Tanysiptera a zo ur genad e rummatadur an evned, krouet e 1825 gant al loenoniour iwerzhonat Nicholas Aylward Vigors (1785-1840).
Nav spesad dirediged a ya d'ober ar genad :
O c'havout a reer holl en Aostralazia.
Tanysiptera a zo ur genad e rummatadur an evned, krouet e 1825 gant al loenoniour iwerzhonat Nicholas Aylward Vigors (1785-1840).
Els alcions del paradís (Tanysiptera) són un gènere d'ocells de la subfamília dels halcionins (Halcyoninae) dins la família dels alcedínids (Alcedinidae), que habiten a Melanèsia, Nova Guinea i illes properes, arribant una de les espècies fins al nord-est d'Austràlia.
Segons la classificació del Congrés Ornitològic Internacional (versió 2.5, 2010) aquest gènere està format per 9 espècies:
Tradicionalment s'ha considerat T. nigriceps una subespècie de T. sylvia.
Els alcions del paradís (Tanysiptera) són un gènere d'ocells de la subfamília dels halcionins (Halcyoninae) dins la família dels alcedínids (Alcedinidae), que habiten a Melanèsia, Nova Guinea i illes properes, arribant una de les espècies fins al nord-est d'Austràlia.
Die Paradieseisvögel (Tanysiptera) bilden eine Gattung der Vögel innerhalb der Familie der Eisvögel (Alcedinidae). Zu dieser Gattung gehören acht Arten, die in Australien, auf Neuguinea, den Molukken und einzelnen Inseln der Wallacea vorkommen. Der Verbreitungsschwerpunkt der Gattung ist Neuguinea. In Australien kommt mit dem Paradiesliest nur eine Art vor.
Mehrere Arten der Gattung sind ausgesprochene Inselendemiten. Die Bestandssituation einer Art, nämlich des nur auf der Insel Kofiau westlich von Neuguinea vorkommenden Elliotliest wird von der IUCN mit gefährdet (vulnerable) eingestuft.[1] Der mit mehreren Unterarten auf Inseln und Inselgruppen vorkommende Spatelliest ist die Art mit dem größten Verbreitungsgebiet.[2]
Die kleinste Art unter den Paradieseisvögeln ist der Braunmantelliest. Er erreicht inklusive der verlängerten Steuerfedern eine Körperlänge von 28 bis 30 Zentimetern.[3] Die größten Arten erreichen eine Körperlänge von rund 38 Zentimetern. Sie sind damit vergleichsweise kleine Eisvögel.[2]
Abgesehen von Braunmantelliest und Nymphenliest sind Paradieseisvögel auf der Körperoberseite überwiegend blau und türkisblau gefiedert. Typisch sind eine blaue Kappe, schwarze oder türkisblaue Überaugenstreifen sowie ein schwarzblauer Mantel. Am ausgeprägtesten ist die Blaufärbung beim Numforliest, bei dem nur der untere Rücken, der Bürzel und die Unterschwanzdecken weiß sind. Das übrige Gefieder ist blau, wobei die Flügel an den Schulterfedern und den Schirmfedern fast schwarz sind. Bei der größeren Zahl der Arten ist der Weißanteil auf der Körperunterseite größer. Allen Arten gemeinsam ist der rote Schnabel, der am Ende leicht aufgeworfen ist. Wesentliches Merkmal der Gattung sind allerdings das stark verlängerte mittlere Steuerfederpaar, welches das übrige Schwanzgefieder bis zu 11 Zentimeter überragt. Das Ende ist häufig spatelförmig verbreitet. Das Schwanzgefieder ist blau, hälftig blau und weiß, weiß mit blauen Federsäumen oder reinweiß.
Der Verbreitungsschwerpunkt der Gattung ist Neuguinea: Auf dieser 786.000 km² großen Insel kommen mehrere Arten vor. Daneben gibt es mehrere Inselendemiten, die auf Inseln der Molukken und des Louisiade-Archipels vorkommen. Die meisten Paradieseisvögel sind Standvögel. Lediglich der auch im äußersten Nordosten Australiens vorkommende Paradiesliest, zieht im Winterhalbjahr nach Neuguinea.
Der Spatelliest hat unter den Paradieseisvögeln die größte Verbreitung. Er kommt in 15 Unterarten auf Neuguinea und Inseln der Molukken sowie des Louisiade-Archipels vor. Auf Neuguinea selbst leben mehrere Unterarten des Spatelliests, die übrigen Unterarten sind in ihrer Verbreitung auf einzelne Inseln oder Inselgruppen beschränkt. Nur auf Neuguinea kommen der Nymphenliest und der Braunmantelliest vor. Der Feenliest ist auf den indonesischen Aru-Inseln und im äußersten Süden von Neuguinea beheimatet. Vermutet wird, dass der Feenliest vom Spatelliest abstammt und sich auf Aru zur eigenständigen Art entwickelte. Von dort aus besiedelte er Neuguinea, wo sich heute das Verbreitungsgebiet der beiden Arten überlappt. Die beiden Arten bringen keine natürlichen Hybriden hervor.[4] Auch der Elliotliest ist mit dem Spatelliest eng verwandt. Er kommt nur auf der vor der Westküste von Neuguinea gelegenen indonesischen Insel Kofiau vor. Auf zwei Inseln in der ostindonesischen Cenderawasih-Bucht kommt der Biakliest vor. Auf einer nördlich der Cenderawasih-Bucht liegenden Insel ist der Numforliest beheimatet.
Es werden acht Arten unterschieden:
Die Paradieseisvögel (Tanysiptera) bilden eine Gattung der Vögel innerhalb der Familie der Eisvögel (Alcedinidae). Zu dieser Gattung gehören acht Arten, die in Australien, auf Neuguinea, den Molukken und einzelnen Inseln der Wallacea vorkommen. Der Verbreitungsschwerpunkt der Gattung ist Neuguinea. In Australien kommt mit dem Paradiesliest nur eine Art vor.
Mehrere Arten der Gattung sind ausgesprochene Inselendemiten. Die Bestandssituation einer Art, nämlich des nur auf der Insel Kofiau westlich von Neuguinea vorkommenden Elliotliest wird von der IUCN mit gefährdet (vulnerable) eingestuft. Der mit mehreren Unterarten auf Inseln und Inselgruppen vorkommende Spatelliest ist die Art mit dem größten Verbreitungsgebiet.
Phylogeny Tanysiptera
Buff-breasted paradise kingfisher
Black-capped paradise kingfisher
Red-breasted paradise kingfisher
Brown-headed paradise kingfisher
Cladogram based on Andersen et al. (2017). The Kofiau paradise kingfisher (Tanysiptera ellioti) was not included in the study.[1]The paradise kingfishers (genus Tanysiptera) are a group of tree kingfishers endemic to New Guinea — with the exception of two species also present in the Moluccas and Queensland.
The genus was erected by the Irish zoologist Nicholas Aylward Vigors in 1825.[2] The type species is the common paradise kingfisher.[3] The name Tanysiptera is from classical Greek tanusipteros meaning "long-feathered".[4] The birds in the genus have distinctive long tail streamers.[5]
The centre of paradise kingfishers is New Guinea: Several species occur on this 786,000 km2 large island. In addition, there are several island endemisms that occur on islands of the Moluccas and the Louisiade Archipelago. Most paradise kingfishers are resident birds. The buff-breasted paradise kingfisher, which also occurs in the extreme northeast of Australia, moves to New Guinea in the winter half-year. The common paradise kingfisher has the biggest spread among the paradisiacis birds. It occurs in 15 subspecies on New Guinea and islands of the Moluccas and the Louisiade Archipelago. On New Guinea itself, several subspecies of the common paradise kingfisher live there. The remaining subspecies are limited in their spread to individual islands or island groups. The red-breasted paradise kingfisher and the brown-headed paradise kingfisher only occur on New Guinea. The little paradise kingfisher has its residence on the Aru Islands Regency and in the outermost south of New Guinea. It is assumed that the little paradise kingfisher comes from the common paradise kingfisher and developed on the Aru Islands Regency to an independent species. From this place it settled in New Guinea, where today the distribution area of the two species overlaps. These two species do not produce any natural hybrids.[6] The Kofiau paradise kingfisher is also closely related to the common paradise kingfisher, which only occurs on Kofiau.
Most species of paradise kingfishers are commonly observed in their natural habitat within the interior forests of New Guinea.[7] However, the species itself has been known to be attracted to rivers and coasts and they demonstrate an ability to fly over large bodies of water, which is observed in the Buff-Breasted paradise kingfisher that migrates to Queensland, Australia during breeding season.[7] An aspect found within the species is the syndactyly in the feet, where the third and fourth toe of the bird is fused together.[8] There are several arguments to what benefits syndactyly proposes, one is that syndactyl feet may be likened to more strength for perching on branches.[8] This may aid the bird when having to hunt for prey within the rainforest environment in which they are located.[8] Others claim that because paradise-kingfishers nest in termite mounds, this aids the birds in digging out hole-nests for their young.[8] Finally, there are some arguments that syndactyly has no benefit to the bird at all.[8] The plumage of juvenile paradise kingfishers differs from that of an adult bird until they undergo a partial moulting phase where only the flight feathers are retained and then it looks similar to that of a full-grown adult.[9] In buff-breasted paradise-kingfishers, adults demonstrate colourful plumage, bright beaks and sport long tails, half the size of the birds. Immature birds on the other hand, have duller plumage, black coloured bills and missing the long tail found in adult birds.[10]
Most paradise-kingfishers are extremely territorial, with most birds living in territorial pairs but choosing to forage alone.[11] Some studies also claim that this territoriality is attributed to the defence of resources within the area.[12] Upon observation of the breeding habits of the buff-breasted paradise-kingfisher, it found that they to actively defend their territory at the vocalisation of other intruder birds and chases involving two to four males were common, to the extent of males causing damage on each other such as broken wings.[11] Paradise kingfishers are classified as hole-nesters and use their webbed feet to excavate nest holes in termite mounds.[8] Most species chose arboreal termite mounds located on the sides of trees about 3–4.5m from the ground and those that are still actively inhabited by termites.[11] This is because studies show that live termitariums are stronger when inhabited and become fragile after the insects leave, making them more susceptible to predators.[11]
The paradise kingfisher species is also known to have a wide array of vocalisation. Territorial calls often consisted of rhythmic syllables that were ascending in nature and made in the middle to upper forest levels.[11] Studies observing the species witnessed common vocalisation when the bird approaches the nest, in reassurance to their partner and to sound off an alarm when another predator is within their territory.[12] Young kingfishers demonstrate loud vocalisation around two weeks old, especially during feeding time when expecting the parents return.[13] The different species of birds tend to be most vocal during breeding season however majority expend a great deal of time and energy tunnelling out their nests in the chosen termite mounds up to two weeks at length.[10]
Paradise-kingfishers are known to have long-term bonds with each other and practice social monogamy.[14] Most birds return to the same territory with the same partner during the breeding season, unless their partner had died in which case, they replaced them and were found in a new territory.[12] Most species in the region are breeding residents except for the buff-breasted paradise-kingfisher that nests in Australia but has been known to migrate to New Guinea, where most of them have populations. The paradise kingfisher species also demonstrates social cooperation, though this has only been observed within the buff breasted species of the genus.[15] During the breeding season, it is common to observe an additional male joining the breeding pair to help protect the territory and care for nestlings.[11] The exact reason for this is unknown; however, one argument states that there may be benefits involved the additional male, as it gives them access to possible future partners in the form of the nestlings or the breeding female.[16]
Paradise-kingfishers nest in active terrestrial termite mounds, typically found at the base of trees within the rainforests in which the birds are located.[10] The preference of active termite mounds has been hypothesised to be because abandoned termite mounds become weak and fragile over time, thus making the nest unsuitable for the birds as it is easier for natural predators to infiltrate.[8] Furthermore, during breeding season, adult kingfishers locate new nests different from that of the previous year, once abandoning the nest after breeding season ends, termites in active termitariums work towards repairing the nesting hole left by the birds to raise the young.[10] The nest of the paradise kingfisher is created by the pair of birds flying repeatedly at the termitarium of choice, striking it with their beaks until they manage to puncture a hole into the hard surface.[8] From there, the birds are able to excavate a space within the termitarium using their feet and create an egg chamber "about 13 cm in diameter".[8] These egg chambers are located at the end of a tunnel within the termite nests.[10] Buff-breasted paradise-kingfishers have been found to create nests located on ground level.[17] Due to the nature of the nests, most paradise-kingfishers have a specific odour to their nests due to the lack of sanitation that occurs within these units.[11] The clutch of a paradise kingfisher consists of around one to three eggs and the young stay within the nest until old enough to leave.[11] Both paradise-kingfisher parents are known to care for the young, incubating and feeding the chicks for 25 days until time to fledge.[10]
A common phenomenon demonstrated in the kingfisher species is brood reduction, due to asynchronous hatching.[14] This occurs when the first egg to be laid is the first to hatch thus permitting the eldest chick a head start on the other nestlings as it is able to get majority of the parental care.[5] In addition to that, because the birds are considered hole-nesters, the eldest chick usually will take up the opening of the nest and dominate the food resources leading to the death of the smallest chick. This ensures that the depending on the availability of the food that season, the paradise-kingfisher brood may be larger or smaller.[13] This may also be attributed to limited reproduction in paradise-kingfisher birds located within the tropics of New Guinea as food resources tend to be scarcer.[11] Thus, not allowing for larger broods to survive as opposed to other environments with an abundance of resources.[11]
Paradise kingfishers are omnivores choosing to eat snails, small lizards and worms, however, Legge and Heinsohn found that majority of their diet consist of small insects such as grasshoppers, beetles and cicadas.[11] They are also known to be diurnal, hunting and active during the day instead of at night.[18]
Adult paradise kingfishers feed their young invertebrates up to the maximum size of 3 cm in length depending on the age of the chick.[7] The younger the hatchlings the smaller the meals are and increase in size as they grow from hatchling to fledgeling.[19] Feeding the chicks happens through the parents bringing the insects to the mound and delivering the food to the nestlings through the nest tunnel when they are newly hatched.[19] As the older chicks learn to open their eyes and gain control of coordination, they begin to meet the parents at the entrance of the nest and are brought larger insects to sustain them, and occasionally frogs and skinks depending on the availability of food resources at the time.[19]
An indicator of how efficient the paradise-kingfishers hunting skills and eyesight is the consistency in which they return with insects known to well camouflage such as stick insects and preying mantids.[19] The buff breasted paradise-kingfisher is known to hunt by sitting motionless on the forest floor, or low tree trunks or branches while searching for various types of prey, pouncing to secure the food.[7] Majority of the species can be found to hunt on the ground or in other vegetation as well as the trees.[10] This species is one of only that rarely feeds on fish apart from other paradise-kingfishers in the genus endemic to Papua New Guinea.[19] Young paradise-kingfishers can begin to hunt for their own prey after two months of hatching however are able to fly earlier on.[19]
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List lists the population trend of the Biak and Numfor Paradise-Kingfishers as decreasing and classifies the species as near threatened.[20][21] Meanwhile, the Common Paradise-Kingfisher, Brown-Headed Paradise Kingfisher, Buff-Breasted Paradise Kingfisher, Red-Breasted Paradise Kingfisher and Black-Headed Paradise Kingfisher are classified as of least concern on the list, but all demonstrated a decreasing population trend, except for the Brown-Headed Paradise Kingfisher that shows stable numbers in the wild.[22][23][24][25][26] The Kofiau Paradise-Kingfisher is categorised as vulnerable on the list but has a stable population trend globally.[27]
The natural predators of buff-breasted paradise-kingfishers are various snake species that are smaller build, making them able to intercept the narrow tunnel of the nest in order to reach the nestlings. Another common predator is the goanna, that can break through the small opening in the nest of the birds.[11] Meanwhile, man-made threats that pose a risk to paradise-kingfisher numbers in the wild is overexploitation of logging and mining projects occurring within the forests of New Guinea.[28] Industrial agriculture such as palm oil production may be attributed to the habitat loss occurring to the paradise-kingfisher genus and the country's biological diversity.[28]
According to International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List, majority of the areas home to the paradise-kingfishers are conservation sites. However, it is not guaranteed protection and there are currently no action recovery plans or systematic monitoring schemes in place to ensure protection of the paradise-kingfisher species.[20] Furthermore, none of the species are subjected to recent education and awareness programs, international management or included in any international legislation that outlines the protection of the species from man-made threats such as deforestation and habitat loss.[21] This may be because although industrial logging and mining occurring within the natural habitat of the paradise-kingfishers poses significant threat to the species conservation efforts, it is a significant driver of economic growth within the country and a large generator of employment.[28]
There are nine species:[29]
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: CS1 maint: url-status (link) Media related to Tanysiptera at Wikimedia Commons
The paradise kingfishers (genus Tanysiptera) are a group of tree kingfishers endemic to New Guinea — with the exception of two species also present in the Moluccas and Queensland.
The genus was erected by the Irish zoologist Nicholas Aylward Vigors in 1825. The type species is the common paradise kingfisher. The name Tanysiptera is from classical Greek tanusipteros meaning "long-feathered". The birds in the genus have distinctive long tail streamers.
Tanysiptera es un género de aves coraciformes perteneciente a la familia Halcyonidae,[1] cuyos miembros reciben el nombre común de alciones colilargos. Viven en Australasia, principalmente en Melanesia, aunque una de sus especies está presente en el norte de Australia.
El género contiene ocho especies:[1][2]
Tanysiptera es un género de aves coraciformes perteneciente a la familia Halcyonidae, cuyos miembros reciben el nombre común de alciones colilargos. Viven en Australasia, principalmente en Melanesia, aunque una de sus especies está presente en el norte de Australia.
Tanysiptera est un genre d'oiseaux de la famille des martins-pêcheurs. Il comprend 8 espèces de martins-chasseurs vivant toutes en Nouvelle-Guinée et sur les îles avoisinantes. Deux d'entre elles sont aussi présentes aux Moluques et au Queensland.
D'après la classification de référence (version 5.1, 2015) du Congrès ornithologique international (ordre phylogénique) :
Tanysiptera est un genre d'oiseaux de la famille des martins-pêcheurs. Il comprend 8 espèces de martins-chasseurs vivant toutes en Nouvelle-Guinée et sur les îles avoisinantes. Deux d'entre elles sont aussi présentes aux Moluques et au Queensland.
Tanysiptera is een geslacht van vogels uit de familie van de ijsvogels (Alcedinidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van het geslacht is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1825 door Nicholas Aylward Vigors. Ze worden vlagstaartijsvogels genoemd en heten in het Engels Paradise Kingfishers.
Ze komen voor op Nieuw-Guinea, de omliggende eilanden en één soort ook in het noorden van Queensland (Australië).
De volgende soorten zijn bij het geslacht ingedeeld:[1]
Tanysiptera is een geslacht van vogels uit de familie van de ijsvogels (Alcedinidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van het geslacht is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1825 door Nicholas Aylward Vigors. Ze worden vlagstaartijsvogels genoemd en heten in het Engels Paradise Kingfishers.
Tanysiptera – rodzaj ptaka z podrodziny łowców (Halcyoninae) w rodzinie zimorodkowatych (Alcedinidae).
Rodzaj obejmuje gatunki występujące w Australazji[4].
Długość ciała 28–48 cm (włącznie z silnie wydłużonymi środkowymi sterówkami); masa ciała 37–78 g[5].
Do rodzaju należą następujące gatunki[8]:
Tanysiptera – rodzaj ptaka z podrodziny łowców (Halcyoninae) w rodzinie zimorodkowatych (Alcedinidae).
Tanysiptera é um gênero de ave da família Alcedinidae.
Nove espécies são reconhecidas para o gênero Tanysiptera:[1]
Tanysiptera é um gênero de ave da família Alcedinidae.
Paradiskungsfiskare (Tanysiptera) är ett fågelsläkte i familjen kungsfiskare inom ordningen praktfåglar med åtta eller nio arter som förekommer på Nya Guinea med kringliggande övärld samt nordöstra Australien:[1][2]
Paradiskungsfiskare (Tanysiptera) är ett fågelsläkte i familjen kungsfiskare inom ordningen praktfåglar med åtta eller nio arter som förekommer på Nya Guinea med kringliggande övärld samt nordöstra Australien:
Vanlig paradiskungsfiskare (T. galatea) Kofiauparadiskungsfiskare (T. ellioti) Biakparadiskungsfiskare (T. riedelii) Numforparadiskungsfiskare (T. carolinae) Mindre paradiskungsfiskare (T. hydrocharis) Gulbröstad paradiskungsfiskare (T. sylvia) Svarthuvad paradiskungsfiskare (T. nigriceps) – betraktas ibland som underart till sylvia Svartryggig paradiskungsfiskare (T. nympha) Brunhuvad paradiskungsfiskare (T. danae)Tanysiptera là một chi chim trong họ Alcedinidae.[1]
Tanysiptera là một chi chim trong họ Alcedinidae.
Tanysiptera (Vigors, 1825)
Ра́йские зиморо́дки[1], или ракетохво́стые зиморо́дки[2] (лат. Tanysiptera) — род птиц из семейства зимородковых отряда ракшеобразных.
Райские зимородки распространены в Австралии и на Новой Гвинее.
Птицы небольшого размера с длинным ступенчатым хвостом, средняя пара рулевых перьев которого сильно вытянута и расширена на вершине[2].
Ра́йские зиморо́дки, или ракетохво́стые зиморо́дки (лат. Tanysiptera) — род птиц из семейства зимородковых отряда ракшеобразных.
Райские зимородки распространены в Австралии и на Новой Гвинее.
Птицы небольшого размера с длинным ступенчатым хвостом, средняя пара рулевых перьев которого сильно вытянута и расширена на вершине.