnauze und eine leicht eingedrückte Melone gekennzeichnet.


Der Lebensraum dieser Delfine sind seichte, warme Küstengewässer und Brackwasserregionen. Sie bevorzugen Sandbänke oder mangrovenbestandene Küstenabschnitte, sind aber auch in Riffregionen wie dem Great Barrier Reef zu finden. Sie leben in kleinen Gruppen von drei bis sieben Tieren, können sich aber auch zu größeren Verbänden zusammenschließen. Manchmal vergesellschaften sie sich mit Großen Tümmlern, Glattschweinswalen und anderen Walarten. Chinesische Weiße Delfine gelten als langsame Schwimmer und vorsichtige Tiere, die sich von Booten eher entfernen. Die Nahrung dieser Tiere besteht vorwiegend aus Fischen, daneben nehmen sie auch Krebstiere zu sich.


Manchmal werden diese Delfine wegen ihres Fleisches gejagt, allerdings nicht in großem und kommerziellem Ausmaß. Größer sind andere Bedrohungen für diese Tiere: die Fischerei, da sie sich immer wieder in Fischernetzen verfangen, der Bootsverkehr, da die Motorengeräusche die Unterwasserortung der Tiere stören oder sie durch Schiffspropeller getötet werden, die Rodung der Mangrovenwälder an den Küsten sowie die Verschmutzung der Meere. Vor allem in dicht besiedelten Regionen wie dem südöstlichen China haben diese Praktiken zu einem Rückgang der Population geführt.



  1. Dale W. Rice (1998): Marine Mammals of the World. Systematics and Distribution, Society of Marine Mammalogy as Special Publication No. 4
  2. Wandrey (1997), Seite 76.
  3. a b Martin Mendez, Thomas J. Jefferson, Sergios-Orestis Kolokotronis, Michael Krützen, Guido J. Parra, Tim Collins, Giana Minton, Robert Baldwin, Per Berggren, Anna Särnblad, Omar A. Amir, Vic M. Peddemors, Leszek Karczmarski, Almeida Guissamulo, Brian Smith, Dipani Sutaria, George Amato, Howard C. Rosenbaum. Integrating multiple lines of evidence to better understand the evolutionary divergence of humpback dolphins along their entire distribution range: a new dolphin species in Australian waters? Molecular Ecology, 2013; DOI: 10.1111/mec.12535
  4. Thomas A. Jefferson und Howard C. Rosenbaum: Taxonomic revision of the humpback dolphins (Sousa spp.), and description of a new species from Australia. Marine Mammal Science, Volume 30, Issue 4, pages 1494–1541, Oktober 2014, DOI: 10.1111/mms.12152
  5. John Y Wang, Shih Chu Yang and Samuel K Hung. 2015. Diagnosability and Description of A New Subspecies of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin, Sousa chinensis (Osbeck, 1765), from the Taiwan Strait. Zoological Studies. 54:36. DOI: 10.1186/s40555-015-0115-x
  6. Shirihai & Jarrett (2008), Seite 161.
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Chinesischer Weißer Delfin: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Chinesische Weiße Delfin (Sousa chinensis, chinesisch 中華白海豚, Pinyin Zhōnghuá bái hǎitún) ist eine Delfinart aus dem zentralen, tropischen Indopazifik.

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Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis)[3] is a species of humpback dolphin inhabiting coastal waters of the eastern Indian and western Pacific Oceans.[4] This species is often referred to as the Chinese white dolphin in mainland China, Macao, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore as a common name. Some biologists regard the Indo-Pacific dolphin as a subspecies of the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (S. plumbea) which ranges from East Africa to India. However, DNA testing studies have shown that the two are distinct species.[1] A new species, the Australian humpback dolphin (S. sahulensis), was split off from S. chinensis and recognized as a distinct species in 2014.[5] Nevertheless, there are still several unresolved issues in differentiation of the Indian Ocean-type and Indo-Pacific-type humpback dolphins.


Two subspecies of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin are currently recognized:[6]

  • S. c. chinensis, or the Chinese humpback dolphin
  • S. c. taiwanensis, or the Taiwanese humpback dolphin


Tail with visible grey and pink colours

An adult Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin is grey, white or pink[7] and may appear as an albino dolphin to some. Populations along the coasts of China[8] and Thailand [9] have been observed with pink skin. The pink colour originates not from a pigment, but from blood vessels which were overdeveloped for thermoregulation. The body length is 2 to 3.5 m (6 ft 7 in to 11 ft 6 in) for adults , 1 m (3 ft 3 in) for infants. An adult weighs 150 to 230 kg (330 to 510 lb). Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins live up to 40 years,[10] as determined by the analysis of their teeth.

Calves are dark grey or black at birth and measure around 1 m (3.3 ft) in length. Their coloration lightens through a mottled grey as they age.[7]


Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins live in small groups, generally with fewer than ten individuals. They hunt as a group using echolocation.[11]

Adult dolphins come to the water surface to breathe for 20 to 30 seconds before diving deep again, for two to eight minutes. Dolphin calves, with smaller lung capacities, surface twice as often as adults, staying underwater for one to three minutes. Adult dolphins rarely stay under water for more than four minutes. They sometimes leap completely out of the water. They may also rise up vertically from the water, exposing the dorsal half of their bodies. A pair of protruding eyes allows them to see clearly in both air and water.


Female dolphins reach sexual maturity at around ten years old, while males mature at around 13 years old. They usually mate from the end of summer to autumn, and calves are born after a gestation period of eleven months. The mother stays with her calf until it can find food for itself, usually when it reaches 3–4 years old.[10]


The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin is threatened by habitat loss, water pollution, coastal development, overfishing and an increase in marine traffic within its range.[12][13]

In 2015 the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin was classed as "vulnerable" on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.[13]

Water pollution

In 2013, conservationists in Hong Kong warned that the local population had fallen from 158 individuals in 2003 to just 78 in 2011. Members of Hong Kong Dolphinwatch spotted a group of dolphins helping a mother to support her dead calf above the water in an attempt to revive it. A Dolphinwatch spokeswoman claimed that the calf had died after ingesting toxins from polluted seawater through its mother's milk. The Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society warned of a further decline in dolphin numbers in the area.[12]

Plastic pollution

Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins are at particular risk of exposure to organic pollutants because they inhabit shallow coastal waters, which are often impacted by human activities. Anthropogenic pollutants pose a risk to marine mammals that reside in coastal waters. Discharge of organic pollutants into marine environments has been shown to decrease water quality, resulting in habitat loss and a significant reduction in species richness.[14] The loss of key pods has caused species fragmentation, also due to habitat loss, which increases species isolation and decreases connectivity, resulting in population decline.

Plastic pollution is widespread across all oceans due to the buoyant and durable properties of plastic, which allow for sorption of toxicants to plastic while traveling through the environment.[15][16] This has led researchers to the conclusion that synthetic polymers are hazardous to marine life and should be declared as a hazardous waste type. There are many transit paths that allow for plastics and pollutions to enter oceans: freshwater waste can enter oceans by rivers at the delta or estuary, by humans discarding their waste directly into marine waters, or through photo-degradation and other forms of weathering processes that aid in plastic fragmentation and dispersal. Large quantities of fragmented plastics collect in subtropical ocean gyres.[16] Plastic accumulation is not limited to ocean gyres; closed bays, gulfs and seas surrounded by densely populated coastlines and watersheds are all susceptible.[17]

Bioaccumulation:Plastic pollutants traveling from lower-trophic levels to higher-trophic levels.

The consumption of plastics causes adverse effects in marine mammals such as disease susceptibility, reproductive and developmental toxicity.[14] Constant absorption of organic pollutants like plastic can be transferred into the dolphin's tissues and organs through an ingestion pathway that is impacting megafauna, lower trophic levels and predators (not limited to Indo-Pacific).[18] Organ toxicity can lead to organ failure, loss of offspring and milk toxicity. Even if the dolphin is not consuming plastic directly then it can take in plastic pollutants through biomagnification and bioaccumulation. Bioaccumulation is defined as the uptake of chemicals from the environment through dietary intake, dermal (skin) absorption or respiratory transport in air or water. This is a huge factor in plastic toxicity consumption in this species due to its long lifespan, which makes it susceptible to chronic exposure. Also, these dolphins contain a large quantity of blubber, lipids, which can result in an excess of toxicity storage in their tissues.

Echolocation, also known as sonar

Plastic pollution can also interfere with dolphins' use of echolocation. Echolocation is the main sense that all dolphins use to navigate, as well as to pinpoint prey and predators.[19] Dolphins and whales use echolocation by bouncing high-pitched clicking sounds off underwater objects, similar to shouting and listening for echoes. The sounds are made by squeezing air through nasal passages near the blowhole. These sound-waves then pass into the forehead, where a big blob of fat called the melon focuses them into a beam.[20] This process can be interrupted by noise pollution, as well as by obstructions in the water such as masses of oil or plastics.[21] Large blockages in the water can refract sound-waves, misleading the dolphin to falsely detect prey, kin or a predator in the area. This can become confusing and frustrating which can lead to extreme stress and potential health issues.

Clusters of plastic debris can cause noise pollution which interferes with the dolphins' sense of echolocation. As plastic debris is hurled together by ocean currents, sound is produced underwater. An excess of sound waves underwater can render the dolphins' sense of echolocation useless.

Distributions and watching

Adult Chinese white dolphin swimming off the coast of Lantau Island, Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, boat trips to visit the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins have been running since the 1990s.[22] The dolphins mainly live in the waters of Lantau North, Southeast Lantau, the Soko Islands and Peng Chau. A code of conduct regulates dolphin-watching activity in Hong Kong waters.[23]

There have been some reports of dolphin watching practices that have further endangered the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, such as in Sanniang Bay dolphin sanctuary in Qinzhou[24] and off Xiamen.[25] However, these generally are small, locally organised one-off tours or private pleasure boats that do not adhere to the Hong Kong Agricultural and Fisheries Department's voluntary code of conduct.

Nánpēng Islands Marine Sanctuary in Nan'ao County is also home to local pods.[26] The population in Leizhou Bay, Leizhou Peninsula, comprising nearly 1,000 animals and the second largest population in the nation, may also be targeted for future tourism.[27] Hepu National Sanctuary of Dugongs, and waters around Sanya Bay and other coasts adjacent on Hainan Island are home to some dolphins.[28] As the environment and local ecosystems recovery, dolphins' presences in nearby waters have been increasing such as vicinity to the nature sanctuary of Weizhou and Xieyang Islands.[29][30] Gulf of Tonkin waters in Vietnam may have unstudied populations that may appear elsewhere such as along Xuân Thủy National Park and Hòn Dáu Island in Hải Phòng.[31]

Cantonese slang

The Cantonese language has a slang expression wu gei bak gei (often written as 烏忌白忌, "black taboo white taboo") which means someone or something is a bad omen or a nuisance. The phrase originates from the Cantonese fisher people, because they claim the dolphins eat the fish in their nets. However, in formal Chinese, it should be written as 烏鱀白鱀, with the gei originally in old Chinese, meaning dolphins. The wu refers to the finless porpoises, which are black, and the bak, white, referring to Chinese river dolphins. These two species often interrupt and ruin the fishermen's catch. As years passed, because "dolphin" sounds the same as "bad luck", the meaning of the phrase changed. However, in Cantonese, wu refers to the calves of Chinese white dolphin and bak refers to the adults. Nowadays, dolphins are not called gei anymore, but 海豚 (hai tun), literally meaning "sea pig", with none of the negative connotations for pig found in English.

Taiwanese humpback dolphin

The Taiwanese humpback dolphin (S. c. taiwanensis) is a subspecies of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin found in the Eastern Taiwan Strait. The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins were first discovered along the west coast of Taiwan in 2002. Based on a survey done in 2002 and 2003, they are often found in waters <5m deep, and no evidence shows that they appear in water deeper than 15m.[32] A study in 2008 found that the population of humpback dolphins, which occupies a linear range of about 500 km^2 along the central west coast of Taiwan, is genetically distinct from all populations living in other areas.[33] And this population is called Eastern Taiwan Strait (ETS) population.

Taiwan is a densely populated island and highly developed area, which has many industrial development projects, especially along the west coast, where the ETS populations of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins live. Based on data collected between 2002 and 2005, the ETS population of humpback dolphins was less than 100 individuals.[32] Unfortunately, the newest data released in 2012 shows that only 62 individuals are left. It means during those 7 years, population of humpback dolphins is being destroyed constantly and severely. A preliminary examination revealed that the ETS humpback dolphin population meets the IUCN Red List criteria for "Critically endangered".[34] Without further protection and regulation, this population will go extinct quickly. The ETS is listed as Endangered species Under the Endangered Species Act by NOAA Fisheries since 2018.[35]

There are several facts that result in the decreasing number of ETS population of humpback dolphins. First, large-scale modification of the shoreline by industrial development including hydraulic filling for creating industrial or science parks, seawall construction and sand mining cause habitat fragmentation and diminish dolphin's habitats. In addition, exploitation of shoreline also contributes to toxic contamination flows into dolphin's habitats. The chemical pollution from industrial or agricultural and municipal discharge results in impaired health of dolphins, for instance, reproductive disorders, and compromised immune system.[36]

Second, fishing activities along the west coast of Taiwan are thriving, and cause many impacts on dolphins. Widespread and intensive use of gillnets and vessel strikes are potential threats for dolphins. Over exploitation of fish by fisheries' is another threat for the dolphin population. It has led to disturbance of marine food web or trophic level and reduces marine biodiversity. Therefore, dolphins have not enough prey to live on.

Still another problem is reduced amount of freshwater flows into estuaries from rivers. Since ETS population of humpback dolphins is closely associated with estuaries habitat, the elimination of freshwater discharge from rivers significantly decreases the amount of suitable habitats for dolphins.[32]

Hydroacoustic disturbance is another critical issue for dolphins. Sources of noise can come from dredging, pile driving, increased vessel traffic, seawall construction, and soil improvement. For all cetaceans, sound is vital for providing information about their environment, communicating with other individuals, and foraging; also, they are very vulnerable and sensitive to the effects of noise. Elevated anthropogenic sound level causes many dysfunctions of their behaviors, and even leads to death.[32]

In addition to threats from anthropogenic activities, dolphins are potentially at the risk due to the small population size, which may result in inbreeding and decreased genetic and demographic variability. Finally, climate change causes more typhoons to hit the west coast of Taiwan and cause great disturbance to dolphins' habitats.


The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin is listed on Appendix II[37] of the convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). It is listed on Appendix II[37] as it has an unfavourable conservation status or would benefit significantly from international co-operation organised by tailored agreements. In the interim of 2003–2013, the number of these dolphins in the bay around Hong Kong has dwindled from a population of 159 to just 61 individuals, a population decline of 60% in the last decade. The population continues to be further threatened by pollution, vessel collision, overfishing, and underwater noise pollution.[38]

In addition to their natural susceptibility to anthropogenic disturbances, the Chinese white dolphin's late sexual maturity, reduced fecundity, reduced calf survival, and long calving intervals heavily curtails their ability to naturally cope with elevated rates of mortality.[39]

In recent years, Taiwan launched the largest Indo-Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin sanctuary on the Taiwanese coast, stretching from Miaoli County to Chiayi County.[40] The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin is also covered by the Memorandum of Understanding for the Conservation of Cetaceans and Their Habitats in the Pacific Islands Region (Pacific Cetaceans MoU).

Timeline of main events

  • 1637: The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin was first documented in English by the adventurer Peter Mundy in Hong Kong near the Pearl River. The species are attracted to the Pearl River Estuary because of its brackish waters.
  • 1765: Pehr Osbeck gives the first scientific description of the species.[41]
  • Late 1980s: Environmentalists started to pay attention to the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin population.
  • Early 1990: The Hong Kong public started to become aware of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin. This was due to the side effects of the construction of the Chek Lap Kok Airport. It was one of the world's largest single reclamation projects: the reclamation of nine square kilometers of the seabed near Northern Lantau, which was one of the major habitats of the dolphins.
  • Early 1993: Re-evaluation of the environmental effects of the construction of Chek Lap Kok Airport. This alerted eco-activists such as those from the World Wide Fund for Nature in Hong Kong, in turn bringing media attention on the matter. Soon enough, the Hong Kong Government began getting involved by funding projects to research on the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins
  • Late 1993: The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department was founded.
  • 1996: Dr. Thomas Jefferson began to conduct research on the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins in hope of discovering more about them.
  • 1997: The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin became the official mascot of the 1997 sovereignty changing ceremonies in Hong Kong.
  • 1998: The research results of Dr. Thomas Jefferson was published in "Wildlife Monographs".
  • 1998: The Hong Kong Dolphinwatch was organized and began to run dolphin watching tours for the general public to raise the public's awareness of the species.
  • 2000: The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department started to conduct long-term observation of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins in Hong Kong.
  • 2000: The population of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins has reached around 80–140 dolphins in the Pearl River waters.
  • 2014: Jefferson and Rosenbaum revised the taxonomy of the humpback dolphins (Sousa spp.). They describe a new species, the Australian humpback dolphin and define the accepted common name for this species, the Indo-Pacific Humpback dolphin.[5]

See also


  1. ^ a b Jefferson, T.A.; Smith, B.D.; Braulik, G.T.; Perrin, W. (2018) [errata version of 2017 assessment]. "Sousa chinensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2017. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T82031425A50372332.en. Retrieved 21 February 2022.
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 14 January 2022.
  3. ^ Mead, J. G.; Brownell, R. L. Jr. (2005). "Sousa chinensis". In Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 732. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  4. ^ Jefferson, Thomas A.; Smith, Brian D. (2016), "Re-assessment of the Conservation Status of the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin (Sousa chinensis) Using the IUCN Red List Criteria", Advances in Marine Biology, Elsevier, 73: 1–26, doi:10.1016/bs.amb.2015.04.002, ISBN 978-0-12-803602-0, PMID 26790886
  5. ^ a b Jefferson, Thomas A.; Rosenbaum, Howard C. (2014). "Taxonomic revision of the humpback dolphins (Sousa spp.), and description of a new species from Australia". Marine Mammal Science. 30 (4): 1494–1541. doi:10.1111/mms.12152.
  6. ^ "List of Marine Mammal Species and Subspecies|May 1 2022". Society for Marine Mammalogy. Retrieved 1 May 2022.
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  38. ^ Hong Kong's Striking Dolphins Dwindle to Just Dozens | ABC News Blogs – Yahoo. Gma.yahoo.com (21 June 2013). Retrieved 2014-05-15.
  39. ^ Jefferson, Thomas A.; Hung, Samuel K. (2004). "A Review of the Status of the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin (Sousa chinensis) in Chinese Waters". Aquatic Mammals. 30 (1): 149–158. doi:10.1578/am.30.1.2004.149.
  40. ^ Perrin F.W., Koch C.C., 2007. Wursig B., Thewissen G.M.J, Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. pp609. Academic Press. Retrieved 13-05-2014
  41. ^ Carwardine, Mark (2002) Sharks and Whales. DK ADULT. ISBN 0789489902. p. 362.

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Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) is a species of humpback dolphin inhabiting coastal waters of the eastern Indian and western Pacific Oceans. This species is often referred to as the Chinese white dolphin in mainland China, Macao, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore as a common name. Some biologists regard the Indo-Pacific dolphin as a subspecies of the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (S. plumbea) which ranges from East Africa to India. However, DNA testing studies have shown that the two are distinct species. A new species, the Australian humpback dolphin (S. sahulensis), was split off from S. chinensis and recognized as a distinct species in 2014. Nevertheless, there are still several unresolved issues in differentiation of the Indian Ocean-type and Indo-Pacific-type humpback dolphins.

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Sousa chinensis ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El delfín rosado de Hong Kong (Sousa chinensis) es una especie de cetáceo odontoceto de la familia Delphinidae que habita desde el cabo de Buena Esperanza hasta China y el norte de Australia.


Al igual que el delfín giboso atlántico (S. teuszii) presenta una joroba de tejido adiposo bajo la aleta dorsal. Mide aproximadamente 2 metros de largo. Su fórmula dentaria es 26-38/26-38. Nace presentando la piel negra, pero con el tiempo va cambiando hasta adquirir la coloración rosada de los adultos.

Es inteligente y muy sociable. Se relacionan fácilmente con los humanos, especialmente con aquellos que se desplazan en embarcaciones pequeñas. Durante el apareamiento nadan con la parte ventral hacia la superficie, cerca de la orilla del río. Su reproducción depende del nivel estacional de las aguas.


Esta amenazada por la contaminación, las redes de pesca y las presas hidroeléctricas. Debido a la vulnerabilidad de la especie se han tomado medidas para su protección en todos los países que habita. Algunas muertes de delfines rosados ocurren por envenenamiento por mercurio del ambiente, debido que en las minas de oro, el mercurio se utiliza para separar el oro de roca circundante.

Referencias y bibliografía


  1. Jefferson, T.A., Smith, B.D., Braulik, G.T. & Perrin (2017). «Sousa chinensis». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2018.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 27 de febrero de 2019.


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Sousa chinensis: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El delfín rosado de Hong Kong (Sousa chinensis) es una especie de cetáceo odontoceto de la familia Delphinidae que habita desde el cabo de Buena Esperanza hasta China y el norte de Australia.

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Sousa chinensis ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Sousa chinensis Sousa generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Delphinidae familian sailkatuta dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
  2. Osbeck (1765) 1 Reise nach Ostind. China Rostock 7. or..

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Sousa chinensis: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Sousa chinensis Sousa generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Delphinidae familian sailkatuta dago.

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Intiankyttyrädelfiini ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Intiankyttyrädelfiini[2] (Sousa chinensis) on ryhädelfiineihin kuuluva delfiinilaji, joka elää Kaakkois-Aasiassa. Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunnan ehdotus lajin uudeksi suomenkieliseksi nimeksi on kyttyrädelfiini.[2] Intiankyttyrädelfiinin uhanalaisuusluokitus on vaarantunut.[1] Intiankyttyrädelfiini on joskus väritykseltään vaaleanpunainen.[3] Sillä on yksi sukulaislaji, afrikankyttyrädelfiini (Sousa teuszii).

Lajin koko ihmiseen verrattuna.


  1. a b Jefferson, T.A., Smith, B.D., Braulik, G.T. & Perrin, W.: Sousa chinensis IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2017.3. 2017. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 18.1.2018. (englanniksi)
  2. a b Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunta: Nisäkäsnimistö 2008. Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo, Helsingin yliopisto. Viitattu 15.5.2010.
  3. Aavaresort.com (englanniksi)

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Intiankyttyrädelfiini: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Intiankyttyrädelfiini (Sousa chinensis) on ryhädelfiineihin kuuluva delfiinilaji, joka elää Kaakkois-Aasiassa. Nisäkäsnimistötoimikunnan ehdotus lajin uudeksi suomenkieliseksi nimeksi on kyttyrädelfiini. Intiankyttyrädelfiinin uhanalaisuusluokitus on vaarantunut. Intiankyttyrädelfiini on joskus väritykseltään vaaleanpunainen. Sillä on yksi sukulaislaji, afrikankyttyrädelfiini (Sousa teuszii).

 src= Lajin koko ihmiseen verrattuna.
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Dauphin à bosse du Pacifique ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Sousa chinensis

Le dauphin à bosse du Pacifique ou sotalie de Chine (Sousa chinenses) est une espèce de mammifères de l'ordre des cétacés.

Habitat et répartition

Ce dauphin se trouve dans l'océan pacifique, en Asie du Sud-Est de l'Est du Sri Lanka à la Chine et à l'Indonésie.

Il vit le long des côtes, dans les eaux peu profondes des baies, près des mangroves et il remonte dans les estuaires[1].


Le dauphin à bosse du Pacifique mesure de 1,80 m à 3 m de long et pèse jusqu'à 280 kg.

Jeune, il est gris uniforme et ressemble à un jeune grand dauphin. Son dos est arqué. Il a de 60 à 76 dents à chaque mâchoire. Avec l'âge, il devient rose-blanc, moucheté de noir sur le dos[2].

Il communique par sifflements. Son écholocalisation est efficace jusqu'à 25 m de profondeur.

Il est grégaire et assez sédentaire. Il vit en petit groupe familiale.

Parfois, mais rarement, il chasse en groupe pouvant atteindre jusqu'à une quarantaine d'individus. Il mange des sardines, des chinchards et des mulets. Il se nourrit aussi de céphalopodes, d'échinodermes dont des oursins...

Il atteint la maturité sexuel vers l'âge de 10 ans. La gestation dure de 10 à 12 mois. Le nouveau-né mesure près d'un mètre pour une masse d'une quinzaine de kilogrammes ; il est allaité plus de 6 mois et sevré à 2 ans. Les mises bas peuvent avoir donc lieu tous les 3 ans.


Les filets de pêche constituent un danger mortel ; de plus, il est victime d'empoisonnement aux métaux lourds et aux produits chimiques.

Voir aussi

Références taxinomiques

Notes et références
  1. Alain Diringer (préf. Marc Taquet), Mammifères marins et reptiles marins de l'océan Indien et du Pacifique, Éditions Orphie, 2020, 272 p. (ISBN 979-10-298-0254-6), p. Les dauphins à bosse de l'Indo-Pacifique page 101
  2. Alain Diringer (préf. Marc Taquet), Mammifères marins et reptiles marins de l'océan Indien et du Pacifique, Éditions Orphie, 2020, 272 p. (ISBN 979-10-298-0254-6), Dauphin à bosse du Pacifique pages 102 et 103

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Dauphin à bosse du Pacifique: Brief Summary ( Francês )

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Sousa chinensis

Le dauphin à bosse du Pacifique ou sotalie de Chine (Sousa chinenses) est une espèce de mammifères de l'ordre des cétacés.

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Sousa chinensis ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

La susa indopacifica (Sousa chinensis (Osbeck, 1765); 中華白海豚T, Zhōnghuá bái hǎitúnP), nota anche come delfino bianco cinese, è una specie di delfino diffusa nelle acque tropicali dell'Indo-Pacifico centrale.[2]


Lo stato di specie a sé della susa atlantica (Sousa teuszii), il cui areale nell'Atlantico è molto lontano da quello degli altri membri del genere Sousa, dai quali differisce anche per il numero di vertebre e denti, è in gran parte fuori di dubbio. Le popolazioni indopacifiche venivano tradizionalmente considerate come un'unica specie (Sousa chinensis), ma Dale Rice,[3] Rüdiger Wandrey[4] e Mendez et al.[5] hanno in seguito distinto una specie occidentale, la susa indiana (Sousa plumbea), che differisce per la colorazione e la presenza di una gobba dorsale distinta, diffusa dal Sudafrica all'India orientale, e successivamente, nel 2014, è stata descritta Sousa sahulensis, che vive lungo la costa settentrionale dell'Australia.[6] Nel 2015 è stata descritta Sousa chinensis taiwanensis, una sottospecie della susa indopacifica presente nello stretto di Formosa, che differisce dalla forma nominale (S. c. chinensis) per il motivo a piccoli punti scuri.[7]


Le suse indopacifiche sono caratterizzate da un corpo robusto e di medie dimensioni: raggiungono una lunghezza di 2-2,6 metri e un peso che va da 230 a 250 kg. La colorazione è generalmente grigia ma può variare notevolmente con l'età e l'area geografica. La maggior parte degli adulti provenienti dalla Cina meridionale è di colore bianco puro, mentre altri conservano una parte della loro pigmentazione grigio scuro e sviluppano macchie scure o punteggiature. La gobba caratteristica delle specie S. teuszii e S. plumbea è assente nelle suse indopacifiche e le loro pinne dorsali tendono a essere più grandi e di forma più marcatamente triangolare.[8]

Distribuzione e habitat

Come indica il nome, la susa indopacifica è originaria dell'Indo-Pacifico tropicale: il suo areale si estende dalla costa orientale del subcontinente indiano, a partire dalle foci dei fiumi Krishna e Godavari, attraverso il Sud-est asiatico, regione indonesiana compresa, fino alla Cina meridionale.[5] Preferisce le regioni costiere con una profondità dell'acqua non superiore a 20 metri e si spinge raramente in mare aperto. Tuttavia, le suse si trovano occasionalmente in fiumi come lo Yangtze, sebbene nuotino raramente nell'entroterra e tendano a rimanere negli estuari.


Questi delfini vivono in acque costiere calde e poco profonde, ma anche nell'acqua salmastra. Preferiscono i banchi di sabbia o le coste fiancheggiate da mangrovie, ma si possono trovare anche nei pressi delle barriere coralline. Vivono in piccoli gruppi da tre a sette esemplari, ma possono anche formare gruppi più grandi. A volte socializzano con tursiopi, neofocene e altre specie di cetacei. Le suse indopacifiche sono note per essere nuotatori lenti e cauti che tendono a stare alla larga dalle imbarcazioni.

Questi delfini sono considerati opportunisti e si alimentano in modo generalista, mangiando una varietà di pesci di scogliera costiera e di estuario. Alcuni catturano anche cefalopodi e crostacei. Questa specie si nutre in associazione con i pescherecci a strascico di Hong Kong.[9]

L'accoppiamento e il parto sembrano avvenire tutto l'anno. Il periodo di gestazione dura 10-12 mesi, l'allattamento può durare più di 2 anni, la maturità sessuale è raggiunta a 9-10 anni per le femmine e 12-13 anni per i maschi, ed è stato ipotizzato un intervallo di 3 anni tra i singoli parti. Gli individui possono vivere almeno 30 anni.[9]


Nel mondo sono rimasti solamente 6000 esemplari di susa indopacifica[10] e le varie popolazioni constano di poche decine o poche centinaia di esemplari; tuttavia, almeno 1200 animali vivono nell'estuario del Fiume delle Perle, nella Cina meridionale.[9] A volte questi delfini vengono cacciati per la loro carne, ma non su scala ampia e commerciale. Sono altre le principali minacce che gravano sulla specie: la pesca, in quanto continuano a rimanere impigliati nelle reti, il traffico navale, perché il rumore dei motori disturba il loro sistema di ecolocalizzazione e le eliche delle navi possono ucciderli, il disboscamento delle foreste di mangrovie sulle coste e l'inquinamento dei mari. Soprattutto nelle regioni densamente popolate, come la Cina sud-orientale, queste pratiche hanno portato a un notevole calo demografico.


  1. ^ (EN) Jefferson, T.A., Smith, B.D., Braulik, G.T. & Perrin, W. 2017, Sousa chinensis, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ Sousa chinensis, su Mammal Diversity.
  3. ^ Dale W. Rice, Marine Mammals of the World. Systematics and Distribution, Society of Marine Mammalogy Special Publication No. 4, 1998.
  4. ^ Rüdiger Wandrey, Die Wale und Robben der Welt, Franckh-Kosmos Verlags GmbH, 1997, p. 76, ISBN 3-440-07047-6.
  5. ^ a b Martin Mendez, Thomas J. Jefferson, Sergios-Orestis Kolokotronis, Michael Krützen, Guido J. Parra, Tim Collins, Giana Minton, Robert Baldwin, Per Berggren, Anna Särnblad, Omar A. Amir, Vic M. Peddemors, Leszek Karczmarski, Almeida Guissamulo, Brian Smith, Dipani Sutaria, George Amato e Howard C. Rosenbaum, Integrating multiple lines of evidence to better understand the evolutionary divergence of humpback dolphins along their entire distribution range: a new dolphin species in Australian waters?, in Molecular Ecology, 2013, DOI:10.1111/mec.12535.
  6. ^ Thomas A. Jefferson e Howard C. Rosenbaum, Taxonomic revision of the humpback dolphins (Sousa spp.), and description of a new species from Australia, in Marine Mammal Science, vol. 30, n. 4, ottobre 2014, pp. 1494-1541, DOI:10.1111/mms.12152.
  7. ^ John Y Wang, Shih Chu Yang e Samuel K Hung, Diagnosability and Description of A New Subspecies of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin, Sousa chinensis (Osbeck, 1765), from the Taiwan Strait, in Zoological Studies, vol. 54, n. 36, 2015, DOI:10.1186/s40555-015-0115-x.
  8. ^ Hadoram Shirihai e Brett Jarrett, Balene, delfini e foche, Roma, Ricca editore, 2014, pp. 161-165, ISBN 978-88-6694-018-0.
  9. ^ a b c Annalisa Berta (a cura di), Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises: A Natural History and Species Guide, University of Chicago Press, 2015.
  10. ^ Delfino rosa nella baia di Hong Kong: il ritorno del raro esemplare grazie alla riduzione del traffico marittimo, su Corriere TV, 17.09.2020. URL consultato il 19 settembre 2020.

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Sousa chinensis: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

La susa indopacifica (Sousa chinensis (Osbeck, 1765); 中華白海豚T, Zhōnghuá bái hǎitúnP), nota anche come delfino bianco cinese, è una specie di delfino diffusa nelle acque tropicali dell'Indo-Pacifico centrale.

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Dolphin Bongkok Bernie ( Malaio )

fornecido por wikipedia MS

Dolphin Bongkok Bernie (bahasa Inggeris: Indo-Pacific Hump-backed Dolphin) merupakan salah satu daripada haiwan yang terdapat di Malaysia. Nama saintifiknya Sousa chinensis. Dolphin Bongkok Bernie merupakan haiwan yang dilindungi dan memerlukan lesen pemburuan.

Malaysia merupakan salah satu daripada 12 negara yang telah diiktiraf sebagai kepelbagaian raya (mega diversity) dari segi bilangan dan kepelbagaian flora dan fauna dengan 15,000 spesies pokok berbunga yang diketahui, 286 spesies mamalia, lebih daripada 1,500 vertebrat darat, lebih daripada 150,000 spesies invertebrat, lebih daripada 1,000 spesies rama-rama dan 12,000 spesies kupu-kupu dan lebih daripada 4,000 spesies ikan laut.


Dolphin Bongkok Bernie adalah haiwan berdarah panas, melahirkan anak, menjaga anak sehingga mampu berdikari, dan mempunyai bulu di badan.

Jantung Dolphin Bongkok Bernie terdiri daripada empat kamar seperti manusia. Kamar atas dikenali sebagai atrium, sementara kamar bawah dikenali sebagai ventrikel.

Senarai mamalia A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
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Dolphin Bongkok Bernie: Brief Summary ( Malaio )

fornecido por wikipedia MS

Dolphin Bongkok Bernie (bahasa Inggeris: Indo-Pacific Hump-backed Dolphin) merupakan salah satu daripada haiwan yang terdapat di Malaysia. Nama saintifiknya Sousa chinensis. Dolphin Bongkok Bernie merupakan haiwan yang dilindungi dan memerlukan lesen pemburuan.

Malaysia merupakan salah satu daripada 12 negara yang telah diiktiraf sebagai kepelbagaian raya (mega diversity) dari segi bilangan dan kepelbagaian flora dan fauna dengan 15,000 spesies pokok berbunga yang diketahui, 286 spesies mamalia, lebih daripada 1,500 vertebrat darat, lebih daripada 150,000 spesies invertebrat, lebih daripada 1,000 spesies rama-rama dan 12,000 spesies kupu-kupu dan lebih daripada 4,000 spesies ikan laut.

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Chinese witte dolfijn ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De Chinese witte dolfijn of Chinese sousa (Sousa chinensis) is een soort dolfijn.


De Chinese witte dolfijn is een stevige, torpedovormige dolfijn. Hij heeft een lichtgrijze tot witte rug, die lichter is op de flanken en de buik. Veel exemplaren zijn geheel wit of rozewit van kleur. Volwassen dieren kunnen gele, roze, grijze of bruine vlekjes krijgen. De rugvin is klein en driehoekig en geplaatst in het midden van de rug, sikkelvormig bij jonge dieren, meer afgerond bij volwassen dieren. De flippers zijn afgerond. De bek is lang en slank en bevat zo'n 120 tanden. Op het voorhoofd zit een lichte meloen. Bij dieren die ten westen van Sumatra leven is er een vetbult achter de rugvin aanwezig, die bij de dieren die ten oosten en zuiden van Sumatra leven ontbreekt. Bij de laatste dieren is echter de rugvin wel een stuk hoger. Mannetjes worden tot 320 cm lang, vrouwtjes 200 tot 240 cm. Het lichaamsgewicht is ongeveer 85 kg.


De Chinese witte dolfijn leeft van scholenvissen als harders en haringachtigen, aangevuld met schaaldieren en weekdieren. Tijdens de jacht maakt hij gebruik van echolocatie. Hij leeft in kleine hechte groepjes van maximaal twintig dieren. Vaak wordt hij met andere dolfijnen waargenomen, voornamelijk tuimelaars, maar ook langsnuitdolfijnen en Indische bruinvissen. Soms jaagt hij ook samen met deze soorten. Bij het zwemmen steekt hij eerst de snuit of de hele kop boven het water. Hierna komt hij gedeeltelijk boven het water uit, om vervolgens weer te verdwijnen. Een pasgeboren jong is ongeveer 110 cm lang.


De Chinese witte dolfijn is een belangrijke toeristische attractie in Hongkong, waar excursies te volgen zijn naar de "roze dolfijnen". De habitat van deze dieren werd echter in het midden van de jaren negentig bedreigd door de aanleg van een vliegveld.


Deze soort komt voor in de Indische en Westelijke Stille Oceaan. Hij is nauw verwant aan de Kameroendolfijn (Sousa teuszii), die leeft aan de Atlantische kust van West-Afrika. Mogelijk behoort de populatie in de Westelijke Indische Oceaan tot een aparte soort, Sousa plumbea. Het eiland Sumatra is aangewezen als de grens tussen S. chinensis en S. plumbea. Ook de Australische vorm zou tot een andere soort kunnen behoren.

De Chinese witte dolfijn leeft in de gematigde en tropische wateren van de Indische Oceaan en de Westelijke Stille Oceaan en in de Rode Zee en de Zuid-Chinese Zee. Hij komt voor in ondiepe kustwateren van zuidelijk en oostelijk Afrika, via Arabië en India tot de Pacifische kust van China, Indonesië, de Filipijnen en Noord-Australië. De soort verdraagt brakwater prima en laat zich regelmatig zien rond estuaria en andere riviermondingen en in mangrovemoerassen. Soms zwemt hij een rivier op als de Jangtsekiang.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
Geslachten en soorten van dolfijnen (Delphinidae)
Australodelphis:Australodelphis mirusCephalorhynchus:Kortsnuitdolfijn (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) · Witbuikdolfijn (Cephalorhynchus eutropia) · Havisidedolfijn (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii) · Hectordolfijn (Cephalorhynchus hectori)Delphinus:Kaapse dolfijn (Delphinus capensis) · Gewone dolfijn (Delphinus delphis)Feresa:Dwerggriend (Feresa attenuata)Globicephala:Indische griend (Globicephala macrorhynchus) · Griend (Globicephala melas)Grampus:Gramper (Grampus griseus)Lagenodelphis:Sarawakdolfijn (Lagenodelphis hosei)Lagenorhynchus:Witflankdolfijn (Lagenorhynchus acutus) · Witsnuitdolfijn (Lagenorhynchus albirostris) · Dolfijn van Peale (Lagenorhynchus australis) · Zandloperdolfijn (Lagenorhynchus cruciger) · Witgestreepte dolfijn (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) · Donkergestreepte dolfijn (Lagenorhynchus obscurus)Lissodelphis:Noordelijke gladde dolfijn (Lissodelphis borealis) · Zuidelijke gladde dolfijn (Lissodelphis peronii)Orcaella:Irrawaddydolfijn (Orcaella brevirostris) · Australische snubvindolfijn (Orcaella heinsohni)Orcinus:Orka (Orcinus orca)PlatalearostrumHoekmans stompsnuitdolfijn (Platalearostrum hoekmani) †Peponocephala:Witlipdolfijn (Peponocephala electra)Pseudorca:Zwarte zwaardwalvis (Pseudorca crassidens)Sotalia:Tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) · Costero (Sotalia guianensis)Sousa:Chinese witte dolfijn (Sousa chinensis) · Kameroendolfijn (Sousa teuszii)Stenella:Slanke dolfijn (Stenella attenuata) · Clymenedolfijn (Stenella clymene) · Gestreepte dolfijn (Stenella coeruleoalba) · Atlantische vlekdolfijn (Stenella frontalis) · Langsnuitdolfijn (Stenella longirostris)Steno:Snaveldolfijn (Steno bredanensis)Tursiops:Langbektuimelaar (Tursiops aduncus) · Tuimelaar (Tursiops truncatus)
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Chinese witte dolfijn: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De Chinese witte dolfijn of Chinese sousa (Sousa chinensis) is een soort dolfijn.

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Garbogrzbiet chiński ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
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Garbogrzbiet chiński[4], delfin garbaty[5], sotalia chińska[6] (Sousa chinensis) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny delfinowatych (Delphinidae) żyjącego w wodach Oceanu Inyjskiego i Spokojnego[3][2]. Jest gatunkiem zagrożonym z powodu zanieczyszczeń wód.


Wyróżniono dwa podgatunki S. chinensis[4][3]:


Delfin garbaty żywi się rybami i mięczakami.


Dorosłe osobniki mają kolor biało-różowy z powodu dobrze unaczynionej skóry, młode są szare lub czarne.


  1. a b c Sousa chinensis, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b c Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Sousa chinensis. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 10 stycznia 2010]
  3. a b c Reeves, R.R., Dalebout, M.L., Jefferson, T.A., Karczmarski, L., Laidre, K., O’Corry-Crowe, G., Rojas-Bracho, L., Secchi, E.R., Slooten, E., Smith, B.D., Wang, J.Y. & Zhou, K. 2008, Sousa chinensis [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015 [online], wersja 2015.2 [dostęp 2015-09-15] (ang.).
  4. a b Włodzimierz Cichocki, Agnieszka Ważna, Jan Cichocki, Ewa Rajska, Artur Jasiński, Wiesław Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2015, s. 189. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9.
  5. E. Keller, prof. dr. J. H. Reichholf, G. Steinbach i inni: Leksykon zwierząt: Ssaki. Cz. 3. Warszawa: Horyzont, 2001, s. 35. ISBN 83-7227-752-4.
  6. Polskie i łacińskie nazwy waleni. Stacja Morska Instytutu Oceanografii Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. [dostęp 2015-09-13].
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wikipedia POL

Garbogrzbiet chiński: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Garbogrzbiet chiński, delfin garbaty, sotalia chińska (Sousa chinensis) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny delfinowatych (Delphinidae) żyjącego w wodach Oceanu Inyjskiego i Spokojnego. Jest gatunkiem zagrożonym z powodu zanieczyszczeń wód.

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wikipedia POL

Golfinho-corcunda-indopacífico ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

O golfinho-corcunda-indopacífico (Sousa chinensis) é uma espécie de cetáceo da família Delphinidae encontrada no oceano Índico e sudoeste do Pacífico, principalmente em águas costeiras.

Nomenclatura e taxonomia

A espécie foi descrita por Pehr Osbeck em 1765 como Delphinus chinensis.[2] Foi recombinada para Steno chinensis por John Edward Gray em 1871[3] e para Sotalia sinensis por William Henry Flower em 1883.[4]

A população do Índico, Sousa plumbea, é considerada como uma espécie distintas por alguns autores,[5] entretanto, as diferenças morfológicas entre as populações geográficas são consideradas plesiomórficas.[6] De maneira conservativa Sousa plumbea é mantida como sinônimo de Sousa chinensis até que uma revisão taxonômica ampla seja feita.[7]


  1. REEVES, R.R.; DALEBOUT, M.L.; JEFFERSON, T.A.; KARCZMARSKI, L.; LAIDRE, K.; O’CORRY-CROWE, G.; ROJAS-BRACHO, L.; SECCHI, E.R.; SLOOTEN, E.; SMITH, B.D.; WANG, J.Y.; ZHOU, K. (2008). Sousa chinensis (em inglês). IUCN 2012. Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas da IUCN de 2012 . Página visitada em 24 de junho de 2013..
  2. OSBECK, P. (1765). Reise nach Ostindien und China. Estocolmo: [s.n.]
  3. GRAY, J.E. (1871). Supplement to the Catalogue of seals and whales in the British Museum. Londres: [s.n.]
  4. FLOWER, W.H. (1883). «On the characters and divisions of the family Delphinidae». Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London: 466-513
  5. RICE, D.W. 1998. Marine mammals of the world: systematics and distribution. Society for Marine Mammalogy
  6. JEFFERSON, T.A.; Van WAEREBEEK, K. (2004). «Geographic variation in skull morphology of humpback dolphins (Sousa spp.)». Aquatic Mammals. 30 (1) Texto "páginas3-17" ignorado (ajuda)
  7. Mead, J.G.; Brownell Jr., R.L. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. (eds.), ed. Mammal Species of the World 3 ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 723–743. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494
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Golfinho-corcunda-indopacífico: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

O golfinho-corcunda-indopacífico (Sousa chinensis) é uma espécie de cetáceo da família Delphinidae encontrada no oceano Índico e sudoeste do Pacífico, principalmente em águas costeiras.

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wikipedia PT

Sousa chinensis ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Delfinul alb chinezesc (Sousa chinensis), cunoscut și sub denumirea de delfinul alb-cu-cocoașă,[necesită citare] sau colocvial, delfinul roz[necesită citare] este o specie de delfini.

Caractere morfologice

Delfinii albi chinezești au o culoare unică. Aproape negri la naștere, delfinii maturi ajung gri-deschis, iar în cele din urmă se schimbă până ajung la culoarea lor roz-pal. Cresc până la 3 m și pot trăi până la 40 de ani.


Delfinii albi chinezești trăiesc de-a lungul țărmurilor, de multe ori la gurile râurilor sau în apropierea pădurilor de mangrove. Ei fac parte din una din cele 80 de specii, cetacee care se găsesc în număr mic și ajung în apele din Australia, Africa de Sud și de-a lungul costei chineze, până la râul Yangtze.


Cercetătorii marini din Hong Kong estimează că numărul delfinilor albi chinezești care trăiesc în delta Râului Perlei, ale cărei ape sălcii oferă un mediu ideal pentru aceștia , este de aproximativ 1000 , iar între 100 și 200 trăiesc în apele Hong Kongului, mai mult în apele din nordul Insulei Lantau.


  1. ^ Reeves, R.R., Dalebout, M.L., Jefferson, T.A., Karczmarski, L., Laidre, K., O’Corry-Crowe, G., Rojas-Bracho, L., Secchi, E.R., Slooten, E., Smith, B.D., Wang, J.Y. & Zhou, K. (2008). Sousa chinensis. Lista roșie a speciilor periclitate IUCN. Versiunea 2013.1. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Accesat în 10 iulie 2015.Mentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link)


  • Național Geographic Traveler: Hong Kong, pag. 207–208
  • Enciclopedii-Dicționare, Editura Flamingo GD
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Sousa chinensis: Brief Summary ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Delfinul alb chinezesc (Sousa chinensis), cunoscut și sub denumirea de delfinul alb-cu-cocoașă,[necesită citare] sau colocvial, delfinul roz[necesită citare] este o specie de delfini.

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Deltadelfin ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Deltadelfin eller puckeldelfin (Sousa chinensis) är en delfinart som lever längs med de asiatiska kusterna i Sydostasien, från Sydafrika till Australien.

En vuxen deltadelfin kan väga 150[2] till 280 kilogram och bli ungefär 180 – 300 centimeter lång. En nyfödd kalv är cirka en meter när den föds.[3] Den maximala längden för honor är 240 cm och för hannar 320 cm.[2]

Deltadelfinen är unik, för att en vuxen delfin är rosa. Den rosa färgen är inte ett pigment, utan det är istället blodkärl som finns alldeles under huden. Blodkärlen gör att delfinen inte blir överhettad om den blir utsatt för stark sol. De ändrar färg ju äldre de blir.

  • En nyfödd kalv är helt svart.
  • En äldre kalv har blivit grå.
  • En ”tonåring” är grårosa med fläckar.
  • Ett vuxet djur är vitrosa.

Den äldsta deltadelfin man känner till lever i Hongkong och är ungefär 33 år gammal, men de kan bli ungefär 40 år. Forskare har upptäckt att man kan avgöra en delfins ålder genom att undersöka en skiva av deras tänder.

Arten vistas främst i kustens närhet och iakttas sällan i regioner med mer än 20 meter vattendjup. Den hittas även i floder som Yangtze, men stannar vanligen i närheten av mynningen.

Deltadelfiner är sociala djur som lever i små flockar med tre eller fyra delfiner. Ibland syns arten tillsammans med öresvin, asiatisk tumlare eller andra valarter. Honorna blir könsmogna när de är ungefär 10 år och hanarna blir könsmogna lite senare vid 13 år. Efter att varit dräktig i 11 månader föder honan vanligen en kalv. En vuxen hona föder en kalv vart tredje år.

Eftersom deltadelfiner inte gärna flyttar sig ifrån sitt revir blir städernas föroreningar ett stort hot mot dem. Sjötrafik, överfiske och gifter är andra hot. Man har undersökt döda deltadelfiner och konstaterat att de har stora mängder med olika tungmetaller, polyklorerade bifenyler och DDT. Eftersom de är i toppen av näringskedjan är de hårt utsatta. Deltadelfin jagas ibland för köttets skull men jakten har ingen kommersiell status. Hotet utgörs av fiskenät där delfinen fastnar och drunknar, oljud från fartygsmotorer, fartygspropeller som sårar delfinen samt omvandling av mangrove till odlingsmark och avloppsvatten som hamnar i havet.



  1. ^ Sousa chinensis på IUCN:s rödlista, auktor: Reeves, R.R. et. al. (2008), besökt 7 januari 2009.
  2. ^ [a b] Shanan Atkins (20 augusti 2002). ”Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin”. ARKive. Arkiverad från originalet den 4 november 2016. https://web.archive.org/web/20161104021807/http://www.arkive.org/indo-pacific-humpback-dolphin/sousa-chinensis/. Läst 1 november 2016.
  3. ^ Stephanie Napier (27 april 2011). Sousa chinensis (på engelska). Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan. http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Sousa_chinensis/. Läst 1 november 2016.


Fritt översatt från engelska Wikipedia.

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wikipedia SV

Deltadelfin: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Deltadelfin eller puckeldelfin (Sousa chinensis) är en delfinart som lever längs med de asiatiska kusterna i Sydostasien, från Sydafrika till Australien.

En vuxen deltadelfin kan väga 150 till 280 kilogram och bli ungefär 180 – 300 centimeter lång. En nyfödd kalv är cirka en meter när den föds. Den maximala längden för honor är 240 cm och för hannar 320 cm.

Deltadelfinen är unik, för att en vuxen delfin är rosa. Den rosa färgen är inte ett pigment, utan det är istället blodkärl som finns alldeles under huden. Blodkärlen gör att delfinen inte blir överhettad om den blir utsatt för stark sol. De ändrar färg ju äldre de blir.

En nyfödd kalv är helt svart. En äldre kalv har blivit grå. En ”tonåring” är grårosa med fläckar. Ett vuxet djur är vitrosa.

Den äldsta deltadelfin man känner till lever i Hongkong och är ungefär 33 år gammal, men de kan bli ungefär 40 år. Forskare har upptäckt att man kan avgöra en delfins ålder genom att undersöka en skiva av deras tänder.

Arten vistas främst i kustens närhet och iakttas sällan i regioner med mer än 20 meter vattendjup. Den hittas även i floder som Yangtze, men stannar vanligen i närheten av mynningen.

Deltadelfiner är sociala djur som lever i små flockar med tre eller fyra delfiner. Ibland syns arten tillsammans med öresvin, asiatisk tumlare eller andra valarter. Honorna blir könsmogna när de är ungefär 10 år och hanarna blir könsmogna lite senare vid 13 år. Efter att varit dräktig i 11 månader föder honan vanligen en kalv. En vuxen hona föder en kalv vart tredje år.

Eftersom deltadelfiner inte gärna flyttar sig ifrån sitt revir blir städernas föroreningar ett stort hot mot dem. Sjötrafik, överfiske och gifter är andra hot. Man har undersökt döda deltadelfiner och konstaterat att de har stora mängder med olika tungmetaller, polyklorerade bifenyler och DDT. Eftersom de är i toppen av näringskedjan är de hårt utsatta. Deltadelfin jagas ibland för köttets skull men jakten har ingen kommersiell status. Hotet utgörs av fiskenät där delfinen fastnar och drunknar, oljud från fartygsmotorer, fartygspropeller som sårar delfinen samt omvandling av mangrove till odlingsmark och avloppsvatten som hamnar i havet.

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wikipedia SV

Sousa chinensis ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK


Ці дельфіни живуть у водах Південно-Східної Азії, у період розмноження від Південної Африки до Австралії. Живе від тропічних до помірно теплих прибережних водах, у тому числі затоках, прибережних лагунах, скелястих і/або коралових рифах, мангрових болотах і гирлових областях. Рідко зустрічається більш ніж на кілька кілометрів від берега. Іноді заходить у річки, але рідко більш ніж на кілька кілометрів вгору за течією і зазвичай залишається в межах припливного впливу.

Фізичні характеристики

Довжина тіла становить від 2 до 3,5 м для дорослих 1 м для немовлят. Дорослі важать від 150 до 230 кг. При народженні чорні. Колір змінюється на сірий з рожевими плямами в молодому віці. Дорослі білі.


Поживою служить риба, молюски. Піднімаються до поверхні води, щоб дихати кожні 20 до 30 секунд, і після цього занурюються в глибоку воду. Молодь виринає на поверхню води вдвічі більше, ніж дорослі, тому що молодь має менш потужні легені. Дорослі можуть перебувати під водою від 2 до 8 хв, молодь від 1 до 3 хв. Живуть в групах по 3—4.

Життєвий цикл

Живуть до 40 років. Самиці стають зрілими в 10 років, в той час як самці стають зрілими в 13 років. Як правило, вони спаровуються з кінця літа до осені. Діти зазвичай народжуються через 11 місяців після спарювання. Дорослі самиці можуть народжувати кожні три роки.


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Cá heo lưng bướu Thái Bình Dương ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá heo lưng bướu Thái Bình Dương, cá heo lưng gù hay còn gọi là cá heo trắng Trung Quốc (danh pháp khoa học: Sousa chinensis chinensis, tên Trung Quốc: 中华白海豚; bính âm: Zhonghua bái hǎitún) là một loài động vật có vú thuộc chi cá heo lưng bướu, họ Cá heo đại dương. Một con cá heo trưởng thành có màu trắng hoặc hồng[2] (màu hồng của chúng được cho là do các mạch máu tạo nên sắc tố)

Phân bố

Khu vực phân bố của chúng bao gồm các vùng biển thuộc khu vực Đông Nam Á, Nam Trung Quốc đến Úc và quanh đảo Papua. Có hai phân loài của loài này là Sousa chinensis chinensisSousa chinensis plumbea. Trong khi loài Sousa chinensis chinensis phân bố từ Trung Quốc tới khu vực các đảo của Indonesia còn phân loài của chúng có nguồn gốc từ bờ biển Nam Phi đã di chuyển tới khu vực phía Nam Indonesia và quanh đại lục Úc. Hai phân loài này khác nhau về màu sắc và kích thước của vây lưng. Các phân loài được tìm thấy ở Đông Nam Á có màu trắng hồng và một vây lưng lớn hơn, nhưng lại không có cái bướu như phân loài ở Úc.

Đặc điểm

Chiều dài cơ thể của cá heo trắng Trung Quốc có chiều dài từ 2 đến 3,5 mét (6 ft 7 đến 11 ft 6 in) đối với con trưởng thành và hơn 1 mét (3 ft 3 in) đối với những con non. Một con trưởng thành có trọng lượng trung bình khoảng 150 đến 230 kg (330 510 lb). Cá heo trắng Trung Quốc có thể sống đến 40 năm.

Khi mới sinh ra, một con cá heo Trung Quốc có màu đen, sau đó chuyển dần sang màu xám rồi hồng nhạt có thêm những đốm nhỏ. Đến khi trưởng thành, chúng có màu hồng hoặc màu trắng.

Cá heo trắng Trung Quốc ngoi lên mặt nước để thở 20 - 30 giây đối với những con trưởng thành và cần thời gian gấp đôi đối với những con nhỏ do phổi của chúng chưa phát triển hết. Cá heo trưởng thành có thể ở dưới nước khoảng 2-8 phút, nhưng một con non chỉ có thể ở dưới nước trong 1-3 phút. Chúng di chuyển theo chiều thẳng đứng lên mặt nước. Do có một cặp mắt lồi nên chúng có thể quan sát một cách rõ ràng ở cả hai môi trường nước và không khí.

Sinh sản

Cá heo trắng Trung Quốc là những sinh vật hòa đồng, sống theo nhóm nhỏ khoảng 3 hoặc bốn con. Con cái trưởng thành khi đạt 10 năm tuổi, trong khi những con đực trưởng thành khi được 13 năm tuổi. Thời gian giao phối là vào cuối hè tới mùa thu. Cá heo con ra đời sau khoảng 11 tháng và được cha mẹ chúng chăm sóc cho đến khi chúng tự kiếm được thức ăn. Cá heo trắng Trung Quốc sinh sản 3 năm một lần, thường đẻ duy nhất một con.

Bảo tồn

Do việc khai thác thủy sản, cùng với việc ô nhiễm trong quá trình khai thác cùng với việc quan sát xem cá heo khiến cá heo trắng nằm trong danh sách các loài gần bị đe dọa của IUCN. Vì vậy, một số nơi như ở Hồng Kông khi tổ chức các chuyến du lịch du thuyền quan sát cá heo thực hiện các nguyên tắc ứng xử khi xem cá heo như quan sát từ một khoảng cách, không ném các thức ăn và các chất độc hại xuống cho cá heo, Tàu thuyền di chuyển với tốc độ chậm (không quá 10 hải lý một giờ), song song với việc di chuyển của cá heo[3].

Cá heo trắng Trung Quốc được liệt kê trong Phụ lục II[4] của Công ước về bảo tồn các loài động vật hoang dã di cư (CMS) Chúng cũng được bảo tồn theo biên bản ghi nhớ về Bảo tồn động vật biển có vú và môi trường sống của chúng tại các đảo thuộc Thái Bình Dương.

Tham khảo

  1. ^ Reeves, R.R., Dalebout, M.L., Jefferson, T.A., Karczmarski, L., Laidre, K., O’Corry-Crowe, G., Rojas-Bracho, L., Secchi, E.R., Slooten, E., Smith, B.D., Wang, J.Y. & Zhou, K. (2008). Sousa chinensis. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 24 tháng 3 năm 2009.
  2. ^ WWF Hong Kong
  3. ^ Code of Conduct for Dolphin Watching Activities, Hong Kong Agricultural and Fisheries Department
  4. ^ "Appendix II" of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). As amended by the Conference of the Parties in 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2005 and 2008. Effective: 5th March 2009.

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 src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Cá heo lưng bướu Thái Bình Dương  src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Cá heo lưng bướu Thái Bình Dương
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Cá heo lưng bướu Thái Bình Dương: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá heo lưng bướu Thái Bình Dương, cá heo lưng gù hay còn gọi là cá heo trắng Trung Quốc (danh pháp khoa học: Sousa chinensis chinensis, tên Trung Quốc: 中华白海豚; bính âm: Zhonghua bái hǎitún) là một loài động vật có vú thuộc chi cá heo lưng bướu, họ Cá heo đại dương. Một con cá heo trưởng thành có màu trắng hoặc hồng (màu hồng của chúng được cho là do các mạch máu tạo nên sắc tố)

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Китайский дельфин ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Звери
Инфракласс: Плацентарные
Надотряд: Лавразиотерии
Подотряд: Зубатые киты
Семейство: Дельфиновые
Вид: Китайский дельфин
Международное научное название

Sousa chinensis (Osbeck, 1765)



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Китайский дельфин[1] (лат. Sousa chinensis) — млекопитающее из рода горбатых дельфинов (Sousa) семейства Дельфиновых (Delphinidae).

Эти дельфины живут в водах Юго-Восточной Азии, в период размножения от Южной Африки до Австралии. Живёт в тропических до умеренно тёплых прибрежных водах, в том числе заливах, прибрежных лагунах, скалистых и/или коралловых рифах, мангровых болотах и устьевых областях. Редко встречается более чем на несколько километров от берега. Иногда заходит в реки, но редко более чем на несколько километров вверх по течению и обычно остаётся в пределах приливного воздействия.

Длина тела составляет от 2 до 3,5 метров для взрослых, 1 метр для детёнышей. Взрослые весят от 150 до 230 кг. При рождении чёрные. Цвет меняется на серый с розовыми пятнами в молодом возрасте. Взрослые белые.

Пищей служит рыба, моллюски. Поднимаются к поверхности воды каждые 20 до 30 секунд, чтобы сделать вдох, и после этого погружаются в глубину. Молодые особи всплывают на поверхность воды вдвое чаще, чем взрослые, так как у них менее мощные лёгкие. Взрослые могут находиться под водой от 2 до 8 минут, молодые от 1 до 3 минут. Живут в группах по 3-4 особи.

Продолжительность жизни до 40 лет. Самки становятся половозрелыми в возрасте 10 лет, в то время как самцы становятся половозрелыми в возрасте 13 лет. Как правило, они спариваются с конца лета до осени. Детёныши обычно рождаются через 11 месяцев после спаривания. Взрослые самки могут рожать каждые три года.


  1. Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 116. — 10 000 экз.
direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Китайский дельфин: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Китайский дельфин (лат. Sousa chinensis) — млекопитающее из рода горбатых дельфинов (Sousa) семейства Дельфиновых (Delphinidae).

Эти дельфины живут в водах Юго-Восточной Азии, в период размножения от Южной Африки до Австралии. Живёт в тропических до умеренно тёплых прибрежных водах, в том числе заливах, прибрежных лагунах, скалистых и/или коралловых рифах, мангровых болотах и устьевых областях. Редко встречается более чем на несколько километров от берега. Иногда заходит в реки, но редко более чем на несколько километров вверх по течению и обычно остаётся в пределах приливного воздействия.

Длина тела составляет от 2 до 3,5 метров для взрослых, 1 метр для детёнышей. Взрослые весят от 150 до 230 кг. При рождении чёрные. Цвет меняется на серый с розовыми пятнами в молодом возрасте. Взрослые белые.

Пищей служит рыба, моллюски. Поднимаются к поверхности воды каждые 20 до 30 секунд, чтобы сделать вдох, и после этого погружаются в глубину. Молодые особи всплывают на поверхность воды вдвое чаще, чем взрослые, так как у них менее мощные лёгкие. Взрослые могут находиться под водой от 2 до 8 минут, молодые от 1 до 3 минут. Живут в группах по 3-4 особи.

Продолжительность жизни до 40 лет. Самки становятся половозрелыми в возрасте 10 лет, в то время как самцы становятся половозрелыми в возрасте 13 лет. Как правило, они спариваются с конца лета до осени. Детёныши обычно рождаются через 11 месяцев после спаривания. Взрослые самки могут рожать каждые три года.

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

中華白海豚 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
消歧義 本文介绍的是哺乳類動物。
  • 關於太平洋颱風季的熱帶氣旋,請見「颱風白海豚」。
  • 關於淡水鯨類白鱀豚科動物,請見「白鱀豚」。
二名法 Sousa chinensis
Osbeck, 1765 中華白海豚分佈範圍

中華白海豚學名Sousa chinensis),又稱太平洋駝背豚、印度太平洋駝背豚[2]臺灣俗稱為媽祖魚[3][4][5],屬鯨目海豚科,身長由一米到三米不等。主要生活在熱帶及溫帶沿岸水域,例如澳洲中部及北部、華南印尼等西太平洋水域,也有在河流出現及鹹淡水及沼澤一帶,例如長江閩江九龍江珠江口漢江珠江等,分布極之廣泛。西方文獻有關中華白海豚的最早紀錄是在1637年由探險家彼得文地(Peter Mundy)在珠江口發現的紀錄,而中國的最早紀錄是在唐朝。名為白海豚,剛出生的中華白海豚是呈白色,年輕的會呈灰色,至於成年的則會呈粉紅色。




2015年王愈超(John Wang)等人在《Zoological Studies》發表研究,认为中華白海豚可以分為“中華白海豚”(Sousa chinensis chinensis)與“臺灣白海豚”(Sousa chinensis taiwanensis)兩個亞種,兩者的斑點圖樣幾乎完全不同,兩者在地理區隔與動物行為上也不同。[9][10][11]







其近親印度太平洋駝背豚又稱灰白海豚Sousa plumbea已知的分佈地區自西向東包括開普省福爾斯灣(18°30'E),北沿非洲東部,包括馬達加斯加海岸,印度洋海岸線以至南非紅海北至蘇伊士灣阿拉伯海,和波斯灣,往東沿亞洲南部海岸到孟加拉灣西部。它從海洋可以上溯恒河250公里,或經過人工的蘇伊士運河進入地中海










自2002年才由福爾摩沙鯨保育研究小組與香港鯨豚研究計劃在台灣西岸進行的海上調查正式紀錄,在此以前,台灣只有零星的白海豚擱淺記錄。台灣西岸海域的族群在2008年被列入「極度危險」[16],已被聯合國鯨豚專家列為野生動物紅皮書最高保育等級的極危等級(CR,Critically Endangered),僅次於「絕種」。2010年台灣的白海豚數量估計只剩不到一百隻,在中華民國政府興建八輕計畫之下,處境堪憂[3][17][18][15]。學術團隊指雲林六輕附近海域水質酸化、船隻噪音等問題,都會危及白海豚生存。[13]中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心、台灣蠻野心足生態協會和台灣媽祖魚保育聯盟舉辦研討會邀請國際鯨豚保育學者發表相關研究,會議結論為台灣白海豚面臨棲地消失、水下噪音、淡水流量減少、污染及漁業誤捕等五大威脅。學者呼籲政府將白海豚棲息地劃定為海洋保育區,制訂強制禁止在白海豚棲地內使用三層網、刺網和拖網等漁業規範,讓白海豚和漁業真正永續生存。[19]




廣東有俗話稱為“烏忌白忌”,意味是一個壞預兆。此稱呼起源于廣東漁民,因為他們声称中華白海豚等海豚吃他們漁網中的魚獲。然而,一般漢語多寫作為“烏鱀白鱀”,鱀在古時的漢語中解作海豚,烏指黑色的江豚,白則指白色的白鱀豚。這兩個種類曾經經常被指破壞的魚獲。而在廣東, 烏指中華白海豚的幼海豚; 白則指成年中華白海豚,出現此不同意思可能是因白鱀豚不存在於香港和廣東。現今漢語中,海豚已不称為鱀,而海豚逐字地解意为海豬,因豚在中文解作


  • 1637年:中華白海豚在香港近珠江河口首先被冒險家彼得文地(Peter Mundy)發現,這是西方文獻最早有關中華白海豚的紀錄。
  • 1980年代末:環保人士開始關注中華白海豚群。
  • 1990年初:香港公眾開始關注中華白海豚。這歸因於香港國際機場的興建計劃。這是其中一個世界上最大的單一填海項目——在北大嶼山附近的九平方公里海床進行填海,而當地是其中一個中華白海豚的主要棲所。
  • 1993年初:有關香港國際機場興建計劃的環境影響再進行批估。這使香港的環保人士,如世界自然基金會在中華白海豚的保育上引起傳媒的注意,而香港政府隨即開始資助中華白海豚的研究項目。
  • 1996年:斐生博士(Thomas Jefferson)開始開展對中華白海豚的研究。
  • 1997年:中華白海豚成為香港主權移交吉祥物
  • 1998年:斐生博士的研究結果出版在「Wildlife Monographs」。同年,香港一些機構開始組織出海觀豚活動。
  • 2000年:香港漁農自然護理署開始對香港的中華白海豚進行長期觀察。記錄中珠江河口約有80-140隻中華白海豚。
  • 2002年:臺灣發現中華白海豚的確實記錄。這個種群主要分佈在苗栗彰化臺中沿岸,現被世界保育聯盟(IUCN)列作極危的種群。
  • 2003年:廣西欽州市三娘灣湧現大量中華白海豚,欽州市因此被稱為「中華白海豚之鄉」,北京大學於次年在欽州成立了欽州灣中華白海豚研究基地。
  • 2009年9月25日:大約上午7時,臺灣苗栗縣通霄鎮新埔漁港的沙灘漁民發現有一隻白海豚擱淺,身長260公分,屬成年豚[23]
  • 2010年:在臺灣,政府擬於彰化縣海岸興建國光石化開發案,預計在濁水溪口海域填海造陸超過四千公頃,亦將台灣白海豚洄游路徑攔腰截斷,馬英九政府在知道這個問題後曾堅持興建,吳敦義也認為臺灣白海豚會自己轉彎,使保育團體發起全民認股購地的環境信託活動,搶救瀕臨絕種、只剩不到一百隻的臺灣白海豚[4]。2011年4月22日總統馬英九親自宣布不支持國光石化案在彰化縣繼續進行[24][25]
  • 2017年,中國廣東珠海有人販賣疑似中華白海豚,目前珠海市公安部門與海洋農業和水務局已經介入此事,3名涉事村民被傳喚,殘存骸骨亦送往中山大學展開鑑定。[26]另據涉事村民表示,該海豚為3月29日上午9時許在南水鎮附近海域發現,發現時已經死亡。[27]


  1. ^ Sousa chinensis. 國際自然保護聯盟. 2012 [2016-05-05].
  2. ^ 香港中華白海豚護理計劃,香港特別行政區政府漁農自然護理署
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 保護白海豚棲地 環團募款買國有地. 中央廣播電臺. 2010-04-11. (原始内容存档于2013-04-19).
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 讓「媽祖魚」成為台灣品牌代表. 臺北市政府勞工局台北人力銀行. (原始内容存档于2014-07-14).
  5. ^ 台灣媽祖魚保育聯盟.
  6. ^ 世界自然基金會揭示: 綠海龜、馬蹄蟹和黃唇魚徘徊生存警界線 香港市民選出「我最喜愛的海洋10寶」. 世界自然基金會. 2007-11-15. (原始内容存档于2008-05-11).
  7. ^ 瀕危海洋生物面臨絕種 團體促政府推行全面保護措施. 《頻果日報》. 2007-11-16: A14版. (原始内容存档于2007-11-18).
  8. ^ 調查顯示:中華白海豚是港人最喜愛的海洋生物. 新浪新聞 原文載於《新華網》. 2007-11-16.
  9. ^ 台灣特亞增新成員 「台灣白海豚」全球不破百. 《環境資訊中心》. 2015-05-30.
  10. ^ John Y Wang, Shih Chu Yang, Samuel K Hung. Diagnosability and description of a new subspecies of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, Sousa chinensis (Osbeck, 1765), from the Taiwan Strait (PDF). 《Zoological Studies》. 2015. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2016-04-05).
  11. ^ Final Rule to List the Taiwanese Humpback Dolphin as Endangered Under the Endangered Species Act. 美國國家海洋暨大氣總署. 2018-05-08.
  12. ^ Sousa chinensis (Osbeck, 1765). Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. (原始内容存档于2012-03-19).
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 環團:台塑關廠才能根治污染 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2013-12-13., 自由時報, 2011-11-27
  14. ^ 陳昭倫, 為何東臺灣海峽白海豚為一獨立族群?, 台灣環境資訊中心, 2012-01-03
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 全民來認股 為白海豚安家 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2013-12-15., 《生命力新聞》, 2010/5
  16. ^ List of the 2008 Red List Cetacean assessments,2008年8月12日,IUCN
  17. ^ 白海豚會轉彎, Nownews,2010/07/07
  18. ^ 洄游廊道被截 認股救白海豚 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2010-10-23.,自由時報電子報,2010年4月11日。
  19. ^ 環團籲劃設白海豚保育區, 自由時報, 2011-04-29
  20. ^ 三跑動工 白海豚出沒新低 連續兩年絕迹大嶼山東北. 蘋果日報. 2017-06-27.
  21. ^ 大嶼中華白海豚數創14年新低 環團:與填海及發展工程有關. 香港01. 2017-06-26.
  22. ^ WWF回應第三條跑道環境評估報告: 勿再墮「先發展後保育」政策陷阱. WWF Hong Kong. 2014-06-20.
  23. ^ 苗縣新埔漁港 罕見白海豚擱淺死亡. 中央日報. 2009-09-25 [2015-08-10]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-23).
  24. ^ 總統不支持 國光石化暫喊卡. 旺報. 2011-04-23.[永久失效連結]
  25. ^ Sousa chinensis (eastern Taiwan Strait subpopulation). 國際自然保護聯盟. 2012.
  26. ^ 广东珠海现当街宰杀中华白海豚 与杀熊猫同罪. [2017].
  27. ^ 张蓓. 专家:“被当街宰杀的白海豚” 捞上船前已死亡的可能性很大. 澎湃新闻. 2017-03-31 [2017].



direitos autorais
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 中文维基百科

中華白海豚: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科

中華白海豚(學名:Sousa chinensis),又稱太平洋駝背豚、印度太平洋駝背豚,臺灣俗稱為媽祖魚,屬鯨目海豚科,身長由一米到三米不等。主要生活在熱帶及溫帶沿岸水域,例如澳洲中部及北部、華南印尼等西太平洋水域,也有在河流出現及鹹淡水及沼澤一帶,例如長江閩江九龍江珠江口漢江珠江等,分布極之廣泛。西方文獻有關中華白海豚的最早紀錄是在1637年由探險家彼得文地(Peter Mundy)在珠江口發現的紀錄,而中國的最早紀錄是在唐朝。名為白海豚,剛出生的中華白海豚是呈白色,年輕的會呈灰色,至於成年的則會呈粉紅色。


direitos autorais
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 中文维基百科

シナウスイロイルカ ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
シナウスイロイルカ シナウスイロイルカ
保全状況評価 NEAR THREATENED (IUCN Red List Ver. 3.1 (2001))[1]
Status iucn3.1 NT.svg
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia : 鯨偶蹄目 Cetartiodactyla 階級なし : クジラ目 Cetacea 亜目 : ハクジラ亜目 Odontoceti : マイルカ科 Delphinidae : ウスイロイルカ属 Sousa : シナウスイロイルカ
S. chinensis 学名 Sousa chinensis
(Osbeck, 1765) 和名 シナウスイロイルカ 英名 Chinese White Dolphin,
Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin

シナウスイロイルカ(支那薄色海豚、学名Sousa chinensis)はクジラ目ハクジラ亜目マイルカ科ウスイロイルカ属に分類されるイルカである。

ウスイロイルカと合わせて一つの種 Sousa chinensis として、シナウスイロイルカをその亜種 Sousa chinensis chinensis とする場合もある。


シナウスイロイルカ (Sousa chinensis) の生息域


Riceは、スマトラ島を境界とし、スマトラ島およびそれより東に棲息するものをシナウスイロイルカ (Sousa chinensis) 、スマトラ島より西側に棲息するものをウスイロイルカ (Sousa plumbea) と分類した[2]が、交雑は不可避であろうと考えられている。そのため、シナウスイロイルカ (Sousa chinensis) とウスイロイルカ (Sousa plumbea) を合わせて一つの種と考える分類法もある。


シナウスイロイルカ (Sousa chinensis) はウスイロイルカ (Sousa plumbea) に似ている。生息域によりその形態は異なり、また成長とともに変化する。ウスイロイルカ (Sousa plumbea) に比べると背びれが大きく、背中の隆起が小さい。口吻は細長い。






集団で行動する社交的なイルカであり、通常は3、4頭ほどの小さな群を成して行動する。雌は約10歳、雄は約13歳で性的に成熟する。 通常、夏の終わりから秋にかけて交尾を行い、妊娠期間は約11ヶ月である。子育ては仔イルカが自分で餌を捕ることが可能になるまで続けられる。成熟した雌は約3年に一度のペースで出産する。



香港では本種を「中華白海豚」と呼び、マスコットとして使う例があるほか、野生のシナウスイロイルカを船から観察するドルフィンウォッチングが商業的に行われている。主な海域はランタオ島北部や南東部、索罟群島沖、坪洲沖などである。ドルフィンウォッチングにより、香港の一般の人々がシナウスイロイルカへの関心を持つ機会を増やしたり、利益の一部をFriends of the Earth (HK) へ寄付する業者も存在するため、香港の沿岸環境保護に繋がるという意見がある。一方、ドルフィンウォッチングは、シナウスイロイルカに過剰なストレスを与え、持続的な生存を脅かすものであるという批判もある。



シナウスイロイルカはほぼ一定の海域を生息域とし、その生息域から離れることはほとんどないため、工業排水、農業排水、生活排水による香港近海の汚染の影響が深刻になってきている。珠江デルタでは、毎日19万m3の汚水が全く処理されることなく、そのまま海へ排出されている。未処理の汚水や化学物質は海全体の環境を悪化させ、シナウスイロイルカの生息環境も悪化させている。 シナウスイロイルカの死骸からは水銀などの重金属PCBDDTなどの塩化有機物、トリブチルスズ (TBT)、合成保存料などが検出されており、食物連鎖の中にこれらの有害な物質が既に組み込まれていることが明らかになっている。

香港国際空港の建設によって、シナウスイロイルカの生息海域が9.5km2減少した。同空港には第三滑走路の建設計画があり、更に影響を与えることが危惧されている。他にも、北大嶼山公路英語版屯門青山火力発電所英語版を繋ぐ香港内河碼頭(River Trade Terminal)、香港ディズニーランドといった開発に伴う大規模な埋め立てが実施あるいは予定されており、シナウスイロイルカの生息域に壊滅的な打撃を与える恐れがある。さらに索罟群島においてはLNGターミナルの建設の動きもあり、潜在的な脅威となっている。




冒険家ピーター・マンディー (Peter Mundy) により、香港では最初のシナウスイロイルカが珠江の近くで発見された。河口付近の水には塩分が含まれており、シナウスイロイルカの生息域となっている。
香港農業水産管理局(漁農自然護理署、Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department)設立。
トーマス・ジェファーソン (Thomas Jefferson) によるシナウスイロイルカの調査が始まる。
トーマス・ジェファーソンによる研究成果が "Wildlife Monographs" で発表される。
香港ドルフィンウォッチ (Hong Kong Dolphinwatch) が設立される。一般市民にドルフィンウォッチを経験させ、シナウスイロイルカへの興味を持ってもらうことを目的とする団体である。


  1. ^ a b Reeves, R.R., Dalebout, M.L., Jefferson, T.A., et al. 2008. Sousa chinensis. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4.
  2. ^ Dale W. Rice, Marine Mammals of the World. Systematics and Distribution (1998). Published by the Society of Marine Mammalogy as Special Publication No. 4.


  • ヨウスコウカワイルカ - 長江(揚子江)に固有で、ほぼ絶滅状態であると考えられているカワイルカ。シナウスイロイルカとは全く別の種である。


執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
direitos autorais
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 日本語

シナウスイロイルカ: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語

シナウスイロイルカ(支那薄色海豚、学名:Sousa chinensis)はクジラ目ハクジラ亜目マイルカ科ウスイロイルカ属に分類されるイルカである。

ウスイロイルカと合わせて一つの種 Sousa chinensis として、シナウスイロイルカをその亜種 Sousa chinensis chinensis とする場合もある。

direitos autorais
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 日本語

인도태평양혹등고래 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

인도태평양혹등고래(Sousa chinensis)는 참돌고래과 혹등돌고래속에 속하는 돌고래의 일종이다.[2]


  1. Jefferson, T.A., Smith, B.D., Braulik, G.T. & Perrin, W. 2017. Sousa chinensis (errata version published in 2018). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T82031425A123794774. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T82031425A50372332.en. Downloaded on 11 March 2021.
  2. Mead, J.G.; Brownell, R.L., Jr. (2005). 〈SPECIES Sousa chinensis. Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. 723–743쪽. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
direitos autorais
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
tropical to warm temperate coastal waters, also in rivers, estuaries and mangroves


van der Land, J. (ed). (2008). UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms (URMO).

direitos autorais
WoRMS Editorial Board
Jacob van der Land [email]

IUCN Red List Category ( Inglês )

fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
Near Threatened (NT)


IUCN (2008) Cetacean update of the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

direitos autorais
WoRMS Editorial Board
Perrin, William [email]

IUCN Red List Category ( Inglês )

fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
subpopulation Eastern Taiwan Strait humpback dolphin : Critically Endangered (CR)


IUCN (2008) Cetacean update of the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

direitos autorais
WoRMS Editorial Board
Perrin, William [email]