"This family contains one genus Atorella, with four species. Atorellidae are distinguished by having exactly six rhopalia, six tentacles, 12 marginal lappets and 12 pedalia, and are from 5 to 17 mm wide at the bell. The family is marked by having four lips and four internal orange- colored gonads, while the rest of the body is colorless. It is not known how the number six was derived in this family. One hypothesis is that it was derived from Atolla. They have been recorded off the pacific coast of Panama and east coast of Africa. They are rare on the surface on the water and range in size from 12 to 150 mm wide depending on the species. Atolla parva is a deep sea medusae always with one long trailing tentacle, the function which is still unknown. (Whether or not it is in the same location on every animal is also unknown.) The medusae from this family are deep-sea animals that inhabitant oceans worldwide. Large numbers of Atolla have been taken from open dragnets between 350 and 2500 fathoms. They have been recorded in the North Atlantic, Indian Ocean, off the Cape of Good Hope, Africa, Antarctic, Tropical Pacific, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans." (G. Hale, 1999.)
Les Atorellidae sont une famille des méduses (groupe de cnidaires) de l'ordre des Coronatae.
La famille des Atorellidae a été créée en 1902 par le zoologiste allemand Ernst Vanhöffen (1858-1918).
Selon World Register of Marine Species (10 septembre 2021)[1] :
Atorellidae is een familie van neteldieren uit de klasse van de Scyphozoa (schijfkwallen).
Atorellidae is een familie van neteldieren uit de klasse van de Scyphozoa (schijfkwallen).
Atorellidae é uma família de medusas da ordem Coronatae.[1]