
Distribution ( Inglês )

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Continent: Australia
Distribution: Australia (New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria)
Type locality: Australia
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Östlicher Bandy-Bandy ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Östliche Bandy-Bandy (Vermicella annulata), auch kurz Bandy-Bandy, ist eine Art der Giftnattern (Elapidae). Die Erstbeschreibung wurde im Jahre 1841 von dem britischen Zoologen John Edward Gray durchgeführt.[1] Die Gattungsbezeichnung „Vermicella“ bedeutet frei übersetzt „kleiner Wurm“, das Art-Epitheton „annulata“ leitet sich vom lateinischen „anulus“ ab und bedeutet „geringelt“.[2]


Der Östliche Bandy-Bandy erreicht eine maximale Länge zwischen 60 und 100 cm. Weibchen werden mit einer Durchschnittsgröße von 54 cm größer als Männchen mit 40 cm. Jungschlangen messen beim Schlupf durchschnittlich 17 cm.[2] Somit zählt sie zu den kleinsten Giftnattern Australiens. Der Körper ist schlank und zylindrisch gebaut. Der ovale Kopf weist kleine, schwarze Augen auf und setzt sich kaum vom Rest des Körpers ab. Die Grundfarbe ist schwarz. Entlang des gesamten Körpers zeichnen sich kräftig weiße Querbänder ab. Die Unterseite ist ebenfalls weiß auf schwarz quergestreift.

Als Giftnatter verfügt der Östliche Bandy-Bandy im vorderen Oberkiefer über zwei kleine, feststehende und gefurchte Giftzähne (proteroglyphe Zahnstellung). Über das Toxingemisch der Spezies ist nichts Genaueres bekannt. Es wird von Bissunfällen berichtet, die Art gilt jedoch als nicht gefährlich.


Schaut man sich die Beschuppung von Vermicella annulata an, zeigen sich am Kopf ein großes, gerundetes Rostralschild (Nasenschild), schmale Hinterkopfschuppen, zwei Hinteraugenschilder (Postocularia), ein großes Vorderaugenschild (Praeocularia) und zwei Nasalschuppen mit je einem mittig liegenden, kleinen Nasenloch sowie sechs Oberlippenschilder (Supralabialia), von denen das Dritte und Vierte den Augenunterrand berühren. Die Rückseite der Schuppen ist meist abgerundet. Über den Körper zeigen sich 15 Reihen glatter Körperschuppen. Das Analschild (Anale) und die unteren Bauchschuppen (Subcaudale) sind zweigeteilt.[3]


Die Art führt als grabende, unterirdisch lebende (fossorial) Schlange eine sehr verborgene Lebensweise. Daher ist generell wenig über ihre Biologie und Lebensweise bekannt. Der Östliche Bandy-Bandy wird gelegentlich bei Nacht und nach starkem Regen an der Erdoberfläche beobachtet. Er ernährt sich wahrscheinlich ausschließlich von Blindschlangen (Typhlopidae), eventuell auch von schlanken Skinken (Scincidae). Bei Bedrohung legt er eine Abwehrhaltung an den Tag, bei welcher der Körper in mehreren aufeinander folgenden Schlingen nach oben gekrümmt wird. Vermicella annulata pflanzt sich durch Oviparie (eierlegend) fort, das Gelege umfasst 2 bis 13 Eier.

Vorkommen und Gefährdung

Vermicella annulata ist in Australien in den Bundesstaaten New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland und South Australia verbreitet.[1] Die Spezies ist damit zwar weit verbreitet, allerdings sind die Populationen verstreut und häufig isoliert. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass der Östliche Bandy-Bandy mittlerweile als bedroht einzustufen ist. Hauptsächlich leidet er unter dem Verlust seiner Lebensräume an die Landwirtschaft, vor allem das Umpflügen der Böden bedroht ihn. Im Süden reichte das Verbreitungsgebiet bis ins nördliche Victoria, wo er jedoch seit über hundert Jahren nicht mehr nachgewiesen werden konnte. Es werden unterschiedliche Lebensräume bewohnt, etwa Wüsten- und Trockengebiete, Heidelandschaften, feuchte Küstenwälder und Regenwälder.


  1. a b Vermicella annulata In: The Reptile Database; abgerufen am 6. Januar 2011.
  2. a b ReptilesDownUnder.com: Vermicella annulata (Memento vom 8. Oktober 2011 im Internet Archive)
  3. Albert Günther: Catalogue of colubrine snakes in the collection of the British Museum. Printed by order of the Trustees, London 1858, S. 236 (online).
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Östlicher Bandy-Bandy: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Östliche Bandy-Bandy (Vermicella annulata), auch kurz Bandy-Bandy, ist eine Art der Giftnattern (Elapidae). Die Erstbeschreibung wurde im Jahre 1841 von dem britischen Zoologen John Edward Gray durchgeführt. Die Gattungsbezeichnung „Vermicella“ bedeutet frei übersetzt „kleiner Wurm“, das Art-Epitheton „annulata“ leitet sich vom lateinischen „anulus“ ab und bedeutet „geringelt“.

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Bandy-bandy ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The bandy-bandy (Vermicella annulata), also commonly known as the hoop snake, is a species of venomous snake in the family Elapidae. The word bandy-bandy (bandi-bandi) traces back to the indigenous dialect of Kattang, from the Taree region, New South Wales.[2] There are 5 known species of bandy-bandy, all of which are endemic to Australia.


The bandy-bandy is a smooth-scaled, glossy snake with a distinctive pattern of sharply contrasting black and white rings that continue right around the body. Bandy-bandys are strikingly distinguishable from other Australian land snakes by their unique banding pattern,[3] which gives the species both its common names and its scientific name (from the diminutive form, annul-, of the Latin anus, meaning "ring"). Their tail is relatively short, having fewer than 35 subcaudals and the tip is blunt, unlike other elapids.[4] The dorsal scales are in 15 rows at mid body. The average total length (including tail) is 50 to 60 cm (20 to 24 in), but size is highly variable between sexes.[5]


The family Elapidae is distinguished from other snake families by their proteroglyphous dentition. They have at least one pair of fangs that are hollow and fixed i.e. immobile at the front of the mouth, specifically located on the rostral area of the maxillae.[4] This fang structure is designed to deliver toxins, which is why elapid snakes around the world are notoriously known as the most venomous.[6] More specifically, Australian proteroglyphs can be distinguished from other proteroglyphs by the movement of the palatine bone when swallowing.[4] The movement is referred to as "palatine dragging", as opposed to "palatine erecting" that occurs in other proteroglyphs around the world.[7]

The taxonomic history of the bandy-bandy has involved many re-arrangements. Until 1996, there were thought to be only three species of Vermicella, which were subjectively arranged multiple times into different specific and subspecific categories based on morphological characteristics. However, after an extensive analysis of morphological and geographical characteristics of 425 museum specimens, the three existing taxa were listed as separate species and two new species were identified.[8] Though since 2018, the discovery of another species (V. parscauda) on a peninsula in Australia's far north indicates more species of bandy-bandys may exist.[9][10] Through morphological and mitochondrial DNA analysis, it was found that V.parscauda was most related to the northern-dwelling bandy-bandys V.intermedia and V.multifasciata. All three of these species occupy tropical monsoon habitats.[11]

The six known species of bandy-bandy are allopatric i.e. their geographical distributions do not overlap with one another, with a few exceptions. Generally, the way to identify a species of Vermicella is by the location of where it is found. However, there exists some overlap in geographical distribution between V.intermedia and V.multifasciata, V.annulata and V.parscauda and V.annulata and V.vermiformis based on previous sightings of specimens.[8] Therefore, three morphological characteristics have been listed as determinants of each species: (1) Internasals present/absent. For bandy-bandys, the internasal scales are a pair of scales that occur between the nasal scales on the head, directly before the rostral scale. This internasal pair is either present or absent in species of Vermicella; (2) Number of black bands on the body and tail combined; (3) Number of ventral scales. The ventral scales are elongated, horizontal scales that occur on the belly of the snake up until the anal plate. After the anal plate, the scales are subcaudal scales.[3]

Eastern bandy-bandy (Vermicella annulata)

The most common of bandy-bandys, occurring throughout northern and eastern Australia. Found in a variety of habitats such as wet coastal forests, Acacia, mulga and mallee scrubs, savannah woodland and spinifex desert sandhills. Internasals present; commonly less than 260 ventral scales.[3]

Wide-banded northern bandy-bandy (Vermicella intermedia)

Distributed in a band across North-western NT and far northern WA. Found in Eucalyptus forests and dry woodlands. Internasals absent; Less than 75 black bands total on the body and tail.[3]

Northern bandy-bandy (Vermicella multifasciata)

A patchy distribution in north-western NT and far northern WA. Found in Eucalyptus forests and dry woodlands. Internasals absent; More than 75 black blands total on the body and tail.[3]

Pilbara bandy-bandy (Vermicella snelli)

Only located in the Pilbara region, WA. Found in all habitats of its distribution, such as scrubs, grasslands and stony ranges. Internasals present; usually more than 285 ventral scales.[3]

Worm-like bandy-bandy (Vermicella vermiformis)

Only two separate areas of distribution in Australia: one in central Australia and one in southern Arnhem Land, NT. The northern population is found in dry woodlands and Eucalyptus forests, whereas the southern population is found in scrubs and stony ranges. Internasals present; Usually up to 285 ventral scales.[3]

Weipa bandy-bandy (Vermicella parscauda)

A new species determined by Associate Professor Brian Fry from the University of Queensland in 2018.[12] Specimens found only in the Weipa area, Cape York, QLD. Found in Eucalyptus forests and dry woodlands. Internasals present; ventral scales ranging from 213 - 230. White banding tends to be incomplete around the body and forms an indistinct boundary with black banding.[11] The first specimen was found on a boat ramp, only a few hundred metres away from a bauxite mine. A total of five specimens have been found.[12] Unfortunately, suitable habitat for the newly discovered V.parscauda has been cleared for the mining site, threatening this species as well as others such as the palm cockatoo, who rely on old tree hollows as habitat.[13]


Elapids carry neurotoxins in their venom that can be notoriously deadly to humans.[4] Different species of elapids carry varying molecular compositions of neurotoxins, adapted to suit their diet. However, neurotoxins in Australian elapid snakes are subject to mutagenesis, which is thought to not only be adaptable to different prey types and potency, but to be a means of preventing venom resistance in prey.[6] V. annulata is weakly venomous with localised symptoms around the bite area. It is generally considered harmless due to the small size of its mouth and its inoffensive nature.[14]

Distribution and habitat

Bandy-bandys occupy a large variety of habitats from desert regions to wet rainforest.[15] Their distribution especially V.annulata spans across the east coast of Australia, whilst other species occupy far northern Australia and arid regions of western and central Australia.[3]

The bandy-bandy is found mainly in suburbs with woodland habitats such as Mt Cotton, Mt Crosby, Kholo, Brisbane, and Lockyer Valley. It is most common in areas of remnant habitat structure such as the foothills of Mt Glorious and Brisbane Forest Park. It has also been found at Cannonvale in the Whitsundays region of North Queensland, in late 2019 in the Coffs Harbour region, and in late 2021 north of Murwillumbah in the Far North Coast region of New South Wales. In Southeast Queensland, it is found across a wide range of habitats and vegetation types, from coastal forest and woodland, to scrubland, mulga, and outback desert. It is found also in central New South Wales (Dubbo/Parkes) and Lower North Coast NSW (Pacific Palms/Hunter Valley).
The bandy-bandy has also been spotted in the White Rock and Spring Mountain Conservation Park near Ipswich, Queensland. The bandy-bandy is also found in the south-eastern side of South Australia.[16]


The bandy-bandy is oviparous i.e. produces offspring within eggs that are hatched after birth. Females seasonally produce offspring, laying eggs in the late summer (February - March) after undergoing vitellogenesis in October.[5] Both live-bearing and oviparous Australian elapid snakes follow a similar seasonal reproductive cycle. Live-bearing elapids undergoing ovulation in October - December and give birth in February - April after a 14 week gestation period. Oviparous elapids undergo ovulation at the same time (October - December), where the eggs are then laid shortly after without the need of a gestation period. Newly hatched young only emerge at the same time as live-bearing snakes give birth (February - March). However, evidence exists that oviparous elapids may be able to produce a second clutch of eggs in the late summer, whereby newly hatched offspring emerge around April.[17] The size of a clutch of V.annulata averages at 7.7 offspring, but up to 13 offspring have been recorded in a single clutch. Sexual dimorphism is evident in bandy-bandys, where females are much larger in size compared to males. In one study, female V.annulata had a mean snout-vent length of 54.4 cm compared to 39.2 cm in males.[5] In many reptiles, the size of the clutch is dependent on the size of the mother.[18] The advantages associated with a higher fecundity may create a selective pressure on female snakes to be larger, but the increase in clutch size based on maternal size and intensity of this selection is species-dependent.[19] In relation to the bandy-bandy, larger maternal size is suggested to be caused by a selective pressure on fecundity.[5] Male-male combat is highly documented and prevalent in many animals as a means of sexual selection, creating a selective pressure on males to be larger.[20] In an analysis on snakes, male size relative to the female was larger in snake species where male-male combat occurred.[19] However, male-male combat is absent in bandy-bandys and thus the size of males are relatively small.[5]


The bandy-bandy is ophiophagous i.e. eats snakes.[21] Despite covering a large distribution across Australia, their diets consist mostly, if not solely of blind snakes from the family Typhlopidae.[3] This family of blind snakes are common throughout Australia and thus are palatable for all six species of Vermicella. A previous examination of the stomach contents of 276 preserved specimens found that only three contained evidence of prey in their stomachs, all existing from the genus Ramphotyphlops (family Typhlopidae). In addition, two bandy-bandys in captivity refused to eat a white-lipped snake Drysdalia coronoides, a three-toed earless skink Hemiergis decresiensis, and a delicate skink Lampropholis delicata. However, one bandy-bandy ate a blackish blind snake Ramphotyphlops nigrescens, confirming the prey specificity of the bandy-bandy to be Typhlopidae. However, the possibility remains that other burrowing animals such as skinks may be a rare part of their diet. Apart from their front fangs, bandy-bandys only possess a few small teeth behind these fangs, thought to be an adaptation to feeding on blind snakes.[5]

Snakes locate prey through the sampling of chemical cues that are collected via tongue flicking. The chemosensory responsiveness for certain chemical cues differs depending on the specialised prey of that snake. Even for snakes that are prey generalists, chemical responsiveness changes geographically based on local availabilities of prey types.[22] Since the diet of the bandy-bandy is specific to blind snakes, they are highly responsive to the chemical cues left by blind snakes. A study found that bandy-bandys were able to follow blind snake chemical trails for an average of 0.93 metres, while some specimens were able to follow the chemical trail to its completion, 1.4 metres long. To confirm the specificity in their chemosensory response, they were unresponsive to the chemical trails of other reptiles such as the yellow-bellied three-toed skink Saiphos equalis and the golden crowned snake Cacophis squamulosus.[21] Blind snakes are large in comparison to the bandy-bandy, in some cases larger than the bandy-bandy itself. They have been seen with prey protruding a few centimetres out of their mouth while they slowly digest the blind snake. As a consequence of their large prey items, bandy-bandy's have a much lower feeding rate than other elapids, whereby only 1.1% of captured specimens contained prey items, compared to the average of 20.3% in other elapids.[5]


A nocturnal, burrowing snake, V. annulata is found beneath the soil surface, under stumps, rocks, and logs. It emerges at night to forage, especially after rain or during warmer and humid weather.[3]


The bandy-bandy has multiple predators including owls, larger reptiles, feral cats and foxes.[23] With a striking colouration pattern, this snake is not adapted to camouflage on a forest floor. When confronted by a potential predator, the bandy-bandy has multiple tactics to instigate either a fight and flight response.

A regular banded pattern in snakes can create a phenomenon of ‘flicker fusion’, which acts to cause an illusion during flight.[24] Since bandy-bandys are nocturnal, they can effective execute this illusion by moving fast in dim light. The 'flicker fusion' effect only works to confuse predators if its frequency exceeds that of the predators' critical fusion frequencies (CFFs) in their eyes. Bandy-bandys can exceed this effect higher than most vertebrates' CFFs and thus causes a great confusion to predators.[5]

A banded pattern in is also likely to be a disruptive colouration to a predator.[24] Aposematism is a symbiotically evolved way of honestly warning predators of poisonous or venomous defences using bright colouration. This phenomenon is prevalent in a plethora of species throughout the animal kingdom.[25] The bandy-bandy is mildly venomous and may partially use its colouration as a threat to its predators, if they were to attack it. However, the fight-response of the bandy-bandy not only involves the snake's colouration, but involves an impressive defensive stance. The bandy-bandy, especially V.annulata, has a unique defensive display behaviour, where it contorts its body into one or multiple loops that reach a vertical height of 15 cm. Its head and tail maintains on ground level, facing its tail towards the perceived threat and the head the farthest from its perceived threat, shielded by the vertical loops. This defensive display is extremely menacing and conspicuous, especially to reptile predators that are low to the ground. By displaying height and colouration and by hiding its head behind its defensive loops, the bandy-bandy can leave potential predators both confused and intimidated.[26]

Around the home

The bandy-bandy is infrequently encountered. Occasionally, a specimen is discovered by a roaming cat at night or often found after falling into a backyard swimming pool. It prefers subterranean refugia under large rocks or deeply set ground timber.

Related species discovery

In 2018, a new member of the bandy-bandy snake genus was discovered, and named V. parscauda. The new species was found by Dutch biologist Freek Vonk at Weipa on Cape York Peninsula, near Rio Tinto's bauxite mining operations, and may be endangered.[27]


  1. ^ "Vermicella annulata ". The Reptile Database. www.reptile-database.org.
  2. ^ Dixon, Robert M. W. (2006). Australian Aboriginal words in English: their origin and meaning (published 2007). Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-554073-5. OCLC 315961951.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Cogger, Harold G., author. (24 January 2019). Reptiles & amphibians of Australia. ISBN 978-1-4863-0969-6. OCLC 1037057822. {{cite book}}: |last= has generic name (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  4. ^ a b c d Böhme, Wolfgang (1994). "Glasby, C.J., Ross, G.J.B. & Beesley, P.L. (eds.) (1993): Fauna of Australia. Vol. 2A, Amphibia & Reptilia. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra viii + 439 pp., RRP S 64.95". Amphibia-Reptilia. 15 (3): 327. doi:10.1163/156853894x00119. ISSN 0173-5373.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Shine, Richard (31 March 1980). "Reproduction, Feeding and Growth in the Australian Burrowing Snake Vermicella annulata". Journal of Herpetology. 14 (1): 71–77. doi:10.2307/1563878. ISSN 0022-1511. JSTOR 1563878.
  6. ^ a b Jackson, Timothy; Sunagar, Kartik; Undheim, Eivind; Koludarov, Ivan; Chan, Angelo; Sanders, Kate; Ali, Syed; Hendrikx, Iwan; Dunstan, Nathan; Fry, Bryan (18 December 2013). "Venom Down Under: Dynamic Evolution of Australian Elapid Snake Toxins". Toxins. 5 (12): 2621–2655. doi:10.3390/toxins5122621. ISSN 2072-6651. PMC 3873703. PMID 24351719.
  7. ^ Deufel, Alexandra; Cundall, David (21 July 2009). "Functional morphology of the palato-maxillary apparatus in "Palatine dragging" snakes (Serpentes: Elapidae: Acanthophis, Oxyuranus)". Journal of Morphology. 271 (1): 73–85. doi:10.1002/jmor.10782. ISSN 0362-2525. PMID 19623628. S2CID 2829172.
  8. ^ a b Keogh, J. Sott; Smith, Sarah A. (December 1996). "Taxonomy and natural history of the Australian bandy-bandy snakes (Elapidae: Vermicella) with a description of two new species". Journal of Zoology. 240 (4): 677–701. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1996.tb05315.x. ISSN 0952-8369.
  9. ^ Hays, Brooks (16 July 2018). "New venomous snake species found in Australia". UPI Science News.
  10. ^ Baynes, Chris (17 July 2018). "Venomous new snake species discovered and immediately declared at risk of extinction". The Independent. Retrieved 19 July 2018.
  11. ^ a b Derez, Chantelle M.; Arbuckle, Kevin; Ruan, Zhiqiang; Xie, Bing; Huang, Yu; Dibben, Lauren; Shi, Qiong; Vonk, Freek J.; Fry, Bryan G. (23 August 2018). "Erratum: Chantelle M. Derez, Kevin Arbuckle, Zhiqiang Ruan, Bing Xie, Yu Huang, Lauren Dibben, Qiong Shi, Freek J. Vonk & Bryan G. Fry (2018) A new species of bandy-bandy (Vermicella: Serpentes: Elapidae) from the Weipa region, Cape York, Australia. Zootaxa, 4446: 001–012". Zootaxa. 4461 (4): 600. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4461.4.9. ISSN 1175-5334. PMID 30314070.
  12. ^ a b Queensl, The University of; Lucia, Australia Brisbane St; Gatton, QLD 4072 +61 7 3365 1111 Other Campuses: UQ; Maps, UQ Herston; Queensl, Directions © 2020 The University of. "Australia has a new venomous snake – and it may already be threatened". UQ News. Retrieved 24 May 2020.
  13. ^ "The bandy-bandy is Australia's prettiest snake". Australian Geographic. 3 October 2019. Retrieved 24 May 2020.
  14. ^ "Bandy Bandy". Brisbane Snake Catchers. 2015. Retrieved 1 January 2019.
  15. ^ "Bandy Bandy". www.wiresnr.org. Retrieved 30 May 2020.
  16. ^ https://scontent.fbne3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/71338763_10214810153143717_7468580693291827200_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_oc=AQlWtxfM1WRSNtvTF4GqK--eU0MuP50QSEVcOA-LHqIeQbYv-SxwKgmGJRV0xYZTbrU&_nc_ht=scontent.fbne3-1.fna&oh=4f96607d4772d28b4350cf0e20cb2414&oe=5E359C2D
  17. ^ Shine, R (1977). "Reproduction in Australian elapid snakes II. Female reproductive cycles". Australian Journal of Zoology. 25 (4): 655. doi:10.1071/zo9770655. ISSN 0004-959X.
  18. ^ Fairbairn, Daphne J. Blanckenhorn, Wolf U. Székely, Tamás. (2009). Sex, size, and gender roles : evolutionary studies of sexual size dimorphism. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-920878-4. OCLC 802047280.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  19. ^ a b Shine, Richard (16 May 1994). "Sexual Size Dimorphism in Snakes Revisited". Copeia. 1994 (2): 326–346. doi:10.2307/1446982. ISSN 0045-8511. JSTOR 1446982.
  20. ^ Davies, Nicholas B.; Krebs, John R.; West, Stuart A. (2012). An introduction to behavioural ecology. John Wiley & Sons. p. 179.
  21. ^ a b Greenlees, Matthew J.; Webb, Jonathan K.; Shine, Richard (February 2005). "Led by the Blind: Bandy-Bandy Snakes Vermicella annulata (Elapidae) Follow Blindsnake Chemical Trails". Copeia. 2005 (1): 184–187. doi:10.1643/ch-04-086r1. ISSN 0045-8511. S2CID 85592861.
  22. ^ Cooper, William (2008). "Tandem evolution of diet and chemosensory responses in snakes". Amphibia-Reptilia. 29 (3): 393–398. doi:10.1163/156853808785112002. ISSN 0173-5373.
  23. ^ Government, Northern Territory (20 March 2018). "Banby-banby". alicespringsdesertpark.com.au. Retrieved 1 June 2020.
  24. ^ a b Jackson, James F.; Ingram, William; Campbell, Howard W. (November 1976). "The Dorsal Pigmentation Pattern of Snakes as an Antipredator Strategy: A Multivariate Approach". The American Naturalist. 110 (976): 1029–1053. doi:10.1086/283125. ISSN 0003-0147. S2CID 83754673.
  25. ^ "Chapter 5. Wallace on the Colors of Animals", An Alfred Russel Wallace Companion, University of Chicago Press, pp. 145–166, 2019, doi:10.7208/chicago/9780226622248.003.0006, ISBN 978-0-226-62210-1
  26. ^ Bustard, H.Robert (1969). "Defensive display behavior in the bandy-bandy, Vermicella annulata (Serpentes: Elapidae)". Herpetologica. 25 (4): 319–320.
  27. ^ Baynes, Chris (17 July 2018). "Venomous new snake species discovered and immediately declared at risk of extinction". The Independent. Retrieved 19 July 2018.
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Bandy-bandy: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The bandy-bandy (Vermicella annulata), also commonly known as the hoop snake, is a species of venomous snake in the family Elapidae. The word bandy-bandy (bandi-bandi) traces back to the indigenous dialect of Kattang, from the Taree region, New South Wales. There are 5 known species of bandy-bandy, all of which are endemic to Australia.

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Vermicella annulata ( Basco )

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Vermicella annulata: Brief Summary ( Basco )

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Vermicella annulata Vermicella generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Elapidae familian sailkatuta dago.

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Bandi-bandi ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Bandi-bandi[1] (Vermicella annulata) on myrkkytarhakäärmeiden heimoon kuuluva käärmelaji. Se on pieni ja hoikka myrkkykäärme, jolla on pieni pää.[1] Silmät ovat pienet ja hännänpää tylppä.[2] Bandi-bandin koko ruumista peittää ainakin 48 mustaa ja valkoista poikkivyötä.[1][2] Se kasvaa enintään 60–100 senttiä pitkäksi.[3] Bandi-bandia tavataan Australiassa Uuden Etelä-Walesin, Pohjoisterritorion, Queenslandin, Etelä-Australian ja Victorian osavaltioista.[4] Sitä esiintyy erilaisissa elinympäristöissä aina kosteista rannikkosademetsistä saaren keskiosien aavikoihin asti.[1][2] Bandi-bandin myrkkyhampaat ovat pienet ja myrkky heikkoa, eikä sitä pidetä vaarallisena ihmisille tai kotieläimille.[1] Se on aktiivinen öisin, ja elää kivien ja kantojen alla tai maanalaisissa koloissa. Laji saalistaa hyönteisiä, pieniä liskoja ja erityisesti aitosokkokäärmeitä, jotka ovat sen pääasiallista ravintoa.[1][2] Bandi-bandi syö harvoin ja selviää pitkiä aikoja ilman vettä ja ravintoa. Käärme ylittää joskus teitä kosteina öinä.[2] Vaaran uhatessa bandi-bandi kiertää ruuminsa tiukoille silmukoille nostaen sen ylös maasta.[1][2] Tämän uskotaan hämäävän saalistajaa, mutta myös suojaavan sen päätä, jonka se pitää maassa. Naaras munii 2–13 munaa. Vastakuoriutuneet poikaset ovat noin 17-senttisiä.[2]


  1. a b c d e f g Palmén, Ernst & Nurminen, Matti (toim.): Eläinten maailma, Otavan iso eläintietosanakirja. 1. Aarnikotka–Iibikset, s. 100. Helsinki: Otava, 1974. ISBN 951-1-01065-4.
  2. a b c d e f g Bandy Bandy Queensland Museum. Viitattu 30.6.2018. (englanniksi)
  3. Bandy-bandy (Vermicella annulata) Australian Reptile Online Database. Viitattu 30.6.2018. (englanniksi)
  4. Uetz, P., Freed, P. & Jirí Hošek (toim.): Vermicella annulata The Reptile Database. Reptarium. Viitattu 30.6.2018. (englanniksi)

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Bandi-bandi: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Bandi-bandi (Vermicella annulata) on myrkkytarhakäärmeiden heimoon kuuluva käärmelaji. Se on pieni ja hoikka myrkkykäärme, jolla on pieni pää. Silmät ovat pienet ja hännänpää tylppä. Bandi-bandin koko ruumista peittää ainakin 48 mustaa ja valkoista poikkivyötä. Se kasvaa enintään 60–100 senttiä pitkäksi. Bandi-bandia tavataan Australiassa Uuden Etelä-Walesin, Pohjoisterritorion, Queenslandin, Etelä-Australian ja Victorian osavaltioista. Sitä esiintyy erilaisissa elinympäristöissä aina kosteista rannikkosademetsistä saaren keskiosien aavikoihin asti. Bandi-bandin myrkkyhampaat ovat pienet ja myrkky heikkoa, eikä sitä pidetä vaarallisena ihmisille tai kotieläimille. Se on aktiivinen öisin, ja elää kivien ja kantojen alla tai maanalaisissa koloissa. Laji saalistaa hyönteisiä, pieniä liskoja ja erityisesti aitosokkokäärmeitä, jotka ovat sen pääasiallista ravintoa. Bandi-bandi syö harvoin ja selviää pitkiä aikoja ilman vettä ja ravintoa. Käärme ylittää joskus teitä kosteina öinä. Vaaran uhatessa bandi-bandi kiertää ruuminsa tiukoille silmukoille nostaen sen ylös maasta. Tämän uskotaan hämäävän saalistajaa, mutta myös suojaavan sen päätä, jonka se pitää maassa. Naaras munii 2–13 munaa. Vastakuoriutuneet poikaset ovat noin 17-senttisiä.

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wikipedia FI

Vermicella annulata ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Vermicella annulata est une espèce de serpents de la famille des Elapidae[1].


Cette espèce est endémique d'Australie[1]. Elle se rencontre au Queensland, en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, au Victoria, dans le sud-est de l'Australie-Méridionale et dans le nord du Territoire du Nord[2].

Publication originale

  • Gray, 1841 : A catalogue of the species of reptiles and amphibia hitherto described as inhabiting Australia, with a description of some new species from Western Australia. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-west and Western Australia, during the years 1837, 38 and 39, under the Authority of Her Majesty's Government, T. & W. Boone, London, vol. 2, p. 422–449 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Vermicella annulata: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Vermicella annulata est une espèce de serpents de la famille des Elapidae.

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wikipedia FR

Vermicella annulata ( Malaio )

fornecido por wikipedia MS

Bandy-bandy (Vermicella annulata) ialah satu spesies ular dari keluarga Elapidae yang endemik di Australia.

Ular ini berjalur hitam putih atau hitam kekuningan, dan bersempena itulah ia memperoleh timangan "bandy-bandy" (dari Inggeris band, "jalur") dan nama saintifiknya (dari bentuk mimitan annul- dari Latin anus, "gelang").


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wikipedia MS

Vermicella annulata: Brief Summary ( Malaio )

fornecido por wikipedia MS

Bandy-bandy (Vermicella annulata) ialah satu spesies ular dari keluarga Elapidae yang endemik di Australia.

Ular ini berjalur hitam putih atau hitam kekuningan, dan bersempena itulah ia memperoleh timangan "bandy-bandy" (dari Inggeris band, "jalur") dan nama saintifiknya (dari bentuk mimitan annul- dari Latin anus, "gelang").

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Pengarang dan editor Wikipedia
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wikipedia MS

Vermicella annulata ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Vermicella annulata là một loài rắn trong họ Rắn hổ. Loài này được Gray mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1841.[1]

Tham khảo

  1. ^ Vermicella annulata. The Reptile Database. Truy cập ngày 29 tháng 5 năm 2013.

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Vermicella annulata: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Vermicella annulata là một loài rắn trong họ Rắn hổ. Loài này được Gray mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1841.

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wikipedia VI