Imagem de Brookesia tristis Glaw, Köhler, Townsend & Vences 2012
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Brookesia tristis Glaw, Köhler, Townsend & Vences 2012

Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL staff

Most individuals of B. tristis were found roosting at night on small branches about 5–50 cm above the leaf litter within a limestone massif with deciduous dry forest. By far most specimens were found in a few small areas where the species was abundant, whereas it was rare in other, apparently similar habitats. One of the females laid two large eggs (5.9×3.7 mm resp. 5.8×3.5 mm diameter) in February. The two juveniles hatched 64 and 69 days after egg deposition at temperatures between 20–26°C. They measured 14 mm in total length. Eight days after hatching the weight of the older juvenile was 0.03 g.

[Glaw F, Köhler J, Townsend TM, Vences M, 2012]

direitos autorais
Glaw F, Köhler J, Townsend TM, Vences M
Glaw F, Köhler J, Townsend TM, Vences M
Hammock, Jen
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site do parceiro
EOL staff

Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL staff

A member of the Brookesia minima group based on small body size (SVL <24 mm) and molecular phylogenetic relationships. Brookesia tristis is distinguished from other members of the group as follows: from B. dentata by probably smaller adult body size (no measurements of male B. dentata available), and presence (in most specimens) of lateral spines on the tail (vs. absence); from B. exarmata by presence (in most specimens) of lateral spines on the tail (vs. absence); from B. karchei by probably smaller adult body size (female SVL 18.0–23.8 mm vs. 30.7 mm; no measurements of clearly identified males available for B. karchei), and absence of a supraocular cone (vs. presence); from B. minima by the presence of a supranasal cone, a pelvic spine, and (in most specimens) lateral spines on the tail (vs. absence), and hemipenis with small apical spine-like papillae (vs. balloon-like without ornaments); from B. peyrierasi by smaller adult body size (male SVL 18.0–18.2 mm vs. 19.7–22.4 mm), presence (in most specimens) of lateral spines on the tail (vs. absence), and by a hemipenis with small apical spine-like papillae (vs. bilobed hemipenis with four large spines per lobe); from B. ramanantsoai by smaller adult body size (male SVL 18.0–18.2 mm vs. 21.7 mm), absence of a supraocular cone (vs. presence in some specimens), presence (in most specimens) of lateral spines on the tail (vs. absence), and hemipenis with small apical spine-like papillae (vs. hemipenis balloon-like without ornaments); and from B. tuberculata by the absence of a supraocular cone (vs. presence), presence (in most specimens) of lateral spines on the tail (vs. absence), and hemipenis with small apical spine-like papillae (vs. hemipenis with apical crown-like structure). For a distinction from B. confidens, B. desperata, and B. micra, described below, see the diagnoses of these species. Referencing a fragment of the 16S rRNA gene, B. tristis shows an uncorrected pairwise divergence of 6.4% to its sister species B. desperata, and divergences >6.9% to all other species of the B. minima group.

[Glaw F, Köhler J, Townsend TM, Vences M, 2012]

direitos autorais
Glaw F, Köhler J, Townsend TM, Vences M
Glaw F, Köhler J, Townsend TM, Vences M
Hammock, Jen
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
EOL staff

Threats ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL staff

The species epithet is an adjective derived from the Latin “tristis” meaning “doleful”, “sad”, “sorrowful”, and refers to the fact that the entire known range of this species (Montagne des Français) suffers from severe deforestation and habitat destruction [D'Cruze N, Sabel J, Green K, Dawson J, Gardner C, et al. (2007)] despite recently being declared as a nature reserve.

[Glaw F, Köhler J, Townsend TM, Vences M, 2012]

direitos autorais
Glaw F, Köhler J, Townsend TM, Vences M
Glaw F, Köhler J, Townsend TM, Vences M
Hammock, Jen
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
EOL staff

Brookesia tristis ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Brookesia tristis is a species of chameleons. It is endemic to Montagne des Français, Madagascar, and is an endangered species due to the decline of its habitat.[1] It was named after the French word "triste" meaning sad to provoke thought regarding the threatened habitat of Madagascar's micro-endemic species. B. Triste was first found in an isolated patch of forest near an expanding city in 2012 by a research team led by Dr. Frank Glaw from the Zoologische Staatssammlung München.[2]


  1. ^ a b Jenkins, R.K.B. & Glaw, F. (2014). "Brookesia tristis". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2014: e.T42687277A47583890. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2014-3.RLTS.T42687277A47583890.en. Retrieved 9 January 2018.
  2. ^ "BBC Nature - Tiny lizards found in Madagascar". Archived from the original on 2018-09-11. Retrieved 2019-12-20.
direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Brookesia tristis: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Brookesia tristis is a species of chameleons. It is endemic to Montagne des Français, Madagascar, and is an endangered species due to the decline of its habitat. It was named after the French word "triste" meaning sad to provoke thought regarding the threatened habitat of Madagascar's micro-endemic species. B. Triste was first found in an isolated patch of forest near an expanding city in 2012 by a research team led by Dr. Frank Glaw from the Zoologische Staatssammlung München.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Brookesia tristis ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Brookesia tristis Brookesia generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko kamaleoien familian sailkatuta dago.


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Brookesia tristis: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Brookesia tristis Brookesia generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko kamaleoien familian sailkatuta dago.

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Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
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wikipedia EU

Brookesia tristis ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Brookesia tristis est une espèce de sauriens de la famille des Chamaeleonidae[1].


Aire de répartition de l'espèce Brookesia tristis selon l'UICN (consulté le 3 avril 2022).

Cette espèce est endémique de la région de Diana à Madagascar[1]. Elle a été découverte dans la montagne des Français.


Brookesia tristis mâle

Les mâles mesurent de 30,7 à 31,3 mm en longueur totale et de 18,0 à 18,2 mm SVL et les femelles de 31,4 à 36,5 mm en longueur totale et de 18,0 à 23,8 mm SVL.

Publication originale

  • Glaw, Köhler, Townsend & Vences, 2012 : Rivaling the World’s Smallest Reptiles: Discovery of Miniaturized and Microendemic New Species of Leaf Chameleons (Brookesia) from Northern Madagascar. PLoS ONE, vol. 7, n. 2, p. e31314 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

direitos autorais
Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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wikipedia FR

Brookesia tristis: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Brookesia tristis est une espèce de sauriens de la famille des Chamaeleonidae.

direitos autorais
Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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site do parceiro
wikipedia FR

Brookesia tristis ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Brookesia tristis Glaw, Köhler, Townsend & Vences, 2012 è una specie di camaleonte, endemico della zona di Montagne des Français, Madagascar.[2] È considerato una specie a rischio a causa del declino del suo habitat.[1] Il nome della specie deriva dalla parola francese triste (triste), in modo da indurre una riflessione riguardo alla distruzione degli habitat delle specie micro-endemiche del Madagascar. B. tristis è stato rinvenuto per la prima volta in una porzione isolata di foresta vicino ad una città in espansione nel 2012 da un team di ricerca guidato dal Dr. Frank Glaw, dello Zoologische Staatsammlung München.[3]


  1. ^ a b (EN) Jenkins, R.K.B. Glaw, F., Brookesia tristis, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020. URL consultato il 21 marzo 2021.
  2. ^ Glaw F, Köhler J, Townsend TM, Vences M, Rivaling the World's Smallest Reptiles: Discovery of Miniaturized and Microendemic New Species of Leaf Chameleons (Brookesia) from Northern Madagascar, in PLoS ONE 2012; 7(2): e31314.
  3. ^ Copia archiviata, su bbc.co.uk. URL consultato il 19 marzo 2021 (archiviato dall'url originale l'11 settembre 2018).

direitos autorais
Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
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wikipedia IT

Brookesia tristis: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

Brookesia tristis Glaw, Köhler, Townsend & Vences, 2012 è una specie di camaleonte, endemico della zona di Montagne des Français, Madagascar. È considerato una specie a rischio a causa del declino del suo habitat. Il nome della specie deriva dalla parola francese triste (triste), in modo da indurre una riflessione riguardo alla distruzione degli habitat delle specie micro-endemiche del Madagascar. B. tristis è stato rinvenuto per la prima volta in una porzione isolata di foresta vicino ad una città in espansione nel 2012 da un team di ricerca guidato dal Dr. Frank Glaw, dello Zoologische Staatsammlung München.

direitos autorais
Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
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site do parceiro
wikipedia IT

Brookesia tristis ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Brookesia tristisendemiczny gatunek gada z rodziny kameleonowatych (Chamaeleonidae) występujący na Madagaskarze. Został odkryty w 2004 roku i formalnie opisany w lutym 2012. Jest jednym z najmniejszych znanych gatunków kameleona[1].

Historia odkrycia i badań

Holotyp B. tristis (dorosły samiec) został złapany 23 lutego 2004 roku przez zespół Frank Glaw, M. Puente i A. Razafimanantsoa w skalistym masywie Montagne des Français, w prowincji Antsiranana położonej w północnej części Madagaskaru. Siedlisko zostało odkryte na wysokości około 150 m n.p.m. Gatunek został opisany w lutym 2012 roku na łamach PLoS ONE. Epitet gatunkowy pochodzi od łacińskiego tristis znaczącego „smutny”. Oznaczenie nawiązuje do poważnego zagrożenia istnienia gatunku, który mimo faktu obejmowania terenu siedliska formalną ochroną rezerwatową, podlega znacznej presji człowieka na środowisko[1].


B. tristis należy do najmniejszych kameleonów i jest blisko spokrewniony z innymi gatunkami rodzaju Brookesia występującymi na Madagaskarze. Łączna długość ciała samca schwytanego w 2004 roku wynosiła 31,3 mm (ogon 13,1 mm, a tułów z głową 18,2 mm). Wybarwienie żywych okazów jest beżowe lub brązowe.

Samica B. tristis
Wymiary anatomiczne
(Glaw, Köhler, Townsend i Vences 2012)[1] Część ciała Przedział wymiarów samców Przedział wymiarów samic łączna długość ciała (mm) 30,7–31,3 30,7–36,5 tułów z głową (mm) 25,0–26,7 18,0–23,8 ogon (mm) 12,7–13,1 11,2–14,0 rozstaw oczu (mm) 2,1 1,8–2,5

Wszystkie schwytane okazy zostały znalezione nocą na małych gałęziach znajdujących się na wysokości 5–20 cm nad ziemią[1].


  1. a b c d Frank Glaw, Jörn Köhler, Ted M. Townsend, Miguel Vences. Rivaling the World's Smallest Reptiles: Discovery of Miniaturized and Microendemic New Species of Leaf Chameleons (Brookesia) from Northern Madagascar. „PLoS ONE”. 7 (2), luty 2012. Nicolas Salamin, University of Lausanne. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031314 (ang.).
direitos autorais
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
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wikipedia POL

Brookesia tristis: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Brookesia tristis – endemiczny gatunek gada z rodziny kameleonowatych (Chamaeleonidae) występujący na Madagaskarze. Został odkryty w 2004 roku i formalnie opisany w lutym 2012. Jest jednym z najmniejszych znanych gatunków kameleona.

direitos autorais
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
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site do parceiro
wikipedia POL

Brookesia tristis ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Brookesia tristis là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Chamaeleonidae. Loài này được Glaw, Townsend & Vences mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 2012.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Brookesia tristis. The Reptile Database. Truy cập ngày 31 tháng 5 năm 2013.

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wikipedia VI

Brookesia tristis: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Brookesia tristis là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Chamaeleonidae. Loài này được Glaw, Townsend & Vences mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 2012.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
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wikipedia VI