Dendronotus patricki is a species of sea slug, a dendronotid nudibranch, a shell-less marine gastropod mollusc in the family Dendronotidae.[2]
This species was described from a whalefall, a dead whale which was experimentally placed in Monterey Canyon, California at a depth of 1820 m (). It was also seen on video from an ROV at another whalefall in Santa Cruz Basin, at a depth of 1676 m.[1]
Dendronotus patricki is a translucent species of Dendronotus with no surface markings and a reddish-brown hue to the body. It grows to at least 25 mm in length. There is a small amount of opaque white pigment at the tips of the dorsal appendages, velar appendages and rhinophore sheath papillae.[1]
Dendronotus patricki was found crawling on a muddy seabed. Its stomach contents included structures thought to be nematocysts. It is possible that it feeds on burrowing cerianthid anemones as does Dendronotus iris.[1]
Dendronotus patricki is a species of sea slug, a dendronotid nudibranch, a shell-less marine gastropod mollusc in the family Dendronotidae.
Dendronotus patricki is een slakkensoort uit de familie van de Dendronotidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 2011 door Stout, N.G. Wilson & Valdés.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesDendronotus patricki er en nakensneglart i busksneglfamilien.
Artene i busksneglfamilien har en avlang kropp, med flere utvekster eller «forgreninger», herav det norske navnet busksnegler. Utvekstene er parvise på ryggsiden og er sneglens gjeller.[3]
Arten finnes utenfor California i Stillehavet.[2][1]
Ny klassifikasjon etter revisjon i 2015.[4] [5]
Dendronotus patricki er en nakensneglart i busksneglfamilien.
Artene i busksneglfamilien har en avlang kropp, med flere utvekster eller «forgreninger», herav det norske navnet busksnegler. Utvekstene er parvise på ryggsiden og er sneglens gjeller.