Mursen yn nheulu'r Coenagrionidae yw'r Paracercion melanotum sydd o fewn y grŵp (neu'r 'genws') a elwir yn Paracercion.
Fel llawer o fursennod (a elwir yn gyffredinol hefyd yn 'weision neidr') eu cynefin yw pyllau o ddŵr, llynnoedd, nentydd neu afonydd glân.
Mursen yn nheulu'r Coenagrionidae yw'r Paracercion melanotum sydd o fewn y grŵp (neu'r 'genws') a elwir yn Paracercion.
Fel llawer o fursennod (a elwir yn gyffredinol hefyd yn 'weision neidr') eu cynefin yw pyllau o ddŵr, llynnoedd, nentydd neu afonydd glân.
Paracercion melanotum,[2][1] Eastern Lilysquatter,[1] is a species of damselfly in the family Coenagrionidae. It is known to occur in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Java, Philippines and Thailand.[1]
Species delimitation study based on COI, ITS, and morphological evidence concluded that P. pendulum and P. malayanum were synonymized as junior synonyms of P. melanotum.[3]
It is a medium sized damselfly with deep blue eyes. Its thorax is black on dorsum with very broad azure blue antehumeral stripes, which are very narrow or missing in Paracercion calamorum. Lateral sides of thorax are blue with a fine black line on the upper part of each lateral suture. No pruinescence compared to P. calamorum. Its wings are transparent and pterostigma is yellow, framed with heavy black nervures. Its abdomen is azure blue with broad black dorsal marks up to segment 7. Segment 2 has a distinct broad dorsal spot shaped like a thistle-head connected narrowly to a fine apical ring. This mark will help to distinguish it from Pseudagrion species. Segment 10 has a narrow mid-dorsal black streak. Female is dull green in colors. Its abdomen is similar to the male. But the lateral ground colour is yellowish red and segments 8 and 9 are broadly black on dorsum. Segment 10 is blue only in the apical border.[4]
It breeds in shallow lakes, ponds and paddy fields in the lowland, perches on the floating vegetation.[4][5][6][7]
Paracercion melanotum, Eastern Lilysquatter, is a species of damselfly in the family Coenagrionidae. It is known to occur in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Java, Philippines and Thailand.
Paracercion melanotum is een libellensoort uit de familie van de waterjuffers (Coenagrionidae), onderorde juffers (Zygoptera).[2]
De soort staat op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN als niet bedreigd, beoordelingsjaar 2007, de trend van de populatie is volgens de IUCN stabiel.[1]
De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1876 door Selys.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesParacercion melanotum – gatunek ważki z rodzaju Paracercion należącego do rodziny łątkowatych.
Paracercion melanotum – gatunek ważki z rodzaju Paracercion należącego do rodziny łątkowatych.
Paracercion melanotum là một loài chuồn chuồn kim trong họ Coenagrionidae.[1]
Loài này được xếp vào nhóm Loài ít quan tâm trong sách Đỏ của IUCN năm 2007, de trend van de populatie is volgens de IUCN stabiel.[2]
Paracercion melanotum được Selys miêu tả khoa học năm 1876.
Paracercion melanotum là một loài chuồn chuồn kim trong họ Coenagrionidae.
Loài này được xếp vào nhóm Loài ít quan tâm trong sách Đỏ của IUCN năm 2007, de trend van de populatie is volgens de IUCN stabiel.
Paracercion melanotum được Selys miêu tả khoa học năm 1876.