Thoropa és un gènere de granotes de la família Leptodactylidae.
Thoropa és un gènere de granotes de la família Leptodactylidae.
Thoropa is a genus of frogs in the family Cycloramphidae.[1][2] They are endemic to eastern and southeastern Brazil. They are sometimes known as river frogs.[1]
Thoropa are associated with rocks and have cryptic coloration. Their size ranges from small to medium, 28–102 mm (1.1–4.0 in) in snout–vent length.[3] They occur at elevations up to 1,500 m (4,900 ft) above sea level;[3] Thoropa miliaris and Thoropa taophora can even live on rocky marine shores, foraging in the intertidal zone.[4][5] Male Thoropa are associated with wet rock faces, whereas the females seem to range more widely.[6]
In species where reproduction is known, males are territorial—suitable wet rock faces are a scarce resource. Furthermore, mature male Thoropa feature characteristic clusters of dark spines on the inner portions of the hand. It appears that these are associated with male-male combat, probably in conjunction with territorial disputes. Scratch marks in males, but not in females, support this interpretation.[6]
The eggs are laid on rocks with a thin layer of water. Tadpoles are semiterrestrial and have a depressed shape, long tail, and bulging eyes.[3]
Male T. taophora frogs mate exclusively and repeatedly with two females per season in a polygynous system in which the semiterrestrial tadpoles from both females share the same freshwater seep.[7] The females have a dominance hierarchy, and the males mate more with the dominant female.[7]
The genus contains the following species:[1][2]
Thoropa is a genus of frogs in the family Cycloramphidae. They are endemic to eastern and southeastern Brazil. They are sometimes known as river frogs.
Thoropa es un género de ranas de la familia Cycloramphidae que se encuentra en el este y el sudeste de Brasil.
Se reconocen las 6 siguientes según ASW:[1]
Thoropa es un género de ranas de la familia Cycloramphidae que se encuentra en el este y el sudeste de Brasil.
Thoropa anfibio genero bat da, Anura ordenaren barruko Cycloramphidae familian sailkatua.
Thoropa anfibio genero bat da, Anura ordenaren barruko Cycloramphidae familian sailkatua.
Thoropa est un genre d'amphibiens de la famille des Cycloramphidae[1].
Les six espèces de ce genre sont endémiques du Brésil[1]. Elles se rencontrent au Sud, au Sud-Est et au Nord-Est.
Ces espèces vivent principalement sur les rochers près des cours d'eau et cascades[2].
Selon Amphibian Species of the World (10 juin 2017)[3] :
Thoropa est un genre d'amphibiens de la famille des Cycloramphidae.
Thoropa is een geslacht van kikkers uit de familie Cycloramphidae.[1] De groep werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Edward Drinker Cope in 1865.
Er zijn zes soorten die allemaal leven in Zuid-Amerika en endemisch voorkomen in Brazilië.[2]
Geslacht Thoropa
Thoropa is een geslacht van kikkers uit de familie Cycloramphidae. De groep werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Edward Drinker Cope in 1865.
Er zijn zes soorten die allemaal leven in Zuid-Amerika en endemisch voorkomen in Brazilië.
Thoropa é um gênero de anfíbios da família Cycloramphidae.
As seguintes espécies são reconhecidas:[1]
Thoropa é um gênero de anfíbios da família Cycloramphidae.
As seguintes espécies são reconhecidas:
Thoropa lutzi Cochran, 1938 Thoropa megatympanum Caramaschi & Sazima, 1984 Thoropa miliaris (Spix, 1824) Thoropa petropolitana (Wandolleck, 1907) Thoropa saxatilis Cocroft & Heyer, 1988 Thoropa taophora (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1923)Thoropa là một chi động vật lưỡng cư trong họ Cycloramphidae, thuộc bộ Anura. Chi này có 5 loài và 60% bị đe dọa hoặc tuyệt chủng.[1]
Thoropa là một chi động vật lưỡng cư trong họ Cycloramphidae, thuộc bộ Anura. Chi này có 5 loài và 60% bị đe dọa hoặc tuyệt chủng.