Terpsiphone a zo ur genad e rummatadur an evned, krouet e 1827 gant al loenoniour alaman Constantin Wilhelm Lambert Gloger (1803-1863).
Savet e oa bet an anv dre gendeuziñ an anvioù Terpsic'hora (muzenn an dañs e Mitologiezh Henc'hres) ha Persefone (un doueez e Mitologiezh Henc'hres).(Daveoù a vank)
C'hwezek spesad golvaneged a ya d'ober ar genad :
Pemp isspesad ha daou-ugent (45) en holl.
Terpsiphone a zo ur genad e rummatadur an evned, krouet e 1827 gant al loenoniour alaman Constantin Wilhelm Lambert Gloger (1803-1863).
Els papamosques del paradís (Terpsiphone ) són un gènere d'ocells de la família dels monàrquids (Monarchidae).
Segons la Classificació del Congrés Ornitològic Internacional (versió 2.6, 2010) aquest gènere està format per 14 espècies:
Els papamosques del paradís (Terpsiphone ) són un gènere d'ocells de la família dels monàrquids (Monarchidae).
Узун куйрук чымынчы (лат. Terpsiphone) – чымынчы куштар уруусу. Эң кооз куш. Башка канаттуулардан өзүнүн тулку боюнун түзүлүшү жана узун куйругу, кооздугу менен ачык айырмаланып турат. Тянь-Шань тоолорунун батыш кыркаларында өскөн мөмөлүү дарактар жаңгак, ак кайың жана терек токойлорун мекендейт. Бир жылда бир жолу, 4-5 жумуртка тууйт. У. ч. абада учуп жүргөн кош канаттуулар жана канаты кабырчыктуу курт-кумурскалар менен азыктанат. Бул түр саны азайгандыктан, коргоого алынып, Кыргызстандын Кызыл китебинине катталган.
Узун куйрук чымынчы (лат. Terpsiphone) – чымынчы куштар уруусу. Эң кооз куш. Башка канаттуулардан өзүнүн тулку боюнун түзүлүшү жана узун куйругу, кооздугу менен ачык айырмаланып турат. Тянь-Шань тоолорунун батыш кыркаларында өскөн мөмөлүү дарактар жаңгак, ак кайың жана терек токойлорун мекендейт. Бир жылда бир жолу, 4-5 жумуртка тууйт. У. ч. абада учуп жүргөн кош канаттуулар жана канаты кабырчыктуу курт-кумурскалар менен азыктанат. Бул түр саны азайгандыктан, коргоого алынып, Кыргызстандын Кызыл китебинине катталган.
The paradise flycatchers (Terpsiphone) are a genus of birds in the family Monarchidae. The genus ranges across Africa and Asia, as well as a number of islands. A few species are migratory, but the majority are resident. The most telling characteristic of the genus is the long tail streamers of the males of many species. In addition to the long tails the males and females are sexually dimorphic and have rufous, black and white plumage.
The genus Terpsiphone was introduced by the German zoologist Constantin Gloger in 1827.[1] The type species was subsequently designated as the Indian paradise flycatcher.[2] The name is from the Ancient Greek terpsi "delighting in" and phonos "voice".[3]
The genus contains 17 species:[4][5]
Formerly, some authorities also considered the following species (or subspecies) as species within the genus Terpsiphone:
The paradise flycatchers are generally small birds, around 18 to 21 cm (7.1–8.3 in) in length and weighing 12 to 23 g (0.42–0.81 oz). They have a medium length grey or blueish bill which is broad and hooked at the end and is surrounded by stiff rictal bristles. The inside of the mouths of paradise-flycatchers are brightly coloured, being either yellow or green. The tails are long, particularly in many species where the male has a massively elongated pair of middle tail feathers. These tail streamers are 195 mm long in the male São Tomé paradise flycatcher and 412 mm long in the male Indian paradise flycatcher.[10] The function of the long tail is assumed to be related to sexual selection, with females choosing males based on the length of the tail.[11] Not all species have long tail streamers, for example the blue paradise flycatcher of Palawan in Asia and the Bedford's paradise flycatcher of montane Africa do not have exceptionally long tails. In most species the tail is longer than the wing, even in the shorter tailed females. The eye is surrounded by an eyering that is a blue thin wattle (slightly more pronounced in some species like the rufous paradise flycatcher).
The plumage of the paradise flycatchers is sexually dimorphic, with rufous, white and black being the most common colours; one species has blue plumage and a few have traces of maroon.[10] Sexual dimorphism can be pronounced (and of course more so in the long-tailed males) or subtle; the female Bedford's paradise flycatcher is identical to the male except slightly duller. Some species sport prominent crests. In some species, for example the Malagasy paradise flycatcher, the males have two or more colour morphs.[12]
The paradise flycatchers make a range of vocalisations, these range from whistling songs to harsher calls. These songs and calls are typical of the monarch flycatchers. The songs are simpler in the Asian species, for example the call of the Japanese paradise flycatcher is a repeated three syllable whistle. The songs of the African species are more complex and, in the case of species with a large range, vary geographically. The calls are generally simple and are harsh and grating.
The paradise flycatchers have the widest distribution of any of the monarch flycatchers, ranging across sub-Saharan Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia and East Asia.[10] At the northern extreme of its range it reaches Korea and Afghanistan. The species also occurs on a number of islands, including those of Indonesia and the Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan, as well as Madagascar, the Mascarenes and the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean and São Tomé off Africa's Atlantic coast.
Several species of paradise flycatcher are migratory.[10] The Japanese paradise flycatcher is almost entirely migratory, breeding in Korea and Japan and wintering in the Philippines, Malaysia and Sumatra. It does however also occur in Taiwan, where the population is apparently resident. The Indian paradise flycatcher ranges across the Indian subcontinent and adjoining regions. The movements of the other species are not fully understood, but most are thought to be resident. Several subspecies of the African paradise flycatcher are apparently intra-African migrants, but little is known about these movements.
The paradise flycatchers inhabit a range of habitat types, from rainforest to montane forest, woodlands, savanna, mangroves, riparian forest, deciduous forests and bamboo groves, some species will also move into gardens and cultivated habitat.
Paradise flycatchers, like all monarch flycatchers, are monogamous and are generally territorial, although in some cases birds may nest close together and defend the nests together against predators. Females apparently select males based on their tail length, a form of sexual selection. Paradise flycatchers are unusual as exaggerated sexual traits are usually found in promiscuous birds, not monogamous ones.[13] The nests of this genus are neat deep cups placed on a branch or twig, often in a fork. They are usually placed 1–3 m off the ground. They are often very conspicuous, particularly when the long-tailed males are incubating. The nests are, however, aggressively defended by the pair. Amongst the pair duties are shared but not equally. For example, in the Malagasy paradise flycatcher the female undertakes more brooding responsibilities whereas the male spends more time guarding the nest.[14]
The paradise flycatchers are, as their name suggests, insectivores, feeding on a variety of insects, usually obtained on the wing.[10] They use a variety of foraging techniques, including hawking from a perch, sallying, hovering, gleaning, and flush-pursuiting. They will join mixed-species feeding flocks, for example the Madagascar paradise flycatcher will regularly form small two species flocks with the common newtonia while foraging.[15]
The paradise flycatchers (Terpsiphone) are a genus of birds in the family Monarchidae. The genus ranges across Africa and Asia, as well as a number of islands. A few species are migratory, but the majority are resident. The most telling characteristic of the genus is the long tail streamers of the males of many species. In addition to the long tails the males and females are sexually dimorphic and have rufous, black and white plumage.
Terpsiphone es un género de aves paseriformes perteneciente a la familia Monarchidae. Se distribuye a través de África y Asia, así como en una varias islas del océano Índico y Pacífico. Unas pocas especies son migratorias, pero la mayoría son sedentarias. La característica más representativa del género son las largísimas colas de los machos de muchas de sus especies, a la que deben su nombre común de monarcas colilargos.
El género tiene las siguientes especies:[1][2][3]
Terpsiphone es un género de aves paseriformes perteneciente a la familia Monarchidae. Se distribuye a través de África y Asia, así como en una varias islas del océano Índico y Pacífico. Unas pocas especies son migratorias, pero la mayoría son sedentarias. La característica más representativa del género son las largísimas colas de los machos de muchas de sus especies, a la que deben su nombre común de monarcas colilargos.
Terpsiphone hegazti genero bat da. Monarchidae familiaren barruan sailkatzen dira.
Terpsiphone hegazti genero bat da. Monarchidae familiaren barruan sailkatzen dira.
Paratiisimonarkit (Terpsiphone) on monarkkien heimoon kuuluva varpuslintusuku. Sukuun kuuluu 15 lajia[2].
Paratiisimonarkit ovat kotoperäisiä Madagaskarilla ja Komoreilla Intian valtamerellä. Ne ovat hyvin värikkäitä ja useimmilla lajeilla keskimmäiset pyrstösulat ovat pidentyneet. Paratiisimonarkit ovat hyönteissyöjiä, jotka sieppaavat saaliin lennosta. Naaras munii noin kolme munaa, joita haudotaan 14−16 päivää. Poikaset lähtevät pesästä 11−12 päivän ikäisinä.
Paratiisimonarkit (Terpsiphone) on monarkkien heimoon kuuluva varpuslintusuku. Sukuun kuuluu 15 lajia.
Paratiisimonarkit ovat kotoperäisiä Madagaskarilla ja Komoreilla Intian valtamerellä. Ne ovat hyvin värikkäitä ja useimmilla lajeilla keskimmäiset pyrstösulat ovat pidentyneet. Paratiisimonarkit ovat hyönteissyöjiä, jotka sieppaavat saaliin lennosta. Naaras munii noin kolme munaa, joita haudotaan 14−16 päivää. Poikaset lähtevät pesästä 11−12 päivän ikäisinä.
Le genre Terpsiphone comprend douze espèces de passereaux appartenant à la famille des Monarchidae.
D'après la classification de référence (version 2.2, 2009) du Congrès ornithologique international (ordre phylogénique) :
Le genre Terpsiphone comprend douze espèces de passereaux appartenant à la famille des Monarchidae.
Terpsiphone is een geslacht van zangvogels uit de familie monarchen en waaierstaartvliegenvangers (Monarchidae).
Het geslacht kent de volgende soorten:[1]
Terpsiphone is een geslacht van zangvogels uit de familie monarchen en waaierstaartvliegenvangers (Monarchidae).
Terpsiphone (paradismonarker) er ei slekt i monarkfamilien (Monarchidae) som tilhører underfamilien Terpsiphoninae (paradismonarker og nære slektning). Den teller 17 arter i deler av Afrika og Asia og øyene utenfor. Artene er trelevende og trives i temperert til tropisk klima. Et karaktertrekk er at artene har relativt stort hode, lange stjerter og vakre farger. Artene har dessuten en mer eller mindre definert fjærkam på hodet.
Inndelingen av monarker følger HBW Alive og er i henhold til Coates et al. (2017).[1] Alle norske navn følger Norsk navnekomité for fugl (NNKF) og er i henhold til Syvertsen et al. (2008),[2] med unntak for navn gitt i parentes. Disse har fortsatt ikke fått avklart sitt norske navn og må derfor kun betraktes som beskrivende uttrykk.
Terpsiphone (paradismonarker) er ei slekt i monarkfamilien (Monarchidae) som tilhører underfamilien Terpsiphoninae (paradismonarker og nære slektning). Den teller 17 arter i deler av Afrika og Asia og øyene utenfor. Artene er trelevende og trives i temperert til tropisk klima. Et karaktertrekk er at artene har relativt stort hode, lange stjerter og vakre farger. Artene har dessuten en mer eller mindre definert fjærkam på hodet.
Terpsiphone – rodzaj ptaka z rodziny monarek (Monarchidae).
Rodzaj obejmuje gatunki występujące w Afryce i Azji[3].
Długość ciała 15-22 cm (bez wydłużonych, centralnych sterówek samców które wystają poza inne na 1-32 cm), masa ciała 12,1-23,7 g (samce są z reguły większe i cięższe od samic)[4].
Nazwa rodzajowa jest połączeniem słów z języka greckiego: τερψι terpsi – „rozkoszując się, czerpać radość” (τερπω terpō – „radować się”) oraz φωνη phōnē – „głos”[5]. W aluzji do przyjemnych śpiewów niektórych muchodławek rajskich, choć nazwa ta odnosi się raczej do oczekiwania, a nie satysfakcji ze śpiewu, ponieważ większość gatunków muchodławek wydaje raczej chrapliwe odgłosy[5].
Do rodzaju należą następujące gatunki[6]:
Paradismonarker (Terpsiphone) är ett släkte med fåglar i familjen monarker inom ordningen tättingar.[1] Släktet omfattar numera 15-16 arter med vid utbredning i Afrika söder om Sahara (inklusive Madagaskar och södra Arabiska halvön, på öar i västra Indiska oceanen och i Asien från Indien till sydöstra Sibirien i norr och Talaudöarna samt Sumatra i söder:[1][2]
Paradismonarker (Terpsiphone) är ett släkte med fåglar i familjen monarker inom ordningen tättingar. Släktet omfattar numera 15-16 arter med vid utbredning i Afrika söder om Sahara (inklusive Madagaskar och södra Arabiska halvön, på öar i västra Indiska oceanen och i Asien från Indien till sydöstra Sibirien i norr och Talaudöarna samt Sumatra i söder:
Grå paradismonark (T. bedfordi) Gabonparadismonark (T. rufocinerea) Rostbukig paradismonark (T. rufiventer) Annobónparadismonark (T. smithii) – behandlas ofta som underart till rufiventer Kongoparadismonark (T. batesi) Afrikansk paradismonark (T. viridis) Indisk paradismonark (T. paradisi) Sydöstasiatisk paradismonark (T. affinis) Amurparadismonark (T. incei) Japansk paradismonark (T. atrocaudata) Blå paradismonark (T. cyanescens) Filippinparadismonark (T. cinnamomea) Sãotoméparadismonark (T. atrochalybeia) Madagaskarparadismonark (T. mutata) Seychellparadismonark (T. corvina) Maskarenparadismonark (T. bourbonnensis)Terpsiphone là một chi chim trong họ Monarchidae.[1]
Chi này chứa 16-17 loài:[2]
Terpsiphone là một chi chim trong họ Monarchidae.