Verreaux’s sifakas are the most extensively studied of the Malagasy prosimians and have been the subject of a wide range of research topics. These topics include, but are not limited to bipedalism in mammals, the evolution of social hierarchies, the causes and consequences of female dominance in mammals, the evolution and ecological consequences of male dimorphism, the causes and consequences of decreased parasitic loads, and the evolution of characteristics that are necessary for living in the variable environments of Madagascar. Verreaux's sifakas are also an important component of the unique Madagascar ecosystem, which attracts tourists from around the globe.
Positive Impacts: ecotourism ; research and education
Verreaux's sifakas communicate over long distances via clear, deep barks. Barks sound similar to the word “sifaka” and are produced only when intruders are nearby. Barks are generally made by the group leader, and if group cohesion is ever threatened by an outsider, growling or barking is produced to ward off intruders.
Scent marking is an additional form of communication used by Verreaux's sifakas. It serves multiple purposes including marking territory, making one's presence known (specifically females in estrus), claiming food or territory, attracting mates, and may be used during non-physical competition. Scent marking is a versatile and important way of communicating in Verreaux's sifakas.
Communication Channels: acoustic ; chemical
Other Communication Modes: scent marks
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Verreaux's sifakas are rapidly losing their natural habitat. Due to slash-and-burn agriculture, the deciduous forests of Madagascar are severely threatened. Additionally, Malagasy forests have been subjected to commercial logging, overgrazing by livestock, and charcoal manufacturing. Fortunately, captive breeding has been successful in Verreaux's sifakas, which, according to the IUCN Red List, are considered "vulnerable".
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: appendix i
State of Michigan List: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: vulnerable
There are no known adverse effects of Verreaux's sifakas on humans.
Verreaux’s sifakas are an important prey item for fossas (Cyptoprocta ferox), stray dogs (Canis lupus familaris), and harrier hawks (Polyboroides radiatus). Also, they are strict herbivores and considered to be important seed dispersers.
Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds
Verreaux's sifakas are herbivorous and feed primarily on leaves, bark, and flowers. When abundant, fruit may also be incorporated into their diet. Nutrition levels directly coincide with season and rainfall amounts, with food of higher nutritional value being most abundant during the wet season.
Plant Foods: leaves; wood, bark, or stems; fruit; flowers
Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore , Lignivore)
Verreaux's sifakas are found in the western and southwestern regions of Madagascar.
Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )
Other Geographic Terms: island endemic
Verreaux's sifakas are primarily arboreal and are found in deciduous and evergreen forests. However, they are widespread and can also be found in wet and dry habitats throughout southwest Madagascar.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; rainforest ; scrub forest
Little is known about the lifespan of Verreaux's sifakas in the wild, as the residents of Madagascar rarely come into contact with them. Studies have found that they have a surprisingly low parasitic load, which may result in increased lifespan relative to other closely related primates. The average lifespan of captive Verreaux's sifakas is 18 years with a recorded maximum of 23.5 years.
Range lifespan
Status: captivity: 23.5 (high) years.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 18 years.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 18 years.
Average lifespan
Sex: male
Status: captivity: 20.6 years.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 18.2 years.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 18.0 years.
Average lifespan
Sex: female
Status: captivity: 18.2 years.
Verreaux's sifakas have distinct coloration with white fur and a hint of yellow contrasting their hairless, black face. Their hands and feet are also black. They have a long tail that ranges from 43 to 56 cm in length, roughly the same length as their body (45 to 55 cm). Verreaux's sifakas are not sexually dimorphic, as both males and females weigh between 3 and 7 kg.
Range mass: 3 to 7 kg.
Range length: 45 to 55 cm.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike
Average basal metabolic rate: 3.738 W.
Verreaux's sifakas commonly use alarm calls to warn group members of the presence of a predator. Different alarm calls are given for aerial (harrier hawk, Polyboroides radiatus) and terrestrial predators, which includes fossas (Cyptoprocta ferox) and stray dogs (Canis lupus familaris). Alarm calls are performed by males and females of all ranks in the social hierarchy and are thought to be most effective in group settings. As group size increases the number of individuals able to spot potential predators increases. As a result, group cohesion is an important aspect of deterring predators. It is also thought that large groups are able to intimidate potential predators more easily than small groups.
Known Predators:
Verreaux's sifakas form social hierarchies, which are subject to change during the mating season as females only breed with dominant males. Subordinate males challenge dominant males, often resulting in intense competition and fighting.
Verreaux's sifakas scent mark as a form of communication. Females scent mark to get the attention of males. Subordinate males scent mark to get the attention of females, and dominant males scent-mark to claim territory. Scent-marking often results in conflict among males.
Mating System: polygynous
Verreaux's sifakas breed from late January through March. Following implantation, gestation lasts 130 to 141 days. Typically, mothers give birth to only one offspring per year, which occurs between June and September. Average birth weight is 40 g. Mothers carry young close to their abdomen and chest for the first 2 to 3 months of the offspring's life. At about 3 months old, young move to their mothers back until they reach 5 to 6 months of age and are weaned at about six months. Young sifakas reach adult size at 21 months and are sexually mature by two and a half years old.
Breeding interval: Once a year
Breeding season: January to March
Average number of offspring: 1.
Range gestation period: 4 to 5 months.
Average weaning age: 180 days.
Average time to independence: 2.5 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2.5 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 2.5 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous
Average birth mass: 72.25 g.
Average number of offspring: 1.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
Sex: male: 912 days.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
Sex: female: 912 days.
Verreaux's sifakas live in social groups and young are cared for by adults. A mother's position in the social hierarchy affects the social status of her young and parental care continues until young reach full size at about 21 months. Females stay with the group, while males either stay with the group or leave to form their own. Mothers carry newborn sifakas near their chest and abdomen for the first 2 to 3 months after birth and then on her back until offspring reach about 6 months of age.
Parental Investment: male parental care ; female parental care ; post-independence association with parents; extended period of juvenile learning; maternal position in the dominance hierarchy affects status of young
Ar sifaka Verreaux[2] a zo ur primat, brosezat e mervent Madagaskar, Propithecus verreauxi an anv skiantel anezhañ.
Dougen a ra anv ar skiantour (evnoniour ha louzawour) gall Jules Verreaux (1807-1873).
Bevañ a ra al loen e kornôg ha kreisteiz Madagaskar.
Ar sifaka Verreaux a zo ur primat, brosezat e mervent Madagaskar, Propithecus verreauxi an anv skiantel anezhañ.
Dougen a ra anv ar skiantour (evnoniour ha louzawour) gall Jules Verreaux (1807-1873).
El sifaca de Verreaux (Propithecus verreauxi) és un primat estrepsirini de la família dels índrids. Viu a Madagascar i se'l pot trobar a diferents hàbitats. És de color taronja, blanc i negre. Salta d'un tronc a l'altre en salts que mesuren més de sis metres. A terra, fa salts laterals. Aquest tàxon fou anomenat en honor d'un dels germans Verreaux.[1]
El sifaca de Verreaux (Propithecus verreauxi) és un primat estrepsirini de la família dels índrids. Viu a Madagascar i se'l pot trobar a diferents hàbitats. És de color taronja, blanc i negre. Salta d'un tronc a l'altre en salts que mesuren més de sis metres. A terra, fa salts laterals. Aquest tàxon fou anomenat en honor d'un dels germans Verreaux.
Sifaka malý (Propithecus verreauxi), známý též pod názvy Verreauxův, bílý nebo žlutooký, je středně velká poloopice a známý zástupce čeledi indriovitých (Indridae). Vyskytuje se pouze v západní a jižní části Madagaskaru, kde obývá širokou paletu lokalit od vlhkých tropických lesů až po suché západní listnaté lesy a trnité pouště a buše.
Délka těla se u tohoto druhu pohybuje mezi 43-45 cm, délka ocasu mezi 56-60 cm a hmotnost obvykle nepřesáhne více jak 5 kg. Má hustou, hebkou nejčastěji bílou až nažloutlou srst s hnědočernými ploškami na obličeji, temeni a na vnitřní straně končetin. Stejně jako ostatní sifaky má zvláště dlouhé a silné zadní končetiny a dlouhý ocas, který využívá k udržování rovnováhy při mocných skocích z jednoho stromu na druhý. Skoky se pohybuje nejen na stromech, ale také na zemi.
Žije v menších skupinách tvořených třemi až třinácti jednotlivci, které vede jeden dospělý samec. Jedna skupina vlastní teritorium o rozloze zhruba mezi 1 až 9 ha, které značí jak samci, tak samice. Je to společenské zvíře, které si často hraje s ostatními členy skupiny. Dorozumívá se nejrůznější škálou posunků, zvuků, pokřiků, zvláště při varovném signálu a hašteření o teritoria se ozývá nápadným zvukem znějící jako „si-fa-ka“, podle kterého dostal i svůj název. Za potravou, kterou tvoří především listy, plody, květiny a kůra, se vydává ráno a navečer, během nejslunečnější části dne odpočívá v korunách stromů.
Období páření trvá od ledna do března. Během tohoto období se samci toulají mezi skupinami a soupeří o potravu, samice a území. Samice je březí po dobu 131 až 160 dnů a rodí jediné téměř neosrstěné mládě. První 3 až 4 týdny se mládě drží na břiše matky, kde pravidelně saje mateřské mléko. Po dosažení této věkové hranice se pomalu přemisťuje na záda matky, odstaveno je ve věku 5 až 6 měsíců a plně nezávisle je zhruba o měsíc později. Pohlavní dospělosti dosahuje zhruba ve věku tří let a v zajetí se může dožít i více jak 23 let.
V současné době je sifaka malý ohrožován především masivní ztrátou přirozeného biomu a dříve, v mnoha lokalitách i dnes, zvláště lovem kvůli své kožešině. V Červeném seznamu IUCN je zařazen do kategorie ohrožených druhů a v CITES jej nalezneme v příloze I. Pozitivním faktem je, že jde o často chované a oblíbené zvíře v zajetí po celém světě.
Rozlišujeme celkem 5 poddruhů:[2]
V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Verreaux's Sifaka na anglické Wikipedii.
Sifaka malý (Propithecus verreauxi), známý též pod názvy Verreauxův, bílý nebo žlutooký, je středně velká poloopice a známý zástupce čeledi indriovitých (Indridae). Vyskytuje se pouze v západní a jižní části Madagaskaru, kde obývá širokou paletu lokalit od vlhkých tropických lesů až po suché západní listnaté lesy a trnité pouště a buše.
Den vestlige sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) er en lemur i indrifamilien. Den er som andre lemurer endemisk for øen Madagaskar. Kropslængden er 43-45 cm med en lang hale på 56-60 cm. Den har sorte eller brune felter på ansigt og isse samt på undersiden af for- og baglemmer. Håndflader og fodsåler er sorte. Vestlig sifaka lever på det sydvestlige Madagaskar i stedsegrøn galleriskov, i tør løvskov samt i ørkenlignende områder med tornet vegetation. Arten trues af ødelæggelser af dens naturlige levesteder.[2]
Den vestlige sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) er en lemur i indrifamilien. Den er som andre lemurer endemisk for øen Madagaskar. Kropslængden er 43-45 cm med en lang hale på 56-60 cm. Den har sorte eller brune felter på ansigt og isse samt på undersiden af for- og baglemmer. Håndflader og fodsåler er sorte. Vestlig sifaka lever på det sydvestlige Madagaskar i stedsegrøn galleriskov, i tør løvskov samt i ørkenlignende områder med tornet vegetation. Arten trues af ødelæggelser af dens naturlige levesteder.
Der Larvensifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) ist eine madegassische Primatenart aus der Familie der Indriartigen (Indridae) innerhalb der Lemuren (Lemuriformes).
Larvensifakas erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 40 bis 48 Zentimeter, der Schwanz wird 50 bis 60 Zentimeter lang. Das Gewicht beträgt 3 bis 3,5 Kilogramm. Ihr Fell ist lang, dicht und weich. Es ist vorwiegend weiß gefärbt, die Oberseite des Kopfes ist braun, Brust und die Oberarme manchmal rötlichbraun gefärbt. Das schwarze Gesicht mit der deutlich nach vorn ragenden Schnauze ist unbehaart. Die Hinterbeine sind wie bei allen Sifakas stark verlängert.
Larvensifakas leben im südwestlichen Madagaskar. Sie kommen in trockenen, laubwerfenden als auch in Dornwäldern, im äußersten Südosten auch in Regenwäldern vor.
Larvensifakas sind tagaktiv und vorwiegend Baumbewohner, wenngleich sie manchmal auf den Boden kommen. In den Bäumen bewegen sie sich mit den verlängerten Hinterbeinen kletternd oder hüpfend fort. Am Boden hüpfen sie mit den Hinterbeinen und strecken die Vorderbeine zur Balance in die Höhe.
Sie leben in Gruppen aus 4 bis 8 Tieren, die kleineren Gruppen sind manchmal Familienverbände. Feste Reviere, die mit Duftdrüsen markiert werden, sind 2–25 Hektar groß und in trockenen Wäldern am größten.
Die Gruppenmitglieder kommunizieren unter anderem mit Warnschreien. Vor Bodenräubern wie der Fossa warnen sie mit nasalem Bellen, das wie si-fak klingt und dem die Gattung ihren Namen verdankt. Fliegende Greifvögel rufen ein lautes Brüllen hervor. Larvensifakas sind Pflanzenfresser. Sie ernähren sich in der Regenzeit von Früchten, Samen und Blüten, in der Trockenzeit spielen Blätter eine stärkere Rolle. Sie kommen generell mit trockenen Bedingungen besser zurecht als andere Lemuren.
Die Paarung fällt in die Monate Januar bis Februar. Die Paarungszeit ist sehr kurz, die Männchen kämpfen miteinander, was mit manchmal schweren Verletzungen enden kann. Nach einer 160- bis 170-tägigen Tragezeit bringt das Weibchen zwischen Juli und August ein einzelnes Jungtier zur Welt. Jungtiere klammern sich zunächst an den Bauch der Mutter und reiten später auf ihrem Rücken. Nach rund sechs Monaten werden sie entwöhnt und sind kurz darauf selbstständig. Die Geschlechtsreife tritt mit drei bis fünf Jahren ein. Die Männchen müssen dann ihre Geburtsgruppe verlassen, die Weibchen bleiben zeitlebens darin. Die Lebenserwartung beträgt rund 25 Jahre.
Larvensifakas haben ein größeres Verbreitungsgebiet und einen unterschiedlicheren Lebensräumen als andere madagassische Lemuren. Hauptgefahr stellt die Zerstörung ihres Lebensraumes dar. Manche, aber nicht alle Bevölkerungsgruppen in ihrem Verbreitungsgebiet haben ein Nahrungstabu gegenüber diesen Tieren. Die IUCN schätzt einen Bestandsrückgang in den letzten 52 Jahren (drei Generationen) von mindestens 50 % und befürchtet, dass diese Entwicklung auch in der Zukunft anhält. Der Larvensifaka wird deshalb als stark gefährdet (endangered) gelistet.
In Europa wird die Art nicht mehr gehalten, ehemaliger Halter ist Breslau.[1]
Der Larvensifaka zählt innerhalb der Sifakas zur verreauxi-Gruppe, die im Westen und Südwesten lebt und eher kleinere Tiere umfasst. Diese Gruppe umfasst außerdem den Coquerel-Sifaka, den Von-der-Decken-Sifaka, den Kronensifaka, eventuell den Goldkronensifaka. Früher wurden die drei erstgenannten Arten mit dem Larvensifaka zu einer gemeinsamen Art zusammengefasst, heute werden sie als getrennt betrachtet.
Der Larvensifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) ist eine madegassische Primatenart aus der Familie der Indriartigen (Indridae) innerhalb der Lemuren (Lemuriformes).
Το Σιφάκα (αγγ. και γαλλ. sifaka), κοινή ονομασία 2 ειδών δενδρόβιων λεμουρίων του γένους Propithecus, που απαντούνται στα παράκτια δάση της Μαδαγασκάρης. Έχει μήκος περίπου 1 μέτρο από το ποίο το μισό αντιπροσωπεύει την ουρά. Το μικρό τους κεφάλι φέρει μεγάλα μάτια και αυτιά καλυμμένα εν μέρει απ' το μακρύ τους τρίχωμα. Ο χρωματισμός τους είναι λευκός με σκουρόχρωμα σχέδια. Υπάρχουν και Σιφάκα με γκρι τρίχωμα, κοκκινωπό, και σε ορισµένες περιπτώσεις, µαύρο. Η µουσούδα του έχει µαύρο χρώµα, είναι κοντή και γυµνή από τρίχωµα. Τα πίσω πόδια του είναι µακριά και το βοηθούν να πηδά από δέντρο σε δέντρο.
Τα Σιφάκα βερό είναι κοινωνικά, ημερόβια και φυτοφάγα ζώα. Αναριχώνται στα δέντρα στιριζόμενα στα πέλματα και τα δάκτυλα των ποδιών τους. Μπορεί επίσης να πηδά από το ένα αγκαθωτά φυτά σε άλλα χωρίς να τραυματίζεται. Για να πάει από το ένα δέντρο στο άλλο αρπάζεται από κλαδιά και κληματίδες κάνει πίσω και πηδά στον αέρα. Ευστάθεια και καλές λαβές του εξασφαλίζουν τα πόδια και τα χέρια του. Επίσης το βοηθάει μια πτητική μεμβράνη που ενώνει τα μπροστινά και πίσω άκρα του σώματος με το υπόλοιπο σώμα. Μπορεί να υπολογίζει τις αποστάσεις με μια ματιά. Με ένα απλό άλμα το Σιφάκα μπορεί να διανήσει αποστάσεις των 10 μέτρων.
Τα Σιφάκα ζουν σε οικογένειες των 6-8 ατόμων. Κάθε ομάδα οριοθετεί την περιοχή του από την οποία διώχνει κάθε άλλη οµάδα. Όταν συναντάνε μια άλλη ομάδα δεν συγκρούονται βίαια αλλά γρυλίζουνε και πηδάν τριγύρω. Το θηλυκό γεννάει ένα μικρό μετά από 5 μήνες περίπου κύησης. Τα μωρά προσκολόνται στις μητέρες τους αμέσως μετά τη γέννησή τους. Κατά τον πρώτο μήνα την αρπάζει από το στομάχι και αργότερα από την κοιλιά. Τα Σιφάκα τον περισσότερο καιρό τον περνούνε κάνονας ηλιοθεραπεία στα δέντρα αλλά συχνά αναπαύονται στις ρίζες των κλάδων με την ουρά ανάμεσα στα γόνατα παίρνοντας στάση ανθρώπινη. Επίσης σηκώνουν τα χέρια τους προς τον ήλιο κάτι που οδήγησε στη δοξασία ότι λατρεύουν τον ήλιο. Τα Σιφάκα τρέφονται την περίοδο των βροχών με φρούτα και λουλούδια ενώ την περίοδο της ξηρασίας με φύλλα δέντρων. Κάποιες φορές τρώει και χώμα που το βοηθάειστη χώνεψη.
Τα Σιφάκα είναι ένα απειλούμενο είδος. Απειλούνται από:
Δεν υπάρχουν σύγχρονα διαθέσιμα στοιχεία για τον πληθυσμό τους αλλά μια εκτίμηση το 1992 αναφέρει ότι υπήρχαν περισσότερα από 100.000 Σιφάκα βερό. Τα είδη που απειλούνται περισσότερο με εξαφάνιση είναι τα:
Verreaux's sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi), or the white sifaka, is a medium-sized primate in one of the lemur families, the Indriidae. It lives in Madagascar and can be found in a variety of habitats from rainforest to dry deciduous forests of western Madagascar and the spiny thickets of the south. Its fur is thick and silky and generally white with brown on the sides, top of the head, and on the arms. Like all sifakas, it has a long tail that it uses as a balance when leaping from tree to tree. However, its body is so highly adapted to an arboreal existence, on the ground its only means of locomotion is hopping. The species lives in small troops which forage for food.
In adulthood, the full head and body length is between 42.5 and 45 cm (16.7 and 17.7 in). The tail of a fully grown Verreaux's sifaka grows to be between 56 and 60 cm (22 and 24 in) long. In weight, adult females reach 3.4 kg (7.5 lb) on average, and adult males 3.6 kg (7.9 lb).[4]
Verreaux's sifaka has a relatively low, flat braincase. The face is broader than that of most other indriids, but its snout is reduced. This species of sifaka is also distinguished by its unique dentition. Its dental formula is The upper incisors are very small and are slightly angled inward towards the gap between I1 and I2. In the mandible, Verreaux's sifaka displays the strepsirhine characteristic: the toothcomb. Formed by the procumbent lower incisor and canine, the toothcomb projects past the front margin of the mouth. P. verreauxi also presents the high, shearing molar crests of a folivore, helping to shread the leaves, fruit and flowers that it eats.
Postcranially, Verreaux's sifaka has a low intermembral index that ranges from 63-66. It has a broader ribcage than most other prosimians, and has many lumbar vertebrae lending it considerable flexibility. The pelvis is high and narrow and the acetabulum is relatively shallow, also allowing for greater flexibility. Like other indriids, P. verreauxi has a short calcaneus, pointed nails, and slightly webbed hands and feet.[5]
Verreaux's sifakas forage for food with their troop, primarily in the morning and late afternoon, so they can rest during the hottest part of the day. They are herbivores; leaves, fruit, bark and flowers are typical components of the diet. However, they are mostly folivorous (leaves represent the majority of the diet over the year, especially in the dry season) and they seem to choose food items based on quality (lower tannin content) rather than on availability.[6]
Verreaux's sifakas are diurnal and arboreal, and engage in sunbathing with outstretched arms and legs. They move through the trees by clinging and leaping between vertical supports. They are capable of making remarkable leaps through the trees - distances of 9–10 m are not uncommon. On the ground, they hop bipedally.[7][8] They live in family groups, or troops, of 2-12, which may consist of one male and female, or many males and females together. Group and population sex ratio can be more or less skewed toward males.[9][10] Many groups seem to be effectively harem groups with a single dominant male unrelated with resident female(s).[11] They have a home range of 2.8 to 5.0 ha, and although they are territorial, they defend food sources rather than territorial boundaries, as often boundaries overlap. Females are dominant over males, forming a matriarchal society.
Females use anogenital secretion mainly for territory demarcation whereas males seem to use specialized secretions (via anogenital and throat glands) more for sexual "advertisement" than for territorial purposes.[12][13] Males show bimorphism, by showing either a clean or stained chest, derived from throat gland secretions and smeared on surfaces by rubbing the upper part of the chest.[14] Stain-chested males engage in the most active marking, and chest staining seems to be related to testosterone levels.[15]
Males and females were found to engage in a biological market, exchanging grooming for grooming during the non-mating period, and grooming ("offered" by males) for reproductive opportunities (sexual access "offered" by females) during the mating period.[16] A study found that females copulate more with stained-chested than with clean-chested males. On the other hand, clean-chested males, with a lower scent-releasing potential, usually offer more grooming to females. This “grooming for sex” tactic allows males with a clean chest to get to copulate with females, even if at low rate.[17]
It has also been discovered that sifaka dyads often engage in post-conflict reunions after aggressive episodes: reconciliation occurs more frequently when food is not involved and for low intensity aggressions.[18] In this species play behavior persists into adulthood where it is used, especially by stranger males during the mating period, as an ice-breaking mechanism to reduce xenophobia.[19]
A study of sifaka vocalizations found that roaring barks are associated with anti-raptor responses in which the Verreaux sifakas looked up and climbed down.[20] On the other hand, the meaning of "tchi-fak" vocalizations and growls varied by population, where a population subject to significant terrestrial predation associated these vocalizations with anti-terrestrial responses in which the sifakas looked down and climbed up, while another population associated the "tchi-fak" with a non-specific flight response, and the growl with mild disturbance.[20]
Around 45% of females breed each year when in oestrous between late January and early February.[21] Females give birth to one infant after a gestation period of 130 days, between June and August. For the first 6–8 weeks, the infant clings to the mother's stomach, but for the following 19 weeks, it clings to her back.[22] About 30% of infants are lost to predation by the Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox) and a smaller number to raptors like the Madagascar harrier-hawk (Polyboroides radiatus).[21]
Those that do survive reach sexual maturity between 3–5 years. Males generally leave the group to join a neighboring group while adult females tend to stay with their natal group.[21]
The species is listed in CITES Appendix I,[2] and its IUCN conservation status was updated to Critically Endangered in 2020.[1] In the small spiny forest fragments of South Madagascar, sifaka abundance appears to be influenced by the proportion of large trees (diameter at breast height>=5 cm) and by the abundance of the plant species Allouadia procera,[23] a key species of the spiny forest habitat.[24] A long-term, large-scale demographic study of the species at Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve in southwest Madagascar found that the sifaka population there had a population growth rate of 0.98 (with confidence intervals spanning 1), suggesting that the population was not in danger of imminent extinction. However, both severe droughts and an increased annual variation in rainfall levels can depress the population growth rate.[25]
Verreaux's sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi), or the white sifaka, is a medium-sized primate in one of the lemur families, the Indriidae. It lives in Madagascar and can be found in a variety of habitats from rainforest to dry deciduous forests of western Madagascar and the spiny thickets of the south. Its fur is thick and silky and generally white with brown on the sides, top of the head, and on the arms. Like all sifakas, it has a long tail that it uses as a balance when leaping from tree to tree. However, its body is so highly adapted to an arboreal existence, on the ground its only means of locomotion is hopping. The species lives in small troops which forage for food.
El sifaca de Verreaux (Propithecus verreauxi) es un primate estrepsirrino de la familia Indriidae. Vive en Madagascar y puede ser encontrado en diferentes hábitats.
Es de color naranja, blanco y negro. Brincan con sus piernas de tronco de un árbol a otro tronco con saltos de más de 6 metros.
En el suelo, da saltos con el cuerpo en posición lateral.
El sifaca de Verreaux (Propithecus verreauxi) es un primate estrepsirrino de la familia Indriidae. Vive en Madagascar y puede ser encontrado en diferentes hábitats.
Es de color naranja, blanco y negro. Brincan con sus piernas de tronco de un árbol a otro tronco con saltos de más de 6 metros.
En el suelo, da saltos con el cuerpo en posición lateral.
Propithecus verreauxi edo sifaka zuria Indriidae familiako tamaina ertaineko lemur espezie bat da. Madagaskarren bizi dira, habitat ezberdin askotan, mendebaldeko oihan tropikaletatik baso lehorretara[1]. Bere larrua lodia da eta leuna, eta egitura zuri-marroiz izaten du alboetan, buruaren gainaldean eta besoetan. Beste sifaka batzuk bezala, isatsa luzea du, zuhaitzen artean salto egitean oreka mantentzeko erabiltzen duena. Hala ere, bere gorputza hain dago moldatuta zuhaitzetan bizitzera, lurrean bakarrik saltoka ibiltzen dela, bi hanken gainean[2]. Talde txikietan bizi da.
Propithecus verreauxi edo sifaka zuria Indriidae familiako tamaina ertaineko lemur espezie bat da. Madagaskarren bizi dira, habitat ezberdin askotan, mendebaldeko oihan tropikaletatik baso lehorretara. Bere larrua lodia da eta leuna, eta egitura zuri-marroiz izaten du alboetan, buruaren gainaldean eta besoetan. Beste sifaka batzuk bezala, isatsa luzea du, zuhaitzen artean salto egitean oreka mantentzeko erabiltzen duena. Hala ere, bere gorputza hain dago moldatuta zuhaitzetan bizitzera, lurrean bakarrik saltoka ibiltzen dela, bi hanken gainean. Talde txikietan bizi da.
Lakkisifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) on indrien heimoon kuuluva puoliapinalaji.
Lakkisifakan ruumis on 39–47 cm pitkä ja 3,6–4,3 kg painava ja häntä on 50–59 cm pitkä. Väritys on ruskehtava ruskeine ja harmaanmustine merkkeineen. Takajalat ovat pitkät ja etujalat hieman lyhyemmät. Vartalon molemmilla sivuilla on pieni purjemainen ihopoimu, jonka avulla lakkisifaka voi hypätä jopa 10 m:n korkeudesta.
Lakkisifakat elävät uroksen johtamissa 3–10 jäsenen laumoissa. Naaras saa yhden poikasen.
Lakkisifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) on indrien heimoon kuuluva puoliapinalaji.
Propithèque de Verreaux
Le Propithèque de Verreaux[1], ou Sifaka de Verreaux ou encore simplement Sifaka[1] (Propithecus verreauxi) est un lémurien de la famille des indridés. Ce primate se rencontre dans le Sud-Ouest de Madagascar où il est endémique. Il est grandement menacé d'extinction malgré sa distribution étendue.
Propithecus verreauxi est certainement le plus petit représentant du genre. Il mesure entre 40 et 48 cm et pèse entre 3,0 et 3,5 kg. Sa queue, plus longue que le corps, mesure jusqu'à 60 cm. Son pelage, épais et long, est entièrement blanc, à l'exception d'une « couronne » de poils brun foncé sur le sommet du crâne. Les mains, les pieds et la face sont noirs et les poils épars de la surface ventrale laisse entrevoir la peau et donne une teinte grise à l'abdomen.
Certains individus présente des zones foncées sur la poitrine, le dos et l'intérieur des membres. Cette variante était anciennement considérée comme un sous-espèce distincte : Propithecus verreauxi majori, Rothschild, 1894. On rencontre également des individus entièrement blancs au milieu de groupes d'individus à la coloration plus typique.
Ils s'organisent en bande de 4 à 8 individus des deux sexes. Les femelles dominent socialement les mâles. Les jeunes tètent jusqu'à l'âge de 6 mois. Ils mangent principalement des feuilles et des fruits, parfois des fleurs ou l'écorce de certains arbres. Ils mangent également les jeunes feuilles et bourgeons riches en protéines.Ses pattes puissantes permettent à ce curieux animal de se déplacer d'arbres en d'arbres en exécutant de grands bonds. A terre, il est aussi capable de prouesse, effectuant des sauts en longueur allant jusqu'à 4 mètres.
Le Sifaka de Verreaux occupe une aire de répartition étendue dans le Sud et l'Ouest de Madagascar. On suppose que la limite septentrionale de sa distribution est le fleuve Tsiribihina, alors qu'au Sud-Est on le rencontre jusqu'aux alentours de Tôlanaro. Bien que la Réserve privée de Nahampoana compte quelques groupes de Propithecus verreauxi, il y a certainement été introduit car il n’apparaît pas ailleurs dans un pareil environnement de forêt tropicale humide.
Son habitat typique est constitué des forêts sèches caducifoliées de basse et moyenne altitude (jusqu'à 1 300 m) qui couvrent ces régions. On retrouve également ce lémurien dans les fourrés épineux, les savanes arborées et les mangroves. Si la densité d'individus varie en fonction de ces différents environnements, même les plus petits fragments de forêt peuvent accueillir une population non négligeable.
Propithèque de Verreaux
Le Propithèque de Verreaux, ou Sifaka de Verreaux ou encore simplement Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) est un lémurien de la famille des indridés. Ce primate se rencontre dans le Sud-Ouest de Madagascar où il est endémique. Il est grandement menacé d'extinction malgré sa distribution étendue.
Il sifaka di Verreaux (Propithecus verreauxi A. Grandidier, 1867) è un lemure della famiglia degli Indriidae[2], diffuso nel Madagascar occidentale e sud-orientale.
Il sifaka di Verraux è un lemure di media taglia.
La pelliccia è folta e setosa, di colorazione bianca con strisce scure sui fianchi, la sommità della testa e le estremità degli arti. La lunga coda viene utilizzata come bilanciere nei salti da un albero all'altro [3][4] Le specializzazioni anatomiche degli arti inferiori e superiori rendono questa specie prevalentemente arboricola[5]; i movimenti sul terreno producono una caratteristica andatura a balzi laterali, spesso paragonata ad una specie di danza.
Gli esemplari di questa specie vivono in piccoli gruppi da 1 a 10 individui con numero di maschi e femmine più o meno bilanciato[6].
Le femmine, come in molte specie di lemuri, sono socialmente dominanti[7]; entrambi i sessi migrano, anche se prevalentemente le femmine sono il sesso filopatrico (stanziale), mentre i maschi migrano, intorno alla maturità sessuale, in nuovi gruppi[8]. Le femmine si accoppiano con più partner nell'ambito della medesima stagione riproduttiva (che ha una durata totale di circa due mesi, anche se ogni femmina rimane in estro per pochi giorni)[9]. Le femmine utilizzano le marcature anogenitali per contrassegnare il territorio, mentre i maschi utilizzano marcature specializzate (anogenitali e con le ghiandole presenti sotto la gola) più per attrarre le femmine che per delimitare il territorio[10][11]. I maschi presentano un bimorfismo sessuale reversibile: possono avere il petto chiaro (clean chest) o il petto scuro (stained chest), perché "sporcato" dal secreto prodotto dalla ghiandola sotto la gola, secreto che viene "spalmato" sui substrati strusciandovi contro gola e petto; solo i maschi più attivi nel marcare territorio e risorse hanno dunque il petto scuro [12]. Le variazioni nel petto sembrano essere legate ai livelli di testosterone [13].
Durante la stagione degli amori i maschi e le femmine attuano un vero e proprio mercato biologico: i maschi che marcano di più si accoppiano per primi e quelli che "offrono" più grooming alle femmine si accoppiano con maggiore frequenza[14]. La colorazione del petto nei maschi (data dal secreto ghiandolare) è probabilmente un segnale sessuale secondario (analogo, ad esempio, al seno delle donne), che dà indicazioni sulla qualità del maschio: le femmine, infatti, copulano più frequentemente con i maschi petto scuro, più attivi nel marcare; i maschi petto chiaro, per poter accedere alle femmine nella stagione degli amori, offrono ad desse più grooming rispetto ai maschi petto scuro [15].
La gerarchia del sifaka è lineare ed in questa specie è stato evidenziato, per la prima volta in natura su una proscimmia, il meccanismo della riconciliazione come forma di gestione dei conflitti. La riconciliazione non avviene, tuttavia, in contesto di feeding (cioè quando gli animali mangiano)[16]. Il gioco in questa specie si protrae fino all'età adulta, dove è utilizzato anche per "rompere il ghiaccio" e ridurre la xenofobia tra maschi di gruppi diversi, in particolare nella stagione degli amori[17].
I sifaka sono erbivori selettivi la cui dieta è composta prevalentemente da foglie (giovani e adulte) e, nella stagione umida, anche da germogli, frutti e fiori. La dieta è variabile a seconda dei siti e della vegetazione che li caratterizza: tra le famiglie di piante preferite ci sono le Leguminosae (tra cui il Tamarindus indica) e le Didiereaceae[18][19]. Sono piuttosto tolleranti ai tannini. Possono occasionalmente ingerire terreno (geofagia)[20]. Sono attivi, per la ricerca del cibo, al mattino e nel pomeriggio con un lungo intervallo nella parte centrale della giornata nella stagione secca e senza intervalli degni di nota nella stagione umida[21].
I sifaka di Verreaux e i lemuri dalla fronte rossa (Eulemur rufus) riconoscono i richiami di allarme l'uno dell'altro (comunicazione interspecifica).[22]
Come tutti i lemuri, è endemico del Madagascar.
È diffuso nel Madagascar occidentale e sud/sudorientale, in particolare nelle aree di foresta spinosa del Madagascar meridionale e sud-occidentale, da Taolanaro (Fort Dauphin) sino al fiume Tsiribihina.
In passato il Propithecus deckenii e il Propithecus coquereli erano considerate sottospecie del P. verreauxi ed erano denominati rispettivamente Propithecus verreauxi coquereli e Propithecus verreauxi deckenii.
Oggi le sottospecie sono state elevate al rango di specie[23].
La specie è considerata in pericolo critico dalla IUCN[1]. Data la dieta, specializzata, a basso contenuto energetico (basata prevalentemente su foglie) che si ripercuote su tasso di metabolismo basale)[7] e la sua locomozione altamente dispendiosa dal punto di vista energetico[5] i sifaka sono difficili da preservare in cattività.
La si può osservare, tra gli altri siti, all'interno del Parco Nazionale di Andohahela, nella Riserva naturale di Berenty (Madagascar meridionale), nella foresta decidua secca di Kirindy (Madagascar occidentale) e nella foresta secca di Bezaha-Mahafaly (Madagascar sudoccidentale). Nei frammenti di foresta spinosa del sud del Madagascar la variabile che maggiormente influenza la loro abbondanza è la proporzione di piante di grande taglia (con un diametro ad altezza petto almeno di 5 cm), più che la dimensione stessa del frammento [24].
Il sifaka di Verreaux (Propithecus verreauxi A. Grandidier, 1867) è un lemure della famiglia degli Indriidae, diffuso nel Madagascar occidentale e sud-orientale.
Kuoduotoji sifaka (lot. Propithecus verreauxi, angl. Verreaux's Sifaka, vok. Larvensifaka) – indrinių (Indriidae) šeimos primatas, paplitęs Madagaskare. Kūnas 43-45 cm ilgio, uodega – 56-60 cm ilgio. Svoris 3-5 kg. Kailis baltas, tik ant veido, pakaušio ir apatinėje galūnių pusėje yra rudai juodi lopai. Turi stiprias kojas ir ilgą uodegą, kuri tarnauja išlaikyti pusiausvyrą gyvūnui peršokant nuo medžio iki medžio. Minta lapais, vaisiai, žiedais ir žieve. Gyvena nespastoviomis bendruomeninėmis grupėmis.
Kuoduotoji sifaka (lot. Propithecus verreauxi, angl. Verreaux's Sifaka, vok. Larvensifaka) – indrinių (Indriidae) šeimos primatas, paplitęs Madagaskare. Kūnas 43-45 cm ilgio, uodega – 56-60 cm ilgio. Svoris 3-5 kg. Kailis baltas, tik ant veido, pakaušio ir apatinėje galūnių pusėje yra rudai juodi lopai. Turi stiprias kojas ir ilgą uodegą, kuri tarnauja išlaikyti pusiausvyrą gyvūnui peršokant nuo medžio iki medžio. Minta lapais, vaisiai, žiedais ir žieve. Gyvena nespastoviomis bendruomeninėmis grupėmis.
De verreauxsifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) is een zoogdier uit de familie van de indriachtigen (Indriidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Alfred Grandidier in 1867, die hem vernoemde naar de Franse bioloog Jules Verreaux.
Deze grote, overwegend witte sifaka heeft bruinzwarte partijen op het gelaat, de kruin en aan de onderzijde van de krachtige poten. De lichaamslengte bedraagt 43 tot 45 cm, de staartlengte 56 tot 60 cm en het gewicht 3 tot 5 kg.
Dit dier verplaatst zich met grote, veerkrachtige sprongen in meestal doornige bomen. Zijn voedsel bestaat uit bladeren, vruchten, bloemen en diverse soorten bast. Sifaka’s hebben een karakteristieke roep, die ze laten horen bij territorium- of grensconflicten met naburige groepen.
Deze in groepsverband levende soort komt voor in de tropische bossen van West- en Zuid-Madagaskar.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesDe verreauxsifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) is een zoogdier uit de familie van de indriachtigen (Indriidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Alfred Grandidier in 1867, die hem vernoemde naar de Franse bioloog Jules Verreaux.
Verreauxsifakai (Propithecus verreauxi) er en primatart av familien indrier som er utbredt i de tørre områdene sørvest på Madagaskar. Den finnes helst i torneskog og i skog langs elver, men er også funnet i andre skogtyper.
Denne store lemuriden er hovedsakelig hvit, med brunsvarte felt i ansiktet oppå hodet og under beina og armene. De kraftige beina gjør store, spretne hopp mellom kaktusliknende trær. Verreauxsifakaen eter mange forskjellige blader, blomster, frukt og bark. Den lever i skiftende flokker, som skriker «sifaka» til hverandre når de slåss om territoriegrensene.
Verreauxsifakai (Propithecus verreauxi) er en primatart av familien indrier som er utbredt i de tørre områdene sørvest på Madagaskar. Den finnes helst i torneskog og i skog langs elver, men er også funnet i andre skogtyper.
Denne store lemuriden er hovedsakelig hvit, med brunsvarte felt i ansiktet oppå hodet og under beina og armene. De kraftige beina gjør store, spretne hopp mellom kaktusliknende trær. Verreauxsifakaen eter mange forskjellige blader, blomster, frukt og bark. Den lever i skiftende flokker, som skriker «sifaka» til hverandre når de slåss om territoriegrensene.
Sifaka biała[4], sifaka Varreauxa[potrzebny przypis] (Propithecus verreauxi) – gatunek ssaka naczelnego z rodziny indrisowatych (Indridae).
Gatunek endemiczny południowo-zachodniego Madagaskaru. Spotykana od brzegu morza do wysokości 1300 m n.p.m., w lasach deszczowych, najczęściej wśród wysokich drzew.
Średnia długość ciała to 50 cm. Tyle samo wynosi długość ogona. Masa ciała sifaki wynosi od 3,6 do 4,3 kg.
Ciąża trwa 130–160 dni. Samica rodzi na ogół jedno młode na przełomie lipca i sierpnia. Karmi je przez 6 miesięcy. Młode usamodzielnia się w siódmym miesiącu życia.
Sifaka biała posila się rano owocami, pędami drzew oraz owadami. Tworzy grupy 6-10 osobników. Obejmują one 1 lub 2 rodziny.
W literaturze brak danych o naturalnych wrogach sifaki białej, potencjalnym zagrożeniem może być fossa. Gatunek jest narażony na wyginięcie z powodu działalności człowieka (utrata siedlisk spowodowana rozwojem rolnictwa i wycinką lasów oraz zanieczyszczenie środowiska).
Sifaka biała, sifaka Varreauxa[potrzebny przypis] (Propithecus verreauxi) – gatunek ssaka naczelnego z rodziny indrisowatych (Indridae).
Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi[2][3][4]) är en däggdjursart som beskrevs av Alfred Grandidier 1867. Propithecus verreauxi ingår i släktet sifakor, och familjen indrier.[5][6] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[5]
Individerna har en 43 till 55 cm lång kropp (huvud och bål) och en ungefär lika lång svans. De väger vanligen 3 till 3,5 kg och ibland upp till 7 kg.[7] Artens långa mjuka päls är huvudsakligen vit, förutom en mörkbrun krona på hjässan. Ansiktet saknar hår och har svart hud. Även händernas flator och fötternas sulor är nakna och svarta. Vid bröstet, på buken och på underarmarna är pälsen tunnare, så att den gråa huden blir synlig. Dessutom kan hanar ha en rödbrun fläck på bröstet på grund av vätskan som avsöndras från en körtel vid strupen. Olika populationer har mera brunaktig päls. Sifaka har långa kraftiga bakben för att hoppa från gren till gren.[8]
Denna primat förekommer på sydvästra Madagaskar och dessutom finns en avskild population på centrala Madagaskar. I bergstrakter når arten 1300 meter över havet. Habitatet utgörs av tropiska skogar, av galleriskogar samt av buskskogar som uppkom efter skogsavverkningar.[1]
Individerna är aktiva på dagen, främst på morgonen och på senare eftermiddagen. De sover på natten i trädens kronor.[7]
En flock består av en eller några få hanar, flera honor och deras ungar. Flocken har upp till 14 medlemmar och lever i ett revir som är 4 till 20 hektar stort. Sifaka äter blad, frukter och frön samt lite bark och jord från termitstackar.[1] Under den torra perioden äter sifakan blad av växter från familjen Didiereaceae och den slickar även dagg för att täcka vätskebehovet.[8]
Parningen sker mellan januari och mars. Efter 162 till 170 dagar dräktighet föds en unge. Ungen är självständig efter cirka 6 månader och den får egna ungar efter 5-6 år.[1] Ungefär 30 procent av årets nyfödda ungar faller offer för fossan (Cryptoprocta ferox). Dessutom jagas sifakan av rovfåglar och av andra predatorer.[8] Arten har därför olika varningsrop som skiljer mellan flygande fiender och markbundna (inklusive klättrande) fiender.[7]
Arten hotas nästan uteslutande av skogsavverkningar och skogsbränder. Att jaga sifakan som matkälla är hos nästan alla folkgrupper som lever på Madagaskar tabu, och dessutom finns ett lagligt jaktförbud. I regionen kring Isalo nationalpark kallas arten däremot för sifaka-bilany (sifakan från kastrullen). Det är oklart om namnet syftar på primaten som rekommenderat mat eller på den askgråa skuggan på pälsen som är typisk för regionens population.
Skogen avverkas eller omvandlas genom svedjebruk för att etablera jordbruks- eller betesmark samt trädodlingar. IUCN uppskattar att beståndet minskade med minst 50 procent under 52 år (tre generationer) före 2015. Det befaras att denna minskning fortsätter. Sifakan listas därför som starkt hotad (endangered).[1]
Sedan 2010 hålls inga individer i djurparker eller i privata hägn.[1]
Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) är en däggdjursart som beskrevs av Alfred Grandidier 1867. Propithecus verreauxi ingår i släktet sifakor, och familjen indrier. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.
Propithecus verreauxi là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Indridae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được A. Grandidier mô tả năm 1867.[2]
Propithecus verreauxi là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Indridae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được A. Grandidier mô tả năm 1867.
Propithecus verreauxi A. Grandidier, 1867
СинонимыСифака Верро[1][2], или хохлатый сифака[3], или хохлатый индри[2] (лат. Propithecus verreauxi) — вид приматов из семейства индриевых. Обитает на Мадагаскаре, где населяет обширные территории, покрытые как дождевыми, так и сухими листопадными лесами. Шерсть густая, обычно белая, с тёмными отметинами на боках, голове и руках. Как и все сифаки, имеет длинный хвост, используемый в качестве балансира при прыжках с дерева на дерево. Приспособлен к жизни на деревьях, при передвижении по земле использует прыжки. Образует небольшие группы.
В длину составляет от 42 до 45 см, хвост длиной от 56 до 60 см. Самки весят в среднем 3,4 кг, самцы — 3,6 кг. Имеет относительно низкую, плоскую черепную коробку. Лицо шире, чем у других индриевых, морда укороченная. Зубная формула Верхние резцы очень маленькие, направлены внутрь. Нижняя челюсть образует зубную гребёнку, коренные зубы с бугорком, что помогает измельчать листья при жевании. Грудная клетка шире, чем у большинства лемуровых.
Кормится чаще всего утром или ближе к вечеру, во время полуденной жары отдыхают. В рационе в основном листья, также едят фрукты, кору деревьев и цветы. Отдают предпочтение листьям с низким содержанием танина.[4]
Дневное животное, проводит самую жаркую часть дня отдыхая на солнце, раскинув конечности. Живёт на деревьях, передвигаясь в кронах при помощи прыжков, прыгая иногда на 9—10 метров. По земле перемещаются, прыгая на двух ногах.
Образуют небольшие семейные группы из 2—12, состоящих из самца и самки, или сразу нескольких самцов и самок.[5][6] Территориальное поведение развито слабо, защищают от других групп чаще не территорию, а источники пищи. Самки в группе доминируют над самцами.[7]
Самки вырабатывают анально-половой секрет, используемый для обозначения границ территории, тогда как секрет самцов (из анально-половых и горловых желёз) больше служит для привлечения полового партнёра, чем для территориальных целей.[8][9] У некоторых самцов грудь покрыта коричневым налётом от этого секрета.[10][11]
Самцы и самки иногда оказывают услуги по чистке шерсти за какое-либо вознаграждение, например, ответную чистку шерсти, а в брачный период за спаривание (самец предлагает чистку, самка — спаривание).[12] Исследования показали, что самки чаще спариваются с самцами, у которых грудь сильнее окрашена секретом. С другой стороны, самцы с чистой грудью чаще предлагают самкам услуги по чистке шерсти, что также заканчивается спариванием.[13]
Было обнаружено, что после случаев агрессии между двумя хохлатыми индри, они зачастую мирятся и восстанавливают дружелюбные отношения, это часто происходит когда в конфликте не замешана еда.[14] Хохлатые индри сохраняют интерес к играм и во взрослом возрасте, когда игры используются во время брачного периода.[15]
Беременность длится 130 дней, после чего рождается один детёныш. Роды проходят обычно в период между июнем и августом. Первые 6—8 недель детёныш цепляется за брюхо матери, следующие 19 недель мать переносит детёныша на спине.
Международный союз охраны природы присвоил этому виду охранный статус «уязвимый» (VU, англ. Vulnerable).[16] a key species of the spiny forest habitat.[17]
Сифака Верро, или хохлатый сифака, или хохлатый индри (лат. Propithecus verreauxi) — вид приматов из семейства индриевых. Обитает на Мадагаскаре, где населяет обширные территории, покрытые как дождевыми, так и сухими листопадными лесами. Шерсть густая, обычно белая, с тёмными отметинами на боках, голове и руках. Как и все сифаки, имеет длинный хвост, используемый в качестве балансира при прыжках с дерева на дерево. Приспособлен к жизни на деревьях, при передвижении по земле использует прыжки. Образует небольшие группы.
維氏冕狐猴(学名:Propithecus verreauxi)是大狐猴科冕狐猴属的一种。
ベローシファカ(Propithecus verreauxi)は、インドリ科シファカ属(英語版)に分類される霊長類。
レッドリストにおける評価では1990年は危急(V)、1996年-2008年は危急(危急種、VU)だったが、2016年の評価では1段階悪化して危機(絶滅危惧種、EN)になっている[1]。 ワシントン条約ではインドリ属、シファカ属(英語版)、アバヒ属(英語版)の3属を含むインドリ科全体が附属書I (2017年改訂)に掲載されている[2]。なお、附属書Iに掲載された種は商業取引が原則として禁止される[3]。
베록스시파카 (Propithecus verreauxi)는 여우원숭이 과인 인드리과에 속하는 중간 크기의 영장류이다. 마다가스카르 섬에 서식하며, 우림에서부터 서부 마다가스카르의 낙엽성 숲과 건조하고 가시로 덮힌 나무가 있는 숲에 이르기까지 다양한 서식지에서 발견된다. 털은 두껍고 부드러우며, 일반적으로 옆 쪽과 머리 윗 부분, 팔 쪽이 갈색과 함께 흰 색을 띤다. 모든 시파카들과 마찬가지로 긴 꼬리를 지니고 있으며, 나무에서 나무로 건너 뛸때 균형을 잡는 데 사용한다. 그러나 나무 위에서의 생활에 너무 적응해서 땅 위에서는 오로지 깡충 뛰는 것만이 유일한 이동 방법이다. 이 종은 먹이를 구할 때, 작은 무리를 지어 생활한다.
이 여우원숭이는 4종의 아종이 있다. 베록스시파카에 대해서는 아직 상당수가 미지의 상태로 있고, 그래서 야생에서의 수명은 알려져 있지 않지만, 사육 상태에서는 일반적으로 18년까지 산다.