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Dorsal soft rays (total): 11 - 13; Analsoft rays: 14 - 16; Vertebrae: 40 - 42
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- FishBase
Diagnostic Description
fornecido por Fishbase
Distinguished from all congeners in Turkey and adjacent areas by a combination of the following characters (none unique to the species): ventral keel between pelvic fin andanal fin partly or slightly developed; scaleless about 1/2 to 2/3 its length; upper body profile markedly convex, with marked hump at nape, especially in specimens larger than 60 mm SL; upper head profile straight or slightly convex in interorbital area, slightly convex on snout; corner of mouth reaching vertical through anterior margin of pupil; snout with slightly pointedtip; interorbital width 7-8% SL; dark grey stripe indistinct or slightly distinct in anterior part of body but distinct in posterior body; pigmentation of lateral line slightly distinct in anterior part of body but indistinct in posterior part of body in most of specimens; scales on lateral-line 45-52+2-3; scale rows between lateral line and dorsal-fin origin 9-12; scale rows between lateral line and anal-fin origin 4-5; , anal fin with 10½-12½ branched rays; pharyngeal teeth 4.2-2.4, markedly hooked; and total vertebrae 40-42 (20-22, with mode of 21, abdominal and 19-21, with mode of 20, caudal vertebrae) (Ref. 91784).
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- FishBase
fornecido por Fishbase
Occurs in clear fast running water with cobble and pebble substrates. Collected together with Capoeta tinca, Barbus oligolepis, Squalius cii, Vimba vimba, Chondrostoma sp., Rhodeus amarus, Oxynoemacheilus sp. and Alburnus sp. (Ref. 91784).
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- FishBase
Alburnoides manyasensis
fornecido por wikipedia AZ
Alburnoides manyasensis (lat.) — Çəkiyəbənzərlər dəstəsinə, Alburnoides cinsinə daxil olan növ. Türkiyədə yerləşən Kuş gölündən axan Simav çayının endemik canlısıdır. Sürətli axan şəffaf sularda, mçay daşları ilə zəngin olan əraziləri sevirlər. Bədəninin uzunluğu 9,2 sm-dir[1].
↑ Davut Turan, Cüneyt Kaya, F. Güler Ekmekçi, S. Serkan Güçlü. Alburnoides manyasensis (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae), a new species of cyprinid fish from Manyas Lake basin, Turkey // ZooKeys. — 2013. — № 276. — P. 85-102. — DOI:10.3897/zookeys.276.4107.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
Alburnoides manyasensis: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia AZ
Alburnoides manyasensis (lat.) — Çəkiyəbənzərlər dəstəsinə, Alburnoides cinsinə daxil olan növ. Türkiyədə yerləşən Kuş gölündən axan Simav çayının endemik canlısıdır. Sürətli axan şəffaf sularda, mçay daşları ilə zəngin olan əraziləri sevirlər. Bədəninin uzunluğu 9,2 sm-dir.
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- Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
Manyas spirlin
fornecido por wikipedia EN
The Manyas spirlin (Alburnoides manyasensis) is a species of minnow that is endemic to the Simav River drainage of Lake Kuş, also known as Lake Manyas, in Turkey. It may become threatened as its range is densely inhabited and increasingly industrialized.
Further reading
- Turan, Davut, et al. Alburnoides manyasensis (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae), a new species of cyprinid fish from Manyas Lake basin, Turkey. ZooKeys 276 (2013): 85.
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- Wikipedia authors and editors
Manyas spirlin: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia EN
The Manyas spirlin (Alburnoides manyasensis) is a species of minnow that is endemic to the Simav River drainage of Lake Kuş, also known as Lake Manyas, in Turkey. It may become threatened as its range is densely inhabited and increasingly industrialized.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Wikipedia authors and editors
Alburnoides manyasensis
fornecido por wikipedia EU
(RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.log.warn("Gadget "ErrefAurrebista" was not loaded. Please migrate it to use ResourceLoader. See u003C");});
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- Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
Alburnoides manyasensis: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia EU
Alburnoides manyasensis Alburnoides generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cyprinidae familian.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
Alburnoides manyasensis
fornecido por wikipedia UK
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- Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
Alburnoides manyasensis: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia UK
Alburnoides manyasensis — вид коропоподібних риб роду Бистрянка (Alburnoides) родини Коропові (Cyprinidae). Вид є ендеміком річки Коса, притоки озера Маньяс (басейн Мармурового моря в Анатолії, Туреччина). Полюбляє прозорі та швидкі струмки з каменистим дном. Тіло завдовжки 9,2 см.
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- Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
Alburnoides manyasensis
fornecido por wikipedia VI
Alburnoides manyasensis là một loài cá trong họ Cyprinidae, đây là loài cá mới được phát hiện tại Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ ở hồ Manyas, Anatolia.
Đặc điểm
Loài này được phát hiện từ từ suối Koca, khu vực thoát nước của hồ Manyas, lưu vực biển Marmana ở Anatolia. Tên của loài này là một tính từ có nguồn gốc từ tên của hồ Manyas mà loài mới này có thể là loài đặc hữu. Loài A. manyasensis cư trú ở vùng nước trong chảy xiết với chất nền đá cuội và sỏi. Nó là một đại diện tương đối nhỏ của họ Cyprinidae với chiều dài cơ thể tối đa chỉ 3.6 inch (tương đương 92 mm). Nó được phân biệt bởi các điểm đen nhỏ ở hai bên sườn, đặc biệt là những điểm nổi bật ở phía trước thân.
Chú thích
Tham khảo
Dữ liệu liên quan tới Alburnoides manyasensis tại Wikispecies
- Freyhof, J. (2014). "Alburnoides manyasensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Truy cập ngày 29 tháng 8 năm 2014.
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- Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
Alburnoides manyasensis: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia VI
Alburnoides manyasensis là một loài cá trong họ Cyprinidae, đây là loài cá mới được phát hiện tại Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ ở hồ Manyas, Anatolia.
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- Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
Alburnoides manyasensis
fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Подсерия: Cypriniphysi
Вид: Alburnoides manyasensis
Международное научное название
Alburnoides manyasensis Turan, Ekmekçi, Kaya & Güçlü, 2013
на Викивидах
на Викискладе Alburnoides manyasensis (лат.) — вид лучепёрых рыб семейства карповых. Вид является эндемиком реки Simav, притока озера Маньяс (бассейн Мраморного моря в Анатолии, Турция). Любит прозрачные и быстрые ручьи с каменистым дном. Тело длиной 9,2 см [1].
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Авторы и редакторы Википедии
Alburnoides manyasensis: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Alburnoides manyasensis (лат.) — вид лучепёрых рыб семейства карповых. Вид является эндемиком реки Simav, притока озера Маньяс (бассейн Мраморного моря в Анатолии, Турция). Любит прозрачные и быстрые ручьи с каменистым дном. Тело длиной 9,2 см .
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Авторы и редакторы Википедии
fornecido por Zookeys
Maximum known size 92 mm SL. General appearance shown in Fig. 3; morphometric and meristic data given in Tables 1 and 3. Body deep, its depth at dorsal-fin origin 29–32% SL, mean 29.4, at anal-fin origin 22–27% SL, mean 24.4, and markedly compressed. Dorsal profile markedly convex with marked hump at nape in specimens larger than 60 mm SL, ventral profile less convex than dorsal profile. Predorsal length 52–58% SL, mean 54.2. Caudal peduncle deep, its depth 11–12% SL, mean 11.5. Head short, its length 25–27% SL, mean 26.0, approximately 0.8–0.9 times body depth at dorsal fin origin, dorsal profile straight or slightly convex at interorbital area, slightly convex at snout. Snout short, slightly pointed, its length 6–8% SL, mean 6.8, shorter than both eye diameter (eye diameter 7–9% SL, mean 8.2) and interorbital width (interorbital width 7–8 %SL, mean 7.7). Mouth terminal, with very slightly marked chin, its corner reaching vertical through anterior margin of pupil.
Lateral line with 45–52 + 2–3 scales; (9)10–12 scales rows between lateral line and dorsal-fin origin; 4–5 scales between lateral line and anal-fin origin. Gill rakers 8−10: 2–3 + 6–7 on outer side of first gill arch. Dorsal fin with 3 simple and 8½, rarely 7½ or 9½, branched rays; its depth 21–27% SL, outer margin straight or slightly concave. Pectoral fin long, not reaching pelvic-fin origin in both sexes, its length 20–24% SL, outer margin slightly convex, with 12–13 branched rays. Pelvic fin rounded, reaching or slightly behind anus, with 1 simple and 7 branched rays. Anal fin with 3 simple and 10½–12½ branched rays, outer margin concave. Caudal fin forked, lobes slightly pointed.
Pharyngeal teeth 4.2–2.4, markedly hooked. Total vertebrae 40–42; predorsal vertebrae 13–15 with mode of 14; number of abdominal vertebrae 20–22 with mode of 21, and that of caudal vertebrae 19–21 with mode of 20 (frequency of occurrence of character states given in Table 3). Abdominal region longer than caudal region, rarely regions equal, and difference between abdominal and caudal counts varying from 2 to –1; most common vertebral formula 21+20.
Sexual dimorphism. There are small tubercles on rays of anal fins in male. The length of the paired fins does not display any statistically significant difference in males and females as it often occurs in other Alburnoides species.
Coloration. Formalin preserved adults and juveniles brownish on back and upper part of flank, yellowish on lower part of flank and belly. Caudal and dorsal fins light grey; pectoral, pelvic and anal fins yellowish. Spots along lateral line above and below pores slightly distinct in anterior part of body but indistinct in posterior part. Dark grey stripe (its width approximately equal to eye diameter) on upper part of flank from posterior margin of operculum to caudal peduncle, slightly distinct in anterior body part but clearly distinct in posterior part. No or few dark pigment dots on each scale pocket below lateral stripe.
- licença
- cc-by-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Davut Turan, F. Güler Ekmekçi, Cüneyt Kaya, S. Serkan Güçlü
- citação bibliográfica
- Turan D, Ekmekçi F, Kaya C, Güçlü S (2013) Alburnoides manyasensis (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae), a new species of cyprinid fish from Manyas Lake basin, Turkey ZooKeys 276: 85–02
- autor
- Davut Turan
- autor
- F. Güler Ekmekçi
- autor
- Cüneyt Kaya
- autor
- S. Serkan Güçlü
fornecido por Zookeys
Alburnoides manyasensis is known only from the Koca Stream, drainage of Lake Manyas, Marmara Sea basin (Fig. 1).It inhabits clear fast running water with cobble and pebble substrates. Capoeta tinca (Heckel, 1843), Barbus oligolepis Battalgil, 1941, Squalius cii (Richardson, 1857), Vimba vimba (Linnaeus, 1758), Chondrostoma sp., Rhodeus amarus (Bloch, 1782), Oxynoemacheilus sp. and Alburnus sp.were collected together with Alburnoides manyasensis.
- licença
- cc-by-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Davut Turan, F. Güler Ekmekçi, Cüneyt Kaya, S. Serkan Güçlü
- citação bibliográfica
- Turan D, Ekmekçi F, Kaya C, Güçlü S (2013) Alburnoides manyasensis (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae), a new species of cyprinid fish from Manyas Lake basin, Turkey ZooKeys 276: 85–02
- autor
- Davut Turan
- autor
- F. Güler Ekmekçi
- autor
- Cüneyt Kaya
- autor
- S. Serkan Güçlü