
Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Foodplant / spot causer
crowded acervulus of Marssonina coelomycetous anamorph of Diplocarpon earlianum causes spots on live leaf of Fragaria vesca

Foodplant / feeds on
Harpalus rufipes feeds on seed of Fragaria vesca
Other: major host/prey

In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / spot causer
epiphyllous, widely scattered pycnidium of Phyllosticta coelomycetous anamorph of Phyllosticta fragariicola causes spots on live leaf of Fragaria vesca

Foodplant / parasite
Podosphaera aphanis parasitises live Fragaria vesca

Foodplant / spot causer
epiphyllous, very minute, immersed, smoky fuscous pycnidium of Septoria coelomycetous anamorph of Septoria fragariae causes spots on live fruit of Fragaria vesca
Remarks: season: 7-8

direitos autorais

Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por Ecomare
De bosaardbei lijkt op een mini-aardbei, en hij smaakt verrukkelijk. Hij bevat veel mineralen, basische stoffen en vitamine C. Hierdoor is hij ook nog erg gezond. Een bosaardbei reinigt het bloed, drijft urine af, onderdrukt koorts en helpt bij andere medische problemen zoals diarree, geelzucht en jicht. Als het plantje te weinig licht krijgt, geeft hij geen vruchten af. De bosaardbei komt voor in de duinen en in open bossen.
direitos autorais
Copyright Ecomare
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Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por Ecomare
In olden times, people used to believe that woodland strawberries could improve skin color and combat wrinkles and freckles! Just cover your face in its mashed up fruit and let it soak the entire night... Woodland strawberries look a lot like the cultivated strawberry, but the fruit is much smaller and is covered with seeds. However, if it doesn't get enough light, it doesn't produce any fruit. Woodland strawberries contain many minerals and vitamin C. Not only is it very tasty and healthy, it makes a good medicine. Besides its 'mystical abilities for curing skin problems', it is used as an herbal medicine to purify blood, suppress fever, lighten breathing problems and several other problems.
direitos autorais
Copyright Ecomare
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site do parceiro

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Herbs perennial, 5–30 cm tall. Stems together with petioles spreading pilose, rarely glabrescent. Petiole 3–20 cm; leaf blade 3-foliolate, rarely pinnately 5-foliolate; leaflets sessile or central one shortly petiolulate, abaxially greenish, adaxially green, obovate, elliptic or broadly ovate, 1–5 × 0.6–4 cm, abaxially pubescent or sometimes glabrescent, adaxially sparsely pubescent, base cuneate or broadly so, margin obtusely or acutely incised serrate, apex obtuse. Inflorescence corymbiform, 2–4(or 5)-flowered, with a greenish, subulate or petiolate, leafletlike bract. Pedicel 1–3 cm, appressed pilose. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, apex caudate; epicalyx segments linear-lanceolate or subulate, shorter than sepals. Petals white, obovate, base tapering into a short claw. Stamens ca. 20, unequal. Carpels numerous. Aggregate fruit ripening red, ovoid. Achenes ovoid, not prominently rugose. Fl. Apr–Jun, fr. Jun–Sep. 2n = 14.
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of China Vol. 9: 336 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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site do parceiro

Habitat & Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Forests, mountain slopes, meadows. Gansu, Guizhou, Jilin, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Yunnan [widely distributed in N temperate zone].
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of China Vol. 9: 336 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
visite a fonte
site do parceiro

Synonym ( Inglês )

fornecido por eFloras
Fragaria chinensis Losinskaja; F. concolor Kitagawa.
direitos autorais
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
citação bibliográfica
Flora of China Vol. 9: 336 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
visite a fonte
site do parceiro

Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors
Fragaria vesca woodland-, wood-, alpine-, or European wild strawberry, is a low-growing woody perennial in the Rosaceae (rose family) native north temperate regions of Eurasia and North America. The fruits are often collected in the wild, and this species is the source of several strawberry cultivars used commercially and in home gardens (most likely including the cultivars ‘Alpine,’ ‘Everbearing,’ and ‘Perpetual’), although the bulk of commercial strawberry production is yielded by F.X ananassa, the garden or pineapple strawberry, which is a hybrid of F. virginiana and F. chiloensis. F. vesca plants grow to around 0.3 m (1 ft) high, short, woody stems and a basal rosette of compound leaves, with 3 coarsely toothed leaflets around 6 cm (2.5 in) long. The plants are characterized by long arching runners or stolons, which form new plantlets at the tip, and that allow them to reproduce vegetatively as well as by seed. The small, white, 5-parted flowers, 1.25 to 2 cm (0.5 to 0.75 in), occur in small clusters. The strawberries formed in the wild, uncultivated types are quite small, 1 to 2 cm (0.25 to 0.75 in) across, and generally ripen to red (although there is a white form) The strawberry is not a true berry, but is a fleshy receptable bearing multiple fruits on the surface—these apparent seeds are actually achenes, small, one-seeded fruits with hard coverings that do not split open (dehisce) when ripe. F. vesca can be distinguished from the often co-occurring Virginia strawberry (F. virginia because its the achenes project from the surface, rather occurring in deep pits, as in F. virginiana. Strawberries are often eaten as a fresh fruit, famously in strawberry shortcake, and are also processed into ice creams, jams and preserves, mousses, fruit juice, and various baked goods and candies. Strawberries may also be fermented into wine or liqueur (such as the Italian fragoli). In the wild, this species generally grows at altitudes of 2000 m or less. It has a wide distribution in North America as well as Europe, and may grow in partial shade in hardwood, conifer, and mixed forests, as well swamps and swamp edges, rocky savanna, and chaparral. (Bailey et al. 1976, Flora of China 2012, Michigan Flora Online 2011, USDA 2006, van Wyk 2005.)
direitos autorais
Jacqueline Courteau
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
EOL authors

Broad-scale Impacts of Plant Response to Fire ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: cover, duff, fire severity, forest, frequency, fuel, fuel moisture, herbaceous, litter, mixed-severity fire, prescribed fire, presence, restoration, seed, severity, shrubland, stand-replacing fire, wildfire

While some studies indicate greater abundance of woods strawberry on burned versus unburned plots [113,118],
other studies indicate an initial postfire decrease in woods strawberry abundance [104,159] and/or an increase
in abundance 3 or more years after fire [2,117,154]. Still others report more equivocal results (e.g., [3,96]).
Reported differences may be due to a number of factors, including differences in sampling protocols. For
example, some studies compare paired burned and unburned plots at some time after fire, while others compare
prefire abundance to postfire abundance over varying numbers of years. Additionally, some studies suggest a
correlation between fire severity and woods strawberry response [19,20,82,143], while fire severity estimates
are not consistently reported in other studies. It should also be noted that other factors besides fire
severity may affect species-specific postfire response. Hypothetically, factors such as the character of the
competing vegetation, herbivory, and additional disturbance such as flooding/debris flow may interact with the
effects of fire. Interactions between such factors can confound interpretation of postfire data, leading to
ambiguous results.

Two studies demonstrate greater woods strawberry presence on burned sites, compared with adjacent unburned
habitat. Ten to 11 years after a 1945 wildfire in the Oregon Coast Range, frequency of woods strawberry in
burned quadrats was 9%, while none was sampled in unburned forest. The unburned forest was estimated at around
300 years old, composed mainly of Douglas-fir succeeding to western hemlock. Burn characteristics were not well
described, although it was apparently a predominantly stand-replacing fire [113]. Similarly, woods strawberry
was most prevalent (7% cover; 40% frequency) in a 4-year-old burned stand compared to mature (230 to 320 years
old) and second-growth (53 to 80 years old) stands in Douglas-fir-western hemlock/Pacific rhododendron
(Rhododendron macrophyllum) communities on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Although no details were
provided about burn conditions, vegetation data indicate that it was a stand-replacing fire in what was
previously mature forest. Woods strawberry was not present in any of the 13 sampled stands of mature forest.
It was present but sparse (<1% cover and frequency) in 3 second-growth stands. It was not clear what type
of disturbance initiated the second-growth stands [118].

Other studies show a reduction in woods strawberry in burned plots compared with unburned plots in early
postfire years. Three years after the 1979 Ship Island Burn in the Middle Fork Salmon River drainage, central
Idaho, woods strawberry cover was significantly (P<0.05) lower in burned plots compared with paired
unburned plots [159]. Leege and Godbolt [104] studied herbaceous response to prescribed burning and grass-seeding treatments to improve elk winter range in shrub-dominated habitat in north-central Idaho. Prescribed
burning was conducted in mid-May, and all vegetation sampling took place in July or August. General burn
conditions are provided in [104], but information concerning fire behavior or severity was not. Their data show
woods strawberry was less frequent on burned plots than unburned plots.

Woods strawberry frequency of occurrence within each of ten 2-foot (61 cm)
diameter circular measurement plots, 1 year prior to burning and 1, 2, and 4 years after burning (adapted
from [104])

Woods strawberry populations in postfire plots in these 2 studies may still have been recovering. It is
unknown whether woods strawberry frequency increased on these sites in subsequent years.

Some studies indicate that populations of woods strawberry generally remain relatively low in the early
postfire environment and begin increasing after 2 or more years [2,117,154]. These studies do not, however,
provide information on abundance of woods strawberry before fire or in paired unburned plots. Following the
Little Sioux Wildfire in northeastern Minnesota in 1971, vegetation data were collected from seventy 0.605 m²
plots each August for 5 years. No other information about the fire was provided [117].

Total number of woods strawberry plants sampled each August after a 1971 wildfire in
northeastern Minnesota [117]

Ahlgren [2] suggested that in forests of the north-central United States and adjacent central Canada, woods
strawberry increases gradually for several years following fire, peaking during the 5- to 10-year postfire
period, and subsequently declining.

Average percent cover of woods strawberry in “burned-over jack
pine (Pinus banksiana)-black spruce (Picea mariana) forests in northeastern Minnesota at
different intervals after fire" (adapted from [2])
Years after fire
Average percent cover (%)

Twenty years of woods strawberry cover data were collected each July following the Plant Creek wildfire that
burned in late August 1972 in the Sapphire Range, western Montana. These data indicate that woods strawberry
was absent for 3 to 17 years following the fire, but eventually established in 9 of 10 study areas. Woods
strawberry cover never exceeded 5% on any study area during this time. Prefire data were not provided, so it is
not known if these populations were of sprout or seed origin [154].

Number of postfire study areas (out of 10 total) containing woods strawberry
(adapted from [154]).
Postfire year
Number of study areas

Another study showed conflicting results. Postfire response of woods strawberry differed between 2 northern
Minnesota mixed conifer-hardwood forest sites. One site was a 10-year-old jack pine plantation burned by
wildfire in a late April 1952, and the other site was dominated by jack pine and black spruce and burned by
wildfire in July 1955. An unburned mixed conifer-hardwood site, dominated by black spruce, jack pine, and paper
birch, served as a contol. Little information about fire behavior or burn conditions was provided, although the
authors noted that "little or no soil burn occurred" [96].

Woods strawberry percent frequency within thirty 10 m² plots on
each site (adapted from [96])
Mixed conifer-hardwood (unburned)
Jack pine (years after burn)
Jack pine-black spruce (years after burn)
1954 (3)
1956 (5)
1965 (14)
1956 (2)
1959 (5)
1965 (11)

Fire severity, particularly fire residence time and magnitude of the downward heat pulse associated with
the fire, is likely to impact woods strawberry survival and postfire response. Greater fire severity is
associated with increased duff consumption, greater soil heating, and consequently, reduced woods strawberry
survival. For example, Hooker and Tisdale [82] indicated that woods strawberry increased following "low
intensity" prescribed fire in a northern Idaho shrubland, but did not "benefit" from "more
intense" fire. On shelterwood cutting units in a northern Idaho mixed conifer forest, woods strawberry
postfire year 1 cover was slightly lower on a site burned under dry fuel conditions than on a site burned under
moist fuel conditions. Differences in fuel moisture between treatments were primarily attributable to duff
moisture levels (88% for the moist treatment; 41% for the dry treatment). Average duff consumption was 30%
for the moist burn, compared with 90% for the dry burn, indicating higher fire severity on the dry burn site.
More detailed burn conditions and fire behavior information are available in [143].

Woods strawberry cover during summer just prior to treatment and 1 year
after burning (adapted from [143])
No burn
Moist burn
Dry burn

Following prescribed fires in western Wyoming quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) communities, woods
strawberry biomass decreased with increasing severity 3 years after fire. This pattern was less consistent in
postfire year 12 [19,20].
Woods strawberry production before, 3 years after, and 12 years after fires of
varied severitya (adapted from [19,20]). Prefire production was 108 kg/ha.

Years after fire


94 kg/ha
75 kg/ha
78 kg/ha
14 kg/ha
51 kg/ha
45 kg/ha

a Light burns indicate an estimated 0% to 20% of litter and duff consumed

Moderate burns indicate an estimated 20% to 80% of litter and duff consumed

Heavy burns indicate an estimated 81% to 100% of litter and duff consumed

Further evidence linking fire severity with woods strawberry's postfire response is provided by Wang and
Kimball [170], who examined vegetation response following a wildfire in a boreal mixedwood forest codominated
by quaking aspen and a mixture of balsam fir (Abies balsamea), white spruce (Picea glauca),
black spruce and/or jack pine.

Average woods strawberry cover and frequency over 4 postfire years [170]
Lightly burnedb
Severely burnedc

aScorched indicates litter not burned or partially burned

bLightly burned indicates litter burned but with little to no duff consumption

cSeverely burned indicates forest floor completely consumed; organic matter in upper mineral
soil horizon may also be partially consumed

Two northern Minnesota studies also indicate a stronger woods strawberry postfire response when fire is
less severe. At 2 jack pine forest sites that were logged and then burned 1 year later, frequency of woods
strawberry was similar before cutting and burning (80-83%) but differed between sites after treatment.
Differences in fire severity might explain lower frequency of woods strawberry at the Grass Lake site
(3-13%, 1-2 years after fire) compared with the East Bearskin Lake site (57-83%, 1-2 years after fire).
Temperatures reached at the soil surface were, on average, greater than 900° F (480° C) at the Grass Lake site
and less than that at the East Bearskin Lake site [4]. In another northern Minnesota study conducted in several
forest types, woods strawberry frequency tended to be higher on burned versus unburned plots, although frequency
was lower on a severe burn versus a burn of moderate severity at one site [3]. Lack of prefire information and
mixed sampling approaches among sites make results from this study difficult to interpret.

On ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir communities in the Blue Mountains
of northeastern Oregon, woods strawberry cover and frequency were higher
on unburned control sites than on prescribed
burned, thinned, or thinned-and-burned sites. Woods strawberry was determined to be
an indicator species for unburned sites (P≤0.05).
For further information on the effects of thinning and burning treatments on woods strawberry and 48 other species, see the Research Project Summary
of Youngblood and others' [177] study.

These fire studies also provide information on postfire responses of plant species in communities that include woods strawberry:
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Common Names ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: woodland

woods strawberry

woodland strawberry

wood strawberry

starvling strawberry

wild strawberry
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Conservation Status ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
Information on state-level protected status of plants in the United States is available at Plants Database.
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: herb, meristem, perfect, ramet

This description provides characteristics that may be relevant to fire ecology, and is not meant for identification. Keys for identification are available (e.g., [27,37,47,48,49,61,62,63,78,79,80,90,99,108, 111,126,134,154,167,172,173,176]).

Woods strawberry is a low-growing, deciduous perennial herb [6,27,37,62,63,72,73,90,99,108,120,126,145,154, 173,175], with petioles and flowering stems typically arising from a single crown in rosette form. Occasionally a single crown may split into 2 or more crowns by the development of an axillary meristem, but production of leaves and flowers is generally restricted to a single meristematic axis in each ramet [6]. Petioles are generally 0.3 to 6.9 inches (0.8-17.5 cm) long [37,78,80,173], with flowering stems often shorter [72]. Leaves are basal and palmately trifoliate [37,62,63,72,78,79,80,90,99,108,120,141,145,154, 173,175], with leaflets 0.5 to 2.6 inches (1.3-6.5 cm) long and 0.5 to 2.8 inches (1.3- 7.0 cm) wide [37,78,108,145,173], the terminal leaflet being largest [37,173]. Flowers of Fragaria vesca ssp. vesca, F. v. ssp. americana, and F. v. ssp. californica are exclusively perfect, while F. v. ssp. bracteata produces occasional female-only plants [146]. Fleshy fruits are up to 0.4 inch (1 cm) thick and covered with 0.05 inch (1.3-1.4 mm) long achenes [37,62,78,80,108,126,173]. Crowns arise from short rhizomes [63,78,90,99,108,126], spreading and forming colonies by stolons that root and produce plantlets at the nodes [37,47,62,63,72,73,78,80,90,99,108,120,126,145, 154,173,175].

citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: presence

In the western United States, woods strawberry is distributed from Washington south to California, Arizona, New Mexico [28,37,59,72,78,90,108,157,173,175], and the Guadalupe Mountains of western Texas [37,86]; and east through the Rocky Mountain region [23,37,38,49,62,81,99,171,172,173] and the Black Hills [47,95,162]. Cronquist and others [37] suggest that woods strawberry is "seemingly absent from the western ¾ of the Great Basin", despite indications that its occurrence has been recorded in Nevada [37,81]. It occurs somewhat infrequently in the northern Great Plains, south to Nebraska [63,74]. In the eastern United States, woods strawberry is distributed from the Lake States east to coastal New England, and south to Missouri, Tennessee, and North Carolina [6,61,63,65,111,126,134,141,155,176]. Kartesz and Meacham [89] indicate the possibility that it also occurs in Mississippi. Woods strawberry is introduced in Hawaii [8]. Plants Database provides state distribution maps for woods strawberry and its infrataxa.

In Canada, woods strawberry occurs from coastal British Columbia east to Newfoundland [37,61,72,79,80,90,107,125,134,134,173], as well as in Northwest Territories [89]. It also occurs in Baja California, Mexico [37,78,108,175].

Globally, woods strawberry distribution is circumboreal [98,99]. While it is widely considered a native species in North America, at least some populations may originate from introduced European stock [61,111,141], especially in the northeastern United States and adjacent Canada [61,80,134,141], and the northern Great Plains [63].

Comprehensive surveys examining the presence or absence of woods strawberry within the following biogeographic vegetation schemes are not available. These lists represent a "best estimate" of woods strawberry occurrence based on information obtained from floras and other literature, herbarium samples, and confirmed observations.

citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Fire Ecology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: cover, duff, fire regime, forest, frequency, fuel, habitat type, litter, seed, wildfire

Fire adaptations: Several sources indicate that woods strawberry is adapted to survive low- to moderate-severity fires via subsurface perennating buds. Powell [124] suggested that woods strawberry survives "cool" fires via stolons that are sequestered in unburned litter and duff layers. Brown and Debyle [29] considered woods strawberry a fire endurer, which Rowe [136] classed as those plants able to resprout after the passage of fire. Wang and Kimball [170] included woods strawberry in the POSTFIRE REGENERATION STRATEGY class sprouter (regenerated from surface or buried buds) following a wildfire in a southeastern Manitoba boreal mixedwood forest.

There is also some suggestion that, at least at the population level, woods strawberry is adapted to fire-prone habitats due to a propensity for postfire seedling establishment. In a study of postfire plant cover in northeastern Oregon, Johnson [85] indicated that in postfire year 5, woods strawberry established by seed dispersed from outside the measurement plots in a grand fir-pinegrass habitat type. Suggestions that woods strawberry seedling establishment is generally benefited by some type of disturbance (see Seedling Establishment and Growth and Successional Status) also supports the hypothesis that woods strawberry seedling establishment is promoted by fire. In addition, Strickler and Edgerton [156] suggested that heat may promote woods strawberry seed germination, but a small sample size provided limited experimental evidence.

Although several sources have suggested that seedling establishment and vegetative spread typically do not occur together concurrently, at least within established populations (see Seedling Establishment and Growth), Ahlgren [3,4] observed both woods strawberry seedling establishment and vegetative sprouting, in about equal numbers, in postfire experiment plots in northeastern Minnesota.

FIRE REGIMES: As of this writing (2007), there is little published information linking woods strawberry with specific FIRE REGIMES. To the extent that woods strawberry benefits from fire (see Fire Effects), and to the extent that other postfire site characteristics are suitable for its occurrence, it is reasonable to suggest that woods strawberry is likely to be found in areas that experience moderately frequent, relatively low-severity fires. For example, Atzet and McCrimmon [15] described the fire regime of an Oregon white oak/woods strawberry habitat type in the southern Oregon Cascades as follows: "Fire occurred on three of the four sites sampled. Frequency is high, intensity is low, and many fires are confined to the type, without entering adjacent dense forest sites. Spread rates are moderated by the gentle topography. Heavy fuel production is low, but flashy fuels (grasses) are abundant and dry early in the summer. Vertical and horizontal fuel distribution is discontinuous and varied. Surface area, except for the grasses, is low" [15].

This is not to suggest that woods strawberry does not occur in areas with starkly different FIRE REGIMES than described above. For instance, it may be found in plant communities and ecosystems where the predominant disturbance type is something other than fire, such as windthrow, that may nevertheless benefit woods strawberry (see Successional Status). Given its apparent ubiquity across North America (see Distribution and Occurrence), fire regime is likely just one of many factors influencing woods strawberry occurrence and abundance.

The following table provides fire return intervals for plant communities and ecosystems where woods strawberry likely occurs (although precise distribution information is limited). Find fire regime information for the plant communities in which this species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under "Find FIRE REGIMES".

Community or Ecosystem Dominant Species Fire Return Interval Range (years) silver fir-Douglas-fir Abies amabilis-Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii >200 grand fir Abies grandis 35-200 [11] maple-beech Acer-Fagus spp. 684-1,385 [34,168] maple-beech-birch Acer-Fagus-Betula spp. >1,000 silver maple-American elm Acer saccharinum-Ulmus americana <5 to 200 sugar maple Acer saccharum >1,000 sugar maple-basswood Acer saccharum-Tilia americana >1,000 [168] birch Betula spp. 80-230 [160] California montane chaparral Ceanothus and/or Arctostaphylos spp. 50-100 [121] sugarberry-America elm-green ash Celtis laevigata-Ulmus americana-Fraxinus pennsylvanica <35 to 200 [168] mountain-mahogany-Gambel oak scrub Cercocarpus ledifolius-Quercus gambelii 121] Atlantic white-cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides 35 to >200 beech-sugar maple Fagus spp.-Acer saccharum >1,000 black ash Fraxinus nigra 168] green ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica <35 to >300 [52,168] western juniper Juniperus occidentalis 20-70 Rocky Mountain juniper Juniperus scopulorum <35 [121] cedar glades Juniperus virginiana 3-22 [68,121] tamarack Larix laricina 35-200 [121] western larch Larix occidentalis 25-350 [12,18,42] yellow-poplar Liriodendron tulipifera <35 [168] Great Lakes spruce-fir Picea-Abies spp. 35 to >200 northeastern spruce-fir Picea-Abies spp. 35-200 [50] Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir Picea engelmannii-Abies lasiocarpa 35 to >200 [11] black spruce Picea mariana 35-200 conifer bog* Picea mariana-Larix laricina 35-200 [50] blue spruce* Picea pungens 35-200 [11] red spruce* Picea rubens 35-200 [50] Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine P. aristata 9-55 [45,46] whitebark pine* Pinus albicaulis 50-200 [1,9] jack pine Pinus banksiana 34,50] Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine* Pinus contorta var. latifolia 25-340 [17,18,161] Sierra lodgepole pine* Pinus contorta var. murrayana 35-200 [11] shortleaf pine Pinus echinata 2-15 shortleaf pine-oak Pinus echinata-Quercus spp. <10 [168] Jeffrey pine Pinus jeffreyi 5-30 western white pine* Pinus monticola 50-200 Pacific ponderosa pine* Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa 1-47 [11] interior ponderosa pine* Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum 2-30 [11,16,101] Arizona pine Pinus ponderosa var. arizonica 2-15 [16,35,140] red pine (Great Lakes region) Pinus resinosa 3-18 (x=3-10) [33,58] red-white pine* (Great Lakes region) Pinus resinosa-P. strobus 3-200 [34,75,106] pitch pine Pinus rigida 6-25 [30,76] eastern white pine Pinus strobus 35-200 eastern white pine-eastern hemlock Pinus strobus-Tsuga canadensis 35-200 eastern white pine-northern red oak-red maple Pinus strobus-Quercus rubra-Acer rubrum 35-200 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 3-8 loblolly-shortleaf pine Pinus taeda-P. echinata 10 to <35 Virginia pine Pinus virginiana 10 to <35 Virginia pine-oak Pinus virginiana-Quercus spp. 10 to <35 sycamore-sweetgum-American elm Platanus occidentalis-Liquidambar styraciflua-Ulmus americana <35 to 200 [168] eastern cottonwood Populus deltoides <35 to 200 [121] aspen-birch Populus tremuloides-Betula papyrifera 35-200 [50,168] quaking aspen (west of the Great Plains) Populus tremuloides 7-120 [11,66,110] black cherry-sugar maple Prunus serotina-Acer saccharum >1,000 [168] mountain grasslands Pseudoroegneria spicata 3-40 (x=10) [10,11] Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir* Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca 25-100 [11,13,14] coastal Douglas-fir* Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii 40-240 [11,112,131] California mixed evergreen Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii-Lithocarpus densiflorus-Arbutus menziesii <35 California oakwoods Quercus spp. <35 [11] oak-hickory Quercus-Carya spp. <35 northeastern oak-pine Quercus-Pinus spp. 10 to <35 white oak-black oak-northern red oak Quercus alba-Q. velutina-Q. rubra <35 [168] canyon live oak Quercus chrysolepis <35 to 200 blue oak-foothills pine Quercus douglasii-P. sabiniana 11] northern pin oak Quercus ellipsoidalis <35 [168] Oregon white oak Quercus garryana <35 [11] bear oak Quercus ilicifolia <35 [168] California black oak Quercus kelloggii 5-30 [121] bur oak Quercus macrocarpa <10 [168] oak savanna Quercus macrocarpa/Andropogon gerardii-Schizachyrium scoparium 2-14 [121,168] chestnut oak Quercus prinus 3-8 northern red oak Quercus rubra 10 to <35 post oak-blackjack oak Quercus stellata-Q. marilandica <10 black oak Quercus velutina <35 [168] redwood Sequoia sempervirens 5-200 [11,56,158] western redcedar-western hemlock Thuja plicata-Tsuga heterophylla >200 [11] eastern hemlock-yellow birch Tsuga canadensis-Betula alleghaniensis 100-240 [160,168] eastern hemlock-white pine Tsuga canadensis-Pinus strobus x=47 [34] western hemlock-Sitka spruce Tsuga heterophylla-Picea sitchensis >200 mountain hemlock* Tsuga mertensiana 35 to >200 [11] *fire return interval varies widely; trends in variation are noted in the species review
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Fire Management Considerations ( Inglês )

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As of this writing (2007) there is little published information specifically concerning the simultaneous management of woods strawberry and fire. It should be noted that woods strawberry occurs within a variety of plant communities and ecosystems that represent many types of FIRE REGIMES.

It has been suggested that woods strawberry might be an important species for mitigating postfire erosion potential. From observations of postfire shrubfields in northern Idaho, Hooker and Tisdale [82] wrote that woods strawberry "appeared to have an important stabilizing influence on the surface soils of the steeper slopes, since it was abundant after burning and sent out numerous stolons."

citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification) ( Inglês )

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More info for the term: hemicryptophyte

citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Habitat characteristics ( Inglês )

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More info for the terms: forest, frequency, mesic, woodland

Habitat: Woods strawberry occupies a variety of habitats throughout its range. In the eastern United States and Canada, it commonly occurs in forest or woodland habitats (e.g. [6,51,111,141,154,167]). In the southeastern United States woods strawberry may be largely restricted to the rich, moist forests of the mountains [126,176]. Further north, there are also accounts of its occurrence in more open habitats such as old fields, meadows and grasslands [25,36,116,154]. In the northern Great Plains, woods strawberry is associated with woodland and riparian habitats [63,74].

In western North America, woods strawberry also commonly occurs in, but is not always restricted to, wooded or forested habitats. Although comprehensive surveys are lacking, it appears that woods strawberry can be found in all but the driest forest types in the western United States. Woods strawberry occurrence in forested habitats in this region is often associated with relatively recent disturbance. Examples include forest openings [27,62,72,122], roadsides [71,105], and recently cleared or early successional forest [105] (also see Successional Status below). Woods strawberry occurrence in western North America is also documented in meadows [47,48,49,79,108], open slopes [73,108], prairie-woodland mosaics [57], forest margins [99], and margins of meadows [127]. Reed [129] mentions woods strawberry occurrence in big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) habitats in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, although to date (2007) this is the only example encountered for this habitat.

Elevation: In mountainous western North America, woods strawberry occurrence has been reported from a wide range of elevations. Examples of such reports include: "low" to subalpine along the Pacific Northwest coast [122], "low to middle elevations" in Glacier National Park [145], and valley bottom to lower subalpine in west-central Montana [98]. Knight and others [93] indicated that woods strawberry's preferred habitat in the Medicine Bow Mountains of northern Colorado/southern Wyoming is "higher elevation, mesic sites."

The following table lists published accounts of elevation ranges where woods strawberry occurs in western North America. These examples are not necessarily elevational limits to woods strawberry distribution, but rather a range of elevations, particularly upper elevations, where woods strawberry might occur.

Location Elevation east-central and southeastern Arizona 7,000 to 9,500 feet (2,100-2,900 m) [90] southeastern Arizona >9,200 feet (2,800 m) [157] southern Arizona 7,900 to 8,000 feet (2,400 m) [28] California 100 to 6,500 feet (30-2,000 m) [78] Sierra Nevada Range, California <6,000 feet (1,800 m) [137] Colorado 5,000 to 9,500 feet (1,500-2,900 m) [73] near Crested Butte, Colorado 8,500 to 12,500 feet (2,600-3,800 m) [100] west-central Idaho 5,000 to 7,800 feet (1,500-2,400 m) [23] New Mexico 6,500 to 10,000 feet (2,000-3,000 m) [108] Utah 6,000 to 10,500 feet (1,800-3,200 m) [173] Uinta Basin, Utah 7,000 to 10,500 feet (2,100-3,200 m) [62] Cascade and Olympic Mountains, Washington up to 4,000 feet (1,200 m) [79,80] northwestern Wyoming 7,900 feet (2,400 m) [20] Intermountain West 5,900 to 7,900 feet (1800-2400 m) [37] Yellowstone National Park 6,000 to 7,600 feet (1,800-2,300 m) [44] Baja California "higher foothills to about" 8,200 feet (2,500 m) [175]

The following table provides woods strawberry distribution data by elevation in the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon and California, and is adapted from [174].

Elevation range (feet) 1,500-2,500 2,500-3,500 3,500-4,500 4,500-5,500 5,500-6,300 6,300-7,000 Percent frequency of occurrence 0.6 1.1 5.9 10.2 7.0 4.5

As of this writing (2007) there is no published information regarding elevation and woods strawberry distribution in eastern North America.

Moisture: Based on general information contained in site descriptions, habitat types, etc., it appears that woods strawberry occurs under a wide range of moisture conditions, although it is probably not tolerant of extremely wet or dry conditions. Although comprehensive, rangewide information about moisture conditions for woods strawberry habitat is lacking, the following descriptions provide some guidelines, at least for parts of the western United States. Lackschewitz [98] indicated that woods strawberry occurs on sites in west-central Montana that are mesic (adequate moisture during all or most of the growing season, but rarely if ever flooded) to meso-xeric (moisture abundant in the early growing season but dry later on). Franklin and Dyrness [57] indicated that woods strawberry is more common in warm, dry forests, less common in cool, moist forests, and rare to nonexistent in cold, moist forests of the South Umpqua River valley, western Oregon.

citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Habitat: Cover Types ( Inglês )

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This species is known to occur in association with the following cover types (as classified by the Society of American Foresters):

More info for the term: cover


1 Jack pine

5 Balsam fir

12 Black spruce

13 Black spruce-tamarack

14 Northern pin oak

15 Red pine

16 Aspen

17 Pin cherry

18 Paper birch

19 Gray birch-red maple

20 White pine-northern red oak-red maple

21 Eastern white pine

22 White pine-hemlock

23 Eastern hemlock

24 Hemlock-yellow birch

25 Sugar maple-beech-yellow birch

26 Sugar maple-basswood

27 Sugar maple

28 Black cherry-maple

30 Red spruce-yellow birch

31 Red spruce-sugar maple-beech

32 Red spruce

33 Red spruce-balsam fir

35 Paper birch-red spruce-balsam fir

37 Northern white-cedar

38 Tamarack

39 Black ash-American elm-red maple

42 Bur oak

43 Bear oak

44 Chestnut oak

45 Pitch pine

46 Eastern redcedar

50 Black locust

51 White pine-chestnut oak

52 White oak-black oak-northern red oak

53 White oak

55 Northern red oak

57 Yellow-poplar

58 Yellow-poplar-eastern hemlock

59 Yellow-poplar-white oak-northern red oak

60 Beech-sugar maple

61 River birch-sycamore

62 Silver maple-American elm

63 Cottonwood

64 Sassafras-persimmon

65 Pin oak-sweetgum

75 Shortleaf pine

76 Shortleaf pine-oak

78 Virginia pine-oak

79 Virginia pine

80 Loblolly pine-shortleaf pine

81 Loblolly pine

82 Loblolly pine-hardwood

87 Sweetgum-yellow-poplar

93 Sugarberry-American elm-green ash

94 Sycamore-sweetgum-American elm

95 Black willow

97 Atlantic white-cedar

107 White spruce

108 Red maple

109 Hawthorn

110 Black oak

201 White spruce

202 White spruce-paper birch

203 Balsam poplar

204 Black spruce

205 Mountain hemlock

206 Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir

207 Red fir

208 Whitebark pine

209 Bristlecone pine

210 Interior Douglas-fir

211 White fir

212 Western larch

213 Grand fir

215 Western white pine

216 Blue spruce

217 Aspen

218 Lodgepole pine

219 Limber pine

220 Rocky Mountain juniper

221 Red alder

222 Black cottonwood-willow

224 Western hemlock

226 Coastal true fir-hemlock

227 Western redcedar-western hemlock

228 Western redcedar

229 Pacific Douglas-fir

230 Douglas-fir-western hemlock

231 Port-Orford-cedar

232 Redwood

233 Oregon white oak

234 Douglas-fir-tanoak-Pacific madrone

235 Cottonwood-willow

236 Bur oak

237 Interior ponderosa pine

238 Western juniper

243 Sierra Nevada mixed conifer

244 Pacific ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir

245 Pacific ponderosa pine

246 California black oak

247 Jeffrey pine

248 Knobcone pine

249 Canyon live oak

250 Blue oak-foothills pine

251 White spruce-aspen

252 Paper birch

253 Black spruce-white spruce

254 Black spruce-paper birch

255 California coast live oak

256 California mixed subalpine
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Habitat: Ecosystem ( Inglês )

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This species is known to occur in the following ecosystem types (as named by the U.S. Forest Service in their Forest and Range Ecosystem [FRES] Type classification):

More info for the term: shrub


FRES10 White-red-jack pine

FRES11 Spruce-fir

FRES13 Loblolly-shortleaf pine

FRES14 Oak-pine

FRES15 Oak-hickory

FRES16 Oak-gum-cypress

FRES17 Elm-ash-cottonwood

FRES18 Maple-beech-birch

FRES19 Aspen-birch

FRES20 Douglas-fir

FRES21 Ponderosa pine

FRES22 Western white pine

FRES23 Fir-spruce

FRES24 Hemlock-Sitka spruce

FRES25 Larch

FRES26 Lodgepole pine

FRES27 Redwood

FRES28 Western hardwoods

FRES29 Sagebrush

FRES30 Desert shrub

FRES33 Southwestern shrubsteppe

FRES34 Chaparral-mountain shrub

FRES35 Pinyon-juniper

FRES37 Mountain meadows

FRES38 Plains grasslands

FRES39 Prairie

FRES40 Desert grasslands

FRES41 Wet grasslands

FRES44 Alpine
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Habitat: Plant Associations ( Inglês )

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This species is known to occur in association with the following plant community types (as classified by Küchler 1964):

More info for the terms: bog, forest, shrub, woodland


K002 Cedar-hemlock-Douglas-fir forest

K003 Silver fir-Douglas-fir forest

K004 Fir-hemlock forest

K005 Mixed conifer forest

K006 Redwood forest

K007 Red fir forest

K008 Lodgepole pine-subalpine forest

K010 Ponderosa shrub forest

K011 Western ponderosa forest

K012 Douglas-fir forest

K013 Cedar-hemlock-pine forest

K014 Grand fir-Douglas-fir forest

K015 Western spruce-fir forest

K016 Eastern ponderosa forest

K017 Black Hills pine forest

K018 Pine-Douglas-fir forest

K019 Arizona pine forest

K020 Spruce-fir-Douglas-fir forest

K021 Southwestern spruce-fir forest

K022 Great Basin pine forest

K025 Alder-ash forest

K026 Oregon oakwoods

K028 Mosaic of K002 and K026

K029 California mixed evergreen forest

K030 California oakwoods

K031 Oak-juniper woodland

K032 Transition between K031 and K037

K034 Montane chaparral

K036 Mosaic of K030 and K035

K037 Mountain-mahogany-oak scrub

K081 Oak savanna

K082 Mosaic of K074 and K100

K093 Great Lakes spruce-fir forest

K094 Conifer bog

K095 Great Lakes pine forest

K096 Northeastern spruce-fir forest

K098 Northern floodplain forest

K099 Maple-basswood forest

K100 Oak-hickory forest

K101 Elm-ash forest

K102 Beech-maple forest

K103 Mixed mesophytic forest

K104 Appalachian oak forest

K106 Northern hardwoods

K107 Northern hardwoods-fir forest

K108 Northern hardwoods-spruce forest

K109 Transition between K104 and K106

K110 Northeastern oak-pine forest

K111 Oak-hickory-pine
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Habitat: Rangeland Cover Types ( Inglês )

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This species is known to occur in association with the following Rangeland Cover Types (as classified by the Society for Range Management, SRM):

More info for the terms: cover, forb, grassland, shrub, shrubland, woodland


109 Ponderosa pine shrubland

201 Blue oak woodland

202 Coast live oak woodland

203 Riparian woodland

204 North coastal shrub

213 Alpine grassland

216 Montane meadows

217 Wetlands

409 Tall forb

410 Alpine rangeland

411 Aspen woodland

413 Gambel oak

418 Bigtooth maple

419 Bittercherry

420 Snowbrush

421 Chokecherry-serviceberry-rose

422 Riparian

801 Savanna

805 Riparian
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Immediate Effect of Fire ( Inglês )

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More info for the terms: duff, flame length

Although detailed accounts are lacking, it is likely that woods strawberry is top-killed by fire. It is also apparent that woods strawberry survives fire when meristematic tissues are protected from heat damage by moist soil and duff layers [124] (also see Fire adaptations). Using the nomenclature of Volland and Dell [166], Powell [124] indicated that woods strawberry has a fire resistance rating of medium (35% to 64% chance that 50% of the population will survive or immediately reestablish after passage of a fire with an average flame length of 12 inches (0.3 m)). Patterson and others [120] characterized its "resistance" to fire as "moderate to low".
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Importance to Livestock and Wildlife ( Inglês )

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More info for the terms: cover, forest, fruit, herb, herbaceous

Several native ungulates are known to graze woods strawberry foliage. Elk utilize it as summer forage in central Washington [26] and spring forage in northern Idaho [103]. Campbell and Johnson [31] provided evidence for year-round mountain goat and mule deer grazing on wild strawberries in north-central Washington. Woods strawberry was consumed by white-tailed deer in grand fir/queencup beadlily (Clintonia uniflora) and western redcedar/queencup beadlily habitat types in northern Idaho [92].

Tame mule deer utilized woods strawberry in Utah and Colorado. In a lodgepole pine-dominated forest area in northeastern Utah, woods strawberry constituted 5% by weight of the summer diet of tame mule deer in clearcut forest and mature forest habitats [43]. Tame mule deer utilized small amounts of woods strawberry in lodgepole pine and Englemann spruce (Picea engelmannii)-subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) habitats in central Colorado in summer [169]. In an experiment on a central Colorado ponderosa pine/bunchgrass range, observations of grazing preferences of tame mule deer indicated that woods strawberry was among preferred food species. Average percent of mule deer diet comprised of woods strawberry was as follows [40]:

Average monthly use April May June July August October 3.8% 0% 0.8% 4.0% 6.5% 6.1% 5.5%

Woods strawberry is also eaten by other native mammals, including grizzly bears [41], black bears [150,151], and raccoons [132], although it is unclear if these animals are eating strictly fruit, or if they are also utilizing foliage.

Fruits are eaten by grouse and songbirds [83,150,151]. Wild strawberry is "perhaps the most important herbaceous food plant for" ruffed grouse in Minnesota [67]. Hungerford [83] suggested that it was an important food for ruffed grouse in Idaho.

Palatability/nutritional value: According to Steele and Geier-Hayes [150,151] woods strawberry is moderately palatable to deer, elk and sheep. Its leaves remain "green through the winter" and provide a higher forage value "than most herb layer species during that season."

Cover value: No information is available on this topic.

citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Key Plant Community Associations ( Inglês )

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More info for the terms: marsh, phase

Vegetation classifications describing plant communities where woods strawberry is a dominant species include:


  • planeleaf willow (Salix planifolia)/white marsh marigold (Caltha leptosephala) habitat
    type, tall fringed bluebells (Mertensia ciliata)-woods strawberry phase [77]

New Mexico:

  • blue spruce (Picea Pungens)/woods strawberry [5]


  • Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana)/woods strawberry [15]

  • Woods strawberry is listed as a principal indicator species in the following vegetation

    • Grand fir (Abies grandis)/white spirea (Spiraea betulifolia)

    • Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)/pinegrass (Calamagrostis rubescens)

    • Douglas-fir/ninebark (Physocarpus malvaceus)

    • Douglas-fir/white spirea

    • Douglas-fir/mountain snowberry (Symphoricarpos oreophilus) [84]

South Dakota:

  • interior ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum/shrubby cinquefoil (Dasiphora
    floribunda)-common snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus)/woods strawberry [163]

citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Life Form ( Inglês )

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More info for the term: forb

citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Management considerations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: forbs, forest, grassland, presence, woodland

Published information provides conflicting evidence concerning woods strawberry grazing tolerance. Hall [70]
reported that wild strawberries tended to increase with overgrazing in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon
and southeastern Washington. Steele and Geier-Hayes [147,148,149] indicated that, on "cutover" sites
in grand fir- and Douglas-fir-dominated habitat types in Idaho, woods strawberry was less tolerant of heavy
grazing than either Virginia strawberry or other common grazing-tolerant forbs. It was also suggested that
woods strawberry is susceptible to trampling from heavy livestock traffic [147,148,149]. In northern California,
Saenz [138] recorded the presence of woods strawberry in "lightly" grazed (only grazed "late in
the season" by cattle) Oregon white oak woodland, but it was not observed in "heavily" grazed
(grazed by cattle "for as much of the year as weather permitted") woodland, nor in "lightly"
grazed or "heavily" grazed grassland.

In meadow habitat surrounded by ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forest on the Mogollon Rim, northern
Arizona, exclusion of grazing by cattle, elk and deer had no consistent effect on relative abundance of woods
strawberry. Comparisons were made between grazed plots and fenced exclosure plots where there had been no
grazing for 8 to 9 years. Woods strawberry "relative abundance (%)" ranged from 0 to 6.5%, with no
discernable effect of grazing among 3 sites.

A study on the Rogue River National Forest, Oregon, suggests that on logged sites where woods strawberry is
present, removing slash (in this case piling and burning) results in greater woods strawberry presence,
compared with leaving slash in place [109].

Limited evidence suggests that woods strawberry may be relatively resistant to some herbicides. Rice and Toney
[130] studied the effects of herbicide treatments for controlling spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa)
on native forest and grassland vegetation in west-central Montana. At a single site, woods strawberry occurrence
was not significantly (P=0.67) different in untreated plots and plots treated once with either picloram
or clopyralid [130]. It also does not appear particularly susceptible to glyphosate [24]. Caution should be
observed when making assumptions about effects of specific herbicides, application rates, and repeated
applications on woods strawberry.
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Other uses and values ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: fruit

Several sources note the widespread harvesting of wild strawberry fruit, both in traditional and contemporary cultures [32,72,105,122]. Native Americans mashed wild strawberry fruit with serviceberries to form dried cakes, used stolons for tying and binding, applied dried and powdered leaves to open sores as disinfectant [72], made the leaves into a medicinal tea [120,122], and chewed and applied the leaves as a poultice to burns [122].
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Phenology ( Inglês )

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More info on this topic.

More info for the terms: phenology, seed, stolon

The following table lists some examples of woods strawberry flowering phenology from throughout North America:

Location March April May June July August September east-central/southeastern Arizona [90]     X X X X X near Moscow, Idaho [83]     X X       northern Idaho [120]   X X X       Illinois [111]     X X X X   New Mexico [108]   X X X X X X western North Carolina [126]     X X X     western Oregon/southwestern  Washington [72]   X X X       Uinta Basin, Utah [62]       X X     West Virginia [155]   X X X       Blue Ridge Mountains [176]     X X X     northern Great Plains [63]   X X         Intermountain West [37]       X X     New England [141]     X X       northeastern United States [61]   X X X       coastal, New York to Newfoundland [51]   X X X X     Baja California [175] X X X X      

Reported dates for ripe fruits include mid-June to early August near Moscow, Idaho [83], and by early July in central New York [6]. Stolon production occurs from early June to late August in central New York [6] and early May through August near Ithaca, New York [88]. Stolon decay begins in late summer and connection between nodes is usually lost by spring, at least in central New York [6].

Leaf production occurs continuously from April to October in central New York, and a few leaves may overwinter [6]. Steele and Geier-Hayes [150,151] also reported that at least some woods strawberry leaves remain green through the winter in Idaho.

Schmidt and Lotan [139] reported the following phenological data for woods strawberry from locations east of the Continental Divide in Montana and in Yellowstone National Park, 1928-1937:

  First appearance Leaves full grown Flowers start Flowers end Fruits ripe Seed fall starts Leaves start to color Leaves fallen Average date 5/7 6/8 6/10 7/5 8/3 8/12 8/29 9/24 Earliest date 4/20 5/10 5/10 6/29 7/21 8/1 8/5 9/1 Latest date 5/17 7/22 6/24 7/16 8/15 8/25 9/16 10/16
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Plant Response to Fire ( Inglês )

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More info for the terms: cover, frequency

Several studies have demonstrated an increase in woods strawberry populations following fire (see Discussion and Qualification of Plant Response below). Although published accounts indicate that, in general, woods strawberry populations increase following disturbance, including fire, to date (2007) there are no studies that explicitly compare the importance of vegetative spread with seedling establishment in postdisturbance population growth (see Successional Status). Ahlgren [3,4] observed both woods strawberry seedling establishment and vegetative sprouting, in about equal numbers, in postfire experiment plots in northeastern Minnesota.

To the extent that woods strawberry plants can survive fire, or that seedlings can establish in the postfire environment, it is apparent that fire can have a positive effect on woods strawberry populations. A review by Patterson and others [120] indicated that it regenerates from stolons following fire, reaching preburn levels within 3 to 7 years. Using the nomenclature of Volland and Dell [166], Powell [124] rated woods strawberry postfire response as medium, suggesting it will regain its preburn frequency or cover in 5 to 10 years.

citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Post-fire Regeneration ( Inglês )

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More info for the terms: ground residual colonizer, initial off-site colonizer, root crown, secondary colonizer, seed

Surface rhizome/chamaephytic root crown in organic mantle or on soil surface
Caudex/herbaceous root crown, growing points in soil
Ground residual colonizer (on-site, initial community)
Initial off-site colonizer (off-site, initial community)
Secondary colonizer (on-site or off-site seed sources)
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Regeneration Processes ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: adventitious, forest, gynodioecious, litter, perfect, ramet, seed, stratification

Woods strawberry regenerates vegetatively and by seeds, although apparently the "predominant reproductive mode" is vegetative (Tamm 1948, as cited in [22]).

Pollination: According to Ostler and Harper [119], woods strawberry is "animal-pollinated", and flower structure is open with "unrestricted access to nectaries and/or pollen."

Breeding system: Fragaria vesca. ssp. vesca, F. v. ssp. americana, and F. v. ssp. californica have perfect flowers. Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata is gynodioecious, in which most plants have perfect flowers, but occasionally some plants bear only female flowers [146].

Seed production: No information is available on this topic.

Seed dispersal: Seeds are probably dispersed by birds and mammals (Martin and others 1951, as cited in [3]), [148].

Seed banking: Although information describing longevity of viable, soil-stored woods strawberry seed is sparse, there is some indication that it does develop seed banks ([53] and references contained therein). Laboratory and field research in Europe indicate that viable woods strawberry seeds may persist in soil for at least 5 years [164].

It appears that the woods strawberry seed bank is found close to the soil surface. Kramer and Johnson [94] studied seed banks in Douglas-fir and grand fir forests in west-central Idaho. A total of 19 viable woods strawberry seeds were collected from 12 of 48 stands sampled. Ninety-five percent of viable woods strawberry seeds were found in the 0 to 2 inch (0-5 cm) depth, which was mainly composed of compacted litter and organic layers. Five percent of viable woods strawberry seeds were found in the 2 to 4 inch (5-10 cm) depth, which was predominantly mineral soil [94]. Similarly, of soil samples taken from 3 grand fir-dominated sites in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon, 2 sites yielded germinable seeds only from the litter/humus layer, and 1 site only from the 0 to 0.8 inch (0-2 cm) mineral soil layer. No woods strawberry seedlings emerged from the 0.8 to 1.6 inch (2-4 cm) soil samples [156].

Germination: As of this writing (2007) there is little published information describing conditions either favoring or inhibiting woods strawberry seed germination. Steele and Geier-Hayes [151] wrote that woods strawberry "germinates on moist mineral soil in partial shade."

Results from a laboratory experiment suggest that cold stratification may induce more rapid germination of woods strawberry seed but provides a much smaller, perhaps negligible effect on eventual numbers of germinants. Woods strawberry seeds were planted in sterilized soil and overwintered in either a coldframe or a heated greenhouse. Seeds overwintered in coldframes were brought indoors after 83 days and had greater germination (45.5%) compared with seeds from the heated greenhouse (32%). Seeds in the cold frame treatment also germinated more rapidly, between 14 and 56 days, while those in the heated greenhouse required between 48 and 252 days for germination [115].

Seedling establishment/growth: To date (2007), not much information has been published about woods strawberry seedling establishment and growth. However, there is some indication that seedling establishment occurs mainly apart from established populations, perhaps following some type of soil disturbance. A review by Eriksson [53] suggests that seedling establishment in preestablished populations of adult woods strawberry clones is rare, and that seedlings mainly contribute to establishment of new populations apart from established clones. Anecdotal evidence provided by Jurik [88] concurs, noting not only that seedlings do not seem to establish in preexisting populations, but that seedlings were observed only where the original vegetation was removed and mineral soil exposed. Steele and Geier-Hayes [148,150,151] noted that woods strawberry seedling establishment apparently requires bare shaded soil.

Asexual regeneration: Vegetative spread in woods strawberry occurs in 3 ways; although, according to a review by Eriksson [53], woods strawberry vegetative spread is mainly by stolons. Crowns arise from short rhizomes [63,78,90,99,108,126], and stolons arise from axillary buds, with individual ramets producing 1 to 4 stolons per season. Stolons may branch at alternate nodes. The nonbranching nodes produce 1 to 2 small leaves and adventitious root primordia, and will root when contacting moist substratum. Stolons decay over winter. Individual nodes may root up to 3.3 feet (1 m) from the parent ramet. Adventitious roots may also develop in the axils of decayed leaves allowing plants to "creep along the forest floor . . . through the accumulation of several years' decaying leaf bases" [6].

citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Regional Distribution in the Western United States ( Inglês )

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This species can be found in the following regions of the western United States (according to the Bureau of Land Management classification of Physiographic Regions of the western United States):


1 Northern Pacific Border

2 Cascade Mountains

3 Southern Pacific Border

4 Sierra Mountains

5 Columbia Plateau

6 Upper Basin and Range

7 Lower Basin and Range

8 Northern Rocky Mountains

9 Middle Rocky Mountains

10 Wyoming Basin

11 Southern Rocky Mountains

12 Colorado Plateau

13 Rocky Mountain Piedmont

14 Great Plains

15 Black Hills Uplift

16 Upper Missouri Basin and Broken Lands
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

States or Provinces ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
(key to state/province abbreviations)
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Successional Status ( Inglês )

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More info on this topic.

More info for the terms: association, basal area, climax, competition, cover, forest, frequency, litter, presence, scarification, shrubs, succession

Although evidence is limited, it appears that woods strawberry is most prevalent in early successional forests in the western United States. Nevertheless, it also appears that it may be found in most, if not all, successional stages of forest development, at least within some western forest types. For example, Antos and Habeck [7] sampled vegetation in grand fir-dominated communities in the Swan Valley, western Montana. Average woods strawberry percent occurrence was significantly (P<0.05) greater in stands less than 90 years old (67%), compared with stands greater than 150 years old (7%) [7]. Habeck [69] also studied succession in western redcedar (Thuja plicata)-western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) zone forest communities in Glacier National Park. Woods strawberry exhibited its greatest presence in the earliest stages of succession in this zone, where forests that had established following fire were dominated by Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) and, to a lesser extent, western larch (Larix occidentalis). Woods strawberry diminished in importance in later-successional communities where western redcedar and western hemlock were dominant [69]. Spies [144] found that mean woods strawberry percent frequency of occurrence in the Oregon Cascades was significantly (P<0.05) lower in old-growth (mean age = 395 years) forest stands, compared with mature (mean age = 115 years) or young (mean age = 60 years) stands. However, Steele and Geier-Hayes [147,148,149,150,151,152] characterized woods strawberry as a midseral species in several Douglas-fir- and grand fir-dominated habitat types in Idaho, and Ross and Hunter [135] included woods strawberry among "dominants in the climax vegetation" of the western redcedar-western hemlock association in Montana.

Several sources suggest or demonstrate that woods strawberry presence in western forest habitats is enhanced by disturbance. Hall [70] indicated that wild strawberries tend to increase with site disturbance in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon and southeastern Washington. Ferguson and others [55] indicated that woods strawberry increased substantially in response to both partial and total overstory removal in grand fir-dominated sites in northern Idaho and southeastern Oregon. Green and Jensen [64] noted that stands of grand fir (grand fir/wild ginger (Asarum caudatum) habitat type) that were subjected to clearcutting, broadcast burning, and high-intensity mechanical scarification resulted in a woods strawberry-thistle (Cirsium spp.) successional community. Nelson and Halpern [114] studied the responses of understory plants to aggregated retention harvests in 70 to 80-year-old and 110 to 140-year-old Douglas-fir-dominated forests on the western slope of the Cascade Range, southwestern Washington. Aggregates were 2.5 acres (1 ha), with 5 aggregates retained per 32-acre (13 ha) harvest unit. Sampling did not detect woods strawberry in preharvest plots of either the harvested or retention treatments, nor in postharvest retention units 1 to 2 years after cutting. However, woods strawberry was sampled at 3% frequency in harvested areas, with mean cover less than 0.05% [114]. A thinning experiment in a central Colorado Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine forest showed that woods strawberry cover was significantly (P<0.05) greater 5 years after heavy thinning (average basal area 30 ft²/acre), compared with moderate thinning (58 ft²/acre), light thinning (73 ft²/acre), and unthinned controls (basal area not reported) [39].

It is not clear if observed increases in woods strawberry associated with site disturbance are due to seedling establishment that is promoted by litter layer and soil disturbance (see Seedling Establishment/Growth). It is also possible that extant woods strawberry populations are released from competition for light by disturbance-induced changes in canopy structure, and expand their coverage by vegetative spread (see Asexual Regeneration). Although Kemball and others [91] considered woods strawberry to be shade intolerant, Steele and Geier-Hayes [149] indicated that woods strawberry is more shade tolerant than many of the early seral herb-layer species with which it is often associated in Idaho forests, and that it, along with Virginia strawberry, achieves its greatest coverage "beneath a light canopy of trees or tall shrubs where partial shade has reduced competition from earlier successional herbs" [147].

citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Synonyms ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
Fragaria americana (Porter) Britton

= Fragaria vesca L. [126]

Fragaria americana (Porter) Britton

= Fragaria vesca var. americana Porter [63]

Fragaria vesca L. var. americana

= Fragaria americana (Porter) Britton [111]

Fragaria vesca L. var. americana Porter

= Fragaria vesca L. [126]

Fragaria bracteata Heller

= Fragaria americana (Porter) Britton [108]

Fragaria bracteata Heller

= Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata (Heller) Staudt [28,87]

Fragaria vesca var. bracteata (Heller) Davis

= Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata (Heller) Staudt [87]

Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata Heller Staudt

= Fragaria vesca var. bracteata (Heller) Davis [173]

Fragaria bracteata Heller

= Fragaria vesca var. bracteata (Heller) Davis [62,79,81,173]

Fragaria helleri Holz.

= Fragaria vesca var. bracteata (Heller) Davis [79,81,173]

Fragaria ovalis (Lehm.) Rydb.

= Fragaria vesca L. var. bracteata (Heller) Davis [62]

Fragaria retrorsa

= Fragaria vesca var. bracteata (Heller) Davis [79]
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Taxonomy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants

The scientific name of woods strawberry is Fragaria vesca L. (Rosaceae)
[27,37,47,48,49,51,61,62,63,78,79,80,89,102,111,126,133,155,162,167,173,176]. The following subspecies are
also recognized:

Fragaria vesca ssp. americana (Porter) Staudt [89,167,176]

Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata (Heller) Staudt [28,87,89,123,171,172]

Fragaria vesca ssp. californica [78,89]

Fragaria vesca ssp. vesca [89]

According to Cronquist and others [37], woods strawberry and Virginia strawberry (Fragaria virginiana)
do not hybridize in the western U.S., and any similarities in diagnostic traits are more likely attributable
to variability within species.

For the purposes of this review, the common name "woods strawberry" is used when discussing
characteristics common to (or assumed to be common to) the species in general. When referring to infrataxa,
the scientific names for the subspecies listed above are used. When referring to multiple Fragaria spp.,
the name "wild strawberries" is used.

citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Value for rehabilitation of disturbed sites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: fire management

There are suggestions that woods strawberry might be important for stabilizing steep slopes following fire [82] (see Fire Management Considerations).
citação bibliográfica
Munger, Gregory T. 2006. Fragaria vesca. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/fraves/all.html

Distribution ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por IABIN
Chile Central
direitos autorais
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez
site do parceiro

Comprehensive Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por North American Flora
Fragaria vesca L. Sp. PL 494. 1753
Poientilla vesca Scop. Fl. Cam. ed. 2. 1 : 363. 1772.
Fragaria vulgaris Khrh. Beitr. 7: 21. 1792.
Fragaria vulgaris alba Ehrh. Beitr. 7 : 22. 1792.
Fragaria vesca f. albicarpa Britt. Bull. Torrey Club 6 : 323. 1879.
Fragaria vesca alba Rydb. Mem. Dep. Bot. Columbia Univ. 2 : 174. 1898.
Fragaria americana alba Clute, Fl. Upper Susquehanna 35. 1898.
Rootstock short and thick; leaves rather thin, short, silky when young, but glabrate on both sides in age, somewhat glaucous beneath ; petioles somewhat stouter than in the related species, often 1-2 dm. long, silky with spreading hairs ; leaflets rhombic-obovate, mostly acutish, 2-10 cm. long, coarsely serrate, sometimes short-petiolulate, especially the terminal one ; runners long and slender ; scape often as high as the leaves, often with a foliaceous bract similar to the leaflets, several-flowered, silky with spreading hairs, the pedicels, however, appressed-hairy ; flowers 1-1.5 cm., in diameter; sepals and bractlets. from ovate to lanceolate, acute, slightly silky, about 6 mm. long ; fruit usually subspheric,. 1-1.5 cm. in diameter, red or whitish ; achenes superficial. Type locality : Europe.
Distribution : Native of Europe, sometimes cultivated and occasionally escaped in the eastern United States and Canada ; origin of the li Alpine Strawberries" ; apparently native in the mountain regions of New England and Canada. The white-fruited form is native and grows in open woods and on road-sides from northern New York to Connecticut, Kentucky, and eastern Ohio.
citação bibliográfica
Per Axel Rydberg. 1908. ROSACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 22(4). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
North American Flora

Fragaria vesca ( Asturiano )

fornecido por wikipedia AST
frutuca montesa

El Miruéndanu, Mirandanera o Mayueta, ye una planta yerbácea perenne, de la familia de les rosácees, que crez comúnmente en montes ralos y nes escamplaes. Nun ye la variedá montesa del fresón o frutuca ananá (Fragaria x ananassa), la variedá más consumida anguaño, sinón una especie dafechu independiente. Foi la preferida n'Europa dende l'Antigüedá, y dende el sieglu XIV entamó'l so cultivu entamáu, que namái dexó ante'l desenvolvimientu d'híbridos de variedaes americanes de frutu más grande. El so sabor ye, sicasí, más intensu, y dellos gourmets preferir.


F. vesca ye una planta viviega, siempreviva, estolonífera, que los sos tarmos algamen unos 20 cm d'altor. Presenta una roseta basal d'onde surden les fueyes, trifoliaes, y los tarmos si y non florales, dambos del mesmu llargor. Los peciolos de les fueyes son pilosos. Cada unu soporta una fueya compuesta con trés foliolos ovales dentaos. Estos son verde brillantes pol fexe; más pálidos pol viesu, que manifiesta una nervadura bien destacada y una gran pilosidá. De la roseta basal surden tamién otru tipu de tarmos rastreros —estolones— que producen raigaños adventicias d'onde van nacer eventualmente otres plantes, anque en F. vesca esti tipu de biltu ye menos frecuente que n'otres especies del mesmu xéneru.

Los tarmos florales nun presenten fueyes. Nel so estremu apaecen ente abril y xunu les flores, non más de cinco, blanques, de cinco pétalos blancos, cinco sépalos y una ventena d'estames mariellos y altu conteníu en polen; la planta ye hermafrodita, asitiándose les flores femenines más altes que les masculines pa prevenir la autopolinización. L'axente polinizador más habitual son los inseutos, cuantimás abeyes y dípterus; delles especies de formigues aliméntense dacuando del néctar de la flor, anque ensin contribuyir a la polinización.

El frutu, que conocemos como "miruéndanu", ye en realidá un engrosamiento del receptáculu floral, siendo los puntitos qu'hai sobre ella los auténticos frutos, aquenios d'alredor de 1 mm de diámetru. Ye un eterio de color coloráu, duce y arumosu, que concentra los nutrientes del tarmu floral, que s'escolorar y endelgaza a midida que el eterio aumenta de tamañu.

Distribución y hábitat

Fragaria vesca - metsmaasikas.jpg

F. vesca ye nativa d'Eurasia, y crez de forma montesa en toa Europa y el norte d'Asia. Prefier suelos húmedos, bien drenaos, ricos en nutrientes y n'humus; rique daqué de sol pero non por demás, creciendo nes escamplaes y marxes de los montes o en zones ralas.


El miruéndanu consúmese dende la prehistoria, como atestigüen numberosos afayos arqueolóxicos. Foi conocida de griegos y romanos; dellos poetes dedicáron-y versos, ente ellos Ovidiu, Plinio y Virxiliu. A partir del sieglu XIV entamóse'l so cultivu, llográndose frutos de mayor tamañu y menor acritud. A Jerónimo Bock débese-y la primer descripción botánica científica de la planta.

Col descubrimientu de la frutuca chilena (F. chiloensis), la frutuca de Virginia (F. virginiana) y el desenvolvimientu d'híbridos ente dambes, el so cultivu escayó, y pal sieglu XVIII fuera dafechu movida.

Pol so sabor más intensu, consúmese dacuando como frutu de gourmet, anque les núculas resulten agries al cielu la boca, lo que fai que les confitures de fresa selvaxe entemézanse davezu con otros frutos.

Modernamente apreciar como planta melecinal; ye rica en taníns, polo que s'utiliza como astrinxente. La decocción de les fueyes emplegar pa l'anemia y les afecciones hepátiques. Entemecida con fueyes de menta piperina (Mentha x piperita) emplegábase como lavaje antisépticu pa la ropa blanco. Tamién s'emplegó la decocción pa tratar la gota; cúntase que Linneo curar de l'afección con un tratamientu a base de té de fresa selvaxe.

Principios activos

Les fueyes contienen taníns entestaos, flavones, flavonoides, leucoantocianósidos, traces d'aceite esencial, pequeñes cantidaes d'acedu ascórbico, alcohol triterpénico: fraganol, sales potásicos.

Los raigaños contienen taninos catéquicos (12%) y pirogálicos; alcohol triterpénico: fraganol, sales potásicos.

Los frutos: abondosos derivaos antociánicos, aceite esencial, pectina, heterósido (fragarósido).[2]

Detalle de la flor


Fragaria vesca describióse por Carlos Linneo y espublizóse en Species Plantarum 1: 494–495. 1753.[3]

  • Fragaria chinensis Losinsk.
  • Fragaria concolor Kitag.
  • Fragaria nipponica auct.[4][5]

Nomes comunes

El miruéndanu tamién conozse n'asturianu como amurueganera, y a los so frutu como abelluétanu, abruegu, agrobu, albruéganu, amuruéganu, arbellátanu o argumétanu.

Ver tamién



  1. AFPD. 2008. African Flowering Plants Database - Base de Donnees des Plantes a Fleurs D'Afrique.
  2. CONABIO. 2009. Catálogu taxonómicu d'especies de Méxicu. 1. In Capital Nat. Méxicu. CONABIO, Mexico City.
  3. Davidse, G., M. Sousa Sánchez, S. Knapp & F. Chiang Cabrera. 2014. Saururaceae a Zygophyllaceae. 2(3): ined. In G. Davidse, M. Sousa Sánchez, S. Knapp & F. Chiang Cabrera (eds.) Fl. Mesoamer.. Universidá Nacional Autónoma de Méxicu, Méxicu.
  4. Flora of China Editorial Committee. 2003. Flora of China (Pittosporaceae through Connaraceae). 9: 1–496. In C. Y. Wu, P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong (eds.) Fl. China. Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis.
  5. Forzza, R. C. 2010. Llista de espécies Flora do Brasil http://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/2010. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.
  6. Hokche, O., P. Y. Berry & O. Huber. (eds.) 2008. Nuevu Cat. Fl. Vasc. Venezuela 1–860. Fundación Instituto Botánicu de Venezuela, Caracas.
  7. Luteyn, J. L. 1999. Pandoriales, a checklist of plant diversity, geographical distribution, and botanical literature. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 84: viii–xv, 1–278.
  8. Staudt, G. 1962. Taxonomic studies in the genus Fragaria typification of Fragaria species known at the time of Linnaeus. Canad. J. Bot. 40(6): 869–886.

Enllaces esternos

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Fragaria vesca: Brief Summary ( Asturiano )

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Fragaria vesca  src= frutuca montesa

El Miruéndanu, Mirandanera o Mayueta, ye una planta yerbácea perenne, de la familia de les rosácees, que crez comúnmente en montes ralos y nes escamplaes. Nun ye la variedá montesa del fresón o frutuca ananá (Fragaria x ananassa), la variedá más consumida anguaño, sinón una especie dafechu independiente. Foi la preferida n'Europa dende l'Antigüedá, y dende el sieglu XIV entamó'l so cultivu entamáu, que namái dexó ante'l desenvolvimientu d'híbridos de variedaes americanes de frutu más grande. El so sabor ye, sicasí, más intensu, y dellos gourmets preferir.

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Meşə çiyələyi ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ
Fragaria vesca - metsmaasikas.jpg

Meşə çiyələyi (lat. Fragaria vesca L.)[1]çiyələk cinsinə aid bitki növü.[2]

Çiyələyin məlum olan 20 növündən bir növü – meşə çiyələyi Azərbaycanın dağ-meşə rayonlarında çox geniş yayılmışdır və ehtiyatı çoxdur.

Meşə çiyələyi mayın axırı, iyunun əvvəllərindən başlayaraq bütün yayı çiçəkləyir. Çiçəkləri ağ rəngli olub ətirlidir. Meyvələri iyunavqustda yetişir. Meyvələri ətirli, şirin, meyxoş olub, forması yumurtavari və uzun konusvaridir. Rəngi qırmızı, ağ, bəzən bənövşəyi olur. Çiyələk xırda meyvəciklərin birləşməsindən əmələ gəlib, hər meyvəciyin üzərində qeyri-həqiqi xırda sarı toxum yerləşir. Meşə çiyələyinin tərkibində 6% şəkər (fruktoza və qlükoza), 1,5% üzvi turşu (alma, limon), 1,5% azotlu maddə, 0,4% aşılayıcı maddə, 1,3% pektinli maddə, 20-50 mq% C vitamini, 3,5 mq% karotin, dəmir və kalium duzları, efir yağları vardır. Yarpaqlarında 250-380 mq% C vitamini, aşılayıcı maddə və üzvi turşular vardır. Meşə çiyələyini təzə halda süd və ya qaymaqla yeyirlər. Ondan mürəbbə, povidlo, şərbət, marmelad, konfet və karamel üçün içlik, şərab və sərinləşdirici içkilər hazırlanır. Təzə meyvələr susuzluğu yatırır, iştahanı artırır, qidanın həzmini yaxşılaşdırır. Tərkibində dəmir çox olduğundan qan azlığında, sinqa və böyrəklərin xəstəliyində geniş tətbiq edilir. Çiyələyin qurudulmuş yarpaqlarından moruq meyvəsi ilə birlikdə çay dəmləyib, soyuqdəymədən baş verən xəstəliklərdə tərlədici və hərarəti aşağı salan dərman kimi istifadə olunur.

Çiyələyin kökündə 9%-ə qədər tanin vardır. İshala qarşı çiyələyin kökündən alınmış sulu məhluldan istifadə edilir. [3]

Hündürlüyü 5-20 (35) sm olan, çoxillik ot bitkisidir. Cavan budaqları bitkinin köndələn kökümsovları və kökətrafı yarpaqların qoltuğunda inkişaf edib, uzundur, üfüqi sürünəndir.[4]


Yarpaqcıqlar rombaoxşar-ovaldır, üst tərəfdən tünd-yaşıl, səpələnmiş basıq-tüklü və yaxud çılpaqdır, alt tərəfdən solğun-yaşıl, sıx ipək kimi sıxılmış tüklüdür.[4]


Çiçəkqrupu qalxanşəkilli olub, az çiçəklidir. Kasaaltlığının yarpaqcıqları xətvari və yaxud lansetvaridir və kasa yarpaqlarına bərabərdir. Ləçəkləri ağ rənglidir.[4]


Yetişmiş meyvələri parlaq-qırmız rənglidir və yumurtaşəkilli-konusvaridir, ətirlidir.[4]



Meyvə verməsi


Azərbaycanda yayılması

Azərbaycanın bütün rayonlarında (Naxç., başqa). Ovalıqdan orta dağ qurşağına qədər, bəzən yuxarı dağ qurşağında.[4]

Yaşayış mühiti

Meşələrdə, meşə kənarlarında və kolluqlarda rast gəlinir.[4]

Təsərrüfat əhəmiyyəti

Meyvələri yeyilir və mürəbbə, essensiya, limonad içkisinin hazırlanması üçün istifadə olunur. Quru meyvələri tibbdə işlənir.[4]


  1. Nurəddin Əliyev. Azərbaycanın dərman bitkiləri və fitoterapiya. Bakı, Elm, 1998.
  2. Elşad Qurbanov. Ali bitkilərin sistematikası, Bakı, 2009.
  3. Ə-C.İ.Əhmədov, N.T.Əliyev. Meyvə və tərəvəzin əmtəəşünaslığı (Dərslik). — Bakı, 2009.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,8 Eldar Şükürov. İsmayıllı rayonu meşə bitkilərinin bələdçi kitabı,Bakı 2016
Inula britannica.jpeg İkiləpəlilər ilə əlaqədar bu məqalə qaralama halındadır. Məqaləni redaktə edərək Vikipediyanı zənginləşdirin.
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Meşə çiyələyi: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ
Fragaria vesca - metsmaasikas.jpg

Meşə çiyələyi (lat. Fragaria vesca L.) – çiyələk cinsinə aid bitki növü.

Çiyələyin məlum olan 20 növündən bir növü – meşə çiyələyi Azərbaycanın dağ-meşə rayonlarında çox geniş yayılmışdır və ehtiyatı çoxdur.

Meşə çiyələyi mayın axırı, iyunun əvvəllərindən başlayaraq bütün yayı çiçəkləyir. Çiçəkləri ağ rəngli olub ətirlidir. Meyvələri iyunavqustda yetişir. Meyvələri ətirli, şirin, meyxoş olub, forması yumurtavari və uzun konusvaridir. Rəngi qırmızı, ağ, bəzən bənövşəyi olur. Çiyələk xırda meyvəciklərin birləşməsindən əmələ gəlib, hər meyvəciyin üzərində qeyri-həqiqi xırda sarı toxum yerləşir. Meşə çiyələyinin tərkibində 6% şəkər (fruktoza və qlükoza), 1,5% üzvi turşu (alma, limon), 1,5% azotlu maddə, 0,4% aşılayıcı maddə, 1,3% pektinli maddə, 20-50 mq% C vitamini, 3,5 mq% karotin, dəmir və kalium duzları, efir yağları vardır. Yarpaqlarında 250-380 mq% C vitamini, aşılayıcı maddə və üzvi turşular vardır. Meşə çiyələyini təzə halda süd və ya qaymaqla yeyirlər. Ondan mürəbbə, povidlo, şərbət, marmelad, konfet və karamel üçün içlik, şərab və sərinləşdirici içkilər hazırlanır. Təzə meyvələr susuzluğu yatırır, iştahanı artırır, qidanın həzmini yaxşılaşdırır. Tərkibində dəmir çox olduğundan qan azlığında, sinqa və böyrəklərin xəstəliyində geniş tətbiq edilir. Çiyələyin qurudulmuş yarpaqlarından moruq meyvəsi ilə birlikdə çay dəmləyib, soyuqdəymədən baş verən xəstəliklərdə tərlədici və hərarəti aşağı salan dərman kimi istifadə olunur.

Çiyələyin kökündə 9%-ə qədər tanin vardır. İshala qarşı çiyələyin kökündən alınmış sulu məhluldan istifadə edilir.

Hündürlüyü 5-20 (35) sm olan, çoxillik ot bitkisidir. Cavan budaqları bitkinin köndələn kökümsovları və kökətrafı yarpaqların qoltuğunda inkişaf edib, uzundur, üfüqi sürünəndir.

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wikipedia AZ

Maduixera ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA
 src= No s'ha de confondre amb maduixot.

La maduixera,[1] fraulera[2] o fraguera[3][4][5] (Fragaria vesca) és una planta herbàcia perenne, vivaç, estolonífera, de fulles trifoliades, de flors blanques i de fruits en núcula, disposats sobre receptacles carnosos i vermells, anomenats en conjunt maduixes. Poden tenir fins a cinc flors per planta, amb cinc pètals que es toquen, de color crema. És de port baix i es multiplica vegetativament per estolons o sexualment a través de llavors. La temperatura òptima de creixement és 10-13 °C a la nit i 18-22 °C durant el dia. A l'hivern alenteix el seu metabolisme i quan va arribant l'estiu dóna la màxima esplendor de fruit. Arriba a assolir una altura entre 5 i 30 centímetres.

Les espècies de maduixa són originàries de les regions holàrtica i neotropical. Es fa en boscos o llocs ombrívols. En estat silvestre, es pot trobar en totes les zones temperades de l'hemisferi Nord. És conreada pels seus fruits anomenats 'fragues', 'fraules' o 'maduixes', però ha estat quasi totalment substituïda per la fraga, fraula o maduixot, un híbrid o encreuament en part d'origen americà.


Es pot trobar en boscos temperats, en les vores dels camins, matolls... En estat silvestre es troba en totes les zones temperades de l'hemisferi nord, tot i que es pot cultivar en tot el món. Creix en les orles dels boscos, clars, en zones humides, en general. Des del nivell del mar als 1900 m d'altitud. Es caracteritza de comunitats de la classe Epilobietea angustifolii de plantes vivaces, que estan denominades per hemicriptòfits de port elevat i aspecte megafòrbic. Es desenvolupen sobre sòls que han patit una ràpida mineralització de la matèria orgànica que ha estat ocasionada per tallades, cremades, obertura de camins o pistes forestals. El pH òptim del sòl per tal que pugui créixer la Fragaria vesca és entre 4.5 i 7.5. Als Països Catalans manca a les Balears i només es troba al nord del País Valencià de 1.000 a 1.600 metres d'altitud. Al Principat de Catalunya la podem trobar a les quatre províncies.

La forma vital segons Raunkjaer és l'hemicriptòfit, ja que els meristemes es troben just arran de terra en l'estació desfavorable.

Maduixera silvestre, Fragaria vesca, a Castelltallat


És una planta perenne i herbàcia amb pilositat de tipus pubescent perquè presenta pèls curts i suaus.

La tija és de tipus epigea (es desenvolupa a l'aire), de mida reduïda (per la qual cosa s'anomena corona) i prima amb escames foliars. En diversos punts li sorgeixen els estolons que donaran lloc a noves plantes.

La rel és fasciculada i se'n distingeixen rels primàries (més grosses i de color cafè fosc) i rels secundàries (més primes i de color marfil). La seva forma és cònica, i poden arribar a una profunditat que oscil·la entre els 40 i els 80 centímetres.

La fulla és simple, trilobulada, peciolada i amb una divisió de marge dentada. La textura és herbàcia per la part superior i de naturalesa sedosa pel revers. La seva nervadura és pennada.

Poden haver-hi flors perfectes (hermafrodites) que tenen òrgans masculins i femenins (estams i pistils respectivament) o imperfectes (unisexuals), amb un sol òrgan femení o masculí. Les flors blanques s'organitzen en inflorescències cimoses, de tiges no modificades, en les que una bràctea substitueix en cada nus a una fulla mentre que la gemma axil·lar d'aquesta es desenvolupa en una branca secundària o eix de la inflorescència.

La flor és de simetria actinomorfa. El periant està compost per un calze de cinc sèpals i la corol·la està formada generalment per cinc pètals de color crema. Aquests pètals són de forma variable (el·líptics, arrodonits...)

A l'androceu hi ha nombrosos òrgans masculins, anomenats estams, compostos cadascun per un filament de longitud variable que sosté les anteres (contenen el pol·len). Les anteres estan disposades en tres verticils, fonamentalment en múltiples de cinc i poden arribar fins a quaranta, inserits en la perifèria del receptacle, un òrgan que té forma de copa invertida. Tenen un calze de cinc peces esberlades, cinc pètals arrodonits, nombrosos estams i pistils.

El gineceu està compost per nombrosos carpels lliures localitzats en la zona axial del receptacle floral. De cadascun sorgeix un estil lateral que fineix en un estigma engruixit.

L'ovari és súper i la concrescència és pluricarpel·lar de tipus apocàrpic.

Quan fructifica el receptacle floral, augmenta de mida fins a arribar als 10 o 17 mm adquirint forma ovoide i color vermell intens. Sobre el receptacle es disposen nombrosos aquenis d'uns 0,8 mm, que són en realitat els autèntics fruits, formant-se un eteri d'olor vermell, dolç i aromàtic.

Maduixeres silvestres amb els fruits a Castelltallat

El fruit, anomenat maduixa o fraula, és el resultat de l'agregació de molts carpels secs diminuts sobre un receptacle hipertrofiat de color vermell escarlata.

La planta pol·linitza tant per insectes com pel vent.

Les maduixes contenen una gran quantitat d'àcids orgànics i vitamina C, substàncies minerals i sucres per la qual raó és molt apreciat pel seu gust i les seves aplicacions en medicina. Altres components actius són: pigments, olis essencials, tanins i flavonoides. Tenen un gust dolç i àcid.



Les maduixeres que es conreen habitualment són plantes no híbrides de les espècies Fragaria vesca (maduixera europea) o Fragaria virginiana (maduixera nord-americana). El maduixot o fraga és, en canvi un híbrid.

La maduixera és un cultiu que s'adapta molt bé a tota mena de climes, tot i així la seva temperatura mínima biològica és de 6 °C. A temperatures inferiors a 12 °C apareixen fruits deformats a causa del fred. La part vegetativa de la maduixera és altament resistent a gelades, arribant a suportar temperatures fins a – 20 °C, encara que els òrgans florals són malferits quan els valors són inferiors a 0 °C. Els valors adequats per a una fructificació adequada se situen rodejant els 15-20 °C de mitjana anual. Per tal que la maduixera tingui un desenvolupament favorable, necessiten un sòl sorrenc. Rics en humus, però poden créixer en qualsevol mena de terreny mentre estiguin ben drenades.

A les zones fredes, les maduixes solen plantar-se al principi de la primavera, i a mitjan estiu, o més tard als llocs més càlids. Les plantes formen el fruit a la primavera de l'any següent, entre març i agost, i la resta de mesos de l'any s'alenteix el seu creixement. Hi ha varietats que produeixen a la tardor una segona collita de fruits més petits. Gairebé tots els maduixers es multipliquen mitjançant estolons els quals es formen en uns dos mesos després de l'estació de l'any de plantació.

La maduixera té una vida mitjana de 4-5 anys, però quan és cultivada per a treure'n rendiment econòmic només és útil durant dos anys, ja que després es torna feble i vulnerable davant plagues i insectes, i per això s'han de treure del camp de recol·lecció i substituir-les per noves. La collita es fa evitant les hores més caloroses del dia perquè es conservin millor i mai no s'emmagatzemen o transporten en grans recipients per a evitar-ne l'esclafament.

Són paràsits del maduixer insectes com el borinot de la rosa, que forada les fulles i pon ous a les flors; el piral de la vinya i els minadors de les fulles.

Contingut químic i aplicacions terapèutiques

El rizoma, l'arrel i les fulles componen la droga (part utilitzada).

Els components actius del fruit de la maduixera són els pigments, olis essencials, vitamina C, tanins i flavonoides.

A les fulles, els principis actius que trobem són tanins condensats, flavones, flavonoides, leucoantocianòsids, traces d'oli essencial, petites quantitats d'àcid ascòrbic, alcohol tripèrnic: fraganol, sals potàssiques. L'arrel presenta tanins catèquics (12%) i pirogàl·lics; alcohol tripèrnic: fraganol, sals potàssiques. Als fruits trobem abundants derivats antociànics, oli essencial, pectina, heteròsid (fragaròsid).

Les fulles i les arrels s'utilitzen en infusions i són diürètiques i astringents (pel seu alt contingut en tanins). Els tanins donen una acció astringent (antidiarreica i hemostàtica local) i les sals de potassi una acció diürètica. A causa de la composició present en fulles, pot utilitzar-se contra diarrees, enterocolitis i en estats en els quals es requereix una augmentació de la diüresi, com és el cas d'afeccions genitourinàries (cistitis, uretritis, pielonefritis, oligúria i urolitiasi), hiperazotèmia, gota, hipertensió arterial, edemes i sobrepès acompanyat de retenció de líquids.

En ús tòpic s'utilitzen els components de les fulles per a ferides i ulceracions dèrmiques, bucals o corneals, blefaritis, conjuntivitis, parodontopaties, faringitis, èczemes, eritemes, prurits i vulvovaginitis.

La ingesta del fruit combat la fragilitat capil·lar, les varius i les hemorroides. També s'empra per a alleujar la reuma i l'artritis. Gràcies als seus derivats antociànics, ajuda l'absorció de la vitamina C (efecte vitamínic P).

Tanmateix, també presenta certes contraindicacions pel que fa a les fulles davant la gastritis i l'úlcera gastroduodenal. Això es deu al fet que els tanins poden irritar la mucosa gàstrica. Els efectes secundaris que se li atribueixen per via interna són una coloració vermellosa de l'orina i les femtes (per l'eliminació de pigments) encara que no té una patologia rellevant. Per altra banda els fruits contenen glicoproteïnes que poden provocar al·lèrgies en persones hipersensibles. Sempre que s'empri aquesta planta cal assegurar-se que fulles i fruits provenen de cultiu biològic (la producció agrícola intensiva requereix l'aplicació freqüent d'insecticides i herbicides). En definitiva es pot dir que la toxicitat no és de gaire importància en aquesta planta, per bé que les fulles pansides sí que presenten una certa toxicitat.

Aplicacions culinàries

Quant a les aplicacions culinàries, les maduixes s'utilitzen per preparar melmelades i postres. Tradicionalment, s'han utilitzat per a donar color a merengues, nates i batudes amb llet per a l'elaboració de gelats. És habitual menjar-se-les amb nata, sucre o regades amb moscatell.

Són apreciades molt pel seu contingut en vitamines i minerals i les seves propietats reconstituents i depuratives.

Les seves fulles s'utilitzen per a aromatitzar guisats de carn. També per a preparar un té depuratiu i calmant que, malgrat que tenyeix l'orina d'un color vermellós, no té contraindicacions.

Altres aplicacions

Com passa amb altres rosàcies, aquesta planta s'associa a l'amor. Però pel color roig del fruit, les maduixes madures són símbol de sensualitat i passió. Es diu que si una dona embarassada porta damunt seu una bosseta amb fulles de la maduixera, aquestes alleugen les molèsties de l'embaràs.


  1. «maduixera». Diccionari de la llengua catalana de l'IEC. Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
  2. «fraulera». Diccionari de la llengua catalana de l'IEC. Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
  3. «fraguera». Diccionari de la llengua catalana de l'IEC. Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
  4. Fraules i maduixes https://dodeparaula.blogspot.fr/2011/06/fraules-i-maduixes.html
  5. Fraula (<> "fressa", maduixa). Fressa, com a nom de la fruita "Fragaria vesca", no apareix documentat fins a 1859, al diccionari de "Unos amigos", com a nom secundari respecte de fraula (llatí FRAGULA), que és encara l'únic que duu el D.Fig. Aquest, però, devia coexistir amb un sinònim manduixa, recollit pel D.Amg.2 (que, però, no el considera ben equivalent de fraula: aquesta és en llatí Fragum; aquella és Fragaria vesca), pel VME (1935) i pel DCVB, avui conservat a Menorca. Aquest sinònim, amb tot, devia ser minoritari, ja que no se n'ha trobat cap altre testimoni del dinovè, mentre que fraula és a tots els repertoris lexicogràfics d'aqueix segle, incloent-hi BBCB (1876, 1889 i 1896), que el posa al costat del castellanisme: "Ses fréssas, fraulas ............ Las fresas." Al començament del segle XX, fraula devia tenir una certa vitalitat, car el DCVB en recull l'ús dels dos literats il·lustres de Campanet, Miquel dels S. Oliver i Llorenç Riber. Diu el primer: "De taronges y de fraules / y de viandes exquisides" (Obres, I, 227); i el segon: "Gramponaven les tímides maduixes, que allà en dèiem fraules"(Riber Miny. 120). I en tenim també testimoni a les rondalles de Mn. Alcover: "taronges i cireres i fraules i pomes i peramenys" (ARM, XIV, 1969, p. 21). Sembla, però, que en aquest segle hi ha hagut una desaparició bastant ràpida de fraula, empesa pel forasterisme, si bé encara és recollida per VME (1935). Al mapa corresponent de l'ALC, amb informacions recollides als anys 1950, només a Sóller es recull el mot autòcton, i encara al costat de fressa, el general. Avui en dia, fressa (o fresa, a Sóller) s'ha imposat definitivament al parlar popular, probablement reforçat per la importació massiva que se'n fa de la resta de Catalunya, i només qualque persona vella recorda el nostre nom patrimonial. La tradició balear -que és igualment la del valencià i de l'alguerès- és, doncs, d'usar fraula en tots els usos.


  • VV.AA., Botànica, Ed. McGrawHill-Interamericana, Madrid 2003
  • P. Font Quer, Diccionario de botánica, Ed. Labor, Barcelona 1982
  • Murray W. Nabors, Introducción a la botánica, Ed. Pearson, Madrid 2006

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Maduixera: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

La maduixera, fraulera o fraguera (Fragaria vesca) és una planta herbàcia perenne, vivaç, estolonífera, de fulles trifoliades, de flors blanques i de fruits en núcula, disposats sobre receptacles carnosos i vermells, anomenats en conjunt maduixes. Poden tenir fins a cinc flors per planta, amb cinc pètals que es toquen, de color crema. És de port baix i es multiplica vegetativament per estolons o sexualment a través de llavors. La temperatura òptima de creixement és 10-13 °C a la nit i 18-22 °C durant el dia. A l'hivern alenteix el seu metabolisme i quan va arribant l'estiu dóna la màxima esplendor de fruit. Arriba a assolir una altura entre 5 i 30 centímetres.

Les espècies de maduixa són originàries de les regions holàrtica i neotropical. Es fa en boscos o llocs ombrívols. En estat silvestre, es pot trobar en totes les zones temperades de l'hemisferi Nord. És conreada pels seus fruits anomenats 'fragues', 'fraules' o 'maduixes', però ha estat quasi totalment substituïda per la fraga, fraula o maduixot, un híbrid o encreuament en part d'origen americà.

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Jahodník obecný ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ
Jahodník obecný.jpg

Jahodník obecný (Fragaria vesca) obecně známý též jako lesní jahoda, je trvalá, 5–20 cm vysoká rostlina z čeledi růžovitých. Roste planě na osluněných stanovištích v lesích a hájích, na lesních pasekách, na loukách i na mezích. Vzhledem se mu podobá o něco drobnější jahodník trávnice (Fragaria viridis). Vlhčí místa porůstá jahodník truskavec (Fragaria moschata) s jahodami červenými pouze na osluněné straně.

Jahodník kvete od května po celé léto, přičemž jeho nepravé plody, přesněji souplodí, zvané jahody po celou dobu průběžně dozrávají.



Jahodník je vytrvalá víceletá bylina, rozmnožuje se vegetativně přízemními šlahouny, které vyrůstají z úžlabí řapíkatých trojčetných listů složených z vejčitých pilovitých lístků. Šlahouny pak na mnoha místech zakořeňují, čímž vznikají nové, samostatné rostliny. Mateřská rostlina živí šlahounem novou rostlinu tak dlouho dokud se rostlina neuchytí, pak šlahoun uschne a rostlina se živí jako samostatný jedinec. Právě proto se jahodník velmi rychle rozrůstá do ucelených porostů. Obvykle oboupohlavné bílé květy mají pětičetný kalich s pěti korunními lístky a jsou uspořádány v řídkých vrcholičnatých květenstvích. Každý květ má větší počet přisedlých semeníků a mnoho tyčinek.[1] Semeníky po opylení dozrávají v plody – nažky. Současně se zvětšuje květní lůžko, jež v době zrání dužnatí a červená. Vzniká tak souplodí nažek zapuštěných do povrchu červeně zbarvené dužniny neboli jahoda, jež bývá nesprávně označována jako plod.[1]

Léčivé účinky

Pro léčebné účely se sbírají mladé listy nebo kořen a zralé plody. Připravuje se z nich čaj, který pomáhá při látkové výměně, při katarech žaludku a střev, při zánětech močových cest a hemoroidech.


Jahodník je pro včely spíše pylonosnou rostlinou. Dělnice jej odnášejí ve žlutých pylových rouskách. Nektarium květu jahodníku vyprodukuje za 24 hodin 0,34 mg nektaru s cukernatostí 45 %.[2] Cukerná hodnota, tedy množství cukru vyprodukovaného v květu za 24 hodin, je 0,15 mg.[2] Opylováním včelami se zvyšují výnosy jahod a jejích dozrávání je pravidelnější. Druhové medy jahodníku nejsou známé.[2]


V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Jahoda obyčajná na slovenské Wikipedii.

  1. a b Kolektiv. Zahradnický slovník naučný. III. svazek CH - M. 1. vyd. Praha: Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, 1997. s. 260. ISBN 80-85120-62-3
  2. a b c HARAGSIM, Oldřich. Včelařské byliny. Praha: Grada, 2008. 108 s. ISBN 978-80-247-2157-6. S. 35. (česky)

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Jahodník obecný: Brief Summary ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ
Jahodník obecný.jpg

Jahodník obecný (Fragaria vesca) obecně známý též jako lesní jahoda, je trvalá, 5–20 cm vysoká rostlina z čeledi růžovitých. Roste planě na osluněných stanovištích v lesích a hájích, na lesních pasekách, na loukách i na mezích. Vzhledem se mu podobá o něco drobnější jahodník trávnice (Fragaria viridis). Vlhčí místa porůstá jahodník truskavec (Fragaria moschata) s jahodami červenými pouze na osluněné straně.

Jahodník kvete od května po celé léto, přičemž jeho nepravé plody, přesněji souplodí, zvané jahody po celou dobu průběžně dozrávají.

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Skovjordbær ( Dinamarquês )

fornecido por wikipedia DA

Skovjordbær (Fragaria vesca), også skrevet Skov-Jordbær, er en 5-15 cm høj urt med lange, rodslående udløbere. Den vokser på både på bakker og skrænter og i skov.


Fragaria vesca - metsmaasikas.jpg

Skovjordbær er en flerårig urt med en tueformet vækst. De lange udløbere gør dog, at planten kan danne sammenhængende tæpper under de rette betingelser. Stænglerne er rødlige og svagt hårede med rundt tværsnit. Oftest danner bladene dog en grundstillet bladroset. Bladene er trekoblede med omvendt ægformede småblade, der har groft takket rand. Den midterste tand på endesmåbladet rager længere frem end de øvrige på samme småblad (dette til forskel fra bakkejordbær). Oversiden er græsgrøn og furet på grund af nedsænkede bladribber. Undersiden er lysegrøn.

Blomstringen sker i maj-juni, hvor man finder blomsterne siddende i små stande på særlige, oprette skud. De enkelte blomster er regelmæssige og 5-tallige med hvide kronblade. Frugterne er uægte frugter, der består af den opsvulmede og røde frugtbund med mange indlejrede nødder.

Rodnettet er trævlet og ret højtliggende. Udløberne slår rod ved jordkontakt og skaber nye planter.

Højde x bredde og årlig tilvækst: 0,10 x 0,25 m (10 x 25 cm/år), heri ikke medregnet planter, der er dannet fra udløberne.


Indikatorværdier Skovjordbær L = 7 T = x K = 5 F = 5 R = x N = 6

Arten hører hjemme i skovlysninger og lyse skove, på overdrev og langs veje og på vejskråninger. Desuden kan den findes i enge, og ved skovbryn og langs hegn. I Danmark er den almindelig i det meste af landet, bortset fra Vestjylland.

I tre gamle naturskove ved Koeru i det centrale Estland vokser arten under rødgran og hassel sammen med bl.a. hundegræs, alm. hvene, korsknap, alm. markarve, alm. skovarve, blå anemone, Carex pallescens (en art af star), engnellikerod, græsbladet fladstjerne, hindbær, humlesneglebælg, hvid snerre, håret frytle, knudefirling, kratviol, almindelig syre, lægeærenpris, mosebunke, nikkende flitteraks, prikbladet perikon, rød svingel, skovsyre og tveskægget ærenpris[1]


Skovjordbær kan bruges som bunddække på skyggefulde steder i haven. Bærrene kan bruges til marmelade og saft.

Dyrket form

Det såkaldte "Immerbær" (Fragaria vesca var. semperflorens) er en type af skovjordbær, som ikke danner udløbere. Til gengæld er den remonterende, dvs. at den bærer bær hen over hele sommeren.



  • Signe Frederiksen et al., Dansk flora, 2. udgave, Gyldendal 2012. ISBN 8702112191.

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Skovjordbær: Brief Summary ( Dinamarquês )

fornecido por wikipedia DA

Skovjordbær (Fragaria vesca), også skrevet Skov-Jordbær, er en 5-15 cm høj urt med lange, rodslående udløbere. Den vokser på både på bakker og skrænter og i skov.

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Wald-Erdbeere ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Wald-Erdbeere (Fragaria vesca), auch Monatserdbeere, seltener Rotbeere[1] genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Erdbeeren (Fragaria) innerhalb der Familie der Rosengewächse (Rosaceae). Die Wald-Erdbeere dient dem Menschen schon lange als Nahrung, wie auch die botanische Artbezeichnung ausdrückt (vesca = essbar). Sie wird außerdem als Heilpflanze verwendet und wurde in der mittelalterlichen Malerei als Symbolpflanze häufig abgebildet. Als weiterer Trivialname ist „Buscherdbeere“ belegt.[2]

Die Wald-Erdbeere ist keine Wildform der Gartenerdbeere.

Beschreibung und Ökologie

Habitus, Laubblätter und Früchte
Die Blüten der Wald-Erdbeere sind pollen- und nektarreich
Haare der Walderdbeeren zur Blüte hin gerichtet
Einzelne Frucht der Wald-Erdbeere
Illustration aus Flora Batava, Volume 8

Vegetative Merkmale

Die Wald-Erdbeere ist eine wintergrüne, ausdauernde[3], krautige Pflanze. Sie erreicht Wuchshöhen von meist 5 bis 25 Zentimetern und ist damit im Wuchs kleiner als die Gartenerdbeere. Die Laubblätter stehen in einer grundständigen Rosette zusammen.

Generative Merkmale

Die Blüten erscheinen in den Monaten April bis Juni, und im Laufe des Sommers reifen sie heran. Bei ausreichend starkem Sonneneinfall tragen einzelne Pflanzen auch bis zum Winterfrost Blüten und Früchte. Die Stängel tragen jeweils nur wenige Blüten. Die zwittrigen Blüten sind radiärsymmetrisch und fünfzählig. Jeweils fünf kleine Außenkelchblätter umgeben eine Blüte. Ein zweiter, alternierender Kreis wird von den eigentlichen Kelchblättern gebildet. Die Blüte hat fünf weiße Kronblätter. Es sind etwa 20 gelbe Staubblätter vorhanden. Die Fruchtblätter haben eine gelbgrüne Farbe. Die Blüten sind vorweiblich, womit eine Selbstbestäubung verhindert wird.


Eine Verwechslungsmöglichkeit besteht mit der Indischen Scheinerdbeere, die eine ähnlich aussehende Frucht hat. Ähnlich, aber größer, ist die Moschus-Erdbeere (Fragaria moschata). Aber während bei der Walderdbeere die Haare am Blütenstiel anliegend zur Blüte hin gerichtet sind, sind die Haare bei der Moschus-Erdbeere abstehend und zeigen in Richtung Wurzel[4].

Systematik und Chromosomenzahl

Die Wald-Erdbeere ist diploid mit einer Chromosomenzahl von 2n = 14 und ist nicht die Wildform der Gartenerdbeere. Diese ist eine Kreuzung zwischen der Chile-Erdbeere (Fragaria chiloensis) und der Scharlach-Erdbeere (Fragaria virginiana), die beide aus der Neuen Welt stammen.


Seit einem Hinweis von Antoine Furetière (1619–1688) ist bekannt, dass die Pflanzen der Wald-Erdbeere sich entweder durch Stolonen (Ausläufer) vermehren oder Früchte und Samen ausbilden. Einer im Jahr 2017 publizierten Studie zufolge wird dieses Phänomen durch das Gen „FaGA20ox4“ verursacht, das für die Ausbildung der Ausläufer verantwortlich ist. Verringert eine Mutation dieses Gens die Produktion des Phytohormons GA20 aus der Gruppe der Gibberelline, bleibt die Bildung von Ausläufern aus.[5]

Die Ausbildung der Sammelnussfrucht

Die Blüten bieten bestäubenden Insekten ein hohes Pollenangebot und außerdem am Blütengrund leicht zugänglichen Nektar. Zu den bestäubenden Insekten zählen Fliegen, Schwebfliegen und Bienen. Auch Ameisen lassen sich gelegentlich an den Blüten beobachten. Sie lecken jedoch lediglich den Nektar auf und betätigen sich damit als „Honigräuber“, ohne eine Funktion bei der Bestäubung zu haben.

Aus den bestäubten Blüten entwickeln sich die Früchte, die zwar im deutschen Sprachgebrauch als „Beeren“ bezeichnet werden, bei denen es sich botanisch gesehen jedoch um eine Sammelnussfrucht handelt. Jedes einzelne Fruchtblatt der Blüte bildet ein 1 mm langes hartschaliges Nüsschen aus. Gemeinsam mit der sich parallel verdickenden Blütenachse (die nun eigentlich eine Fruchtachse ist), bildet sich aus den zahlreichen Nüsschen die Frucht. Mit zunehmender Fruchtreife verfärben sich die Blütenachsengewebe, die im unreifen Zustand grün sind, durch Anthocyane nach Rot um. Gleichzeitig nimmt der Wassergehalt in dem Blütenachsengewebe zu und die Frucht nimmt einen intensiven Geschmack an.

Endochorie, Blastochorie, Barochorie – die Ausbreitungsarten der Wald-Erdbeeren

Tiere und Menschen, welche die Frucht essen, scheiden die kleinen hartschaligen Nüsschen wieder aus, so dass die Nüsschen – sofern sie geeignete Standortbedingungen vorfinden – keimen können (sogenannte Endochorie). Säugetiere wie Rotfuchs, Dachs, Eichhörnchen, Igel, Rötelmaus und Siebenschläfer; Vögel wie Amsel, Hausrotschwanz, Rotkehlchen, Mönchsgrasmücke und Wirbellose wie Weinbergschnecke, einige Käferarten und Tausendfüßer werden von den rotfarbigen Früchten angelockt und sind damit an ihrer Verbreitung beteiligt. Ameisen schleppen die Früchte in ihre Baue, verfüttern das Fruchtfleisch an ihre Larven und tragen anschließend die verbliebenen Nüsschen aus dem Bau.

Die Wald-Erdbeere benutzt allerdings nicht nur die Endochorie als Ausbreitungsmechanismus. Früchte, die an den Stängeln verbleiben, vertrocknen nach einiger Zeit. Die Nüsschen fallen dabei herab. Diesen Mechanismus bezeichnet man als Barochorie. Walderdbeeren vermehren sich außerdem vegetativ. Sie bilden lange Ausläufer, die sich bewurzeln und neue Rosetten ausbilden (sogenannte Blastochorie).


Die Wald-Erdbeere ist in weiten Teilen Europas und Nordasiens beheimatet. Sie wächst bevorzugt in lichten Laub- und Nadelwäldern sowie entlang der Waldränder. Die Wald-Erdbeere bevorzugt sonnige bis absonnige Standorte und benötigt feuchte, aber gut durchlässige, nährstoff- und humusreiche Böden. Sie ist in Mitteleuropa eine Charakterart der Klasse Epilobietea, kommt aber auch in Pflanzengesellschaften der Verbände Alliarion oder Trifolion medii vor.[6] In den Allgäuer Alpen steigt sie am Aggenstein in Bayern bis zu einer Höhenlage von 1750 Metern auf.[7]

Verwendung als Nahrungsmittel

„Die Köch seind der Erdbeeren auch gewar worden, machen gute Müßlein darauß“, schrieb Hieronymus Bock über die Walderdbeere. Aus archäologischen Funden weiß man, dass Walderdbeeren schon lange zu den von Menschen gesammelten Früchten gehören. In der Antike wurden sie von römischen Dichtern gepriesen. Ovid, Plinius und Vergil haben dieser Pflanzenart bereits Zeilen gewidmet. Im Mittelalter wurde die Wald-Erdbeere (lateinisch damals Fragaria) ab dem 14. Jahrhundert großflächig angebaut, ohne jedoch die Fruchtgröße merklich steigern zu können. Die Entdeckung der großfrüchtigeren Chile-Erdbeere (Fragaria chiloensis) und die darauffolgende Kreuzung mit der amerikanischen Scharlach-Erdbeere (Fragaria virginiana) führten dazu, dass die Walderdbeere seit dem 18. Jahrhundert fast nicht mehr kultiviert wurde. Später züchtete man wieder mit der Walderdbeere, wodurch als Kulturform der Walderdbeere die Monatserdbeere entstand.

Mit Walderdbeeren werden auch heute noch gelegentlich Konfitüren und Marmeladen aromatisiert. Die grünen Kernchen der Früchte enthalten einen Bitterstoff, der erst nach ein paar Minuten beim Kochen zum Vorschein kommt. Konfitüre ausschließlich aus Walderdbeeren kann dadurch bitter schmecken.


Die heutzutage kultivierten Formen haben eine gegenüber der gewöhnlichen Walderdbeere verlängerte Blütezeit und können bis zum Einsetzen des Frosts Früchte tragen, die Früchte sind deutlich größer. Weit überwiegend sind Sorten ohne Ausläufer in Kultur, die stattdessen vieltriebige Kronen mit zahlreichen Blütentrieben bilden. Sie müssen durch Teilung oder vorzugsweise durch Aussaat vermehrt werden, da die Vitalität der Pflanzen nach einigen Jahren nachlässt. Als Stammeltern der Monatserdbeere gelten einerseits die in den Alpen heimische Unterart Fragaria vesca var. semperflorens (Duchesne) Ser. und andererseits die hin und wieder auftretende ausläuferlose Buscherdbeere, Fragaria vesca forma eflagellis. Großfrüchtige Formen sind seit dem 18. Jahrhundert in Frankreich unter dem Namen „Fressant“ bekannt.[8] Monatserdbeeren mit Ausläufern eignen sich als Bodendecker, ausläuferlose Sorten als Randbepflanzung von Beeten. Auch die an Naturstandorten zu findende weiße Form forma alba ist in die Kultursorten eingekreuzt worden. Daneben gibt es seit langer Zeit auch ornamentale, teils kuriose Sorten:

Kultursorten von Fragaria vesca (Auswahl):

Dauertragend, ohne Ausläufer:

  • ‘Rügen’, entstanden in der Schlossgärtnerei in Putbus auf Rügen, von dem Erdbeerzüchter Emil Spangenberg aus Morsleben 1920 in den Handel gebracht.
  • ‘Alexandria’, George W. Park Seed Co, USA, 1964
  • ‘Baron Solemacher’, F. C. Heinemann, Erfurt 1935
  • ‘Weisse Solemacher’ F. C. Heinemann, 1937, weißfrüchtig
  • ‘Golden Alexandria’, goldlaubig

Mit Ausläufern:

  • ‘Quarantaine de Prin’, Frankreich, vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg bedeutende Marktfrucht, heute noch in winzigen Mengen in Prin-Deyrançon in der Region Poitou gezogen, mehrmals tragend
  • ‘Blanc Amélioré’, Großbritannien, weißfrüchtig mit großen Früchten vom Typ Fressant
  • Illa Martin’, Deutschland, als Zierpflanze angeboten, mehrmals tragend mit länglichen weißen Früchten; im Handel befindliche Pflanzen zumeist nicht sortenecht.[9]
  • ‘Gartenfreude’, Deutschland, großfrüchtig, mehrmals tragend

Ornamentale Sorten:

  • ‘Monophylla’, Erdbeere von Versailles, statt des gewöhnlich dreigeteilten nur ein großes Blatt; vireszente Blüten
  • ‘Multiplex’, gefüllt blühend, Fruchtertrag sehr gering
  • ‘Muricata’, „Plymouth-Erdbeere“; statt der Nüsschen ist die Frucht mit winzigen Blättchen besetzt; vireszente Blüten

Pflanzenheilkundliche Verwendung

Woodland strawberries.jpg

Im Mittelalter fand insbesondere das Kraut der Wald-Erdbeere gelegentlich medizinische Anwendung, unter anderem als Arzneimittel zur Wundbehandlung.[10] Aufgrund des Gerbstoffgehaltes werden Erdbeerblätter als Heilmittel bei Durchfall verwendet. Die jüngeren Erdbeerblätter werden auch als Ersatz für Schwarzen Tee verwendet. Zur Teebereitung werden fein geschnittene und getrocknete Blätter mit kochendem Wasser übergossen und nach einigen Minuten abgeseiht. Bei Durchfall wurde das mehrmaltägliche Trinken dieses Tees empfohlen.[11]

In der aktuellen Ausgabe des Deutschen Arzneimittel-Codex 2008 sind Erdbeerblätter als Fragariae folium monographiert. Das Bundesgesundheitsamt beurteilt die Wirksamkeit und Unbedenklichkeit wie folgt:

„Da die Wirksamkeit bei den beanspruchten Anwendungsgebieten nicht ausreichend belegt ist, kann eine therapeutische Anwendung nicht befürwortet werden. Gegen eine Anwendung als Fülldroge in Teemischungen bestehen keine Einwände. Die Anwendung von Erdbeerblättern als Teedroge ist im Übrigen dem Lebensmittelbereich zuzuordnen.“[12][13]

Carl von Linné – der die Wald-Erdbeere 1753 in seinem Species Plantarum beschrieb[14] – soll sich durch eine Kur mit Erdbeerblättertee und frischen Walderdbeeren von der Gicht befreit haben.


Erdbeerblätter enthalten kondensierte Gerbstoffe, Ellagitannine wie Peduncluagin und Agrimoniin, sowie Flavonoide und Leukoanthocyane. Ascorbinsäure ist nur in geringen Mengen und ätherisches Öl nur in sehr geringen Mengen vorhanden.[11] Im Aromaextrakt können rund 80 chemischen Substanzen, wie Buttersäureethylester, Essigsäurebutylester, Essigsäurehexylester, Essigsäureoctylester, Essigsäuredecylester, Essigsäurebenzylester, Caprylsäureethylester, Caprinsäuremethylester, Capronsäureethylester, Laurinsäuremethylester, Tridecanol, Zimtsäuremethylester, 2-Hexenal, 1-Hexanol, 1-Hexenol, 2-Heptanol, 1-Octanol, 2-Nonanol, 2-Nonanon, 2-Undecanon, 2-Pentadecanol, 2-Pentadecanon nachgewiesen werden.[15]

Die Wald-Erdbeere in Märchen und Legenden

In vielen Legenden und Märchen spielt die Walderdbeere eine Rolle. In der germanischen Mythologie ist die Walderdbeere mit der Göttin Frigg verknüpft. Sie soll die toten Kinder in Erdbeeren versteckt haben, um sie dann unentdeckt mit nach Walhall nehmen zu können. Einer Legende zufolge soll die Gottesmutter Maria einmal im Jahr vom Paradies auf die Erde herabsteigen, um dort Erdbeeren für die verstorbenen und nun im Paradies lebenden Kinder zu sammeln.

Erdbeeren kommen in einem der von den Gebrüdern Grimm gesammelten Märchen vor: In Die drei Männlein im Walde lässt eine böse Stiefmutter die Heldin, nur mit einem Papierkleid bekleidet, mitten im tiefsten Winter nach Erdbeeren suchen. Ihre Suche führt sie zu den drei Männlein, die die Heldin aufgrund ihrer Hilfsbereitschaft belohnen.

Die Wald-Erdbeere in der Kunst

Walderdbeeren sind seit langer Zeit ein Symbol der Weltlust, der Verlockung und der Sinnenfreude. Das Christentum hat der Walderdbeere eine zweite Bedeutung beigemessen. Sie ist die Pflanze mit den rosenförmigen Blüten, die keine Dornen ausbildet, deren Beeren ohne Kern und Schale sind, die gleichzeitig fruchtet und blüht. Sie wurde daher zum Sinnbild der Rechtschaffenheit und zur Begleitpflanze von Maria auf mittelalterlichen Tafelgemälden. Wenn daher auf einem Gemälde der christlichen Kunst eine blühende Erdbeerpflanze auftaucht, ist sie außerdem als Allegorie frommer und guter Gedanken zu verstehen.



Historische Abbildungen


  • Detlev Arens: Sechzig einheimische Wildpflanzen in lebendigen Porträts. Köln 1991.
  • Marianne Beuchert: Symbolik der Pflanzen – Von Akelei bis Zypresse. Frankfurt am Main 1995.
  • Esther Gallwitz: Kleiner Kräutergarten. Kräuter und Blumen bei den Alten Meistern im Städel. Insel, Frankfurt am Main 1996, ISBN 3-458-33518-8.
  • Heinz-Dieter Krausch: Kaiserkron und Päonien rot … – Entdeckung und Einführung unserer Gartenblumen. Dölling und Galitz, Hamburg 2003, ISBN 3-935549-23-7.
  • Angelika Lüttig, Juliane Kasten: Hagebutte & Co. Blüten, Früchte und Ausbreitung europäischer Pflanzen. Fauna, Nottuln 2003, ISBN 3-935980-90-6.
  • Siegfried Schlosser (Hrsg.), Lutz Reichhoff, Peter Hanelt et al.: Wildpflanzen Mitteleuropas: Nutzung und Schutz. Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, Berlin 1991, ISBN 3-331-00301-8.
  • Wolfgang Schiedermair: Die Erdbeere – Waldfrucht, Teedroge und Symbol in der Kunst. In: Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie. Band 28, Nr. 6, 25. Januar 2008, S. 304–310, doi:10.1055/s-2008-1032221.


  1. Vgl. etwa Andreas Kehlich: Enzyklopaedie der Drogen. (Artikel Fragaria vesca Linnaeus.
  2. Georg August Pritzel, Carl Jessen: Die deutschen Volksnamen der Pflanzen. Neuer Beitrag zum deutschen Sprachschatze. Philipp Cohen, Hannover 1882, S. 154. (online).
  3. Dierend, Werner.: Erdbeeranbau. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2012, ISBN 978-3-8001-5982-6.
  4. Manfred A. Fischer, Karl Oswald, Wolfgang Adler: Exkursionsflora für Österreich, Liechtenstein und Südtirol. 3., verbesserte Auflage. Land Oberösterreich, Biologiezentrum der Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen, Linz 2008, ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9, S. 487.
  5. Tracey Tenreira, Maria Joao Pimenta Lange, Theo Lange et al.: A Specific Gibberellin 20-oxidase Dictates the Flowering-Runnering Decision in Diploid Strawberry. In: The Plant Cell Online. Band 29, Nr. 8, September 2017, doi:10.1105/tpc.16.00949 (Volltext; PDF).
  6. Erich Oberdorfer: Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora für Deutschland und angrenzende Gebiete. Unter Mitarbeit von Angelika Schwabe und Theo Müller. 8., stark überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5, S. 543.
  7. Erhard Dörr, Wolfgang Lippert: Flora des Allgäus und seiner Umgebung. Band 2, IHW-Verlag, Eching bei München, 2004, ISBN 3-930167-61-1, S. 78.
  8. Günter Staudt: Les dessins d’Antoine Nicolas Duchesne pour son Histoire naturelle des fraisiers. Muséum Nat. d’histoire Naturelle, Paris 2003.
  9. Brigitte Wachsmuth: Annotated List Alpine, Wild, and Musk Strawberry Varieties Currently in Cultivation.
  10. Ingrid Rohland: Das Buch von alten Schäden. Teil II: Kommentar und Wörterverzeichnis (= Würzburger medizinhistorische Forschungen. Band 23). Würzburg 1982, ISBN 978-3-921456-34-7, S. 262 und 399.
  11. a b Max Wichtl (Hrsg.), Franz-Christian Czygan: Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka: Ein Handbuch für die Praxis auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage. 2. Auflage. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart 1989, ISBN 3-8047-1009-3.
  12. Bundesanzeiger Nr. 22a vom 1. Februar 1990.
  13. Eberhard Scholz: Fragaria. In: Hagers Handbuch der pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Auflage. Band 5 (Drogen E–O), Springer, Berlin etc. 1993, ISBN 3-540-52638-2, S. 181–188.
  14. Linnaeus, C. von 1753. Species Plantarum, Tomus I: 494. Abgerufen am 21. Mai 2018.
  15. Friedrich Drawert, Roland Tressl, Günter Staudt, Hans Köppler: Gaschromatographisch-massenspektrometrische Differenzierung von Erdbeerarten. In: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C. 28, 1973, S. 488–493 (PDF, freier Volltext).
  16. Plinius der Ältere, 1. Jh.: Naturalis historia Buch XXI, Kapitel 50 (§ 86) (Digitalisat); Übersetzung Külb 1855 (Digitalisat)
  17. Erstdruck: Rom 1481, Kapitel 38: Herba fraga (Digitalisat). Nach der von Kai Brodersen (Apuleius … 2015, S. 211) erarbeiteten Liste ist das Frage-Kapitel weder mit der Naturalis historia des Plinius, noch mit der Medicina Plinii konkordant.
  18. Charles Victor Daremberg und Friedrich Anton Reuß (1810–1868). S. Hildegardis Abbatissae Subtilitatum Diversarum Naturarum Creaturarum Libri Novem. Physica, Buch I, Kapitel 170: Erper. Migne, Paris 1855. Sp. 1194 (Digitalisat) – Übersetzung: Herbert Reier: Hildegard von Bingen Physica. Nach der Textausgabe von J. P. Migne, Paris 1882 ins Deutsche übersetzt. Kiel 1980, S. 30: Das Kraut, in dem Erpere entstehen, ist eher warm als kalt. Aber es bereitet gegessen slim im Menschen und taugt nicht zur Medizin. Die Erper Früchte verursachen slim im Menschen, der sie isst und taugen weder einem Gesunden noch Kranken zur Speise, weil sie neben der Erde auch noch in fauliger Luft wachsen.
  19. Frankfurt, ms. Germ. Qu. 17, Elsass, 1. Viertel 15. Jh., Blatt 343ra: Erper krut wasser ist gut fur die gilwe vnd fur ander bose hitze vnd zu den ogen die do rot sint der sol es alle morgen vnd alle naht dar in strichen vnd machet wit vmb die brust vnd veget die lunge man sol es do fur trincken (Digitalisat)
  20. Cpg 226, Elsass 1459–1469, Blatt 102v: Erper wasser ist gut gedruncken vor die gilwe vnd machet wyt vmb die brust vnd feget die lunge vnd wer rot augen hat der strich das wasser alle morgen vnd alle nacht dar jn er genieset (Digitalisat)
  21. Cpg 558, Nordbayern, um 1470–1485, Blatt 24r-v: Erper wasser ist gut wer vnraÿn boßen swaÿß hat jn jm vnd jnvendig bose hicze vnd leschet den durst vnd vertreibt den stain vnd macht gar gut geblute mit vein getruncken oder sust geßen vnd ist auch gutt denen dÿe fewle jn dem munde haben : vnd auch dÿe ein geswer haben jn der kelen den sol man es geben zu trincken jn dÿe gurgel jn den hals daz hilfft sie sere : vnd ist gut getruncken wider den stinckenden mundt : vnd ist auch gutt den dÿe do sprechlos ligen vnd daz man ÿm daz zu nißen geb : daz hilfft wol : vnd ist auch gutt zu dem haupbt vnd zu dem herczen daz krefftiget es wol vnd ist den frauen auch gutt zu irner kranckhait vnd ist wider daz abnemen vnd ist auch gütt dem ein bain zeprochen ist das haÿlz es vnd alle bain vnd wunden do mit ze vaschen haÿlet gar sere / vnd wer ettwo wundt wer jn dem leib wo es wer dem sol man es zu trincken geben. (Digitalisat)
  22. Cpg 545 Nürnberg (?) 1474, Blatt 118r-v: Erper wasser fur pöße sweis vnd hicz Item Erper wasser ist gut wer possen giftigen swaiß hat yn ym vnd ynwendig poß hicz hat So er des wassers trinckt so es pade wil So vertreibt es den swais fur den durst Vnd ist gut fur den durst Es vertreibt auch den stein mund fewl Item mit wein gemischt vnd getruncken oder prot darauß gessen macht gut plut vnd ist gut fur die mundt fewl kelen wee Vnd wem yn der kelen wee seÿ dem sol man es geben zugurgeln fur den stinckenden adtem Vnd ist gut getruncken wider den stinkenden adtem zu der sprach Vnd es hilft wol auch den die vnsprech sein so man yn es zu trincken geit zu dem haubt Vnd ist gut zu dem haubt zu hercz Vnd es kreftigt auch das hercz zu der frawen sucht swint sucht Vnd ist gut den frawen zu ir kranckheit So sie es trincken vnd ist wider das ab nemen im leib pein pruch Vnd es hailt pein pruchig So man yn das zu trincken geit vnd wescht sich da mit zu den wunden Vnd wo einer wund were wan er sein trinckt vnd sich do mit wescht der heilt von grund aus wunden Vnd so ymant yn wendig wundt were oder pein pruchig were so er des wassers trinckt so heilt er(Digitalisat). --- Blatt 118v: Das erper kraut fur den stein Item Erper kraut wasser ist gar heilsam getruncken vnd kein bewerter kunst weiß ich fur den stein dan erper kraut vnd eyssen kraut vnd spiczigen wegrich die drew geleich vntter einnander gethan vnd abentz getruncken das treibt den stein lindiglich vnd ich habs yn einem kloster gelernet die hern vil haben yn do mit geholffen (Digitalisat)
  23. Michael Puff: Büchlein von den ausgebrannten Wässern. 15. Jh. Druck Augsburg (Johannes Bämler) 1478 (Digitalisat)
  24. Nikolaus Frauenlob 15. Jh. Cpg 583, Süd-West-Deutschland (Mattighofen), 1482–1486, Blatt 27r–27v (Digitalisat). Transkription (rubrizierte Stellen in Fettschrift): Erper hat iiij tugent. Ob ein Mensch nicht lustig ist oder verdrossen. Man sal erper krawt jn wasser wal sÿeden vnd darab trincken das macht den menschen lustig vnd auch vnverdrossen. Ein besunder ercznej von erper vnd vom kraut. Man sal Erperkrawt safft nemen vnd darjnn weÿssen pfeffer ze stössen vnd sal das trincken Das hilfft den dy da vast keuchen vnd hilfft dem magen vnd der prust vnd dem geschratt vnd der plater vnd manigerlaÿ dingen. Wem das milcz we thuet ader wem der magen zuo vast hitzig ist. Man sal erperpleter zestössen vnd den safft mit halb als vil hönig mischen vnd sal das trincken das hilft dem milcz vnd erfrischt den magen gar wal. Wer jm wider dÿ febres wil helfen das merkcht. Man sal erperpleter jn wein wal sieden vnd darab trincken ee vnd jn das fieber rüer. --- Cpg 666, Kurpfalz, 1478–1480, Blatt 113r (Digitalisat) Transkription: Erper vnd jr kraut hat iiij tugent a Ob der mensch vnlustig vnd verdrossen ist Man [sal] erper jn wasser wal syden vnd dor abe trincken daz macht den menschen lustig vnd vnverdrossen b Ein besunder Erczneÿ von erper Man sal erper kraut safft nemen vnd dor jnne weyssen pfeffer zu stossen vnd sal daz trincken daz hilfft den dy vast keychen vnd hilfft bdem magen vnd der prust vnd dem geschrott vnd der platern c Wem daz milcze we tut ader der magen zu fast hitzig ist Man sal erper pleter zu stossen vnd den safft mit halp so vil honig mischen vnd sal daz trincken daz hilfft dem milcz vnd erfrischt den magen d Wer jme wider dÿ febres helffen wil Man sal erper pleter jn wein wal syden vnd dor von trincken e daz jn dy febres ruren
  25. Herbarius Moguntinus, Mainz 1484, Teil I, Kapitel 63: Fragaria. Erper krut (Digitalisat)
  26. Gart der Gesundheit. Mainz 1485, Kapitel 190: Frage. Ertbern (Digitalisat)
  27. Hortus sanitatis 1491, Mainz 1491, Teil I, Kapitel 188: Fragaria (Digitalisat)
  28. Hieronymus Brunschwig: Kleines Destillierbuch, Straßburg 1500, Blatt 41r–42r: Erdtber (Digitalisat)
  29. Otto Brunfels: Contrafayt Kreüterbůch. Johann Schott, Straßburg 1532, S 200: Erdtbörkraut (Digitalisat)
  30. Hieronymus Bock: New Kreütter Bůch. Wendel Rihel, Straßburg 1539, Teil I, Kapitel 170: Erdtberen (Digitalisat)
  31. Leonhart Fuchs: New Kreütterbuch … Michael Isingrin, Basel 1543, Kapitel 329: Erdtbeerkraut (Digitalisat)
  32. Pietro Andrea Mattioli: Commentarii, in libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei, de medica materia. Übersetzung durch Georg Handsch, bearbeitet durch Joachim Camerarius den Jüngeren, Johan Feyerabend, Franckfurt am Mayn 1586, Blatt 355r–356r: Erdbeeren (Digitalisat)
  33. Nicolas Lémery: Dictionnaire universel des drogues simples.,Paris 1699, S. 308 : Fragaria (Digitalisat); Übersetzung. Vollständiges Materialien-Lexicon. Zu erst in Frantzösischer Sprache entworffen, nunmehro aber nach der dritten, um ein grosses vermehreten Edition [...] ins Hochteutsche übersetzt / Von Christoph Friedrich Richtern, [...]. Leipzig: Johann Friedrich Braun, 1721, Sp. 466: Fragaria (Digitalisat)
  34. Albrecht von Haller (Herausgeber): Onomatologia medica completa oder Medicinisches Lexicon das alle Benennungen und Kunstwörter welche der Arzneywissenschaft und Apoteckerkunst eigen sind deutlich und vollständig erkläret [...]. Gaumische Handlung, Ulm/ Frankfurt am Main/ Leipzig 1755, Sp. 671: Fraga (Digitalisat)
  35. Jean-Louis Alibert: Nouveaux éléments de thérapeutique et de matière médicale. Crapart, Paris Band I 1803, S. 553–554: Fraisier. Radix, herba Fragariae (Digitalisat)
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Wald-Erdbeere: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Wald-Erdbeere (Fragaria vesca), auch Monatserdbeere, seltener Rotbeere genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Erdbeeren (Fragaria) innerhalb der Familie der Rosengewächse (Rosaceae). Die Wald-Erdbeere dient dem Menschen schon lange als Nahrung, wie auch die botanische Artbezeichnung ausdrückt (vesca = essbar). Sie wird außerdem als Heilpflanze verwendet und wurde in der mittelalterlichen Malerei als Symbolpflanze häufig abgebildet. Als weiterer Trivialname ist „Buscherdbeere“ belegt.

Die Wald-Erdbeere ist keine Wildform der Gartenerdbeere.

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Fragaria vesca ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Fragaria vesca, commonly called the wild strawberry, woodland strawberry, Alpine strawberry, Carpathian strawberry or European strawberry, is a perennial herbaceous plant in the rose family that grows naturally throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere, and that produces edible fruits.[2][3]

The Latin specific epithet vesca means "thin, feeble".[4]


Five to eleven soft, hairy white flowers are borne on a green, soft fresh-hairy 3–15 centimetres (1–6 in) stalk that usually lifts them above the leaves. The light-green leaves are trifoliate (in threes) with toothed margins. The plant spreads mostly by means of runners (stolons), but the seeds are viable and establish new populations.[5][6][7]


Vilmorin-Andrieux (1885) makes a distinction between wild or wood strawberries (Fragaria vesca) and alpine strawberries (Fragaria alpina),[8] a distinction which is not made by most seed companies or nurseries, which usually sell Fragaria vesca as "alpine strawberry".

Under wild or wood strawberry, Vilmorin says:

It has seldom been seen in gardens since the introduction of the Red Alpine Strawberry. ... Wood Strawberry possesses a quite particular perfume and delicacy of flavour. 2,500 seeds to the gramme.

Under alpine strawberry, Vilmorin says:

A very different plant to the Wood Strawberry, and distinguished by the greater size of all its parts — the fruit in particular — and especially by the property (which is particular to it) of producing flowers and fruit continuously all through the summer. ... The fruit has nearly the same appearance and flavour as that of the Wood Strawberry, but is generally larger, longer, and more pointed in shape. The seed is also perceptibly larger and longer. A gramme contains only about 1,500 seeds.


As of November 2020, Plants of the World Online accepts two subspecies in addition to the autonym, Fragaria vesca ssp. vesca:[1]

  • Fragaria vesca ssp. americana (Porter) Staudt
  • Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata (A.Heller) Staudt


Wild strawberry collected in the forest in the Middle Urals
Fragaria vesca, fruiting plant
Wild strawberry in Estonia, Pakri Peninsula.

Typical habitat is along trails and roadsides, embankments, hillsides, stone- and gravel-laid paths and roads, meadows, young woodlands, sparse forest, woodland edges, and clearings. Often plants can be found where they do not get sufficient light to form fruit. In the southern part of its range, it can grow only in shady areas; further north it tolerates more sun.[9] It is tolerant of a variety of moisture levels (except very wet or dry conditions).[9] It can survive mild fires and/or establish itself after fires.[9]

Although F. vesca primarily propagates via runners, viable seeds are also found in soil seed banks and seem to germinate when the soil is disturbed (away from existing populations of F. vesca).[9]

Its leaves serve as significant food source for a variety of ungulates, such as mule deer and elk, and the fruit are eaten by a variety of mammals and birds that also help to distribute the seeds in their droppings.[9]

It is a larval host to the two-banded checkered skipper.[10]


The wild strawberry is used as an indicator plant for diseases that affect the garden strawberry. It is also used as a genetic model plant for garden strawberry and the family Rosaceae in general, due to its:

  • very small genome size
  • short reproductive cycle (14–15 weeks in climate-controlled greenhouses)
  • ease of propagation.

The genome of F. vesca was sequenced in 2010,[11] and with greater detail and accuracy in 2017 by the Knapp UC Davis program.[12]

All strawberry (Fragaria) species have a base haploid count of seven chromosomes; Fragaria vesca is diploid, having two pairs of these chromosomes for a total of 14.

Flower close-up
Leaf close-up
Fruit close-up
Seeds close-up

History, cultivation and uses

Evidence from archaeological excavations suggests that Fragaria vesca has been consumed by humans since the Stone Age.[13]

Woodland strawberry fruit is strongly flavored, and is still collected and grown for domestic use and on a small scale commercially for the use of gourmets and as an ingredient for commercial jam, sauces, liqueurs, cosmetics and alternative medicine. In Turkey, hundreds of tons of wild fruit are harvested annually, mainly for export.[14]

Most of the cultivated varieties have a long flowering period (and have been considered by botanists as belonging to Fragaria vesca var. vesca ssp. semperflorens). They are usually called alpine strawberries. They either form runners or multiple crowns in a cluster, fruit over a very long period with larger fruit than the common wood strawberry, and are usually propagated by seeds or division of the plants. The type in cultivation is usually everbearing and produces few runners. Plants tend to lose vigour after a few years due to their abundant fruiting and flowering with final decline caused by viral diseases.[15] Large-fruiting forms are known since the 18th century and were called "Fressant" in France.[16] Some cultivars have fruit that are white or yellow when fully ripe, instead of the normal red.

Cultivars that form stolons are often used as groundcover, while cultivars that do not may be used as border plants. Some cultivars are bred for their ornamental value. Hybrids, Fragaria × vescana, have been created from crosses between woodland strawberry and garden strawberry. Hybrids between the woodland strawberry and the European species Fragaria viridis were in cultivation until around 1850, but are now lost.[17]

Alpine strawberry has an undeserved reputation among home gardeners as hard to grow from seed, often with rumors of long and sporadic germination times, cold pre-chilling requirements, etc. In reality, with proper handling of the very small seeds (which can easily be washed away with rough watering), 80% germination rates at 70 °F (21 °C) 1–2 weeks are easily achievable.

Alpine strawberries are sometimes included as edging plants in herbaceous borders.[18]

Garden varieties currently in cultivation


  • Rügen, the first modern cultivar, i.e., runnerless, everbearing and large fruited — originating from Castle Putbus in Germany, first offered 1920 by the strawberry grower Emil Spangenberg from Morsleben.
  • Alexandria, first offered 1964 by George W. Park Seed Co., USA
  • Baron Solemacher, first offered 1935 by F. C. Heinemann, Germany
  • Weisse Solemacher (white fruited) first offered by F. C. Heinemann
  • Golden Alexandria (golden foliage).

Forms with runners are still found in old gardens.

  • Quarantaine de Prin, France; commercially important before World War I, but now almost extinct; maybe identical to the variety Erigée de Poitou which was still offered around 1960.
  • Blanc Amélioré, Great Britain; white-fruited; it is doubtful if the clone in circulation today is identical to the historical variety from around 1900 because of its non-everbearing habit; nevertheless a good variety with rather large, sometimes monstrous fruit of the Fressant type.
  • Illa Martin, Germany; sold as an ornamental, white-fruited. Red achenes have been reported but have not been found. Most plants in circulation not true to name.
  • Gartenfreude, Germany; large-fruited form, sometimes very large monstrous fruit of the Fressant type.

Curious mutations have arisen and are sometimes grown by plantsmen and other connoisseurs of the unusual:

  • Monophylla (“Strawberry of Versailles”; has one large leaflet instead of the normal three leaflets)[22] - Vilmorin-Andrieux (1885) stated as being raised by Duchesne.[8]
  • Multiplex (double flowered; sets less and smaller fruit)
  • Muricata (“Plymouth strawberry”; the flowers are composed of numerous small, leafy bracts; the fruit are similarly spiky).


F. vesca contains the ellagitannin agrimoniin which is an isomer of sanguiin H-6.[23]

See also


  1. ^ a b "Fragaria vesca L." Plants of the World Online. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 2020-11-12.
  2. ^ Sullivan, Steven. K. (2015). "Fragaria vesca". Wildflower Search. Retrieved 2015-06-16.
  3. ^ USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Fragaria vesca". The PLANTS Database (plants.usda.gov). Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 2015-06-16.
  4. ^ Harrison, Lorraine (2012). RHS Latin for Gardeners. United Kingdom: Mitchell Beazley. ISBN 978-1845337315.
  5. ^ Klinkenberg, Brian, ed. (2014). "Fragaria vesca". E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Plants of British Columbia [eflora.bc.ca]. Lab for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Retrieved 2015-06-16.
  6. ^ Giblin, David, ed. (2015). "Fragaria vesca". WTU Herbarium Image Collection. Burke Museum, University of Washington. Retrieved 2015-06-16.
  7. ^ "Fragaria vesca". Jepson eFlora: Taxon page. Jepson Herbarium; University of California, Berkeley. 2015. Retrieved 2015-06-16.
  8. ^ a b Vilmorin-Andrieux et cie (1885). The Vegetable Garden. London: J. Murray. pp. 538–539.
  9. ^ a b c d e Munger, Gregory T. (2006). "Fragaria vesca". Fire Effects Information System (FEIS). US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service (USFS), Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory. Retrieved 2008-08-06.
  10. ^ The Xerces Society (2016), Gardening for Butterflies: How You Can Attract and Protect Beautiful, Beneficial Insects, Timber Press.
  11. ^ Shulaev, Vladimir; et al. (December 2010). "The genome of woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca)". Nature. 43 (2): 109–116. doi:10.1038/ng.740. PMC 3326587. PMID 21186353.
  12. ^
  13. ^ "Internet Archaeol 1. Tomlinson & Hall. 7". intarch.ac.uk. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  14. ^ Ece Turhan and Sevgi Paydas Kargi (June 2007), "Strawberry Production in Turkey" (PDF), Chronica Horticulturae, 47 (2): 18–20, ISSN 0578-039X
  15. ^ "Fragaria vesca 'Semperflorens'". Plants for a Future. Retrieved 2017-08-20.
  16. ^ Staudt, Günter (2003), Les dessins d'A. N. Duchesne pour son Histoire naturelle des fraisiers, Paris: Muséum Nat. d'histoire Naturelle
  17. ^ Staudt, Günter; Dimeglio, Laura M.; Davis, Thomas M.; Gerstberger, Pedro (December 2003), "Fragaria × bifera Duch.: Origin and taxonomy", Botanische Jahrbücher, 125 (1): 53–72, doi:10.1127/0006-8152/2003/0125-0053
  18. ^ "BBC - Gardening: Plant Finder - Alpine strawberry".
  19. ^ Wachsmuth, Brigitte (April 2009), "Von Monats-, Wald- und Moschuserdbeeren", Gartenpraxis, 35 (4): 20–28
  20. ^ Wachsmuth, Brigitte (December 2010), "Wild, alpine and musk strawberries", The Plantsman, 9 (part 4): 245–249
  21. ^ Wachsmuth, Brigitte (March 2014). "Annotated List of Alpine, Wild, and Musk Strawberry Varieties Currently in Cultivation". www.ipke.de. Retrieved 2017-08-20.
  22. ^ Chest of Books: William Curtis, The Botanical Magazine, or, Flower-Garden Displayed, Vol. 1
  23. ^ Vrhovsek, Urska; Guella, Graziano; Gasperotti, Mattia; Pojer, Elisa; Zancato, Mirella; Mattivi, Fulvio (2012), "Clarifying the Identity of the Main Ellagitannin in the Fruit of the Strawberry, Fragaria vesca and Fragaria ananassa Duch.", J. Agric. Food Chem., 60 (10): 2507–2516, doi:10.1021/jf2052256, PMID 22339338

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Fragaria vesca: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Fragaria vesca, commonly called the wild strawberry, woodland strawberry, Alpine strawberry, Carpathian strawberry or European strawberry, is a perennial herbaceous plant in the rose family that grows naturally throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere, and that produces edible fruits.

The Latin specific epithet vesca means "thin, feeble".

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Fragaria vesca ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES
fresa silvestre
Fragaria vesca pseudocarp.
Fragaria vesca pseudocarp.

Fragaria vesca, llamada comúnmente fresa, meruéndano o fresa silvestre, es una planta herbácea perenne, de la familia de las rosáceas, que crece comúnmente en bosques ralos y en los claros. No es la variedad silvestre del fresón o fresa ananá (Fragaria x ananassa), la variedad más consumida actualmente, sino una especie completamente independiente. Fue la preferida en Europa desde la Antigüedad, y desde el siglo XIV se emprendió su cultivo organizado, que sólo cedió ante el desarrollo de híbridos de variedades americanas de fruto más grande. Su sabor es, sin embargo, más intenso, y algunos gourmets la prefieren.


F. vesca es una planta vivaz, siempreviva, estolonífera, cuyos tallos alcanzan unos 20 cm de altura. Presenta una roseta basal de donde surgen las hojas, trifoliadas, y los tallos si y no florales, ambos de la misma longitud. Los peciolos de las hojas son pilosos. Cada uno soporta una hoja compuesta con tres foliolos ovales dentados. Estos son verde brillantes por el haz; más pálidos por el envés, que manifiesta una nervadura muy destacada y una gran pilosidad. De la roseta basal surgen también otro tipo de tallos rastreros —estolones— que producen raíces adventicias de donde nacerán eventualmente otras plantas, aunque en F. vesca este tipo de brote es menos frecuente que en otras especies del mismo género.

Los tallos florales no presentan hojas. En su extremo aparecen entre abril y junio las flores, no más de cinco, blancas, de cinco pétalos blancos, cinco sépalos y una veintena de estambres amarillos y alto contenido en polen; la planta es hermafrodita, colocándose las flores femeninas más altas que las masculinas para prevenir la autopolinización. El agente polinizador más habitual son los insectos, en especial abejas y dípteros; varias especies de hormigas se alimentan a veces del néctar de la flor, aunque sin contribuir a la polinización.

El fruto, que conocemos como "fresa", es en realidad un engrosamiento del receptáculo floral, siendo los puntitos que hay sobre ella los auténticos frutos, aquenios de alrededor de 1 mm de diámetro. Es un eterio de color rojo, dulce y aromático, que concentra los nutrientes del tallo floral, que se decolora y adelgaza a medida que el eterio aumenta de tamaño.

Distribución y hábitat

Fragaria vesca - metsmaasikas.jpg

F. vesca es nativa de Eurasia, y crece de forma silvestre en el sur de Chile, toda Europa y el norte de Asia. Prefiere suelos húmedos, bien drenados, ricos en nutrientes y en humus; requiere algo de sol pero no en exceso, creciendo en los claros y márgenes de los bosques o en zonas ralas.


La fresa silvestre se consume desde la prehistoria, como atestiguan numerosos hallazgos arqueológicos. Fue conocida de griegos y romanos; varios poetas le dedicaron versos, entre ellos Ovidio, Plinio y Virgilio. A partir del siglo XIV se emprendió su cultivo, lográndose frutos de mayor tamaño y menor acritud. A Jerónimo Bock se le debe la primera descripción botánica científica de la planta.

Con el descubrimiento de la fresa chilena (F. chiloensis), la fresa de Virginia (F. virginiana) y el desarrollo de híbridos entre ambas, su cultivo decreció, y para el siglo XVIII había sido completamente desplazada.

Por su sabor más intenso, se consume ocasionalmente como fruto de gourmet, aunque las núculas resultan agrias al paladar, lo que hace que las confituras de fresa silvestre se mezclen habitualmente con otros frutos.

Modernamente se la aprecia como planta medicinal; es rica en taninos, por lo que se utiliza como astringente. La decocción de las hojas se emplea para la anemia y las afecciones hepáticas. Mezclada con hojas de menta piperina (Mentha x piperita) se empleaba como lavaje antiséptico para la ropa blanca. También se empleó la decocción para tratar la gota; se cuenta que Linneo se curó de la afección con un tratamiento a base de té de fresa silvestre.

Principios activos

Las hojas contienen taninos condensados, flavonas, flavonoides, leucoantocianósidos, trazas de aceite esencial, pequeñas cantidades de ácido ascórbico, alcohol triterpénico: fraganol, sales potásicas.

Las raíces contienen taninos catéquicos (12%) y pirogálicos; alcohol triterpénico: fraganol, sales potásicas.

Los frutos: abundantes derivados antociánicos, aceite esencial, pectina, heterósido (fragarósido).[2]

Detalle de la flor


Fragaria vesca fue descrita por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 1: 494–495. 1753.[3]

  • Fragaria chinensis Losinsk.
  • Fragaria concolor Kitag.
  • Fragaria nipponica auct.[4][5]

Nombres comunes

  • mayueta, miezdago, mariangana de Canarias, metra.[6][7]

Caraixós en Galicia


  1. «GRIN - sin.F. crinita Rydb.». Archivado desde el original el 3 de mayo de 2012. Consultado el 12 de septiembre de 2014.
  2. «Fragaria vesca». Plantas útiles: Linneo. Archivado desde el original el 21 de septiembre de 2013. Consultado el 15 de marzo de 2014.
  3. «Fragaria vesca». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 11 de marzo de 2014.
  4. https://web.archive.org/web/20090315183230/http://www.catalogueoflife.org/show_species_details.php?record_id=630211
  5. Fragaria vesca en The Plant List
  6. Colmeiro, Miguel: «Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo», Madrid, 1871.
  7. Metras, https://lacantabriaburgalesa.wordpress.com/tag/metras/.


  1. AFPD. 2008. African Flowering Plants Database - Base de Donnees des Plantes a Fleurs D'Afrique.
  2. CONABIO. 2009. Catálogo taxonómico de especies de México. 1. In Capital Nat. México. CONABIO, Mexico City.
  3. Davidse, G., M. Sousa Sánchez, S. Knapp & F. Chiang Cabrera. 2014. Saururaceae a Zygophyllaceae. 2(3): ined. In G. Davidse, M. Sousa Sánchez, S. Knapp & F. Chiang Cabrera (eds.) Fl. Mesoamer.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.
  4. Flora of China Editorial Committee. 2003. Flora of China (Pittosporaceae through Connaraceae). 9: 1–496. In C. Y. Wu, P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong (eds.) Fl. China. Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis.
  5. Forzza, R. C. 2010. Lista de espécies Flora do Brasil https://web.archive.org/web/20150906080403/http://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/2010/. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Río de Janeiro.
  6. Hokche, O., P. E. Berry & O. Huber. (eds.) 2008. Nuevo Cat. Fl. Vasc. Venezuela 1–860. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela, Caracas.
  7. Luteyn, J. L. 1999. Páramos, a checklist of plant diversity, geographical distribution, and botanical literature. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 84: viii–xv, 1–278.
  8. Staudt, G. 1962. Taxonomic studies in the genus Fragaria typification of Fragaria species known at the time of Linnaeus. Canad. J. Bot. 40(6): 869–886.

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Fragaria vesca: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES
 src= fresa silvestre Fragaria vesca pseudocarp. Fragaria vesca pseudocarp.

Fragaria vesca, llamada comúnmente fresa, meruéndano o fresa silvestre, es una planta herbácea perenne, de la familia de las rosáceas, que crece comúnmente en bosques ralos y en los claros. No es la variedad silvestre del fresón o fresa ananá (Fragaria x ananassa), la variedad más consumida actualmente, sino una especie completamente independiente. Fue la preferida en Europa desde la Antigüedad, y desde el siglo XIV se emprendió su cultivo organizado, que sólo cedió ante el desarrollo de híbridos de variedades americanas de fruto más grande. Su sabor es, sin embargo, más intenso, y algunos gourmets la prefieren.

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Metsmaasikas ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET
Metsmaasika koguvili

Metsmaasikas (Fragaria vesca) on roosõieliste sugukonda maasika perekonda kuuluv mitmeaastaste rohttaimede liik.


Metsmaasikas on 5–20 cm kõrgune. Juurmised lehed on kolmetised ja asuvad pikkadel karvastel leherootsudel. Õied on valget värvi, kuni 17 mm läbimõõduga ja asuvad väheseõielises õisikus. Õieraod on siidiläikeliselt liduskarvased. Tupplehed on tagasi käändunud ja ei ümbritse marja.


Metsmaasika viljad ei ole marjad, vaid koguviljad, mida nimetatakse maasikateks. Need on kirgaspunased, munajad kuni peaaegu kerajad, pinnal asetsevate seemnistega ja aromaatsed.

Paljunemine ja geneetika

Paljuneb pikkade sõlmedest juurduvate võsunditega ja seemnetega.

Metsmaasikas õitseb mai lõpul ja juunis. Viljad valmivad juunis.

Metsmaasikas annab hübriide nii aedmaasika kui ka muulukaga.

Kõik maasikaliigid on kromosoomiarvuga, mis põhineb haploidsel 7 kromosoomil. Metsmaasikas on diploidne: sel on kaks kromosoomikomplekti kokku 14 kromosoomiga.

2010. aastal sekveneeriti metsmaasika genoom[1].

Metsmaasika õied


Metsmaasikas on levinud Euroopas ja Kesk-Aasias.

Ta kasvab kuivadel puisniitudel, loodudel, raiesmikel, teeservadel, põllupeenardel. Levila põhjaosas, sealhulgas Eestis, eelistab ta kuivi päikesepaistelisi kohti ega talu varju. Seevastu levila lõunaosas eelistab ta kasvada varjus, sest päike on seal tema jaoks liiga ere. Metsmaasikas talub kerget tulekahju ja taastub pärast põlengut kiiresti.


Metsmaasikas lehti söövad meeleldi sõralised, näiteks hirved ja põdrad. Maasikamarju söövad väga mitmesugused elukad alates tigudest ja herilastest kuni lindude ja karudeni. Linnud aitavad ühtlasti maasikaseemneid levitada: pärast lindude soolestiku läbimist lähevad seemned kenasti kasvama.


Arheoloogiliste väljakaevamiste andmetel on inimesed metsmaasikaid söönud juba kiviajal. Kultiveerima hakati metsmaasikat antiikaja Pärsias. Hiljem levisid maasikaseemned Siiditeed mööda nii itta kui läände. 18. sajandi keskpaiku aretati virgiinia ja tšiili maasikast aedmaasikas (Fragaria × ananassa), mis hakkas metsmaasikat põlluviljana välja tõrjuma, sest aedmaasika viljad olid märksa suuremad.


Metsmaasikas on Eesti üks väärtuslikemaid marjataimi. Kirgaspunased, aromaatsed ja maitsvad marjad sisaldavad suurel hulgal inimorganismile vajalikke aineid ja vitamiine: neis on suhkruid 3,6–6,4%, happeid 1,4% (peamiselt sidrunhapet), mineraalainetest kaltsiumi (rohkem kui lihas), rauda (marjadest kõige enam), fosforit, eeterlikke õlisid, pektiini, parkaineid jm. C-vitamiini keskmine sisaldus on 51,0 mg 100 g metsmaasikate kohta[2].

Maasikas on hinnatud lauamari (toorelt söömise mari), aga väga sobiv ka hoidiste, eriti toorhoidiste valmistamiseks. Kompoti valmistamiseks metsmaasikas aga ei sobi, sest seemnistest eralduv fragariamiin muudab kompotivedeliku mõrkjaks.

Metsmaasikat kasutatakse ka ravimtaimena. Kasutatakse põhiliselt kuivatatud vilju, harvem õisi.


  1. Šulajev, V., Sargent, D. J. et al, 2010. The genome of woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca)". Nature Genetics. doi:10.1038/ng.740. [1]
  2. Polli keemialabori andmed, määratud aastatel 1966-1972.


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Metsmaasikas: Brief Summary ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET
 src= Metsmaasika koguvili

Metsmaasikas (Fragaria vesca) on roosõieliste sugukonda maasika perekonda kuuluv mitmeaastaste rohttaimede liik.

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Marrubi arrunt ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Marrubi arrunta (Fragaria vesca) Fragaria edo marrubien generoko espeziea da. Euskal Herrian topatu dezakegun basoko espeziea da.

XVIII. mendera arte ustiatua izan arren, baratze-marrubiak ordezkatu zuen marrubien ekoizpenean.[1]


  1. Welsh, Martin Strawberries Nvsuk.org.uk.

Biologia Artikulu hau biologiari buruzko zirriborroa da. Wikipedia lagun dezakezu edukia osatuz.
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Marrubi arrunt: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Marrubi arrunta (Fragaria vesca) Fragaria edo marrubien generoko espeziea da. Euskal Herrian topatu dezakegun basoko espeziea da.

XVIII. mendera arte ustiatua izan arren, baratze-marrubiak ordezkatu zuen marrubien ekoizpenean.

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Ahomansikka ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Ahomansikka eli metsämansikka (Fragaria vesca) on ruusukasvien heimoon (Rosaceae) ja mansikoiden Fragaria sukuun kuuluva kasvi.

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Ahomansikka kasvaa 5–20 senttimetrin korkuiseksi. Se aloittaa kukintansa joskus jopa toukokuussa mutta kukkii pääasiassa kesä-heinäkuussa. Ahomansikan terälehdet ovat valkoiset ja marjat pieniä ja punaisia. Lehdet ovat mansikalle tunnusomaiset, vaikkakin kohtalaisen pienet. Ahomansikalla voi olla jopa kahden metrin pituisia rönsyjä.[1]


Ahomansikka on nimensä mukaisesti aukean, kuivahkon ja aurinkoisen paikan kasvi. Ahomansikka ei menesty tiheässä ja korkeassa ruohostossa. Luonnonlaidunten vähentyessä ahomansikkakin on vähentynyt, mutta se on löytänyt uusia kasvupaikkoja tienpientareilta.


Ahomansikkaa kasvaa koko Euroopassa Lapin pohjoisosia ja Espanjan eteläosia lukuun ottamatta.[2]


Ahomansikan kasviopiirros

1800-luvun ja 1900-luvun taitteessa ahomansikka oli tärkeä talousmarja. Niitä myytiin toreilla, ja niistä valmistettiin ruokaa. Puutarhamansikoiden korvattua ahomansikat ne jäävät nykyään usein poimimatta.allergisen reaktion, ihottuman tai kuumetta.

Ahomansikka ei kestä kuumentamista sisältämiensä aromiaineiden vuoksi, vaan maku kitkeröityy. Ne ovat furaanijohdoksia (2,5-dimetyyli-4-metoksi-3(2H)-furanoni = 'mesifuraani' ja 2,5-dimetyyli-4-hydroksi-3(2H)-furanoni ='fydroksimesifuraani'). Niitä on myös mesimarjassa mutta ei kummankaan lähisukuisessa marjassa puutarhamansikassa ja -vadelmassa. Yhdisteiden pilkkoutumistuotteet ovat luultavasti karvaita.[3]


  1. Yrttitarha 2000. Länsi-Pirkanmaan Koulutuskuntayhtymä. Viitattu 24.7.2007.
  2. Arne Anderberg: Den virtuella floran Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. Viitattu 24.7.2007. (ruotsiksi)
  3. Usko Siskoa, Helsingin Sanomat, 19.9.2010 sivu D 7

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Ahomansikka: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Ahomansikka eli metsämansikka (Fragaria vesca) on ruusukasvien heimoon (Rosaceae) ja mansikoiden Fragaria sukuun kuuluva kasvi.

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Fraisier des bois ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Fragaria vesca

Le Fraisier des bois (Fragaria vesca) est une espèce de plantes herbacées vivaces de la famille des Rosaceae. Avec plusieurs sous-espèces, il se trouve dans tout l'hémisphère nord, ce qui en fait le fraisier sauvage le plus répandu.

Ses fruits rouges, ou parfois blancs, les fraises des bois, sont réputés pour leur arôme plus recherché que celui des fraises des jardins[1],[2],[3].

Le fraisier des bois est appelé aussi populairement « fraisier commun » ou « fraisier sauvage » .

C'est une espèce originaire d'Europe, d'Amérique du Nord et d'Asie tropicale et naturalisée en d'autres points du globe.


Nature morte de fraises d'Adriaen Coorte (1705).

C'est une espèce originaire d'Europe et d'Asie tempérée (de la Turquie à la Chine), ainsi que d'Amérique du Nord. Elle est assez commune partout en France, sauf dans la région méditerranéenne.

Les premières traces écrites de culture datent de 1324 dans les comptes de l'hôpital Saint-Jean en l'Estrée d'Arras dans lequel figure l'achat et l'entretien de fraisiers. À cette époque, toutes les parties de la plante ont un usage médicinal[réf. nécessaire].

En 1368, 12 000 pieds sont plantés dans les jardins royaux du Louvre[4].

À la fin du XVIe siècle, d'autres espèces à petits fruits sont rapportées (l'espèce aromatique Fragaria virginiana par Jacques Cartier) tandis que Fragaria moschata, au fruit plus gros, tend à supplanter la fraise des bois dont les petits fruits fragiles s'écrasent à la cueillette et au transport. Nicolas de Bonnefons, dans Le jardinier françois en 1655, ne recense que quatre espèces cultivées[5].

Le fraisier des bois est définitivement supplanté par les nouveaux hybrides Fragaria ×ananassa cultivés de manière intensive sur la presqu'île de Plougastel-Daoulas à partir des années 1760.


Fraisier des bois colonisant le mur d'un four à pain.

Le fraisier des bois est spontané dans les bois (clairières, lisières, chemins enherbés boisés et leurs talus).

C'est une plante qui s'épanouit au printemps, avant que les feuillus ne captent l'essentiel de la lumière du soleil. En culture contrôlée, quand on ne fait varier que la lumière (lampes à vapeur de sodium), on montre des variations de capacités d'échange de CO2, d'anatomie foliaire, et d'ultrastructure des cellules. En pleine lumière, les feuilles sont plus épaisses, le feuillage plus dense, le mésophylle plus épais. Le bilan de la photosynthèse (par rapport à la masse foliaire) diminue en forte lumière (peut être en raison d'une accumulation importante d'amidon dans les chloroplastes) ou à faible lumière[6]. Dans un milieu plus sec, le fruit est plus petit et sec.


Fleurs de Fragaria vesca.
Fruits de Fragaria vesca.
Fraise des bois, détail.
Une seule fraise des bois.
Fraise des bois.

Le fraisier des bois est une plante herbacée vivace, formant une touffe basse.

Les feuilles de la base, à long pétiole, sont trifoliolées, dentées. Le limbe plus ou moins poilu est souvent un peu plissé selon les nervures secondaires.

La dent terminale des feuilles est aussi grande ou plus longue que ses deux voisines, contrairement au faux fraisier.

Les tiges fleuries peuvent atteindre 30 à 40 cm. Les fleurs hermaphrodites autofertiles sont blanches et s'épanouissent d'avril à juillet. La plante refleurit parfois en automne. Les variétés à floraison continue ont en réalité quatre période de floraisons : printemps, début d'été, fin d'été, début d'automne.

Le fruit (faux-fruit) est formé par l'ensemble du réceptacle charnu de la fleur. Il a une couleur rouge ou jaune blanchâtre selon les variétés, et une forme ovoïde oblongue plus ou moins arrondie. Il est généralement très parfumé.

La plante émet de nombreux stolons à croissance sympodiale.

L'espèce comprend plusieurs sous-espèces, formes et cultivars :

  • subsp. americana (Porter) Staudt - Amérique du nord - Plus petite que les autres sous-espèces
  • subsp. bracteata (A. Heller) Staudt - Sud et ouest USA - Gynodioïque. Fleurs plus grande que les autres sous-espèces
    • f. albida Staudt
    • f. bracteata (A. Heller) Staudt - parfois gynodioïque
    • f. helleri (Holz.) Staudt
  • subsp. californica (Cham. & Schltdl.) Staudt - USA côte pacifique sud - Folioles plus rondes et plus dentelées. peu résistante au froid
  • subsp. vesca - Eurasie
    • f. alba (Ehrh.) Staudt
    • f. roseiflora (Boulay) Staudt - Fleurs roses génétiquement dominantes sur le caractère à fleurs blanches
    • f. semperflorens (Duchesne) Staudt - Fruits très parfumés, forme cultivée à floraison continue tant que la température le permet
    • f. vesca

Confusion possible

Peut être facilement confondu avec d'autres espèces de fraisiers :

  • Fraisier musqué (Fragaria moschata) ;
  • Fraisier vert ;
  • le Fraisier des Indes, qui apprécie les mêmes biotopes et s'y montre volontiers envahissant mais la confusion n'est possible que superficiellement car les feuilles sont très différentes et sa fleur est jaune. De plus son fruit est insipide.


Variétés sans stolons propagées par graines :

  • 'Alexandria' - Créé en 1964 aux USA par George W. Park Seed Co.
  • 'Baron Solemacher' - Floraison continue, obtenu en 1935 en Allemagne par F. C. Heinemann
  • 'Baron Solemacher, Weiss Solemacher' - Floraison continue, fruits blancs par F. C. Heinemann
  • 'Baron Solemacher' (mutation jaune) - Floraison continue, fruits jaunes
  • 'Baron Solemacher' (mutation vert clair) - Floraison continue, fruits vert clair
  • 'Golden alexandria' - Feuilles vert clair-jaune, peu productive, fruits plus sucrés que les autres variétés
  • 'Ruegen', 'Rügen' - Floraison continue, gros fruits, sans stolons. Créé à Castle Putbus en Allemagne en 1920 par Emil Spangenberg

Variétés propagées par stolons ou sans stolons propagées par division :

  • 'Alpine'
  • 'Blanc Amélioré' - Fruits blancs, très gros. La variété actuellement connue sous ce nom n'est apparemment pas la variété historique connue en Grande-Bretagne dans les années 1900 qui n'était pas remontante
  • 'Déesse des vallées' - Plus rustique que 'Reine des vallées' , à fruits plus gros mais parfois moins colorés
  • 'Délices' - Floraison continue, très productive
  • 'Érigée du Poitou' - voir 'Quarantaine de prin'
  • 'Fragola Quattro Stagioni'
  • 'Frost King
  • 'Gartenfreude' - Très gros fruits. Allemagne
  • 'Golden Alpine' - Floraison continue
  • 'Illa Martin' - Fruits blancs. Allemagne
  • 'Intensity'
  • 'Mignonette' - Floraison continue
  • 'Monophylla', Fraises de Versailles' - F. vesca subsp. vesca f. monophylla- Feuilles à une seule foliole enregistré par Vilmorin-Andrieux en 1885 comme ayant été obtenu par Duchesne
  • 'Multiplex' - Fleurs doubles. Très peu de fruits
  • 'Muricata', 'Fraisiers de Plymouth' - Les fleurs et le fruit ont de nombreuses petites excroissances chlorophyllée
  • 'New Giant' - Floraison continue
  • 'Norrland' - Floraison continue, couvre-sol
  • 'Pineapple crush' - Floraison continue
  • 'Quarantaine de Prin' - Originaire de France. A eu une importance commerciale jusqu'au début du XXe siècle mais serait maintenant perdu, remplacé depuis les années 1960 par une variété équivalente 'Érigée du Poitou'
  • 'Reine des Vallées' - Floraison continue, fruits très parfumés
  • 'Rodluvan' - Floraison continue, couvre-sol
  • 'Snovit' - Floraison continue, fruits blancs
  • 'Snow King' - Floraison continue, fruits blancs
  • 'UC-05' - F. vesca subsp. californica
  • 'UC-06' - F. vesca subsp. bracteata
  • 'Variegata' - Feuilles panachées de blanc crème ; fleurit d'avril à mai et porte rarement quelques petits fruits
  • 'White delight' - Fruits blancs
  • 'White soul'
  • 'Yellow Wonder' - Floraison continue, feuilles vert clair, fruits blancs

Un hybride entre vesca et viridis a été cultivé jusque vers 1850 mais est maintenant apparemment perdu.


C'est une espèce à petit génome, diploïde de 2n=14[7], (environ 35 000 gènes) décrypté en 2010 montre des relations de macro-synténie avec le Prunus[8]. Les espèces octoploïdes américaines Fragaria chiloensis ou Fragaria virginiana (2n=8x=56) montrent que le genre Fragaria a connu des évènements d'auto et d'allopolyploïdisation[9],[10]

Ce serait le taxon le plus différencié des Fragaria.


Fragaria vesca.

Fragaria vesca, le fraisier des bois, est une espèce sauvage. Pour la culture, il s'agit souvent de prélèvement d'individus sauvages. Cependant, des variétés améliorées sont proposées à la vente par les spécialistes.

Il est tolérant à la chaleur et à la sécheresse mais pour une bonne production, il préfère un sol frais, plutôt acide et une exposition ensoleillée.

La multiplication se fait habituellement par division des touffes à l'automne.

Très résistant au froid, il craint cependant les gelées printanières.

Ces faux-fruits se conservent difficilement et doivent être consommés rapidement.

L'espèce est généralement exempte de maladies et parasites.

Duplication, clonage et transgenèse

Les variétés à stolons sont faciles à multiplier, les autres doivent l'être par les graines.

Des méthodes de clonage, in vitro de méristèmes, puis à partir de fragments de feuilles ont été développées pour dupliquer de manière clonale cette espèce[11] et des fraisiers OGM (transgéniques) ont été produits en laboratoire en Espagne dans les années 1990 (avec un gène marqueur de résistance à un antibiotique)[11].

La culture de clones est cependant vulnérable à la diffusion de maladies.


Faisant depuis longtemps l'objet de cueillette dans les bois, cette plante était utilisée comme teinture, aliment ou pour ses vertus médicinales (décoctions, tisanes, sirops, onguents de toutes les parties de la plante : les Romains en faisaient des masques de beauté)[12]. Elle est introduite et cultivée dans les jardins européens vers le XIVe siècle pour ses vertus curatives ou pour être mangée[13]. À la Renaissance, les hommes dégustaient la fraise des bois au vin, et les femmes à la crème[14].

C'est une plante mellifère, très visitée par les abeilles.

Quand il a poussé sur un sol pollué, le fraisier fait partie des plantes qui peuvent avoir accumulé de l'arsenic, sous toutes ses formes[15] (l'arsenic a été beaucoup utilisé comme pesticide, notamment en Amérique du nord où il l'est encore abondamment sur les terrains de golf sous forme de méthanearséniate monosodique (MSMA).

Les principaux consommateurs des fraises sont les mammifères carnivores tels que les renards. Ils peuvent transmettre l'échinococcose au travers de leurs déjections. Il faut éviter de consommer les fraises crues en provenance du milieu sauvage[16].

La bonne connaissance de son génome et son cycle court de génération (12–16 semaines) en font un modèle pour l'étude des rosaceae.

Propriétés médicinales

Les feuilles, riches en tannins, silice et sels minéraux, sont très riches en vitamine C. En infusion, elles sont astringentes, diurétiques et antirhumatismales. Le rhizome séché utilisé en décoction (on met la racine dans l'eau froide que l'on fera bouillir pendant environ dix minutes) a les mêmes qualités.



  • Le nom générique, Fragaria, vient du latin « fraga », « fraise »
  • Le nom spécifique vesca, signifie « petite », en latin.


  • Potentilla vesca (L.) Scop.
  • Fragaria insularis Rydb.
  • Fragaria monophylla ou Fraisier de Versailles est une variété à seul lobe étudiée par Antoine Nicolas Duchesne dans son Histoire naturelle des fraisiers[17]

Notes et références

  1. (en) Tapani Pyysalo, Erkki Honkanen, Timo Hirvi (1972) Volatiles of wild strawberries, Fragaria vesca L., compared to those of cultivated berries, Fragaria .times. ananassa cv Senga Sengana ; J. Agric. Food Chem., 1979, 27 (1), p. 19–22 Publication Date: January 1979 ; PDF payant 523 KB.
  2. (en) Mari A. Hakala, Anja T. Lapveteläinen, et Heikki P. Kallio, Volatile Compounds of Selected Strawberry Varieties Analyzed by Purge-and-Trap Headspace GC-MS ; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2002 50 (5), p. 1133–1142.
  3. (en) Ana G. Perez, Jose J. Rios, Carlos. Sanz, Jose M. Olias, Aroma components and free amino acids in strawberry variety Chandler during ripening ; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ; 1992 ; 40 (11), p. 2232–2235.
  4. Katia Astafieff (préf. Francis Hallé), L'aventure extraordinaire des plantes voyageuses, Malakoff, Dunod, 2018, 192 p. (ISBN 978-2-10-076485-3, lire en ligne), chap. 2 (« Le fruit dodu rapporté du Chili par un corsaire qui allait aux fraises »), p. 36.
  5. Nicolas de Bonnefons, Le jardinier françois, édition de 1679 (lire en ligne), p. 119.
  6. (en) Brain F. Chabot et Jean Fincher Chabot, Effects of light and temperature on leaf anatomy and photosynthesis in Fragaria vesca ; Oecologia Volume 26, Number 4, 363-377, (Résumé).
  7. Issue de l'espèce octoploïde Fragaria ×ananassa au génome de 2n = 8x = 56.
  8. (en) Vladimir Shulaev et al., « The genome of woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) », Nature Genetics,‎ 26 décembre 2010 (lire en ligne).
  9. (en) Y.D.A Senanayake, R.S. Bringhurst, « Origin of Fragaria polyploids », American Journal of Botany, vol. 54, no 2,‎ 1967, p. 221-228.
  10. T. M. Davis et H. Yu, A Linkage Map of the Diploid Strawberry, Fragaria vesca ; Oxford Journals ; Life Sciences ; Journal of Heredity ; Volume 88, Issue 3 p. 215-221.
  11. a et b (en) L. Iman Mansouri, José A. Mercado, Victoriano Valpuesta, José M. López-Aranda, Fernando Pliego-Alfaro et Miguel A. Quesada (1996) ; Plant Cell Reports (en) Volume 15, Number 8, 642-646, Shoot regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Fragaria vesca.
  12. « Histoire du fraisier », sur ciref.fr.
  13. 12 000 plants sont cultivés dans les jardins du Louvre en 1368.
  14. « L'espion qui ramena sa fraise », sur Le Point, 21 août 2008.
  15. (en) Andrew A. Meharg, Jeanette Hartley-Whitaker (2002) Arsenic uptake and metabolism in arsenic resistant and nonresistant plant species ; online: 4 APR 2002 Issue New Phytologist New Phytologist (en) Volume 154, Issue 1, pages 29–43, avril 2002, (résumé).
  16. Gérard Guillot et Jean-Emmanuel Roché, Guide des fruits sauvages : Fruits charnus, Paris, Belin, 2010, 224 p. (ISBN 978-2-7011-5603-3), p. 38.
  17. Denis Buican, Odysée de l'évolution, Ellipses 2008, p. 57-58.


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Fraisier des bois: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Fragaria vesca

Le Fraisier des bois (Fragaria vesca) est une espèce de plantes herbacées vivaces de la famille des Rosaceae. Avec plusieurs sous-espèces, il se trouve dans tout l'hémisphère nord, ce qui en fait le fraisier sauvage le plus répandu.

Ses fruits rouges, ou parfois blancs, les fraises des bois, sont réputés pour leur arôme plus recherché que celui des fraises des jardins,,.

Le fraisier des bois est appelé aussi populairement « fraisier commun » ou « fraisier sauvage » .

C'est une espèce originaire d'Europe, d'Amérique du Nord et d'Asie tropicale et naturalisée en d'autres points du globe.

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Sú talún fhiáin ( Irlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia GA

Is planda í an sú talún fhiáin.

Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Šumska jagoda ( Croato )

fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

Šumska jagoda (lat. Fragaria vesca) je vrsta jagode koja raste u predjelima Sjeverne polutke. Raste na rubovima šume i šumskim proplancima i krčevinama. Za hranu se upotrebljava od davnine. Primjenjuje se i kao ljekovita biljka. Diploidna je i nije divlji oblik uzgojne vrtne jagode koja je hibrid sjeverno i južnoameričkih vrsta ( F.chiloensis i F.virginiana ). Uzgajala se do 18. stoljeća kada je u uzgoju zamjenjuju prve sorte vrtne jagode. U Rusiji i Turskoj uzgaja se i danas.

Uzgojni varijeteti koji se još uvijek uzgajaju


Sorte koje se razmnožavaju sjemenom
  • Rügen, prvi moderni kultivar,bez vriježa,velikih plodova,u uzgoju od 1920.
  • Alexandria, u ponudi od 1964. (George W. Park Seed Co., USA)
  • Baron Solemacher, u ponudi od 1935.( F. C. Heinemann, Njemačka)
  • Weisse Solemacher (s bijelim plodovima) (F. C. Heinemann)
  • Golden Alexandria (zlatno žutih listova).

S vriježama, još ih se može naći u starim vrtovima.

  • Quarantaine de Prin, Francuska sorta, komercijalno važna do prije Prvog svjetskog rata, vrlo rijetka, vjerojatno identična s Erigée de Poitou koja je u ponudi bila do 1960.
  • Blanc Amélioré, Engleska; bijelih plodova, veliki plodovi, nije sigurno je li klon koji se danas može nabaviti identičan sa sortom iz oko 1900.
  • Gartenfreude, Njemačka, velikih plodova

Dodatna literatura

Grlić, Lj. Samoniklo jestivo bilje,Zagreb 1980.

  1. Wachsmuth, Brigitte (April 2009), "Von Monats-, Wald- und Moschuserdbeeren", Gartenpraxis 35 (4): 20–28
  2. Brigitte Wachsmuth Annotated List Alpine, Wild, and Musk Strawberry Varieties Currently in Cultivation
  3. Wachsmuth, Brigitte (December 2010), "Wild, alpine and musk strawberries", The Plantsman 9 (part 4): 245–249

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wikipedia hr Croatian

Šumska jagoda: Brief Summary ( Croato )

fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian

Šumska jagoda (lat. Fragaria vesca) je vrsta jagode koja raste u predjelima Sjeverne polutke. Raste na rubovima šume i šumskim proplancima i krčevinama. Za hranu se upotrebljava od davnine. Primjenjuje se i kao ljekovita biljka. Diploidna je i nije divlji oblik uzgojne vrtne jagode koja je hibrid sjeverno i južnoameričkih vrsta ( F.chiloensis i F.virginiana ). Uzgajala se do 18. stoljeća kada je u uzgoju zamjenjuju prve sorte vrtne jagode. U Rusiji i Turskoj uzgaja se i danas.

Uzgojni varijeteti koji se još uvijek uzgajaju Sorte koje se razmnožavaju sjemenom Rügen, prvi moderni kultivar,bez vriježa,velikih plodova,u uzgoju od 1920. Alexandria, u ponudi od 1964. (George W. Park Seed Co., USA) Baron Solemacher, u ponudi od 1935.( F. C. Heinemann, Njemačka) Weisse Solemacher (s bijelim plodovima) (F. C. Heinemann) Golden Alexandria (zlatno žutih listova). Kultivari

S vriježama, još ih se može naći u starim vrtovima.

Quarantaine de Prin, Francuska sorta, komercijalno važna do prije Prvog svjetskog rata, vrlo rijetka, vjerojatno identična s Erigée de Poitou koja je u ponudi bila do 1960. Blanc Amélioré, Engleska; bijelih plodova, veliki plodovi, nije sigurno je li klon koji se danas može nabaviti identičan sa sortom iz oko 1900. Gartenfreude, Njemačka, velikih plodova  src=




Patch of wild strawberries.jpg Haan Grube 7 0057.jpg 20130504Erdebeeren Schwetzinger Hardt3.jpg
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Lěsna truskalca ( Sorábio superior )

fornecido por wikipedia HSB

Lěsna truskalca (Fragaria vesca) je rostlina ze swójby róžowych rostlinow. Dalšej serbskej ludowej mjenje stej pódtrawnica a potrjenica.

Lěsna truskalca je diploidna (2n=14) a njeje dźiwja forma zahrodneje truskalcy.

kćenja lěsneje truskalcy
ilustracija, Otto Wilhelm Thomé (1885)


Lěsna truskalca je zelišćowa, wjacelětna a zymozelena rostlina, kotraž docpěje wysokosć wot 20 cm. Rostlina je kosmata a ma dołhe wuběžki z korjenjemi.


Łopjena su trawozelene, na pódźe stejace w rozeće, dołhostołpikowe, rukoformowje 3-dźělne z hrubje zubatymi dźělnymi łopješkami z dołhosću wot 2 hač 6 cm.


Wona kćěje wot apryla hač do junija. Kćenja docpěja šěrokosć mjezy 1 a 1,5 cm a maja 5 běłych kćenjowych łopješkow. Kwětnistwo ma hač do 10 kćenjow a je podobne we formje na wokołk. Wosrjedź kćenja su něhdźe 20 žołtych próškowych łopješkow. Krónowe łopješka su kulojte abo jejkojte.

Kćenja lěsneje truskalcy buchu wot insektow wopróšene.


Płody su jednosymjenjowe worješki na brěčkatym kćenjowym spódku. Wone wobsahuja hač do 10 procentow cokora a chětro wjele mineralnych maćiznow.


Wona rosće we swětłych lěsach, na pućnych kromach a pod kerčinami. Ma radšo skerje wutkate pódy.


Lěsna truskalca je w cyłej Europje a sewjernej Aziji rozšěrjena.

Podobna družina

  • Wysoka truskalca (Fragaria moschata) kotrejež kwětnistwo je 8- hač do 18-kćenjowe. Kćenja dosahuja šěrokosć mjezy 1,5 a 2,5 cm. Kćenjowe stołpiki su padorunje wotstajace kosmate.


  1. Pawoł Völkel: Prawopisny słownik hornjoserbskeje rěče. Hornjoserbsko-němski słownik. Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina, Budyšin 2005, ISBN 3-7420-1920-1, str. 525.
  2. W internetowym słowniku: Erdbeere


  • GU Maxi-Kompaß Blumen, ISBN 3-7742-3852-9, strona 181 (němsce)
  • GU Naturführer Blumen, ISBN 3-7742-1507-3, stronje 182-183 (němsce)
  • Naturführer Pflanzen und Tiere, Urania-Verlag Leipzig Jena Berlin, ISBN 3-332-00256-2, 1989, strona 80 (němsce)
  • Schauer - Caspari: Pflanzenführer für unterwegs, ISBN 978-3-8354-0354-3, 2. nakład, 2008, strona 60 (němsce)
  • Seidel/Eisenreich: BLV Bestimmungsbuch Blütenpflanzen, ISBN 3-405-13557-5, stronje 86-87 (němsce)
  • Spohn, Aichele, Golte-Bechtle, Spohn: Was blüht denn da? Kosmos Naturführer (2008), ISBN 978-3-440-11379-0, strona 152 (němsce)
  • Kubát, K. (Hlavní editor): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. Academia, Praha (2002)
  • Lajnert, Jan: Rostlinske mjena. Serbske. Němske. Łaćanske. Rjadowane po přirodnym systemje. Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag Berlin (1954)
  • Rězak, Filip: Němsko-serbski wšowědny słownik hornjołužiskeje rěče. Donnerhak, Budyšin (1920)
  • Rothmaler, W. et al.: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, Band 1-4, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin (2002)


 src= Commons: Fragaria vesca – Zběrka wobrazow, widejow a awdiodatajow
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Lěsna truskalca: Brief Summary ( Sorábio superior )

fornecido por wikipedia HSB

Lěsna truskalca (Fragaria vesca) je rostlina ze swójby róžowych rostlinow. Dalšej serbskej ludowej mjenje stej pódtrawnica a potrjenica.

Lěsna truskalca je diploidna (2n=14) a njeje dźiwja forma zahrodneje truskalcy.

 src= kćenja lěsneje truskalcy  src= płody  src= ilustracija, Otto Wilhelm Thomé (1885)
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Villijarðarber ( Islandês )

fornecido por wikipedia IS

Villijarðarber, (Fragaria vesca) er tegund jarðarberja sem vex villt á Íslandi.


Villijarðarber vaxa víða um norðurhvel jarðar. Á Íslandi finnast þau hringinn í kring um landið, en þó helst á láglendi.[1]



Það er fjöldi undirtegunda og afbrigða til af villijarðarberjum

  • Fragaria vesca subsp. americana
  • Fragaria vesca subsp. bracteata
    • Fragaria vesca subsp. bracteata var. albida
    • Fragaria vesca subsp. bracteata var. bracteata
    • Fragaria vesca subsp. bracteata var. helleri
  • Fragaria vesca subsp. californica
  • Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca
    • Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca var. alba
    • Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca var. roseiflora, með rauðleit blóm
    • Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca var. semperflorens, ræktað afbrigði með stærri en bragðlausari berjum.

Ytri tenglar


  1. „Jarðarber“. Flóra Íslands. Sótt 12. mars 2019.
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Villijarðarber: Brief Summary ( Islandês )

fornecido por wikipedia IS

Villijarðarber, (Fragaria vesca) er tegund jarðarberja sem vex villt á Íslandi.

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Fragaria vesca ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

La fragola di bosco (Fragaria vesca L., 1753) è una pianta erbacea della famiglia delle rosacee. Spontanea nei sottoboschi italiani, è coltivata per i suoi frutti: piccole fragole dal profumo molto intenso. Si distingue dalle varietà ibride coltivate di Fragaria per il fatto che il frutto è piccolo e morbido (da cui il nome vesca che in latino significa molle). Secondo alcune fonti, il nome fragaria è indoeuropeo ed è connesso al sanscrito ghra, il cui significato è "fragranza".[1]


Disegno di Otto Wilhelm Thomé

Le foglie riunite alla base in piccoli ciuffi, sono trifoglie e dentellate. I piccoli fiori bianchi da 4 a 6 petali fioriscono in tutto il periodo da aprile a luglio, talvolta le piante rifioriscono nuovamente in autunno. Il frutto è in realtà un falso-frutto, che sorregge i frutti propriamente detti acheni che sono i semini di cui è cosparsa la superficie.


Sottobosco, boschi radi, scarpate. Si trova quasi in tutta Europa.


Preferisce un suolo fresco, piuttosto acido ed un'esposizione soleggiata o di mezz'ombra.

La riproduzione avviene per moltiplicazione vegetativa agamica.

I frutti possono esser raccolti non prima di 8 mesi dall'impianto. Inoltre sono di difficile conservazione e devono essere consumati o lavorati rapidamente.



Come erba medicinale la fragola di bosco può essere impiegata per alleviare disturbi gastrointestinali.

I principi attivi contenuti nella pianta sono olii essenziali, tannino e flavone.

Contiene buone dosi di vitamina C, di iodio, di ferro, di calcio, di fosforo. Da non sottovalutare la presenza, nel frutto, di acido salicilico. Le sono attribuite proprietà depurative e diuretiche. È indicata nelle infiammazioni del cavo orale.[1]


I frutti della Fragaria vesca sono normalmente di colore rosso, ma sull'Aspromonte si trovano facilmente delle piante che producono frutti completamente bianchi.

Con cosa può essere confusa

Ad uno sguardo superficiale può essere confusa impunemente (in quanto non tossica) con la "falsa fragola" inodore ed insapore, oltre che diversa per dettagli morfologici e di portamento.


  1. ^ a b Roberto Michele Suozzi, Le piante medicinali, Roma, Newton&Compton, 1994, p. 54.

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wikipedia IT

Fragaria vesca: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

fornecido por wikipedia IT

La fragola di bosco (Fragaria vesca L., 1753) è una pianta erbacea della famiglia delle rosacee. Spontanea nei sottoboschi italiani, è coltivata per i suoi frutti: piccole fragole dal profumo molto intenso. Si distingue dalle varietà ibride coltivate di Fragaria per il fatto che il frutto è piccolo e morbido (da cui il nome vesca che in latino significa molle). Secondo alcune fonti, il nome fragaria è indoeuropeo ed è connesso al sanscrito ghra, il cui significato è "fragranza".

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Fragaria vesca ( Latin )

fornecido por wikipedia LA

Fragaria vesca (binomen a Carolo Linnaeo anno 1753 statutum) est species plantarum florentium generis Fragariae et familiae Rosacearum in Europa sponte virens, nonnumquam culta, cuius fructus aromatici (Latinitate classica fraga)[1] ad comedendum colliguntur.


  1. Rarius numero singulari "fragum"


Fontes antiquiores

Nexus externi

Wikidata-logo.svg Situs scientifici: TropicosTela BotanicaGRINITISPlant ListNCBIBiodiversityEncyclopedia of LifePlant Name Index • "Fragaria vesca" apud Plants for a FuturePlantes d'AfriqueFlora of ChinaINPN FranceFlora of North AmericaUSDA Plants Database Wikispecies-logo.svg Vide "Fragaria vesca" apud Vicispecies.
Commons-logo.svg Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Fragariam vescam spectant.
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Fragaria vesca: Brief Summary ( Latin )

fornecido por wikipedia LA

Fragaria vesca (binomen a Carolo Linnaeo anno 1753 statutum) est species plantarum florentium generis Fragariae et familiae Rosacearum in Europa sponte virens, nonnumquam culta, cuius fructus aromatici (Latinitate classica fraga) ad comedendum colliguntur.

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Paprastoji žemuogė ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT
Binomas Fragaria vesca

Paprastoji žemuogė (lot. Fragaria vesca, angl. Woodland Strawberry, vok. Wald-Erdbeere) – erškėtinių (Rosaceae) šeimos, žemuogių (Fragaria) genties rūšis.

Žydinti paprastoji žemuogė
Paprastosios žemuogės (Fragaria vesca)
iliustracija iš knygos:
Flora von Deutschland Österreich und der Schweiz
Otto Wilhelm Thomé, Jahr: 1885, Ort: Gera-Untermhaus

Paplitusi visame Šiaurės pusrutulyje, įskaitant Lietuvą. Auga miškuose, proskynose, pašlaitėse. Neretai auginamos ir soduose.

Paprastosios žemuogės žiedai balti, lapai be plaukelių. Žydi gegužę, vasaros pirmoje pusėje. Vasarą veda nedideles, kvapnias, raudonas uogas. Jos naudojamos kulinarijoje. Paprastosios žemuogės lapai, uogos ir žiedai naudojami žolelių arbatų gamybai.


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Paprastoji žemuogė: Brief Summary ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Paprastoji žemuogė (lot. Fragaria vesca, angl. Woodland Strawberry, vok. Wald-Erdbeere) – erškėtinių (Rosaceae) šeimos, žemuogių (Fragaria) genties rūšis.

 src= Žydinti paprastoji žemuogė  src= Paprastosios žemuogės (Fragaria vesca)
iliustracija iš knygos:
Flora von Deutschland Österreich und der Schweiz
Otto Wilhelm Thomé, Jahr: 1885, Ort: Gera-Untermhaus

Paplitusi visame Šiaurės pusrutulyje, įskaitant Lietuvą. Auga miškuose, proskynose, pašlaitėse. Neretai auginamos ir soduose.

Paprastosios žemuogės žiedai balti, lapai be plaukelių. Žydi gegužę, vasaros pirmoje pusėje. Vasarą veda nedideles, kvapnias, raudonas uogas. Jos naudojamos kulinarijoje. Paprastosios žemuogės lapai, uogos ir žiedai naudojami žolelių arbatų gamybai.


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wikipedia LT

Meža zemene ( Letão )

fornecido por wikipedia LV

Meža zemene (Fragaria vesca) ir daudzgadīgs, sīks vai neliels (garums 5-30 cm) rožu dzimtas lakstaugs. Plaši izplatīta gan Ziemeļamerikā gan Eirāzijā (tai skaitā bieži arī Latvijā).[1] Lapas ir ar veselu plātni, plūksnains starojums, lapas mala ir zobaina.


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wikipedia LV

Meža zemene: Brief Summary ( Letão )

fornecido por wikipedia LV

Meža zemene (Fragaria vesca) ir daudzgadīgs, sīks vai neliels (garums 5-30 cm) rožu dzimtas lakstaugs. Plaši izplatīta gan Ziemeļamerikā gan Eirāzijā (tai skaitā bieži arī Latvijā). Lapas ir ar veselu plātni, plūksnains starojums, lapas mala ir zobaina.

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wikipedia LV

Bosaardbei ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De bosaardbei (Fragaria vesca), is de wilde tegenhanger van de cultuuraardbei. Maar waar de cultuuraardbei een kruising is tussen soorten, is de bosaardbei een botanische soort. De bosaardbei wordt ook wel kleine bosaardbei genoemd, ter onderscheid van de grote bosaardbei (Fragaria moschata).

De bosaardbei groeit in bijna heel België en Nederland, vooral in bosgebieden en meestal op een ietwat vochtige zandgrond in gefilterd zonlicht. De plant heeft kleine witte bloemen. De samengestelde, drievoudige bladeren zijn glanzend en hebben een gezaagde rand.

De vruchten, eigenlijk zijn het schijnvruchten, verspreiden een zoetige geur. Ze zijn eetbaar, maar zijn kleiner dan die van de cultuuraardbei.

De bosaardbei kan makkelijk verward worden met de schijnaardbei. Deze komt veel voor in parken, en is herkenbaar aan zijn gele bloemen.


De kleine vruchten hebben een frisse en zoete smaak. Ze zijn geschikt voor vruchtensalades en -dranken, siroop en jam. De bladeren zijn geschikt voor toevoeging aan kruidenthee of salade.


Externe link

Wikimedia Commons Mediabestanden die bij dit onderwerp horen, zijn te vinden op de pagina Fragaria vesca op Wikimedia Commons.
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wikipedia NL

Bosaardbei: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL

De bosaardbei (Fragaria vesca), is de wilde tegenhanger van de cultuuraardbei. Maar waar de cultuuraardbei een kruising is tussen soorten, is de bosaardbei een botanische soort. De bosaardbei wordt ook wel kleine bosaardbei genoemd, ter onderscheid van de grote bosaardbei (Fragaria moschata).

De bosaardbei groeit in bijna heel België en Nederland, vooral in bosgebieden en meestal op een ietwat vochtige zandgrond in gefilterd zonlicht. De plant heeft kleine witte bloemen. De samengestelde, drievoudige bladeren zijn glanzend en hebben een gezaagde rand.

De vruchten, eigenlijk zijn het schijnvruchten, verspreiden een zoetige geur. Ze zijn eetbaar, maar zijn kleiner dan die van de cultuuraardbei.

De bosaardbei kan makkelijk verward worden met de schijnaardbei. Deze komt veel voor in parken, en is herkenbaar aan zijn gele bloemen.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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site do parceiro
wikipedia NL

Markjordbær ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NN

Markjordbær (Fragaria vesca) er i plante i rosefamilien som er utbreidd over den nordlege halvkula.

Tre mogne og eitt umoge markjordbær.
Foto: James McNally, 2006

Planta er 1 dm høg, med lange renningar. Blada er trekopla, midttanna på endesmåbladet er lengre enn sidetennene. Fruktfeste utan hår. Frukta losnar lett. Blømer kring mai i turre bakkar. Markjordbærplanta er funnen på Hardangervidda opp til 1217 m. Elles er planta vanleg over mykje av Noreg opp til skoggrensa.


  • Rödluvan
  • Snövit
  • Rügen


  • Johannes Lid: Norsk-svensk-finsk flora. Det Norske Samlaget, 1985.


direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia NN

Markjordbær: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NN

Markjordbær (Fragaria vesca) er i plante i rosefamilien som er utbreidd over den nordlege halvkula.

 src= Tre mogne og eitt umoge markjordbær. Foto: James McNally, 2006

Planta er 1 dm høg, med lange renningar. Blada er trekopla, midttanna på endesmåbladet er lengre enn sidetennene. Fruktfeste utan hår. Frukta losnar lett. Blømer kring mai i turre bakkar. Markjordbærplanta er funnen på Hardangervidda opp til 1217 m. Elles er planta vanleg over mykje av Noreg opp til skoggrensa.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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site do parceiro
wikipedia NN

Markjordbær ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO
Question book-new.svg
Denne artikkelen mangler kildehenvisninger, og opplysningene i den kan dermed være vanskelige å verifisere. Kildeløst materiale kan bli fjernet.

Markjordbær (skogsjordbær, dansk: skovjordbær, svensk: smultron) (Fragaria vesca) er en flerårig plante i slekten jordbær som tilhører Rosefamilien, som vokser vilt i Eurasia og i Norge. Den er 10-25 cm høy, har flikete, trefingrede blader, og dyprøde, små jordbær med søt smak.

Tredelte blader, hvite blomster og røde bær er sikre kjennetegn på markjordbær. Bilde tidlig i mai, Hurum.
Foto: Erlend Bjørtvedt

Markjordbær trives i grøftekanter, i tettbygde strøk langs hekker og gjerder, samt i solrik skogbunn og langs kulturmark. Den vokser opp til Finnmark, og opptil 1.250 meter over havet.

Blomstene er helt hvite, med fem runde eller svakt spissede kronblader. Pollenbærerne er mange og helt gule.

Bærene (som egentlig er steinfrukter og ikke bær i botanisk forstand) er hvite i starten og modnes til de blir dyprøde. De er langt mindre enn hos hagejordbær (Fragaria ananassa). Markjordbær er heller ikke gjenstand for særlig dyrking, selv om mange holder smaken av markjordbær for å overgå smaken av hagejordbær. Som sine dyrkede slektninger, har markjordbærene svært kort lagringstid som bær. Tradisjonelt plukkes markjordbær ved å tre dem på et strå, noe som trolig er bakgrunnen for det engelske navnet strawberries (stråbær). En annen grunn for navnet er at i tidlig tid (1740, England og Frankrike) ble planten bundet opp med strå for å forhindre at bærene kom i kontakt med marken[trenger referanse].

Eksterne lenker

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Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
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wikipedia NO

Markjordbær: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

fornecido por wikipedia NO

Markjordbær (skogsjordbær, dansk: skovjordbær, svensk: smultron) (Fragaria vesca) er en flerårig plante i slekten jordbær som tilhører Rosefamilien, som vokser vilt i Eurasia og i Norge. Den er 10-25 cm høy, har flikete, trefingrede blader, og dyprøde, små jordbær med søt smak.

 src= Tredelte blader, hvite blomster og røde bær er sikre kjennetegn på markjordbær. Bilde tidlig i mai, Hurum. Foto: Erlend Bjørtvedt

Markjordbær trives i grøftekanter, i tettbygde strøk langs hekker og gjerder, samt i solrik skogbunn og langs kulturmark. Den vokser opp til Finnmark, og opptil 1.250 meter over havet.

Blomstene er helt hvite, med fem runde eller svakt spissede kronblader. Pollenbærerne er mange og helt gule.

Bærene (som egentlig er steinfrukter og ikke bær i botanisk forstand) er hvite i starten og modnes til de blir dyprøde. De er langt mindre enn hos hagejordbær (Fragaria ananassa). Markjordbær er heller ikke gjenstand for særlig dyrking, selv om mange holder smaken av markjordbær for å overgå smaken av hagejordbær. Som sine dyrkede slektninger, har markjordbærene svært kort lagringstid som bær. Tradisjonelt plukkes markjordbær ved å tre dem på et strå, noe som trolig er bakgrunnen for det engelske navnet strawberries (stråbær). En annen grunn for navnet er at i tidlig tid (1740, England og Frankrike) ble planten bundet opp med strå for å forhindre at bærene kom i kontakt med marken[trenger referanse].

direitos autorais
Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
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wikipedia NO

Fragaria vesca ( Pms )

fornecido por wikipedia PMS
Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

Pianta ch'a viv sempe, con un risoma silìndrich, d'anté as dësvilupa la rosëtta dle feuje, e gambe ch'a pòrto le fior, àute fin a 20-25 cm, e jë stolon ch'a coro për tèra. Da jë stolon as formo dj'àutre piante. Le feuje a son dividùe an tre fojëtte con ël bòrd dentà, da dzora a son vërde, da sota bianche-setose. Le fior a son bianche. La frolin-a, ël frut, a l'é portà da na gamba che a madurità as piega.


A chërs ant ij bòsch e ant ij pòst erbos, dal livel dël mar fin a 1900 méter. A frutìfica da avril a giugn.


A l'ha ëd propietà aperitive, diurétiche, depurative, antinfiamatòrie.


Frut doss, përfumà, motobin dovrà an cusin-a për macedònia, torte, etc.

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

  • Fragaria vesca L.
direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia PMS

Fragaria vesca: Brief Summary ( Pms )

fornecido por wikipedia PMS

Pianta ch'a viv sempe, con un risoma silìndrich, d'anté as dësvilupa la rosëtta dle feuje, e gambe ch'a pòrto le fior, àute fin a 20-25 cm, e jë stolon ch'a coro për tèra. Da jë stolon as formo dj'àutre piante. Le feuje a son dividùe an tre fojëtte con ël bòrd dentà, da dzora a son vërde, da sota bianche-setose. Le fior a son bianche. La frolin-a, ël frut, a l'é portà da na gamba che a madurità as piega.


A chërs ant ij bòsch e ant ij pòst erbos, dal livel dël mar fin a 1900 méter. A frutìfica da avril a giugn.


A l'ha ëd propietà aperitive, diurétiche, depurative, antinfiamatòrie.


Frut doss, përfumà, motobin dovrà an cusin-a për macedònia, torte, etc.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia PMS

Poziomka pospolita ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
 src= Zobacz hasło poziomka pospolita w Wikisłowniku
 src= Zobacz w Wikicytatach kolekcję cytatów o poziomce

Poziomka pospolita (Fragaria vesca L.) – gatunek rośliny z rodziny różowatych. Inne zwyczajowe nazwy: czerwona jagoda, koziomka[2]. Rośnie dziko w całej Europie a także w Azji i Ameryce Północnej[3]. W Polsce jest pospolity na całym obszarze. Jest uprawiany w wielu krajach świata, również w Polsce.


Wysokość 5-20 (30) cm. Wytwarza sympodialne, długie i cienkie rozłogi. Odmiany uprawne nie posiadają rozłogów.
Głównie liście odziomkowe. Są trójdzielne i grubo piłkowane, środkowy listek na krótkim ogonku, boczne listki są bezogonkowe, o klinowatych, niesymetrycznych nasadach. Listki są luźno owłosione, na górnej stronie ciemnozielone, spodem sinawe lub szarawe.
Na łodygach wyrasta zwykle od 3 do 10 białych kwiatków na szypułkach tylko niewiele dłuższych od liści. Kwiaty promieniste o działkach kielicha odstających od "owocu", który (po dojrzeniu) odrywa się od nich.
Soczyste, czerwone owoce pozorne bardzo podobne, lecz mniejsze od owoców truskawki. Nasiona rozsiewane przez zwierzęta lub ludzi (endochoria).

Biologia i ekologia

Bylina, hemikryptofit. Siedlisko: lasy, słoneczne brzegi lasów, polany, przydroża. Preferuje gleby wilgotne, żyzne i gliniaste. W górach występuje do piętra kosówki (w Tatrach do 1710 m n.p.m.). W klasyfikacji zbiorowisk roślinnych gatunek charakterystyczny dla związku zespołów (All.) Epilobietea angustifolii[4]. Kwitnie w maju i czerwcu, kwiaty są zapylane przez owady.



Roślina uprawna
Jest uprawiana w licznych odmianach, głównie w uprawach amatorskich. Jej pospolitszym krewnym jest truskawka, lecz w krajach wyżej rozwiniętych poziomka o delikatniejszych, mniejszych i smaczniejszych owocach zyskuje coraz większe znaczenie.
Sztuka kulinarna
Owoce o średnicy 1-2 cm są smaczne i jadalne. Osiągają najlepszy smak dopiero w pełni dojrzałości. Zawierają wartościowe kwasy organiczne, węglowodany oraz bardzo dużo witaminy C, a także witaminy A, B1, B2, B6, E, H, PP i sole mineralne: wapnia, fosforu, kobaltu, zwłaszcza zaś żelaza[6]. W 100 g poziomek znajduje się 60 mg witaminy C, 212 mg kwasu asparaginowego i 132 mg kwasu glutaminowego[7]. Ze względu na aromat nieprzetworzone poziomki są znacznie lepsze w natychmiastowym spożyciu niż hodowlane odmiany poziomek i truskawek. Stosuje się je także do wyrobu marmolad, kompotów i kruszonów. Dziś już znacznie rzadziej zbierane ze środowiska naturalnego z powodu mniejszej wydajności od odmian hodowlanych.
Wartość energetyczna 155 kJ (37 kcal) Białka 0,8 g szczegółowe informacje RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 1,7% 1,7% 1,7% 1,7% M 1,4% 1,4% 1,4% 1,4% Węglowodany 8,3 g szczegółowe informacje Przyswajalne 6,3 g RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 4,8% 4,8% 4,8% 4,8% M 4,8% 4,8% 4,8% 4,8% Dwucukry Sacharoza 1,4 g Laktoza 0,00 g Skrobia 0,00 g Błonnik 2,0 g AI 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 8,0% 8,0% 9,5% 9,5% M 5,3% 5,3% 6,7% 6,7% Tłuszcze 0,5 g szczegółowe informacje Kwasy tł. nasycone 0,02 g Kwasy tł. nienasycone Jednonienasycone 0,07 g Wielonienasycone 0,24 g omega-3 0,1 g α-Linolenowy (ALA) 0,1 g AI 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 9,1% 9,1% 9,1% 9,1% M 6,3% 6,3% 6,3% 6,3% omega-6 0,14 g Linolowy (LA) 0,14 g AI 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 1,2% 1,2% 1,3% 1,3% M 0,8% 0,8% 1,0% 1,0% Woda 89,6 g szczegółowe informacje AI 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 3,3% 3,3% 3,3% 3,3% M 2,4% 2,4% 2,4% 2,4% Witaminy Witamina C 60,0 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 80% 80% 80% 80% M 67% 67% 67% 67% Tiamina (B1) 0,03 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 2,7% 2,7% 2,7% 2,7% M 2,5% 2,5% 2,5% 2,5% Ryboflawina (B2) 0,07 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 6,4% 6,4% 6,4% 6,4% M 5,4% 5,4% 5,4% 5,4% Niacyna (B3) 0,3 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 2,1% 2,1% 2,1% 2,1% M 1,9% 1,9% 1,9% 1,9% Witamina B6 0,05 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 3,8% 3,8% 3,3% 3,3% M 3,8% 3,8% 2,9% 2,9% Foliany 0,017 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 4,3% 4,3% 4,3% 4,3% M 4,3% 4,3% 4,3% 4,3% Kobalamina (B12) 0,00 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% M 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Witamina A 0,002 mg RAE RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 0,3% 0,3% 0,3% 0,3% M 0,2% 0,2% 0,2% 0,2% Witamina D 0,00 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% M 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Witamina E 0,12 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 0,8% 0,8% 0,8% 0,8% M 0,8% 0,8% 0,8% 0,8% Makroelementy Fosfor 27 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 3,9% 3,9% 3,9% 3,9% M 3,9% 3,9% 3,9% 3,9% Wapń 28 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 2,8% 2,8% 2,3% 2,3% M 2,8% 2,8% 2,8% 2,3% Magnez 10 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 3,2% 3,1% 3,1% 3,1% M 2,5% 2,4% 2,4% 2,4% Potas 147 mg AI 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 3,1% 3,1% 3,1% 3,1% M 3,1% 3,1% 3,1% 3,1% Sód 1 mg AI 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 0,1% 0,1% 0,1% 0,1% M 0,1% 0,1% 0,1% 0,1% Mikroelementy Jod 0,0009 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 0,6% 0,6% 0,6% 0,6% M 0,6% 0,6% 0,6% 0,6% Żelazo 0,9 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 5,0% 5,0% 11% 11% M 11% 11% 11% 11% Miedź 0,12 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 13% 13% 13% 13% M 13% 13% 13% 13% Cynk 0,08 mg RDA 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 1,0% 1,0% 1,0% 1,0% M 0,7% 0,7% 0,7% 0,7% Mangan 0,22 mg AI 19–30 31–50 51–70 70+ K 12% 12% 12% 12% M 9,6% 9,6% 9,6% 9,6% Dane liczbowe na podstawie: [7]
Wartości RDA i AI wyznaczone na podstawie danych Institute of Health[8]
Roślina lecznicza
  • Surowiec zielarski : młode liście (Folium Fragariae). Zawierają flawonoidy, kwasy organiczne, olejki eteryczne, witaminy i inne substancje. Własności lecznicze mają jednak tylko liście z poziomek dziko rosnących – nie mają ich uprawiane odmiany ogrodowe[6].
  • Działanie : ściągające, słabo moczopędne i ogólnie wzmacniające organizm. Stosuje się przy niektórych schorzeniach układu moczowego, nerek i schorzeniach żołądkowych związanych z biegunką[9].


  1. Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2010-04-29].
  2. Anrea-Anna Cavelius: Zioła w medycynie naturalnej. Bremen: MAK Verlag GmbH, 2005. ISBN 978-3-939991-32-8.
  3. a b Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). [dostęp 2010-04-28].
  4. Władysław Matuszkiewicz: Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk roślinnych Polski. Warszawa: Wyd. Naukowe PWN, 2006. ISBN 83-01-14439-4.
  5. Lucjan Rutkowski: Klucz do oznaczania roślin naczyniowych Polski niżowej. Warszawa: Wyd. Naukowe PWN, 2006. ISBN 83-01-14342-8.
  6. a b Anna Mazerant: Mała księga ziół. Warszawa: Inst. Wyd. Zw. Zawodowych, 1990. ISBN 83-202-0810-6.
  7. a b Hanna Kunachowicz; Beata Przygoda; Irena Nadolna; Krystyna Iwanow: Tabele składu i wartości odżywczej żywności. Wyd. wydanie II zmienione. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, 2017, s. 626. ISBN 978-83-200-5311-1.
  8. Dietary Reference Intakes Tables and Application. Institute of Health. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (ang.)
  9. Jindřich Krejča, Jan Macků: Atlas roślin leczniczych. Warszawa: Zakł. Nar. im. Ossolińskich, 1989. ISBN 83-04-03281-3.
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Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia POL

Poziomka pospolita: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Poziomka pospolita (Fragaria vesca L.) – gatunek rośliny z rodziny różowatych. Inne zwyczajowe nazwy: czerwona jagoda, koziomka. Rośnie dziko w całej Europie a także w Azji i Ameryce Północnej. W Polsce jest pospolity na całym obszarze. Jest uprawiany w wielu krajach świata, również w Polsce.

direitos autorais
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia POL

Morango-silvestre ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
Sementes de morango-silvestre

O morango-silvestre[1] ou morango-bravo[2] (Fragaria vesca) é uma planta herbácea perene, que produz um pseudofruto, que é reconhecido pelo seu sabor sabor e aroma agradável e característico.[3]

Quanto ao tipo biológico, trata-se de um hemicriptófito[4]. Floresce de Março a Maio.[5]


A Fragaria vesca foi descrita por Carlos Lineu no Species Plantarum 1: 494–495. 1753.[6]

Quanto à etimologia, fragaria[7], vem do latim científico fraga, que significa «morango», ao passo que vesca também provém do latim, neste caso do étimo vescus, e significa «comestível ou agradável».[8]

Nomes comuns

Dá ainda pelos seguintes nomes comuns: fragária[7], moranga[9], morangueiro-silvestre[1] e morangueiro-bravo.[2][5]


Está presente em grande parte da Europa, incluindo o Norte de Portugal, sendo subespontâneo em regiões de clima temperado.[10]


Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português, nomeadamente em Portugal Continental[5] e nos arquipélagos dos Açores e da Madeira.[11]

Designadamente, no que toca a Portugal Continental, encontra-se presente em todas as zonas do Noroeste e do Nordeste; na Terra Quente e na Terra Fria transmontanas: em todas as zonas do Centro do país; no Sudoeste montanhoso; no Barrocal Algarvio, no Barlavento e no Sotavento.[5]


Pode ser encontrado, entre outras espécies herbáceas, nas cercanias ou no subcoberto de florestas e bosques de caducifólias, privilegiando os abixeiros. [12]

Ver também


  1. a b Infopédia. «morangueiro-silvestre | Definição ou significado de morangueiro-silvestre no Dicionário Infopédia da Língua Portuguesa». Infopédia - Dicionários Porto Editora. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2021
  2. a b Infopédia. «morangueiro-bravo | Definição ou significado de morangueiro-bravo no Dicionário Infopédia da Língua Portuguesa». Infopédia - Dicionários Porto Editora. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2021
  3. «Den virtuella floran: Fragaria vesca L. - Smultron». linnaeus.nrm.se. Consultado em 27 de junho de 2021
  4. «Flora-On | Flora de Portugal». flora-on.pt. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2021
  5. a b c d «Jardim Botânico UTAD | Fragaria vesca». webcache.googleusercontent.com. Consultado em 30 de dezembro de 2020
  6. «Fragaria vesca». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado em 11 de março de 2014
  7. a b S.A, Priberam Informática. «fragária». Dicionário Priberam. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2021
  8. «Den virtuella floran: Fragaria vesca L. - Smultron». linnaeus.nrm.se. Consultado em 27 de junho de 2021
  9. Infopédia. «moranga | Definição ou significado de moranga no Dicionário Infopédia da Língua Portuguesa». Infopédia - Dicionários Porto Editora. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2021
  10. «Fragaria vesca L.». Jardim Botânico Utad. Consultado em 27 de junho de 2021
  11. «Flora-On | Flora de Portugal». flora-on.pt. Consultado em 19 de julho de 2021
  12. «Flora-On | Flora de Portugal». flora-on.pt. Consultado em 27 de junho de 2021

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Morango-silvestre: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT
 src= Sementes de morango-silvestre

O morango-silvestre ou morango-bravo (Fragaria vesca) é uma planta herbácea perene, que produz um pseudofruto, que é reconhecido pelo seu sabor sabor e aroma agradável e característico.

Quanto ao tipo biológico, trata-se de um hemicriptófito. Floresce de Março a Maio.

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Frag ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Fragul (denumire științifică Fragaria vesca), numit popular agrange, buruiană de fragi, căpșuni de pădure, fragi de pădure, frăguță sălbatică, frunză, vărăguțe și fragi-de-câmp, este o plantă perenă din genul Fragaria, familia Rosaceae, care are fructe comestibile.[1][2]


Specie cu un areal mare de răspândire, cuprinzând Europa, Nordul Africii, America de Nord și de Sud.


Floarea văzută îndeaproape
Frunza văzută îndeaproape
Fructul văzut îndeaproape

Plantă mezotermofită, helio-sciadofită eutrofă care crește îndeosebi în zona pădurilor de stejar - etajul molidului, la marginea pădurii, în ochiuri de pădure, poieni și fânețe recente. Ele se pot găsi atât în pădure cât și în parcuri.


Fructele sunt consumate proaspete sau sub formă de magiunuri, dulcețuri. Fragul este renumit pentru gustul deosebit de parfumat al fructelor mici, asemănătoare cu căpșunul. Fructele conțin mucilagii, pectine, glucide, vitaminele A, B1, B2, PP și C, acid salicilic, antocianidina, protide, lipide, taninuri, acizi organici, săruri minerale de potasiu, sodiu, calciu, magneziu, fier, fosfor. Frunzele conțin taninuri elagice, fragarol, cvercetol, cvercitrină, citrol, săruri minerale, ulei volatil, zaharuri, vitamina C, acizi organici (citric, malic).

Vezi și


  1. ^ Sullivan, Steven. K. (2015). Fragaria vesca. Wildflower Search. Accesat în 16 iunie 2015.
  2. ^ Fragaria vesca. PLANTS Database. United States Department of Agriculture; Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2015. Accesat în 16 iunie 2015.

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Frag: Brief Summary ( Romeno; moldávio; moldavo )

fornecido por wikipedia RO

Fragul (denumire științifică Fragaria vesca), numit popular agrange, buruiană de fragi, căpșuni de pădure, fragi de pădure, frăguță sălbatică, frunză, vărăguțe și fragi-de-câmp, este o plantă perenă din genul Fragaria, familia Rosaceae, care are fructe comestibile.

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Jahoda obyčajná ( Eslovaco )

fornecido por wikipedia SK

Jahoda obyčajná (lat. Fragaria vesca) je trváca rastlina z čeľade ružovité.


Jahoda obyčajná

Jahoda je trváca bylina. Z podzemku vyrastajú dlhostopkaté, trojpočetné listy, zložené z vajcovitých, pílkovitých lístkov. Kvety sú usporiadané do strapcovitých vrcholíkov. Biele kvety tvoria na konci stonky riedky strapec. Na okrajoch majú čiašky päť lístkov a pod nimi ešte päť menších lístkov vonkajšieho kalicha - kališteka. Kvety majú päť bielych lupienkov, 20 tyčiniek a väčší počet semenníkov. Začína kvitnúť v máji a kvitne celé leto. Semenníky po opelení dozrievajú na drobné nažky. Plody sú nažky; nachádzajú sa na dužinato zhrubnutom kvetnom lôžku, ktoré tvorí nepravý plod - jahodu. Jahody sa rozmnožujú vegetatívne pomocou zvláštnych, z pazúch prízemných listov vyrastajúcich plazivých výhonkov. Výhonky sa na mnohých miestach zakoreňujú, a tak vznikajú nové, samostatné rastliny. Práve z tohto dôvodu sa rastlina veľmi rýchlo rozšíri na ucelené, husté porasty. Rastie v podraste lesov a hájov, v krovinách, na lúkach, medziach a rúbaniskách. Má srdiečkovitý tvar a čiary v lístkoch.





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Jahoda obyčajná: Brief Summary ( Eslovaco )

fornecido por wikipedia SK

Jahoda obyčajná (lat. Fragaria vesca) je trváca rastlina z čeľade ružovité.

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wikipedia SK

Gozdna jagoda ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia SL

Gozdna jagoda (znanstveno ime Fragaria vesca) je rastlina z užitnimi plodovi, ki je pogosta v gozdovih Evrope in Severne Amerike.[1]


Listi gozdne jagode so ovalne oblike in imajo nazobčane robove. Sestavljeni so iz treh listov, pritrjenih na pecelj, ki izrašča neposredno iz tal. Cvetovi s petimi belimi venčnimi listi se nahajajo na vrhu od 3 do 15 cm visokega dlakastega stebelca v skupinah od pet do enajst. V Sloveniji gozdna jagoda cveti od aprila do junija. Iz oplojenih cvetov se razvijejo okusni rdeče obarvani plodovi, na katerih so drobna semena, s pomočjo katerih se gozdne jagode tudi razmnožujejo. Poleg tega se razmnožujejo tudi s pomočjo pritlik, poganjkov, ki se ukoreninijo in se razvijejo v samostojno rastlino.[2][3][4]


  • Fragaria vesca ssp. americana (Porter) Staudt
  • Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata (Heller) Staudt
  • Fragaria vesca ssp. vesca L.
  • Fragaria vesca ssp. semperflorens L.


Plodovi gozdne jagode so bili v prehrani človeka pomembni že v kameni dobi.[5] Vsebujejo veliko vitamina C, pa tudi vitamine A, B1 in B2 ter magnezij, železo, kalij, kalcij in fosfor.[6] V ljudskem zdravilstvu se uporabljajo listi in korenine divje jagode. Čaj iz prevretih posušenih listov in korenin se grgra pri vnetjih ustne votline in grla, pomaga pa tudi pri želodčnih in črevesnih motnjah ter za zaustavljanje driske. Poleg tega čaj pomaga pri čiščenju krvi in za pomiritev, poleg tega pa blaži oslovski kašelj in astmo ter odpravlja vodo iz oteklih nog.[7]


  1. Sullivan, Steven. K. (2015). "Fragaria vesca". Wildflower Search. Pridobljeno dne 2015-06-16.
  2. Klinkenberg, Brian (Editor) (2014). "Fragaria vesca". E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Plants of British Columbia [eflora.bc.ca]. Lab for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Pridobljeno dne 2015-06-16.
  3. Giblin, David (Editor) (2015). "Fragaria vesca". WTU Herbarium Image Collection. Burke Museum, University of Washington. Pridobljeno dne 2015-06-16.
  4. "Fragaria vesca". Jepson eFlora: Taxon page. Jepson Herbarium; University of California, Berkeley. 2015. Pridobljeno dne 2015-06-16.
  5. "Internet Archaeol 1. Tomlinson & Hall. 7". intarch.ac.uk. Pridobljeno dne 2017-08-28.
  6. "Gozdne jagode, koktajl zdravja". Dnevnik. 12. maj 2011. Pridobljeno dne 23. maja 2019.
  7. "Gozdna jagoda ima tudi zdravilne učinke". RTV Slovenija. Pridobljeno dne 23. maja 2019.

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Gozdna jagoda: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia SL

Gozdna jagoda (znanstveno ime Fragaria vesca) je rastlina z užitnimi plodovi, ki je pogosta v gozdovih Evrope in Severne Amerike.

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wikipedia SL

Smultron ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV
Den här artikeln handlar om arten skogssmultron. För släktet, se Smultronsläktet.

Smultron eller skogssmultron (Fragaria vesca) är en art av smultronsläktet.


Plantan är 5 – 20 cm hög, har bakåtriktade foderblad och en frukt som lätt lossnar. Plantans späda blad har använts som tesurrogat. [1]

Smultronet har sju kromosompar, till skillnad från de stora förädlade jordgubbarna som har flerdubbel kromosomuppsättning.

Smultron i blomning

Växten bildar utlöpare – i dagligt tal revor – som kan slå rot, men i mycket mindre grad än vad jordgubben gör. När man odlar smultron, brukar man därför fröså dem eller föröka dem genom att dela plantorna. Förutom de vanliga röda finns odlade former av skogssmultronet vars bär i moget skick är gröna, vita eller gula.

Bäret är en skenfrukt. De verkliga frukterna är små nötter, som i stort antal är utspridda på skenfruktens yta, kan bli över 1 000 på ett enda bär.

Liknande art är backsmultron, Fragaria viridis.

Särskiljande tecken är att den yttersta tanden på bladet är längre än granntänderna på smultron, men kortare än granntänderna på backsmultron, samt att bär från det vanliga smultronet lossnar lätt från stjälken, medan bär från backsmultron sitter ganska fast. Vidare sluter sig backsmultrons foderblad omkring frukten, men böjer sig från smultronfrukten.


Smultron växer naturligt över hela norra halvklotet. I Sverige är arten allmän, utom i norra Norrlands inland.

Sällsynt ovan barrskogsgränsen.

Innan större smultronhybrider som jordgubben fanns, odlade man smultron i Europa. Det välsmakande smultronbäret odlas fortfarande kommersiellt i liten skala för gourmeter.


Gräsmarker, hyggen.


Det finns ett antal underarter och varieteter av skogssmultronet

  • Fragaria vesca subsp. americana
  • Fragaria vesca subsp. bracteata
    • Fragaria vesca subsp. bracteata var. albida
    • Fragaria vesca subsp. bracteata var. bracteata
    • Fragaria vesca subsp. bracteata var. helleri
  • Fragaria vesca subsp. californica
  • Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca
    • Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca var. alba
    • Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca var. roseiflora, som ovanligt nog har lätt rosa blommor
    • Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca var. semperflorens, månadssmultron, en odlad varietet med stora, men mindre smakrika, bär



Fragaria vesca
Vesca härleds från latin vescus = ätlig, njutbar.


Namn Trakt Anmärkning Ref. Backbär Bohuslän [2] Jolbär [3] Jordbär [3] Rödbär Gotland Kan i andra trakter avse Lingon [4] Snuggbär Norrland [4] Snytterbär Norrland [4]



  1. ^ Arne Anderberg & Anna-Lena Anderberg: Den virtuella floran
  2. ^ Ernst Rietz: Svenskt dialektlexikon, sida 20 [1] Gleerups, Lund 1862 – – 1867, faksimilutgåva Malmö 1962
  3. ^ [a b] J.W.Palmstruch, Svensk Botanik, första bandet, andra upplagan, Stockholm 1815. Tillgänglig på Archive.org
  4. ^ [a b c] Smultron i Carl Lindman, Bilder ur Nordens flora (andra upplagan, Wahlström och Widstrand, Stockholm 1917–1926)

Externa länkar

Wikimedia Commons har media relaterad till Smultron.



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wikipedia SV

Smultron: Brief Summary ( Sueco )

fornecido por wikipedia SV
Den här artikeln handlar om arten skogssmultron. För släktet, se Smultronsläktet.

Smultron eller skogssmultron (Fragaria vesca) är en art av smultronsläktet.

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Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
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wikipedia SV

Fragaria vesca ( Turco )

fornecido por wikipedia TR

Binominal adı ''Fragaria vesca''
Fragaria vesca

Fragaria vesca, yabani çilek ya da dağ çileği, ormanlık veya çalılık alanlarda yetişen meyve. Reçel ve şurubu yapılabildiği gibi, taze toplanıp yenilebilir.

Türkiye'de Karadeniz Bölgesi'nde çaylık ve fındıklıklarda da görülür.

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Fragaria vesca: Brief Summary ( Turco )

fornecido por wikipedia TR
 src= Fragaria vesca

Fragaria vesca, yabani çilek ya da dağ çileği, ormanlık veya çalılık alanlarda yetişen meyve. Reçel ve şurubu yapılabildiği gibi, taze toplanıp yenilebilir.

Türkiye'de Karadeniz Bölgesi'nde çaylık ve fındıklıklarda da görülür.

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wikipedia TR

Суниці лісові ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK


Про походження української назви див. Суниці

Латинська назва суниць лісових Fragaria vesca буквально значить «запашниця тонка». Родова назва Fragaria походить від латинського fragrans («запашний, ароматний»).

Ботанічний опис

Кореневище коротке з тонкими корінцями, та довгими повзучими пагонами-вусами. Стебло прямостояче або висхідне, до 30 см заввишки. Листки трійчасті, прикореневі — на довгих черешках; прості — листочки сидячі, овально-ромбічні, зверху темно- зелені, знизу ясно-зелені, густо вкриті притиснутими шовковистими волосками, по краю — з зубцями. Квітки білі (до 20 мм у діаметрі), правильні, двостатеві, на довгих тонких квітконіжках, у щиткоподібному суцвітті; мають по 5 білих пелюсток. Тичинок і маточок багато, вони розміщені на випуклому квітколожі. Цвіте у травні — червні. Плід — багатогорішок (суничина).

Суниці лісові ростуть в хвойних і мішаних лісах, на лісових галявинах, серед чагарників, на узбіччях доріг і на узліссях. Світлолюбна рослина. Цвіте у травні, плоди достигають у червні — липні. Поширена на Поліссі, в Лісостепу, Карпатах. Промислова заготівля можлива у Волинській, Рівненській, Житомирській, Київській, Чернігівській, на півночі Хмельницької і Сумської, у Львівській, Тернопільській, Івано-Франківській, Чернівецькій і Закарпатській областях. Запаси сировини значні, часто утворює суцільні зарості.

Листя суниць містить алкалоїди, флавоноїди, дубильні речовини, вітаміни. Свіжі плоди містять вітаміни (А, С, В, Р), флавоноїди (галактозид, ціанідин), органічні кислоти (яблучну, саліцилову), дубильні речовини, пектини, цукри, ароматичні сполуки, солі заліза, кобальту, марганцю, селену, кальцію і фосфору.

Популярність плодів суниць як дієтичного і лікувального засобу пояснюється їхніми смаковими якостями, які поєднуються з широким діапазоном лікувальної дії.

Практичне використання

Харчова, вітамінозна, лікарська, танідоносна, косметична рослина. Плоди вживають у їжу свіжими, сушеними, використовують їх також для приготування варення, джемів, начинки для цукерок, тіста-пюре для інших кондитерських виробів, соків, екстрактів тощо. Плоди суниць є прекрасною сировиною для фруктово-ягідного виноробства, для виготовлення різних типів високоякісних вин. Вина з лісових суниць мають тонкий аромат і приємний смак.

Свіжі плоди мають неповторний аромат, прекрасно діють на організм людини, причому в продуктах переробки суниці зберігають аромат, властивий свіжим плодам.

Плоди суниці

Плоди суниць містять цукри (до 10 %), лимонну, яблучну й саліцилові кислоти (1,6 %), дубильні й фарбувальні речовини, пектин. Крім того, вони відзначаються високим вмістом заліза, мікроелементів, біологічно активних речовин, ефірних олій.

Плоди і листки суниць багаті на вітаміни, у плодах містяться вітамін С (до 60 мг%), каротин (0,08 мг%), вітамін В1 (0,03 мг%), вітамін 132 (0,1 мг%), вітамін К (0,1 мг %), РР. Листки суниць теж можуть використовуватись як джерело вітаміну С (400 мг%), їх вживають як сурогат чаю.

У науковій медицині застосовують плоди і листки суниць — Fructus et Folium Fragariae як слабкий сечогінний засіб, при подагрі, ниркових каменях, жовчнокам'яній хворобі, при маткових кровотечах, недокрів'ї.

У народній медицині лікування суницями дуже популярне. Їх використовують як потогінний і сечогінний засіб, при хворобах печінки, нирок, недокрів'ї та білокрів'ї, туберкульозі легень, безсонні; листки також при гіпертонії, для поліпшення роботи серця і обміну речовин. Корені суниці застосовують від ревматизму і як слабкий сечогінний засіб. Свіжі плоди прикладають до місць, уражених екземою. У гомеопатії застосовують плоди суниць. Соком ягід натирають вулики, щоб запобігти захворюванню бджіл. У кореневищах суниць містяться таніни (9,4 %).

У косметичній практиці застосовують живильні маски з плодів суниць, сік — для виведення ластовиння і лишаїв.

Зауважте, Вікіпедія не дає медичних порад!
Якщо у вас виникли проблеми зі здоров'ям, зверніться до лікаря.

Показаннями до призначення лісових суниць в сучасній медицині є гіпертонічна хвороба, атеросклероз, подагра, жовчно- і нирковокам'яна хвороби, запалення слизової оболонки травного каналу, геморой, глистяна інвазія (аскариди, волосоголовець, гострики, солітер), нічне нетримання сечі, хвороби печінки, шкіри (лишай, гнійні кровоточиві й мокнучі рани та застарілі виразки, вугрі, екзема), рахіт, маткові кровотечі, хлороз, ожиріння, загальний занепад сил, неврастенія, бронхіт, бронхіальна астма, гіпо- і авітаміноз С[2]. Призначається при порушеннях мінерального, ліпідного та цукрового обмінів. При подагрі (не зумовленій генетично) позитивний ефект зберігається при вживання настоїв, відварів, витяжок. Кровоочисна дія суниць (зумовлена наявністю комплексу біологічно-активних сполук, які виводять з організму значну кількість токсинів) дає можливість застосування її як сорбенту. Спостерігається позитивна динаміка на процент травлення, стан гепатобіліарної системи, загальний стан організму. Листя, траву, свіжі плоди рекомендоване при різних формах анемії.[3][4][5]

Квіти суниць

Збирання, переробка та зберігання

Збирають стиглі плоди суниць вранці, в суху погоду або в кінці дня до з'явлення роси. Збирають обережно і зразу ж вживають у їжу або відправляють для переробки. Свіжі плоди в звичайних умовах довго не зберігаються. Зібрані ягоди пакують у невеликі (по 2-3,5 кг), кошики або решета. Сушать їх у печах або сушарках при температурі 60-65°, розкладаючи тонким шаром на решетах. Висушені плоди пакують у мішки вагою по 50 кг і зберігають у сухих, добре провітрюваних приміщеннях. Плоди можуть пошкоджуватися комірними хрущиками.

Листки збирають під час цвітіння, обриваючи їх без черешків. Сушать на горищах або під навісами, розстилаючи тонким шаром і періодично перемішуючи. Сухі листки пакують у тюки по 50 кг і зберігають у сухих прохолодних приміщеннях.

Культурна форма

Один з різновидів суниць лісових, суниці альпійські (Fragaria vesca var. alpina), дав початок кільком культурним сортам. Плоди культурних альпійських суниць набагато дрібніші за плоди суниць садових[6] («полуниць»)[6] і мають сильніший і багатший аромат, близький до аромату суниць лісових[7][8][9].

Див. також



  1. Флора УРСР. Том VI / під ред. Зеров Д. К.К.: Видавництво Академії наук УРСР, 1954. с. 95.
  2. Суниці лісові. http://fitoterapiya.org.ua. Архів оригіналу за 2013-06-23. Процитовано 2012-06-26.
  3. Лікування анемії. Ваше здоров’я та довголіття. Процитовано accessdate=26 червня 2012.
  4. Суниці лісові і їх лікарські властивості матеріал сайту Лікарські рослини та їх лікувальні властивості
  5. Лісова суниця і її лікувальні властивості – Національний природний парк "Кременецькі гори" (uk). Процитовано 2019-04-17.
  6. а б Мій розкішний сад. www.facebook.com (uk). Процитовано 2019-04-17.
  7. Wachsmuth, Brigitte (April 2009). Von Monats-, Wald- und Moschuserdbeeren. Gartenpraxis 35 (4): 20–28.
  8. Brigitte Wachsmuth Annotated List Alpine, Wild, and Musk Strawberry Varieties Currently in Cultivation
  9. Wachsmuth, Brigitte (December 2010). Wild, alpine and musk strawberries. The Plantsman 9 (part 4): 245–249.



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wikipedia UK

Fragaria vesca ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Fragaria vesca, tên thông dụng là dâu tây dại, dâu tây rừng, dâu tây Anpơ hay dâu tây châu Âu, là loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa hồng. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.[1] Loài này còn có tên gọi là Phúc bồn tử (覆盆子) theo cuốn từ điển song ngữ Việt-Latinh Nam Việt Dương Hiệp Tự vị[2]; tuy nhiên cái tên này có thể đề cập đến một số loài thực vật khác, nhất là những loài thuộc Chi Mâm xôi, xin xem thêm trang định hướng.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Fragaria vesca. Truy cập ngày 11 tháng 6 năm 2013.
  2. ^ http://staging.nomfoundation.org/taberd/home.php?p=fulltext&item=4&view=720
Dâu tây dại ở bán đảo Pakri, Estonia

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Fragaria vesca: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Fragaria vesca, tên thông dụng là dâu tây dại, dâu tây rừng, dâu tây Anpơ hay dâu tây châu Âu, là loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa hồng. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753. Loài này còn có tên gọi là Phúc bồn tử (覆盆子) theo cuốn từ điển song ngữ Việt-Latinh Nam Việt Dương Hiệp Tự vị; tuy nhiên cái tên này có thể đề cập đến một số loài thực vật khác, nhất là những loài thuộc Chi Mâm xôi, xin xem thêm trang định hướng.

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Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
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wikipedia VI

Земляника лесная ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Земляника лесная в естественном ареале роста (Южный Урал, окрестности города Челябинска)
Земляника лесная в лесу
Земляника лесная на косогоре
Question book-4.svg
В этом разделе не хватает ссылок на источники информации.
Информация должна быть проверяема, иначе она может быть поставлена под сомнение и удалена.
Вы можете отредактировать эту статью, добавив ссылки на авторитетные источники.
Эта отметка установлена 18 ноября 2017 года.

Растение распространено в лесной и лесостепной зонах в европейской части России, в Западной и Восточной Сибири, Белоруссии, Украине, Прибалтике, Казахстане, на Кавказе и в ряде других областей Евразии. Оно также интродуцировано и натурализовалось в Северной Африке, Северной и Южной Америке.

Земляника лесная растёт на опушках, в осветлённых лесах, на лесных вырубках и среди кустарников. В природе у земляники выделяют несколько экотипов, произрастание которых приурочено к определённым географо-климатическим условиям и различным местообитаниям: лесная, луговая, северная скальная, южная горная, южная яровая. Пересаженные в культуру особи различных экотипов устойчиво сохраняли особенности морфологической структуры и физиологических процессов в течение ряда лет при клоновом и семенном размножении.

Земляника лесная довольно пластичный вид, способный произрастать в условиях, резко различающихся по ряду экологических параметров. Согласно экологическим шкалам Д. Н. Цыганова (1983), по шкале солевого режима почвы она встречается в диапазоне от очень бедных почв до богатых почв, по шкале кислотности почв — от очень кислых почв до слабощелочных, по шкале богатства почв азотом — от бедных до богатых азотом почв, по шкале переменности увлажнения почв — на почвах со слабо переменным увлажнением до почв с сильно переменным увлажнением. По шкале освещенности-затенения этот вид также отличается широтой диапазона признака — от типа светового режима открытых пространств (травяных, моховых, лишайниковых, реже кустарничковых и переходных между ними фитоценозов, а также участков без растительного покрова), до переходного между типом тенистых лесов (темнохвойных и широколиственных средней сомкнутости) и особо тенистых лесов (некоторых особо высокосомкнутых темнохвойных и широколиственных лесов).

Биологическое описание

Question book-4.svg
В этом разделе не хватает ссылок на источники информации.
Информация должна быть проверяема, иначе она может быть поставлена под сомнение и удалена.
Вы можете отредактировать эту статью, добавив ссылки на авторитетные источники.
Эта отметка установлена 18 ноября 2017 года.
Ботаническая иллюстрация. Отто Вильгельм, книга «Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz», 1885 г.

Земляника лесная — многолетнее, поликарпическое, наземно-столонообразующее, короткокорневищное растение, высотой 5-30 см. Модель побегообразования — симподиально полурозеточная. Имеет вертикальное косое или горизонтально направленное апикально нарастающее эпигеогенное корневище, втягивающееся в почву за счет контрактильной деятельности придаточных корней, которые образуются в течение всего лета. Эпигеогенное корневище покрыто остатками засохших прилистников.

Для F.vesca характерно, как правило, дициклическое развитие побега, то есть в течение первого года побег функционирует как вегетативный ассимилирующий, формируя зелёные листья, и только следующим летом переходит в генеративную фазу развития и отмирает. Развитие и формирование надземных побегов у земляники лесной проходят две фазы — фазу укороченного и фазу удлиненного побега. Укороченные надземные побеги — вегетативные, а удлиненные — генеративные. Вегетативный розеточный побег разворачивает тройчатосложные листья, весной и летом — длинночерешковые, осенью — короткочерешковые, листорасположение — прикорневая розетка. По анатомическому строению лист дорзовентральный, устьица находятся только на нижней стороне листа. Края листочков пильчатые. Средний листочек на коротком черешке, боковые листочки сидячие, косояйцевидные. Листья сверху темно-зелёные, более или менее голые, снизу сизовато-зелёные, мягкоопущенные.

В основании листьев имеются ланцетные, длиннозаострённые, цельнокрайные прилистники, «приросшие» к черешку. В пазухе листьев розеточного побега закладываются почки, которые развиваются в надземные столоны, побеги возобновления или длительное время остаются в состоянии покоя. Надземные столоны — ползучие побеги, служат для захвата территории и вегетативного размножения. Надземные столоны лишены зеленых листьев, стебли их тонкие, хрупкие, с очень длинными междоузлиями. Каждый столон состоит сначала из двух тонких длинных междоузлий; в узлах сидят два недоразвитых чешуевидных листа, из пазух которых могут вырастать без периода покоя боковые столоны, что приводит к ветвлению надземных столонов и способствует значительному увеличивают энергии вегетативного размножения. «Ус» от материнского побега до первой дочерней розетки формирует два междоузлия — гипоподий и мезоподий. Столоны последовательных порядков, вырастающие очень быстро, формируют длинный ус — симподий, по ходу которого без периода покоя образовываются дочерние розетки, число которых достигало 5-6 и даже более. Развивающиеся на конце надземных столонов розеточные побеги довольно быстро формируют собственную систему придаточных корней, укореняются, что приводит к становлению у земляники лесной явнополицентрической системы. Характерным признаком столонов является весьма непродолжительная длительность жизни — они отмирают в тот же сезон, при этом явнополицентрическая система нарушается. Материнское растение и образовавшиеся раметы ювенильного имматурного или виргинильного возрастного состояния продолжают самостоятельное существованию, проходя последовательно этапы онтогенеза, при этом у рамет имеет место сокращенный онтогенез.

F. vesca — растение с так называемыми открытыми почками, то есть лишёнными почечных чешуй. Заложение побега будущего года начинается в конце мая — начале июня, а к концу лета и к осени он уже сформирован полностью, включая соцветие и отдельные цветки. Весной, при образовании генеративного побега, в пазухе верхнего розеточного листа генеративного побега образуется дочерний боковой побег. Как правило, в течение первого лета он развивается как вегетативный ассимилирующий, образуя 3-4 крупных листа, отмирающих к октябрю и 1-2 короткочерешковых листьев осенне-зимней генерации, сохраняющихся в зелёном состоянии на весь зимний период. В пазухе нижних листьев вегетативного побега развиваются надземные столоны. Весной из верхушечной почки перезимовавшего побега развертывается 1-2 стеблевых листа и соцветие, а из боковой почки, расположенной в пазухе листа розеточного побега — новый вегетативный побег, развивающийся по дициклическому типу. Исследования земляники лесной выявили определённый спектр морфологической пластичности её особей. Особенности экотопа способствуют реализации особого типа программы роста побеговой системы у земляники лесной, что приводит к становлению адаптивных морфологических структур: удлиненных междоузлий, гипогеогенных побегов, запасающих корневищ.

Многолетнее травянистое растение со стелющимся толстым корневищем, покрытым бурыми прилистниками. От корневища отходят тонкие мочковатые придаточные корни и длинные нитевидные побеги, так называемые «усы», которые укореняются в узлах. В местах укоренения усов развиваются розетки длинночерешковых прикорневых листьев и выходят цветоносные стебли.

Прикорневые листья тройчатосложные длинночерешковые, листочки сидячие с крупными острыми зубцами. Листья сверху почти голые, снизу покрыты шелковистыми волосками.

Цветки пятичленные обоеполые белые, собранные в малоцветковые рыхлые зонтиковидные или щитковидные соцветия, выходящие из пазух простых, иногда двойных, крупнозубчатых яйцевидных листьев. Чашечки остаются при плодах.

Плодмногоорешек, образующийся из разрастающегося, сросшегося с чашечкой цветоложа, в мякоть которого погружены мелкие орешки. Такой плод часто называют «земляничиной».

По числу хромосом (Darrow, 1966; Скотт, Лоуренс, 1981): диплоид (2n = 14)[8]. Геном земляники лесной был секвенирован. Он содержит 34809 генов, что примерно в полтора раза больше, чем в геноме человека[9].


Вид Земляника лесная входит в род Земляника подсемейства Rosoideae семейства Розовые (Rosaceae) порядка Розоцветные (Rosales).

ещё 8 семейств (согласно Системе APG II) ещё 39 родов порядок Розоцветные подсемейство Rosoideae вид Земляника лесная отдел Цветковые, или Покрытосеменные семейство Розовые род Земляника ещё 127 порядков цветковых растений (согласно Системе APG II) ещё 3 подсемейства (согласно Системе APG II) ещё 19 —- 99 видов

Химический состав

В листьях растения содержатся витамины группы B, аскорбиновая кислота, каротиноиды, органические кислоты (лимонная, хинная, яблочная), сахара, следы эфирных масел, флавоноиды в количестве до 2 % (в основном рутин), дубильные вещества (до 9 %), соли железа, марганца, кобальта, фосфора[10].

Плоды содержат, кроме того, фолиевую кислоту, пектиновые вещества[10].

Хозяйственное значение и применение

Земляника лесная (слева, мельче) и земляника садовая (справа, крупная)
«Ягоды» земляники лесной также применяются в кулинарии

Плоды растения издревле употребляются человеком в пищу. Существуют свидетельства её употребления человеком ещё в мезолите[11].

В качестве лекарственного сырья используют лист земляники (лат. Folium Fragariae). Листья собирают во время цветения растения, срезая их с черешками длиной не более 1 см. Они имеют кисловато-вяжущий вкус и слабый своеобразный запах. Сушат в сушилках при температуре 45 °С или в хорошо проветриваемых помещениях. Срок хранения 1 год[10]. Применяют также плоды земляники лесной (лат. Fructus Fragariae). Их собирают зрелыми, сушат, провяливая на воздухе или 4—5 часов в сушилках при температуре 25—30 °С, затем досушивают при 45—65 °С, рассыпав тонким слоем на ситах или решётах[10].

Водный настой листьев земляники лесной применяются в качестве мочегонного средства при мочекаменной и жёлчнокаменной болезнях. Их употребление также назначается при диабете и малокровии.

Плоды применяют как витаминное средство[10].

Второстепенный медонос: медоносные пчёлы берут с цветков нектар и пыльцу[12].

В культуре

Основная статья: Сорта земляники лесной

Разновидность земляники лесной, земляника альпийская (Fragaria vesca var. alpina), дала начало нескольким сортам земляники, выращиваемым в культуре. Плоды культурной земляники альпийской намного мельче плодов земляники садовой и имеют более сильный и богатый аромат, близкий к аромату земляники лесной[13][14][15].

Fragaria vesca 003.JPG
Fragaria vesca close-up 4.jpg
3 wild strawberries close up UK 2006.JPG
Fragaria vesca var. alpina. Kultivar
Fruit-left-Fragaria vesca,right-Fragaria viridis.jpg
Земляника лесная (Fragaria vesca), слева направо: вид плодоносящих растений; плоды дикорастущих растений;
культурный сорт «Белоснежка», выращиваемая в садах; плоды и листья (справа для сравнения - Клубника луговая)

Интересные факты

Плоды (многоорешки) земляник трёх видов собранные в одной местности в один день на Среднем Урале в Челябинской области. Снизу 2 вида — дикорастущие, 1 вид посередине в маленькой тарелочке — возделываемый в саду, в диком виде не встречающийся
Question book-4.svg
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  • Ареал роста в диком виде Земляники лесной пересекается с ареалом роста в диком виде Клубники (луговой), ареал которой схож, но смещён к югу. Таким образом, ближе к северной границе ареалов этих двух растений встречается только земляника лесная, а ближе к южной границе ареалов — встречается только клубника, что ведёт иногда к путанице названий. Так, в северных районах некоторые из числа местного населения ошибочно полагают, что клубника в диком виде не растёт (считая ошибочно при этом клубникой Землянику садовую), а что в лесу в диком виде растёт только земляника (подразумевая Землянику лесную). В южных районах наоборот, клубнику иногда называют земляникой лесной. А в районах, где ареалы роста в диком виде обоих видов пересекаются и встречаются в диком виде как клубника, так и земляника лесная — Землянику садовую местное население называет «Виктория». При этом, повсеместно ошибочно, некоторые садоводы «земляникой садовой» называют не собственно Землянику садовую, а культурные сорта Земляники альпийской (разновидность Земляники лесной).
  • При переводах с других языков названий следует учитывать, что Земляника садовая (Fragaria ananassa Duchesne) на английском «Strawberry», на французском — «Fraise»; Клубника (садовая) (Fragaria moschata Duchesne) на английском — «Musky strawberry», на французском — «Fraise capron»; Земляника лесная (Fragaria vesca Linnaeus) на английском — «Wild strawberry» или «Alpine strawberry» (Земляника альпийская), на французском — «Fraise des bois»[16].


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. Земляника, Большая советская энциклопедия. — М.: «Советская энциклопедия», 1969—1978 гг.
  3. 44/Fragaria vesca Linnaeus/Wild strawberry, Alpine strawberry (en)/Fraise des bois (fr)/Земляника лесная (рус), ГОСТ 27521-87. «Фрукты. Номенклатура. Первый список».
  4. Какую ягоду многие россияне называют любимой, даже не зная её вкуса?, Школа жизни — познавательный журнал
  5. земляника // Этимологический словарь русского языка = Russisches etymologisches Wörterbuch : в 4 т. / авт.-сост. М. Фасмер ; пер. с нем. и доп. чл.‑кор. АН СССР О. Н. Трубачёва, под ред. и с предисл. проф. Б. А. Ларина [т. I]. — Изд. 2-е, стер. — М. : Прогресс, 1986—1987.
  6. Земляника, Школьный этимологический словарь русского языка. Происхождение слов. — М.: «Дрофа», Н. М. Шанский, Т. А. Боброва, 2004 г.
  7. 44/Fragaria vesca Linnaeus/Wild strawberry, Alpine strawberry (en)/Fraise des bois (fr)/Земляника лесная (рус), ГОСТ 27521-87. «Фрукты. Номенклатура. Первый список».
  8. Земляника, Зелёный мир.
  9. Shulaev, Vladimir; et al. (Dec. 2010). “The genome of woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca)”. Nature Genetics [англ.]. DOI:10.1038/ng.740. Используется устаревший параметр |month= (справка); Проверьте дату в |month= (справка на английском)
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 Блинова, К. Ф. и др. Ботанико-фармакогностический словарь: Справ. пособие / Под (недоступная ссылка) ред. К. Ф. Блиновой, Г. П. Яковлева. — М.: Высш. шк., 1990. — С. 190. — ISBN 5-06-000085-0.
  11. Internet Archaeol 1. Tomlinson & Hall. 7<
  12. Абрикосов, Х. Н. и др. Земляника // Словарь-справочник пчеловода / Сост. Н. Ф. Федосов. — М.: Сельхозгиз, 1955. — С. 113.
  13. Wachsmuth, Brigitte (April 2009), "Von Monats-, Wald- und Moschuserdbeeren", Gartenpraxis Т. 35 (4): 20–28
  14. Brigitte Wachsmuth Annotated List Alpine, Wild, and Musk Strawberry Varieties Currently in Cultivation
  15. Wachsmuth, Brigitte (December 2010), "Wild, alpine and musk strawberries", The Plantsman Т. 9 (part 4): 245–249
  16. 42-44/Fragaria ananassa Duchesne/Strawberry (en)/Fraise (fr)/Земляника садовая (рус), ГОСТ 27521-87. «Фрукты. Номенклатура. Первый список».
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Земляника лесная: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Растение распространено в лесной и лесостепной зонах в европейской части России, в Западной и Восточной Сибири, Белоруссии, Украине, Прибалтике, Казахстане, на Кавказе и в ряде других областей Евразии. Оно также интродуцировано и натурализовалось в Северной Африке, Северной и Южной Америке.

Земляника лесная растёт на опушках, в осветлённых лесах, на лесных вырубках и среди кустарников. В природе у земляники выделяют несколько экотипов, произрастание которых приурочено к определённым географо-климатическим условиям и различным местообитаниям: лесная, луговая, северная скальная, южная горная, южная яровая. Пересаженные в культуру особи различных экотипов устойчиво сохраняли особенности морфологической структуры и физиологических процессов в течение ряда лет при клоновом и семенном размножении.

Земляника лесная довольно пластичный вид, способный произрастать в условиях, резко различающихся по ряду экологических параметров. Согласно экологическим шкалам Д. Н. Цыганова (1983), по шкале солевого режима почвы она встречается в диапазоне от очень бедных почв до богатых почв, по шкале кислотности почв — от очень кислых почв до слабощелочных, по шкале богатства почв азотом — от бедных до богатых азотом почв, по шкале переменности увлажнения почв — на почвах со слабо переменным увлажнением до почв с сильно переменным увлажнением. По шкале освещенности-затенения этот вид также отличается широтой диапазона признака — от типа светового режима открытых пространств (травяных, моховых, лишайниковых, реже кустарничковых и переходных между ними фитоценозов, а также участков без растительного покрова), до переходного между типом тенистых лесов (темнохвойных и широколиственных средней сомкнутости) и особо тенистых лесов (некоторых особо высокосомкнутых темнохвойных и широколиственных лесов).

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

野草莓 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
Disambig gray.svg野草莓」重定向至此。關於与此名称相似的其他条目,詳見「野草莓 (消歧义)」。

野草莓學名Fragaria vesca),又名森林草莓,是一種廣泛分佈於北半球多年生草本植物。常在退化森林或曾受干擾的地區內茁壯生長。在夏威夷留尼旺紐西蘭等地被視為入侵物種,形成相當高密度的匍匐林區。[1]



野草莓是一種頗粗生的植物,一般棲地為道路及小道兩旁、河堤、山坡、石或碎石鋪成的行徑兩旁、草地、年輕的林地、疏林地、林地的邊緣及叢林中的空地上。即使在光線不足以結果的地方也能生長。在其分佈較南的區域上則只能在較陰暗的地方生長,而在較北的地方對陽光的適應較好。能適應不同的濕度環境(除了極端乾燥或濕潤的地方),能抵受中等程度的山火,並於山火過後能快速生長。[2]雖然野草莓多透過匍匐莖變態莖的一種)繁殖,但在泥土種子庫(soil seed bank)中也找到為數不少的種子。當土壤受到干擾後便會發芽,並遠離原本群落生長。[2]




人類的食用紀錄可追溯至石器時代[3] 。於古波斯時期農夫已懂得種植野草莓並製成各式食品。其種子絲綢之路帶到遠東及歐洲地區並被廣泛種植。直至目前慣常食用的草莓(學名:Fragaria × ananassa)的出現,因具備較大的果肉及更多的種植變化等優勢,才令野草莓的種植歷史告一段落。


大部份栽培種均有較長的花期。其中一些常稱作高山草莓的品種實際為本種的栽培變種(學名Fragaria vesca ssp. vesca f. semperflorens異名Fragaria alpina)。多形成匍匐莖或呈多冠狀的簇,能結出較大及較長時間的果。在18世紀法國地區因其結出較大的果而成為食材之一,並稱作Fressant[5]個別栽培種甚至能長出如白色及黃色的果實,而非一般的紅色。

因其長出豐裕的花及果,本種多在數年生長期後便會失去活力。[6]能長出匍匐莖的種可作為減少水土流失的地被植物(groundcover),而其他可作為裝飾用的邊護植物(border plant)。森林鳳梨草莓Fragaria × vescana),由本種與食用草莓杂交得到的品種,能結出細小但卻有精緻香味的果子。而本種與綠色草莓Fragaria viridis)的杂交種曾廣泛種植,但在1850年後則逐漸式微。[7]



  1. ^ Global Invasive Species Database. Fragaria vesca (草本植物). [2013-02-21].
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Munger, Gregory T. Fragaria vesca. Fire Effects Information System. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory. 2006 [2008-08-06].
  3. ^ Internet Archaeol 1. Tomlinson & Hall. 7
  4. ^ Ece Turhan and Sevgi Paydas Kargi, Strawberry Production in Turkey (full text PDF), Chronica Horticulturae, June 2007, 47 (2): 18–20, ISSN 0578-039X
  5. ^ Staudt, Günter, Les dessins d'A. N. Duchesne pour son Histoire naturelle des fraisiers., Muséum Nat. d'histoire Naturelle, Paris, 2003
  6. ^ Plants for a Future database entry for Fragaria vesca 'Semperflorens' — L.
  7. ^ Staudt, Günter; Dimeglio, Laura M.; Davis, Thomas M.; Gerstberger, Pedro, Fragaria × bifera Duch.: Origin and taxonomy, Botanische Jahrbücher, December 2003, 125 (1): 53–72, doi:10.1127/0006-8152/2003/0125-0053
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visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 中文维基百科

野草莓: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
Disambig gray.svg 「野草莓」重定向至此。關於与此名称相似的其他条目,詳見「野草莓 (消歧义)」。

野草莓(學名:Fragaria vesca),又名森林草莓,是一種廣泛分佈於北半球多年生草本植物。常在退化森林或曾受干擾的地區內茁壯生長。在夏威夷留尼旺紐西蘭等地被視為入侵物種,形成相當高密度的匍匐林區。

direitos autorais
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia 中文维基百科