Imagem de Amphitrite ornata (Leidy 1855)
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Amphitrite ornata (Leidy 1855)

Breeding Season ( Inglês )

fornecido por Egg Characteristics and Breeding Season for Woods Hole Species
Woods Hole, Maine
direitos autorais
Donald P. Costello and Catherine Henley
citação bibliográfica
Costello, D.P. and C. Henley (1971). Methods for obtaining and handling marine eggs and embryos. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (Second Edition)
Costello, D.P.
C. Henley

Care of Adults ( Inglês )

fornecido por Egg Characteristics and Breeding Season for Woods Hole Species
Woods Hole, Maine
direitos autorais
Donald P. Costello and Catherine Henley
citação bibliográfica
Costello, D.P. and C. Henley (1971). Methods for obtaining and handling marine eggs and embryos. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (Second Edition)
Costello, D.P.
C. Henley

Cleavage ( Inglês )

fornecido por Egg Characteristics and Breeding Season for Woods Hole Species
Woods Hole, Maine
direitos autorais
Donald P. Costello and Catherine Henley
citação bibliográfica
Costello, D.P. and C. Henley (1971). Methods for obtaining and handling marine eggs and embryos. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (Second Edition)
Costello, D.P.
C. Henley

Later Stages of Development and Metamorphosis ( Inglês )

fornecido por Egg Characteristics and Breeding Season for Woods Hole Species
Woods Hole, Maine


  • Just, E. E., 1939. Basic Methods for Experiments on Eggs of Marine Animals. P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Inc., Philadelphia.
  • Mead, A. D., 1894. Preliminary account of the cell lineage of Amphitrite and other annelids. J. Morph., 9: 465-473.
  • Mead, A. D., 1897. The early development of marine annelids. J. Morph., 13: 227-326.
  • Mead, A. D., 1899. The cell origin of the prototroch. Biol. Lectures M. B. L., Wood's Holl, Mass., 1898, pp. 113-138.
  • Scott, J. W., 1906. Morphology of the parthenogenetic development of Amphitrite. J. Exp. Zool., 3: 49-97.
  • Scott, J. W., 1909. Some egg-laying habits of Amphitrite ornata Verrill. Biol. Bull., 17: 327-340.
  • Scott, J. W., 1911. Further experiments on the methods of egg-laying in Amphitrite. Biol. Bull., 20: 252-265.
  • Treadwell, A. L., 1898. The cell lineage of Podarke obscura. Preliminary communication. Zool. Bull., 1: 195-203.
  • Treadwell, A. L., 1899. Equal and unequal cleavage in annelids. Biol. Lectures M. B. L., Wood's Holl, Mass., 1898, pp. 93-111.

direitos autorais
Donald P. Costello and Catherine Henley
citação bibliográfica
Costello, D.P. and C. Henley (1971). Methods for obtaining and handling marine eggs and embryos. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (Second Edition)
Costello, D.P.
C. Henley

Living Material ( Inglês )

fornecido por Egg Characteristics and Breeding Season for Woods Hole Species
Woods Hole, Maine
direitos autorais
Donald P. Costello and Catherine Henley
citação bibliográfica
Costello, D.P. and C. Henley (1971). Methods for obtaining and handling marine eggs and embryos. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (Second Edition)
Costello, D.P.
C. Henley

Preparation of Cultures ( Inglês )

fornecido por Egg Characteristics and Breeding Season for Woods Hole Species
Woods Hole, Maine
direitos autorais
Donald P. Costello and Catherine Henley
citação bibliográfica
Costello, D.P. and C. Henley (1971). Methods for obtaining and handling marine eggs and embryos. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (Second Edition)
Costello, D.P.
C. Henley

Procuring Gamete ( Inglês )

fornecido por Egg Characteristics and Breeding Season for Woods Hole Species
Woods Hole, Maine
direitos autorais
Donald P. Costello and Catherine Henley
citação bibliográfica
Costello, D.P. and C. Henley (1971). Methods for obtaining and handling marine eggs and embryos. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (Second Edition)
Costello, D.P.
C. Henley

Rate of Development ( Inglês )

fornecido por Egg Characteristics and Breeding Season for Woods Hole Species
Woods Hole, Maine
direitos autorais
Donald P. Costello and Catherine Henley
citação bibliográfica
Costello, D.P. and C. Henley (1971). Methods for obtaining and handling marine eggs and embryos. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (Second Edition)
Costello, D.P.
C. Henley

The Unfertilized Ovum ( Inglês )

fornecido por Egg Characteristics and Breeding Season for Woods Hole Species
Woods Hole, Maine
direitos autorais
Donald P. Costello and Catherine Henley
citação bibliográfica
Costello, D.P. and C. Henley (1971). Methods for obtaining and handling marine eggs and embryos. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (Second Edition)
Costello, D.P.
C. Henley

Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors

Amphitrite ornatais the second intermediate host to trematode parasites. Metacercariae of the digenean family Gymnophallidae were found attached to the outside of their hosts (Kyle & Noblet 1985) and also in their metanephridia (Vandergon et al. 1988).

direitos autorais
Josefin Stiller
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
EOL authors

Amphitrite ornata ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Amphitrite ornata or ornate worm, is a species of marine polychaete worm in the family Terebellidae.[1]

Polychaetes, or marine bristle worms, have elongated bodies divided into many segments. Each segment may bear setae (bristles) and parapodia (paddle-like appendages). Some species live freely, either swimming, crawling or burrowing, and these are known as "errant". Others live permanently in tubes, either calcareous or parchment-like, and these are known as "sedentary".


This species is found in Cobscook Bay, the Gulf of Maine and the north west Atlantic Ocean at a depth of up to 200 metres.[2]


The ornate worm can grow to up to forty centimetres long and lives in a firm, sand-encrusted tube. All that is visible are the three bright red bushy gills and a spread of long, peach-coloured tentacles above them. The tentacles can extend to forty centimetres and are constantly in motion, searching for food particles.[3] The rest of the worm's segmented, tapering body remains concealed in the tube.[4]


This worm lives in a tough U-shaped tube in the mud substrate. The sexes are separate and the females can be distinguished by their darker abdominal segments. Spawning takes place in June to August, peaking in July, especially around the periods of new and full moon and the subsequent increase in tidal flows. The eggs and sperm develop and float freely in the body cavity of the worm but by some little understood process, only the ripe products are released.[5] The eggs are fertilized externally and the rate of development of the larvae is rapid. Swimming forms are present four to five hours after fertilization, and well-formed trochophores within 20 hours. Larval segmentation begins at 36 hours and metamorphosis starts at about the fifth day, when five trunk segments are already present. At this stage, the larvae cease to swim about freely and sink to the sea floor. Metamorphosis is complete by the eleventh day.[6][7]


This worm is often found associated with the fringe worm, Cirratulus cirriformia, in the littoral and sublittoral zones, in soft mud and under stones.[3] The tiny pea crab Pinnixa chaetopterana is sometimes found living as a commensal inside the tube behind the worm.[8]

The ornate worm is often found in marine environments also inhabited by Notomastus lobatus (Polychaeta) and Saccoglossus kowalewskyi (Hemichordata), which produce and contaminate sediments with bromophenols and bromopyrroles.[9] These organic halogen metabolites are toxic and it has been found that A. ornata produces a novel dehaloperoxidase that detoxifies haloaromatic compounds. The genes responsible have been identified.[10]


  1. ^ a b Read G, Fauchald K, eds. (2021). "Amphitrite ornata (Leidy, 1855)". World Polychaeta database. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved 9 December 2021.
  2. ^ Encyclopedia of Life
  3. ^ a b Life in Chesapeake Bay
  4. ^ Image of Amphitrite ornata
  5. ^ Scott, John W. (1909). "Some egg-laying habits of Amphitrite ornata Verrill". Biological Bulletin. 17 (5): 327–340. doi:10.2307/1536055. JSTOR 1536055.
  6. ^ Mead, A. D. (1897). "The early development of marine annelids". Journal of Morphology. 13 (2): 227–326. doi:10.1002/jmor.1050130202. hdl:2027/hvd.32044107331720.
  7. ^ Amphitrite ornata Archived September 27, 2011, at the Wayback Machine
  8. ^ Walter J. Craig, Jr. (1974). "Physiological ecology of the commensal crabs, Polyonyx gibbesi Haig and Pinnixa chaetopterana Stimpson". Oecologia. 15 (3): 235–244. doi:10.1007/bf00345180. JSTOR 4214961. PMID 28308549.
  9. ^ Chen, Yung Pin; Woodin, Sarah A.; Lincoln, David E.; Lovell, Charles R. (1996). "An unusual dehalogenating peroxidase from the marine terebellid polychaete Amphitrite ornata". Journal of Biological Chemistry. 271 (9): 4609–4612. doi:10.1074/jbc.271.9.4609. PMID 8617721.
  10. ^ Han, Kaiping; Woodin, Sarah A.; Lincoln, David E.; Fielman, Kevin T.; Ely, Bert (2001). "Amphitrite ornata, a marine worm, contains two dehaloperoxidase genes". Marine Biotechnology. 3 (3): 287–292. doi:10.1007/s10126-001-0003-8. PMID 14961367.
direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia EN

Amphitrite ornata: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Amphitrite ornata or ornate worm, is a species of marine polychaete worm in the family Terebellidae.

Polychaetes, or marine bristle worms, have elongated bodies divided into many segments. Each segment may bear setae (bristles) and parapodia (paddle-like appendages). Some species live freely, either swimming, crawling or burrowing, and these are known as "errant". Others live permanently in tubes, either calcareous or parchment-like, and these are known as "sedentary".

direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia EN

Amphitrite ornata ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Amphitrite ornata is een borstelworm uit de familie Terebellidae. Het lichaam van de worm bestaat uit een kop, een cilindrisch, gesegmenteerd lichaam en een staartstukje. De kop bestaat uit een prostomium (gedeelte voor de mondopening) en een peristomium (gedeelte rond de mond) en draagt gepaarde aanhangsels (palpen, antennen en cirri).

Amphitrite ornata werd in 1855 voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Leidy.

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wikipedia NL

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
Range covers both subprovinces of Acadian and Virginian, including Cobscook Bay.


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

direitos autorais
WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]