fornecido por Arkive
Unlike many coral species, lace corals do not have the symbiotic algae zooxanthellae living within the coral tissue; they are azooxanthellate (2). They are therefore not dependent on light and thus can live where the reef-building corals, dependent on photosynthetic algae, can not.
Lace corals are hydrozoans, and thus have different type of polyps with different functions than anthozoan corals. The polyps of hydrozoans are near microscopic size and are mostly imbedded in the skeleton, connected by a network of minute canals. All that is visible on the smooth surface are pores of two sizes; gastropores and dactylopores. The rows of gastropores flanked by one of two rows of dactylopores are diagnostic of the genus (3). Dactylopores house long fine hairs that protrude from the skeleton. The hairs possess clusters of stinging cells (nematocysts) that can inflict stings on human skin. These hairs capture prey, which is engulfed by gastrozooids, or feeding polyps, situated within the gastropores (2).
Reproduction in lace corals is more complex than in reef-building corals. The polyps reproduce asexually, producing jellyfish-like medusae, which are released into the water from special cup-like structures known as ampullae. The medusae contain the reproductive organs, which release eggs and sperm into the water. Fertilised eggs develop into free-swimming larvae that will eventually settle on the substrate and form new colonies. Lace corals can also reproduce asexually by fragmentation (5) (6).
fornecido por Arkive
Lace corals are listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), which means that trade in this species should be carefully regulated (1). Indonesia and Fiji both have quota systems for corals, including lace corals, monitored though CITES (1). Lace corals will form part of the marine community in many marine protected areas (MPAs), which offer coral reefs a degree of protection, and there are many calls from non-governmental organisations for larger MPAs to ensure the persistence of these unique and fascinating ecosystems (7).
fornecido por Arkive
Lace corals form ornate tree-like structures, with all the flattened, blunt-ended branches growing in one plane. These fan-like corals are remarkable for their bright colours (2), including violet, red, orange, and yellow, and grow up to 25 cm tall (3). The colour is deposited within the limestone skeleton and remains even after the animal tissue is gone, unlike reef-building corals which have white skeletons and the only colour is found in the living tissue (4)
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Distichopora corals occur in temperate as well as tropical waters, and also occur at abyssal depths. Commonly found in caves and under overhangs in shallow reef environments, and in crevices, under ledges and in caverns (2).
fornecido por Arkive
Occurs throughout the Indo-west Pacific and the Galapagos Islands and is restricted to deep water in some regions, including Hawaii (2). More recently, a species was discovered off the coast of Panama, and thus extends this genera's range to the eastern Pacific (3).
fornecido por Arkive
Listed on Appendix II of CITES (1).
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Lace corals face the many threats that are impacting coral reefs globally. It is estimated that 20 percent of the world's coral reefs have already been effectively destroyed and show no immediate prospects of recovery, and 24 percent of the world's reefs are under imminent risk of collapse due to human pressures. These human impacts include poor land management practices that are releasing more sediment, nutrients and pollutants into the oceans and stressing the fragile reef ecosystem. Over fishing has 'knock-on' effects that results in the increase of macro-algae that can out-compete and smother corals, and fishing using destructive methods physically devastates the reef. A further potential threat is the increase of coral bleaching events, as a result of global climate change (7). Lace corals are also potentially threatened by the global coral trade, for use in aquariums, or for jewellery and ornaments, however, the amount in trade is significantly smaller compared to many other coral genera (8).
fornecido por wikipedia EN
Distichopora is a genus of hydrozoans belonging to the family Stylasteridae.[1]
The species of this genus are found in Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Central Atlantic Ocean.[1]
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Wikipedia authors and editors
Distichopora: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia EN
Distichopora is a genus of hydrozoans belonging to the family Stylasteridae.
The species of this genus are found in Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Central Atlantic Ocean.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Wikipedia authors and editors
fornecido por wikipedia FR
Distichopora est un genre d'hydrocoraux de la famille de Stylasteridae.
Ce sont des hydraires coloniaux qui constituent un squelette calcaire commun. Cependant à l'instar des coraux de feu ils ne font pas partie du groupe des « vrais coraux » (Scleractinia), mais constituent un groupe semblable par convergence évolutive. La reproduction sexuée se fait via un stade méduse, mais les colonies croissent par duplication clonale.
Habitat et répartition
On trouve des hydrocoraux de ce genre de la surface à plus de 800 m de profondeur, et ils semblent être apparus à l'Éocène[1].
Liste des espèces
Selon World Register of Marine Species (21 février 2017)[1] :
Distichopora anceps Cairns, 1978 -- Hawaii
Distichopora anomala Cairns, 1986 -- Antilles
Distichopora antigua deFrance, 1826 †
Distichopora asulcata Cairns, 2005 -- Hawaii
Distichopora barbadensis Pourtalès, 1874 -- Barbade
Distichopora borealis Fisher, 1938 -- Pacifique nord
Distichopora cervina Pourtalès, 1871 -- Caraïbes
Distichopora coccinea Gray, 1860 -- Pacifique
Distichopora contorta Pourtalès, 1878 -- Cuba
Distichopora dispar Cairns, 1991 -- Nouvelle-Zélande
Distichopora foliacea Pourtalès, 1868 -- Floride et région
Distichopora gracilis Dana, 1848 -- Pacifique
Distichopora irregularis Moseley, 1879 -- Philippines et Indonésie
Distichopora laevigranulosa Cairns, 1986 -- Galapagos
Distichopora livida Tenison-Woods, 1880
Distichopora nitida Verrill, 1864 -- Pacifique
Distichopora parairregulare Eguchi, 1968 †
Distichopora profunda Hickson & England, 1909
Distichopora providentiae (Hickson & England, 1909)
Distichopora purpurea Schmeltz, 1875
Distichopora robusta Lindner, Cairns & Guzman, 2004 -- Pacifique est
Distichopora rosalindae Cairns, 1986 -- Caraïbes
Distichopora serpens Broch, 1942 -- Vanuatu
Distichopora sulcata Pourtalès, 1867 -- Caraïbes et peut-être Pacifique
Distichopora uniserialis Cairns, 1986 -- Cuba
Distichopora vervoorti Cairns & Hoeksema, 1998 -- Indonésie
Distichopora violacea (Pallas, 1766) -- Indo-Pacifique tropical
Distichopora yucatanensis Cairns, 1986 -- Caraïbes
Références taxinomiques
Notes et références
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
Distichopora: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia FR
Distichopora est un genre d'hydrocoraux de la famille de Stylasteridae.
Ce sont des hydraires coloniaux qui constituent un squelette calcaire commun. Cependant à l'instar des coraux de feu ils ne font pas partie du groupe des « vrais coraux » (Scleractinia), mais constituent un groupe semblable par convergence évolutive. La reproduction sexuée se fait via un stade méduse, mais les colonies croissent par duplication clonale.
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
Neerlandês; Flamengo
fornecido por wikipedia NL
Distichopora is een geslacht van neteldieren uit de familie van de Stylasteridae.
Distichopora anceps Cairns, 1978
Distichopora anomala Cairns, 1986
Distichopora antigua deFrance, 1826 †
Distichopora asulcata Cairns, 2005
Distichopora barbadensis Pourtalès, 1874
Distichopora borealis Fisher, 1938
Distichopora cervina Pourtalès, 1871
Distichopora coccinea Gray, 1860
Distichopora contorta Pourtalès, 1878
Distichopora dispar Cairns, 1991
Distichopora foliacea Pourtalès, 1868
Distichopora gracilis Dana, 1848
Distichopora irregularis Moseley, 1879
Distichopora laevigranulosa Cairns, 1986
Distichopora livida Tenison-Woods, 1880
Distichopora nitida Verrill, 1864
Distichopora profunda Hickson & England, 1909
Distichopora providentiae (Hickson & England, 1909)
Distichopora robusta Lindner, Cairns & Guzman, 2004
Distichopora rosalindae Cairns, 1986
Distichopora serpens Broch, 1942
Distichopora sulcata Pourtalès, 1867
Distichopora uniserialis Cairns, 1986
Distichopora vervoorti Cairns & Hoeksema, 1998
Distichopora violacea (Pallas) Lamarck
Distichopora yucatanensis Cairns, 1986
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
Distichopora: Brief Summary
Neerlandês; Flamengo
fornecido por wikipedia NL
Distichopora is een geslacht van neteldieren uit de familie van de Stylasteridae.
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
fornecido por wikipedia UK
Distichopora (вогняний корал) — рід гідроїдних кнідарій родини Stylasteridae ряду Антомедузи (Anthomedusae). Рід поширений у Індо-Пацифіці. Розміри колонії сягають до 20 см. Поліпи малі, майже непомітні. Ростуть у печерах та затемнених ділянках рифів. Раціон складається з тваринної їжі, в основному, з зоопланктону.
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
Distichopora: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia UK
Distichopora (вогняний корал) — рід гідроїдних кнідарій родини Stylasteridae ряду Антомедузи (Anthomedusae). Рід поширений у Індо-Пацифіці. Розміри колонії сягають до 20 см. Поліпи малі, майже непомітні. Ростуть у печерах та затемнених ділянках рифів. Раціон складається з тваринної їжі, в основному, з зоопланктону.
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Автори та редактори Вікіпедії