Luciobarbus graecus és una espècie de peix de la família dels ciprínids i de l'ordre dels cipriniformes.
Es troba a Albània i Grècia.[3]
Luciobarbus graecus és una espècie de peix de la família dels ciprínids i de l'ordre dels cipriniformes.
Luciobarbus graecus is a ray-finned fish species in the family Cyprinidae. It is here placed in Luciobarbus following the IUCN, but that genus is very closely related to the other typical barbels and perhaps better considered a mere subgenus of Barbus. Found in and adjacent to Greece, its closest living relative seems to be L. lydianus, which is found in the northwest of Asia Minor.[2]
It is a large barbel and can grow to almost 70 cm (28 in) long, though a typical adult is much smaller, at 10 to 20 cm (3.9 to 7.9 in) standard length. The lateral line extends along the whole body, which is rather large-scaled, with usually 45 to 46 scales along the lateral line, 8 rows above it and 6 rows below. The pectoral fins usually have 17 fin rays. Its fins tend to be larger on average than in its relatives, and the anal fin usually begins somewhat closer to the fairly blunt (for a Luciobarbus) snout. Its eyes are large and the head is high and narrow by the standards of its genus. Like its relatives, it has four barbels, but these are slightly shorter on average than in its relatives. Unlike in L. lydianus, its lips are not markedly swollen and of equal size; it also lacks the black spot at the root of each body scale, but has a rather prominent black rim to each body scale. It is otherwise unmarked greyish-brown above, on the sides and on most fins, and pale yellowish below and on the ventral and anal fins.[3]
This species mainly occurs in Greece, but its range barely seems to extend into Albania. It is found in the Spercheios River drainage basin. It also occurs in the Cephissus River and in Lake Yliki. In former times it was found in Lake Paralimni, but this has been drained. It inhabits lakes and slow-moving rivers. Spawning occurs in June over sandy ground.[4]
Only found in a limited area, its stocks have declined significantly due to habitat destruction and overuse of water for agriculture, water pollution, and overfishing. It is protected by law, but enforcement is considered inefficient. The species is classified as Endangered by the IUCN.[4]
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: CS1 maint: date and year (link) Luciobarbus graecus is a ray-finned fish species in the family Cyprinidae. It is here placed in Luciobarbus following the IUCN, but that genus is very closely related to the other typical barbels and perhaps better considered a mere subgenus of Barbus. Found in and adjacent to Greece, its closest living relative seems to be L. lydianus, which is found in the northwest of Asia Minor.
It is a large barbel and can grow to almost 70 cm (28 in) long, though a typical adult is much smaller, at 10 to 20 cm (3.9 to 7.9 in) standard length. The lateral line extends along the whole body, which is rather large-scaled, with usually 45 to 46 scales along the lateral line, 8 rows above it and 6 rows below. The pectoral fins usually have 17 fin rays. Its fins tend to be larger on average than in its relatives, and the anal fin usually begins somewhat closer to the fairly blunt (for a Luciobarbus) snout. Its eyes are large and the head is high and narrow by the standards of its genus. Like its relatives, it has four barbels, but these are slightly shorter on average than in its relatives. Unlike in L. lydianus, its lips are not markedly swollen and of equal size; it also lacks the black spot at the root of each body scale, but has a rather prominent black rim to each body scale. It is otherwise unmarked greyish-brown above, on the sides and on most fins, and pale yellowish below and on the ventral and anal fins.
This species mainly occurs in Greece, but its range barely seems to extend into Albania. It is found in the Spercheios River drainage basin. It also occurs in the Cephissus River and in Lake Yliki. In former times it was found in Lake Paralimni, but this has been drained. It inhabits lakes and slow-moving rivers. Spawning occurs in June over sandy ground.
Only found in a limited area, its stocks have declined significantly due to habitat destruction and overuse of water for agriculture, water pollution, and overfishing. It is protected by law, but enforcement is considered inefficient. The species is classified as Endangered by the IUCN.
Luciobarbus graecus es una especie de peces dulceacuícolas de la familia Cyprinidae, orden Cypriniformes que habitan en Albania y Grecia.[1]
Luciobarbus graecus es una especie de peces dulceacuícolas de la familia Cyprinidae, orden Cypriniformes que habitan en Albania y Grecia.
Luciobarbus graecus Luciobarbus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cyprinidae familian.
Luciobarbus graecus Luciobarbus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cyprinidae familian.
Luciobarbus graecus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de eigenlijke karpers (Cyprinidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1895 door Steindachner.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesLuciobarbus graecus er en art av karpefisker.
Luciobarbus er tetraploid med 2n = 4x = 100 kromosomer. De er mellomstore til svært store fisker med fire skjeggtråder rundt den overbitte munnen.
Klassifikasjon etter WoRMS 2017.[3]
Luciobarbus graecus er en art av karpefisker.
Luciobarbus er tetraploid med 2n = 4x = 100 kromosomer. De er mellomstore til svært store fisker med fire skjeggtråder rundt den overbitte munnen.
Luciobarbus graecus là một loài cá vây tia trong họ Cyprinidae. Loài này được đặt trong Luciobarbus theo IUCN, nhưng chi đó có quan hệ rất gần với cá râu và có lẽ tốt hơn hến nên được xem là một phân chi của Barbus. Được tìm thấy ở trong và phụ cận Hy Lạp, loài có mối quan hệ gần nhất với loài này có lẽ là L. lydianus, được tìm thấy ở tây bắc Tiểu Á.[1]
Luciobarbus graecus là một loài cá vây tia trong họ Cyprinidae. Loài này được đặt trong Luciobarbus theo IUCN, nhưng chi đó có quan hệ rất gần với cá râu và có lẽ tốt hơn hến nên được xem là một phân chi của Barbus. Được tìm thấy ở trong và phụ cận Hy Lạp, loài có mối quan hệ gần nhất với loài này có lẽ là L. lydianus, được tìm thấy ở tây bắc Tiểu Á.
希臘魮(学名:Luciobarbus graecus)为輻鰭魚綱鯉形目鲤科的其中一種。分布於歐洲希臘及阿爾巴尼亞,被IUCN列為瀕危保育類動物,體長可達50公分,棲息在礫石底質的平原溪流,受外來種及汙染的威脅,可做為食用魚。
希臘魮(学名:Luciobarbus graecus)为輻鰭魚綱鯉形目鲤科的其中一種。分布於歐洲希臘及阿爾巴尼亞,被IUCN列為瀕危保育類動物,體長可達50公分,棲息在礫石底質的平原溪流,受外來種及汙染的威脅,可做為食用魚。