“Margarella antarctica (Lamy)
Margarita antarctica Lamy, 1905, p. 481.
Margarita antarctica Lamy, 1907, p. 9, pl. 1, figs. 2, 3, 4.
Valvatella antarctica Melvill & Standen, 1907, p. 99.
Valvatella antarctica Lamy, 1911a, p. 13.
DENTITION. Fig. G, 9, p. 189.
TYPE LOCALITY. South Orkney Is.
St. 164. East end of Normanna Strait, South Orkney, near Cape Hansen, Coronation Is., 18 Feb. 1927, 24-36 m.
St. 179. Melchior I., Schollaert Channel, Palmer Archipelago, 10 Mar. 1927, 4-10 m.
St. 1486. Harmony Cove, Nelson I., South Shetlands, 3 Jan. 1935, shore coll.
Wilhelmina Bay, Danco Land, South Shetlands, 64º30’S, 62º30’W, 1-8 fathoms (A.G. Bennett).
RANGE. Palmer Archipelago (‘Discovery’), Wandel I. and Moureau I. (Thiele, 1912), Petermann I. (Lamy, 1911), South Orkneys (Lamy, 1905) and South Shetlands (‘Discovery’).”
(Powell, 1951: 98)
Margarella antarctica is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Calliostomatidae, the top snails.[2]
This marine species occurs off South Orkney Islands, South Shetland Islands; Antarctic Peninsula, Bellingshausen Sea
It is orange-yellow, with two pairs of cephalic tentacles with large black eyes.[3] The shell is small, and wider than it is high.[3] The orbicular, deeply umbilicated shell has an obtuse-conical shape. It contains four convex whorls, the last of which is adorned only by growth lines. The oblique aperture is sub-circular and pearly inside. In, adults its edges are joined by a callus . The operculum is polygyrous spiral. The color of the shell is bluish gray or greenish.[1] The maximum recorded shell length is 12.5 mm.[4]
Minimum recorded depth is 0 m.[4] Maximum recorded depth is 24 m.[4]
Margarella antarctica is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Calliostomatidae, the top snails.
Margarella antarctica is een slakkensoort uit de familie van de Calliostomatidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1905 door Lamy.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesMargarella antarctica là một loài ốc biển, là động vật thân mềm chân bụng sống ở biển thuộc họ Trochidae, họ ốc đụn.[2]
Độ dài vỏ lớn nhất ghi nhận được là 12.5 mm.[3]
Độ sâu nhỏ nhất ghi nhận được là 0 m.[3] Độ sâu lớn nhất ghi nhận được là 24 m.[3]
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Margarella antarctica là một loài ốc biển, là động vật thân mềm chân bụng sống ở biển thuộc họ Trochidae, họ ốc đụn.