Comprehensive Description
fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harpiniopsis triplex
DIAGNOSIS.—Anteroventral corner of head with a medium-size process; epistome not produced acutely; article 2 of pereopod 5 produced downward about to end of article 4, posterodistal edge not beveled, armed with 3 medium-size teeth, with 2 small proximal teeth, ventral edge with small serrations; third pleonal epimeron with sinuous ventral edge, posteroventral corner with a very long, upturned, acute tooth; outer ramus of uropod 1 slightly shorter than inner and unarmed, inner ramus with 5 setae; outer ramus of uropod 2 unarmed, inner ramus with 3 setae.
HOLOTYPE.—USNM 127123, female, 5.8 mm.
TYPE-LOCALITY.—Station 7, 44°36.4′N, 125°24.8′W, 2,800 m, 13 August 1962.
MATERIAL.—Stations 5 (1), 7 (1), 28 (1), 82 (1).
RELATIONSHIP.—This species bears closest resemblance to Harpiniopsis profundis Barnard (1960b) but differs by the shape of article 2 on pereopod 5; the posterodistal edge of article 2 in H. profundis is beveled and two of the teeth enclose a larger excavation than seen in this new species. The tooth of the third pleonal epimeron is larger in the new species and strongly upturned and the inner ramus of uropod 2 is setose unlike H. profundis.
DISTRIBUTION.—Oregon, 2,000–2,800 m.
- citação bibliográfica
- Barnard, J. L. 1971. "Gammaridean Amphipoda from a deep-sea transect off Oregon." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-86.
Harpiniopsis triplex
Neerlandês; Flamengo
fornecido por wikipedia NL
Harpiniopsis triplex is een vlokreeftensoort uit de familie van de Phoxocephalidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1971 door J.L. Barnard.
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