
Tetranychus lintearius ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Tetranychus lintearius is a species of spider mite known as the gorse spider mite. It is used as an agent of biological pest control on common gorse, a noxious weed in some countries.

The adult mite is half a millimeter long and bright red. It lives in colonies in a shelter of spun silk spanning many branch tips. Infested plants are easily identifiable by these cobweb-like sheets of silk, which can grow quite large. The female lays one to four eggs per day during her three- to four-week adult lifespan. The tiny nymph is small enough to disperse on the wind during its first stage. Those that stay behind populate the colony as it expands.

This mite is native to Europe, where it does more damage to the plant than any other organism. The mite appears to be host-specific; it does not attack any other plants. The adult and nymph damage the plant by piercing its tissues during feeding. Heavy mite activity reduces flowering and can stunt the development of the branches.

It is widespread in parts of Australia, including Tasmania. It was introduced to the northwestern United States and Hawaii in the 1990s, where it is now established in gorse. The mite has natural predators, including another mite (Phytoseiulus persimilis) and a species of ladybird (Stethorus punctillum), which can severely reduce its population.

Mites within their protective silk enclosure on a gorse plant
Closer view, mites on a gorse plant


  • Coombs, E. M., et al., Eds. (2004). Biological Control of Invasive Plants in the United States. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 181.

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wikipedia EN

Tetranychus lintearius: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Tetranychus lintearius is a species of spider mite known as the gorse spider mite. It is used as an agent of biological pest control on common gorse, a noxious weed in some countries.

The adult mite is half a millimeter long and bright red. It lives in colonies in a shelter of spun silk spanning many branch tips. Infested plants are easily identifiable by these cobweb-like sheets of silk, which can grow quite large. The female lays one to four eggs per day during her three- to four-week adult lifespan. The tiny nymph is small enough to disperse on the wind during its first stage. Those that stay behind populate the colony as it expands.

This mite is native to Europe, where it does more damage to the plant than any other organism. The mite appears to be host-specific; it does not attack any other plants. The adult and nymph damage the plant by piercing its tissues during feeding. Heavy mite activity reduces flowering and can stunt the development of the branches.

It is widespread in parts of Australia, including Tasmania. It was introduced to the northwestern United States and Hawaii in the 1990s, where it is now established in gorse. The mite has natural predators, including another mite (Phytoseiulus persimilis) and a species of ladybird (Stethorus punctillum), which can severely reduce its population.

Mites within their protective silk enclosure on a gorse plant Closer view, mites on a gorse plant
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wikipedia EN

Tetranychus lintearius ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Tetranychus lintearius est une espèce d’acariens de la famille des Tetranychidae.


Cette espèce est originaire d'Europe occidentale. Elle a été introduite en Océanie[1].


Cet acarien vit en colonies dans une toile de soie s'étendant sur les pointes de branches d'Ajonc d'Europe (Ulex europaeus), d'Ulex nanus, d'Ulex parviflorus et de Calicotome villosa[1].


Tetranychus lintearius
Toile d'une colonie sur un Ajonc d'Europe
Toile d'une colonie sur un Ajonc d'Europe

Tetranychus lintearius est un acarien de couleur rouge, mesurant 0,56 mm de long pour les femelles et 0,36 mm pour les mâles[2].

La femelle pond un à quatre œufs par jour pendant sa durée de vie adulte de trois à quatre semaines. Les nymphes peuvent être dispersées par le vent et créer de nouvelles colonies[2].

Ses prédateurs naturels sont un autre acarien, Phytoseiulus persimilis, et une espèce de coccinelle, Stethorus punctillum.

Publication originale

  • Dufour, 1832 : « Description et figure du Tetranychus lintearicus, Arachnide nouvelle de la tribu des Acarides. » Annales des sciences naturelles, vol. 25, p. 276-283 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. a et b lucidcentral
  2. a et b zoom-nature
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wikipedia FR

Tetranychus lintearius: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Tetranychus lintearius est une espèce d’acariens de la famille des Tetranychidae.

direitos autorais
Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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site do parceiro
wikipedia FR

葉蟎 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Tetranychus lintearius
Dufour, 1832




本物種現時在整個澳大利亞,包括塔斯曼尼亞也造成傷害。然而在1990年代,本物種被引進到美國西北部及夏威夷,以控制當地的野草。本物種其實也有其天敵,包括另一種蟎Phytoseiulus persimilis瓢蟲科Stethorus punctillium,皆可使其數量大幅減少。


  • Eric M. Coombs; Janet K. Clark; Gary L. Piper; Alfred F. Cofrancesco Jr. (编). Biological Control of Invasive Plants in the United States. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press. 2004: 181. ISBN 978-0-87071-029-2 (英语).



 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:葉蟎
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葉蟎: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
 src= 在一株荊豆上以其保護絲包裹的葉蟎。




本物種現時在整個澳大利亞,包括塔斯曼尼亞也造成傷害。然而在1990年代,本物種被引進到美國西北部及夏威夷,以控制當地的野草。本物種其實也有其天敵,包括另一種蟎Phytoseiulus persimilis瓢蟲科Stethorus punctillium,皆可使其數量大幅減少。

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visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 中文维基百科