
Biology / Hosts

fornecido por Deans Deitz Wharton et al
Hosts are unknown; Gauld (1997) provides habitat and phenological data for the two species that he described from Costa Rica.
direitos autorais
Robert Wharton
site do parceiro
Deans Deitz Wharton et al


fornecido por Deans Deitz Wharton et al
clypeus bluntly rounded; without small lateral tooth or projection; ventral margin weakly to medially truncate; epistomal sulcus absent, clypeus not distinctly separated from face (1, 2, 3). malar space (1, 2) distinct, 0.4-0.75 x basal width of mandible. mandible with ventral tooth slightly longer than dorsal tooth. lateral ocellus distinctly shorter than distance between ocellus and eye. first flagellomere with a small, irregular tyloid (1). hypostomal carina separated from occipital carina, not joining the latter at or above base of mandible; occipital carina complete. Dorsal end of epicnemial carina extending close to but not reaching anterior margin of mesopleuron (1, 2). notaulus weakly impressed at extreme base, short, not extending posteriorly to level of tegula. Distinct u-shaped notch absent between propodeum (1, 2, 3) and metanotum in lateral view; pleural carina complete; propodeal carinae absent anteriorly and posterior-medially; posterior transverse carina present laterally, as is apical branch of median lateral carina, median areola absent. fore wing areolet present, large; stigma moderately broad, Rs+2r arising near middle of stigma. hind wing with first abscissa of CU1 slightly to distinctly longer than 1cu-a. T1 varying from slender basally and only moderately broadening posteriorly to less slender and more distinctly broadening; without discrete dorsal carinae; basal depression at dorsal tendon attachment deep; dorsal-lateral carina essentially absent from spiracle to apex of T1; glymma broad, deep, extending into median basal depression, the two glymmae not meeting on each side posterior to basal depression. t2 thyridium absent. ovipositor straight, short, with very broad, shallow, subapical depression. Posterior margin of male subgenital plate distinctly produced posteriorly near midline; male parameres short, broadly triangular, very slightly attenuate posteriorly.
direitos autorais
Robert Wharton
site do parceiro
Deans Deitz Wharton et al

Diagnosis and Relationships

fornecido por Deans Deitz Wharton et al
A major defining feature is associated with posterior margin of the male subgenital plate, which is distinctly projecting medially. The vertex is also impressed and concave, and there is a median longitudinal carina on the pronotum. Jorgeus is otherwise similar to Coelorhachis. Gauld also noted differences in the fore wing areolet and the relative positions of the ventral ends of the hypostomal and occipital carinae. These features vary somewhat within Coelorhachis and will need to be examined more critically for their value in separating the two genera.
direitos autorais
Robert Wharton
site do parceiro
Deans Deitz Wharton et al


fornecido por Deans Deitz Wharton et al
Known only from Costa Rica.
direitos autorais
Robert Wharton
site do parceiro
Deans Deitz Wharton et al


fornecido por Deans Deitz Wharton et al
Only two species have been described:
Jorgeus genesisii Gauld, 1997
Jorgeus jimenezi Gauld, 1997

The above description is based on the original descriptions in Gauld (1997). I have seen a specimen from Brazil (American Entomological Institute) that is intermediate between Coelorhachis and Jorgeus, having some but not all of the characteristics used by Gauld to define Jorgeus relative to Coelorhachis.

direitos autorais
Robert Wharton
site do parceiro
Deans Deitz Wharton et al

Taxonomic History / Nomenclature

fornecido por Deans Deitz Wharton et al
Jorgeus Gauld, 1997: 227-228. Type species: Jorgeus jimenezi Gauld, 1997. Original designation.
direitos autorais
Robert Wharton
site do parceiro
Deans Deitz Wharton et al