
Cicuta (planta) ( Asturiano )

fornecido por wikipedia AST

Cicuta ye un xéneru de plantes de la familia Apiaceae qu'entiende cuatro especies de plantes bien venenoses, natives del hemisferiu norte. Entiende 60 especies descrites y de estes, solo 4 aceptaes.[1]


Son plantes yerbácea perennes que crecen hasta 1-2 metros d'altor.

Anque dalgunes de les especies d'esti xéneru guarden cierta paecencia a la Conium maculatum (llamada cicuta), son especies distintes.


El xéneru foi descritu por Carlos Linneo y espublizóse en Species Plantarum 1: 255–256. 1753.[2] La especie tipo ye: Cicuta virosa L.


Cicuta: nome clásicu llatín de la cicuta,[3]


De siguío bríndase un llistáu de les especies del xéneru Cicuta (planta) aceptaes hasta setiembre de 2012, ordenaes alfabéticamente. Pa caúna indica'l nome binomial siguíu del autor, embrivíu según les convenciones y usos.


  1. Cicuta (planta) en PlantList
  2. «Cicuta (planta)». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultáu'l 29 de setiembre de 2012.
  3. En Nomes Botánicos


  1. Nasir, Y. & S. I. Ali (eds). 1980-2005. Fl. Pakistan Univ. of Karachi, Karachi.

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Cicuta (planta): Brief Summary ( Asturiano )

fornecido por wikipedia AST
Cicuta (planta)

Cicuta ye un xéneru de plantes de la familia Apiaceae qu'entiende cuatro especies de plantes bien venenoses, natives del hemisferiu norte. Entiende 60 especies descrites y de estes, solo 4 aceptaes.

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Subaldırğanı ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Subaldırğanı (lat. Cicuta) — çətirkimilər fəsiləsindən bitki cinsi. Çoxillik su, yaxud bataqlıq bitkisidir. Lələkşəkilli yarpaqları uzun saplaqlıdır. Xırda ağ çiçəkləri mürəkkəb çətirdə yerləşir. Meyvəsi dəyirmidir. Əsasən, Şimali Amerikada 10 (başqa məlumata görə 20-dək) növü var. Ən zəhərli bitkilərdən biridir. Payızda və yazda onunla qidalanan ev heyvanlarının (qaramal, qoyunlar) zəhərlənməsinə səbəb olur.

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Wasserschierlinge ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Wasserschierlinge (Cicuta) sind eine Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Doldenblütler. Einziger europäischer Vertreter ist der wie alle Arten stark giftige Wasserschierling (Cicuta virosa).

Wasserschierling (Cicuta virosa)


Die Vertreter sind ausdauernde, unbehaarte Sumpf- und Wasserpflanzen. Der Stängel ist aufrecht, hohl und meist erst oberwärts verzweigt. Der Wurzelstock ist knollig verdickt und innen durch Querscheidewände in übereinander liegende Kammern geteilt. Die Blätter sind gestielt und doppelt bis dreifach gefiedert. Die Abschnitte letzter Ordnung sind länglich-lanzettlich oder linealisch und am Rand gesägt. Die Blüten stehen in zusammengesetzten, vielstrahligen Dolden. Eine Hülle fehlt oder besteht aus nur wenigen Blättern, das Hüllchen ist drei- bis achtblättrig. Die Blüten sind zum Teil zwittrig, zum Teil rein männlich. Der Kelchsaum hat fünf deutliche Zähne, die breit dreieckig sind. Die Kronblätter sind rein weiß oder rötlich. Ihre Spitze ist ausgerandet und hat ein schmales, eingeschlagenes Läppchen. Die Griffel sind lang, schlank und zuletzt zurückgebogen. Der Fruchtknoten ist unbehaart.

Die Frucht ist annähernd kugelig und seitlich leicht zusammengedrückt. Sie hat breite, flache und stumpfe Hauptrippen. Die Ölstriemen stehen unter den Tälchen einzeln, an der Fugenfläche befinden sich zwei. Die Fruchthalter sind frei und zweiteilig.


Alle Arten enthalten Cicutoxin und sind daher für den Menschen sehr giftig.


Die Vertreter kommen in den nördlichen temperaten Zonen vor und wachsen als Sumpf- und Wasserpflanzen.[1]

Cicuta bulbifera


Die Gattung Cicuta (lateinisch für „Schierling“: Wasserschierling, Gefleckter Schierling;[2] die Wortherkunft von cicuta ist unbekannt[3]) wird innerhalb der Familie Apiaceae in die Unterfamilie Apioideae gestellt. Die Angaben zur Artenzahl schwanken zwischen drei[1] und acht.[4]

Einzige europäische Art:

Weitere Arten sind (Auswahl):

  • Cicuta bulbifera L.: Das Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst Alaska, Kanada und die USA.[5]
  • Cicuta douglasii (DC.) J.M. Coult. & Rose: Das Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst Alaska, British Columbia und die westlichen USA.[5]
  • Cicuta maculata L.: Das Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst Alaska, Kanada, die USA und Mexiko.[5]

Der Gattungsname Cicuta stammt vom antiken Namen des Gefleckten Schierlings (Conium maculatum).


  • Siegmund Seybold (Hrsg.): Schmeil-Fitschen interaktiv (CD-Rom), Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2001/2002, ISBN 3-494-01327-6


  1. a b Flora of China, Band 14, S. 77. (online)
  2. Vgl. etwa Otto Zekert (Hrsg.): Dispensatorium pro pharmacopoeis Viennensibus in Austria 1570. Hrsg. vom österreichischen Apothekerverein und der Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Pharmazie. Deutscher Apotheker-Verlag Hans Hösel, Berlin 1938, S. 139.
  3. Helmut Genaust: Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen. Birkhäuser, Basel/Stuttgart 1976, ISBN 3-7643-0755-2, S. 112.
  4. Manfred A. Fischer, Karl Oswald, Wolfgang Adler: Exkursionsflora für Österreich, Liechtenstein und Südtirol. 3., verbesserte Auflage. Land Oberösterreich, Biologiezentrum der Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen, Linz 2008, ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9.
  5. a b c d Apiaceae im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Abgerufen am 23. Mai 2014.
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Wasserschierlinge: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Wasserschierlinge (Cicuta) sind eine Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Doldenblütler. Einziger europäischer Vertreter ist der wie alle Arten stark giftige Wasserschierling (Cicuta virosa).

 src= Wasserschierling (Cicuta virosa)
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Gaalrutplaanten ( Frísio do Norte )

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Amrum.pngTekst üüb Öömrang

Gaalrutplaanten (Cicuta) san en plaantenskööl uun det famile faan a Skiremplaanten (Apiaceae). Jo san giftag. uun Euroopa jaft at man ään slach, at Gaalrut (Cicuta virosa).


C. bulbifera – C. douglasii – C. maculata – C. virosa

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Gaalrutplaanten: Brief Summary ( Frísio do Norte )

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Gaalrutplaanten (Cicuta) san en plaantenskööl uun det famile faan a Skiremplaanten (Apiaceae). Jo san giftag. uun Euroopa jaft at man ään slach, at Gaalrut (Cicuta virosa).

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Szôlińc ( Cassúbio )

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Cicuta virosa

Szôlińc (Cicuta L.) – to je szlach baro trëjącëch roscënów z rodzëznë zelerowatëch. Tu słëchô np. Cicuta virosa.

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Сәрәтә ( Tártaro )

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Сәрәтә (лат. Cicuta L., 1753[1][2]) — зонтиклылар гаиләлегенә караган үсемлекләр ыруы.


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Сәрәтә: Brief Summary ( Tártaro )

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Сәрәтә (лат. Cicuta L., 1753) — зонтиклылар гаиләлегенә караган үсемлекләр ыруы.

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Cicuta ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Cicuta, commonly known as water hemlock, is a genus of four species of highly poisonous plants in the family Apiaceae. They are perennial herbaceous plants which grow up to 2.5 meters (8 ft) tall, having distinctive small green or white flowers arranged in an umbrella shape (umbel). Plants in this genus may also be referred to as cowbane or poison parsnip. Cicuta is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, mainly North America and Europe, typically growing in wet meadows, along streambanks and other wet and marshy areas. These plants bear a close resemblance to other members in the family Apiaceae and may be confused with a number of edible or poisonous plants. The common name hemlock may also be confused with poison hemlock (Conium maculatum), or with the Hemlock tree.

Water hemlock is considered one of North America's most toxic plants, being highly poisonous to humans.[1] Three members of the genus contain a toxin named cicutoxin which causes central nervous system stimulatory effects including seizures following ingestion. Medical treatment of poisoning may include the use of activated charcoal to decrease gastrointestinal absorption of the toxic principle along with supportive care including anticonvulsant drugs such as a benzodiazepine. High doses of anticonvulsant medicine are often required to halt seizure activity and further medical care including intubation and mechanical ventilation may be required.


Cicuta spp. are perennial plants that are all similar in morphology, growing up to a maximum of 2.5 meters (8 ft) in height. The stem of the plant is branching, erect, smooth and hollow (except for partitions at the junction of the leaves and stem), sometimes being purple-striped, or mottled (typically only C. maculata has the purple stripes or spots). Attached to the base of the stem is a tuberous root with thickened rootstocks. The rootstocks are multichambered and contain a yellowish oily liquid which turns reddish brown on exposure to air and emits a characteristic smell of raw parsnip. The alternate leaves are two or three pinnately compound and may reach 30–90 cm (12–35 in) in length. The leaflets are lanceolate, serrate, 5–10 cm (2–4 in) in length, and sharply toothed. The plant flowers in spring or early summer; the flowers are small with green or white petals clustered in an umbrella shape (umbel) characteristic to this family; the umbel measures 5–10 cm (2–4 in) across. The plants produce a cylindrical fruit which is 4–6 mm (53214 in) in length.[1][2][3] The plant is spread primarily by seeds which are produced in large numbers and are small in size.[2]


The genus Cicuta is one of many genera in the family Apiaceae, which is in the order Apiales. Apiaceae is also known as Umbelliferae, and both of these family names are permitted to be used by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.[1] In Europe, Cicuta was not distinguished from the similar genus Conium before the year 1500. The first mention of the genus in the United States was in the eighteenth century.[2] Carl Linnaeus formally described three species in 1753.[4] The type species is Cicuta virosa.[5] The genus is now recognized to comprise four species:[6]

Other species names such as Cicuta bolanderi, Cicuta californica, and Cicuta curtissii are older names now recognized to be varieties of the widespread, morphologically variable Cicuta maculata.[3] Cicuta maculata is now recognized to have four varieties: var. maculata, var. angustifolia, var. victorinii, and var. bolanderi.[6] Phylogenetic analysis using the sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) loci was not conclusive but seems to show that C. bulbifera and C. virosa are monophyletic, while C. douglasii may not be. It was also suggested a specimen from California may warrant recognition as a distinct species.[7] Other common names for the genus in general include poison parsnip, beaver poison, wild carrot, wild parsnip, and false parsley.[8]

Similar species

Members of the family Apiaceae bear close resemblance to each other, and have many characteristics in common. Cicuta spp. are often mistaken for edible plants such as wild celery (Angelica archangelica), celery (Apium graveolens), pignut (Conopodium majus), wild carrot (Daucus carota), wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), and water parsnip (Berula spp.).[1] One of the more common misidentifications is between water hemlock and water parsnip; both have clusters of small white flowers shaped like umbrellas, and both have the same habitat near the shoreline of lakes and rivers. Differences between water parsnip and water hemlock include the water parsnip having leaves only once compound while the water hemlock has leaves which are two or three times compound. Water hemlock also has a large swelling at the stem base which water parsnip lacks. Additionally, water hemlock has bracts at the base of each small flower cluster, not at the base of the main flower head,[9] while water parsnip has both bracts at the base of flowers and also at the main flower head.[10]

Additionally, there can be confusion between the various water hemlock species and poison hemlock (Conium maculatum)[11] as the common name hemlock is applied to both Cicuta and Conium maculatum.[12] Both are poisonous and can be differentiated by differences in their root structure. Water hemlock has a branched root systems with tubules, while poison hemlock has a single tap root.[1] Another reliable method to identify water hemlock is to examine the leaf veins. Water hemlock is unique in the family Apiaceae in that it has leaf veins which terminate in the notches between the leaf tips, rather than extend to the tip of the leaf, as is found in the leaf structure of other members of this family.[2]

Distribution and habitat

Cicuta spp. are found growing across North America and Europe. Typically, they grow in wet habitats usually alongside ponds and streams, in marshes or swamps, or areas that are swampy at least part of the year. Plants can also be found growing in water.[2][3] Of the four species, Cicuta maculata has the most widespread distribution occurring across the majority of North America. Cicuta bulbifera also has a relatively large distribution, found throughout Northern North America. Cicuta douglasii is found in the northwest corner of North America, while Cicuta virosa is found in central and northern Europe (including the British Isles), northern Eurasia, and in the far north of North America.[1][3]


The chemical structure of cicutoxin, the toxin responsible for poisoning following ingestion of Cicuta plants
Cicutoxin is the major poison in Cicuta spp. plants.

All members of Cicuta contain high levels of the poisonous principle cicutoxin, an unsaturated aliphatic alcohol that is structurally closely related to the toxin oenanthotoxin found in the plant hemlock water dropwort. Cicutoxin is present at all stages of growth and in all parts of the plant, but is most concentrated in the roots which appear to be the most toxic in the early spring.[1] Its primary toxic effect is to act as a stimulant in the central nervous system. It is a non-competitive gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor antagonist. Cicutoxin acts on the GABAA receptor causing a block of the chloride channel which results in neuronal depolarization. In the presence of cicutoxin, this depolarization continues unabated, causing cell overactivity. This hyperactivity in brain cells results in seizures.[1][13] Cicutoxin is very poisonous, and water hemlock is considered one of North America's most toxic plants.[1][14] Ingestion of Cicuta can be fatal in humans, and there are reports in medical literature of severe poisoning and death as early as 1670.[1] A number of people have also died following ingestion of the plant in the 20th and 21st century.[8][15][16][17][18][19]

The LD50 in mice administered cicutoxin by intraperitoneal injection is 48.3 milligrams per kilogram body weight; this compares with 5.9 mg/kg for mice given potassium cyanide by intraperitoneal injection, while the LD50 for arsenic via intraperitoneal injection in mice is 46.2 mg/kg.[20] The exact toxic dose of plant material in humans is unknown; it is thought ingestion of water hemlock in any quantity can result in poisoning, and very small amounts may lead to death.[1] Poisoning has been reported following children blowing whistles made from the hollow stem of water hemlock plants.[21] Intoxication has also been reported following skin contact with the plant; in one case, a family of five rubbed the plant onto the skin and were poisoned, with two children dying.[22] Livestock have long been the worst affected, leading to the common name "cowbane". Poisoning in livestock is common and typically occurs following ingestion of roots of the plant. When the ground is soft in Spring, grazing animals tend to pull the entire plant out of the ground, ingesting both the foliage and the roots. Roots exposed by ploughing can also be the source of livestock poisonings.[2] Ingestion of plant material may cause death in the animal in as little as 15 minutes.[23][24][25]


Upon consumption, both in humans and other species, the symptoms of poisoning are characterized mainly by generalized seizures.[1] The onset of symptoms following ingestion may be as soon as 15 minutes. Initial symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, tremors, confusion, weakness, dizziness, and drowsiness,[14][26] although the rapid onset of seizure activity may be the first sign presented following poisoning. Seizures are usually described as clonic or tonic–clonic.[1] Complications of ongoing seizure activity include increased body temperature, decreases in the pH of the blood (metabolic acidosis), swelling in the brain, blood coagulation disorders, muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis), and kidney failure.[1][27][28] Additional neurological symptoms may include hallucinations, delirium, tingling, pricking, or numbness of a person's skin, dilated pupils, and coma.[1][14] Cardiovascular symptoms include alternating slow or fast heart rate[29] and alternating low and high blood pressure.[30] Other cardiac effects may include ECG abnormalities such as widening of the PR interval, supraventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation.[1][15][31] Symptoms of excess salivation, wheezing, respiratory distress, and absence of breathing have also been reported.[1][26]

Death is usually caused by respiratory failure or ventricular fibrillation secondary to ongoing seizure activity;[1] fatalities have occurred within a few hours of ingestion.[3] Poisoned people who recover usually regain consciousness and seizures cease within 24 to 48 hours of poisoning, although seizures may persist for up to 96 hours.[1] There are occasional long-term effects, such as retrograde amnesia of the events leading to intoxication and the intoxication itself.[8][26][30][32] Other ongoing mild effects may include restlessness, muscle weakness, twitching, and anxiety.[1][33] Complete resolution of symptoms may take a number of days, or these ongoing symptoms may persist for months after poisoning.[1]

Diagnosis and treatment

Water hemlock poisoning is usually diagnosed following a history of plant ingestion and symptoms of abrupt onset of seizures.[16][34] Laboratory tests to determine the presence of cicutoxin in the blood such as spectrofluorimetry, high pressure liquid chromatography, thin layer chromatography, and mass spectrometry have been used to detect cicutoxin, but these tests are not performed routinely in hospital laboratories.[1][35] If a sample of the plant ingested has been retained, diagnosis can be confirmed by having the plant identified by a botanist.[1]

Initial treatment of poisoning may include gastrointestinal decontamination with activated charcoal.[35] Decontamination is typically performed only if a potentially toxic amount of plant matter has been ingested up to one hour previously, and the patient has a normal intact airway or has been intubated.[1] There is no specific antidote for water hemlock poisoning, and treatment consists mainly of supportive care. Treatment may include control of seizures with the administration of a benzodiazepines such as lorazepam or diazepam, or, if seizures are refractory to this treatment, a barbiturate such as phenobarbital is administered.[1] The anticonvulsant phenytoin is not recommended, as it has not been shown to be effective for seizure control following water hemlock poisoning.[34] Treatment with high doses of benzodiazepines or barbiturates may cause respiratory depression, and respiratory support including intubation and mechanical ventilation is required in these patients.[1] Continuous electroencephalography monitoring is recommended in symptomatic patients.[1]

Further treatment for complications of metabolic acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, hyperthermia, or low blood pressure may be required. Metabolic acidosis is treated by administering sodium bicarbonate.[36] Low blood pressure is usually treated with intravenous fluid replacement, but the administration of dopamine or norepinephrine may be required to restore blood pressure.[1][35] The management of rhabdomyolysis includes ensuring adequate hydration and urinary alkalinization; a complication of rhabdomyolysis is acute kidney injury, which may require management with hemodialysis.[1] However, hemodialysis, hemoperfusion, or other extracorporeal techniques do not remove cicutoxin from the blood and are therefore not useful in enhancing elimination.[1][35]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad Schep LJ, Slaughter RJ, Becket G, Beasley DM (April 2009). "Poisoning due to water hemlock". Clinical Toxicology. 47 (4): 270–78. doi:10.1080/15563650902904332. ISSN 1556-3650. PMID 19514873. S2CID 21855822.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Kingsbury, J.M. (1964). Poisonous Plants of the United States and Canada (3 ed.). Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice-Hall. pp. 373–79. ISBN 0-13-685016-2.
  3. ^ a b c d e Burrows, George; Tyrl, Ronald (2001). Toxic plants of North America. Ames (IA): Iowa State Press. pp. 49–54. ISBN 0-8138-2266-1.
  4. ^ Linnaeus, Carl (1753). Species plantarum (in Latin). Stockholm. pp. 255–56.
  5. ^ Le Roy, Abrams; Ferris, Roxana Stinchfield (1951). An illustrated flora of the Pacific States: Washington, Oregon, and California. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. p. 237. ISBN 0-8047-0005-2.
  6. ^ a b Mulligan GA (August 1980). "The genus Cicuta in North America". Canadian Journal of Botany. 58 (16): 1755–67. doi:10.1139/b80-204.
  7. ^ Downie SR, Lee CS (March 2006). "Phylogenetic relationships within Cicuta (Apiaceae tribe Oenantheae) inferred from nuclear rDNA ITS and cpDNA sequence data". Canadian Journal of Botany. 84 (3): 453–68. doi:10.1139/B06-016.
  8. ^ a b c Landers D, Seppi K, Blauer W (May 1985). "Seizures and Death on a White River Float Trip: Report of Water Hemlock Poisoning" (Free full text). The Western Journal of Medicine. 142 (5): 637–40. ISSN 0093-0415. PMC 1306130. PMID 4013278.
  9. ^ "Western Water Hemlock". Government of Saskatchewan. Archived from the original on 2008-10-08. Retrieved 2008-08-03.
  10. ^ "Water Parsnip". Government of Saskatchewan. Archived from the original on 2008-10-08. Retrieved 2008-08-03.
  11. ^ Hollman A (1988). "Points: Hemlock poisoning". British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Ed.). 296 (6618): 361. doi:10.1136/bmj.296.6618.361-h. PMC 2544856.
  12. ^ Schep LJ, Slaughter RJ, Beasley DM (September–October 2009). "Nicotinic plant poisoning". Clinical Toxicology. 47 (8): 771–81. doi:10.1080/15563650903252186. ISSN 1556-3650. PMID 19778187. S2CID 28312730.
  13. ^ Uwai K, Ohashi K, Takaya Y, Ohta T, Tadano T, Kisara K, Shibusawa K, Sakakibara R, Oshima Y (November 2000). "Exploring the structural basis of neurotoxicity in C(17)-polyacetylenes isolated from water hemlock". Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 43 (23): 4508–15. doi:10.1021/jm000185k. ISSN 0022-2623. PMID 11087575.
  14. ^ a b c Mutter L (September 1976). "Poisoning by Western Water Hemlock". Canadian Journal of Public Health. 67 (5): 386. ISSN 0008-4263. PMID 991044.
  15. ^ a b Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (April 1994). "Water hemlock poisoning--Maine, 1992". MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 43 (13): 229–31. ISSN 0149-2195. PMID 8145712.
  16. ^ a b Heath KB (February 2001). "A fatal case of apparent water hemlock poisoning". Veterinary and Human Toxicology. 43 (1): 35–6. ISSN 0145-6296. PMID 11205076.
  17. ^ Vogt E (September 1951). "[Water hemlock (Cicuta virosa) poisoning; report of two cases.]". Tidsskrift for den Norske Lægeforening (in Norwegian). 71 (18): 577–78. ISSN 0029-2001. PMID 14884156.
  18. ^ Withers LM, Cole FR, Nelson RB (September 1969). "Water-hemlock poisoning". The New England Journal of Medicine. 281 (10): 566–67. doi:10.1056/NEJM196909042811029. ISSN 0028-4793. PMID 5800524.
  19. ^ Litovitz TL, Bailey KM, Schmitz BF, Holm KC, Klein-Schwartz W (September 1991). "1990 annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers National Data Collection System". The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 9 (5): 461–509. doi:10.1016/0735-6757(91)90216-7. ISSN 0735-6757. PMID 1863304.
  20. ^ Lewis, Richard J (1996). Sax's dangerous properties of industrial materials. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. pp. 270–1, 865, 2758. ISBN 0-471-35407-4.
  21. ^ Miller MM (1933). "Water hemlock poisoning". Journal of the American Medical Association. 101 (11): 852–53. doi:10.1001/jama.1933.27430360001011.
  22. ^ Egdahl A (1911). "A case of poisoning due to eating poison hemlock (Cicuta maculata) with a review of reported cases". Archives of Internal Medicine. 7: 348–56. doi:10.1001/archinte.1911.00060030061002.
  23. ^ "Water hemlock (Cicuta douglasii)". United States Department Of Agriculture. 7 February 2006. Retrieved 13 June 2009.
  24. ^ Panter KE, Keeler RF, Baker DC (September 1988). "Toxicoses in livestock from the hemlocks (Conium and Cicuta spp.)" (Free full text). Journal of Animal Science. 66 (9): 2407–13. doi:10.2527/jas1988.6692407x. ISSN 0021-8812. PMID 3049497.
  25. ^ Smith RA, Lewis D (June 1987). "Cicuta toxicosis in cattle: case history and simplified analytical method". Veterinary and Human Toxicology. 29 (3): 240–41. PMID 3604044.
  26. ^ a b c Stratton MR (1919). "Water hemlock poisoning". Colorado Medicine. 16: 104–11.
  27. ^ Carlton BE, Tufts E, Girard DE (1979). "Water hemlock poisoning complicated by rhabdomyolysis and renal failure". Clinical Toxicology. 14 (1): 87–92. doi:10.3109/15563657909030117. ISSN 0009-9309. PMID 35306.
  28. ^ Short J (November 2006). "Water hemlock poisoning". Emergency Nurse. 14 (7): 18–19. doi:10.7748/en2006. ISSN 1354-5752. PMID 17140092.
  29. ^ Gompertz LM (1926). "Poisoning with water hemlock (Cicuta maculata). Report of seventeen cases". Journal of the American Medical Association. 87 (16): 1277–78. doi:10.1001/jama.1926.02680160025008.
  30. ^ a b Costanza DJ, Hoversten VW (1 August 1973). "Accidental ingestion of water hemlock. Report of two patients with acute and chronic effects". California Medicine. 119 (2): 78–82. ISSN 0008-1264. PMC 1455113. PMID 4726956.
  31. ^ Kass A, Pedersen H (September 1951). "[Water hemlock (cicutoxin) poisoning; review and personal observations.]". Tidsskrift for den Norske Lægeforening (in Norwegian). 71 (18): 579–80. ISSN 0029-2001. PMID 14884157.
  32. ^ Knutsen OH, Paszkowski P (1984). "New aspects in the treatment of water hemlock poisoning". Journal of Toxicology. Clinical Toxicology. 22 (2): 157–66. doi:10.3109/15563658408992551. ISSN 0731-3810. PMID 6502788.
  33. ^ Applefeld JJ, Caplan ES (October 1979). "A case of water hemlock poisoning". Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians. 8 (10): 401–403. doi:10.1016/S0361-1124(79)80404-9. ISSN 0361-1124. PMID 491328.
  34. ^ a b Starreveld E, Hope E (August 1975). "Cicutoxin poisoning (water hemlock)". Neurology. 25 (8): 730–34. doi:10.1212/wnl.25.8.730. ISSN 0028-3878. PMID 1171406. S2CID 39937321.
  35. ^ a b c d Froberg B, Ibrahim D, Furbee RB (May 2007). "Plant poisoning". Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America. 25 (2): 375–433, abstract ix. doi:10.1016/j.emc.2007.02.013. PMID 17482026.
  36. ^ Ball MJ, Flather ML, Forfar JC (May 1987). "Hemlock water dropwort poisoning" (Free full text). Postgraduate Medical Journal. 63 (739): 363–65. doi:10.1136/pgmj.63.739.363. ISSN 0032-5473. PMC 2428460. PMID 3671269.
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Cicuta: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Cicuta, commonly known as water hemlock, is a genus of four species of highly poisonous plants in the family Apiaceae. They are perennial herbaceous plants which grow up to 2.5 meters (8 ft) tall, having distinctive small green or white flowers arranged in an umbrella shape (umbel). Plants in this genus may also be referred to as cowbane or poison parsnip. Cicuta is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, mainly North America and Europe, typically growing in wet meadows, along streambanks and other wet and marshy areas. These plants bear a close resemblance to other members in the family Apiaceae and may be confused with a number of edible or poisonous plants. The common name hemlock may also be confused with poison hemlock (Conium maculatum), or with the Hemlock tree.

Water hemlock is considered one of North America's most toxic plants, being highly poisonous to humans. Three members of the genus contain a toxin named cicutoxin which causes central nervous system stimulatory effects including seizures following ingestion. Medical treatment of poisoning may include the use of activated charcoal to decrease gastrointestinal absorption of the toxic principle along with supportive care including anticonvulsant drugs such as a benzodiazepine. High doses of anticonvulsant medicine are often required to halt seizure activity and further medical care including intubation and mechanical ventilation may be required.

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Cicuta (planta) ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Cicuta es un género de plantas de la familia Apiaceae que comprende cuatro especies de plantas muy venenosas, nativas del hemisferio norte. Comprende 60 especies descritas y de estas, solo 4 aceptadas.[1]


Son plantas herbáceas perennes que crecen hasta 1-2 metros de altura.

Aunque algunas de las especies de este género guardan cierto parecido a la Conium maculatum (llamada cicuta), son especies distintas.


El género fue descrito por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 1: 255–256. 1753.[2]​ La especie tipo es: Cicuta virosa L.


Cicuta: nombre clásico latino de la cicuta,[3]


A continuación se brinda un listado de las especies del género Cicuta (planta) aceptadas hasta septiembre de 2012, ordenadas alfabéticamente. Para cada una se indica el nombre binomial seguido del autor, abreviado según las convenciones y usos.


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Cicuta (planta): Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Cicuta es un género de plantas de la familia Apiaceae que comprende cuatro especies de plantas muy venenosas, nativas del hemisferio norte. Comprende 60 especies descritas y de estas, solo 4 aceptadas.​

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Mürkputk ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET

Mürkputk (Cicuta) on sarikaliste sugukonda kuuluv taimeperekond.

Mürkputke perekonda kuulub neli mürgist liiki. Kõik liigid on mitmeaastased rohttaimed, mis kasvavad kuni 2,5 meetri kõrguseks. Neil on iseloomulikud rohelised või valged õied, mis on koondud sarikjasse õisikusse.

Liikide levilaks on põhjapoolkera parasvööde, peamiselt Põhja-Ameerika ja Euroopa. Kasvukohtadeks niisked niidud, jõekaldad ja muud niisked kohad. Taimed on eksitavalt sarnased mitmete sarikaliste sugukonda kuuluvate söödavate ja mürgiste taimedega.


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Mürkputk: Brief Summary ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET

Mürkputk (Cicuta) on sarikaliste sugukonda kuuluv taimeperekond.

Mürkputke perekonda kuulub neli mürgist liiki. Kõik liigid on mitmeaastased rohttaimed, mis kasvavad kuni 2,5 meetri kõrguseks. Neil on iseloomulikud rohelised või valged õied, mis on koondud sarikjasse õisikusse.

Liikide levilaks on põhjapoolkera parasvööde, peamiselt Põhja-Ameerika ja Euroopa. Kasvukohtadeks niisked niidud, jõekaldad ja muud niisked kohad. Taimed on eksitavalt sarnased mitmete sarikaliste sugukonda kuuluvate söödavate ja mürgiste taimedega.

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Cicutaire ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR


Le genre Cicuta, plantes herbacées de la famille des Apiaceae (autrefois ombellifères) ne compte, en Europe, qu'une seule espèce : Cicuta virosa, ciguë aquatique[1]. C'est une plante très vénéneuse, fleurissant de juillet à septembre, à laquelle les animaux touchent rarement (les chèvres et les porcs avaient cependant la réputation de pouvoir la manger sans en être incommodés)[2].


Cette espèce croît sur le berges de mares et ruisseaux.

Aires de répartition

À la fin du XIXe siècle, on la considérait comme « assez rare en France, et plus commune en Allemagne »[2].

Usages pharmacologiques ?

En 1872, Rodet et Baillet estimaient qu'« elle pourrait être employée en médecine au même titre que la grande Ciguë »[2].

Liste d'espèces

Selon ITIS (31 mars 2016)[3] :

Attention : l'espèce Cicuta maculata (L.) Clairv., 1811 est synonyme de Conium maculatum L., 1753[4].


  1. (fr) Référence Tela Botanica (France métro) : Cicuta L.
  2. a b et c Henri Jean Antoine Rodet et Casimir Célestin Baillet, Botanique agricole et médicale: ou Etude des plantes qui intéressent principalement les médecins, les vétérinaires et les agriculteurs, P. Asselin, 1872 (lire en ligne).
  3. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), www.itis.gov, CC0 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7KH0KBK, consulté le 31 mars 2016
  4. INPN: taxonomie

Voir aussi

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Cicutaire: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR


Le genre Cicuta, plantes herbacées de la famille des Apiaceae (autrefois ombellifères) ne compte, en Europe, qu'une seule espèce : Cicuta virosa, ciguë aquatique. C'est une plante très vénéneuse, fleurissant de juillet à septembre, à laquelle les animaux touchent rarement (les chèvres et les porcs avaient cependant la réputation de pouvoir la manger sans en être incommodés).

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Cicuta ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Cicuta L., 1753 è un genere di piante velenose della famiglia delle Apiacee.[1]


Il genere comprende le seguenti specie:[1]

Oltre alla cicuta maggiore (Conium maculatum), esiste la cicuta minore (Aethusa cynapium), simile a piante non velenose come prezzemolo selvatico e cerfoglio.


  1. ^ a b (EN) Cicuta, in The Plant List. URL consultato il 10 novembre 2015.

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Cicuta: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Cicuta L., 1753 è un genere di piante velenose della famiglia delle Apiacee.

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Cicuta ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Cicuta is een geslacht van vier soorten giftige planten uit de schermbloemenfamilie (Umbelliferae of Apiaceae).

De planten komen van nature voor in de gematigde gebieden van het noordelijk halfrond, vooral in Noord-Amerika. Het zijn eenjarige, kruidachtige planten die 1-2 m hoog worden. De soorten groeien in natte weilanden, langs oevers van beken en andere natte en moerassige biotopen.


De stengels zijn glad, vertakt, opgezwollen bij de basis, paars gestreept of (alleen Cicuta malculata) gevlekt, en hol op aanhechtingsplaats van de bladvoet na. De bladen staan verspreid, drievoudig gedeeld en ruw getand. De bloemen zijn wit, klein en in schermen gegroepeerd zoals in de schermbloemfamilie gebruikelijk is. De stengels en wortels geven bij breuk een gele, olieachtige vloeistof af.

De wortel is dodelijk giftig! De giftigheid wordt veroorzaakt door polyynen, in het bijzonder de stof cicutoxine.


In België en Nederland komt alleen de volgende soort in het wild voor:

In Noord-Amerika kan men hiernaast nog aantreffen:

  • Cicuta bulbifera
  • Cicuta douglasii
  • Cicuta maculata

Ecologische aspecten

De planten in dit geslacht zijn waardplant voor onder meer Agonopterix ciliell en Depressaria daucella.

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wikipedia NL

Cicuta: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Cicuta is een geslacht van vier soorten giftige planten uit de schermbloemenfamilie (Umbelliferae of Apiaceae).

De planten komen van nature voor in de gematigde gebieden van het noordelijk halfrond, vooral in Noord-Amerika. Het zijn eenjarige, kruidachtige planten die 1-2 m hoog worden. De soorten groeien in natte weilanden, langs oevers van beken en andere natte en moerassige biotopen.

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Szalej ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
 src= Zobacz hasła szalej i cykuta w Wikisłowniku

Szalej (Cicuta L.) – rodzaj roślin z rodziny selerowatych. Gatunkiem typowym jest szalej jadowity (Cicuta virosa L.)[2].


Homonimy taksonom.[2]

Cicuta Mill. = Conium L.

Pozycja systematyczna według APweb (2001...)

Rodzaj należący do podrodziny Apioideae Seemann, rodziny selerowatych (Apiaceae Lindl.), rzędu selerowców (Apiales Lindl.), kladu astrowych w obrębie okrytonasiennych[1].

Pozycja w systemie Reveala (1993-1999)

Gromada okrytonasienne (Magnoliophyta Cronquist), podgromada Magnoliophytina Frohne & U. Jensen ex Reveal, klasa Rosopsida Batsch, podklasa dereniowe (Cornidae Frohne & U. Jensen ex Reveal), nadrząd Aralianae Takht., rząd araliowce (Araliales Reveal), rodzina selerowate (Apiaceae Lindl.), plemię Cicuteae A. Rich. ex Lecoq & Juillet, podplemię Cicutinae Dumort., rodzaj szalej (Anethum L.)[3].

Gatunki flory Polski[4]
Inne gatunki
  • Cicuta bulbifera L.
  • Cicuta douglasii (DC.) Coult. & Rose
  • Cicuta maculata L.


  1. a b Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2010-05-01].
  2. a b Index Nominum Genericorum (ING) (ang.). [dostęp 1-01-2009].
  3. Crescent Bloom: Systematyka rodzaju Cicuta (ang.). The Compleat Botanica. [dostęp 2009-01-24].
  4. Zbigniew Mirek, Halina Piękoś-Mirkowa, Adam Zając, Maria Zając: Flowering plants and pteridophytes of Poland. A checklist. Krytyczna lista roślin naczyniowych Polski. Instytut Botaniki PAN im. Władysława Szafera w Krakowie, 2002. ISBN 83-85444-83-1.
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Szalej: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Szalej (Cicuta L.) – rodzaj roślin z rodziny selerowatych. Gatunkiem typowym jest szalej jadowity (Cicuta virosa L.).

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wikipedia POL

Cicuta ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Cicuta L. (também chamado abioto, em alguns lugares de Portugal) é um género de plantas apiáceas que compreende quatro espécies muito venenosas, nativas das regiões temperadas do Hemisfério Norte, especialmente da América do Norte. São plantas herbáceas perenes, que crescem até 1-2 metros.

É também o nome comum do veneno extremamente poderoso produzido pela planta conhecida por cicuta (Conium maculatum), nativa da Europa, do Médio Oriente e da bacia mediterrânica. A principal causa de sua toxicidade é a presença da substância cicutoxina. Além do seu uso para a ponta de flechas, este veneno ficou conhecido como «veneno de Sócrates» porquanto que o filósofo grego o tomou num processo de auto-envenenamento da época por ser acusado de ateísmo e corrompimento dos jovens gregos; antes de falecer, segundo Platão, seu mestre incutiu uma dúvida a seus acusadores: "E agora chegou a hora de nós irmos, eu para morrer, vós para viver; quem de nós fica com a melhor parte ninguém sabe, exceto os deuses."[1]



Classificação do gênero


  1. Apud Guia do Estudante - Atualidades Vestibular + Enem 2011, edição 12, p.93. Editora Abril.

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Cicuta: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Cicuta L. (também chamado abioto, em alguns lugares de Portugal) é um género de plantas apiáceas que compreende quatro espécies muito venenosas, nativas das regiões temperadas do Hemisfério Norte, especialmente da América do Norte. São plantas herbáceas perenes, que crescem até 1-2 metros.

É também o nome comum do veneno extremamente poderoso produzido pela planta conhecida por cicuta (Conium maculatum), nativa da Europa, do Médio Oriente e da bacia mediterrânica. A principal causa de sua toxicidade é a presença da substância cicutoxina. Além do seu uso para a ponta de flechas, este veneno ficou conhecido como «veneno de Sócrates» porquanto que o filósofo grego o tomou num processo de auto-envenenamento da época por ser acusado de ateísmo e corrompimento dos jovens gregos; antes de falecer, segundo Platão, seu mestre incutiu uma dúvida a seus acusadores: "E agora chegou a hora de nós irmos, eu para morrer, vós para viver; quem de nós fica com a melhor parte ninguém sabe, exceto os deuses."

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Цикута ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK
У Вікіпедії є статті про інші значення цього терміна: Віха.

Цику́та або віха́, вех (Cicuta) — рід рослин з чотирьох видів сильно отруйних рослин родини Окружкові (Apiaceae).


Це багаторічні трав'янисті рослини, які виростають до 2,5 метрів (8,2 футів) висотою, вирізняються маленькими зеленими або білими квітками, розташованими у формі парасольки. Як правило, ростуть на сирих луках та інших вологих і болотистих місцях. Ці рослини схожі з іншими членами родини зонтичних і можуть бути сплутані з низкою інших їстівних чи отруйних рослин: з болиголовом (Conium maculatum), який теж є отруйною рослиною, з борщівником.

Три види рослин із цього роду містять токсин (цикутоксин).


На нинішній день нараховують чотири види:[1]

Див. також


  1. Mulligan GA (August 1980). «The genus Cicuta in North America». Canadian Journal of Botany 58 (16): 1755-67. doi: 10.1139/b80-204

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Цикута: Brief Summary ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK
У Вікіпедії є статті про інші значення цього терміна: Віха.

Цику́та або віха́, вех (Cicuta) — рід рослин з чотирьох видів сильно отруйних рослин родини Окружкові (Apiaceae).

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Cicuta ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cicuta là chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Apiaceae.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Cicuta. The Plant List. Truy cập ngày 16 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Cicuta: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cicuta là chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Apiaceae.

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Вёх ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Asteranae
Семейство: Зонтичные
Подсемейство: Сельдерейные
Род: Вёх
Международное научное название

Cicuta L., 1753

Типовой вид Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 29455NCBI 48035EOL 37293GRIN g:2605IPNI 39823-1

Вёх, или вех (лат. Cicúta) — род травянистых растений семейства Зонтичные (Umbelliferae). Объединяет небольшое число видов, содержащих сильнейшие нейротоксины.

Ботаническое описание

Вёх ядовитый
Ботаническая иллюстрация из книги О. В. Томе Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, 1885

Многолетние водолюбивые травы с мясистыми корнями. Листья дважды или трижды пальчато-рассечённые, доли зубчатые. Обёртка может присутствовать, прицветников нет, прицветнички многочисленные.

Цветки в выпуклых сложных зонтиках, обычно белые, иногда зеленоватые или розоватые. Чашечка заметная, с острыми листовидными зубцами. Рыльце пестика головчатое, столбик длинный и тонкий.

Плоды шаровидные до широкояйцевидных, полуплодики пятиребристые, масляные канальцы одиночные в ложбинках.


Во всех частях растений, особенно в больших количествах — в корнях, содержится сильный яд цикутоксин, обладающий нейротоксическим действием, вызывающим рабдомиолиз. Действие яда близко к стрихнину[3].


Широко распространены в умеренной зоне Северного полушария.

Таксономия и систематика

Cicuta L., 1753, Species Plantarum 1: 255[4].



По информации базы данных The Plant List, род включает 5 видов[5]:


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. Сведения о роде Cicuta (англ.) в базе данных Index Nominum Genericorum Международной ассоциации по таксономии растений (IAPT).
  3. Hopkins, P.M.; Ellis, F.R. Hyperthermic and Hypermetabolic Disorders. — Cambridge, New York, 1996. — P. 253. — 286 p. — ISBN 0-521-44381-4.
  4. Sp. Pl. 1: 255.
  5. Cicuta (англ.). The Plant List. Version 1.1. (2013). Проверено 27 сентября 2016.
direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Вёх: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Вёх, или вех (лат. Cicúta) — род травянистых растений семейства Зонтичные (Umbelliferae). Объединяет небольшое число видов, содержащих сильнейшие нейротоксины.

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

毒芹属 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科



  1. ^ 中国种子植物科属词典. 中国数字植物标本馆. (原始内容存档于2012-04-11).


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wikipedia 中文维基百科

毒芹属: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科


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ドクゼリ属 ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
ドクゼリ属 Cicuta virosa Japan1.JPG 分類 : 植物界 Plantae : 被子植物門 Magnoliophyta : 双子葉植物綱 Magnoliopsida 亜綱 : バラ亜綱 Rosidae : セリ目 Apiales : セリ科 Apiaceae : ドクゼリ属 Cicuta 学名 Cicuta L. 種
  • 本文参照
 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ドクゼリ属に関連するカテゴリがあります。





ドクゼリ -羽状複葉になり、小葉の縁に鋸歯がある。



  • ドクゼリ Cicuta virosa L.
    • ヒメドクゼリ Cicuta virosa L. f. angustifolia (Kit.) Schube


  • Cicuta bulbifera L.
  • Cicuta douglasii (DC.) Coult. & Rose
  • Cicuta maculata L.


  •  src=

    Cicuta douglasii

  •  src=

    Cicuta maculata


執筆の途中です この項目は、植物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますプロジェクト:植物Portal:植物)。
direitos autorais
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 日本語

ドクゼリ属: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

fornecido por wikipedia 日本語


direitos autorais
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 日本語