Raveniola songi
fornecido por wikipedia FR
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- Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
Raveniola songi: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia FR
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- Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
Raveniola songi
fornecido por wikipedia IT
Raveniola songi Zonstein & Marusik, 2012 è un ragno appartenente alla famiglia Nemesiidae.
Il nome proprio della specie deriva dall'aracnologo cinese Song Daxiang (1935-2008), per i suoi molteplici contributi allo sviluppo dell'aracnologia in Cina[1].
L'esemplare maschile ha lunghezza totale 13,50 mm; il cefalotorace è lungo 5,10 mm x 4,24 mm di larghezza[1].
La specie è stata reperita in Cina[2]: l'olotipo maschile è stato rinvenuto nei pressi delle Shinga Mountains, a 15 chilometri da Zhongdian, nella provincia dello Yunnan[1]
Al 2013 non sono note sottospecie e dal 2012 non sono stati esaminati nuovi esemplari.[2]
- Zonstein, S. & Y.M. Marusik, 2012 - A review of the genus Raveniola (Araneae, Nemesiidae) in China, with notes on allied genera and description of four new species from Yunnan. ZooKeys n.211, pp. 71–99 (p. 92) Articolo in PDF
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
Raveniola songi: Brief Summary
fornecido por wikipedia IT
Raveniola songi Zonstein & Marusik, 2012 è un ragno appartenente alla famiglia Nemesiidae.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
fornecido por Zookeys
Male (holotype). Body length 13.50. Colour in alcohol: carapace, chelicerae and legs I medium reddish brown; eye tubercle somewhat darker; sternum, labium, maxillae and legs II–IV even lighter reddish brown; abdomen light greyish brown with darker pattern consisting of a weak longitudinal median spot and few transverse fasciae dorsally, and small irregularly shaped spots laterally and ventrally; genital area, book-lungs and spinnerets pale yellowish brown.
Carapace (Fig. 12) 5.10 long, 4.24 wide; covered with moderately dense and thin semi-adpressed dark hairs. Eye diameters (AME, ALE, PLE, PME): 0.18(0.24), 0.24, 0.20, 0.20. Interdistances: AME–AME 0.15(0.10), ALE–AME 0.06(0.04), ALE–PLE 0.08, PLE–PME 0.02, PME–PME 0.30. Cheliceral furrow with 9 promarginal teeth and 4–5 mesobasal denticles. Labium (Fig. 20) 0.33 long, 0.77 wide. Maxillae with 24–26 cuspules arranged in triangle area. Sternum 2.40 long, 2.28 wide. Palp: 7.86 (3.16, 1.59, 2.31, –, 0.80). Leg I: 15.32 (4.38, 2.12, 3.48, 3.25, 2.09). Leg II: 13.73 (3.91, 1.86, 3.19, 2.77, 2.00). Leg III: 13.11 (3.47, 1.85, 2.40, 3.31, 2.08). Leg IV: 16.63 (4.40, 1.95, 3.39, 4.60, 2.29). Leg I: tibia incrassate, metatarsus slightly curved retroventrally (Fig. 28).
Spination. Palp: femur d0(1)–1–1–1, pd0–1–1; patella p1–1; tibia d1–1–1, r0–1(0)–1, pv1–1–1, rv1–1–1; cymbium d2(4). Leg I: femur d1–1–1–1, pd0–1–1; rd 0–0–1; tibia p1–1–0, pv1–1; rv1–1–M–M; metatarsus v0–0–2. Leg II: femur d1–1–1–1; pd1–1–1; patella p1–1; tibia p1–1–1, v1–2–1(2)–3; metatarsus p0–1–0; v1–2–2. Leg III: femur d1–1–1–1, pd1–1–1, rd1–1–1; patella p1–1, r1; tibia d1–1–1, p1–1–1, r1–1–1, v2–2–3; metatarsus d1–1–1, p1–1–1, r1–1–1, v2–2–3. Leg IV: femur d1–1–1–1, pd1–1–1, rd1–1–1; patella p1, r1; tibia d1–1–1(0), p1–1–1, r1–1–1, v2–2–3; metatarsus pd1–1–1, p1–1–1, r1–1–1, v2–2–2–3. Patella I and tarsi I–IV aspinose.
Scopula: entire distal 2/3 and 1/2 on metatarsi I and II, respectively; entire on tarsi I and II, widely divided by setae on tarsus III; vestigial on tarsus IV. Paired claws on tarsi I-III and IV with 8–10 and 8–10 teeth per row, respectively. Trichobothria: 2 rows of 7–8 per row on tibiae, 8–11 on metatarsi, 8–9 on tarsi, 6 on cymbium.
Palpal tibia long, cymbium with few short spines (Fig. 34). Bulb without ridges; embolus long, acuminate and slightly twisted (Fig. 42).
Spinnerets. PMS: length 0.41; diameter 0.14. PLS: maximum diameter 0.46; length of basal, medial and apical segments 0.70, 0.44, 0.42; total length 1.56; apical segment short-digitiform.
Female unknown.
- licença
- cc-by-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Sergei Zonstein, Yuri M. Marusik
- citação bibliográfica
- Zonstein S, Marusik Y (2012) A review of the genus Raveniola (Araneae, Nemesiidae) in China, with notes on allied genera and description of four new species from Yunnan ZooKeys 211: 71–99
- autor
- Sergei Zonstein
- autor
- Yuri M. Marusik
fornecido por Zookeys
CHINA: Yunnan Province (Fig. 1).
- licença
- cc-by-3.0
- direitos autorais
- Sergei Zonstein, Yuri M. Marusik
- citação bibliográfica
- Zonstein S, Marusik Y (2012) A review of the genus Raveniola (Araneae, Nemesiidae) in China, with notes on allied genera and description of four new species from Yunnan ZooKeys 211: 71–99
- autor
- Sergei Zonstein
- autor
- Yuri M. Marusik