“Margarella violacea (King)
Margarita violacea King & Broderip, 1830-31, p. 346.
Margarita persica Gould, 1852, p. 192.
Photinula almyris Rochebrune & Mabille, 1885, p. 108.
Photinula halmyris Rochebrune & Mabille, 1889, p. 89, pl. 4, fig. 6.
Photinula violacea Rochebrune & Mabille, 1889 p. 87.
Photinula violacea V. Ihering, 1902, p. 98.
Photinula violacea Strebel, 1905, p.145, pl. 5, fig. 1-8, 12, 13.
Photinula violacea Smith, 1905, p. 336.
Photinula violacea Melvill & Standen, 1907, p. 99.
Photinula (Margarella) violacea Strebel, 1908, p. 72.
TYPE LOCALITY. Strait of Magellan.
St. 56. Sparrow Cove, Port William, East Falkland Is., 16 May 1926. 10½-16 m.
St. 724. Fortescue Bay, Magellan Strait, 16 Nov. 1931, 0-5 m. on kelp.
St. 1321. From 4 miles S 72° W of East Tussac Rock, Cockburn Channel, Tierra del Fuego, to 5.6 miles S 75º W of East Tussac Rock, 16 Mar. 1934, 66 m.
St. WS 71. 6 miles N 60°E of Cape Pembroke Lt., East Falkland Is., 23 Feb. 1927, 82-80 m.
St. WS 80. North-west of Falkland Is., 50° 57' S, 63° 37' 30" W, 14 Mar. 1927, 152-156 m.
St. WS 88. North of Le Maire Strait, Patagonia, 54° 00' S, 64° 57' 30" W, 6 April 1927, 118 m.
St. WS 824. Off south-east of Falkland Is., 52° 29' S, 58° 27' W, 19 Jan. 1932, 146-137 m.
St. WS 825. Off north-east of Falkland Is., 50° 50' S, 57° 15' 13" W, 19 Jan. 1932, 135-144 m.
St. WS 829. Between Falkland Is. and Patagonia, 50° 51' S, 63° 13' 30" W, 31 Jan. 1932, 155 m.
St. WS 836. Off Patagonia, 53° 05' 30" S, 67° 38' W, 3 Feb. 1932, 64 m.
St. WS 838. Between Falklands Is. and Patagonia, 53° 11' 45" S, 65° 00' W, 5 Feb. 1932, 148 m.
St. WS Shore collecting. Ringdove Inlet, Wide Channel, 7 May 1931.
RANGE. Magellan Province: Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego (Rochebrune & Mabille, 1885; Strebel, 1905, 1908; ‘Discovery’); Falkland Is. (Melvill & Standen, 1907; ‘Discovery’).
It is often difficult to distinguish between violacea and pinkish forms of expansa. Typical expansa is olivaceous, with a bright green iridescence showing through on the upper whorls, and it has a relatively large ovate aperture. In violacea the coloration is constantly pink, the form is more conical, the whorls more tightly coiled, and in consequence the aperture is smaller and approximately circular. Both species have the columellar callus deeply excavated in the middle. Examples from deep water (Sts. WS 824, WS 829 and WS 838) are pure white.
I have not seen Photinula solidula Cooper & Preston (1910, p. III, pl. 4, fig. 3), Falkland Islands, which is most likely a synonym of violacea.”
(Powell, 1951: 96)
Margarella violacea is a species of small sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Calliostomatidae, the top snails.[1]
The animal is pale beige in color and has a pair of cephalic tentacles.[1] The eyes are large and black.[1] The shell is small and wider than it is high.[1] The size of an adult shell varies between 7 mm and 13.5 mm, but can be up to 8.4 mm in height and 9.9 mm in diameter.[1] The purplish-pink shell is imperforate, orbicular-conical, thin and smooth, and is covered in fine pink or dark pink spiral lines.[1] There are four swollen whorls. The suture is scarcely impressed. The rounded-quadrangular aperture is angular above, and subangular at the base of slightly thickened and arcuate columella. The umbilico-columellar tract is excavated.[1]
This species occurs in the Atlantic Ocean on the coast of Argentina and the Falkland Islands, i.e. in the Magellanic Region.
Margarella violacea is a species of small sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Calliostomatidae, the top snails.
Margarella violacea is een slakkensoort uit de familie van de Calliostomatidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1832 door King & Broderip.
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