
Biology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
In common with many other ibises, the dwarf olive ibis uses its long curved bill to probe within the soil and amongst rock crevices for its invertebrate prey. Generally, it prefers to forage in rocky, swampy areas of the forest with sparse undergrowth, or where the ground has been overturned by foraging wild pigs (2). The dwarf olive ibis is usually found alone or in small flocks which roost together at night, announcing their entrance and exit from the roosting site with a harsh honking noise (2) (4). Little is currently known about this species' reproduction, but a single nest was found in 1997 in a tree overhanging water (2).
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Conservation ( Inglês )

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There are currently no conservation measures in place for the dwarf olive ibis. While various organisations have proposed that this species and its habitat should be given protected status, this has yet to occur (2) (6). Without intervention, this unique species, found nowhere else in the world, could disappear forever (2).
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Description ( Inglês )

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Until its rediscovery in 1990, the only evidence for the continued existence of the dwarf olive ibis was from historical reports and anecdotes from hunters (2). Believed to be the world's smallest ibis (3), this Critically Endangered species can be identified by the bare patches of black skin on the face and the large crest extending from the back of the head (4). The plumage is generally brownish, with a bronze sheen on the upperparts, and an olive hue on the head. Like other ibises, the dwarf olive ibis has a long, thin bill that curves downwards and, in this species, is coloured brown, becoming reddish towards the tip. Although often silent, when disturbed the dwarf olive ibis will make unusual cough-like grunts, while at other times it produces a kah gah kah gah call (2).
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Habitat ( Inglês )

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The dwarf olive ibis is most commonly found in lowland primary forest below elevations of 450 metres, where it prefers swampy areas close to watercourses (2).
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Range ( Inglês )

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Endemic to the island of Sao Tomé, off the coast of Gabon in West Africa, the dwarf olive ibis occupies the areas around five rivers in the island's central and south-western regions (2).
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Status ( Inglês )

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Classified as Critically Endangered (CR) on the IUCN Red List (1).
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Threats ( Inglês )

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The historical clearance of much of Sao Tomé's lowland forest for sugar cane and cocoa plantations undoubtedly had a catastrophic impact on the dwarf olive ibis's population (2) (5) (6). While today large-scale clearance for plantations has mostly stopped (2) (5), forest clearance for small farms continues, and there is also the possibility that exploitation of primary forest for timber and firewood will increase dramatically in the future (5). In addition, this species is severely affected by hunting and predation from introduced mammals such as the mona monkey (Cercopithecus mona), African civet (Civettictis civetta) and weasel (Mustela nivalis) (2). With its population estimated in 2007 to be between 50 and 249 individuals, the combined effects of these threats are rapidly pushing the dwarf olive ibis towards extinction (2).
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Bostrychia bocagei ( Bretã )

fornecido por wikipedia BR

Bostrychia bocagei[1] a zo ur spesad evned eus ar c'herentiad Threskiornithidae.

Anvet e voe Lampribis bocagei (kentanv) da gentañ-penn (e 1923) gant an evnoniour stadunanat James Chapin (1889-1964).

Doareoù pennañ



Brosezat eo ar spesad en enez São Tomé (Pleg-mor Ginea)[2].

Liammoù diavaez

Notennoù ha daveennoù

  1. N'en deus ar spesad anv boutin ebet testeniekaet e brezhoneg evit poent.
  2. (en) Roadennoù IOC World Bird List diwar-benn Bostrychia bocagei.

Muioc'h a restroù diwar-benn

a vo kavet e Wikimedia Commons.

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Bostrychia bocagei: Brief Summary ( Bretã )

fornecido por wikipedia BR

Bostrychia bocagei a zo ur spesad evned eus ar c'herentiad Threskiornithidae.

Anvet e voe Lampribis bocagei (kentanv) da gentañ-penn (e 1923) gant an evnoniour stadunanat James Chapin (1889-1964).

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wikipedia BR

Ibis nan ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

L'ibis nan (Bostrychia bocagei) és un ocell de la família dels tresquiornítids (Threskiornithidae) que s'ha considerat una subespècie de l'ibis oliva. És endèmic de les selves de São Tomé i Príncep, on sobreviu a escassos indrets.[1]


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Ibis nan Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
  1. L'ibis de São Tomé a BIRDLIFE Rev. 23/11/2011 (anglès)

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Ibis nan: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

L'ibis nan (Bostrychia bocagei) és un ocell de la família dels tresquiornítids (Threskiornithidae) que s'ha considerat una subespècie de l'ibis oliva. És endèmic de les selves de São Tomé i Príncep, on sobreviu a escassos indrets.

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Zwergolivenibis ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Zwergolivenibis (Bostrychia bocagei) ist eine seltene Vogelart aus der Familie der Ibisse und Löffler. Er ist endemisch auf São Tomé. Bis 1993 galt das Taxon als Unterart des Olivenibisses (Bostrychia olivacea).


Der Zwergolivenibis erreicht eine Größe von 60 bis 65 cm. Die Flügellänge beträgt 248 mm, die Schnabellänge 73 mm, die Lauflänge 52 mm und die Schwanzlänge 95 mm. Kopf und Körper der erwachsenen Vögel sind dunkelolivbraun. Mantel und Flügeldecken haben einen bronzegrünen Schimmer. Der Schnabel ist hellbraun mit einem hellroten Schnabelfirst. Um die Augen und an der Schnabelbasis ist ein dunkler Bereich. Der Zwergolivenibis ist überwiegend still, gelegentlich ist ein kàh-gàh kàh-gàh zu hören.

Lebensraum und Lebensweise

Der Zwergolivenbis bewohnt Primärwälder unterhalb 450 m. Obwohl geeigneter Lebensraum auch in Höhenlagen bis 800 m vorhanden ist, wurde die Art in den letzten Jahren am häufigsten an der Grenze zwischen Primär- und Sekundärwäldern und gelegentlich in der Nähe von Palmplantagen beobachtet. Er geht auf Flachlandwaldböden in Gegenden mit wenig Unterholz auf Nahrungssuche, besonders dort, wo der Boden von Wildschweinen aufgewühlt wurde und in Sumpfgebieten, die an Wasserläufen grenzen. Seine Nahrung besteht aus wirbellosen Tieren, Schnecken und Nacktschnecken. Über seine Brutbiologie ist nur wenig bekannt. Zwei Nester wurden 1997 entdeckt. Die Vögel suchen nachts einen gemeinsamen Schlafbaum auf und können an ihrem Ruf identifiziert werden, wenn sie den Schlafplatz anfliegen oder verlassen.


Vor seiner Wiederentdeckung am Flusstal des Ana Chaves im Jahre 1990 sind nur wenige Exemplare des Zwergolivenibisses bekannt geworden. Im Mai 1997 wurden zwei Paare, ein weiteres Individuum und zwei Nester im Becken der Flüsse Rios Ió Grande und Martim Mendes entdeckt. Weitere Exemplare wurden 2007 im Obó Natural Park bei Ribeira Peixe beobachtet. Aufgrund der wenigen Nachweise schätzt BirdLife International den Bestand auf 50 bis 250 Exemplare.

In der Vergangenheit mussten weite Bereich der Tieflandwälder Kakaoplantagen weichen. In Zukunft könnte die steigende Zahl von kleinen Farmen und die damit verbundene Rodung von Bäumen den Lebensraum des Zwergolivenibisses noch weiter einschränken, da der Straßenbau entlang der Ost- und Westküste zu den entlegenen Gebieten Sao Tomes immer mehr erhöht. Eine potentielle Gefährdung geht von invasiven Säugetieren wie Ratten, Monameerkatzen, Afrikanische Zibetkatzen und Wieseln aus. Die ernsthafteste Bedrohung stellt allerdings die Jagd dar. 1996/1997 wurden 16 Ibisse von Jägern erlegt und auch während der Forschungsarbeit im Jahre 2007 waren Jäger im Obó Natural Park anwesend.



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Zwergolivenibis: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Zwergolivenibis (Bostrychia bocagei) ist eine seltene Vogelart aus der Familie der Ibisse und Löffler. Er ist endemisch auf São Tomé. Bis 1993 galt das Taxon als Unterart des Olivenibisses (Bostrychia olivacea).

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São Tomé ibis ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The São Tomé ibis (Bostrychia bocagei), also known as the dwarf olive ibis or the dwarf ibis, is a critically endangered bird that is endemic to São Tomé off the western coast of Central Africa in the Gulf of Guinea. Discovered in the 1800s by Francisco Newton, it was once thought to be a subspecies of the larger olive ibis, but is now classified as a distinct species.[2]

Living with 19 other species of endemic birds on the island, the dwarf ibis is one of 10 that are threatened for extinction. B. bocagei prefers the southern forests almost exclusively living there in nests that are high up in the trees to avoid predators. Aside from predation, other common threats to the species include overhunting and habitat loss as a result of overexploitation of resources by the people of São Tomé. Although no specific conservation reforms have been enacted to help B. bocagei, indirect efforts to help biodiversity on São Tomé in general have been instituted, such as the ECOFAC program and the establishment of a national park.


The São Tomé ibis measures 248 mm on its wings, 75 mm on its bill, 52 mm on its tarsus, and 95 mm on its tail, on average. The head is a dull olive color with black surrounding the eyes and the base of the bill. The tectrix (wing coverts) and mantle of the bird are slightly bronzed.

Most of the time, the dwarf ibis is silent, but when it is disturbed, it gives off differing coughed grunts. When going to roost, it lets out a harsh honking. Its call could also be described as a stressed kàh-gàh kàh-gàh.


B. Bocagei chooses to nest between 8m and 16m up in the trees in the forests. The nests were composed primarily of twigs and other biomass material, with leaves and feathers lining the inside. The nests had diameters of between 330 and 370 mm x 260–360 mm.[3]

Habitat and ecology

The island of São Tomé off the coast of Africa

The São Tomé ibis was discovered in the late 1800s by Francisco Newton, a Portuguese collector,[2] inhabiting the island of São Tomé off the coast of Western Africa.[3] Alongside 19 other endemic species of birds, the São Tomé ibis is one of the 10 that are threatened for extinction, but little has been done to protect the island's high biodiversity.[3] It is found in primary forest below 450 m altitude, being seen almost exclusively in the southern forests.[4] The decision of the ibis to nest higher up is related to predation avoidance. The nests appear both higher up and away from running water, most likely to avoid snakes and introduced mammals that could exploit the eggs, such as rats and Mona monkeys.[3] Recently, it has been seen more and more in the newly created Obô Natural Park, which spans the majority of the western side of the island.[3] It forages for food on the forest floor with sparse undergrowth, especially where the ground has been disturbed by feral pigs, and in swampy areas bordering watercourses.


The extremely small population of São Tomé ibises contains between 50 and 249 individuals. Due to this, it is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List.[5] A neighboring subspecies of the São Tomé ibis on the island of Príncipe became extinct in the last century, indicating that small habitats like São Tomé make ibises more vulnerable to threats and extinction.[3] The São Tomé ibis is facing problems that are both environmental and anthropogenic that contribute to its status as critically endangered.


In total, approximately 75% of the native flora of São Tomé has been lost since its colonization in the 1500s.[6] Living in the Anthropocene, the São Tomé ibis suffers from anthropogenic factors, including habitat destruction, overhunting, and urbanization. In efforts to urbanize the small island, railroads and roads have been built, bringing down forests with it. Additionally, dams are being constructed to provide electricity to the surrounding communities.[3] The most significant part of urbanization is the development of oil-palm concessions.[7] Oil-palm concessions are the licensing of specific land by governmental organizations to companies to build oil palm plantations.[8] Aside from oil-palm plants, cacao, coffee, quinine, and cinnamon plantations have been built on the island.[6] While building these plants, the habitat of all surrounding wildlife is destroyed, damaging the dwarf ibis population along with the surrounding ecosystems.[7] All of the efforts mentioned above to attempt to urbanize the island have come with their drawbacks, including the habitat destruction of the dwarf ibis. These anthropogenic factors have been in response to an influx of inhabitants on the island. When more people visit the island, more resources are required to sustain them, explaining the additional increase in logging and contributing to the limiting of the ibis's available habitat and breeding range.[6]

Overall population increases in São Tomé and Príncipe. The increase in population has increased the demand for resources which has consequently limited the available habitat for the dwarf ibis. Population of São Tomé (in thousands) is shown on the y-axis and time is on the x-axis.
Oil palm plantation

Overhunting also plays perhaps the msot important role in the endangered status of the dwarf ibis. As a large bird that forages on the forest floor and displays island tameness, it is very vulnerable to human hunters. Whether it is hunting for sport or accidental killings, the ibis population is decreasing in ways that are not attributable to simply the overexploitation of resources and the environment.


Aside from anthropogenic threats, there are several environmental factors that threaten the population of the dwarf ibis in the form of invasive species, which dominate the food web of São Tomé and can compete with the ibis for resources or act as predators. Non-native predators include feral cats, feral dogs, Mona monkeys, black rats, least weasels and African civets.



Biodiversity research in all of the Gulf of Guinea has been limited in the past due to political instability, economic collapse, and agricultural focuses. Conservation of the biodiversity of São Tomé has been discussed for over 100 years, but only acted upon in the last forty or so.[6]

In 1993, the Gulf of Guinea Conservation Group was formed after a meeting of scientists in Britain concluded that further research and conservation was necessary. This group brought other scientists to the islands so that they could study the wildlife and make adequate conservation plans that could be enacted to save the wildlife. Simultaneously, the European Commission began to fund the ECOFAC program. The ECOFAC program was designed to fund various studies in São Tomé and Príncipe centered around biodiversity and conservation. Additionally, the program aimed at promoting sustainably using forest ecosystems to try to combat the overexploitation.[6] The ECOFAC program has been successful in its funding of studies and its foundational basis for all other conservation efforts of São Tomé. Specifically, it led to the creation of the Bom Sucesso Botanical Garden, which is the gateway to the Obô National Park in São Tomé.[6] Although not directly founded for the conservation of the dwarf ibis, its effects were indirect and have helped the population.

International organizations have also began to get involved in conservation in São Tomé, which has trickle-down effects to helping the dwarf ibis. In 2018, BirdLife International opened an office in São Tomé to help promote conservation and research, which it was helping with since 2012. Since 2015, Fauna and Flora International has worked to build conservation capacity and raise awareness for the environment.[6]

The entrance to Obô National Park in São Tomé.

The establishment of the Obô National Park in 2006 placed the best-preserved forests under protection for conservation.[6] This includes the majority of the breeding range for the dwarf ibis. Currently, the majority of the dwarf ibis land is under protection, but it is being encroached upon by people illegally and is under threat by anthropogenic overexploitation.[9] The São Tomé community uses lots of wood for building and amenities and relies on other extractive methods for their other resources. Because of this need, they have to illegally harvest resources in national parks, explaining how 5,000 tons of firewood was used in 2014.[6] In order to help conserve the wildlife and the dwarf ibis, it is necessary that a living model that is based on nature conservation is established such that the locals understand that what they are doing is beneficial to them as well.[6] This idea is being developed on the neighboring island of Príncipe, but it is still not present on the more populous island of São Tomé.

A 2011 case study conducted by The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund looked at the biodiversity of São Tomé, eventually awarding it $7,850 to help preserve land and conserve the species.[7] This case study was one of the first of its kind due to the lack of data of the endemic species of the island. Specifically, the study highlighted how important it was to raise awareness both in and out of the country so that people would mobilize to help save the species.[7] Although the award wasn't much, it helped to contribute to the awareness aspect of the conservation of the dwarf ibis.

In December, 2021, the European Union created the Global Gateway strategy to help develop sustainable infrastructure in developing countries that simultaneously integrates partnerships, democratic values, and private companies. This initiative is giving half of its €300 billion budget to Africa so that they can help with conservation efforts. Some of this money will be going towards the Gulf of Guinea and can be used to help conserve species like the dwarf ibis.[10]


While conservation efforts are becoming more prominent on São Tomé, no conservation plan has been enacted specifically to protect the dwarf ibis. Every conservation effort has been directed at species in general or conserving the flora of the ecosystem, not necessarily the avian fauna.

In order to combat the problems of over hunting, habitat loss, and tourism, it is advisable to work directly with the hunters and tourist companies to attempt to resolve the issue. By working with the people that hunt the birds as well as with the access tourists have to seeing the birds, the São Tomé ibis will have a higher likelihood of survival in the foreseeable future.[11] Bringing awareness to the dwarf ibis is important, which comes with making people care about it and getting the word out.

While working with the problem seems like a smart choice to make, a fundamental attitude change needs to happen to shift the locals' focus away from extraction and towards conservation. A cultural shift is difficult to initiate, but it is necessary to kickstart the conservation of not just the dwarf ibis, but other species on the island.[6]


  1. ^ BirdLife International (2018). "Bostrychia bocagei". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018: e.T22697478A131389052. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22697478A131389052.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b Bocage, J. V. B. 1889a. Sur deux espéces à ajoutter à la faune ornthilogique de St. Thomé. J. Sci. math. sci. phys. nat. Lisboa (2)1: 142–144.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g African Bird Club.; Club, African Bird (2014). Bulletin of the African Bird Club. Vol. 21. Cambridge: African Bird Club.
  4. ^ Wilson Ornithological Society; Society, Wilson Ornithological (2007). The Wilson journal of ornithology. Vol. 119. Lawrence, KS: Wilson Ornithological Society.
  5. ^ "Dwarf Ibis". EDGE of Existence. Retrieved 2022-10-01.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Muñoz-Torrent, Xavier; da Trindade, Ngouabi Tiny; Mikulane, Signe (2022), "Territory, Economy, and Demographic Growth in São Tomé and Príncipe: Anthropogenic Changes in Environment", Biodiversity of the Gulf of Guinea Oceanic Islands, Cham: Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-031-06152-3, retrieved 2022-11-29
  7. ^ a b c d "Dwarf olive ibis Conservation Case Study | The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund". www.speciesconservation.org. Retrieved 2022-11-29.
  8. ^ Vizzuality. "Resource Watch". resourcewatch.org. Retrieved 2022-11-29.
  9. ^ DE LIMA, RICARDO F.; SAMPAIO, HUGO; DUNN, JONATHON C.; CABINDA, GABRIEL; FONSECA, RICARDO; OQUIONGO, GABRIEL; OQUIONGO, JOEL; SAMBA, SEDNEY; SANTANA, ARISTIDES; SOARES, ESTEVÃO; VIEGAS, LEONEL; WARD-FRANCIS, ALICE; COSTA, LUÃS T.; PALMEIRIM, JORGE M.; BUCHANAN, GRAEME M. (December 2017). "Distribution and habitat associations of the critically endangered bird species of São Tomé Island (Gulf of Guinea)". Bird Conservation International. 27 (4): 455–469. doi:10.1017/S0959270916000241. S2CID 89070972. ProQuest 1970187959.
  10. ^ "The Global Gateway: A recipe for EU geopolitical relevance?". ECDPM. Retrieved 2022-11-29.
  11. ^ Maia, Hugulay; Gascoigne, Angus; De Deus, Domingos; De Lima, Ricardo F. (September 2014). "Notes on the breeding ecology and conservation of the Critically Endangered Dwarf Olive Ibis". Bulletin of the African Bird Club. 21 (2): 202––205. doi:10.5962/p.310049. ISSN 1352-481X.

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São Tomé ibis: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The São Tomé ibis (Bostrychia bocagei), also known as the dwarf olive ibis or the dwarf ibis, is a critically endangered bird that is endemic to São Tomé off the western coast of Central Africa in the Gulf of Guinea. Discovered in the 1800s by Francisco Newton, it was once thought to be a subspecies of the larger olive ibis, but is now classified as a distinct species.

Living with 19 other species of endemic birds on the island, the dwarf ibis is one of 10 that are threatened for extinction. B. bocagei prefers the southern forests almost exclusively living there in nests that are high up in the trees to avoid predators. Aside from predation, other common threats to the species include overhunting and habitat loss as a result of overexploitation of resources by the people of São Tomé. Although no specific conservation reforms have been enacted to help B. bocagei, indirect efforts to help biodiversity on São Tomé in general have been instituted, such as the ECOFAC program and the establishment of a national park.

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Santomea ibiso ( Esperanto )

fornecido por wikipedia EO

La Santomea ibiso (Bostrychia bocagei), konata ankaŭ kiel Nana oliveca ibiso, estas draste endanĝerita birdo kiu estas endemia de Sao-Tomeo kaj Principeo. Iam estis konsiderata subspecio de la pli granda Oliveca ibiso, sed ĝi estas nune klasita kiel distinga specio. Bostrychia olivacea estis disigata en B. olivacea kaj B. bocagei. La Nana oliveca ibiso aŭ Santomea ibiso, Bostrychia bocagei, de Santomeo diferencas el la kontinentafrika Oliveca ibiso, B. olivacea, de okcidenta kaj centra Afriko pro grando de fligiloj, beko, tarso 58-70 mm, vosto, bekokoloro (palbruna kun palruĝa ĉe supra bordo kaj pinto kontraŭ tutpala al brikruĝa en rothschildi), kaj koloro de supraj partoj (sed verdeca kaj bronzkoloraj nuancoj de aliaj rasoj), plus evidenta sed ankoraŭ ne tre bona dokumentata voĉodiferenco.


La Santomea ibiso havas: flugilojn 248 mm longajn; bekon 73 mm longan; tarson 52 mm longan; kaj voston 95 mm longan; do ĝi estas sufiĉe pli malgranda ol la Oliveca ibiso. La kapo estas oliveca kun nigra ĉirkaŭokulo kaj ĉe la bekobazo. La flugilkovriloj kaj dorso estas iomete bronzkolore nuancaj.

Ĝi estas ĉefe silentema, sed kaze de ĝenado ĝi elsendas variajn tusecajn gruntojn, kaj akran hupadon dum irado al ripozejo. Ties alvoko povas esti priskribita ankaŭ kiel emfaza kàh-gàh kàh-gàh.

Habitato kaj ekologio

Ĝi troviĝas en unuaranga arbaro sub 450 m altitude. Ĝi manĝas ĉe la arbara grundo kun disa subkreskaĵaro, ĉefe kie la grundo estis tuŝita de aproj, kaj en marĉaj areoj borde de akvofluoj.

Populacio kaj minacoj

La tre malgranda populacio de Santomeaj ibisoj enhavas nur ĉirkaŭ 50 al 249 individuoj. Pro tio, ĝi estis listita kiel draste endanĝerita ĉe la IUCN ruĝa listo.

Enmetitaj specioj povus negative efiki super la nombroj de tiuj birdoj. Habitatoperdo estas alia minaco, kaj disvolviĝo de ŝoseoj pliigis aliron al iame malproksimaj areoj. Ili povas ankaŭ esti ĉasataj. Oni proponis nacian parkon kaj la protekton de minacataj specioj en Santomeo, sed ĝis nun tiuj arbaroj estas neprotektataj.


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Santomea ibiso: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

fornecido por wikipedia EO

La Santomea ibiso (Bostrychia bocagei), konata ankaŭ kiel Nana oliveca ibiso, estas draste endanĝerita birdo kiu estas endemia de Sao-Tomeo kaj Principeo. Iam estis konsiderata subspecio de la pli granda Oliveca ibiso, sed ĝi estas nune klasita kiel distinga specio. Bostrychia olivacea estis disigata en B. olivacea kaj B. bocagei. La Nana oliveca ibiso aŭ Santomea ibiso, Bostrychia bocagei, de Santomeo diferencas el la kontinentafrika Oliveca ibiso, B. olivacea, de okcidenta kaj centra Afriko pro grando de fligiloj, beko, tarso 58-70 mm, vosto, bekokoloro (palbruna kun palruĝa ĉe supra bordo kaj pinto kontraŭ tutpala al brikruĝa en rothschildi), kaj koloro de supraj partoj (sed verdeca kaj bronzkoloraj nuancoj de aliaj rasoj), plus evidenta sed ankoraŭ ne tre bona dokumentata voĉodiferenco.

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Bostrychia bocagei ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El ibis de Santo Tomé (Bostrychia bocagei), ibis enano o ibis oliváceo enano es una especie de ave pelecaniforme de la familia Threskiornithidae; endémica de los bosques tropicales de la Isla de Santo Tomé donde sólo quedan unos pocos cientos de ejemplares.


Hay autores que colocan a este especie en el género Lampribis junto con el Ibis moteado. Se ha considerado al ibis de Santo Tomé como una subespecie isleña del Ibis oliváceo, pero las diferencias en tamaño, marcas faciales y colorido han sido suficientes para considerarlo su propia especie. No se reconocen subespecies


Esta especie de ibis mide entre 60 y 65 cm de longitud, el pico mide 7,3 cm de largo. La cabeza y la parte superior del cuerpo son de color pardo oscuro; las alas y la parte posterior del cuerpo son de color verde oscuro con toques metalizados en verde más claro. Presenta zonas oscuras alrededor de lo ojos y la base del pico, que junto con la cresta, son características propias que diferencian a este ave de otras especies del género Bostrychia. El color de las patas suele variar. Es un ave predominantemente silencioso pero si se le molesta emite gruñidos y tosidos

Distribución y hábitat

Es endémica del centro y sur de la isla de Santo Tomé.[2]​ Hubo un tiempo en que la especie ocupó toda la isla pero actualmente no quedan hábitats adecuados en el norte de la isla.

La especie se limita al bosque tropical primario por debajo de los 750 m, aunque podría extenderse hasta los 800 m. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, la especie se ha encontrado con mayor frecuencia en la frontera entre bosques primarios y secundarios, a veces cerca de plantaciones de palmeras. La especie se encuentra excepcionalmente en áreas donde el suelo ha sido perturbado por cerdos salvajes, o en áreas pantanosas que bordean cursos de agua o pequeños lagos.


Se presume que esta especie es sedentaria. Las aves suelen aparecer solas o en parejas, pero a veces en grupos familiares. Los individuos se posan juntos por la noche y pueden identificarse por sus sonidos cuando van y vienen de su percha.

Su dieta consiste en invertebrados, caracoles y babosas. Se alimenta en el suelo del bosque en áreas de terreno desnudo o donde existe una maleza escasa de plantas herbáceas, helechos y musgos, una cubierta de rocas y piedras grandes o alrededor de grandes árboles.

Se cree que se reproduce durante la temporada de lluvias, y se ha registrado que pone los huevos en noviembre-diciembre. Construye un nido de ramitas y materia vegetal en el árbol más alto de su área. La hembra pone dos huevos. Poco más se conoce de sus hábitos reproductivos.


Esta especie se clasifica como En Peligro Crítico debido a su población extremadamente pequeña que se cree que está disminuyendo como resultado de la pérdida de hábitat y la presión de caza. Se estima que la población actual oscila entre 50 y 250 ejemplares. Se encuentra amenazada por la destrucción de su hábitat para la expansión de las áreas de cultivo de cacao, aceite de palma y café. La caza es otro motivo alarmante de preocupación pues aparentemente este ibis es muy apreciado por su carne. La expansión humana de carreteras y otras vías está fragmentando el hábitat de estos ibis y propiciando que el ser humano llegue a zonas hasta entonces remotas e inaccesibles. Finalmente, la introducción de especies foráneas esta alterando el hábitat y los comportamientos del ibis de Santo Tomé. Se ha propuesto un parque nacional y la protección de especies amenazadas en Santo Tomé, pero actualmente los bosques no están protegidos.


  1. BirdLife International (2013). «Bostrychia bocagei». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2014.3 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 4 de diciembre de 2013.
  2. «Ibis de Santo Tome (Bostrychia bocagei) (Chapin, 1923)». Avibase. Consultado el 26 de noviembre de 2014.

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Bostrychia bocagei: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El ibis de Santo Tomé (Bostrychia bocagei), ibis enano o ibis oliváceo enano es una especie de ave pelecaniforme de la familia Threskiornithidae; endémica de los bosques tropicales de la Isla de Santo Tomé donde sólo quedan unos pocos cientos de ejemplares.

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Bostrychia bocagei ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Bostrychia bocagei Bostrychia generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Threskiornithidae familian sailkatua dago.


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Bostrychia bocagei: Brief Summary ( Basco )

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Bostrychia bocagei Bostrychia generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Threskiornithidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Sãotoméniibis ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Sãotoméniibis on äärimmäisen uhanalainen iibislintu.[1] Sitä pidetään toisinaan oliivi-iibiksen (Bostrychia olivacea) alalajina Bostrychia olivacea bocagei.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Sãotoméniibis kasvaa noin 65 cm pitkäksi. Sen pää ja vartalo ovat oliivinvihreät, silmien ympärillä on mustat renkaat. Siivet ovat kirkkaamman vihreät. Nokka on massiivinen, oranssinsävyinen, niskassa töyhtömäinen harja.[2]


Sãotoméniibistä tavataan vain São Tomé ja Príncipen saarivaltiossa Afrikan rannikolla, parisataa kilometriä Gabonista.


  1. a b BirdLife International: Bostrychia bocagei IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. 2013. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 25.3.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. Birdlife Datasheet
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Sãotoméniibis: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

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Sãotoméniibis on äärimmäisen uhanalainen iibislintu. Sitä pidetään toisinaan oliivi-iibiksen (Bostrychia olivacea) alalajina Bostrychia olivacea bocagei.

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Ibis de Sao Tomé ( Francês )

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Bostrychia bocagei

L'Ibis de Sao Tomé (Bostrychia bocagei) est une espèce d’oiseaux de la famille des Threskiornithidae.


Cet oiseau est endémique à Sao Tomé. Il vit dans les forêts primaires en dessous de 750 m d'altitude[1].


Références taxinomiques

Notes et références

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Ibis de Sao Tomé: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Bostrychia bocagei

L'Ibis de Sao Tomé (Bostrychia bocagei) est une espèce d’oiseaux de la famille des Threskiornithidae.

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Bostrychia bocagei ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

L'ibis di São Tomé (Bostrychia bocagei Chapin, 1923) è una rarissima specie di uccello della famiglia dei Treschiornitidi originario dell'isola di São Tomé[2].


Fino alla sua riscoperta nel 1990, le uniche prove dell'esistenza dell'ibis di São Tomé erano rappresentate dalle ormai datate relazioni dei naturalisti del passato e dagli aneddoti raccontati dai cacciatori[3]. Considerata la specie di ibis più piccola del mondo[4], questa creatura a grave rischio di estinzione può essere identificata dalle zone di pelle glabra di colore nero sulla faccia e dalla grossa cresta che si sviluppa dalla parte posteriore della testa[5]. Il piumaggio è generalmente marroncino, con dei riflessi bronzei sulle regioni superiori e la testa di colore verde oliva. Come altri ibis, l'ibis di São Tomé è dotato di un becco lungo e sottile incurvato all'estremità che, in questa specie, è di colore marrone, anche se diviene rossastro verso la punta. Nonostante sia una specie spesso silenziosa, quando viene disturbato l'ibis di São Tomé può emettere degli insoliti grugniti simili a colpi di tosse, mentre altre volte produce dei richiami che risuonano come un kah gah kah gah[3].

Distribuzione e habitat

Endemico dell'isola di São Tomé, al largo delle coste del Gabon, in Africa occidentale, l'ibis di São Tomé occupa le aree attorno a cinque fiumi nella parte centrale dell'isola e nelle sue regioni sud-occidentali[3]. Viene rinvenuto più comunemente nelle foreste primarie di pianura, al di sotto dei 450 m di quota, dove predilige le aree paludose nei pressi dei corsi d'acqua[3].


Come molti altri ibis, l'ibis di São Tomé utilizza il lungo becco ricurvo per sondare nel terreno e tra le fenditure delle rocce alla ricerca degli invertebrati di cui si nutre. Generalmente, preferisce aggirarsi in cerca di cibo nelle aree rocciose e paludose della foresta, dove il sottobosco si dirada maggiormente, o nelle zone in cui il terreno è stato rivoltato da maiali selvatici in cerca di cibo[3].

L'ibis di São Tomé viene generalmente avvistato da solo o in piccoli stormi che si radunano assieme di notte su appositi posatoi, annunciando il loro arrivo e la loro partenza da questi siti con un forte rumore starnazzante[3][5]. Al momento conosciamo ben poco sulle abitudini riproduttive di questa specie, ma nel 1997 venne rinvenuto un singolo nido su un albero che si protendeva al di sopra dell'acqua[3].


L'abbattimento delle foreste di pianura di São Tomé per far spazio a piantagioni di canna da zucchero e di cacao, pratica in atto da secoli, ha avuto indubbiamente un impatto catastrofico sulla popolazione dell'ibis di São Tomé[3][6][7]. Sebbene oggi gli abbattimenti su vasta scala per far spazio a piantagioni siano ormai cessati[3][6], il ritirarsi della foresta a vantaggio di piccoli appezzamenti di terreno coltivato continua, e vi è inoltre la possibilità che lo sfruttamento della foresta primaria per legna da costruzione o da ardere aumenti significativamente in futuro[6]. Inoltre, questa specie è minacciata dalla predazione da parte di mammiferi introdotti come il cercopiteco mona (Cercopithecus mona), la civetta africana (Civettictis civetta) e la donnola (Mustela nivalis)[3]. Con una popolazione stimata nel 2007 tra le 50 e le 249 unità, gli effetti combinati di questi fattori potrebbero portare rapidamente l'ibis di São Tomé verso l'estinzione[3].

Attualmente non è stata presa ancora nessuna misura di protezione per la salvaguardia dell'ibis di São Tomé. Nonostante varie organizzazioni abbiano proposto che questa specie e l'habitat nel quale essa vive debbano essere protetti, questo non è ancora avvenuto[3][7]. Senza alcun intervento, questa specie unica, presente solo in questa parte del mondo, rischia di scomparire per sempre[3].

Per la sua estrema rarità, la specie figura sulla lista rossa della IUCN tra quelle in pericolo critico[1].


  1. ^ a b (EN) Symes, A. 2015, Bostrychia bocagei, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) Gill F. and Donsker D. (eds), Family Threskiornithidae, in IOC World Bird Names (ver 9.2), International Ornithologists’ Union, 2019. URL consultato il 6 maggio 2014.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m BirdLife International (December, 2008).
  4. ^ Melo, M. (2004) Bird speciation in the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa. Genetics Society News, 51: 50 - 53.
  5. ^ a b del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A. and Sargatal, J. (1992) Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 1: Ostrich to Ducks. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
  6. ^ a b c Peet, N. and Atkinson, P. (1994) Biodiversity and conservation of the birds in Sao Tomé and Principe. Biodiversity and Conservation, 3: 851 - 868.
  7. ^ a b WWF (December, 2008).

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Bostrychia bocagei: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

L'ibis di São Tomé (Bostrychia bocagei Chapin, 1923) è una rarissima specie di uccello della famiglia dei Treschiornitidi originario dell'isola di São Tomé.

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Nykštukinis žaliasis ibis ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT
Binomas Bostrychia bocagei

Nykštukinis žaliasis ibis (lot. Bostrychia bocagei, angl. São Tomé ibis) – ibinių (Threskiornithidae) šeimos paukštis. Manoma, kad tai mažiausias ibinis paukštis. Iki 1990 m. apie jį buvo žinoma tik iš istorinių šaltinių ir medžiotojų pasakojimų.


Žymiai mažesnis už baltajį gandrą, kūno ilgis 60–65 cm. Veido oda juoda, neapaugusi plunksnomis. Kuodas platus. Plunksnų danga ruda. Viršutinės kūno dalies plunksnos yra bronzinio žvilgesio, o galva žalio atspalvio. Laibas, lenktas į apačią snapas yra 7,3 cm ilgio, rudos spalvos, tik galiukas rausvas.


Endeminis San Tomė salos paukštis.


Sėslus paukštis. Įprastai laikosi pavieniai arba poromis. Biotopas – pelkėtos vietos giriose iki 450 m jūros lygio. Minta bestuburiais, mis ir šliužais. Manoma, kad veisiasi liūčių laikotarpio metu. lizdus krauna aukštuose medžiuose.

Apsaugos būklė

Pasaulinės gamtos apsaugos organizacijos duomenimis yra grėsmingai nykstanti rūšis. Populiacijoje yra 50-249 suaugę individai.

Populiacijos mažėjimo priežastys:

Rūšies apsaugos priemonės:



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Nykštukinis žaliasis ibis: Brief Summary ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Nykštukinis žaliasis ibis (lot. Bostrychia bocagei, angl. São Tomé ibis) – ibinių (Threskiornithidae) šeimos paukštis. Manoma, kad tai mažiausias ibinis paukštis. Iki 1990 m. apie jį buvo žinoma tik iš istorinių šaltinių ir medžiotojų pasakojimų.

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Kleine olijfgroene ibis ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


De kleine olijfgroene ibis (Bostrychia bocagei) is een vogel uit de familie Threskiornithidae (Ibissen en lepelaars).


De vogel is 60 tot 65 cm lang. Het is een kleine bosbewonende ibis. De volwassen vogel is overwegend dof olijfkleurig. De mantel en de vleugeldekveren zijn bronskleurig.[2]

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze soort is endemisch op het eiland Sao Tomé, een eiland in de Golf van Guinee. De vogel wordt vooral waargenomen op de grens van regenwoud met cutuurland zoals oliepalmplantages in laagland onder de 450 m, maar ook in oud secundair bos, vaak in moerassige stukken bos langs rivieren.[1]


De kleine olijfgroene ibis heeft een zeer klein verspreidingsgebied en daardoor is de kans op uitsterven groot. De grootte van de wereldpopulatie werd in 2006 geschat op 70 tot 400 individuen. De vogel wordt in zijn voortbestaan bedreigd door jacht en door aantasting van zijn leefgebied door landbouwkundige ontwikkelingen op het eiland. Om deze redenen staat deze ibis als ernstig bedreigd op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN.[1]

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Kleine olijfgroene ibis: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De kleine olijfgroene ibis (Bostrychia bocagei) is een vogel uit de familie Threskiornithidae (Ibissen en lepelaars).

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Sãotoméibis ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Sãotoméibis[2] (Bostrychia bocagei) är en akut hotad fågel i familjen ibisar inom ordningen pelikanfåglar, med mycket begränsad utbredning på den lilla ön São Tomé i Guineabukten.[3]


Sãotoméibis är en liten skogsibis, 60–65 centimeter lång. Adult fågel har dovt olivfärgad huvud och kropp med lätt bronsfärgad mantel och vingtäckare. Runt ögonen och kring näbbens bas är den mörkare. Lätet är diverse hostande grymtningar när den störts och ett hårt trumpetande när den tar nattkvist.[1]

Utbredning och status

Sãotoméibis förekommer som namnet avslöjar enbart på ön São Tomé i Guineabukten. Där är den dessutom begränsad till områden i sydväst kring floderna São Miguel, Xufexufe och möjligen Quija samt centralt på ön kring floderna Io Grande, Ana Chaves och Lembá.[4] Fram till 1990 var den endast känd från historiska insamlade exemplar och anekdotiska berättelser från jägare.[5] Den senaste bedömningen är att populationen är mycket liten, troligen mellan 70 och 400 individer.[6] Jakttrycket verkar dessutom vara högt med sentida rapporter om 16 dödade individer.[7] Därför kategoriserar internationella naturvårdsunionen IUCN den som akut hotad.[1]


Sãotoméibis betraktades tidigare som en underart till olivibis (B. olivacea) men urskiljs nu oftast som egen art på grund av mindre storlek, avsaknad av grön- eller bronsglans och avvikande näbbfärg samt läte.[1] Den behandlas som monotypisk, det vill säga att den inte delas in i några underarter.


Sãotoméibisen förekommer en och en eller i par. Den är begränsad till urskog från havsnivån till 750 meter över havet,[4] även om den på senare år visat sig vanligast på gränsen mellan urskog och ungskog, ibland nära palmplantage.[6] Den födosöker på barmark eller där det finns tunn växtlighet av örter, mossa eller ormbunkar,[4][8][9] gärna där vilda grisar bökat i marken eller i fuktiga områden nära vatten.[5][9][8][10] Födan består av ryggradslösa djur som sniglar och iglar.[9]

Fågeln tros häcka under regnsäsongen[4] och har konstaterats ruva sina ägg i november-december.[11] Den verkar vilja häcka i närområdets högsta träd.[12]


Fågelns vetenskapliga artnamn hedrar den portugisiska orntiologen José Vicente Barboza du Bocage (1823-1907).[13]


  1. ^ [a b c d] Birdlife International 2013 Bostrychia bocagei Från: IUCN 2014. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2014-11-27.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2017) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter, läst 2017-08-14
  3. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2015) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 2015 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2015-08-11
  4. ^ [a b c d] Ward-Francis, A., Costa, L., Sampaio, H. and Lima, R. 2015. Reducing the extinction risk of the three Critically Endangered birds of São Tomé. Interim Report AFR-1411 - F14AP00529. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, University of Lisbon.
  5. ^ [a b] Atkinson, P.; Peet, N.; Alexander, J. 1991. The status and conservation of the endemic bird species of Sao Tomé and Príncipe, West Africa. Bird Conservation International 1: 255-282.
  6. ^ [a b] M. Melo in litt. 2006
  7. ^ S. d'Assis Lima in litt. 2006.
  8. ^ [a b] Olmos, F.; Turshak, L. 2007. Final report on the fact-finding trip to Angola and Sao Tome and Principe July-August 2007.
  9. ^ [a b c] Christy, P.; Clarke, W. V. 1998. Guide des Oiseaux de Sao Tome et Principe. ECOFAC, Sao Tome.
  10. ^ Borrow, N.; Demey, R. 2001. Birds of western Africa. Christopher Helm, London.
  11. ^ Maia, H.; Gascoigne, A.; de Deus, D.; de Lima, R. F. 2014. Notes on the breeding ecology and conservation of the Critically Endangered Dwarf Olive Ibis Bostrychia bocagei. Bull. Afr. Bird Club 21(2): 202-205.
  12. ^ G. Buchanan in litt. 2016.
  13. ^ Jobling, J. A. (2016). Key to Scientific Names in Ornithology. Ur del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (red.) (2016). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Hämtad från www.hbw.com.

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Sãotoméibis: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

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Sãotoméibis (Bostrychia bocagei) är en akut hotad fågel i familjen ibisar inom ordningen pelikanfåglar, med mycket begränsad utbredning på den lilla ön São Tomé i Guineabukten.

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Bostrychia bocagei ( Turco )

fornecido por wikipedia TR
Binominal adı Bostrychia bocagei
Chapin, 1923 Dış bağlantılar Commons-logo.svg Wikimedia Commons'ta Bostrychia bocagei ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur. Wikispecies-logo.svg Wikispecies'te Bostrychia bocagei ile ilgili detaylı taksonomi bilgileri bulunur.

Bostrychia bocagei Threskiornithidae familyasında yer alan bir aynak türüdür. Afrika'nın batısında São Tomé ve Príncipe'ye endemik bir türdür. Daha önceleri Bostrychia olivacea türünün bir alt türü olarak sınıflandırılan Bostrychia bocagei ayrı bir tür olarak kabul edilmiştir.

Fiziksel özellikleri

Kanat açıklığı 248 mm., gaga boyu 73 mm., tarsus uzunluğu 52 mm. ve kuyruk uzunluğu 95 mm.'dir. Başı mat zeytin yeşilidir. Gözün çevresi ve gaganın tabanı siyah renklidir. Kanatları örten tüyler hafif bronz rengindedir.

Yaşam alanı ve ekoloji

Genellikle 450 m. rakımın altındaki ormanlarda bulunur. Orman tabanında ve su yollarının yanındaki bataklıklarda besinini arar.

Popülasyon ve tehditler

Oldukça küçük olan popülasyonu 50 ila 249 bireyden oluşmaktadır.

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Bostrychia bocagei: Brief Summary ( Turco )

fornecido por wikipedia TR

Bostrychia bocagei Threskiornithidae familyasında yer alan bir aynak türüdür. Afrika'nın batısında São Tomé ve Príncipe'ye endemik bir türdür. Daha önceleri Bostrychia olivacea türünün bir alt türü olarak sınıflandırılan Bostrychia bocagei ayrı bir tür olarak kabul edilmiştir.

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Cò quăm São Tomé ( Vietnamita )

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Cò quăm São Tomé hay Cò quăm ôliu lùn, tên khoa học Bostrychia bocagei, là một loài chim trong họ Threskiornithidae. Đây là loài đặc hữu của São Tomé, và hiện được xếp vào nhóm cực kỳ nguy cấp.

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Cò quăm São Tomé: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

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Cò quăm São Tomé hay Cò quăm ôliu lùn, tên khoa học Bostrychia bocagei, là một loài chim trong họ Threskiornithidae. Đây là loài đặc hữu của São Tomé, và hiện được xếp vào nhóm cực kỳ nguy cấp.

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侏橄欖綠鹮 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Bostrychia bocagei
Chapin, 1923

侏橄欖綠鹮學名Bostrychia bocagei)是一種極危的鳥類,是聖多美和普林西比特有種。曾被普遍認為是體型較大的橄欖綠鹮Bostrychia olivacea)的一個亞種,但目前已獨立成種。








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wikipedia 中文维基百科

侏橄欖綠鹮: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科

侏橄欖綠鹮(學名:Bostrychia bocagei)是一種極危的鳥類,是聖多美和普林西比特有種。曾被普遍認為是體型較大的橄欖綠鹮(Bostrychia olivacea)的一個亞種,但目前已獨立成種。

direitos autorais
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 中文维基百科