Rob W.M. Van Soest, Elly J. Beglinger, Nicole J. De Voogd
Figure 31.Calthropella (Pachataxa) pyrifera sp. n., from Ecuador, Galapagos Archipelago, NE coast of Santa Cruz, A habit, left of the schizoholotype ZMA Por. 07726, right of the holotype HBOI nr. 12–XI–86–1–14 (scale bar 1 cm) B calthrops C various oxyasters D group of ataxasters E various ataxasters.
Rob W.M. Van Soest, Elly J. Beglinger, Nicole J. De Voogd
Figure 27.Calthropella (Calthropella) xavierae sp. n., holotype ZMA Por. 11376, from Indonesia, E of Komodo, A habit B calthrops C overview of asters D large oxyaster E small oxyaster F large tuberculated speraster G small tuberculated spheraster.