Imagem de Odontolabis cuvera gestroi Boileau 1902
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Odontolabis cuvera Hope 1842

Odontolabis cuvera ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Odontolabis cuvera, the golden stag beetle, is a beetle of the family Lucanidae, stag beetles.


The Latin species name Cuvera comes from a mythical king of riches (Kubera or "Kuvera") who lived in the Himalayas.[1]

List of subspecies



Odontolabis cuvera can reach a length (mandibles included) of about 43–90 millimetres (1.7–3.5 in) in male, of about 41–51 millimetres (1.6–2.0 in) in females.[3] Moreover, males have a conspicuously elongated and large pair of mandibles. The basic color of the body is black. Elytra have broad orange margins on the outer edge. The female closely resembles the male in coloration but it lacks long mandibles.[1]

The remarkably disparity between male and females (sexual dimorphism) evolved through sexual selection for securing mating females.[4] The males have also three morphological forms with variations in the size of their mandibles. These three alternative phenotypes (male trimorphism) in the types of male weapons are considered conditional reproductive strategies.[5][6] In Lucanidae, there has only been two species described with this trimorphic characteristic as of 2017, with the other one being Dorcus rectus.[7]

In the subspecies Odontolabis cuvera sinensis elytra are almost completely black, with a small orange border. These beetles can reach a length of about 80 millimetres (3.1 in).[8]

Life cycle

The females lay their eggs into leaf litter substrate and rotten wood. Larvae build their cave system and stay inside it, feeding for several years on rotting wood.[9]


This beetle is native to southeast Asia and it is present in Bhutan, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Viet Nam.[1]




  1. ^ a b c E. A. D'Abreu The beetles of the Himalayas Calcutta and Simla Thacker, Spink and Co (1915)
  2. ^ Biolib
  3. ^ Beetle Space
  4. ^ K Kawano Developmental Stability and Adaptive Variability of Male Genitalia in Sexually Dimorphic Beetles The American Naturalist - The University of Chicago
  5. ^ J. Mark Rowland and Douglas J. Emlen Two Thresholds, Three Male Forms Result in Facultative Male Trimorphism in Beetles Science 6 February 2009: Vol. 323 no. 5915 pp. 773-776
  6. ^ Frederick William Hope (1842) On some rare and beautiful coleopterous insects from Silhet, the major part belonging to the collection of Frederic Parry, Esq., of Cheltenham Annals and Magazine of Natural History, The Linnaean Society, Vol. 9, pg. 247-248
  7. ^ Matsumoto, Keita; Knell, Robert (December 1, 2017). "Diverse and complex male polymorphisms in Odontolabis stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)". Scientific Reports. 7 (1): 16733. Bibcode:2017NatSR...716733M. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-17115-5. PMC 5711891. PMID 29196728. S2CID 41352570.
  8. ^ Insect Life Forms
  9. ^ Beetles breeding

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wikipedia EN

Odontolabis cuvera: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Odontolabis cuvera, the golden stag beetle, is a beetle of the family Lucanidae, stag beetles.

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wikipedia EN

Odontolabis cuvera ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Odontolabis cuvera es una especie de coleóptero de la familia Lucanidae.

Distribución geográfica

Habita en Bangladés, Darjeeling, Assam, Nepal y Bután.[1]


  1. Hallan, Joel Kenneth (6 de junio de 2010). «Synopsis of the described Coleoptera of the World». Biology Catalog de la Universidad de Texas A&M (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 2016. Consultado el 15 de enero de 2012.
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wikipedia ES

Odontolabis cuvera: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Odontolabis cuvera es una especie de coleóptero de la familia Lucanidae.

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Odontolabis cuvera ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Odontolabis cuvera est une espèce d'insectes coléoptères de la famille des Lucanidae et de la sous-famille des Lucaninae.


Espèce décrite par l'entomologiste britannique Frederick William Hope en 1842, sous le nom d'Odontolabis cuvera.


Liste des sous-espèces :


Cette espèce est originaire d'Asie du Sud-Est et vit au Bangladesh, en Inde (Darjeeling, Assam), au Népal et au Bhoutan.

Notes et références


  • (en) Frederick William Hope, « On some rare and beautiful coleopterous insects from Silhet, the major part belonging to the collection of Frederic Parry, Esq., of Cheltenham », Annals and Magazine of Natural History, The Linnaean Society, vol. 9,‎ 1842, p. 247-248 (lire en ligne)
  • (fr) Lacroix, Les Coléoptères du Monde, vol. 4 : Odontolabini I (Lucanidae) - Genera Chalcodes, Odontolabis, Heterochtes, 1984, 175 p.
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wikipedia FR

Odontolabis cuvera: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Odontolabis cuvera est une espèce d'insectes coléoptères de la famille des Lucanidae et de la sous-famille des Lucaninae.

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wikipedia FR

Odontolabis cuvera ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Odontolabis cuvera is een keversoort uit de familie vliegende herten (Lucanidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1842 door Hope.[1]

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Odontolabis cuvera ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Odontolabis cuvera er en bille som hører til familien hjortebiller (Lucanidae) i gruppen skarabider (Scarabaeoidea).


En stor til meget stor (hannen 38-90 millimeter) og kraftig, blankt svart hjortebille, dekkvingene er svarte i midten og oransje til oransjerøde på sidene, tegningene varierer fra oransje med en kileformet, svart midtflekk til svart med oransje ytterkant. Hannen har stort hode og forstørrede kjever, men formen på disse kan variere mye. Store hanner har gjerne lange, buede kjever med en kraftig, nedoverrettet tann ved roten og flere tenner i spissen, mindre hanner har ofte korte, kraftige kjever som er mer eller mindre sagtakkede. Hodet har et kort, trekantet utskudd bak fasettøynene. Pronotum er innsnevret bakerst. Hunnen er bredere, uten forstørrede kjever, hodet med et rundet utskudd under fasettøynene.


Larvene utvikler seg i råtne trestammer.


Arten er utbredt fra India i vest til Vietnam i øst.

Systematisk inndeling

To hanner og en hunn


Eksterne lenker

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wikipedia NO

Odontolabis cuvera: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Odontolabis cuvera er en bille som hører til familien hjortebiller (Lucanidae) i gruppen skarabider (Scarabaeoidea).

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Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
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wikipedia NO

Odontolabis cuvera ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Odontolabis cuvera là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Lucanidae. Con đực có 3 dạng hình thái với các kích thước khác nhau.[1]

Đây là loài bản địa của Đông Nam Á.

Odontolabis cuvera sjh.jpg

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 src= Phương tiện liên quan tới Odontolabis cuvera tại Wikimedia Commons

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Odontolabis cuvera: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Odontolabis cuvera là một loài bọ cánh cứng trong họ Lucanidae. Con đực có 3 dạng hình thái với các kích thước khác nhau.

Đây là loài bản địa của Đông Nam Á.

Odontolabis cuvera sjh.jpg  src= Tây Ghats
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Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
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wikipedia VI