Tarucus kulala, the Turkana Pierrot, is a butterfly in the family Lycaenidae. It is found in Somalia (Ogaden) and northern Kenya.[2]
Adults have been recorded feeding from the flowers of Loewia tanaensis.
The larvae probably feed on Ziziphus species.
Tarucus kulala, the Turkana Pierrot, is a butterfly in the family Lycaenidae. It is found in Somalia (Ogaden) and northern Kenya.
Adults have been recorded feeding from the flowers of Loewia tanaensis.
The larvae probably feed on Ziziphus species.
Tarucus kulala is een vlinder uit de familie van de Lycaenidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1955 door Evans.
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