There are no adverse affects of D. matschiei on humans.
Dendrolagus comes from the Greek word dendron, meaning tree, and lagos, meaning hare. Dendrolagus matschiei was named after the German zoologist Paul Matschie, who discovered several other species of tree kangaroo. In captivity, tree kangaroos are particularly susceptible to atypical strains of mycobacteria, resulting in tubercular lesions. In a 1990 survey of institutions holding tree kangaroos, 8% of necropsies involved mycobacterial infections (excluding newborns). For Matschie's tree kangaroos, 73 % of reported mycobacterial infections were traced to an avian strain of tuberculosis. Routes of infection are assumed to be similar to those in humans: inhalation of infectious aerosols or inoculation from wounds or lacerations, yet animals housed together with infected individuals do not become infected. As in humans, most infections are believed to be acquired from the environment, not other individuals.
In the past, tree kangaroos infected with mycobacteria were often euthanized without any treatment attempt. Given the endangered status of these animals and the availability of antitubercular drugs, early diagnosis and treatment is important. Although few cases of tuberculosis in tree kangaroos have been directly linked to birds housed in the same area, the Species Survival Plan now recommends that no birds be housed with tree kangaroos. Stress on these animals also needs to be minimized since stress is associated with immunosuppression, which is always found in latently infected individuals. Early screening with skin tests, chest radiographs and cultures are also being routinely practiced. Further culture and isolation of mycobacteria from infected individuals will shed more light on the origin of infection.
(Flannery 1990, Collins 1990, Joslin 1990)
Matschiei's tree kangaroos use their vision, touch, smell, and hearing to perceive their environment. Communication occurs by visual display, touch, some vocalization, and, most importantly, through chemical cues.
Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
In 1996, the IUCN listed D. matschiei as seriously endangered, meaning 50% of the population has disappeared in the past ten years. Rainforest clearing and hunting are the main threats. Dendrolagus matschiei is the focus of a Species Survival Plan organized by international zoos. This plan focuses on habitat preservation and field studies while at the same time maintaining and studying the large captive population to learn more about tree kangaroo biology. Education is also stressed in an attempt to reduce the joint pressures of rainforest destruction and hunting.
(Collins 1990, IUCN 1996,
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: endangered
Internationally, this species of tree kangaroo is valued in zoos as a brilliantly colored unusual kangaroo. Locally, it is hunted as a food source. (Procter-Gray 1990)
Positive Impacts: food ; ecotourism
This tree kangaroo's consumption of mature leaves has little effect on the canopy given the current population size. The occasional consumption of young domestic birds is not frequent enough to have any ecosystem impact.
Dendrolagus matschiei are almost exclusively folivorous and prefer mature leaves. Although D. matschiei retain the large fermentation chamber stomachs characteristic of the macropod family, their basal metabolic rate is only 70% that of the grass eating red kangaroo, possibly an adaptation to a diet of leaves which tend to contain more toxins than fruit or grasses. Tree kangaroos eat sporadically throughout the day for an average of 15-20 minutes every four hours. The remainder of their diet consists of wild fruits, flowers, nuts, insects, bark, sap, bird eggs, and young birds. In captivity, D. matschiei are fed a high fiber diet of leaves, fruits and vegetables. Because large quantities of fresh leaves which are high in tannin are not easily obtained by most zoos, the diet is usually supplemented with tea leaves. Without the supplement, captive tree kangaroos tend to lose the rich color of their coats. Hard-boiled eggs and occasional chicks are also offered.
(Proter-Gray 1990, Collins 1990)
Animal Foods: birds; eggs; insects
Plant Foods: leaves; roots and tubers; wood, bark, or stems; seeds, grains, and nuts; fruit
Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore )
Dendrolagus matschiei is found exclusively in the Huon Peninsula of Papau New Guinea and the nearby island of Umboi, where they were probably introduced by humans. It is the only tree kangaroo species that inhabits this area. (Flannery 1995, Wilson 1993)
Biogeographic Regions: australian (Native )
Other Geographic Terms: island endemic
Dendrolagus matschiei is found in lower montane forests at elevations of 1000 to 3000 meters. Oaks are the predominant tree species at the lower elevations while conifers are common at the higher elevations. Tree ferns and epiphytes are common and there is a large accumulation of leaf litter. (Flannery 1995, Moeller 1990)
Range elevation: 1000 to 3000 m.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; rainforest
Captive D. matschiei have lived as long as 14 years.
Range lifespan
Status: captivity: 14 (high) years.
Average lifespan
Status: wild: 8.0 years.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 14.0 years.
Tree kangaroos are similar in form to their ground dwelling relatives but have many adaptations specific to their arboreal existance. They have stocky bodies with forelimbs and hindlimbs closer in proportion than other macropods. Body length ranges from 55 to 63 cm. Their tails are long, equivalent to body length, and cylindrical rather than tapered and used for balancing. They have thick fur that grows in an opposite direction on their nape and back, enabling them to easily shed water when crouched in their typical position with head lower than shoulders. The female has a well-developed pouch with four mammae.
Dendrolagus matschiei are chestnut to red brown with a bright yellow tail, belly, ear edges, and feet. Their faces are yellow and white. They often have a dark stripe down their back and a vortex of fur in the middle of their back. They have cushion-like pads on their feet covered with roughened skin, and some of their nails are curved.
Dendrolagus matschiei can be distinguished from the closely related D. goodfellowi (once considered a subspecies) by the absence of golden back stripes, solidly colored yellow tail and more sombre coloration. Dendrolagus matschiei have shorter feet than other tree kangaroos and have larger ears. They have a diastema between their third incisor and canine of 2.95 +- 0.8 mm. The interparietal bone is large with an acute apex.
(Nowak 1991, Moeller 1990, Flannery 1995, Groves 1982)
Range mass: 6 to 13 kg.
Range length: 55 to 63 cm.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike
Average basal metabolic rate: 7.96 W.
Predation on D. matschiei is poorly known. They are hunted by humans and perhaps large birds of prey. These tree kangaroos avoid predation largely by seeking refuge in trees.
During estrous, the female descends to the ground and approaches the male. This contact is followed by tongue-clicking, hissing and swatting of the male, but the female usually allows the male to mount within ten minutes. Copulation lasts up to an hour and generally takes place on the ground. Often a semen plug is found.
Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)
Female D. matschiei are polyestrous with no defined breeding season, although low copulation rates have been recorded from October through March in captivity. Estrous occurs every 51-79 days. Delayed implantation does not occur in D. matschiei (but has been recorded in other Dendrolagus species) nor is there any embryonic diapause. Gestation lasts 39-45 days, the longest recorded gestation period for any marsupial. Twenty four to 48 hours prior to birth, the female isolates herself. When parturition is close, she assumes the birth position by sitting on the base of her tail with her tail between her legs. It takes approximately 2 minutes for the tiny (less than 1 inch) joey to crawl up and into the pouch. Cleaning of the pouch is usually noted right after birth, often with the female's entire head in the pouch.
The joey firmly attaches to one of four nipples for 90-100 days after birth. At 250 days old, the joey first looks out of the pouch and begins to take notice of the mother's diet. At 300 days, the joey first ventures out of the pouch and at 350 days permanently vacates the pouch. Tree kangaroo joeys have a long pouch life in comparison to other macropods, e.g. red kangaroos permanently exit the pouch at 235 days.
Tree kangaroos reach sexual maturity at two years old and are reproductive for 10-12 years.
(Flannery 1990, Collins 1990)
Breeding interval: Interbirth interval is determined by the nutritional status of the mother.
Breeding season: Breeding can occur throughout the year.
Average number of offspring: 1.
Range gestation period: 39 to 45 days.
Average weaning age: 12 months.
Average time to independence: 12 months.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 2 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal ); viviparous
Average number of offspring: 1.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
Sex: female: 845 days.
Females care for and nurse their young for extended periods of time.
Parental Investment: altricial ; female parental care
Dendrolagus matschiei (lat. Dendrolagus matschiei) - ağac vallabisi cinsinə aid heyvan növü.
Dendrolagus matschiei (lat. Dendrolagus matschiei) - ağac vallabisi cinsinə aid heyvan növü.
Kangourou-gwez Matschie (Dendrolagus matschiei) a zo ur bronneg godellek a vev e reter Ginea-Nevez.
El cangur arborícola de Matschie (Dendrolagus matschiei) és un cangur arborícola de la família dels macropòdids, que inclou unes 55 espècies de cangurs, ualabis i afins. Viu a la península de Huon del nord-est de Nova Guinea. Segons la classificació de la UICN, és una espècie amenaçada. El seu nom és en honor del biòleg alemany Paul Matschie.
El cangur arborícola de Matschie (Dendrolagus matschiei) és un cangur arborícola de la família dels macropòdids, que inclou unes 55 espècies de cangurs, ualabis i afins. Viu a la península de Huon del nord-est de Nova Guinea. Segons la classificació de la UICN, és una espècie amenaçada. El seu nom és en honor del biòleg alemany Paul Matschie.
Klokan Matschieův (Dendrolagus matschiei) patří mezi stromové klokany. Byl objeven v roce 1907 v horských deštných pralesích.
Tito klokani žijí ve východním cípu ostrova Nová Guinea. Vyskytují se hlavně v horách táhnoucích se až k severovýchodu s řekou Sepik. Hory vysoké až 4 000 m n. m. jsou skoro až ke špičkám prorostlé pralesy. Tudíž žijí v tropických lesích a zdržují se hlavně ve vrcholcích stromů. Na zem sestupují jen výjimečně v noci, kde se pohybují skákáním jako ostatní klokani. Jeho výskyt je znám i na ostrově Umboi, ale tam byl pravděpodobně vysazen.
Klokan Matschieův je největší stromový klokan. Jeho srst bývá tmavě hnědá až do hnědožluta, břicho a čumák jsou bílé. Srst musí být hustá, drsná a nepromokavá. Jelikož šplhají, mají svalnaté nohy se silnými drápy a ohnutými, ostrými špičkami. Jeho chodidla jsou široká a drsná, aby se udržel na stromech. Na předních končetinách má pohyblivý palec, ten umožňuje dobré uchopení větví. Délka těla je okolo 42–64 cm. Ocas může měřit 41–68 cm, ten používá ke kormidlování při skocích. Ocas není ovíjivý. Váží pouhých 6–11 kg. Klokan Matschieův vypadá při skákání trochu nemotorně, ale při šplhání je sebejistý a mrštný. Je schopen skákat z větve na větev se vzdálenosti až 10 m. Neublíží si ani při skoku z výšky 20 m, ale většinou dává přednost klidnému sestupu pozadu. Dožívá se 8-10 let ve volné přírodě a v zajetí až 20 let.
Způsob života není moc prozkoumaný. V zajetí se chová jen ojediněle. Patří mezi samotářská zvířata. Živí se listy, výhonky a plody. Je ohrožen kácením lesů a ztrátou životního prostředí.
Klokan Matschieův má jedno mládě, které kojí jeden rok. Samice je březí 32 dní. Mládě měří pouhý 1 cm, a váží 1 g. To ihned po narození vyšplhá do matčina vaku. Po roce mláděti narostou silné drápy a začne z matčina vaku vylézat. Pád ze stromu je pro mládě smrtelný.
Klokan Matschieův (Dendrolagus matschiei) patří mezi stromové klokany. Byl objeven v roce 1907 v horských deštných pralesích.
Das Matschie-Baumkänguru (Dendrolagus matschiei) kommt endemisch auf der Huon-Halbinsel im Nordosten von Neuguinea vor. Eine Population auf der Insel Umboi wurde wahrscheinlich vom Menschen eingeführt. Der wissenschaftliche Name ehrt den deutschen Biologen Paul Matschie.
Das Matschie-Baumkänguru ist ein mittelgroßes, kurzschwänziges Baumkänguru. Weibchen erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 51 bis 63 cm, Männchen sind in den meisten Fällen mit 61 bis 66 cm größer. Der Schwanz der Weibchen hat eine Länge von 45,5 bis 68,5 cm und bei den Männchen ist er 55,5 bis 62 cm lang. Das Gewicht der Tiere liegt zwischen 7 und 10,5 kg. Das Fell ist dicht und kontrastreich gezeichnet. Die Grundfärbung ist braun, Kehle, Brust, Unterarme und Unterschenkel, die Innenseiten von Armen und Beinen, Hände und Füße, der Schwanz, die Schnauze und die Ohren sind hell gelblich. Die genaue Ausdehnung der hellen Fellbereiche sind individuell verschieden.[1]
Das Matschie-Baumkänguru lebt in tropischen Gebirgsregenwäldern in Höhen von 1000 bis 3300 Metern und ist weitgehend nacht- oder dämmerungsaktiv. Die Tiere sind Einzelgänger, nicht häufig und bewohnen relativ weitläufige, in der Regel über 120 ha große Territorien. Überlappungen mit den Territorien anderer Tiere des gleichen Geschlechts kommen vor. Ein Kernterritorium wird aber möglicherweise verteidigt. Die Territorien der Männchen überlappen sich mit denen mehrerer Weibchen. Matschie-Baumkängurus ernähren sich vor allem von Blättern von Bäumen, Sträuchern, Farnen, Orchideen und Kräutern. Früchte und Blüten werden ebenfalls verzehrt, machen aber nur einen kleinen Teil der Nahrung aus. Insgesamt fressen Matschie-Baumkängurus Teile von über 100 Pflanzenarten. Die Tiere fressen sowohl auf Bäumen als auch am Bodengrund. In Gefangenschaft gehaltene Matschie-Baumkängurus fressen auch Eier und Fleisch und fangen kleine Vögel, die sie erreichen können.[1]
Matschie-Baumkänguru vermehren sich das ganze Jahr über ohne eine spezielle Fortpflanzungszeit. Die Paarung findet bei in Zoologischen Gärten gehaltenen Tieren auf dem Erdboden statt. Die Tragezeit beträgt 44 bis 45 Tage. Das Weibchen bringt ein einzelnes Jungtier zur Welt, welches anschließend für etwa 9,5 Monate im Beutel heranwächst und insgesamt 12 Monate gesäugt wird. Weibchen erreichen mit einem Alter von 25 Monaten ihre Geschlechtsreife.[1]
Das Matschie-Baumkänguru ist bedroht und wird in der Roten Liste der IUCN als "stark gefährdet" geführt. Das gesamte Verbreitungsgebiet der Art ist weniger als 14.000 km² groß und die Gesamtzahl der ausgewachsenen Individuen wird auf nur 2500 Exemplare geschätzt.[2]
Das Matschie-Baumkänguru (Dendrolagus matschiei) kommt endemisch auf der Huon-Halbinsel im Nordosten von Neuguinea vor. Eine Population auf der Insel Umboi wurde wahrscheinlich vom Menschen eingeführt. Der wissenschaftliche Name ehrt den deutschen Biologen Paul Matschie.
Matschie's tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei), also known as the Huon tree-kangaroo is a tree-kangaroo native to the Huon Peninsula of northeastern New Guinea island, within the nation of Papua New Guinea. Under the IUCN classification, Matschie's tree-kangaroo is an endangered species. The scientific name honours German biologist Paul Matschie. The indigenous population refers to it as a Boongarry.[3]
With a body and head length of 20 to 32 inches (51–81 cm), Matschie's tree-kangaroo are much smaller than Australia's well-known red kangaroo.[4] An adult male weighs between 20 and 25 lb (9–11 kg). An adult female weighs between 15 and 20 lb (7–9 kg).
There is no particular season in which they breed. Gestation lasts 44 days and joeys of captive bred individuals leave the pouch after 11 months. The average life span of the Matschie's tree-kangaroo in the wild is unknown, but is at least 14 years. The life span of the kangaroo in a zoo is about 20 years.
The most distinctive trait of all tree-kangaroos is the hair whorl they possess. It is a patch of hair that goes out in many directions and its location ranges from up near the shoulders all the way down to the tail.[5] The Matschie's tree-kangaroo is golden on its ventral side, lower parts of its limbs, ear edges, belly, and tail, and the rest of its body is a chestnut brown colour, except for usually having a dark stripe down its back. Their faces are typically an array of yellow and white colours. The Matschies’ are similar in colour and size to Dendrolagus dorianus, the Doria's tree-kangaroo.[6] Matschies’ ears are small and bear-like looking and they do not have a good sense of hearing because of it. They have curved claws on their forelimbs and soft pads on their hind limbs that aid in their climbing ability, and they have some independent movement of their digits as well as good dexterity due to their forelimbs being able to bend a great deal. The 4th and 5th digit of their feet are enlarged, the 1st digit is absent, and the 2nd and 3rd digits are syndactylous (two digits that look like one fused together).[6] Scientists have discovered that the Matschie's are able to walk bipedally and there's a lot of rotation in their limbs for climbing.[7] Out of all of the Dendrolagus species, the Matschie's tree-kangaroo is the best vertical climber and has more strength in its muscles than any others.[8] Their tails help to offset their balance while moving swiftly through the trees since their tails are about the same length as their head and body size.[7] Sexual dimorphism is very low, with males and females being of about equal sizes. The upper and lower jaws of the Matschie's tree-kangaroos are different too in addition to them being different in body size. The upper jaw has three incisors, one canine, one premolar, and four molars, while the lower jaw has one very sharp incisor, no canines and low crowned molars.[8]
Matschie's tree-kangaroo lives in the mountainous rainforests at elevations of between 1,000 and 3,000 metres (3,300 and 9,800 ft). The kangaroo tends to live either alone or with very small groups, usually composed of just a female, a joey, and a male. They spend most of their time in the trees and come down occasionally to feed. They are very adept at hopping and can leap up to 30 feet (9 m).
Instead of sweating, Matschie's tree-kangaroo licks its forearms and allows the evaporation to help cool its body.
In the wild, it will usually feed on leaves, fruits and mosses. When kept in zoos, it feeds on apples, carrots, yams, corn on the cob, celery, kale/romaine, high fiber monkey biscuits, tofu, hard boiled eggs, and various types of tree boughs (elm, willow, etc.).
In the wild, researchers have found most Matschies’ live alone or in small assemblies, containing maybe a mother and her offspring and one male. Most of the time, the groups have a sex ratio of 1:1.[9] The Matschie's tree-kangaroos are very closely related to Dendrolagus goodfellowi, the Goodfellow's tree-kangaroo, which was once considered a subspecies of the Matschie's tree-kangaroos.[10] Matschies’ appear to be scared of humans because they scramble around when humans are nearby and they are very difficult to find in the forests. They spend about 14 to 15 hours of their days sleeping and resting. The Matschie's tree-kangaroos are known for defending their home territory and marking their boundaries.[6]
When the temperature of the environment drastically changes at different times of the year, they are able to maintain a moderate body temperature because of their metabolic rate.[11] Matschies’ have been found to be very susceptible to mycobacterial infections; however, the infections do not seem to be contagious because some individuals that are around infected kangaroos do not appear to get the infection. It seems to be from an avium complex related to tuberculosis, but scientists are still unsure of how exactly it spreads.[12]
Matschie's tree-kangaroos are restricted to the Huon peninsula of Papua New Guinea, a subdivision of Tumbanan faunal province, and are the only tree-kangaroos found there. They are also residents on the island of Umboi, which is just off the coast of Papua New Guinea.[10] However, most scientists believe the tree-kangaroos were introduced onto this island and were not originally found there. The Matschies’ prefer to live in deciduous forests and tropical rainforests because they remain in trees for most of their days.[8] They mainly live in the northeast interior of New Guinea and their home range sizes consists of about 25 hectares of the area.[8]
The Matschie's tree-kangaroos are mainly folivorous, eating anything from leaves, sap, insects, flowers, and nuts.[7] It was also found that they have eaten chickens in captivity as well as feeding on a variety of plants, carrots, lettuce, bananas, potatoes, hard-boiled eggs, and yams. Since they eat high fiber foods, they only eat maybe about 1 to 2 hours throughout the day and the other time of the day they are resting and digesting their food.[7] Their digestion is similar to that of the ruminants; they have a large, tubiform forestomach, where most of the fermentation and breakdown of tough material takes place at; in the hind stomach, there is a mucosa lining with many glands that help absorption begin here.
In captivity, the tree-kangaroos can get pregnant at any time of the year and are known to breed well. The female oestrus cycle is between 54.2 and 56.8 days and tree kangaroos are able to produce young at 2 to 2.5 years of age.[13] Mating occurs when a female advances on a male while on the ground; they touch each other's noses and click their tongues. The female is initially resistant to the male's advances. She will hiss and swat at the male but will permit him to mount her within ten minutes. Copulation can last up to sixty minutes afterwards. The gestation period lasts approximately 44.2 days, which is known to be the longest for any of the marsupials. A single observed captive birth occurred above ground, in the branches. Joeys first stick their head out of the pouch at roughly 22 weeks. They will first leave the pouch and feed on their own at 28 weeks. Joeys permanently vacate the pouch at approximately 41 weeks.[14] The Matschie's tree-kangaroos have no embryonic diapauses or delayed implantations and are able to get pregnant as soon as the joey leaves the pouch. (Loss of pouch young results in a return to estrus within 5 days.)
In 1996, the IUCN classified the Matschie's tree-kangaroos as endangered animals.[2] A lot of the Huon Peninsula's trees have been cleared in which the tree-kangaroos chiefly inhabit, so there are more grassy areas created and the Matschie's tree-kangaroos’ habitat is being destroyed.[10] They are also threatened by oil drilling, logging, hunting by humans, and rainforest clearing. Some Matschie's tree-kangaroos are hunted by local natives for their meat and fur, while others, such as the people of Yawan, a village in New Guinea, aid in the Matschie's conservation. The people of Yawan have put aside 100,000 acres (400 km2) for the Matschie's preservation.[9]
Many Matschie's thrive in captivity and maintain healthy lives interacting with one another. The numbers of tree-kangaroos in captivity in North America have been recorded over the years, and in 1997, the Matschie's tree-kangaroos’ population reached a maximum of 90 animals, but it has declined to 53 in the past few years in these conservation zoos. North America developed the Tree Kangaroo Species Survival Plan (TK-SSP) in 1991 and the TK-SSP Master Plan in 1993 to help with their conservation.[8] Conservation education programs have been set up in some schools thanks to Lisa Dabek, a conservation expert for the Matschie's tree-kangaroos, who has dedicated much of her career and life to helping ones in captivity as well as studying some in the wild.[9] Dabek, along with other scientists, have captured many Matschie's in the wild and radio collared them so they could study their habits. Collaring them helps to learn their home ranges and the types of environments they stay in so that the scientists can help with conserving those types of areas.
Conservation International, an organization that supports the preservation of biodiversity of the Earth, participates in the Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program.[9] The Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program is a program that originated from Papua New Guinea and is now based at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, Washington. It is designed to study and conserve the various tree-kangaroo species. The program also encourages local villages in Papua New Guinea to help with conservation, enhances the local schools and teachers as well as advancing the medical care for the people, and recognizing particular habitats needed for the tree-kangaroos to flourish.[9] The Woodland Park Zoo is very keen on helping the Matschie's population grow and develop, and they have also seen that mothers develop their young better if they are removed from the males after mating.[15] A Species Survival Plan has been developed by zoos around the world to help conserve the Matschie's tree-kangaroos and stop the destruction of their natural habitat as well as keep healthy populations growing in the zoos.[6] By keeping them in zoos, researchers hope to build up the populations of the Matschie's. They are strongly committed to building up the population because Matschies’ are the most widely exhibited species in zoos around the world. Scientists are still trying to learn more about Matschie's tree-kangaroos and are conducting studies to watch and help the populations in the wild.[9]
In 2009 the YUS Conservation Area has been established to protect the habitat of Matschies’ in the northern part of the Huon Peninsula. YUS stretches over 760 km² and includes three rivers: Yopno, Uruwa and Som, after which it was named.[16]
Comparison of the genetic diversity of the captive breeding population to wild populations is done to evaluate how the captive breeding program is retaining the population's genetic diversity over time. In a study done by McGreevy et al. (2010), “AZA Matschie tree kangaroo’s haplotype diversity was almost two times lower than wild Matschie tree kangaroos.” This difference with allele frequencies shows the changes that can happen over time like genetic drift and mutation when a species is taken out of its natural habitat.[17]
Matschie's tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei), also known as the Huon tree-kangaroo is a tree-kangaroo native to the Huon Peninsula of northeastern New Guinea island, within the nation of Papua New Guinea. Under the IUCN classification, Matschie's tree-kangaroo is an endangered species. The scientific name honours German biologist Paul Matschie. The indigenous population refers to it as a Boongarry.
El canguro arborícola de Huon (Dendrolagus matschiei) es una especie de marsupial diprotodonto de la familia de los Macropodidae endémico de la Península de Huon, al noreste de Nueva Guinea.[1] La IUCN lo clasifica como "especie en peligro". Su número en libertad es de menos de 2.500 ejemplares.[2] Su nombre científico es en honor del biólogo alemán Paul Matschie.
Su cuerpo mide de 50 a 80 cm y son más pequeños que los canguros arborícolas australianos.[3] Los machos adultos pesan 9–11 kg. y las hembras 7–9 kg.[1] Tienen el vientre blanco crema, y la espalda marrón oscuro.
La especie vive en bosques lluviosos de montaña, a alturas de entre 1.000 y 3.300 msnm. Tienden a vivir solos o en grupos muy pequeños, usualmente solo una pareja y su cría. Están muy bien adaptados a la vida en los árboles y apenas bajan al suelo. El animal no suda, pero lame sus antebrazos para provocar el mismo efecto. En libertad usualmente se alimenta de hojas, frutas y musgos.[1]
No poseen un periodo determinado para criar. La gestación dura 41 días. En cautiverio la cría puede vivir en el marsupio hasta 44 semanas.[2]
El animal se encuentra clasificado "en Peligro". Sus principales amenazas son la caza indiscriminada de los habitantes locales con fines alimenticios, y la pérdida de territorio, pues los bosques son convertidos en cafetales.[2]
El canguro arborícola de Huon (Dendrolagus matschiei) es una especie de marsupial diprotodonto de la familia de los Macropodidae endémico de la Península de Huon, al noreste de Nueva Guinea. La IUCN lo clasifica como "especie en peligro". Su número en libertad es de menos de 2.500 ejemplares. Su nombre científico es en honor del biólogo alemán Paul Matschie.
Dendrolagus matschiei Dendrolagus generoko animalia da. Martsupialen barruko Diprotodontia ordeneko animalia da. Macropodinae azpifamilia eta Macropodidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Dendrolagus matschiei Dendrolagus generoko animalia da. Martsupialen barruko Diprotodontia ordeneko animalia da. Macropodinae azpifamilia eta Macropodidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Dendrolagus matschiei
Le Dendrolague de Matschie (Dendrolagus matschiei) est une espèce de marsupial arboricole de la famille des Macropodidae. Il est endémique en Nouvelle-Guinée.
Son nom scientifique commémore le biologiste allemand Paul Matschie.
Il mesure sans la queue 50 à 80 cm de long et pèse de 9 à 11 kg pour le mâle, de 7 à 9 kg pour la femelle. Son pelage va du roux au brun. Le ventre, les jambes et le bout des oreilles sont beige ou blancs.
Il se distingue du Dendrolague de Goodfellow qui lui est très proche par la couleur claire de sa queue et l'absence de rayures sur le dos.
La gestation dure 41 jours, après quoi le jeune rejoint la poche placentaire pour 44 semaines.
Il vit dans les forêts humides de montagne à des altitudes comprises entre 1 000 et 3 300 m dans la péninsule de Huon au Nord-Est de la Nouvelle-Guinée. Il a tendance à vivre seul ou en très petit groupe, généralement composé du couple et des jeunes. Il passe la plupart de son temps dans les arbres et descend parfois sur le sol pour se nourrir.
Dans la nature, il se nourrit de feuilles, de fruits et de mousses. Dans les jardins zoologiques, on le nourrit de pommes, de carottes, d'ignames, de maïs, le céleri, chou frisé et de divers types de feuilles (orme, saule, etc.).
Dendrolagus matschiei
Le Dendrolague de Matschie (Dendrolagus matschiei) est une espèce de marsupial arboricole de la famille des Macropodidae. Il est endémique en Nouvelle-Guinée.
Son nom scientifique commémore le biologiste allemand Paul Matschie.
Ainmhí is ea an cangarú crainn Matschie. Mamach agus Marsúipiach atá ann. Tá sé dúchasach do Leithinis Huon in oirthuaisceart Nua-Ghuine, agus tugtar cangarú crainn Huon air freisin. Tá sé ainmnithe i ndiaidh Paul Matschie, bitheolaí Gearmánach. De réir rangú an IUCN, is speiceas i mbaol é.
Il canguro arboricolo di Matschie (Dendrolagus matschiei Förster e Rothschild, 1907), noto anche come canguro arboricolo di Huon è un mammifero dell'ordine dei Dipotodonti e appartiene alla famiglia dei Macropodidi, la quale comprende circa 55 specie di canguri, wallaby e loro parenti. Appartiene inoltre al genere Dendrolagus, che comprende circa 10 specie di canguri arboricoli. Questa specie vive nella Penisola di Huon, nella Nuova Guinea nord-orientale. Secondo la classificazione della IUCN, è una specie in pericolo. Il nome scientifico commemora il biologo tedesco Paul Matschie.
Pelliccia: Il pelo del Dendrolago di Huon è fitto e di colore miele; la spirale che crea permette all'acqua di scivolare sull'animale quando è rannicchiato sui rami. Le orecchie del dendrolago sono tipiche dei canguri che vivono sugli alberi e sono fornite di peluria fitta per mantenere lontani i parassiti che vivono sopra i rami. Gli occhi sono grandi e permettono una buona visione che consente al Dendrolago di Huon di valutare con precisione la distanza fra un ramo e l'altro. Il Dendrolago di Huon ha forti artigli che consentono stabilità sui rami e garantiscono di arrampicarsi con facilità; questi artigli però sono utilizzati anche per difesa contro predatori. Invece di sudare, questo canguro si lecca le zampe anteriori, abbassando così la temperatura corporea.
Il Dendrolago di Huon lo possiamo trovare solamente in Papua Nuova Guinea, nella Penisola di Huon; proprio per questo si chiama in questa maniera. Vive esclusivamente nelle foreste pluviali ad alte quote, in zone montagnose ad altitudini che variano dai 900 m ai 3000 m. Trascorre la maggior parte del tempo sugli alberi, da cui scende ogni tanto per nutrirsi.
Il fisico del Dendrolago è essenzialmente specializzato per la vita arboricola. I potenti arti, le larghe zampe e i lunghi artigli sono di essenziale importanza per il suo movimento sopra gli alberi. Grazie alla sua potenza il Dendrolago di Huon compie salti di oltre 10 m e può gettarsi da altezze di circa 20 metri uscendone illeso. Purtroppo, nonostante sia un potente scalatore, è un animale goffo e la sua sopravvivenza è dovuta probabilmente al fatto che non esistono altre specie animali con gli stessi bisogni alimentari. Si sposta di notte, mentre di giorno generalmente dorme. I movimenti e le posizioni che esso compie e può mantenere sono essenzialmente 4:
Il nutrimento del Dendrolago di Huon è formato da tutto ciò che esso trova a terra e sugli alberi. Predilige frutti, foglie. La sua "caccia" al cibo comincia di prima mattina discendendo gli alberi, quando trova cespugli con bacche si ferma per mangiare. Come tutti i canguri ha uno stomaco a più sacche, essenziale per la digestione delle foglie dure che si trovano nelle foreste.
Tutte le specie di Dendrolago hanno una calotta simile alla calotta cranica umana, che però posta sotto il pelo del dorso fa sì che l'acqua piovana scivoli via dal pelo. La posizione della calotte varia a seconda delle specie. Il Dendrolago Doriano ha la spirale nella parte inferiore del dorso, nel Dendrolago di Huon è a metà del dorso mentre nel Dendrolago grigio è posta sulla nuca. Oltre a questa spirale, ciò che distingue le tre specie di Dendrolago è il colore il Dendrolago Grigio ha il pelo grigio, il Dendrolago di Huon ha il manto color miele e il Dendrolago Doriano ha sfumature brune.
Il periodo di riproduzione del Dendrolago di Huon si estende per tutto l'anno, questo perché nelle foreste tropicali il cibo di cui la madre ha bisogno per alimentare il proprio figlio è reperibile in tutto l'anno. Il rito di accoppiamento è caratterizzato dai due sessi che si scambiano dei colpetti con le zampe, mentre molto feroce può essere il combattimento tra due Dendrolaghi maschi per conquistarsi la femmina. Come in tutti i marsupiali il periodo di gestazione è molto breve, poiché lo sviluppo si finalizza nel marsupio della madre. Così è anche per il cucciolo di Dendrolago che appena nato deve trascinarsi verso il marsupio dove cercherà un capezzolo, dopo essersi attaccato a quest'ultimo ne rimarrà attaccato per circa 7 mesi; nel marsupio rimarrà invece circa 10 mesi continuando a succhiare per circa 3 mesi. Uscirà quindi definitivamente dal marsupio quando avrà circa 13 mesi.
Il Dendrolago di Huon è a rischio poiché l'uomo sta deturpando il suo habitat con la deforestazione. "Le tribù locali considerano il Dendrolago come una specie da cacciare; i cuccioli vengono spesso allevati come animali domestici"(cit. "Il Fantastico Mondo degli Animali" stampato nell'Unione Europea)
Il canguro arboricolo di Matschie (Dendrolagus matschiei Förster e Rothschild, 1907), noto anche come canguro arboricolo di Huon è un mammifero dell'ordine dei Dipotodonti e appartiene alla famiglia dei Macropodidi, la quale comprende circa 55 specie di canguri, wallaby e loro parenti. Appartiene inoltre al genere Dendrolagus, che comprende circa 10 specie di canguri arboricoli. Questa specie vive nella Penisola di Huon, nella Nuova Guinea nord-orientale. Secondo la classificazione della IUCN, è una specie in pericolo. Il nome scientifico commemora il biologo tedesco Paul Matschie.
Dendrolagus matschiei (binomen a Förster & Rothschild inventum anno 1907), (Anglice: matschie's tree-kangaroo) est animal Marsupiale herbivorum Guinea Novum.
Dendrolagus matschiei (binomen a Förster & Rothschild inventum anno 1907), (Anglice: matschie's tree-kangaroo) est animal Marsupiale herbivorum Guinea Novum.
De Matschieboomkangoeroe (Dendrolagus matschiei) is een kangoeroe uit het geslacht der boomkangoeroes.
De kangoeroe werd in 1907 door Förster & Rothschild genoemd naar de Duitse zoöloog Paul Matschie.
De vacht is grotendeels bruin, met goudkleurige ledematen en staart. De kop-romplengte bedraagt 412 tot 625 mm, de staartlengte 408 tot 685 mm, de achtervoetlegnte 91,3 tot 125 mm en de oorlengte 48 tot 62 mm.
De Matschieboomkangoeroe is voornamelijk overdag actief en waarschijnlijk solitair.
In gevangenschap gaat de voortplanting het hele jaar door. De draagtijd, ongeveer 44 dagen, is de langste van alle buideldieren. De jongen steken na 22 weken voor het eerst hun kop uit de buidel, na 27,5 weken eten ze voor het eerst zelfstandig, na 28 weken verlaten ze de buidel voor het eerst en na 41 weken verlaten ze de buidel definitief. Daarna wordt het vrouwtje weer zwanger.
Deze soort komt voor op het Huonschiereiland, Umboi en Mount Agulupella (Nieuw-Brittannië) in Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea. Waarschijnlijk is alleen de populatie op het Huonschiereiland inheems. Daar leeft hij op 1000 tot 3300 m hoogte.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesDe Matschieboomkangoeroe (Dendrolagus matschiei) is een kangoeroe uit het geslacht der boomkangoeroes.
De kangoeroe werd in 1907 door Förster & Rothschild genoemd naar de Duitse zoöloog Paul Matschie.
Drzewiak rudy[3] (Dendrolagus matschiei) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny kangurowatych (Macropodidae).
Drzewiak ten ma gęstą sierść i tak jak inne kangury nadrzewne potężne kończyny przednie i krótsze kończyny tylne. Długość ciała wynosi od 52 do 60 cm, ogona 42-65 cm. Ubarwienie jest zróżnicowane – od barwy czarnej do bladobrązowej.
Drzewiak rudy występuje w górach północno-wschodniej Nowej Gwinei i na wyspie Umboa.
Drzewiak rudy prowadzi nocny tryb życia. Świetnie wspina się po drzewach, których liśćmi i owocami się żywi. Potrafi skakać ukośnie z drzewa na drzewo bądź z drzewa na ziemię. Samica ma dobrze rozwiniętą torbę, która otwarta jest do przodu. Ciąża trwa około 32 dni, zwykle rodzi się tylko jedno młode.
Drzewiak rudy (Dendrolagus matschiei) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny kangurowatych (Macropodidae).
Dendrolagus matschiei é uma espécie de marsupial da família Macropodidae. Endêmica de Papua-Nova Guiné.
Dendrolagus matschiei é uma espécie de marsupial da família Macropodidae. Endêmica de Papua-Nova Guiné.
Matschies trädkänguru (Dendrolagus matschiei[2][3][4][5]) är en pungdjursart som beskrevs av Johann Reinhold Forster och Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2:e baron Rothschild 1907. Dendrolagus matschiei ingår i släktet trädkänguruer och familjen kängurudjur.[6][7] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som starkt hotad.[1] Inga underarter finns listade.[6]
Pungdjuret förekommer i en liten region på östra Nya Guinea samt på ön Umboi. Utbredningsområdet utgörs av 1 000 till 3 300 meter höga bergstrakter som är täckta av tropisk regnskog.[1]
Arten når en kroppslängd av 55 till 63 cm och därtill kommer en ungefär lika lång svans. Vikten varierar mellan 6 och 13 kg. Matschies trädkänguru har en kastanjebrun till rödbrun pälsfärg på ovansidan. Buken, öronens kanter, svansen och fötterna är däremot gulaktiga. På ryggens mitt förekommer en mörkare längsgående strimma. I motsats till Goodfellows trädkänguru (Dendrolagus goodfellowi) har den mörka strimman inga gula kanter. På bakfötternas tår förekommer naglar och de är ibland böjda. Artens tanduppsättning har en klaff (diastema) mellan fram- och hörntänderna. Honans pung (marsupium) är väl utvecklad.[8]
Matschies trädkänguru har bra förmåga att klättra i träd. Den kan hoppa till en lägre belägen gren på ett annat träd över 9 meter. Den hoppar även ner till marken från 18 meters höjd utan att skada sig. När honan inte är brunstig lever varje individ ensam. De ignorerar varandra när de träffas. Födan utgörs huvudsakligen av blad som kompletteras med bär, blommor, nötter, trädens vätskor och bark samt med ungfåglar och fågelägg.[8]
Honor kan bli brunstiga under alla årstider med 51 till 79 dagar mellanrum. Matschies trädkänguru har den längsta dräktighetstiden hos alla pungdjur. Den varar i 39 till 45 dagar. Den enda ungen kravlar fram till moderns pung och suger sig fast vid en spene där den stannar 90 till 100 dagar. Efter cirka 250 dagar observerar ungen tidvis omgivningen. Den vistas ibland utanför pungen efter 300 dagar och stannar helt utanför efter 350 dagar. Könsmognaden infaller vanligen efter två år. Några individer i fångenskap blev 14 år gamla.[8]
Matschies trädkänguru (Dendrolagus matschiei) är en pungdjursart som beskrevs av Johann Reinhold Forster och Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2:e baron Rothschild 1907. Dendrolagus matschiei ingår i släktet trädkänguruer och familjen kängurudjur. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som starkt hotad. Inga underarter finns listade.
Pungdjuret förekommer i en liten region på östra Nya Guinea samt på ön Umboi. Utbredningsområdet utgörs av 1 000 till 3 300 meter höga bergstrakter som är täckta av tropisk regnskog.
Arten når en kroppslängd av 55 till 63 cm och därtill kommer en ungefär lika lång svans. Vikten varierar mellan 6 och 13 kg. Matschies trädkänguru har en kastanjebrun till rödbrun pälsfärg på ovansidan. Buken, öronens kanter, svansen och fötterna är däremot gulaktiga. På ryggens mitt förekommer en mörkare längsgående strimma. I motsats till Goodfellows trädkänguru (Dendrolagus goodfellowi) har den mörka strimman inga gula kanter. På bakfötternas tår förekommer naglar och de är ibland böjda. Artens tanduppsättning har en klaff (diastema) mellan fram- och hörntänderna. Honans pung (marsupium) är väl utvecklad.
Matschies trädkänguru har bra förmåga att klättra i träd. Den kan hoppa till en lägre belägen gren på ett annat träd över 9 meter. Den hoppar även ner till marken från 18 meters höjd utan att skada sig. När honan inte är brunstig lever varje individ ensam. De ignorerar varandra när de träffas. Födan utgörs huvudsakligen av blad som kompletteras med bär, blommor, nötter, trädens vätskor och bark samt med ungfåglar och fågelägg.
Honor kan bli brunstiga under alla årstider med 51 till 79 dagar mellanrum. Matschies trädkänguru har den längsta dräktighetstiden hos alla pungdjur. Den varar i 39 till 45 dagar. Den enda ungen kravlar fram till moderns pung och suger sig fast vid en spene där den stannar 90 till 100 dagar. Efter cirka 250 dagar observerar ungen tidvis omgivningen. Den vistas ibland utanför pungen efter 300 dagar och stannar helt utanför efter 350 dagar. Könsmognaden infaller vanligen efter två år. Några individer i fångenskap blev 14 år gamla.
Dendrolagus matschiei — вид родини Кенгурових. Названий на честь німецького зоолога Поля Мачі нім. Paul Matschie. Цей вид живе тільки на півострові Хуон (англ. Huon), присутність на острові Умбоі (англ. Umboi) непевна. Діапазон поширення за висотою: 1000-3300 м над рівнем моря. Живе у тропічних гірських і високогірних лісах. Верхні частини тіла червоні чи махагонієво-коричневі; обличчя, шия, стопи світло-жовті; хвіст головним чином жовтий. Період вагітності за одними даними 32 доби, за іншими 44 доби. Малюк повністю залишає сумку у віці 41 тиждень. У неволі живе понад 20 років.
Цей вид знаходиться під загрозою надмірного промислу в їжу місцевими жителями і втрати місць проживання у зв'язку з перетворенням лісу на землі прожиткового сільськогосподарського використання та загальних людських посягань. Людське населення півострова Хуон швидко зростає. Виробництво кави зростає і є активний нікелевий рудник на північній околиці гірського хребта.
Dendrolagus matschiei — вид родини Кенгурових. Названий на честь німецького зоолога Поля Мачі нім. Paul Matschie. Цей вид живе тільки на півострові Хуон (англ. Huon), присутність на острові Умбоі (англ. Umboi) непевна. Діапазон поширення за висотою: 1000-3300 м над рівнем моря. Живе у тропічних гірських і високогірних лісах. Верхні частини тіла червоні чи махагонієво-коричневі; обличчя, шия, стопи світло-жовті; хвіст головним чином жовтий. Період вагітності за одними даними 32 доби, за іншими 44 доби. Малюк повністю залишає сумку у віці 41 тиждень. У неволі живе понад 20 років.
Dendrolagus matschiei là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Macropodidae, bộ Hai răng cửa. Loài này được Forster & Rothschild mô tả năm 1907.[2]
Dendrolagus matschiei là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Macropodidae, bộ Hai răng cửa. Loài này được Forster & Rothschild mô tả năm 1907.
Кенгуру Матчи[1], или кенгуру Матши[2] (лат. Dendrolagus matschiei) — крупный древесный кенгуру, эндемик Новой Гвинеи. Назван в честь немецкого зоолога Пауля Мачи (1861—1926)[3].
Длина тела от 55 до 63 см, длина хвоста от 55 до 63 см, вес от 9 до 13 кг. Самки тяжелее и больше чем самцы. Верхняя часть тела красно-коричневого или тёмно-коричневого цвета, лицо, шея, стопы светло-жёлтые; хвост главным образом жёлтый.
Этот вид обитает только на полуострове Хуон на высоте от 1000 до 3300 метров над уровнем моря. Живёт в тропических горных и высокогорных лесах.
Активен в ночное время. Питается растительным кормом.
Период беременности по одним данным 32 дня, по другим 44 дня. Детёныш полностью оставляет сумку в возрасте 41 недели. В неволе живёт более 20 лет.
Вид находится под угрозой из-за чрезмерного промысла ради мяса местными жителями и потери мест обитания в связи с преобразованием леса в сельскохозяйственные площади. Население полуострова Хуон быстро растёт. Производство кофе растёт и есть активный никелевый рудник на северной окраине горного хребта.
Кенгуру Матчи, или кенгуру Матши (лат. Dendrolagus matschiei) — крупный древесный кенгуру, эндемик Новой Гвинеи. Назван в честь немецкого зоолога Пауля Мачи (1861—1926).
Длина тела от 55 до 63 см, длина хвоста от 55 до 63 см, вес от 9 до 13 кг. Самки тяжелее и больше чем самцы. Верхняя часть тела красно-коричневого или тёмно-коричневого цвета, лицо, шея, стопы светло-жёлтые; хвост главным образом жёлтый.
Этот вид обитает только на полуострове Хуон на высоте от 1000 до 3300 метров над уровнем моря. Живёт в тропических горных и высокогорных лесах.
Активен в ночное время. Питается растительным кормом.
Период беременности по одним данным 32 дня, по другим 44 дня. Детёныш полностью оставляет сумку в возрасте 41 недели. В неволе живёт более 20 лет.
Вид находится под угрозой из-за чрезмерного промысла ради мяса местными жителями и потери мест обитания в связи с преобразованием леса в сельскохозяйственные площади. Население полуострова Хуон быстро растёт. Производство кофе растёт и есть активный никелевый рудник на северной окраине горного хребта.
마취나무타기캥거루 또는 후온나무타기캥거루(Dendrolagus matschiei)는 캥거루과에 속하는 나무타기캥거루 유대류의 일종이다. 뉴기니섬 북동부 지역의 후온 반도의 토착종이다. 국제 자연 보전 연맹(IUCN)은 마취나무타기캥거루를 멸종위기종으로 분류하고 있다. 학명은 독일인 생물학자 파울 마취(Paul Matschie)의 이름에서 유래했다.
마취나무타기캥거루 또는 후온나무타기캥거루(Dendrolagus matschiei)는 캥거루과에 속하는 나무타기캥거루 유대류의 일종이다. 뉴기니섬 북동부 지역의 후온 반도의 토착종이다. 국제 자연 보전 연맹(IUCN)은 마취나무타기캥거루를 멸종위기종으로 분류하고 있다. 학명은 독일인 생물학자 파울 마취(Paul Matschie)의 이름에서 유래했다.