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Diplocheila (Isorembus) undulata Carr 1920

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Diplocheila (Isorembus) undulata Carr
Diplocheila undulata Carr, 1920:218; [type specimen a male, in the collection of the Canadian Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario]. Type locality: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (determined from label on type specimen ) .
The distinguishing features of this species are presented in the key.
Description. — Paratype, male. Edmonton, Alta., 27-4, 1918 (F. S. Carr) ; [Carr Coll., Univ. of Alta., Edmonton, Alberta].
Male. Length 12.1 mm., width 5.3 mm. Surface glossy, microsculpture as described for striato punctata group. Surface of head, pronotum, lateral and ventral thoracic sclerites, and abdomen average, elytra with intervals interrupted by shallow, transverse wrinkles, especially noticeable along striae, giving the elytra a corrugated appearance.
Frontal impressions of head shallow, elongate, and sinuate foveae. Eyes moderately convex, less so than in striatopunctata.
Pronotum with anterior margin deeply concave, sides rounded throughout their length, incurving more strongly anteriorly than posteriorly ; posterior lateral angles broadly rounded ; disc slightly convex ; impressions average for genus. (See fig. 47).
Elytral intervals moderately convex. All striae distinctly impressed but 7 slightly shallower than 1-6. Interval 3 impunctate.
Male genitalia not studied. Variation. — Data on variation in total length, maximum width, and number of spines in the posterior median row of the hind tibiae are presented in tables 17-19. Frontal impressions of the head vary slightly in extent. The sides of the pronotum are usually less broadly rounded, thus more parallel, and the anterior margin is less deeply concave than in the specimen described above. Elytral intervals vary from moderately convex to almost flat. In specimens from Alberta and N. 111. the striae are shallower and there are fewer crenulations than in specimens from Makinak, Manitoba in which the elytra are about the same as in the specimen described above.
Retractile stylus of the female and male genitalia as in striatopunctata (1 male and 1 female dissected).
Distribution. — This species ranges from " Northern Illinois " northward in the Plains area to Edmonton, Alberta.
Three males and eight females, collected in the following localities, have been examined.
Alberta : Edmonton, April 27-July 27. Illinois : " 111." " N. 111." Manitoba : Makinak.
citação bibliográfica
Ball, G.E. 1959. A Taxonomic Study of the North American Licinini with Notes on the Old World Species of the Genus Diplocheila Brulle (Coleoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 16. Philadelphia, USA