
Behavior ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors

E. rufifrons have evolved separately from other primates and they can be important species to study in order to better understand social cognition rules in evolution (Schnoell and Fichtel 2012).

E. rufifrons are classified as cathemeral which means that they are active at various times during the day and night depending on social interactions or foraging needs (Schnoell et al. 2014). This may allow them to readily adapt to their environment and may have allowed them to colonize western and eastern Madagascar.

Individuals tend to keep within a 15 m radius of their group members (Schnoell and Fichtel 2012) and these groups tend to include an average of only 2-3 females (Pflϋger and Fichtel 2012). The group sizes are very small (about 10 individuals per group) but this low number of females gives an uneven sex ratio within the group. During the dry season in Madagascar, food and other resources tend to be limited. This limitation may play a role in keeping lemur group sizes so small (Kappeler and Fichtel 2012). Lemurs have been observed to evict members from their group in order to maintain their group size (Kappeler and Fichtel 2012).

Groups are organized under a mostly egalitarian social structure (Schnoell and Fichtel 2012). This means that there is not much linear dominance nor dominance based on sex. After a conflict in the group, E. rufifrons soon reconcile in order to reduce the probability of the conflict reoccurring (Pflϋger and Fichtel 2012).E. rufifrons spend most of their time in close proximity to one another, which allows for a great deal of social interaction (Schnoell and Fichtel 2012.

Studies have shown that they are able to use information from other group members in order to learn new foraging methods (Schnoell and Fichtel 2012). Once they have learned a new technique and the majority of the group is using this technique, the rest of the group tends to adopt this technique as they observe other individuals performing it (Schnoell and Dittmann 2014).

Females have been noted to have a higher success than males when learning to obtain rewards from boxes during research studies (Schnoell and Fichtel 2012). Females also have been found to initiate group movements more frequently than males (Pyritz et al. 2011). Males and females tend to have equal aggression levels with no sexual difference between aggression scores.

Interestingly, Schnoell and Fichtel (2012) found that E. rufifrons tend to watch non-related individuals more often than related individuals when learning a social task. This could negatively impact the species because it may be more beneficial to observe related species than non-related species when relying on social learning (Schnoell and Fichtel 2012). Perhaps these unique social dynamics may be at least partly to blame for the decline in the number of E. rufifrons.

E. rufifrons have been observed producing many types of close calls depending on the type of situation. These calls include: grunts, long grunts, hoos and meows. The majority of their vocalization includes grunts. They tend to produce this call in order to keep the group together and to avoid separation of the group. As more of the group separates, the more frequently the grunt calls occur. Along with keeping the group together, grunts are used to keep the peace within the group since the grunt represents harmless intentions (Pflϋger and Fichtel 2012). On the other hand, Pflϋger and Fichtel (2012) found that hoo calls were commonly given during rest. These calls are suggested to be important in reducing conflict within the group, allowing the individuals to focus their energy elsewhere, such as on foraging (Pflϋger and Fichtel 2012).


  • Kappeler PM, Fichtel C. 2012. Female reproductive competition in Eulemur rififrons: eviction and reproduction restraint in a plurally breeding Malagasy primate. Mol Ecol. 21:685-698.
  • Schnoell AV, Dittmann MT. 2014. Human-introduced long-term traditions in wild redfronted lemurs? Anim Cogn. 17:45-54.

direitos autorais
Anne Hobaica, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)exis Lancaster, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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EOL authors

Conservation ( Inglês )

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Conservation Status:

According to IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, E. rufifrons is listed as near- threatened. IUCN lists E. rufifrons as near threatened because the number of individuals has declined by 20-25% over the past 24 years. Many factors are contributing to the species’ declining population, including habitat loss due to illegal logging, slash-and–burn agriculture, clearing for pastureland, and gathering wood for fuel. Other major threats to the species are hunting and trapping.Red-fronted lemur populations are expected to continue declining due to increases in habitat fragmentation and hunting (IUCN 2014).

Although some lemur species have actually benefited from light logging, E. rufifrons are negatively impacted by both light and heavy logging (Herrera et al. 2011). Their unique response to the logging may be due to the removal of the trees that produce fruits important to their diet (Herrera et al. 2011). Logging may also increase the visibility of E. rufifron to predators.

direitos autorais
Anne Hobaica, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)exis Lancaster, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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EOL authors

Habitat ( Inglês )

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E. rufifrons individuals occupy deciduous forests of Madagascar, such as the Kirindy forest (Pyritz et al., 2011; Pfluger and Fichtel, 2012). The Kirindy forest receives about 900 mm of precipitation a year from November to March (Kappeler and Fichtel, 2012). The habitat of E. rufifrons has a cool dry season from April to October and a rainy and warm season from November to March (Pyritz et al. 2011).

E. rufifrons have a dispersal range of about 6 km from where they were born or raised and their home range can be up to 100 ha (Delmore et al. 2013). Pyritz et al. (2011) found that E. rufifrons individuals tend to increase their daily range during the rainy season (November- March).


  • Pflϋger FJ, Fichtel C. 2012. On the function of redfronted lemur’s close calls. Anim Cogn. 15:823-831.
  • Pyritz LW, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C. 2011. Coordination of group movement in wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons): processes and influence of ecological and reproductive seasonality. Int J Primatol. 32:1325-1347.

direitos autorais
Anne Hobaica, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)exis Lancaster, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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EOL authors

Management ( Inglês )

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The separation of the eastern and western population of E. rufifrons, due to fragmentation, may make it difficult for the two populations to interact. The species may therefore benefit from corridors to allow them to freely move between the two populations. Another barrier that separates E. rufifrons populations are the large number of rivers that run through Madagascar. Building rope bridges over the rivers, would allow separated populations to interact, might increase the genetic diversity of the group and overall fitness. Since habitat destruction and overexploitation are a problem, creating national parks and reserves are another important way to protect these animals and prevent their extinction.

direitos autorais
Anne Hobaica, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)exis Lancaster, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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EOL authors

Molecular Biology ( Inglês )

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A nuclear DNA sequence can be found at Genbank accession number KF708137 (Markolf et al. 2013).


Markolf M, Rakotonirina H, Fichtel C, von Grumbkow P, Brameier M, Kappeler PM. 2013. True lemurs…true species- species delimitation using multiple data sources in the brown lemur complex. BMC Evol Biol. 13:233.

direitos autorais
Anne Hobaica, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)exis Lancaster, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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EOL authors

Morphology ( Inglês )

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Female E. rufifrons are identified by black colored fur on the top of their heads, above and below their eyes, and on their muzzles. On average, females tend to have a body mass of 1.96 kg, skin-fold thickness of 5.31 mm, tail length of 54.76 cm, and an upper canine height of 8.48 mm (Delmore et al. 2011).

Male E. rufifrons are identified by dark muzzles, white colored patches above their eyes, gray body color and reddish-brown, bushy fur on the top of their heads. On average, males tend to have a body mass of 1.82 kg, skin-fold thickness of 6.41 mm, tail length of 53.13cm, upper canine height of 10.40 mm, and relative testes volume of 4.31 mm3/kg (Delmore et al. 2011).

E. rufifrons lack a precise grip, which results in a reduced ability to manipulate objects in comparison to other primates (Schnoell and Fichtel 2012). They are considered a medium size primate. E. rufifrons are quadrupedal which allows them to move quickly in the trees, where they spend most of their time (Schnoell et al. 2014).


  • Delmore KE, Louis EE, Johnson SE. 2011. Morphological characteristics of a brown lemur hybrid zone (Eulemur rufifrons x E. cinereiceps). Am J Physical Anthropol. 145:55-66.
  • Schnoell AV, Huebner F, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C. 2014. Manual lateralization in wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons) during spontaneous actions and in an experimental task. Am J Physical Anthropol. 153:61-67.
  • Schnoell AV, Fichtel C. 2012. Wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rififrons) use social information to learn new foraging techniques. Anim Cogn. 15:505-516.

direitos autorais
Anne Hobaica, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)exis Lancaster, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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EOL authors

Range ( Inglês )

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E. rufifrons have been observed on both the western and eastern coasts of Madagascar. Their range extends southward from the Tsiribihina River to the Fiheranana River. In the east, they occur near the Mangoro River and the Onibe River and extend as far south as the Andringitra Massif (Mittermeier et al. 2008).


Mittermeier RA, Ganzhorn JU, Konstant WR, Glander K, Tattersall I, Groves CP, Rylands AB, Hapke A, Ratsimbaza J, Mayor MI, Louis EE, Rumpler Y, Schwitzer C, Rasoloarison RM. 2008. Lemur diversity in Madagascar. Int J Primatol. 29:1607-1656.

direitos autorais
Anne Hobaica, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)exis Lancaster, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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EOL authors

Reproduction ( Inglês )

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The mating season of E. rufifrons is usually May to June, which is early in the dry season of Madagascar. Females reach sexual maturity between 2-4 years old. Once a year, they give birth to a single offspring about 4 months after fertilization. This birth is usually at the peak of the dry season (Pyritz et al. 2011). It is interesting that females give birth during the dry season because food resources would be low. Conducting a future study on infant mortality rates could help determine whether this timing contributes to the species’ population decline.

Once the offspring are born, they express the male phenotype. It is not until 3-4 months of age that the female juveniles start to express the female phenotype. Mother E. rufifrons carry around their offspring until they reach 12 weeks of age (Kappeler and Fichtel 2012).


Pyritz LW, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C. 2011. Coordination of group movement in wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons): processes and influence of ecological and reproductive seasonality.

direitos autorais
Anne Hobaica, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)exis Lancaster, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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EOL authors

Taxonomy ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors

Members of the genus Eulemur are known as true lemurs and they make up the “brown lemur complex.” The brown lemur complex includes twelve species: E. albifrons, E. sanfordi, E. fulvus, E. rufus, E. rufifrons, E. cinereiceps, E. collaris, E. rubriventer, E. mongoz, E. coronatus, E. flavifrons, and E. macaco (Markolf and Kappeler 2013).

In the past E. rufifrons was thought to be a subspecies of E. rufus (Mittermeier et al. 2008). However, Markolf and colleagues (2013) gave evidence that E. rufifrons significantly differs from E. rufus in fur coloration, genetics, and acoustic parameters.


  • Markolf M, Rakotonirina H, Fichtel C, von Grumbkow P, Brameier M, Kappeler PM. 2013. True lemurs…true species- species delimitation using multiple data sources in the brown lemur complex. BMC Evol Biol. 13:233.
  • Mittermeier RA, Ganzhorn JU, Konstant WR, Glander K, Tattersall I, Groves CP, Rylands AB, Hapke A, Ratsimbaza J, Mayor MI, Louis EE, Rumpler Y, Schwitzer C, Rasoloarison RM. 2008. Lemur diversity in Madagascar. Int J Primatol. 29:1607-1656.

direitos autorais
Anne Hobaica, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)exis Lancaster, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
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EOL authors

Trophic Strategy ( Inglês )

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E. rufifrons are frugivores, meaning they forage primarily for fruits such as oranges and mangos (Herrera et al. 2011; Schnoell and Fichtel 2012). Most of their foraging occurs in the trees by pulling branches towards their mouth and obtaining fruit orally (Schnoell et al. 2014). By using their mouths to gain purchase on the fruit, they free one hand to stabilize them on the branch of the tree.

The fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox), a large carnivore, is the greatest known predator of E. rufifrons (Kappeler and Fichtel 2012). Other predators include harrier hawks (Polyboroides radiates), feral canines (Canis familiaris), and Malagasy ground boas (Acrantophis madagascariensis; Pyritz et al. 2011).


  • Herrera JP, Wright PC, Lauterbur E, Ratovonjanahary L, Taylor LL. 2011. The effects of habitat disturbance on lemurs at Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. Int J Primatol. 32:1091-1108.
  • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2014. Retrieved from: http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/136269/0

direitos autorais
Anne Hobaica, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)exis Lancaster, Mary Brockett, and Sara Scanga (Utica College)
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
EOL authors

Eulemur ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Eulemur és un gènere de lèmurs. Els membres d'aquest grup són primats de mida mitjana que viuen exclusivament a Madagascar. Tenen el pelatge llarg i generalment marró vermellós. Sovint hi ha dimorfisme sexual respecte a la coloració (dicromatisme sexual), com és el cas en el lèmur negre. Els lèmurs del gènere Eulemur mesuren 30–50 cm de llargada, amb una cua tan llarga com el cos o més. Pesen 2–4 kg.

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Große Makis ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE
Mohrenmaki (Eulemur macaco)
Kronenmaki (Eulemur coronatus)

Die Großen Makis (Eulemur) sind eine Primatengattung aus der Gruppe der Lemuren (Lemuriformes). Die Gattung umfasst nach heutigem Stand zwölf Arten.


Große Makis erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 30 bis 45 Zentimetern, hinzu kommt ein 45 bis 65 Zentimeter langer Schwanz. Das Gewicht variiert von 1 bis 3 Kilogramm. Die meisten Arten zeigen einen deutlichen Geschlechtsdichromatismus: Männchen und Weibchen sind unterschiedlich gefärbt. Das Fell ist meist bräunlich oder grau gefärbt und am Bauch heller, die Schnauze ist langgestreckt, der Kopf oft dunkel. Manchmal sind buschige Haare an den Backen oder am Kinn vorhanden. Die großen Augen sind mit Ausnahme derer des Blauaugenmakis orangegelb gefärbt.

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Große Makis sind auf der Insel Madagaskar beheimatet, wo sie in nahezu allen Landesteilen mit Ausnahme des zentralen unbewaldeten Hochlands vorkommen. Sie finden sich sowohl in den Trockenwäldern im Westen als auch in den Regenwäldern im Osten der Insel. Zwei Arten (der Mongozmaki und der Braune Maki) wurden darüber hinaus auf den Komoren angesiedelt.

Lebensweise und Ernährung

Diese Primaten sind kathemeral, das heißt, sie haben oft keinen ausgeprägten Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus. Häufig hängt der Grad ihrer nächtlichen Aktivität vom Mondlicht ab, manchmal auch von der Jahreszeit. Sie halten sich zumeist auf den Bäumen auf, wo sie sich entweder auf allen vieren kletternd oder springend fortbewegen, wobei ihnen der lange Schwanz zur Balance dient.

Das Sozialverhalten ist variabel, neben Arten, die in Gruppen aus mehreren Männchen und Weibchen leben (wie dem Mohrenmaki und dem Braunen Maki) gibt es auch Arten, die in monogamen Familiengruppen leben, etwa der Mongozmaki und der Rotbauchmaki. In den Gruppen lässt sich keine Rangordnung erkennen. Sie markieren ihre Territorien mit dem Sekret ihrer Analdrüsen, das Streifgebiet kann sich jedoch großflächig mit dem anderer Gruppen überlappen.

Die Nahrung besteht vorwiegend aus pflanzlichem Material, meist Früchten und Blättern, die Zusammensetzung kann dabei nach Art, Jahreszeit und Lebensraum erheblich variieren. In kleinerem Ausmaß nehmen sie auch Kleintiere wie Insekten, Spinnen und Tausendfüßer zu sich.


Die Fortpflanzung der Großen Makis ist saisonal. Nach rund 125-tägiger Tragzeit bringen die Weibchen in der Zeit von August bis Oktober (kurz vor Beginn der Regenzeit) ein oder zwei Junge zur Welt. Diese klammern sich am Bauch der Mutter fest, später reiten sie auf ihrem Rücken. Nach rund fünf Monaten werden sie entwöhnt, nach rund eineinhalb Jahren geschlechtsreif.

Verbreitungsgebiete der fulvus-Gruppe:
gelb = E. albifrons,
orange = E. cinereiceps,
grün = E. collaris,
rot = E. fulvus,
violett = E. rufus,
blau = E. rufifrons,
braun = E. sanfordi
Verbreitungsgebiete der übrigen Großen Makis:
violett = E. coronatus,
orange = E. flavifrons,
blau = E. macaco,
grün = E. mongoz,
rot = E. rubriventer


Zu den natürlichen Feinden der Großen Makis gehören die Fossa und andere Madagassische Raubtiere sowie Greifvögel. Viel stärker jedoch leiden alle Arten unter der Zerstörung ihres Lebensraumes durch Brandrodungen, Abholzungen oder den Bergbau. Hinzu kommt bei manchen Arten die Bejagung, etwa wegen ihres Fleisches. Die Populationszahlen aller Arten gehen zurück, die IUCN listet nahezu alle Arten als „gefährdet“ (vulnerable) oder „stark gefährdet“ (endangered).


Die Großen Makis werden in die Familie der Gewöhnlichen Makis (Lemuridae) gerechnet. Die Gattung wurde erst 1989 aufgestellt. Vorher wurden die Tiere in die gleiche Gattung wie der Katta (Lemur) eingeordnet. Trotz großer Ähnlichkeiten im Skelettbau sind sie mit diesem nicht sehr nahe verwandt.

Aufgrund der Erhebung einiger früherer Unterarten in den Rang eigenständiger Arten hat sich die Artenanzahl in den letzten Jahren deutlich erhöht. Derzeit sind 12 Arten bekannt (nach Mittermeier et al., 2008):


  • Thomas Geissmann: Vergleichende Primatologie. Springer-Verlag, Berlin u. a. 2003, ISBN 3-540-43645-6
  • Russell A. Mittermeier, Jörg U. Ganzhorn, William R. Konstant, Kenneth Glander, Ian Tattersall, Colin P. Groves, Anthony B. Rylands, Andreas Hapke, Jonah Ratsimbazafy, Mireya I. Mayor, Edward Louis jr, Yves Rumpler, Christoph Schwitzer, Rodin Rasoloarison: Lemur Diversity in Madagascar. In: International Journal of Primatology. 29, 2008, , S. 1607–1656.
  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. 6th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 1999, ISBN 0-8018-5789-9.


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Große Makis: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE
 src= Mohrenmaki (Eulemur macaco)  src= Kronenmaki (Eulemur coronatus)

Die Großen Makis (Eulemur) sind eine Primatengattung aus der Gruppe der Lemuren (Lemuriformes). Die Gattung umfasst nach heutigem Stand zwölf Arten.

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Eulemur ( Ligúria )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging_languages



In ezénpio d'Eulemur l'é o lemûro ch'o vîve sôlo in sce l'îzoa do Madagascar.

Superregno: Eukarya
Regno: Animalia (Metazoa)
Subregno: Eumetazoa
Superphylum: Bilateria: Deuterostomia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Infraphylum: Gnathostomata
Classi: Mammalia
Sottoclasse: Theria
Infraclasse: Placentalia
Ordine: Primates
Sottordine: Strepsirrhini
Infraordine: Lemuriformes
Superfamiggia: Lemuroidea
Famiggia: Lemuridae
Speçie: E. albifrons - E. albocollaris - E. cinereiceps - E. coronatus - E. collaris - E. fulvus - E. macaco - E. mongoz - E. rubriventer - E. rufus - E. sanfordi

Nomme: Eulemur
Simons e Rumpler 1988

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True lemur ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

True lemurs, also known as brown lemurs, are the lemurs in genus Eulemur. They are medium-sized primates that live exclusively on Madagascar.

The fur of the true lemurs is long and usually reddish brown. Often, sexual dimorphism in coloration (sexual dichromatism) is seen, such as in the black lemur. True lemurs are from 30 to 50 cm (12 to 20 in) in length, with a tail that is as long or significantly longer than the body. They weigh from 2 to 4 kg (4 to 9 lb).

True lemurs are predominantly diurnal forest inhabitants, with some species preferring rain forests, while others live in dry forests. They are skillful climbers and can cross large distances in trees by jumping, using their nonprehensile tails to aid in balancing. When on the ground, they move almost exclusively on all four legs. True lemurs are social animals and live together in groups of two to 15 members.

The diet of the true lemurs is almost exclusively herbivorous – flowers, fruits and leaves. In captivity, they have been shown to also eat insects.

Gestation is 125 days. During the summer or early fall (shortly before the beginning of the rainy season), the females birth their young, usually two offspring. The young clasp firmly to the fur of their mother, then ride on her back when they are older. After about five months, they are weaned, and they are fully mature around 18 months of age. The life expectancy of the true lemurs can be up to 18 years, but this can be longer in captivity.



Brown lemurs are able to survive degraded forest that would cut off their food supply through expanding their range throughout the terrain.

Eulemur distribution
Range of the fulvus group: red = E. fulvus, green = E. collaris, purple = E. rufus, orange = E. cinereiceps, blue = E. rufifrons, yellow = E. albifrons, brown = E. sanfordi
Range of the other Eulemur: red = E. rubriventer, green = E. mongoz, purple = E. coronatus, orange = E. flavifrons, blue = E. macaco
Common brown lemur (E. fulvus) female with juvenile


  1. ^ Groves, C. P. (2005). "Genus Eulemur". In Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 114–116. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ "Checklist of CITES Species". CITES. UNEP-WCMC. Retrieved 18 March 2015.
  3. ^ "IUCN 2014". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2012. Retrieved 12 March 2015.

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wikipedia EN

True lemur: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

True lemurs, also known as brown lemurs, are the lemurs in genus Eulemur. They are medium-sized primates that live exclusively on Madagascar.

The fur of the true lemurs is long and usually reddish brown. Often, sexual dimorphism in coloration (sexual dichromatism) is seen, such as in the black lemur. True lemurs are from 30 to 50 cm (12 to 20 in) in length, with a tail that is as long or significantly longer than the body. They weigh from 2 to 4 kg (4 to 9 lb).

True lemurs are predominantly diurnal forest inhabitants, with some species preferring rain forests, while others live in dry forests. They are skillful climbers and can cross large distances in trees by jumping, using their nonprehensile tails to aid in balancing. When on the ground, they move almost exclusively on all four legs. True lemurs are social animals and live together in groups of two to 15 members.

The diet of the true lemurs is almost exclusively herbivorous – flowers, fruits and leaves. In captivity, they have been shown to also eat insects.

Gestation is 125 days. During the summer or early fall (shortly before the beginning of the rainy season), the females birth their young, usually two offspring. The young clasp firmly to the fur of their mother, then ride on her back when they are older. After about five months, they are weaned, and they are fully mature around 18 months of age. The life expectancy of the true lemurs can be up to 18 years, but this can be longer in captivity.

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Eulemur ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Eulemur es un género de primates estrepsirrinos de la familia Lemuridae que incluye a varias especies endémicas de Madagascar. A veces se los llama lémures marrones o lémures verdaderos.


Eulemur rufus.

Véase también

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wikipedia ES

Eulemur: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Eulemur es un género de primates estrepsirrinos de la familia Lemuridae que incluye a varias especies endémicas de Madagascar. A veces se los llama lémures marrones o lémures verdaderos.

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Eulemur ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Eulemur (grekeraz: benetako lemurrak) Lemuridae familiako primate genero bat da. Madagaskarren baino ez dira bizi. Euren larrua marroia-arrea da eat horregatik batzuetan lemur marroi izena ematen zaie. Batzuetan dimorfismo sexuala egoten da kolorazioan. 30etik 50 zentimetrora neurtzen dute eta isatsa gorputza baino nabarmenki handiagoa da. 2tik 4 kilogramora arteko pisua dute.

Egunez bizi dira, baso zein oihanetan gehienak eta batzuk baso lehorretan. Lurrean mugitzen direnean lau hanken gainean egiten dute. Batez ere loreak, fruituak eta hostoak jaten dituzte. Batzuetan intsektuak ere jaten dituztela ikusi da.

Haurdunaldiak 125 egun irauten ditu eta kumaldia udan zehar edo udazkenaren hasieran izaten da. Normalki bi kume izaten dituzte kumaldiko. Kumeak helduak dira 18 hilabeterkin eta euren bizi-itxaropena 18 urtekoa da.


Ikus, gainera

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Eulemur: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Eulemur (grekeraz: benetako lemurrak) Lemuridae familiako primate genero bat da. Madagaskarren baino ez dira bizi. Euren larrua marroia-arrea da eat horregatik batzuetan lemur marroi izena ematen zaie. Batzuetan dimorfismo sexuala egoten da kolorazioan. 30etik 50 zentimetrora neurtzen dute eta isatsa gorputza baino nabarmenki handiagoa da. 2tik 4 kilogramora arteko pisua dute.

Egunez bizi dira, baso zein oihanetan gehienak eta batzuk baso lehorretan. Lurrean mugitzen direnean lau hanken gainean egiten dute. Batez ere loreak, fruituak eta hostoak jaten dituzte. Batzuetan intsektuak ere jaten dituztela ikusi da.

Haurdunaldiak 125 egun irauten ditu eta kumaldia udan zehar edo udazkenaren hasieran izaten da. Normalki bi kume izaten dituzte kumaldiko. Kumeak helduak dira 18 hilabeterkin eta euren bizi-itxaropena 18 urtekoa da.

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Eulemur ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Eulemur est un genre de primates lémuriformes de la famille des Lemuridae. Comme tous les lémuriens, ses représentants sont endémiques de Madagascar et des îles attenantes.

Description et caractéristiques

Les espèces de ce genre sont communément appelés eulémurs, « lémurs vrais » ou makis.

La fourrure des eulémuriens est longue et souvent brun rougeâtre. Le dimorphisme sexuel dans la coloration est courant (dichromatisme sexuel), comme chez le lémur noir. Les eulémurs mesurent entre 30 et 50 cm de long, avec une queue égale ou significativement plus longue que le corps. Ils pèsent de deux à quatre kilos.

Les eulémurs sont des habitants forestiers principalement diurnes, avec certaines espèces préférant les forêts tropicales humides, tandis que d'autres vivent dans des forêts sèches. Ce sont des grimpeurs habiles et capables de traverser de grandes distances en sautant d'arbre en arbre, utilisant leur queue non-préhensile pour s'aider dans la mise en équilibre. Les rares fois où ils sont contraints de descendre au sol, ils se déplacent presque exclusivement sur toutes les quatre jambes. Les eulémurs sont des animaux sociaux, qui vivent en groupes de 2 à 15 membres.

Le régime des eulémurs est presque exclusivement herbivore : fleurs, fruits et feuilles, parfois complétés par des insectes.

La gestation dure 125 jours. Pendant le début de l'automne ou de l'été (peu avant le début de la saison des pluies), les femelles mettent bas, généralement deux jeunes. Les nouveau-nés se cramponnent fermement à la fourrure de leur mère, puis vont ensuite sur son dos quand ils sont plus vieux. Après environ cinq mois ils sont sevrés et ils sont entièrement matures à environ 18 mois. L'espérance de vie des eulémurs peut aller jusqu'à 18 ans, parfois plus en captivité.

Liste des espèces

Selon ITIS (5 septembre 2017)[2] :

Notes et références

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Eulemur: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Eulemur est un genre de primates lémuriformes de la famille des Lemuridae. Comme tous les lémuriens, ses représentants sont endémiques de Madagascar et des îles attenantes.

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Eulemur ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Eulemur Simons & Rumpler, 1989 è un genere di lemuri endemici del Madagascar.


Si tratta di animali di lunghezza totale pari a circa un metro, di cui però gran parte spetta alla folta coda, che è solitamente più lunga del corpo di circa il 15-20%; tutti hanno muso volpino, grandi occhi e solitamente presentano dicromatismo sessuale, coi maschi più colorati delle femmine. In molti casi (ma non sempre) i maschi presentano barbe, basette o corone di pelo, assenti nelle femmine.
Tutte le specie presentano conformazione degli incisivi inferiori modificata a formare un pettine utile per il grooming: si tratta infatti di specie sociali, che vivono in gruppi anche consistenti.


Il numero di specie è quasi raddoppiato dopo lo scorporo di numerose ex-sottospecie e loro elevazione al rango di specie a sé stanti a seguito di analisi approfondite del DNA.

Al genere sono attualmente ascritte le seguenti specie[1][2]:

In passato era accetta come specie valida anche Eulemur albocollaris che è oggi riconosciuto come sinonimo di Eulemur cinereiceps[2].


  1. ^ (EN) Colin Groves, Eulemur, in D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder (a cura di), Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, pp.114-116, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  2. ^ a b Mittermeier, R., Ganzhorn, J., Konstant, W., Glander, K., Tattersall, I., Groves, C., Rylands, A., Hapke, A., Ratsimbazafy, J., Mayor, M., Louis, E., Rumpler, Y., Schwitzer, C. & Rasoloarison, R., Lemur Diversity in Madagascar, in International Journal of Primatology, vol. 29, n. 6, dicembre 2008, pp. 1607–1656, DOI:10.1007/s10764-008-9317-y.

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Eulemur: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Eulemur Simons & Rumpler, 1989 è un genere di lemuri endemici del Madagascar.

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Rudieji lemūrai ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Rudieji lemūrai, arba tikrieji lemūrai (lot. Eulemur, angl. True lemurs, Brown lemurs, vok. Braune Makis) – lemūrinių (Lemuridae) šeimos primatų gentis.



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Rudieji lemūrai: Brief Summary ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Rudieji lemūrai, arba tikrieji lemūrai (lot. Eulemur, angl. True lemurs, Brown lemurs, vok. Braune Makis) – lemūrinių (Lemuridae) šeimos primatų gentis.

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wikipedia LT

Echte maki's ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Echte maki's (Eulemur) is een geslacht uit de familie der maki's of lemuren (Lemuridae). Ze worden ook wel de bruine lemuren genoemd. Het zijn primaten die alleen voorkomen op Madagaskar.


Deze lemuren zijn slanke dieren den ze zijn gewoonlijk roodbruin gekleurd. Ze zijn 30 tot 50 cm lang en ze wegen twee tot vijf kilogram. Hun staart is even lang als hun lichaam, vaak nog langer.

De echte maki's zijn hoofdzakelijk overdag actief; ze leven in zowel tropisch regenwoud als in meer droge bossen. Ze komen voorleven in groepen van maximaal 15 individuen. Ze bewegen zich lenig klimmend voort in de kronen van bomen, waarbij ze hun staart gebruiken voor het evenwicht. Op de grond lopen ze uitsluitend op vier poten.


Alle soorten echte maki's zijn in meer of mindere mate bedreigd in hun bestaan. Van de 12 soorten die in 2011 werden onderscheiden zijn er volgens de IUCN twee soorten gevoelig (G), zes soorten kwetsbaar (KW), twee soorten bedreigd (BE), één soort ernstig bedreigd (EB) en van één soort zijn onvoldoende gegevens (DD, data defecient).


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wikipedia NL

Echte maki's: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Echte maki's (Eulemur) is een geslacht uit de familie der maki's of lemuren (Lemuridae). Ze worden ook wel de bruine lemuren genoemd. Het zijn primaten die alleen voorkomen op Madagaskar.

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wikipedia NL

Lemuria (rodzaj ssaka) ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Lemuria[3] (Eulemur) – rodzaj ssaków z rodziny lemurowatych (Lemuridae).

Zasięg występowania

Rodzaj obejmuje gatunki występujące na Madagaskarze[4]. Lemuria manguścia została introdukowana na Komorach[4].



Gr. ευ eu – typowy; rodzaj Lemur Linnaeus, 1758, lemur[2].

Podział systematyczny

Do niedawna E. rufifrons uważany był za młodszy synonim E. rufus[5], ale wstępne badania genetyczne i morfologiczne sugerują, iż są to różne gatunki[6][7]. E. flavifrons i E. macaco były uważane za podgatunki tego ostatniego. Jednak w 2008 roku oba zostały podniesione do rangi gatunku[8]. Do rodzaju zaliczane są następujące gatunki[3][4]:


  1. Eulemur, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b E.L. Simons, Y. Rumpler. Eulemur: New generic name for species of Lemur other than Lemur catta. „Comptes Rendus de l'Acadèmie des Sciences”. Série III. 307, s. 550, 1988. Paris (fr.ang.).
  3. a b Systematyka i nazwy polskie za: W. Cichocki, A. Ważna, J. Cichocki, E. Rajska-Jurgiel, A. Jasiński, W. Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2015, s. 30. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9.
  4. a b c Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Eulemur. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 2016-06-06]
  5. Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Eulemur rufus. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 2016-06-06]
  6. J. Pastorini, U. Thalmann, R.D. Martin. A molecular approach to comparative phylogeography of extant Malagasy lemurs. „Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America”. 100 (10), s. 5879–5884, 13 maja 2003. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1031673100.
  7. C.P. Groves. Red-fronted lemurs are not the same as red lemurs. Paper presented at 24th Annual Conference of Australasian Primate Society, Perth, 1–2 April 2006. „Australasian Primatology”. 18 (1), s. 23, 2006.
  8. R.A. Mittermeier, J.U. Ganzhorn, W.R. Konstant, K. Glander, I. Tattersall, C.P. Groves, A.B. Rylands, A. Hapke, J. Ratsimbazafy, M.I. Mayor, E.E. Louis Jr, Y. Rumpler, C. Schwitzer, R.M. Rasoloarison. Lemur Diversity in Madagascar. „International Journal of Primatology”. 29, s. 1607–1656, 2008. DOI: 10.1007/s10764-008-9317-y.
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Lemuria (rodzaj ssaka): Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Lemuria (Eulemur) – rodzaj ssaków z rodziny lemurowatych (Lemuridae).

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wikipedia POL

Eulemur ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Eulemur é um gênero de lêmures da família Lemuridae. Pode ser encontrado apenas em Madagascar, incluindo ilhas adjacentes como Nosy Be e Nosy Komba, e nas Ilhas Comores (Mayotte, Moheli e Anjouan). Os membros desse gênero são conhecidos como lêmures verdadeiros e também como lêmures marrons.



  • GROVES, C. P. Order Primates. In: WILSON, D. E.; REEDER, D. M. (Eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3. ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. v. 1, p. 111-184.
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wikipedia PT

Eulemur: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Eulemur é um gênero de lêmures da família Lemuridae. Pode ser encontrado apenas em Madagascar, incluindo ilhas adjacentes como Nosy Be e Nosy Komba, e nas Ilhas Comores (Mayotte, Moheli e Anjouan). Os membros desse gênero são conhecidos como lêmures verdadeiros e também como lêmures marrons.

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wikipedia PT

Makier ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Makier (Eulemur) är ett släkte i familjen lemurer som i sin tur tillhör ordningen primater. För närvarande listas 12 arter i släktet.


Kroppens längd ligger mellan 30 och 45 centimeter och därtill kommer en 45 till 65 centimeter lång svans. Vikten ligger mellan en och tre kilogram. Hos de flesta arterna finns en utpräglad könsdimorfism där hannar har en annan färg än honor. Pälsens grundfärg är vanligen brun eller grå, huvudet är mörkt och buken är ljusare. De stora ögonen är med undantag av arten blåögd maki (Eulemur flavifrons) orangegul.

Utbredning och habitat

Makier förekommer nästan på hela Madagaskar. De saknas bara i bergstrakter i öns centrum. Habitatet utgörs av torra skogar och regnskogar. Arterna Eulemur mongoz och Eulemur fulvus infördes på Komorerna.


Makier kan vara aktiva på dagen och på natten. Ibland beror aktiviteten under natten på månljuset eller årstiden. De vistas vanligen i träd där de antingen går på fyra extremiteter eller hoppar genom att använda svansen för att hålla balansen.

Det sociala beteende beror på arten, medan några arter som mormaki och brun maki bildar flockar finns hos andra arter monogama par (till exempel rödbukad maki). I flockarna förekommer enligt aktuell bedömning ingen hierarki. Grupperna markerar revirets gränser med sekret från sina analkörtlar men territorierna överlappar varandra.

Födan utgörs främst av växtämnen som frukter och blad men varierar beroende på art, levnadsområde och årstid. I mindre mått äter de även smådjur som insekter, spindlar och mångfotingar.


Honor av makier är dräktiga i cirka 125 dagar och sedan föds mellan augusti och oktober (kort före regntiden) ett eller två ungdjur. Ungen klamrar sig fast vid honans buk och senare även på moderns rygg. Efter ungefär fem månader sluter honan att ge di och ungdjuret är efter ett och ett halvt år könsmoget.


Arternas naturliga fiender är fossa och andra rovdjur på Madagaskar samt rovfåglar. Det största hotet utgörs däremot av levnadsområdets förstöring genom skogsskövling, svedjebruk och gruvdrift. Vissa arter jagas även för köttets skull. Beståndet för alla arter minskar. IUCN listar nästan alla arter som stark hotade eller sårbar.


Släktet makier tillhör familjen lemurer. Släktet Eulemur etablerades först 1989, tidigare räknades arter i samma släkte som ringsvanslemuren, Lemur. De liknar denna art i skelettbyggnaden men de är inte närmare släkt med den.

Flera populationer som tidigare klassificerades som underarter listas idag som arter. Enligt Mittermeier et al. (2008) bildas släktet av 12 arter:

En kronmaki


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från tyskspråkiga Wikipedia, 4 april 2009.
  • Thomas Geissmann: Vergleichende Primatologie, Springer-Verlag 2003, ISBN 3-540-43645-6
  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999 ISBN 0-8018-5789-9
  • R. Mittermeier, J. Ganzhorn, W. Konstant, K. Glander, I. Tattersall, C. Groves, A. Rylands, A. Hapke, J. Ratsimbazafy, M. Mayor, E. Louis jr., Y. Rumpler, C. Schwitzer und R. Rasoloarison: Lemur Diversity in Madagascar. In: International Journal of Primatology 29 (2008), S. 1607–1656.

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Makier: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV

Makier (Eulemur) är ett släkte i familjen lemurer som i sin tur tillhör ordningen primater. För närvarande listas 12 arter i släktet.

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Eulemur ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Eulemur là một chi động vật có vú trong họ Lemuridae, bộ Linh trưởng. Chi này được Simons and Rumpler miêu tả năm 1988.[1] Loài điển hình của chi này là Lemur mongoz Linnaeus, 1766.

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  1. ^ a ă Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Eulemur”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

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 src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Eulemur  src= Wikimedia Commons có thêm hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Eulemur

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Eulemur: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Eulemur là một chi động vật có vú trong họ Lemuridae, bộ Linh trưởng. Chi này được Simons and Rumpler miêu tả năm 1988. Loài điển hình của chi này là Lemur mongoz Linnaeus, 1766.

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Обыкновенные лемуры ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Звери
Инфракласс: Плацентарные
Надотряд: Euarchontoglires
Грандотряд: Euarchonta
Миротряд: Приматообразные
Отряд: Приматы
Инфраотряд: Лемурообразные
Надсемейство: Lemuroidea
Семейство: Лемуровые
Род: Обыкновенные лемуры
Международное научное название

Simons & Rumpler, 1988

Petterus Groves and Eaglen, 1988
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 572788NCBI 13513EOL 42016FW 143017

Обыкновенные лемуры или маки [1] (лат. Eulemur) — род млекопитающих из семейства лемуровых (Lemuridae). Эти приматы среднего размера обитают исключительно на Мадагаскаре.

Мех настоящих лемуров длинный и обычно красновато-коричневый. В окраске часто проявляется половой диморфизм (например, у чёрных лемуров). Размеры тела от 30 до 50 см в длину, хвост такой же длины, или даже существенно длиннее тела. Вес от 2 до 4 кг.

Настоящие лемуры преимущественно лесные обитатели, ведущие дневной образ жизни. Некоторые виды предпочитают влажные леса, другие живут в сухих. Эти животные превосходно лазают и могут пересекать большие дистанции, перепрыгивая с дерева на дерево. Не приспособленный для хватания хвост используется при этом для балансировки. На земле эти животные передвигаются почти всегда на всех четырёх конечностях. Живут группами от 2 до 15 особей.

Настоящие лемуры почти исключительно травоядны: они питаются цветами, фруктами, листьями, однако в неволе известны примеры питания насекомыми.

Период беременности составляет 125 дней. На протяжении лета или ранней осенью (незадолго до начала дождливого сезона) самки приносят потомство — обычно двух детёнышей. Малыши крепко цепляются за мех матери, когда становятся старше, переползают к ней на спину. Примерно через 5 месяцев прекращается грудное кормление, а в 18 месяцев они уже взрослые животные. Продолжительность жизни оценивается в 18 лет, в неволе может быть больше.


В роде обыкновенных лемуров 12 видов[2]:


  1. Соколов В. Е. Систематика млекопитающих. Т. 1. Отряды: однопроходных, сумчатых, насекомоядных, шерстокрылов, рукокрылых, приматов, неполнозубых, ящеров. — М.: Высшая школа, 1973. — С. 298—299. — 432 с.
  2. Eulemur Архивировано 12 августа 2011 года. // Wilson D. E. & Reeder D. M. (editors). 2005. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). — Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols. (2142 pp.) ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0 [1]
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Обыкновенные лемуры: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Обыкновенные лемуры или маки (лат. Eulemur) — род млекопитающих из семейства лемуровых (Lemuridae). Эти приматы среднего размера обитают исключительно на Мадагаскаре.

Мех настоящих лемуров длинный и обычно красновато-коричневый. В окраске часто проявляется половой диморфизм (например, у чёрных лемуров). Размеры тела от 30 до 50 см в длину, хвост такой же длины, или даже существенно длиннее тела. Вес от 2 до 4 кг.

Настоящие лемуры преимущественно лесные обитатели, ведущие дневной образ жизни. Некоторые виды предпочитают влажные леса, другие живут в сухих. Эти животные превосходно лазают и могут пересекать большие дистанции, перепрыгивая с дерева на дерево. Не приспособленный для хватания хвост используется при этом для балансировки. На земле эти животные передвигаются почти всегда на всех четырёх конечностях. Живут группами от 2 до 15 особей.

Настоящие лемуры почти исключительно травоядны: они питаются цветами, фруктами, листьями, однако в неволе известны примеры питания насекомыми.

Период беременности составляет 125 дней. На протяжении лета или ранней осенью (незадолго до начала дождливого сезона) самки приносят потомство — обычно двух детёнышей. Малыши крепко цепляются за мех матери, когда становятся старше, переползают к ней на спину. Примерно через 5 месяцев прекращается грудное кормление, а в 18 месяцев они уже взрослые животные. Продолжительность жизни оценивается в 18 лет, в неволе может быть больше.

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

美狐猴屬 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科













  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Groves, Colin. Wilson, D. E., and Reeder, D. M. (eds), 编. Mammal species of the world 3rd edition. Johns Hopkins University Press. 16 November 2005: 114–116. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. 引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)
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site do parceiro
wikipedia 中文维基百科

美狐猴屬: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科


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wikipedia 中文维基百科

キツネザル属 ( Japonês )

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キツネザル属 クロキツネザル 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia 亜綱 : 獣亜綱 Eutheria : 霊長目 Primate 亜目 : 原猿亜目 Strepsirrhini : キツネザル科 Lemuridae 亜科 : キツネザル亜科 Lemurinae : キツネザル属 Eulemur 学名 Eulemur Simons and Rumpler, 1988 英名 true lemur



1属1種のワオキツネザルが属するワオキツネザル属 Lemur を本属と同属とすることがある。その場合、国際動物命名規約により、命名が早いLemurが優先され、属名はLemurとなる。



 src= ウィキスピーシーズにキツネザル属に関する情報があります。 執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
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wikipedia 日本語

キツネザル属: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

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wikipedia 日本語

참여우원숭이 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

참여우원숭이 또는 갈색여우원숭이참여우원숭이속(Eulemur) 여우원숭이의 총칭이다. 중간 크기의 영장류마다가스카르에서만 서식한다.

참여우원숭이의 털은 길고, 보통 붉은 갈색을 띤다. 종종 채색(이변색성)에서, 예를 들어 검은여우원숭이성적이형(sexual dimorphism)을 보여 준다. 참여우원숭이의 키는 30에서 50cm이고, 키보다 긴 꼬리를 지니기도 한다. 몸무게는 2~4 kg이다.

(Eulemur rufus)

참여우원숭이는 주로 낮에 활동하며, 숲에서 서식한다. 일부 종들은 우림을 선호하는 반면에 일부는 건조림에서 서식한다. 이들은 나무를 능숙하게 오르며, 먼 거리의 나무 사이를 꼬리로 균형을 잡아, 건너뛸 수 있다. 땅에 있을 때는 거의 대부분 네 발로 움직인다. 참여우원숭이는 2마리에서 15마리까지 무리를 지어 함께 생활한다.

참여우원숭이의 먹이는 거의 대부분 꽃과 과일, 나뭇잎 등의 초식 식물이다. 동물원 등에서, 곤충을 먹는 모습이 발견된 적은 있다.

임신 기간은 125일이다. 여름 또는 초가을 동안에(우기철이 시작되기 전 짧게), 암컷은 보통 2마리의 새끼를 낳는다. 새끼는 어미의 털을 움켜쥐고, 목에 단단히 매달리며, 좀 더 자라면 등에 엎힌다. 젖을 떼는 시기는 약 5개월 이후이며, 약 18개월이 지나면 완전히 다 자라게 된다. 참여우원숭이의 평균 수명은 18년에 달하며, 사육 생활에서는 더 길다.


  1. Groves, C.P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., 편집. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. 114-116쪽. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
direitos autorais
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

참여우원숭이: Brief Summary ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

참여우원숭이 또는 갈색여우원숭이는 참여우원숭이속(Eulemur) 여우원숭이의 총칭이다. 중간 크기의 영장류마다가스카르에서만 서식한다.

참여우원숭이의 털은 길고, 보통 붉은 갈색을 띤다. 종종 채색(이변색성)에서, 예를 들어 검은여우원숭이성적이형(sexual dimorphism)을 보여 준다. 참여우원숭이의 키는 30에서 50cm이고, 키보다 긴 꼬리를 지니기도 한다. 몸무게는 2~4 kg이다.

 src= 붉은여우원숭이
(Eulemur rufus)

참여우원숭이는 주로 낮에 활동하며, 숲에서 서식한다. 일부 종들은 우림을 선호하는 반면에 일부는 건조림에서 서식한다. 이들은 나무를 능숙하게 오르며, 먼 거리의 나무 사이를 꼬리로 균형을 잡아, 건너뛸 수 있다. 땅에 있을 때는 거의 대부분 네 발로 움직인다. 참여우원숭이는 2마리에서 15마리까지 무리를 지어 함께 생활한다.

참여우원숭이의 먹이는 거의 대부분 꽃과 과일, 나뭇잎 등의 초식 식물이다. 동물원 등에서, 곤충을 먹는 모습이 발견된 적은 있다.

임신 기간은 125일이다. 여름 또는 초가을 동안에(우기철이 시작되기 전 짧게), 암컷은 보통 2마리의 새끼를 낳는다. 새끼는 어미의 털을 움켜쥐고, 목에 단단히 매달리며, 좀 더 자라면 등에 엎힌다. 젖을 떼는 시기는 약 5개월 이후이며, 약 18개월이 지나면 완전히 다 자라게 된다. 참여우원숭이의 평균 수명은 18년에 달하며, 사육 생활에서는 더 길다.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자