Imagem de Metavargula adinothrix Kornicker 1975
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Metavargula adinothrix Kornicker 1975

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

"HOLOTYPE — USNM 125825, female, length 5.22 mm. Valves and some appendages in alcohol, remaining appendages on slides.

TYPE-LOCALITY—Eltanin Cruise 7, station 480, Atlantic Quadrant, Antarctica.

ETYMOLOGY—The specific name “adinothrix,” from the Greek “adinos” [= thick, dense, crowded] and “thrix” [= hair], refers to the abundance of bristles on the 7th limb and in place of the epipodial appendage of the 6th limb.

PARATYPES—USNM 125829, adult, female; USNM 125831, stage III instar, length 2.95 mm, height 1.69 mm; USNM 125974, 15 specimens, mostly juveniles; USNM 126120, 1 juvenile, length 4.31 mm, height 2.26 mm; USNM 126121, 1 juvenile, length 4.49 mm, height 2.57 mm. USNM 125829, 125831, 125974, 126120 from Eltanin Cruise 6,.station 350; USNM 126121 from Eltanin Cruise 27, station 1980.

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS—USNM 138141, 1 juvenile (not dissected), length 3.72 mm, height 1.99 mm, + 1 juvenile with only small part of shell, both from Eltanin Cruise 6, station 394; USNM 137469, ovigerous female dissected by N. Hidings, his number 233, appendages missing, valves and upper lip present, right valve length 6.31 mm, height 3.96 mm, from Vema Cruise 17, station V- 17-63.

DIAGNOSIS—Carapace length of adult female, 5.22-6.31 mm.

Sixth limb: 10 small bristles in place of epipodial appendage.

Seventh limb: Each limb with about 54 bristles.

Furca: Each lamella with 8 claws.

DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE—Carapace with broadly rounded anterior and fairly deep incisor; posterior with elongate upsweeping caudal siphon.

Ornamentation: Surface smooth but scalelike under high magnification.

Infold: Infold broad in area of rostrum and caudal process, narrower elsewhere; infold behind rostrum with about 24 bristles; infold behind incisur with 1 small bristle; infold of anteroventral and ventral margin with 16 short bristles followed by 7 to 10 minute bristles or pores and then about 20 short bristles; list on infold in front of caudal process with about 34 small processes and about 10 minute bristles; vestment in area of caudal process with reticulate structure.

Selvage: Wide lamellar prolongation with smooth outer margin present along anterior and ventral margins, being quite broad in area of incisur; prolongation striate along lower margin of incisur and anteroventral valve margin.

Central muscle scars: Scars indistinct but consisting of 16 to 19 individual scars; in 1 juvenile specimen in process of molting individual scars are arranged in a series of inverted chevrons.

Size: USNM 125825, length 5.22 mm, height 3.08 mm; USNM 125829, length 5.91 mm, height 3.37 mm; USNM 137469, right valve, length 6.31 mm, height 3.96 mm.

First antenna: 3rd and 4th joints each with ventral and dorsal bristle; sensory bristle of 5th joint with 9 long proximal filaments and 2 shorter distal filaments, tip bifurcate; bristle of 6th joint bare, about one and one-half times length of joint. Seventh joint: a-bristle bare, slightly longer than bristle of 6th joint; b-bristle with 4 short filaments; c-bristle with 9 filaments. Eighth joint: d- and e-bristles about half length of c-bristle and about one and three-quarters length of b-bristle; f- and g-bristles broken but with at least 9 filaments; proximal filaments of g-bristle with few marginal teeth.

Second antenna: Protopodite with short bare medial bristle. Endopodite weakly 2-jointed: 1st joint with 3 bare proximal bristles, 1 long and 2 short, and 1 long distal bristle with few spines; 2nd joint short with long terminal filament. Exopodite: bristle of 2nd joint with about 17 minute spines along ventral margin and about 7 proximal spines along dorsal margin, bifurcate tip reaching 9th joint; bristles on joints 3 to 9 with natatory hairs and without spines; 9th joint with 4 bristles, 3 long, 1 short; joints 3 to 8 with short spines forming row along distal margins; joints 3 to 9 with basal spines; basal spines smaller on proximal joints, but lateral spine on 9th joint smaller than basal spine of 8th joint.

Mandible: Coxale endite spinous with 2 terminal spines stouter than others and with short peg between them; short process and bristle present at base of endite. Basale: dorsal margin with 1 distal bristle with few marginal spines and 2 terminal bristles, both with short marginal spines; ventral margin with 2 a-bristles with bases on medial side, 1 very short, 1 b-bristle with base on lateral surface, 2 c-bristles (1 long spinous proximal, other short bare) and 2 d-bristles. Exopodite slightly longer than dorsal margin of 1st exopodite joint and with 2 spinous bristles, tip of exopodite hirsute. Endopodite: ventral margin of 1st joint with 4 bristles, 2 long spinous, 2 short bare; ventral margin of 2nd joint spinous, with 3 groups of bristles having 1, 1, and 2 bristles, all short; medial bristle of terminal pair broad and with teeth along inner margin; dorsal margin of 2nd joint with about 6 long and 10 short bristles; end joint with 4 claws (one of these more bristlelike than others) and 3 bristles.

Maxilla: Coxale with stout plumose bristle. Exopodite broad with usual 3 bristles, all with long marginal spines proximally. Endopodite: cutting edge of 1st endopodite joint with 3 large teeth; 2 a-bristles present, outer bristle spinous, inner shorter bristle bare; 3 6-bristles present with spines along inner margin; 2nd joint with 4 a-bristles consisting of 2 slender bare inner bristles and 2 longer outer bristles with a few proximal marginal spines; 3 b-bristles present, middle bristle bare, others with spines on inner margin; 4 c-bristles present, short bristle bare, others with marginal spines; 3 d-bristles present, 2 inner bristles nonannulate and bare, outer bristle annulate and with marginal spines.

Fifth limb: Epipodial appendage with 64 hirsute bristles; distoanterior process of protopodite small; 1st endite with 6 spinous bristles, 2nd endite with 5 large spinous bristles and 1 small bare posterior bristle; 3rd endite with 7 spinous bristles; main tooth of 1st endopodite joint consisting of usual 6 pectinate teeth and peg with proximal posterior bristle; anterior side of 1st joint with 4 bristles, 2 long, 2 short, all with marginal spines; 2nd endopodite joint with plumose anterior bristle and numerous bristles on margin adjacent to main tooth of 1st joint; inner lobe of 3rd joint with 3 bristles, shorter bristle spinous, other 2 with only 1 or 2 spines; outer lobe with 2 spinous bristles; 4th plus 5th joints united with small spined peg at border; 4th joint with 4 bristles, 5th with 2; posterior surfaces of endopodite joints 2 to 5 hirsute.

Left 6th limb: 10 small bare bristles in place of epipodial appendage; 1st endite with 4 bristles, 3 medial, 1 terminal; 2nd endite with 6 bristles, 4 medial, 2 terminal; 3rd and 4th endites each with 3 terminal bristles; medial bristles of endites with slender marginal hairs; terminal bristle of 1st endite with long marginal spines; terminal bristles of remaining endites with fronds of long spines proximally and short spines distally; end joint with 19 bristles, 2 posterior bristles hirsute, others with long proximal spines and short distal spines; medial surface of endites and end joint hirsute; ventral margin of end joint with lateral spines except in space between 4 posterior bristles and 15 anterior bristles.

Right 6th limb: 2nd endite with 8 bristles, 5 medial, 3 terminal; 4th endite with 4 bristles, 1 medial, 3 terminal; end joint with 18 bristles. In remaining characters, right limb same as left.

Seventh limb: Distal group with 27 bristles, 15 ventral, 12 dorsal, each with 3 to 6 bells; proximal group with 24 bristles, 11 ventral, 13 dorsal, each with 3 to 6 bells; terminal comb with 11 elongate recurved teeth with marginal spines; elongate incurved peg present opposite comb; teeth and peg annulate.

Furca: Each lamella with 8 claws separated from lamella by suture; claws decrease in length posteriorly along lamella, each claw with teeth along posterior margin.

Upper lip: Anterior part large, unpaired and with crenulate margin; 1 pair of posterior tusks present; bulge posterior to tusks hirsute.

Lateral eye: Eyes small, pigmented, each with 3 or 4 ommatidia.

Medial eye and rod-shaped organ: Medial eye large, pigmented along midline. Rod-shaped organ short, cylindrical.

Genitalia and brushlike organ: Genitalia with pustulose surface and attached cuplike structures (spermatophores?). Brushlike cluster of 7 or more minute annulate bristles present dorsal to genitalia.

Eggs: USNM 137469 with 28 eggs.

Parasites: USNM 125829 contained within its shell, attached to the body in the area of the lateral right eye, a female copepod (Choniostomatidae). USNM 125825 contained within its shell, attached to the posterodorsal part of the body, 2 isopod larvae. USNM 126120 also contained an isopod, either a larva or an adult male. Remaining specimens without parasites.

DESCRIPTION OF JUVENILE— It is similar to that on the adult female.

COMPARISONS—This species is larger than other members of the genus and has many more bristles both on the 7th limb and in place of the epipodial appendage of the 6th limb.

DISTRIBUTION—This species has been collected from Antarctic, Subantarctic, and Subantarctic-to-35°S regions (lat. 48°S to 59°S) at bathyal and abyssal depths (1796-3775 m)." (Kornicker 1975, p.131-138)

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Metavargula adinothrix

HOLOTYPE.—USNM 125825, ♀, length 5.22 mm. Valves and some appendages in alcohol, remaining appendages on slides.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Eltanin Cruise 7, station 480, Atlantic Quadrant, Antarctica.

ETYMOLOGY.—The specific name “adinothrix,” from the Greek “adinos” [= thick, dense, crowded] and “thrix” [= hair], refers to the abundance of bristles on the 7th limb and in place of the epipodial appendage of the 6th limb.

PARATYPES.—USNM 125829, adult, ♀; USNM 125831, stage III instar, length 2.95 mm, height 1.69 mm; USNM 125974, 15 specimens, mostly juveniles; USNM 126120, 1 juvenile, length 4.31 mm, height 2.26 mm; USNM 126121, 1 juvenile, length 4.49 mm, height 2.57 mm. USNM 125829, 125831, 125974, 126120 from Eltanin Cruise 6, station 350; USNM 126121 from Eltanin Cruise 27, station 1980.

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS.—USNM 138141, 1 juvenile (not dissected), length 3.72 mm, height 1.99 mm, + 1 juvenile with only small part of shell, both from Eltanin Cruise 6, station 394; USNM 137469, ovigerous female dissected by N. Hidings, his number 233, appendages missing, valves and upper lip present, right valve length 6.31 mm, height 3.96 mm, from Vema Cruise 17, station V–17–63.

DIAGNOSIS.—Carapace length of adult female, 5.22–6.31 mm.

Sixth limb: 10 small bristles in place of epipodial appendage.

Seventh limb: Each limb with about 54 bristles.

Furca: Each lamella with 8 claws.

DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE.—Carapace with broadly rounded anterior and fairly deep incisur (Figures 64, 65e, 68a); posterior with elongate upsweeping caudal siphon (Figures 65d, 68b).

Ornamentation: Surface smooth but scalelike under high magnification.

Infold (Figures 65d,e; 68): Infold broad in area of rostrum and caudal process, narrower elsewhere; infold behind rostrum with about 24 bristles; infold behind incisur with 1 small bristle; infold of anteroventral and ventral margin with 16 short bristles followed by 7 to 10 minute bristles or pores and then about 20 short bristles; list on infold in front of caudal process with about 34 small processes and about 10 minute bristles; vestment in area of caudal process with reticulate structure (Figure 66j).

Selvage: Wide lamellar prolongation with smooth outer margin present along anterior and ventral margins, being quite broad in area of incisur; prolongation striate along lower margin of incisur and anteroventral valve margin.

Central muscle scars: Scars indistinct but consisting of 16 to 19 individual scars (Figure 65c); in 1 juvenile specimen in process of molting individual scars are arranged in a series of inverted chevrons.

Size (Figure 67): USNM 125825, length 5.22 mm, height 3.08 mm; USNM 125829, length 5.91 mm, height 3.37 mm; USNM 137469, right valve, length 6.31 mm, height 3.96 mm.

First antenna: 3rd and 4th joints each with ventral and dorsal bristle; sensory bristle of 5th joint with 9 long proximal filaments and 2 shorter distal filaments, tip bifurcate; bristle of 6th joint bare, about one and one-half times length of joint. Seventh joint: a-bristle bare, slightly longer than bristle of 6th joint; b-bristle with 4 short filaments; c-bristle with 9 filaments. Eighth joint: d- and e-bristles about half length of c-bristle and about one and three-quarters length of b-bristle; f- and g-bristles broken but with at least 9 filaments; proximal filaments of g-bristle with few marginal teeth.

Second antenna (Figure 65f-h): Protopodite with short bare medial bristle. Endopodite weakly 2-jointed: 1st joint with 3 bare proximal bristles, 1 long and 2 short, and 1 long distal bristle with few spines; 2nd joint short with long terminal filament. Exopodite: bristle of 2nd joint with about 17 minute spines along ventral margin and about 7 proximal spines along dorsal margin, bifurcate tip reaching 9th joint; bristles on joints 3 to 9 with natatory hairs and without spines; 9th joint with 4 bristles, 3 long, 1 short; joints 3 to 8 with short spines forming row along distal margins; joints 3 to 9 with basal spines; basal spines smaller on proximal joints, but lateral spine on 9th joint smaller than basal spine of 8th joint.

Mandible (Figure 65i-l): Coxale endite spinous with 2 terminal spines stouter than others and with short peg between them; short process and bristle present at base of endite. Basale: dorsal margin with 1 distal bristle with few marginal spines and 2 terminal bristles, both with short marginal spines; ventral margin with 2 a-bristles with bases on medial side, 1 very short, 1 b-bristle with base on lateral surface, 2 c-bristles (1 long spinous proximal, other short bare) and 2 d-bristles. Exopodite slightly longer than dorsal margin of 1st exopodite joint and with 2 spinous bristles, tip of exopodite hirsute. Endopodite: ventral margin of 1st joint with 4 bristles, 2 long spinous, 2 short bare; ventral margin of 2nd joint spinous, with 3 groups of bristles having 1, 1, and 2 bristles, all short; medial bristle of terminal pair broad and with teeth along inner margin; dorsal margin of 2nd joint with about 6 long and 10 short bristles; end joint with 4 claws (one of these more bristlelike than others) and 3 bristles.

Maxilla (Figure 65m,n): Coxale with stout plumose bristle. Exopodite broad with usual 3 bristles, all with long marginal spines proximally. Endopodite: cutting edge of 1st endopodite joint with 3 large teeth; 2 α-bristles present, outer bristle spinous, inner shorter bristle bare; 3 β-bristles present with spines along inner margin; 2nd joint with 4 a-bristles consisting of 2 slender bare inner bristles and 2 longer outer bristles with a few proximal marginal spines; 3 b-bristles present, middle bristle bare, others with spines on inner margin; 4 c-bristles present, short bristle bare, others with marginal spines; 3 d-bristles present, 2 inner bristles nonannulate and bare, outer bristle annulate and with marginal spines.

Fifth limb (Figure 66a,b): Epipodial appendage with 64 hirsute bristles; distoanterior process of protopodite small; 1st endite with 6 spinous bristles, 2nd endite with 5 large spinous bristles and 1 small bare posterior bristle; 3rd endite with 7 spinous bristles; main tooth of 1st endopodite joint consisting of usual 6 pectinate teeth and peg with proximal posterior bristle; anterior side of 1st joint with 4 bristles, 2 long, 2 short, all with marginal spines; 2nd endopodite joint with plumose anterior bristle and numerous bristles on margin adjacent to main tooth of 1st joint; inner lobe of 3rd joint with 3 bristles, shorter bristle spinous, other 2 with only 1 or 2 spines; outer lobe with 2 spinous bristles; 4th plus 5th joints united with small spined peg at border; 4th joint with 4 bristles, 5th with 2; posterior surfaces of endopodite joints 2 to 5 hirsute.

Left 6th limb (Figure 66c): 10 small bare bristles in place of epipodial appendage; 1st endite with 4 bristles, 3 medial, 1 terminal; 2nd endite with 6 bristles, 4 medial, 2 terminal; 3rd and 4th endites each with 3 terminal bristles; medial bristles of endites with slender marginal hairs; terminal bristle of 1st endite with long marginal spines; terminal bristles of remaining endites with fronds of long spines proximally and short spines distally; end joint with 19 bristles, 2 posterior bristles hirsute, others with long proximal spines and short distal spines; medial surface of endites and end joint hirsute; ventral margin of end joint with lateral spines except in space between 4 posterior bristles and 15 anterior bristles.

Right 6th limb (Figure 66d): 2nd endite with 8 bristles, 5 medial, 3 terminal; 4th endite with 4 bristles, 1 medial, 3 terminal; end joint with 18 bristles. In remaining characters, right limb same as left.

Seventh limb (Figure 66e): Distal group with 27 bristles, 15 ventral, 12 dorsal, each with 3 to 6 bells; proximal group with 24 bristles, 11 ventral, 13 dorsal, each with 3 to 6 bells; terminal comb with 11 elongate recurved teeth with marginal spines; elongate incurved peg present opposite comb; teeth and peg annulate.

Furca: Each lamella with 8 claws separated from lamella by suture; claws decrease in length posteriorly along lamella, each claw with teeth along posterior margin.

Upper lip (Figure 66g): Anterior part large, unpaired and with crenulate margin; 1 pair of posterior tusks present; bulge posterior to tusks hirsute.

Lateral eye (Figure 66f): Eyes small, pigmented, each with 3 or 4 ommatidia.

Medial eye and rod-shaped organ (Figures 66f,g): Medial eye large, pigmented along midline. Rod-shaped organ short, cylindrical.

Genitalia and brushlike organ (Figure 66h,i): Genitalia with pustulose surface and attached cuplike structures (spermatophores?). Brushlike cluster of 7 or more minute annulate bristles present dorsal to genitalia.

Eggs: USNM 137469 with 28 eggs.

Parasites: USNM 125829 contained within its shell, attached to the body in the area of the lateral right eye, a female copepod (Choniostomatidae). USNM 125825 contained within its shell, attached to the posterodorsal part of the body, 2 isopod larvae. USNM 126120 also contained an isopod, either a larva or an adult ♂. Remaining specimens without parasites.

DESCRIPTION OF JUVENILE.—See Figure 65a for outline of carapace, and Figures 65b, 69 for illustrations of upper lip. It is similar to that on the adult female.

COMPARISONS.—This species is larger than other members of the genus and has many more bristles both on the 7th limb and in place of the epipodial appendage of the 6th limb.

DISTRIBUTION.—This species has been collected from Antarctic, Subantarctic, and Subantarctic-to-35°S regions (lat. 48°S to 59°S) at bathyal and abyssal depths (1796–3775 m) (Figure 63).
citação bibliográfica
Kornicker, Louis S. 1975. "Antarctic Ostracoda (Myodocopina) Parts 1 and 2." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-720. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.163

Metavargula adinothrix ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Metavargula adinothrix is een mosselkreeftjessoort uit de familie van de Cypridinidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1975 door Kornicker.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. WoRMS (2013). Metavargula adinothrix Kornicker, 1975. In: Brandão, S. N.; Angel, M. V.; Karanovic, I. (2013) World Ostracoda Database. Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=291437
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Metavargula adinothrix ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Metavargula adinothrix er en art av slekten Metavargula som er en av tretten slekter i familien Cypridinidae. Den igjen er en av fem familier innenfor ordenen Myodocopida, under klassen av muslingkreps som er små krepsdyr. Mye av den tidlige forskningen, inklusive beskrivelsen av Myodocopida-gruppen, er gjort av den norske marinbiologen og havforskeren Georg Ossian Sars.

Gruppen Cypridinidae har arter med mykt skall (carapax) på overkroppen (thorax) og lang ytter-gren (i stedet for lang inner-gren) på andre antenne-par.[2] Det særegne for artene er at antennen sitter på et feste med en nebb-liknende utvekst (rostrum).[3] Individene er små.

Taksonomisk plassering av gruppen

Taksonomien til muslingkrepsene er omstridt og inneholder vanskelig systamiserte grupper. Det er generelt omstridt å fin-inndele organismer taksonomisk. Skillene mellom de ulike gruppene av muslingkreps er usikre, og stort sett basert på morfologi snarere enn molekylær analyse.[4] En vanlig oppdeling anerkjenner muslingkreps som en av seks ulike klasser av krepsdyr. En moderne oppdatering av systematikken gis av Martin and Davis[5], som følgende oversikt følger ned til nivået orden, mens lavere nivåer i enkelte tilfeller følger Catalogue of Life:[6] - og detaljene gis etter WoRMS-databasen.[7]


  1. ^ Utbredelse av Metavargula adinothrix hos gbif.org
  2. ^ Louis S. Kornicker (1993), Antarctic and Subantarctic Myodocopina (Ostracoda) - Synopses of the Antarctic Benthos, Koeltz Scientific Books, Tyskland, 1993. ISBN 978-3-87429-349-5.
  3. ^ Louis S. Kornicker, Antarctic and Subantarctic Myodocopina (Ostracoda). Koeltz Scientific Books, Tyskland 1993. ISBN 978-3-87429-349-5.
  4. ^ Richard A. Fortey og Richard H. Thomas, Arthropod Relationships, Chapman & Hall 1998. ISBN 978-0-412-75420-3.
  5. ^ Dais, George E., Martin, Joel W.: An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 2001, side 1-132
  6. ^ Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.): «Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist» - Species 2000. Reading, Storbritannia.
  7. ^ Cypridinidae Baird, 1850 - WoRMS. Besøkt 20. januar 2014.

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Metavargula adinothrix: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Metavargula adinothrix er en art av slekten Metavargula som er en av tretten slekter i familien Cypridinidae. Den igjen er en av fem familier innenfor ordenen Myodocopida, under klassen av muslingkreps som er små krepsdyr. Mye av den tidlige forskningen, inklusive beskrivelsen av Myodocopida-gruppen, er gjort av den norske marinbiologen og havforskeren Georg Ossian Sars.

Gruppen Cypridinidae har arter med mykt skall (carapax) på overkroppen (thorax) og lang ytter-gren (i stedet for lang inner-gren) på andre antenne-par. Det særegne for artene er at antennen sitter på et feste med en nebb-liknende utvekst (rostrum). Individene er små.

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Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por World Register of Marine Species


6. Cordeiro, N. and Githiru, M. (2000) Conservation evaluation for birds of Brachylaena woodland and mixed dry forest in northeast Tanzania. Bird Conservation International, 10: 47 - 65.

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WoRMS Editorial Board
Danis, Bruno, B.