
Pygidicranidae ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Pygidicranidae is a family of earwigs, formerly placed in the suborder Forficulina, now in the suborder Neodermaptera. The family currently contains twelve subfamilies and twenty six genera. Eight of the subfamilies are monotypic, each containing a single genus. Of the subfamilies, both Astreptolabidinae and Burmapygiinae are extinct and known solely from fossils found in Burmese amber.[1] Similarly Archaeosoma, Gallinympha, and Geosoma, which have not been placed into any of the subfamilies, are also known only from fossils. Living members of the family are found in Australia, South Africa,[2] North America,[3] and Asia.[4] The monotypic genus Anataelia, described by Ignacio Bolivar in 1899, is found only on the Canary Islands.[5] As with all members of Neodermaptera, pygidicranids do not have any ocelli. The typical pygidicranid bodyplan includes a small, flattened-looking body, which has a dense covering of bristly hairs (setae). The pair of cerci at the end of the abdomen are symmetrical in structure. The head is broad, with the fourth, fifth and sixth antenna segments (antennomeres) that are not transverse. In general Pygidicranids also have equally sized ventral cervical sclerites, and in having the rearmost sclerite separated from, or only touching the center of the prosternum.[1] Cannibalism of young has been observed in at least one species in the family, Challia hongkongensis, in which an adult female was found eating a still-living nymph of the same species. The same species in a different area has been observed possibly eating fruits or seeds, making the species an omnivore.[4]


Current Pygidicranidae subfamilies and genera, as listed in the Dermaptera Species File.[6]

Pygidicranidae Verhoeff, 1902


  1. ^ a b Engel, M.S. (2011). "New earwigs in mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar (Dermaptera, Neodermaptera)". ZooKeys (130): 137–152. doi:10.3897/zookeys.130.1293. PMC 3260755. PMID 22259272.
  2. ^ A Dictionary of Entomology accessed 4 September 2012
  3. ^ Encyclopedia of Insects accessed 4 September 2012
  4. ^ a b Wai-chun, George Ho (2010). "Biological notes on Challia hongkongensis Ho & Nishikawa (Dermaptera: Pygidicranidae: Challinae)" (PDF). Hong Kong Entomological Bulletin. 2 (2): 27–8.
  5. ^ The Entomologist's record and journal of variation, Volume 14 accessed 4 September 2012
  6. ^ Dermaptera Species File Pygidicranidae entry accessed 4 September 2012
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wikipedia EN

Pygidicranidae: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Pygidicranidae is a family of earwigs, formerly placed in the suborder Forficulina, now in the suborder Neodermaptera. The family currently contains twelve subfamilies and twenty six genera. Eight of the subfamilies are monotypic, each containing a single genus. Of the subfamilies, both Astreptolabidinae and Burmapygiinae are extinct and known solely from fossils found in Burmese amber. Similarly Archaeosoma, Gallinympha, and Geosoma, which have not been placed into any of the subfamilies, are also known only from fossils. Living members of the family are found in Australia, South Africa, North America, and Asia. The monotypic genus Anataelia, described by Ignacio Bolivar in 1899, is found only on the Canary Islands. As with all members of Neodermaptera, pygidicranids do not have any ocelli. The typical pygidicranid bodyplan includes a small, flattened-looking body, which has a dense covering of bristly hairs (setae). The pair of cerci at the end of the abdomen are symmetrical in structure. The head is broad, with the fourth, fifth and sixth antenna segments (antennomeres) that are not transverse. In general Pygidicranids also have equally sized ventral cervical sclerites, and in having the rearmost sclerite separated from, or only touching the center of the prosternum. Cannibalism of young has been observed in at least one species in the family, Challia hongkongensis, in which an adult female was found eating a still-living nymph of the same species. The same species in a different area has been observed possibly eating fruits or seeds, making the species an omnivore.

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wikipedia EN

Pygidicranidae ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Pygidicranidae forment une famille d'insectes dermaptères. Il y a plus de 300 espèces dans 29 genres en 12 sous-familles.

Liste des sous-familles et genres

Selon Species File (18 novembre 2013)[2] :

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Pygidicranidae: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Pygidicranidae forment une famille d'insectes dermaptères. Il y a plus de 300 espèces dans 29 genres en 12 sous-familles.

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Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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wikipedia FR

Pygidicranidae ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Pygidicranidae er en familie med insekter innen ordenen saksedyr. De lever vanligvis noe bortgjemt, i sprekker, blomster, under stener og bark.


Ganske lange og slanke saksedyr. Hodet er femkantet med middelsstore fasettøyne. Antennene er lange og tynne, trådformede. Halsen skiller seg anatomisk fra den hos andre saksedyr og blir beskrevet som "kakerlakk-lignende". Kroppen er smal og parallellsidig, vingene vanligvis velutviklede med smale dekkvinger. Beina er korte og kraftige. Tangen på bakkroppsspissen er kraftig.



Familien er utbredt i tropiske områder over det meste av verden: Sør- og Mellom-Amerika, Karibia, Afrika sør for Sahara, Madagaskar, Sørøst-Asia østover til Ny-Guinea og det vestlige og nordlige Australia.

Systematisk inndeling



Eksterne lenker

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wikipedia NO

Pygidicranidae: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Pygidicranidae er en familie med insekter innen ordenen saksedyr. De lever vanligvis noe bortgjemt, i sprekker, blomster, under stener og bark.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
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wikipedia NO

Pygidicranidae ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Латинское название Pygidicranidae Verhoeff, 1902 Подсемейства

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

NCBI 202347

Pygidicranidae (лат.)— семейство уховёрток, насчитывающее более 300 видов из 29 родов в 12 подсемействах. Самые ранние находки семейства в ископаемом состоянии известны из бирманского[1] и французского янтарей[2] (меловой период).


Встречаются везде, кроме Европы и Северной Америки.



  1. Mingyue Ren, Weiting Zhang, Chungkun Shih, Dong Ren. A new earwig (Dermaptera: Pygidicranidae) from the Upper Cretaceous Myanmar amber // Cretaceous Research. — 2017-06-01. — Т. 74. — С. 137–141. — ISSN 0195-6671. — DOI:10.1016/j.cretres.2017.02.012.
  2. Vincent Perrichot, Michael S. Engel, André Nel, Paul Tafforeau, Carmen Soriano. New earwig nymphs (Dermaptera: Pygidicranidae) in mid-Cretaceous amber from France // Cretaceous Research. — 2011-06-01. — Т. 32, вып. 3. — С. 325–330. — ISSN 0195-6671. — DOI:10.1016/j.cretres.2011.01.004.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Pygidicranidae: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Pygidicranidae (лат.)— семейство уховёрток, насчитывающее более 300 видов из 29 родов в 12 подсемействах. Самые ранние находки семейства в ископаемом состоянии известны из бирманского и французского янтарей (меловой период).

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

긴가슴집게벌레과 ( Coreano )

fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

긴가슴집게벌레과(Pygidicranidae) 또는 고려집게벌레과집게벌레목에 속하는 곤충 과이다. 현재, 12개 아과에 26속으로 분류하고 있다. 아과 중 8개 아과는 단일 속만이 존재하는 단형 아과이다. 아과 중에서 아스트렙톨라비스아과(Astreptolabidinae)와 부르마피기아아과(Burmapygiinae)는 멸종되었으며, 버마산 호박 안에서 발견된 화석종으로 유명하다.[1]

한국에서 발견되는 종

한국의 긴가슴집게벌레는 고려집게벌레와 규산고려집게벌레의 2종이었으나, 니시카와(Nishikawa) 박사가 2006년 2종을 신종 발표하여 총 4종이 서식한다.[2]


  1. Engel, M.S. (2011). “New earwigs in mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar (Dermaptera, Neodermaptera)”. 《ZooKeys》 130: 137–152. doi:10.3897/zookeys.130.1293.
  2. 백문기, 황정미, 정광수, 김태우, 김명철 저 (2010년 8월 20일). 《한국 곤충 총 목록, 2010》. 자연과생태.
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