Bunaea aslauga, the Madagascar emperor moth, is an African moth belonging to the family Saturniidae. The species was first described by William Forsell Kirby in 1877. It has been found in Kenya and in Madagascar[1]
It has a wingspan of 100–150 mm.
One of its food plants is Intsia bijuga,[2] a species in the family Fabaceae.
Bunaea aslauga, the Madagascar emperor moth, is an African moth belonging to the family Saturniidae. The species was first described by William Forsell Kirby in 1877. It has been found in Kenya and in Madagascar
It has a wingspan of 100–150 mm.
Bunaea aslauga Kirby, 1877 è una falena appartenente alla famiglia Saturniidae, diffusa in Congo, Kenya e Madagascar.[1]
Bunaea aslauga Kirby, 1877 è una falena appartenente alla famiglia Saturniidae, diffusa in Congo, Kenya e Madagascar.
Bunaea aslauga is een vlinder uit de onderfamilie Saturniinae van de familie nachtpauwogen (Saturniidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1877 door William Kirby.[1]
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