Imagem de <i>Favella serrata</i> (Möbius 1887)

Favella serrata (Möbius 1887)

Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Harmful Phytoplankton Project
Lorica bell-shaped, 250 (130-350) µm long, oral diameter 100 (85-150) µm, cylindrical in anterior third, posteriorly convex-conical, with hollow, narrow pedicel (Fig 1-6); oral rim denticulate, due to short but numerous teeth (Fig 1-3); suboral annular bulges (Fig 1-6); wall with alveolar structure; cell bell-shaped, posterior end rounded, peduncle attaches axially at the end of the lorica (Fig 1,3).; Oral cavity acentric (Fig 1,8), 25-26 EPks, with 55 µm long cilia.; One ventral kinety anterior with 33 ciliated mono-kinetids, posterior with 11 dikinetids; one posterior kinety of 4 anterior monokinetids and 22 posterior dikinetids; K2 absent; dorsal kinety with 57 dikinetids; dense kinetal field (DKF) with 11 kineties; 24 kineties in the left field, 20 somatic kineties in the right field (Fig 6).; 2 ovoidal macronuclei, 1 micronucleus (Fig 1,6).


  • Kuylenstierna M & Karlson B 1996-2000 (www.marbot.gu.se/SSS/others/Favella_serrata.htm);
  • Jörgensen E (1924) Mediterranean Tintinnidae. Report on the Danish Oceanographical Expeditions 1908-10 to the Mediterranean and adjacent Seas 2: 1-110
  • Brownlee DC (unpubl.-b) Measuring the secondary production of marine planktonic tintinnine ciliates. PhD Dissertation, University of Maryland (1982)

direitos autorais
University of Liverpool
citação bibliográfica
Guide to UK Coastal Planktonic Ciliates © 2001 DJS Montagnes, University of Liverpool http://www.liv.ac.uk/ciliate/
David J.S. Montagnes

Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por Harmful Phytoplankton Project
No data about infraciliature and nuclear apparatus are available. Species description thus based solely on lorica morphology.
direitos autorais
University of Liverpool
citação bibliográfica
Guide to UK Coastal Planktonic Ciliates © 2001 DJS Montagnes, University of Liverpool http://www.liv.ac.uk/ciliate/
David J.S. Montagnes

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Harmful Phytoplankton Project
Lorica bell-shaped, cylindrical in anterior third, posteriorly convex-conica, with hollow, narrow pedicel; oral rim denticulate; suboral annular bulge; cell bell-shaped; oral cavity wide; 2 ovoidal macronuclei, 1 micronucleus
direitos autorais
University of Liverpool
citação bibliográfica
Guide to UK Coastal Planktonic Ciliates © 2001 DJS Montagnes, University of Liverpool http://www.liv.ac.uk/ciliate/
David J.S. Montagnes