fornecido por eFloras
The leaf blade of Tillandsia paucifolia is often shorter than the leaf sheath.
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- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
fornecido por eFloras
Plants single or clustering, flowering to 15 cm. Stems short. Leaves 5--10, many-ranked, recurved to twisted, silvery gray, to 12 ´ 0.3--0.6 cm, grayish-scaly; sheath nearly chestnut brown within, ovate, conspicuously inflated, forming small pseudobulb, 1.5--3.5 cm wide; blade narrowly triangular, semisucculent, margins involute, apex obtuse to nearly acute. Inflorescences: scape short and conspicous, erect or ascending, 1--6 cm, 2--3 mm diam.; bracts densely imbricate, erect to spreading, like leaves but gradually smaller; sheath of bracts narrowing gradually into blade; single spikes, or with 2--4 lateral spikes, usually ascending, pinnate, linear to narrowly elliptic, compressed, 2--7 ´ 0.6--1 cm, apex acute to obtuse. Floral bracts imbricate, erect, pale pink, broad (covering all or most of rachis, rachis not visible at anthesis), elliptic, not keeled, 2--3 cm, thin-leathery, base visible at anthesis, apex broadly acute to obtuse, surfaces densely grayish-scaly. Flowers 2--15, conspicuous; sepals with adaxial pair short connate, lanceolate, keeled, to 2 cm, thin-leathery to papery, veined, apex acute, surfaces sparsely scaly; corolla tubular; petals erect, lavender-blue, ligulate, to 4 cm; stamens exserted; stigma exserted, conduplicate-spiral. Fruits to 4 cm.
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- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
fornecido por eFloras
Fla.; Mexico; West Indies; Central America; South America.
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- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
fornecido por eFloras
Flowering spring--summer.
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- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
fornecido por eFloras
Epiphytic in bright exposed habitats; 0--30m.
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- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
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- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
Espanhol; Castelhano
fornecido por INBio
Distribucion en Costa Rica: Se encuentra en Guanacaste, en el Golfo de Nicoya, Puntarenas y Punta Loros, entre los 0 y 300 m de elevación.
Distribucion General: De Florida a Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela y las Antillas.
- autor
- J. Francisco Morales
- editor
- Fabiana Murillo.
Diagnostic Description
Espanhol; Castelhano
fornecido por INBio
Localidad del tipo: Cultivada en Inglaterra, Kew.
Depositario del tipo: T: K
Recolector del tipo: Kew Hortus s n
- autor
- J. Francisco Morales
- editor
- Fabiana Murillo.
Diagnostic Description
Espanhol; Castelhano
fornecido por INBio
Epífitas. Hojas de 8 a 17.5 (y hasta 21) cm, en una roseta bulbosa, de subcoriáceas a coriáceas. Vainas de 1.8 a 2.7 cm, de color canela, cinéreo-lepidotas. Láminas de 0.5 a 2 cm, de triangulares a subuladas, involutas, densamente cinéreo-lepidotas. Escapo de 1.5 a 6 cm, erecto. Brácteas más largas que los entrenudos, imbricadas. Inflorescencia erecta, de 4 a 6 cm, simple, digitada o cortamente unipinnada, terminal. Ramos laterales de 3.5 a 8 cm. Brácteas florales de 1.9 a 3.2 cm, más largas que los sépalos, imbricadas, ecarinadas, nervadas, densamente cinéreo-lepidotas, coriáceas. Sépalos de 1.3 a 2.1 cm, de glabros a cinéreo-lepidotos, coriáceos. Pétalos de morado a lila. Cápsulas de 4 a 5.5 cm. Se reconoce por su hábitat restringido al bosque seco e inflorescencias cortas y compactas.
- autor
- J. Francisco Morales
- editor
- Fabiana Murillo.
Espanhol; Castelhano
fornecido por INBio
Bosques secos; es común cerca de la costa.
- autor
- J. Francisco Morales
- editor
- Fabiana Murillo.
Tillandsia paucifolia
fornecido por wikipedia EN
Tillandsia paucifolia, the potbelly airplant,[3] is a species of bromeliad in the genus Tillandsia.[4] This species is native to Central America, central and southern Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, the West Indies, and Florida.[5][6][7][8][9][10][11]
Tillandsia paucifolia can either grow singularly or in clusters and typically have five to ten leaves. The leaves of this species of Tillandsia are light green and silver-gray in color and are short with tapered ends. T. paucifolia have a large bulbous base which distinguishes them from other Tillandsias. The leaves of T. paucifolia are covered in trichomes, which are hair-like structures that increase the surface area on the leaves to maximize nutrient and water absorption from the air. The particular trichomes of the Tillandsia paucifolia are exceptionally sizable and copious.[12]
Tillandsia paucifolia are angiosperms[13] with flowers that range from a pale pink to a lavender-blue color. Flowers of these epiphytes can be animal-pollinated.[14] Animals such as bees, beetles, and hummingbirds are known to pollinate T. paucifolia diurnally (during the day) while there have been reports of moths and bats that pollinate nocturnally.[15] As a reward to the animals that facilitate the pollination, these angiosperms will sometimes produce nectar.[14] With increased visitation from animal pollinators, these epiphytes are more likely to receive more genetically varying pollen, leading to better quality seeds.[14]
Tillandsia paucifolia are vascular epiphytes that lack traditional roots like other plants. Their roots serve primarily to secure themselves to the trees that they reside on.[16] T. paucifolia found in southwest Florida mainly inhabit slash pine trees although they are not host-specific and can be seen growing on numerous other trees. Although T. paucifolia are not parasitic and only use their host trees as support, there can be adverse effects when present in large numbers and in certain parts of the trees.[16] Heavily infested host trees can undergo states of nutritional stress caused by these epiphytes (Benzing 1978). When present in large numbers, T. paucifolia can also cause limb breakage and excess shade on their host trees.[16]
Tillandsia 'Aleta'[17]
Tillandsia 'Ask Harry'[17]
Tillandsia 'Asombroso'[17]
Tillandsia 'Diana'[17]
Tillandsia 'Frolic'[17]
Tillandsia 'Humbug'[17]
^ "Tillandsia paucifolia Baker". Plants of the World Online. The Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. n.d. Retrieved July 18, 2020.
^ "Tillandsia paucifolia Baker". World Flora Online. The World Flora Online Consortium. n.d. Retrieved July 18, 2020.
^ USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Tillandsia paucifolia". The PLANTS Database ( Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 10 December 2015.
^ Robertson, K.M; Platt, W.J. (2001). "Effects of multiple disturbances (fire and hurricane) on epiphyte community dynamics in a subtropical forest, Florida, U.S.A". Biotropica. 33 (4): 573–582. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2001.tb00216.x.
^ Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
^ Luther, Harry E. (1995). "An Annotated Checklist of the Bromeliaceae of Costa Rica". Selbyana. 16 (2): 230–234. ISSN 0361-185X. JSTOR 41759911.
^ Espejo-Serna, Adolfo; López-Ferrari, Ana Rosa; Ramírez-morillo, Ivón; Holst, Bruce K.; Luther, Harry E.; Till, Walter (1 June 2004). "Checklist of Mexican Bromeliaceae with Notes on Species Distribution and Levels of Endemism". Selbyana. 25 (1): 33–86. ISSN 2689-0682. JSTOR 41760147.
^ Holst, Bruce K. (1 February 1994). "Checklist of Venezuelan Bromeliaceae with Notes on Species Distribution by State and Levels of Endemism". Selbyana. 15 (1). ISSN 2689-0682. JSTOR 41759858.
^ Luther, H.E. "Bromeliaceae of the United States (excluding Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands)" (pdf). Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.
^ Biota of North America Program, 2013 county distribution map
^ Flora of North America, Tillandsia paucifolia Baker, Gard. Chron. ser. 2, 10:748. 1878.
^ Nyman, L.P; Davis, S.J.; O'Dell, J.; Arditti, G.; Stephens, C.; Benzing, D.H. (1987). "Active uptake of amino acids by leaves of an epiphytic vascular plant, Tillandsia paucifolia (bromeliacea)". Plant Physiology. 83 (3): 681–684. doi:10.1104/pp.83.3.681. PMC 1056425. PMID 16665307.
^ Papini, A.; Mosti, S.; Milocani, E.; Tani, G.; Di Falco, P.; Brighigna, L. (2010). "Megasporogenesis and programmed cell death in tillandsia (bromeliacea)". Protoplasma. 248 (4): 651–662. doi:10.1007/s00709-010-0221-x. PMID 20978809. S2CID 25228066.
^ a b c Ordano, M.; Ornelas, J.F. (2004). "Generous-like flowers: nectar production in two epiphytic bromeliads and a meta-analysis of removal effects". Oecologia. 140 (3): 495–505. Bibcode:2004Oecol.140..495O. doi:10.1007/s00442-004-1597-0. PMID 15221434. S2CID 22853944.
^ Aguilar-Rodriquez, P.; MacSwiney, M.C.; Kromer, T.; Garvia-Franco, J.G.; Knauer, A.; Kessler, M. (2014). "First record of bat-pollination in the species-rich genus Tillandsia (bromeliaceae)". Annals of Botany. 113 (6): 1047–1055. doi:10.1093/aob/mcu031. PMC 3997647. PMID 24651370.
^ a b c Benzing, D.H.; Bermudes, D. (1991). "Epiphytic bromeliads as air quality monitors in South Florida". Selbyana. 12: 46–53.
^ a b c d e f BSI Cultivar Registry Archived 2009-12-02 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved 11 October 2009
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Wikipedia authors and editors
Tillandsia paucifolia: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia EN
Tillandsia paucifolia, the potbelly airplant, is a species of bromeliad in the genus Tillandsia. This species is native to Central America, central and southern Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, the West Indies, and Florida.
Tillandsia paucifolia can either grow singularly or in clusters and typically have five to ten leaves. The leaves of this species of Tillandsia are light green and silver-gray in color and are short with tapered ends. T. paucifolia have a large bulbous base which distinguishes them from other Tillandsias. The leaves of T. paucifolia are covered in trichomes, which are hair-like structures that increase the surface area on the leaves to maximize nutrient and water absorption from the air. The particular trichomes of the Tillandsia paucifolia are exceptionally sizable and copious.
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Wikipedia authors and editors
Tillandsia paucifolia
Espanhol; Castelhano
fornecido por wikipedia ES
Tillandsia paucifolia, es una especie de planta epífita dentro del género Tillandsia, perteneciente a la familia de las bromeliáceas.
Son plantas acaulescentes, que alcanan un tamaño de 10–20 (–40) cm de alto. Hojas de 13–21 cm de largo; vainas 2–2.5 cm de largo, pálidas, indumento cinéreo-lepidoto denso; láminas involuto-subuladas, 0.6–1.2 cm de largo, indumento cinéreo-lepidoto densamente adpreso. Escapo de 1.5–4 cm de largo, brácteas foliáceas mucho más largas que los entrenudos; inflorescencia simple a digitado o cortamente pinnado compuesta, brácteas primarias similares a las brácteas del escapo; espigas 3.5–6 (–12) cm de largo, erectas a suberectas, con 2–10 flores, brácteas florales 2–3 cm de largo, más largas que los sépalos, erectas en la antesis, subpatentes en el fruto, ecarinadas, nervadas, indumento cinéreo-lepidoto densamente adpreso, coriáceas, flores sésiles o con pedicelos hasta 2 mm de largo; sépalos 1.3–2 cm de largo, los 2 posteriores carinados y connados hasta por 2 mm de su longitud, libres del sépalo anterior; pétalos morados. Los frutos son cápsulas 4–5 cm de largo.[1]
Distribución y hábitat
Se encuentra frecuente en manglares, matorrales boscosos, bosques caducifolios, bosques secos, zona pacífica; a una altitud de 0–400 (–1500) m; fl may, fr jul–dic; desde el sur de los Estados Unidos a Venezuela y Colombia, también en las Antillas.
Tillandsia paucifolia fue descrita por John Gilbert Baker y publicado en The Gardeners' Chronicle, new series 10: 748. 1878.[1]
- Etimología
Tillandsia: nombre genérico que fue nombrado por Carlos Linneo en 1738 en honor al médico y botánico finlandés Dr. Elias Tillandz (originalmente Tillander) (1640-1693).
paucifolia: epíteto latíno que significa "con pocas hojas"[3]
- Sinonimia
Tillandsia bracteosa Klotzsch ex Beer
Tillandsia bracteosa Klotzsch ex Baker
Tillandsia yucatana Baker
Vriesea bracteosa Beer[4][5]
Véase también
- CONABIO. 2009. Catálogo taxonómico de especies de México. 1. In Capital Nat. México. CONABIO, Mexico City.
- Davidse, G., M. Sousa Sánchez & A.O. Chater. 1994. Alismataceae a Cyperaceae. 6: i–xvi, 1–543. In G. Davidse, M. Sousa Sánchez & A.O. Chater (eds.) Fl. Mesoamer.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D. F.
- Flora of North America Editorial Committee, e. 2000. Magnoliophyta: Alismatidae, Arecidae, Commelinidae (in part), and Zingiberidae. Fl. N. Amer. 22: i–xxiii, 1–352.
- Hokche, O., P. E. Berry & O. Huber. (eds.) 2008. Nuevo Cat. Fl. Vasc. Venez. 1–859. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela, Caracas.
- Holst, B. K. 1994. Checklist of Venezuelan Bromeliaceae with notes on species distribution by state and levels of endemism. Selbyana 15: 132–149.
- Luther, H. E. 1995. An annotated checklist of the Bromeliaceae of Costa Rica. Selbyana 16(2): 230–234.
- Morales Quirós, J. F. 2003. Bromeliaceae. In: Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica, B.E. Hammel, M.H. Grayum, C. Herrera & N. Zamora (eds.). Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 92: 297–375.
- Nelson, C. H. 2008. Cat. Pl. Vasc. Honduras 1–1576. Secretaria de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, Tegucigalpa.
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Autores y editores de Wikipedia
Tillandsia paucifolia: Brief Summary
Espanhol; Castelhano
fornecido por wikipedia ES
Tillandsia paucifolia, es una especie de planta epífita dentro del género Tillandsia, perteneciente a la familia de las bromeliáceas.
Vista de la planta
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Autores y editores de Wikipedia
Tillandsia paucifolia
fornecido por wikipedia VI
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
Tillandsia paucifolia: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia VI
Tillandsia paucifolia là một loài thuộc chi Tillandsia. Đây là loài bản địa của Costa Rica, México, Venezuela và Hoa Kỳ.
- licença
- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
틸란드시아 파우키폴리아
fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과
통통틸란드시아(potbelly airplant)[1]는 틸란드시아속[2]에 속한 중앙아메리카, 멕시코 중부와 남부, 베네수엘라, 콜롬비아, 서인도제도, 플로리다주의 토착종이다.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9]
통통틸란드시아는 단일 형태로도, 다발 형태로도 자랄 수 있으며 대개 5-10개의 이파리가 난다. 이파리의 색깔은 연초록, 은초록이며 끝으로 갈수록 짜리몽땅하게 가늘어진다. 통통틸란드시아의 몸통은 다른 틸란드시아와는 달리 크고 도톰하다. 이파리는 털같은 트리콤으로 뒤덮여있는데, 이는 이파리의 표면면적을 늘려서 공기 중에서 영양, 수분을 흡수하는 능력을 극대화한다. 이 식물의 트리콤은 특히 크고 많다. 이러한 형태로 진화한 것은, 다른 틸란드시아에 비해 적은 수분으로도 생존하기 위함인 것으로 보인다.[10]
통통틸란드시아는 창백한 분홍색에서 라벤더의 파란색에 이르는 색상을 띄는 꽃을 만들어내는 속씨식물이다.[11] 이 착생식물의 촉은 동물이 수정시킨다.[12] 꿀벌, 딱정벌레, 벌새와 같은 동물들이 낮에, 나방과 박쥐가 밤에 통통틸란드시아의 수분을 돕는다.[13] 이 속씨식물은 수분을 도와준 보상으로 때때로 꽃꿀을 생산한다.[12] 동물 꽃가루매개자들이 이 착생식물을 더 많이 방문할수록 더욱더 다양한 꽃가루로부터의 다양한 유전자를 손에 넣어 더욱 훌륭한 품질의 씨앗을 만들어낼 수 있다.[12]
통통틸란드시아는 다른 식물과 같은 일반적인 뿌리가 없는 관다발 착생식물이다. 이 식물의 뿌리는 거주하는 나무에 몸을 고정시키는 역할을 주로 수행한다.[14] 통통틸란드시아는 플로리다주 남서부에서 발견되며, 주로 slash pine trees에서 서식하지만 딱히 숙주를 가리지는 않아서 다른 나무들에서 자라나는 것들도 많이 발견된다. 통통틸란드시아는 기생물이 아니며, 숙주 나무에 달라붙어 살아갈 뿐이지만, 숫자가 많아지면 부정적인 영향을 끼칠 수 있으며 나무의 특정한 부분의 상태가 악화될 수 있다.[14] 통통틸란드시아가 너무 많이 달라붙은 숙주 나무는 이 때문에 영양 부족에 시달릴 수 있다(Benzing 1978). 통통틸란드시아는 숫자가 많아지면 가지를 부러뜨리고 햇빛을 지나치게 가릴 수 있다.[14]
같이 보기
↑ “Tillandsia paucifolia”. Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Database. USDA. 2015년 12월 10일에 확인함.
↑ Robertson, K.M; Platt, W.J. “Effects of multiple disturbances (fire and hurricane) on epiphyte community dynamics in a subtropical forest, Florida, U.S.A”. 《Biotropica》 33: 573–582. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2001.tb00216.x.
↑ Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
↑ An Annotated Checklist of the Bromeliaceae of Costa Rica retrieved 3 November 2009
↑ Checklist of Mexican Bromeliaceae with Notes on Species Distribution and Levels of Endemism Archived 2007-10-30 - 웨이백 머신. retrieved 3 November 2009
↑ Checklist of Venezuelan Bromeliaceae with Notes on Species Distribution by State and Levels of Endemism retrieved 3 November 2009
↑ Bromeliaceae of the United States (excluding Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) retrieved 30 October 2009
↑ Biota of North America Program, 2013 county distribution map
↑ Flora of North America, Tillandsia paucifolia Baker, Gard. Chron. ser. 2, 10:748. 1878.
↑ Nyman, L.P; Davis, S.J.; O'Dell, J.; Arditti, G.; Stephens, C.; Benzing, D.H. (1987). “Active uptake of amino acids by leaves of an epiphytic vascular plant, Tillandsia paucifolia (bromeliacea).”. 《American Society of Plant Biologists》 83: 681–684. doi:10.1104/pp.83.3.681. PMC 1056425.
↑ Papini, A.; Mosti, S.; Milocani, E.; Tani, G.; Di Falco, P.; Brighigna, L. (2010). “Megasporogenesis and programmed cell death in tillandsia (bromeliacea)”. 《Protoplasma》 248: 651–662. doi:10.1007/s00709-010-0221-x.
↑ 가 나 다 Ordano, M.; Ornelas, J.F. (2004). “Generous-like flowers: nectar production in two epiphytic bromeliads and a meta-analysis of removal effects”. 《Oecologia》 140: 495–505. doi:10.1007/s00442-004-1597-0.
↑ Aguilar-Rodriquez, P.; MacSwiney, M.C.; Kromer, T.; Garvia-Franco, J.G.; Knauer, A.; Kessler, M. (2014). “First record of bat-pollination in the species-rich genus Tillandsia (bromeliaceae)”. 《Annals of Botany》 113: 1047–1055. doi:10.1093/aob/mcu031. PMC 3997647. PMID 24651370.
↑ 가 나 다 Benzing, D.H.; Bermudes, D. (1991). “Epiphytic bromeliads as air quality monitors in South Florida”. 《Selbyana》 12: 46–53.
↑ 가 나 다 라 마 바 BSI Cultivar Registry Archived 2009년 12월 2일 - 웨이백 머신 Retrieved 11 October 2009