Phyllonorycter nigrescentella is a moth of the family Gracillariidae. It is known from all of Europe except the Balkan Peninsula.
The wingspan is 7–9 mm.[2] The head is fuscous, face leaden-metallic. Forewings golden-ochreous, sometimes more or less suffused with fuscous or dark fuscous; a silvery-white dark-edged median streak from base to 1/3; a curved fascia before middle, three posterior costal and two dorsal triangular spots silvery-white, dark-margined; a blackish apical spot. Hindwings are rather dark grey. The larva is yellowish; dorsal line dark green; head very pale brownish.[3]
The larvae feed on Lathyrus vernus, Lotus, Medicago, Trifolium alpestre, Trifolium medium, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens, Trifolium rubens, Vicia dumetorum, Vicia sativa and Vicia sepium. They mine the leaves of their host plant. They create a lower surface tentiform mine that occupies an entire leaflet. The lower epidermis is strongly folded. Fully developed mines are strongly inflated and the leaflet is completely folded over the mine making it practically invisible.[4]
Phyllonorycter nigrescentella is a moth of the family Gracillariidae. It is known from all of Europe except the Balkan Peninsula.
The wingspan is 7–9 mm. The head is fuscous, face leaden-metallic. Forewings golden-ochreous, sometimes more or less suffused with fuscous or dark fuscous; a silvery-white dark-edged median streak from base to 1/3; a curved fascia before middle, three posterior costal and two dorsal triangular spots silvery-white, dark-margined; a blackish apical spot. Hindwings are rather dark grey. The larva is yellowish; dorsal line dark green; head very pale brownish.
The larvae feed on Lathyrus vernus, Lotus, Medicago, Trifolium alpestre, Trifolium medium, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens, Trifolium rubens, Vicia dumetorum, Vicia sativa and Vicia sepium. They mine the leaves of their host plant. They create a lower surface tentiform mine that occupies an entire leaflet. The lower epidermis is strongly folded. Fully developed mines are strongly inflated and the leaflet is completely folded over the mine making it practically invisible.
Phyllonorycter nigrescentella is een vlinder uit de familie mineermotten (Gracillariidae). De wetenschappelijke naam is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1851 door Logan.
De soort komt voor in Europa.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesPhyllonorycter nigrescentella là một loài bướm đêm thuộc họ Gracillariidae. Nó được tìm thấy ở khắp châu Âu, ngoại trừ bán đảo Balkan.
Ấu trùng ăn Lathyrus vernus, Lotus, Medicago, Trifolium alpestre, Trifolium medium, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens, Trifolium rubens, Vicia dumetorum, Vicia sativa và Vicia sepium. Chúng ăn lá nơi chúng làm tổ. They create a lower surface tentiform mine that occupies an entire leaflet. The lower epidermis is strongly folded. Fully developed mines are strongly inflated và the leaflet is completely folded over the mine making it practically invisible.[3]
Phyllonorycter nigrescentella là một loài bướm đêm thuộc họ Gracillariidae. Nó được tìm thấy ở khắp châu Âu, ngoại trừ bán đảo Balkan.
Sải cánh dài 7–9 mm.
Ấu trùng ăn Lathyrus vernus, Lotus, Medicago, Trifolium alpestre, Trifolium medium, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens, Trifolium rubens, Vicia dumetorum, Vicia sativa và Vicia sepium. Chúng ăn lá nơi chúng làm tổ. They create a lower surface tentiform mine that occupies an entire leaflet. The lower epidermis is strongly folded. Fully developed mines are strongly inflated và the leaflet is completely folded over the mine making it practically invisible.