
Xyloryctidae ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Xyloryctidae is a family of moths contained within the superfamily Gelechioidea described by Edward Meyrick in 1890.[1] Most genera are found in the Indo-Australian region. While many of these moths are tiny, some members of the family grow to a wingspan of up to 66 mm, making them giants among the micromoths.

The first recorded instance of a common name for these moths comes from Swainson's On the History and Natural Arrangement of Insects, 1840,[2] where members of the genus Cryptophasa are described as hermit moths. This is an allusion to the caterpillar's habit of living alone in a purely residential burrow in a tree branch, to which it drags leaves at night, attaching them with silk to the entrance to the burrow and consuming the leaves as they dry out.

The name 'timber moths' was coined by the Queensland naturalist Rowland Illidge in 1892, later published in 1895,[3] and serves to distinguish these moths from other wood-boring Australian moths such as ghost moths (Hepialidae) and giant wood moths (Cossidae), which feed on sap or wood. It refers to the fact that the larvae of most members of this family are arboreal, whether they burrow into branches, bore into flower heads, tunnel under bark, or feed on lichens. Moths of the genus Maroga are pests of wattles (Acacia) and have crossed over from their wild host plant to become serious pests of cultivated stone fruit trees, particularly cherries.

Formerly, Xyloryctidae were placed in the Oecophoridae as the subfamily Xyloryctinae. Recent research suggests the Xyloryctidae are an independent family, sharing common ancestry with the Oecophoridae, but not descended from them.

Taxonomy and systematics

The family includes the following genera:


  1. ^ "Xyloryctidae". Insecta.pro. Retrieved 2016-12-16.
  2. ^ Swainson, W., and Shuckard, W.E., 1840, On the History and Natural Arrangement of Insects. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia. Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longmans, London, pp. 106–107
  3. ^ Illidge, R., 1895: Xylorycts, or timber moths. Queensland Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans., 1, 29–34.
  • Holloway, 2001, The families of Malesian moths and butterflies, Fauna Malesiana handbooks, (205).
  • Kaila, 2004, Phylogeny of the superfamily Gelechioidea (Lepidoptera: Ditrysia): an exemplar approach, Cladistics 20 303–340.
  • Hoare, 2005, Hierodoris (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Oecophoridae), and overview of Oecophoridae, Fauna of New Zealand, Ko te Aitanga Pepeke o Aotearoa, 54 pp. 13–25.
  • Richard brown, Sibyl Bucheli, and SangMi Lee, 2006, Gelechioidea, A Global Framework
  • Zborowski and Edwards, 2007, A Guide to Australian moths, CSIRO, 1–214.

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wikipedia EN

Xyloryctidae: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Xyloryctidae is a family of moths contained within the superfamily Gelechioidea described by Edward Meyrick in 1890. Most genera are found in the Indo-Australian region. While many of these moths are tiny, some members of the family grow to a wingspan of up to 66 mm, making them giants among the micromoths.

The first recorded instance of a common name for these moths comes from Swainson's On the History and Natural Arrangement of Insects, 1840, where members of the genus Cryptophasa are described as hermit moths. This is an allusion to the caterpillar's habit of living alone in a purely residential burrow in a tree branch, to which it drags leaves at night, attaching them with silk to the entrance to the burrow and consuming the leaves as they dry out.

The name 'timber moths' was coined by the Queensland naturalist Rowland Illidge in 1892, later published in 1895, and serves to distinguish these moths from other wood-boring Australian moths such as ghost moths (Hepialidae) and giant wood moths (Cossidae), which feed on sap or wood. It refers to the fact that the larvae of most members of this family are arboreal, whether they burrow into branches, bore into flower heads, tunnel under bark, or feed on lichens. Moths of the genus Maroga are pests of wattles (Acacia) and have crossed over from their wild host plant to become serious pests of cultivated stone fruit trees, particularly cherries.

Formerly, Xyloryctidae were placed in the Oecophoridae as the subfamily Xyloryctinae. Recent research suggests the Xyloryctidae are an independent family, sharing common ancestry with the Oecophoridae, but not descended from them.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Xyloryctidae ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Xyloryctidae forment une famille d'insectes lépidoptères (papillons) de la super-famille des Gelechioidea.

Pour beaucoup d'auteurs toutefois, il s'agit d'une sous-famille, les Xyloryctinae de la famille des Oecophoridae.

Liste des sous-familles et genres

Selon NCBI (15 août 2010)[1] :

Notes et références

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Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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wikipedia FR

Xyloryctidae: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Les Xyloryctidae forment une famille d'insectes lépidoptères (papillons) de la super-famille des Gelechioidea.

Pour beaucoup d'auteurs toutefois, il s'agit d'une sous-famille, les Xyloryctinae de la famille des Oecophoridae.

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Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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wikipedia FR

Xyloryctidae ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Xyloryctidae er en familie av sommerfugler som nesten utelukkende fins på den sørlige halvkulen, med de fleste artene i Australia. De hører til gruppen Gelechioidea, som er svært mangfoldig på dette kontinentet.


Små til ganske store (vingespenn 20–70 mm) sommerfugler med avlange, avrundede forvinger, som oftest mer eller mindre brunlige eller hvite, enkelte mer fargerike. Av utseende kan de minne om viklere eller nattfly. Kroppen er temmelig kraftig og hårete, hodet forholdsvis lite. Antennene er vanligvis trådformede, men de er smalt fjærformede hos noen hanner, halvparten til to tredjedeler så lange som forvingene. Labialpalpene er ikke påfallende store. Forvingene er avlange, avrundet firkantede, framhjørnet noen ganger sigdformet uttrukket. De er vanligvis enten brunspraglete eller hvite, ofte med spredte, små, svarte flekker. Bakvingene er ensfarget grålige, brede og avrundede med korte hårfrynser. Bakkroppens ryggledd har kraftige, pigg-aktige børster ved bakkanten. Beina er korte og kraftige, føttene (tarsene) tynne.


Larvene lever på lav, levende planter eller døde eukalyptus-blader. De kraftige åmene lever i silkerør som de spinner. De artene som angriper levende planter kan finnes på over 20 ulike plantefamilier, men halvparten av artene lever på familiene Myrtaceae og Proteaceae. De voksne sommerfuglene flyr om natten.

Systematisk inndeling



  • Powell, J.A. (2003) Lepidoptera (Moths, Butterflies). side 631–664 i: Resh, V.H. og Cardé, R.T. (red.): Encyclopedia of Insects. Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-586990-8
  • Billedgalleri over australske arter, fra Australian Moths Online: [1]

Eksterne lenker

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wikipedia NO

Xyloryctidae: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Xyloryctidae er en familie av sommerfugler som nesten utelukkende fins på den sørlige halvkulen, med de fleste artene i Australia. De hører til gruppen Gelechioidea, som er svært mangfoldig på dette kontinentet.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
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wikipedia NO

Xyloryctidae ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Xyloryctidaerodzina motyli z podrzędu Glossata i nadrodziny Gelechioidea.

Takson ten wyróżnił w 1890 roku Edward Meyrick[1]. Handlirsch w 1906 umieścił je jako podrodzinę wśród Tineoidea[2]. Forbes w 1923 jako pierwszy umieścił je wśród Gelechioidea z rangą rodziny[3]. Trzy lata później Tillyard przeniósł je z powrotem do Tineoidea[4]. W 1939 Costa Lima włączył je jako podrodzinę do Cryptophasidae[5]. W 1952 Obenberger nadał im rangę rodziny w nadrodzinie Hypononeumatoidea[6]. Powtórnie jako rodzinę Gelechioidea sklasyfikował je Common w 1970[7]. W 1978 Hodges włączył je jako podrodzinę do płożkowatych[8], a Zimmermann do skośnikowatych[9]. W 1984 zostały uznane za rodzinę w Copromorphoidea[10]. Minet w 1990 przywrócił im status rodziny Gelechioidea[11]. Badania filogenetyczne L. Kalii z 2004 wskazywały na istnienie w obrębie "Oecophorid lineage" kladu określonego jako "Xyloryctid assemblage" i obejmującego Xyloryctinae, Blastobasinae i Deuterogoniinae[12]. W pracy Nieukerkena i 50 innych lepidopterologów z 2011, systematyzującej klasyfikację motyli, Xyloryctidae stanowią odrębną rodzinę wśród Gelechioidea[13].

Należy tu ponad 500 opisanych gatunków, zgrupowanych w rodzajach[1]:


  1. a b Xyloryctidae Meyrick, 1890. W: Funet.fi [on-line]. [dostęp 2015-11-29].
  2. A. Handlirsch, L. P. Bush.: Revisi on of American Paleozoic insects. Waszyngton: 1906.
  3. W. T. M. Forbes: Gelechioidea. W: The Lepidoptera of New York and Neighboring States: Primitive Forms, Microlepidoptera, Pyraloids Bombycoids. Ithaca: Cornell University, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1923.
  4. R. J. Tillyard: The insects of Austra lia and New Zealand. Sydney: Angus & Robertson, Angus & Robertson, s. 1926.
  5. A. M. d. Costa Lima: Insectos do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Officinas de Obras do Jornal do Commercio, 1939.
  6. J. Obenberger: Entomologie. Praga: Pr írodovedecké vydavatelství, 1952.
  7. I. F. B. Common: Lepidoptera (Moths and Butterflies). Melborne: Melborne University Press, 1970, s. 765-866.
  8. R. W. Hodges: Gelechioidea. W: The Moths of America North of Mexico. R. B. Dominick, T. Dominick, D. C. Ferguson, J. G. Franclemont, R. W. Hodges, E. G. Munroe (red.). Londyn: E. W. Classey and The Wedge Entomological Research Foundation.
  9. E. C. Zimmermann: Insects of Hawaii. A manual of the insects of the Hawaiian Islands, including an enumeration of th e species and notes on their origin, distribution, hosts, parasites, etc. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1978.
  10. V. I. Kuznetsov, A. A. Stekolnikov. Syst em and phylogenetic associations of families and superfamilies of gelechioid Lepidoptera of the infraorder Papilionomorpha (Lepidoptera: C opromorphoidea, Elachistoidea, Coleophoroidea, and Gelechioidea) w ith use of functional morphology of genitalia of male. „Trudy Zool. In stituta Akademija Nauk SSSR”. 112, s. 3–68, 1984.
  11. J. Minet. Ramaniement partiel de la classification des Gelechioidea, essentiellement en fonction de caractères pre-imagginaux (Lepidoptera Ditrysia). „Alexanor”. 16, s. 239-255, 1990.
  12. Lauri Kaila. Phylogeny of the superfamily Gelechioidea (Lepidoptera: Ditrysia): An exemplar approach. „Cladistics”. 20 (4), s. 303 - 340, 2004. DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-0031.2004.00027.x.
  13. Erik J. vanE.J. Nieukerken Erik J. vanE.J. i inni, Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758 [w:] Zhi-QiangZ.Q. Zhang (red.), Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness, ''[w:] „Zootaxa”'', wyd. 3148, 2011, s. 212–221 [dostęp 2015-11-20] .
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wikipedia POL

Xyloryctidae: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
 src= Illidgea sp.  src= Telecrates melanochrysa  src= Lichenaula calligrapha  src= Cryptophasa rubescens

Xyloryctidae – rodzina motyli z podrzędu Glossata i nadrodziny Gelechioidea.

Takson ten wyróżnił w 1890 roku Edward Meyrick. Handlirsch w 1906 umieścił je jako podrodzinę wśród Tineoidea. Forbes w 1923 jako pierwszy umieścił je wśród Gelechioidea z rangą rodziny. Trzy lata później Tillyard przeniósł je z powrotem do Tineoidea. W 1939 Costa Lima włączył je jako podrodzinę do Cryptophasidae. W 1952 Obenberger nadał im rangę rodziny w nadrodzinie Hypononeumatoidea. Powtórnie jako rodzinę Gelechioidea sklasyfikował je Common w 1970. W 1978 Hodges włączył je jako podrodzinę do płożkowatych, a Zimmermann do skośnikowatych. W 1984 zostały uznane za rodzinę w Copromorphoidea. Minet w 1990 przywrócił im status rodziny Gelechioidea. Badania filogenetyczne L. Kalii z 2004 wskazywały na istnienie w obrębie "Oecophorid lineage" kladu określonego jako "Xyloryctid assemblage" i obejmującego Xyloryctinae, Blastobasinae i Deuterogoniinae. W pracy Nieukerkena i 50 innych lepidopterologów z 2011, systematyzującej klasyfikację motyli, Xyloryctidae stanowią odrębną rodzinę wśród Gelechioidea.

Należy tu ponad 500 opisanych gatunków, zgrupowanych w rodzajach:

Acompsogma Meyrick, 1938 Amorbaea Meyrick, 1908 Anachastis Meyrick, 1911 Anoditica Meyrick, 1938 Anoecea Diakonoff, 1951 Antisclerota Meyrick, 1938 Araeostoma Turner, 1917 Arignota Turner, 1898 Arsirrhyncha Meyrick, 1938 Athrypsiastis Meyrick, 1910 Bassarodes Meyrick, 1910 Bathydoxa Turner, 1935 Bida Walker, 1864 Boydia Newman, 1856 Brachybelistis Turner, 1902 Caenorycta Meyrick, 1922 Callicopris Meyrick, 1938 Capnolocha Meyrick, 1925 Catanomistis Meyrick, 1933 Catoryctis Meyrick, 1890 Chalarotona Meyrick, 1890 Chereuta Meyrick, 1906 Chironeura Diakonoff, 1954 Cilicitis Meyrick, 1938 Cladophantis Meyrick, 1918 Clepsigenes Meyrick, 1930 Clerarcha Meyrick, 1890 Comocritis Meyrick, 1894 Compsotorna Meyrick, 1890 Copidoris Meyrick, 1907 Crypsicharis Meyrick, 1890 Cryptophasa Lewin, 1805 Cyanocrates Meyrick, 1925 Cyphoryctis Meyrick, 1934 Donacostola Meyrick, 1931 Echiomima Meyrick, 1915 Epichostis Meyrick, 1906 Epidiopteryx Rebel in Rebel & Zerny, 1916 Eporycta Meyrick, 1908 Eschatura Meyrick, 1897 Eumenodora Meyrick, 1906 Eupetochira Meyrick, 1917 Exacristis Meyrick, 1921 Exoditis Meyrick, 1933 Gemorodes Meyrick, 1925 Ghuryx Viette, 1956 Glycynympha Meyrick, 1925 Gomphoscopa Lower, 1901 Gonioma Turner, 1898 Hermogenes Zeller, 1867 Heterochyta Meyrick, 1906 Hylypnes Turner, 1897 Hyperoptica Meyrick in Caradja & Meyrick, 1934 Idiomictis Meyrick, 1935 Illidgea Turner, 1898 Iulactis Meyrick, 1918 Leistarcha Meyrick, 1883 Leptobelistis Turner, 1902 Lichenaula Meyrick, 1890 Linoclostis Meyrick, 1908 Liparistis Meyrick, 1915 Lophobela Turner, 1917 Malacognostis Meyrick, 1926 Maroga Walker, 1864 Metantithyra Viette, 1957 Metathrinca Meyrick, 1908 Microphidias Meyrick, 1937 Mnarolitia Viette, 1954 Mystacernis Meyrick, 1915 Neospastis Meyrick, 1917 Niphorycta Meyrick, 1938 Opisina Walker, 1864 Pansepta Meyrick, 1915 Pantelamprus Christoph, 1882 Paraclada Meyrick, 1911 Paralecta Turner, 1898 Perixestis Meyrick, 1917 Philarista Meyrick, 1917 Phracyps Viette, 1952 Phthonerodes Meyrick, 1890 Pilostibes Meyrick, 1890 Plectophila Meyrick, 1890 Potniarcha Meyrick, 1917 Prothamnodes Meyrick, 1923 Psarolitia Viette, 1956 Pseudoprocometis Viette, 1952 Sphalerostola Meyrick, 1927. Stachyneura Diakonoff, 1948 Symphorostola Meyrick, 1927 Synchalara Meyrick, 1917 Telecrates Meyrick, 1890 Thymiatris Meyrick, 1907 Thysiarcha Meyrick, 1925 Thyrocopa Meyrick, 1883 Trypherantis Meyrick, 1907 Tymbophora Meyrick, 1890 Uzucha Walker, 1864 Xerocrates Meyrick, 1917 Xylodryadella Fletcher, 1940 Xylomimetes Turner, 1916 Xylorycta Meyrick, 1890 Zaphanaula Meyrick, 1920 Zauclophora Turner, 1900
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