
Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Zookeys
Body length 7.1–9.0 mm; length of forebody 3.4–3.8 mm. Habitus as in Fig. 2B. Legs reddish to reddish-brown. Other external characters as in Lathrobium iunctum. Male. Sternites III-VI unmodified. Sternite VII distinctly transverse, with slightly asymmetric, somewhat oblique, and relatively extensive median impression, this impression with defined and extensive cluster of numerous distinctly modified, short and stout black setae; posterior margin bisinuate, with shallow excision in asymmetric position (Fig. 4D). Sternite VIII weakly transverse, with small and shallow, somewhat asymmetrically oblique median impression posteriorly, this impression with a cluster of distinctly modified, short and stout black setae on either side of middle; posterior excision shallow and in asymmetric position (Fig. 4E). Sternite IX as in Fig. 4G. Aedeagus (Figs 4F, H) approximately 1.4 mm long (from base of capsule to apex of dorsal plate), slender, distinctly asymmetric, and with small basal portion; ventral process and dorsal plate fused; dorsal plate apically obliquely bifid in ventral view; internal sac with small and weakly sclerotized basal sclerite. Female. Sternite VIII approximately as long as broad and with distinctly convex posterior margin (Fig. 4B). Tergite IX undivided in the middle, with short median portion, and with long posterior processes; tergite X more than twice as long as tergite IX in the middle (Fig. 4C).
direitos autorais
Volker Assing, Zhong Peng, Mei-Jun Zhao
citação bibliográfica
Assing V, Peng Z, Zhao M (2013) On the Lathrobium fauna of the Emei Shan, Sichuan, China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) ZooKeys 277: 47–67
Volker Assing
Zhong Peng
Mei-Jun Zhao
visite a fonte
site do parceiro

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por Zookeys
Like Lathrobium iunctum, Lathrobium coniunctum is probably endemic to the Emei Shan, where the type specimens were sifted from leaf litter at elevations from approximately 1,700 to 2,310 m, partly together with Lathrobium iunctum. One of the collecting sites is illustrated in Fig. 10.
direitos autorais
Volker Assing, Zhong Peng, Mei-Jun Zhao
citação bibliográfica
Assing V, Peng Z, Zhao M (2013) On the Lathrobium fauna of the Emei Shan, Sichuan, China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) ZooKeys 277: 47–67
Volker Assing
Zhong Peng
Mei-Jun Zhao
visite a fonte
site do parceiro