Imagem de Micronella longisensilla Queiroz, GC, de Mendonça & MC 2013
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Micronella longisensilla Queiroz, GC, de Mendonça & MC 2013

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Zookeys
Habitus typical of the genus. Body length of holotype: 0.62 mm; body length range of paratypes: 0.40–0.75 mm. Color in ethanol: white, no pigmentation. Ratio head diagonal: antenna = 1:0,.66. Ant I with 7 chaetae. Ant II with 11 chaetae. Ant III and IV fused dorsally, ventral separation marked. Sensory organ of Ant III with two cloverleaf-shaped sensilla partially covered by a fold of the integument; two longer and subcylindrical guard sensilla, the dorsal one is shorter but greatly enlarged in its width, in relation to the ventral one; ventral microsensillum present (Figs 15–18). Ant IV with simple apical bulb and four sensilla; dorsolateral microsensillum present; subapical organite round; with about 30 ventral chaetae (Fig. 16). Without eyes. PAO bearing 12–13 vesicles disposed as a rosette. Maxillae quadrangular with 6–7 teeth (Fig. 19). Labral formula: 2/2334. Labium typical of Brachystomella, with one papillated chaeta (L) and four proximal chaetae (Fig. 20). Head chaetotaxy as in Fig. 21. Chaetae a0 present; Oc chaetae 3+3, sometimes asymmetric of 2+3. Dorsal chaetotaxy composed of smooth ordinary chaetae (10–25μm) and long sensilla (25–50μm), that becomes longer towards distal segments of the body. Ratio body ordinary chaetae: sensilla = 1:2. Th I with 2+2 chaetae; sensillar formula by half tergum: 022/211110 (Fig. 22). Chaetotaxy of legs I–III as follows: Scx I– 1, 2, 2; Scx II– 0, 2, 2; Cx– 3, 6, 7; Tr– 5, 5, 4; Fe– 12, 11, 10; Tita– 19, 19, 18. Tenent hair on tibiotarsi acuminate; unguis without tooth (Fig. 23). Ventral tube with 3+3 chaetae. Without tenaculum. Furca completely absent, but with a well-defined furcal area with six chaetae (Figs 24–25).Each anal valve with 11–12 chaetae and 2 hr chaetae; Abd VI with 3+3 chaetae on ventral side, 4+4 chaetae on dorsal side and one unpaired chaetae (Figs 26–27). Female genital plate as in Fig. 28.
direitos autorais
Gabriel C. Queiroz, Maria Cleide de Mendonça
citação bibliográfica
Queiroz G, Mendonça M (2013) New species of Brachystomellidae and characterization of Micronella porcus (Denis, 1933) from Brazil ZooKeys 316: 81–98
Gabriel C. Queiroz
Maria Cleide de Mendonça
visite a fonte
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