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Junctichela pax Kornicker, Iliffe & Harrison-Nelson 2002

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Junctichela pax

ETYMOLOGY.—From the Latin pax (peace).

HOLOTYPE.—USNM 194587, adult female on slide and in alcohol.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Sta 95–010, Crab Cay Crevasse, Crab Cay, Bahamas, depth 35 m.

PARATYPES.—Crab Cay Cravasse, Sta 95–010: USNM 194599, 4 adult females; USNM 194589, adult male; USNM 194588, USNM 194590, 2 instar I, sex unknown; USNM 194591, USNM 194592, USNM 194593, USNM 194594, 4 instar II, sex unknown; USNM 194595, USNM 194596A–C, 4 instar III, sex unknown; USNM 194597, instar IV, carapace without body, sex unknown; USNM 194598, instar IV female.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figures 48, 49).—Carapace oval in lateral view, with short caudal process and no rostrum (Figure 49a).

Ornamentation: Surface with distinct, fairly closely spaced ovoid nodes appearing as 2 concentric circles when shell viewed laterally (Figure 48b); in side view, nodes along edge of caudal process and elsewhere appear mushroom-like, with terminal disk on narrow stem (Figure 48d). Inner concentric circle of each node viewed perpendicularly appears to be outline of inner edge of hollow node. Areas of indistinct minute pustules present between nodes (Figure 48b). Relatively few widely separated single bristles present on valve surface and along edges. Surface with gel-like coating visible along valve edge between nodes.

Infold: Anterior infold with minute bristle (Figure 48c). Infold of caudal process with curved ridge with about 10 short bristles, as well as narrow transparent lamellar prolongation along posterior concave edge of ridge (Figure 48d). Posterior infold with 2 setal bristles just dorsal to caudal process (Figure 48d). Ventral infold with several small, widely separated bristles. Numerous pore canals visible along edge of valve when viewed from inside (Figure 48d); canals extending from line of concrescence to shell edge.

Selvage: Bare narrow lamellar prolongation present along free margin of valves.

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments: Partly obscured on USNM 194587, consisting of many ovoid attachments.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): USNM 194587, 1.04, 0.72. USNM 194599, 4 specimens: 1.04, 0.72; 1.01, 0.72; 0.99, 0.69; 0.98, 0.70. Average: length 1.01, height 0.71. N=5.

First Antenna (Figure 48e–g): 1st joint bare. 2nd joint with few, small, dorsal spines. 3rd and 4th joints fused; 3rd joint with long, spinous, dorsal bristle and short bare ventral bristle; 4th joint elongate, with 3 bristles (2 ventral, 1 dorsal). Sensory bristle of 5th joint with minute proximal filament. 6th joint minute, fused to 5th, with short medial bristle. 7th joint: a-bristle spinous; b-bristle short, bare (Figure 48f,g); c-bristle with minute proximal spine. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles filament-like, long, bare; f-bristle with fairly long proximal filament; g-bristle with small proximal filament.

Second Antenna (Figure 48h–j): Protopodite bare. Endopodite 1-jointed, with proximal anterior bristle and terminal node (node could be interpreted to be fused 2nd joint). Exopodite: opodite: 1st joint with minute recurved tubular medial bristle on distal margin; bristle of 2nd joint with 14 stout, widely separated ventral proximal spines and distal natatory hairs; bristles of joints 3–8 with proximal ventral spines and distal natatory hairs; small 9th joint with fairly long bristle with natatory hairs and small bristle (dorsal) (small bristle absent on right limb of USNM 194587, ?aberration). 4th joint about one-half length of 3rd joint on right limb only of USNM 194587 (aberration) (Figure 48j). Pivot sclerite slightly curved (Figure 48h).

Mandible (Figure 49a): Coxale endite represented by small spine; ventral margin of coxale with spines with bases on lateral side. Basale: ventral margin and medial side near ventral margin with 4 small bristles (3 proximal, 1 distal); lateral side near ventral margin with 2 small bristles near midlength; dorsal margin with small subterminal bristle. Exopodite absent. Endopodite: 1st joint with distal medial spines and spines along distal dorsal corner, and distal bare ventral claw; minute ventral pustule just proximal to claw; 2nd joint with small subterminal spine-like dorsal bristle and stout ventral claw; 3rd joint with 2 small ventral bristles (medial shorter bristle indistinct) and 1 minute indistinct dorsal bristle at base of stout terminal claw.

Maxilla (Figure 49b–d): Endite I with 6 bristles (Figure 49c); endite II with 4 bristles; endite III with 4 bristles (2 anterior bristles on projection) (Figure 49d). Coxale with short dorsal bristle. Basale with slender bristle near base of exopodite. Exopodite with 2 bristles. 1st endopodial joint with stout pectinate alpha- and beta-bristles. 2nd endopodial joint with 2 a-bristles, 1 c-bristle, and 5 pectinate end bristles.

Fifth Limb (Figure 49e): Single endite with short bristle. Exopodite: 1st joint with 2 bristles; joints 2–5 fused, hirsute, with total of 6 bristles. Epipodite with 33 bristles.

Sixth Limb (Figure 49f): Single endite with 3 bristles. End joint with 10 spinous ventral bristles followed by 2 plumose bristles.

Seventh Limb (Figure 49g): Each limb with 8 bristles (2 in proximal group, 1 on each side, and 6 in terminal group, 3 on each side); each bristle with 3–6 bells and without marginal spines. Terminus with opposing combs with few small teeth.

Furca (Figure 49h): Each lamella with 5 claws; claws 1–3 nonarticulated, with teeth along posterior edge and spines along anterior edge; claws 4 and 5 articulated, bare; anterior margin of lamellae with spines; claw 1 of right lamella anterior to that of left by width of claw 1 at base.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 49i): Elongate, with uneven edges and squarish tip.

Eyes (Figure 49i): Lateral eye much smaller than medial eye, with 5 ommatidia. Medial eye bare, with light brown pigment.

Upper Lip (Figure 49j): Projecting slightly anteriorly, with sclerotized ventral edge.

Genitalia (Figure 49h): With round spermatophore attached to each side.

Brush-like Organ: Not observed with certainty.

Y-Sclerite (Figure 49h): Typical for subfamily.

Eggs (Figure 49k): USNM 194587 with 2 elongate eggs filled with minute globules; length and width of eggs in mm: 0.28, 0.18; 0.28, 0.17.

Gut Content: Light brown unrecognizable particulate matter.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT MALE (Figures 50–52, 53a–h).—Carapace with rostrum, shallow incisure, and short caudal process (Figure 50).

Ornamentation (Figures 50, 51a–c): Similar to that of adult female. Surface with gel-like coating between nodes.

Infold: Anterior infold with minute bristle (Figure 51 d). Infold of caudal process with indistinct straight or slightly convex ridge with 3 or 4 small bristles along posterior edge (Figure 51ef). Posterior infold with 2 setal bristles just dorsal to caudal process. Ventral infold with several small, widely separated bristles. Numerous pore canals visible along edge of valve when viewed from inside; canals on caudal process extending from line of concrescence to valve edge (Figure 51e). Line of concrescence closer to inner margin of infold of caudal process on male than on female (Figure 51ef).

Selvage: Lamellar prolongation of selvage without marginal spines.

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments (Figure 51c): Consisting of 9 ovoid attachments.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): USNM 194589, 0.91, 0.61.

First Antenna (Figures 51g,h, 52a): 1st and 2nd joints bare. 3rd and 4th joints fused; 3rd joint with long dorsal bristle and short ventral bristle; 4th joint with 3 bristles (2 ventral, 1 dorsal). 5th joint wedged ventrally between 4th and 6th joints; sensory bristle of 5th joint with stout proximal flaring process bearing abundant filaments and long, stout, main bristle with 3 distal short marginal filaments. 6th joint long, with short medial bristle. 7th joint: a-bristle spinous; b-bristle short bare; c-bristle reaching just past main bristle of 5th joint, with 3 fairly long distal filaments. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles long, bare; f-bristle long, with 3 distal filaments; g-bristle long, with 4 distal filaments.

Second Antenna (Figure 52a,b): Protopodite bare. Endopodite 2-jointed: 1st joint with short proximal anterior bristle; 2nd joint small cylindrical, with 2 terminal bristles (Figure 52b). Exopodite: 1st joint with minute recurved medial bristle; bristle of 2nd joint with 10 proximal ventral spines and distal natatory hairs; bristles of joints 3–8 with proximal ventral spines, proximal dorsal hairs, and distal natatory hairs; 9th joint with fairly long bristle with natatory hairs and small bristle (dorsal). Pivot sclerite slightly curved.

Mandible (Figure 52c–e): Coxale endite represented by small spine (Figure 52e). Ventral margin of coxale without spines. Basale: Ventral margin with 2 bristles near midlength; dorsal margin with long distal bristle; medial surface with 4 short bristles (3 proximal, 1 near midlength); sclerites (stippled) present in vicinity of proximal bristles (Figure 52d,e). Exopodite well developed, translucent, hirsute; tip of exopodite tends to bend medially. 1st endopodial joint: medial side with proximal hairs and row of spines along distal dorsal corner; ventral margin with 2 terminal bristles. 2nd endopodial joint: ventral margin with 1 short terminal bristle; dorsal margin with long bristle near midlength. 3rd endopodial joint with terminal curved claw and 2 short bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal).

Maxilla (Figure 52f,g): Reduced, with mostly indistinct bristles. Exopodite with 2 distinct bristles. Bristles of illustrated maxilla approximate.

Fifth Limb (Figure 53a,b): Reduced. Single endite with 1 small bristle. Exopodite fused, hirsute, with about 6 bristles.

Sixth Limb (Figure 53c): Single endite with 3 small bristles. End joint with 12 spinous and plumose bristles.

Seventh Limb (Figure 53d): Well developed. Each limb with 4 terminal bristles, 2 on each side; each bristle with 4–7 bells. Terminus without comb teeth.

Furca (Figure 53e–g): Each lamella with 5 or 6 toothed claws; claws 1–3 nonarticulated; claws 4–6 articulated; USNM 194589 with 5 claws on left lamella and 6 on right.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 51i,j): Elongate, with broad rounded tip.

Eyes (Figures 51a,i,j, 52a): Lateral eye about same size as medial eye, with 5 ommatidia and light brown pigment between ommatidia. Medial eye bare, with light brown pigment.

Upper Lip (Figure 51i): Broadly rounded.

Genitalia (Figure 53g,h): Elongate lobes with hook-like process at tip of one lobe.

Y-Sclerite (Figure 53g): Typical for subfamily.

Gut Content: Light brown unrecognizable particulate matter.

DESCRIPTION OF INSTAR I (sex unknown) (Figures 53i–l, 54, 55a–e).—Carapace similar in shape and ornamentation to that of adult female (Figures 53i, 54a,b). Gel-like substance between surface pustules.

Infold (Figure 54d,e): Indistinct. One setal bristle dorsal to caudal process (Figure 54e). Usual small bristle on anterior infold not seen with certainty. Caudal infold may have 1 minute bristle (indicated by minute circle in Figure 54e).

Selvage: Similar to that of adult female.

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments (Figures 53i, 54a,c): Consisting of about 10 ovoid attachments.

Carapace Size (length, width in mm): USNM 194588, 0.48, 0.37; USNM 194590, 0.51, 0.37. Average: length 0.50, height 0.37. N=2.

First Antenna (Figure 54f,g): 1st joint bare. 2nd joint with few dorsal spines. 3rd and 4th joints fused; 3rd joint with 2 bristles (1 dorsal, 1 ventral (small)); 4th joint with terminal dorsal spines. 5th and 6th joints fused. Sensory bristle of 5th joint long, with minute proximal filament. 6th joint with small medial bristle (Figure 54g). 7th joint: a-bristle about 4 times length of bristle of 6th joint; medial b-bristle short, about same length as bristle of 6th joint; c-bristle long, bare. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles long, bare; f-bristle fairly long, bare; g-bristle long, bare.

Second Antenna (Figures 53j, 54f,h,i): Protopodite bare. Endopodite single jointed, with minute terminal node with or without minute spine or bristle at tip (Figures 53j, 54h,i). Exopodite with 9 joints: 1st joint with minute terminal medial bristle at midwidth; bristle of 2nd joint reaching past 9th joint, with about 15 ventral spines; bristles of joints 3–8 with ventral spines and distal natatory hairs; 9th joint with 2 bristles (ventral bristle fairly long and with natatory hairs, dorsal bristle minute); joints 2 or 3 to 8 with spines forming terminal row.

Mandible (Figure 54b; not all bristles shown): Coxale endite represented by stout medial spine near ventral margin. Basale: medial side with 3 short bristles near ventral margin (2 proximal, 1 distal); dorsal margin with 1 small subterminal bristle. 1st endopodial joint: ventral margin with stout terminal claw with row of short proximal spines along dorsal margin; medial side with numerous spines, including row along distal margin; dorsal margin with row of terminal spines. 2nd endopodial joint with stout ventral claw; dorsal margin of joint with small subterminal bristle. 3rd endopodial joint with stout terminal claw and 2 small bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal). Exopodite absent.

Maxilla (Figure 54j,k): Endites I and II with total of about 8 bristles. Endite III with 4 bristles (2 anterior bristles on projection) (Figure 54j). Coxale with short dorsal bristle. Basale with slender bristle near base of exopodite. Exopodite with 2 bristles. 1st endopodial joint with 2 stout pectinate alpha- and beta-bristles. 2nd endopodial joint with 2 a-bristles, no c-bristle, and 3 pectinate end bristles.

Fifth Limb (Figures 54k, 55a,c): Single endite with short bristle. Exopodite: 1st joint with 1 bristle; joints 2–5 fused, with total of 6 bristles. Epipodite with 27 hirsute bristles.

Sixth Limb (Figures 54b,k, 55b,c): Hirsute, without bristles.

Seventh Limb (Figures 54k, 55c,d): Short, thumb-like.

Furca (Figures 53i, 54b, 55c): Each lamella with 2 long claws and 1 short blunt spinous claw followed by 3 sets of spines (3rd claw less developed on USNM 194588). Long claws with slender teeth along posterior margin and spines along anterior margin; anterior of lamellae with spines.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 55e): Elongate, with rounded tip.

Eyes (Figures 53i, 54f, 55e): Lateral eye with 5 ommatidia. Medial eye larger than lateral eye, with light brown pigment.

Upper Lip (Figure 55): Obscured.

Genitalia: Absent.

Brush-like Organ: Not observed.

Y-Sclerite (Figure 55c): Without ventral branch. Girdle indistinct, appears not to be fused to Y-sclerite.

Gut Content: USNM 194588 with free-living nematode in gut in addition to light brown particles (Figure 53l); USNM 194590 with only unidentified light brown particles. (Presence of nematode in gut indicates that 1st instar is carnivorous. Nematode is an epsilonematid in Order Chromadorida, according to Duane Hope (pers. comm., 1998).)

DESCRIPTION OF INSTAR II (sex unknown) (Figures 55f–k, 56).—Carapace similar in shape and ornamentation to that of adult female (Figure 56f). Gel-like substance coating valves.

Infold (Figure 55g): Inner margin of infold better defined than that of instar I; anterior infold with 1 small bristle; infold of caudal process with 1 small bristle; 2 setal bristles present dorsal to caudal process.

Selvage: Similar to that of adult female.

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments: Consisting of closely spaced ovoid attachments.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): USNM 194591, 0.59, 0.42; USNM 194592, 0.63, 0.47; USNM 194593, 0.60, 0.43; USNM 194594, 0.63, 0.44. Average: length 0.61, height 0.44. N=4.

First Antenna (Figure 55h; not all bristles shown): Joints 1–3 similar to those of Instar I. Joint 4 with dorsal bristle. Sensory bristle of 5th joint with 2 minute marginal filaments and 1 minute terminal filament. 6th joint with small medial bristle. 7th joint: a-bristle about 4 times length of bristle of 6th joint; medial b-bristle short, about same length as bristle of 6th joint; c-bristle long, with 2 or 3 minute marginal filaments and 1 minute terminal filament. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles long, bare; f-bristle shorter than d- and e-bristles, with minute terminal filament; g-bristle long, with 2 minute marginal filaments and minute terminal filament.

Second Antenna (Figure 55i,j): Protopodite bare. Endopodite single jointed, with small terminal node and proximal anterior bristle. Exopodite: 1st joint with minute terminal medial bristle; bristle of 2nd joint reaching well past 9th joint, with 13 small ventral spines; bristles of joints 3–8 with ventral spines and distal natatory hairs; 9th joint with 2 bristles (ventral bristle fairly long, with slender, proximal, ventral spines and distal natatory hairs; dorsal bristle minute); distal margins of joints bare.

Mandible (Figure 55k): Coxale endite with medial spine near ventral margin. Basale with 5 small bristles near ventral margin and 1 small subterminal bristle on dorsal margin. 1st endopodial joint with stout ventral claw; medial side with numerous spines, including row along distal margin; dorsal margin of joint with row of terminal spines. 2nd endopodial joint with stout ventral claw; dorsal margin of joint with small subterminal bristle. 3rd endopodial joint with stout terminal claw and 2 small bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal). Exopodite absent.

Maxilla (Figure 56a–f): Endite I with 6 bristles; endite II with 4 bristles; endite III with 4 bristles (2 anterior bristles on projection). Coxale with short dorsal bristle. Basale with slender bristle near base of exopodite. 1st endopodial joint with 2 stout pectinate alpha- and beta-bristles. 2nd endopodial joint with 2 a-bristles, 1 c-bristle, and 5 pectinate end bristles.

Fifth Limb (Figure 56g,i): Single endite with short bristle. Exopodite: 1st joint with 2 bristles; joints 2–5 fused, with total of 6 bristles. Epipodite with 27 bristles.

Sixth Limb (Figure 56h,i,l): Hirsute, with 1 bristle.

Seventh Limb (Figure 56g,i): Longer than limb of instar I, bare, with rounded tip.

Furca (Figure 56i,l): Each limb with 3 stout nonarticulated claws followed by 2 small articulated claws.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 56j,k): Elongate, with rounded tip.

Eyes (Figure 56j,k): Similar to those of instar I.

Upper Lip: Projecting slightly.

Genitalia: Absent.

Brush-like Organ: Not observed.

Posterior of Body (Figure 56i): Posterodorsal margin of body with spines dorsal to posterior end of girdle.

Y-Sclerite (Figure 56i): With ventral branch. Girdle not fused to Y-sclerite.

Gut Content: USNM 194591, 194592, and 194594 with unidentified, light brown particles. USNM 194593 with whole amphipod and unidentified, light brown particles (Figure 56m).

DESCRIPTION OF INSTAR III (sex unknown) (Figures 57, 58a–c).—Carapace similar in shape to that of instar II (Figure 57c). Gel-like substance coating valves.

Ornamentation (Figure 57d): Similar to that of adult female. Viewed under oil immersion (x100 objective) small spines pointing inwards visible within pores (Figure 57d).

Infold: Anterior infold with minute bristle (Figure 57f). Infold of caudal process with several minute bristles, but without curved ridge present on adult female (Figure 57g). Posterior infold with 2 setal bristles.

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments (Figure 57a,b,e): Consisting of about 15 closely spaced ovoid attachments.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): USNM 194595, 0.69, 0.49; USNM 194596A, 0.72, 0.50; USNM 194596B, 0.71, 0.51; USNM 194596C, 0.71, 0.51. Average: length 0.71, height 0.50. N =4.

First Antenna (Figure 57h; not all bristles shown): 1 st joint bare. 2nd joint with few dorsal spines. 3rd and 4th joints fused; 3rd joint with 2 bristles (dorsal long, ventral minute); 4th joint with 2 bristles (1 dorsal, 1 ventral). Sensory bristle of 5th joint with 2 short marginal filaments. 6th joint fused to 5th, with small medial bristle. 7th joint: a-bristle about 4 times length of bristle of 6th joint; medial b-bristle short, about same length as bristle of 6th joint; c-bristle long, with 2 small marginal filaments. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles long, bare; f-bristle long, with proximal small marginal filament; g-bristle long, with 3 marginal filaments (proximal filament long).

Second Antenna (Figure 57i,j): Protopodite bare. Endopodite 1 -jointed, with proximal anterior bristle and terminal node. Exopodite similar to that of instar III.

Mandible (Figure 57k,l): Coxale endite represented by small spine; ventral margin of coxale with spines with bases on lateral side. Basale: ventral margin and medial side near ventral margin with 3 small bristles (2 proximal medial, 1 distal ventral); lateral side with 2 small bristles near midlength (Figure 57l); dorsal margin with small subterminal bristle. Exopodite absent. Endopodite: 1st joint with distal medial spines, spines along distal dorsal corner, and distal ventral claw with minute proximal spines along dorsal margin; small ventral bristle proximal to claw. 2nd joint with small subterminal dorsal bristle and stout ventral claw. 3rd joint with 2 small bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal).

Maxilla (Figure 57m,n): Similar to that of adult female.

Fifth Limb (Figure 57o,p): Epipodite with about 30 bristles. Endite and exopodite similar to those of adult female.

Sixth Limb (Figure 58a): Single endite with 1 or 2 bristles. End joint with 9 spinous bristles followed by 2 plumose bristles.

Seventh Limb (Figure 57p): Elongate, bare.

Furca (Figure 57g): Each lamella with 5 claws; claws 1–3 nonarticulated, with teeth along posterior edge and spines along anterior edge; claws 4 and 5 small, articulated, bare. Right lamella anterior to left by width of base of claw 1.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 57r): Elongate, with broadly rounded tip.

Eyes (Figure 57j,r): Lateral eye smaller than medial eye, with 5 ommatidia. Medial eye bare, with light brown pigment.

Upper Lip (Figure 58b): Similar to that of adult female.

Genitalia: Absent.

Brush-like Organ: Absent.

Y-Sclerite (Figure 58c): Similar to that of adult female.

Posterior of Body (Figure 58c): With few spines dorsal to posterior end of girdle.

Gut Content: USNM 194595 and USNM 194596A–C with unidentified, light brown particles.

DESCRIPTION OF INSTAR IV FEMALE (Figure 58d–q).—Carapace similar in shape and ornamentation to that of instar III (Figure 58d). Gel-like substance coating valves.

Infold (Figure 58e): Anterior infold with minute bristle. Infold of caudal process with indistinct line with about 4 short bristles (indistinct line equivalent to concave ridge on adult female); 2 or 3 minute bristles between indistinct line and posterior edge of caudal process. Posterior infold with 2 setal bristles.

Selvage: Bare narrow lamellar prolongation present along free margin of valves.

Central Adductor Muscle Attachments: Closely spaced ovoid attachments.

Carapace Size (length, height in mm): USNM 194598, 0.87, 0.63. (USNM 194597, carapace without body, sex unknown: right valve, 0.83, 0.59; left valve, 0.84, 0.63 (dimensions not used in average length and height in Table 7).)

First Antenna (Figure 58f,g; not all bristles shown): Joints 1–4 and 6 similar to those of adult female. Sensory bristle of 5th joint with fairly long proximal filament, minute filament near midlength, and terminal spine. 7th joint: a- and b-bristles similar to those of adult female; c-bristle with fairly long proximal filament and minute filament near midlength. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles similar those of adult female; f-bristle with fairly long proximal filament, minute filament near midlength, and terminal spine; g-bristle with fairly long proximal filament, minute distal filament, and terminal spine.

Second Antenna (Figure 58h): Protopodite similar to that of adult female. Endopodite: left limb only with row of minute spines proximal to terminal node, otherwise endopodite similar to that of adult female. Exopodite: 1st joint with recurved tubular medial bristle on distal margin; bristle of 2nd joint with about 17 proximal ventral spines and distal natatory hairs; bristles of joints 3–8 with proximal ventral spines and distal natatory hairs; 9th joint with 2 bristles (ventral bristle with proximal ventral spines and distal natatory hairs, dorsal bristle small).

Mandible and Maxilla (Figure 58i,j): Similar to those of adult female.

Fifth Limb (Figure 58k): Epipodite with 31 bristles, otherwise limb similar to that of adult female.

Sixth Limb (Figure 58l): Similar to that of adult female.

Seventh Limb (Figure 58k,m): Each limb with 6 tapered bristles (2 in proximal group, 1 on each side, and 4 in terminal group, 2 on each side); each bristle with 3 or 4 bells and without marginal spines. Terminus with opposing combs with few small teeth.

Furca (Figure 58k,n): Except for spine following claw 5, furca similar to that of adult female.

Bellonci Organ (Figure 58o), Eyes (Figure 58f,o,p), and Upper Lip (Figure 58q): Similar to those of adult female.

Genitalia: Absent.

Brush-like Organ: Not observed.

Y-Sclerite (Figure 58k): Similar to that of adult female.

Gut Content: Unidentified, light brown particles.

DISTRIBUTION.—Widespread between latitudes of about 34°N and 50°S and depths of 1–260 m (Kornicker, 1983:25).

Rutiderma Brady and Norman, 1896
citação bibliográfica
Kornicker, Louis S., Iliffe, Thomas M., and Harrison-Nelson, Elizabeth. 2002. "Ostracoda (Myodocopa) from Bahamian Blue Holes." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-99. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.616

Junctichela pax ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Junctichela pax is een mosselkreeftjessoort uit de familie van de Sarsiellidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 2002 door Kornicker, Iliffe & Harrison-Nelson.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. WoRMS (2013). Junctichela pax Kornicker, Iliffe & Harrison-Nelson, 2002. In: Brandão, S. N.; Angel, M. V.; Karanovic, I. (2013) World Ostracoda Database. Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=451415
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