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Eunice pelamidis Quatrefages 1866

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Eunice pelamidis Quatrefages, 1866

Eunice pelamidis Quatrefages, 1866:322–323.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Holotype, MNHN, Paris, A.1(R.)- 1868-no. 57a, Payta, Peru, coll. Gaudichaud.

COMMENTS ON MATERIAL EXAMINED.—The holotype is in two pieces and is extremely poorly preserved; total length was not measured. It has been dissected for the jaw apparatus and no meaningful illustrations of the anterior end is possible.

DESCRIPTION.—Holotype complete with 221 setigers. Anterior end with 113 setigers; length approximately 100 mm; maximal width 12 mm; length through setiger 10, 20 mm.

Prostomial lobes frontally obliquely truncate, dorsally flattened, tapering ventrally from posterior edge, median sulcus shallow. Eyes behind bases of A-I, dark. Ceratophores ring-shaped in all antennae, without articulations. Ceratostyles tapering smoothly; up to 21 moniliform articulations in A-III. A-I to middle of anterior peristomial ring; A-II and A-III to posterior edge of anterior peristomial ring. Peristomial rings distinct ventrally and in part dorsally; anterior ring of total peristomial length. Peristomial cirri to middle of anterior peristomial ring, tapering, with 4 or 5 articulations.

Maxillary formula 1+1, 5+5, 6+0, 5+8, 2+2. Mx VI absent. Mx III long, located behind left Mx II.

Branchiae (Figure 86m) present, pectinate, distinctly longer than notopodial cirri, not reduced in mid-body region, erect. Branchiae from setiger 3 to setiger 220. Branchiae present to near posterior end, present on more than 65% of total number of setigers. All branchiae strongly pectinate; maximum 24 long, slender filaments at about setiger 20.

Anterior neuropodial acicular lobes distally rounded, becoming triangular in median and posterior setigers; aciculae emerging at midline. All pre- and postsetal lobes low, transverse folds. All ventral cirri basically tapering and thick. Ventral cirri very indistinctly inflated basally from about setiger 10 through setiger 25. Inflated bases ovate; narrow tips tapering. Posterior ventral cirri tapering. All notopodial cirri basally slightly inflated, tapering to thick, blunt tips, with 2 to 4 cylindrical, often indistinct articulations.

Limbate setae marginally serrated or frayed. Shafts of anterior pectinate setae (Figure 86l) thick; blade forming scoops at end of setae. Both marginal teeth slightly thicker and longer than other teeth; ~10 teeth present. Shafts of median and posterior pectinate setae (Figure 86j) wide and flat; blades flat, flaring. Marginal teeth about as long as other teeth; ~15 teeth present. True compound falcigers (Figure 86k) in anterior setigers only; joints increasingly indistinct posteriorly; by setiger 50 no truly jointed setae present. Shafts of compound falcigers tapering. Appendages very short, stout, bidentate. Proximal teeth shorter than distal teeth, directed distally. Distal teeth tapering, directed distally. Guards not seen. Pseudocompound falcigers (Figure 86h,i) in posterior end distally evenly furcate, rather than bifid; reduced joint sometimes visible only as slight thickenings along 1 side with some faint lines running obliquely across setae, sometimes more distinct with fused appendages at distinct angle to shafts. Pseudocompound falcigers amber-colored, very nearly as large as subacicular hooks in posteriormost setigers. Compound spinigers absent. Aciculae usually paired, amber-colored to brown, tapering to blunt tips (Figure 86g), distally geniculate or distinctly curved; cross-section round. Subacicular hooks (Figure 86f) amber-colored, tridentate with teeth in a crest. Hooks from setiger 63, scattered in next 10–15 setigers, in all neuropodia in posterior setigers, always single (except for replacements). Hooks slender, tapering, with distinct heads. Proximal fangs large, curved. Two smaller fangs in crests.

UNKNOWN MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES.—Several prostomial features; pygidium and anal cirri.


CHARACTERS USED IN PREPARATION OF KEY NOT SCORED.—Inappropriate Characters: 56, 58, 59. Unknown Characters: 4, 6, 10–12, 15–17, 24, 70, 74, 78.

citação bibliográfica
Fauchald, Kristian. 1992. "A Review of the Genus Eunice (Polychaeta: Eunicidae) Based upon Type Material." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-422. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.523

Eunice pelamidis ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

Eunice pelamidis is een borstelworm uit de familie Eunicidae. Het lichaam van de worm bestaat uit een kop, een cilindrisch, gesegmenteerd lichaam en een staartstukje. De kop bestaat uit een prostomium (gedeelte voor de mondopening) en een peristomium (gedeelte rond de mond) en draagt gepaarde aanhangsels (palpen, antennen en cirri).

Eunice pelamidis werd in 1866 voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Quatrefages.

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