Tarucus is a butterfly genus in the family Lycaenidae. They are commonly known as blue Pierrots or simply Pierrots. The latter name is often used for the closely related genus Castalius. The delimitation of Castalius versus Tarucus is not yet fully resolved, with some species, such as the dark Pierrot (T. ananda), having been moved between the two genera repeatedly. It may even be that they are eventually regarded as synonymous, and in that case the older name Castalius would supersede Tarucus by the Principle of Priority.
Several species formerly in Tarucus were moved to Leptotes, another closely related lineage (though not quite as close as Castalius).
The caterpillars of this genus typically feed on Zizyphus and are attended by ants.
The genus can be divided in two distinct groups. These are generally separated geographically, but some taxa (such as the black-spotted Pierrot, T. balkanicus nigra), though assigned to one group, occur in the range of the other. Consequently, it is not quite clear whether the groups are clades or merely convenient but paraphyletic assemblages:[1]
Afrotropical group:
South Asian group:
Tarucus is a butterfly genus in the family Lycaenidae. They are commonly known as blue Pierrots or simply Pierrots. The latter name is often used for the closely related genus Castalius. The delimitation of Castalius versus Tarucus is not yet fully resolved, with some species, such as the dark Pierrot (T. ananda), having been moved between the two genera repeatedly. It may even be that they are eventually regarded as synonymous, and in that case the older name Castalius would supersede Tarucus by the Principle of Priority.
Several species formerly in Tarucus were moved to Leptotes, another closely related lineage (though not quite as close as Castalius).
The caterpillars of this genus typically feed on Zizyphus and are attended by ants.
Tarucus est un genre de lépidoptères (papillons) de la famille des Lycaenidae et de la sous-famille des Polyommatinae.
Le genre Tarucus a été décrit par l'entomologiste britannique Frederic Moore en 1881, avec pour espèce type Hesperia theophrastus Fabricius, 1793[1].
Les espèces du genre Tarucus sont principalement originaires d'Afrique, d'Asie tropicale et du Moyen-Orient[1].
Selon FUNET Tree of Life (20 juillet 2020)[1] :
Les chenilles de la plupart des espèces de Tarucus ont pour plantes hôtes des Ziziphus (les jujubiers) ou des Phylica[1].
Les espèces du genre Tarucus comptent parmi celles appelées Pierrots en anglais[1], plus précisément Blue Pierrots[2].
Tarucus est un genre de lépidoptères (papillons) de la famille des Lycaenidae et de la sous-famille des Polyommatinae.
Tarucus est genus papilionum familiae Lycaenidarum. Erucae huius generis Zizypho usitate vescuntur, formicaeque eas comitantur.
Genus dividi potest in duos greges distinctos, qui plerumque geographice separantur, sed nonnulla taxa, sicut Tarucus balkanicus nigra, quamquam ad alium gregem attributa, in terra alius fiunt. Ergo, haud notum est num greges sint cladi aut tantummodo compages commodae quamquam paraphyleticae[1]
Tarucus est genus papilionum familiae Lycaenidarum. Erucae huius generis Zizypho usitate vescuntur, formicaeque eas comitantur.
Tarucus er en slekt av blåvingene. De er sommerfugler i gruppen glansvinger.
Små, spraglete blåvinger, bakvingen med en kort stjert. Hannenes overside er blå med en litt perlemorsaktig glans, hunnene er brunspraglete med enkelte blåskimrende felter. Undersiden er hvit med brune tverrstriper.
Larvene lever på ulike planter, men særlig på slekten Zizyphus (Rhamnaceae). I alle fall noen av artene er knyttet til maur i slekten Crematogaster.
Slekten er først og fremst utbredt i Afrika og det sørlige Asia, men to vidt utbredte arter forekommer også i Sør-Europa.
Tarucus er en slekt av blåvingene. De er sommerfugler i gruppen glansvinger.
Род насчитывает около 20 видов, обитающих в Южной Европе, Африке, Передней и Центральной Азии.
Африканская группа видов:
Южно-Азиатская группа видов:
Род насчитывает около 20 видов, обитающих в Южной Европе, Африке, Передней и Центральной Азии.
Африканская группа видов:
Tarucus balkanicus Tarucus balkanicus nigra Tarucus bowkeri (Trimen, 1883) Tarucus grammicus (Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1893) Tarucus kiki Larsen, 1976 Tarucus kulala Evans, 1955 Tarucus legrasi Stempffer, 1944 Tarucus quadratus Ogilvie-Grant, 1899 Tarucus rosacea (Austaut, 1885) Tarucus sybaris (Hopffer, 1855) Tarucus theophrastus Tarucus thespis (Linnaeus, 1764) Tarucus ungemachi Stempffer, 1944Южно-Азиатская группа видов:
Tarucus ananda Tarucus callinara Tarucus indica Tarucus nara Tarucus venosus Tarucus waterstradti Druce, 1895 Tarucus waterstradti dhartaПрочие:
Tarucus alteratus Tarucus extricatusHesperia theophrastus
Fabricius, 1793
藤灰蝶屬(Blue Pierrots,學名:Tarucus)是灰蝶科眼灰蝶亞科中的一個屬。物種廣泛分佈在舊大陸。幼蟲寄主皆為棗屬植物,會與螞蟻共生。