Epilucina californica is a species of small saltwater clams, marine bivalve molluscs in the genus Epilucina, found from central California to Baja California. Historical records claim that it lived from Crescent City to San Diego.[1] The oldest known fossil record of this species is from the Miocene of Japan, indicating that it likely originated in the Eastern North Pacific and expanded before being restricted to its current range.[2]
Epilucina californica is a species of small saltwater clams, marine bivalve molluscs in the genus Epilucina, found from central California to Baja California. Historical records claim that it lived from Crescent City to San Diego. The oldest known fossil record of this species is from the Miocene of Japan, indicating that it likely originated in the Eastern North Pacific and expanded before being restricted to its current range.
Epilucina californica is een tweekleppigensoort uit de familie van de Lucinidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1837 door Conrad.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties加州厚大蛤(学名:Epilucina californica)[2][3][4],又名加州满月蛤,是帘蛤目满月蛤科的一种[5][6],原屬厚大蛤屬[7],今單獨獨立出來成為Epilucina屬[1]。 Epilucina屬本來就只有加州厚大蛤這一個物種,後來才再加入另一個化石種華盛頓厚大蛤[1]。
根據Catalogue of Life,本物種並沒有亞種[5]。
缺少标题 (帮助). Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.. Reading, UK: Species 2000. 2011 [2012-09-24] (英语). 加州厚大蛤(学名:Epilucina californica),又名加州满月蛤,是帘蛤目满月蛤科的一种,原屬厚大蛤屬,今單獨獨立出來成為Epilucina屬。 Epilucina屬本來就只有加州厚大蛤這一個物種,後來才再加入另一個化石種華盛頓厚大蛤。
根據Catalogue of Life,本物種並沒有亞種。