Raorchestes jayarami, also known as Jayaram's bush frog, is a species of frog from the subfamily rhacophoridae found in Valparai in the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu in India.[1][2] Individuals of this species from the genus Raorchestes have morphs that range from plain green to variations with splotches and dots of darker greens and in some cases yellow.[3] Anuran's from the genus Raorchestes, show direct-development while allows them to be independent from a waterbody for the development of tadpoles.[3]
Raorchestes jayarami, also known as Jayaram's bush frog, is a species of frog from the subfamily rhacophoridae found in Valparai in the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu in India. Individuals of this species from the genus Raorchestes have morphs that range from plain green to variations with splotches and dots of darker greens and in some cases yellow. Anuran's from the genus Raorchestes, show direct-development while allows them to be independent from a waterbody for the development of tadpoles.
Raorchestes jayarami[1] es una especie de anfibio anuro de la familia Rhacophoridae.
Esta especie es endémica de los Ghats occidentales en la India.[2] Se encuentra en:
Esta especie lleva el nombre en honor a K. Jayaram.
Raorchestes jayarami es una especie de anfibio anuro de la familia Rhacophoridae.
Raorchestes jayarami est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Rhacophoridae[1].
Cette espèce est endémique des Ghâts occidentaux en Inde. Elle se rencontre[1] :
Cette espèce est nommée en l'honneur de K. Jayaram[2].
Raorchestes jayarami est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Rhacophoridae.
Raorchestes jayarami é uma espécie de anfíbio anuro da família Rhacophoridae.[3][4] Está presente na Índia.[4] A UICN classificou-a como vulnerável.[1]
Raorchestes jayarami é uma espécie de anfíbio anuro da família Rhacophoridae. Está presente na Índia. A UICN classificou-a como vulnerável.