
Trophic Strategy ( Inglês )

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Inhabits swamps (Ref. 11225). During the rainy season, adults consume a great quantity of chironomids associated with detritus. During the dry season, they feed mostly on terrestrial insects, microcrustaceans, aquatic Diptera, and detritus. Absorbs a great quantity of anaerobic bacteria from the substrate (Ref. 27188).
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Pascualita Sa-a
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Life Cycle ( Inglês )

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Reproduction begins with the rainy season (December-January). The male, at times helped by the female, builds a nest made of a cluster of mucus bubbles and vegetal matter. Responding to a nuptial parade, the female lays down her eggs (5,000 to 20,000, measuring1.8 mm in diameter) which are fertilized by sprinkling sperm previously collected in her mouth. The male guards the eggs during incubation and becomes very aggressive (Ref. 35381).
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Armi G. Torres
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Biology ( Inglês )

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Inhabits swamps (Ref. 11225). During the rainy season, adults consume a great quantity of chironomids associated with detritus. During the dry season, they feed mostly on terrestrial insects, micro-crustaceans, aquatic Diptera, and detritus. Absorbs a great quantity of anaerobic bacteria from the substrate (Ref. 27188). First reproduction occurs after one year (Ref. 35381). Used to be cultured commercially in Guyana (Ref. 7306). Cultured in Trinidad on a semi-commercial scale (Ref. 11225).
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Susan M. Luna
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Importance ( Inglês )

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fisheries: commercial; aquaculture: commercial; aquarium: commercial
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Susan M. Luna
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Hoplosternum littorale ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Hoplosternum littorale és una espècie de peix de la família dels cal·líctids i de l'ordre dels siluriformes.



Durant l'estació de les pluges, els adults mengen grans quantitats de quironòmids, mentre que a l'estació seca s'alimenten principalment d'insectes terrestres, microcrustacis, dípters aquàtics i detritus.[5]


És un peix d'aigua dolça i de clima subtropical (18°C-26°C).[5][7]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba a la major part de les conques fluvials sud-americanes al nord de Buenos Aires (Argentina).[5][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]

Ús comercial

És criat comercialment a Guaiana[17][18] i Trinitat.[19]


  1. uBio (anglès)
  2. Gill T. N., 1858. Synopsis of the fresh water fishes of the western portion of the island of Trinidad, W. I. Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y. v. 6 (núms. 10-13). 363-430.
  3. BioLib (anglès)
  4. Hancock, J., 1828. Notes on some species of fishes and reptiles, from Demerara, presented to the Zoological Society by John Hancock, Esq., corr. memb. Zool. Soc. In a letter addressed to the secretary of the Society. Zool. J. v. 4: 240-247.
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,3 FishBase (anglès)
  6. Meunier, F.J., N. Journiac, S. Lavoué i N. Rabet, 2002. Histological characteristics of the skeletal growth marks of the Atipa, Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock, 1828) (Teleostei, Siluriformes), in the swamp of Kaw (French Guiana). Bull. Fr. Piscic. 364:71-86.
  7. Baensch, H.A. i R. Riehl, 1985. Aquarien atlas. Band 2. Mergus, Verlag für Natur- und Heimtierkunde GmbH, Melle, Alemanya. 1216 p.
  8. Boujard, T., 1992. Space-time organization of riverine fish communities in French Guiana. Environ. Biol. Fish. 34: 235-246.
  9. Boujard, T., M. Pascal, F.J. Meunier i P.-Y. Le Bail, 1997. Poissons de Guyane. Guide écologique de l'Approuague et de la réserve des Nouragues. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, París, 219 p.
  10. Ferreira, E.J.G., J. Zuanon i G.M. dos Santos, 1996. A list of commercial fish species from Santarém, State of Pará, Brazil. Naga ICLARM Q. 19(3):41-44.
  11. Ferreira, E.J.G., J.A.S. Zuanon i G.M. dos Santos, 1998. Peixes comerciais do médio Amazonas. Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis. 211p.
  12. Le Bail, P.-Y., P. Keith i P. Planquette, 2000. Atlas des poissons d'eau douce de Guyane (tom 2, fascicle II). Publications scientifiques du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, París: 307 p.
  13. López, H.L., R.C. Menni i A.M. Miguelarena, 1987. Lista de los peces de agua dulce de la Argentina. Biología Acuática Núm. 12, 50 p. (Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet").
  14. López, H.L., A.M. Miquelarena i J. Ponte Gómez, 2005. Biodiversidad y distribución de la ictiofauna Mesopotámica. Miscelánea 14:311-354.
  15. Nion, H., C. Rios i P. Meneses, 2002. Peces del Uruguay: Lista sistemática y nombres comunes. Montevideo, Uruguai, DINARA, Infopesca.
  16. Pavanelli, C.S. i E.P. Caramaschi, 1997. Composition of the ichthyofauna of two small tributaries of the Paraná river, Porto Roci, Paraná State, Brazil. Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwat. 8(1):23-31.
  17. Chakalall, B. (comp.). 1993. Species cultured in insular Caribbean countries, Belize, French Guiana, Guyana and Suriname. Caribbean Technical Co-operation Network in Artisanal Fisheries an Aquaculture. FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. RLAC/93/28-PES-24. Santiago de Xile, Xile. 32 p.
  18. FAO Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Service. 1993 Aquaculture production (1985-1991). FAO Fish. Circ. 815, Rev. 5. 213 p.
  19. Kenny, J.S., 1995. Views from the bridge: a memoir on the freshwater fishes of Trinidad. Julian S. Kenny, Maracas, St. Joseph, Trinitat i Tobago. 98 p.


  • Anònim, 2001. Base de dades de la col·lecció de peixos del National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution - Division of Fishes.
  • Anònim, 2002. Base de dades de la col·lecció de peixos del Museu Americà d'Història Natural. Museu Americà d'Història Natural, Central Park West, NY 10024-5192 (Estats Units).
  • Boujard, T., P. Keith i P. Luquet, 1990. Diel cycle in Hoplosternum littorale (Teleostei): evidence for synchronization of locomotor, air breathing and feeding activity by circadian alternation of light and dark. J. Fish Biol. 36:133-140.
  • Boujard, T. i F.J. Meunier, 1991. Growth of the pectoral spiny ray, bony histology and sexual dimorphism in Atipa, Hoplosternum littorale Hancock, 1828 (Callichthyidae, Siluriformes) Cybium 15(1):55-68.
  • Burgess, W.E. 1989. An atlas of freshwater and marine catfishes. A preliminary survey of the Siluriformes. T.F.H. Publications, Inc., Neptune City (Estats Units). 784 p.
  • De Oliveira, J. C. i D. F. de Moraes Junior, 1997: Presença de Hoplosternum Gill, 1858 (Teleostei, Siluriformes, Callichthyidae) nas bacias do rios São Francisco, Paraíba do Sule Alto Paraná: primeiro registro e comentários. Boletim do Museu Nacional Rio de Janeiro Zoologia Núm. 383: 1-8.
  • Eschmeyer, William N.: Genera of Recent Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. iii + 697. ISBN 0-940228-23-8 (1990).
  • Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. 2905. ISBN 0-940228-47-5.
  • FAO, 1996. Aquaculture production statistics 1985-1994. FAO Fish. Circ. 815. 189 p.
  • Ferraris, Carl J.: Checklist of catfishes, recent and fossil (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes), and catalogue of siluriform primary types. Zootaxa, 1418. 8 de març del 2007. ISBN 978-1-86977-058-7. PDF (anglès)
  • Franz, D., 2001: Schwielenwelse. Morphologische Untersuchung der Gattung Hoplosternum Gill, 1858 und Beschreibung der Gattung Diasternum gen. Nov. (Actinopterygii: Callichthyidae). Das Aquarium Núm. 389: 17-23.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Mol, J.H., 1993. Structure and function of floating bubble nests of three armoured catfishes (Callichthyidae) in relation to the aquatic environment. p. 167-197. A: P.E. Ouboter (ed.) The freshwater ecosystems of Suriname. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Mol, J.H., 1995. Ontogenetic diet shifts and diet overlap among three closely related neotropical armoured catfishes. J. Fish Biol. 47:788-807.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River, Nova Jersey, Estats Units: Prentice-Hall. Any 2000.
  • Nelson, J.S., E.J. Crossman, H. Espinosa-Pérez, L.T. Findley, C.R. Gilbert, R.N. Lea i J.D. Williams, 2004. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. American Fisheries Society, Special Publication 29, Bethesda, Maryland, Estats Units.
  • Nelson, J.S. 2006: Fishes of the world. Quarta edició. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, Nova Jersey, Estats Units. 601 p.
  • Ponton, D., J.H. Mol i J. Panfili, 2001. Use of otolith microincrements for estimating the age and growth of young armoured catfish Hoplosternum littorale. J. Fish Biol. 58:1274-1285.
  • Porto, J.I.R., E. Feldberg i J.N. Falcao, 1988. Estudo citogenético comparativo no gênero Hoplosternum (Callichthyidae, Siluriformes) da Bacia Amazônica. p. 387. A: Proc. XV Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia.
  • Reis, R. E., 1997: Revision of the neotropical catfish genus Hoplosternum (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes: Callichthyidae), with the description of two new genera and three new species. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 7 (núm. 4): 299-326.
  • Reis, R.E., 1998. Systematics, biogeography, and the fossil record of the Callichthyidae: a review of the available data. p. 351-362. A: L.R. Malabarba, R.E. Reis, R.P. Vari, Z.M.S. Lucena i C.A.S. Lucena (eds.) Phylogeny and classification of neotropical fishes. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS.
  • Reis, R.E., 2003. Callichthyidae (Armored catfishes). p. 291-309. A: R.E. Reis, S.O. Kullander i C.J. Ferraris, Jr. (eds.) Checklist of the Freshwater Fishes of South and Central America. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, Brasil.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985.
  • Winemiller, K.O., 1987. Feeding and reproductive biology of the currito, Hoplosternum littorale, in the Venezuela llanos with comments on the possible function of the enlarged male pectoral spines. Environ. Biol. Fish. 20(3):219-227.

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Hoplosternum littorale: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

Hoplosternum littorale és una espècie de peix de la família dels cal·líctids i de l'ordre dels siluriformes.

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Schwarzer Schwielenwels ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Schwarze Schwielenwels (Hoplosternum littorale) ist eine Süßwasserfischart aus der Familie der Panzer- und Schwielenwelse (Callichthyidae), die östlich der Anden im nördlichen und mittleren Südamerika bis zum Río de la Plata im Süden sowie auf der Insel Trinidad vorkommt.


Schwarze Schwielenwelse erreichen eine Maximallänge von 24 cm und besitzen einen hochrückigeren Körper als Callichthys callichthys. Am Oberkiefer befinden sich zwei Paar relativ lange Barteln. Oberhalb der Körpermittellinie zählt man 25 Knochenplatten, unterhalb sind es 23. Die äußeren Strahlen der Schwanzflosse sind verdickt. Innerhalb ihres großen Verbreitungsgebietes kommen verschiedene Farbmorphen vor. Im Allgemeinen sind die Fische einheitlich blauschwarz. Es gibt jedoch auch Schwarze Schwielenwelse mit schwärzlicher, blaugrauer, dunkelgrauer oder grünlicher Färbung der Oberseite, etwas helleren Körperseiten und einer hellen, schmutzig-weißen Bauchseite und blauschwarzen, hellgrauen oder farblos transparenten Flossen. Irgendwelche Zeichnungen, Musterungen oder Fleckungen sind nicht vorhanden, auch die Flossen sind ungefleckt. Bei den Männchen ist die Geschlechtspapille deutlich sichtbar.


Schwarze Schwielenwelse leben in Sümpfen und verkrauteten Gewässern. Während der Regenzeit besteht ihre Ernährung vor allem aus Zuckmückenlarven und Detritus, wogegen sie in der Trockenzeit verschiedene Insekten, Kleinkrebse, aquatische Zweiflüglerlarven und Detritus fressen. Außerdem werden große Mengen von anaerobischen Bakterien vom Bodengrund aufgenommen.

Wie alle Schwielenwelse baut auch das Männchen von Hoplosternum littorale, unterstützt vom Weibchen, zur Fortpflanzung ein Schaumnest. Die Fortpflanzungszeit beginnt mit der Regenzeit. In das Nest werden 5000 bis 20000 Eier gelegt, die einen Durchmesser von 1,8 mm haben. Die Eier werden von Sperma befruchtet, den das Weibchen zuvor im Maul gesammelt hat. Das Schaumnest wird vom in dieser Zeit sehr aggressiven Männchen bewacht. Schwarze Schwielenwelse vermehren sich zum ersten Mal mit einem Alter von einem Jahr.


  • Hans-Jochim Franke: Handbuch der Welskunde. Urania-Verlag, 1985.
  • Günther Sterba: Süsswasserfische der Welt. 2. Auflage. Urania, Leipzig/Jena/Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-332-00109-4.


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Schwarzer Schwielenwels: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Schwarze Schwielenwels (Hoplosternum littorale) ist eine Süßwasserfischart aus der Familie der Panzer- und Schwielenwelse (Callichthyidae), die östlich der Anden im nördlichen und mittleren Südamerika bis zum Río de la Plata im Süden sowie auf der Insel Trinidad vorkommt.

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wikipedia DE

Hoplosternum littorale ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Hoplosternum littorale is a species of catfish (order Siluriformes) belonging to the Callichthyinae subfamily of the family Callichthyidae. It is known as tamuatá in Brazil, atipa in French Guiana, hassa in Guyana, kwi kwi (or kwie kwie [1]) in Suriname, cascadu or cascadura in Trinidad and Tobago, and busco or currito in Venezuela.[1]

Hoplosternum littorale


H. littorale is armor-plated and dorso-ventrally compressed.[2] The fish will grow in length up to 24.0 centimetres (9.4 in) TL.[3]

Males grow to a larger average and maximum size than females and, during the reproductive season, develop fat deposits in the pectoral fin and an elongated recurved pectoral spine that often assumes a reddish colour. Males with recurved pectoral spines are not found outside of the reproductive period.[4][1]


H. littorale has the widest distribution of any callichthyid. It is present in all of South America east of the Andes and north of Buenos Aires, including the Orinoco, Trinidad, coastal rivers of the Guianas, Amazon River drainage, Paraguay, lower Paraná River, and coastal systems in southern Brazil.[5] It ranges from Venezuela and Guyanas to Argentina.[6]

One single lot is known from the upper Paraná River and the São Francisco River drainage; it has been suggested that these occurrences may represent introduced populations.[5] This species has also been introduced into the Indian River Lagoon of Florida.[5][7]


Hoplosternum littorale

Most activity of non-breeding H. littorale such as feeding and locomotor activity are mainly nocturnal.[1] It has a maximum reported age of 4 years.[3] The diet of H. littorale consists mainly of benthic invertebrates and detritus.[1]

H. littorale natively inhabits tropical standing waters or swamps.[1][3] It is not found in rainforest creeks and clearwater rivers draining Precambrian Guyana and Brazilian Shields, where water is extremely poor in dissolved minerals. This species is restricted to swamps of tropical and subtropical South America and the floodplains of Amazonian whitewater rivers originating in the Andes. Such environments are characterized by low levels of dissolved oxygen and markedly seasonal conditions caused primarily by fluctuations in rainfall.[1]

H. littorale can breathe both with gills and through its intestines. However, intestinal respiration is not exhibited upon hatching, and the development of the respiratory intestine occurs throughout the juvenile period (up to 32 days old). Newly hatched larvae do not have the ability to breathe air through their intestines; however, it is possible that they absorb oxygen through their skin at this point, before the armor plates have developed. Soon after, between about 12–23 days of age, young have the capacity to breathe air, but their respiratory intestine has not finished developing. The respiratory intestine is well-developed between days 24 and 32.[2]

H. littorale has two types of hemoglobin, anodic and cathodic; anodic hemoglobin has a relatively low oxygen affinity and has marked Bohr effects, while cathodic hemoglobin lack significant pH effects. In H. littorale, cathodic hemoglobin has a pronounced reversed Bohr effect in which oxygen affinity increases with decreased pH. Cathodic hemoglobin has the purpose of safeguarding oxygen transport to tissues under hypoxic and acidotic conditions.[8]

H. littorale diet varies by age. Immature fish feed primarily on small aquatic crustaceans, especially Cladocera, Ostracoda, Copepoda, and Eubranchipoda. Chironomid larvae are important items in the diets of both juveniles and adults. The adult diet is dominated by mixed detritus, terrestrial insects, microcrustaceans, and aquatic beetles during the dry season, and mixed detritus and chironomid larvae during the wet season.[4]


The first reproduction occurs after one year.[1] Spawning is triggered by the first rains and occurs in the warm and rainy season.[6][1][4] As a callichthyine, it builds a bubble nest; among callichthyines, this species is reported to have the most complex nest structure.[6] This dome-shaped nest is rich with oxygen; in the hypoxic water conditions of tropical swamps, the main function of the bubble nest appears to be to provide oxygen to the developing eggs by lifting the eggs above the water surface while protecting them from desiccation. It may also serve to protect the brood against predators, regulate temperature, identify the center of the male's territory, and to synchronize reproductive activities.[1] Nest-building activities usually lasted from 1,000 to 1,500 hours, but only on clear and warm days, particularly during the hottest hours.[6] These activities are also reported to occur at night.[1] Most nests are built in newly flooded swamps, especially in open water in the peripheral area of the swamp. A minimum distance of 10 metres between nests is observed. The nest is the centre of a territory that is vigorously defended by the male, using its enlarged pectoral spines. The diameter and height of the nest average 30 and 6 cm (12 and 2.36 in), respectively.[1]

The beginning of nest building is preceded by a courtship ritual. This pair formation consists of the male and female swimming parallel to each other, the male and female facing each other and contacting their barbels, the male stimulating the flanks of the female, the swimming to the surface by the male and female and production of the first bubbles at the nest site, and adding further bubbles to the nest under construction.[1] The male produces most of the foam. First, the male and female come to the surface and swim belly-up in small circles. The film of the air-water interface is swallowed and pumped out through the gills, where it gains mucus. Movement of the pelvic fins stirs the water and mucus, captures air bubbles, and breaks these air bubbles into a foam.[6] The female may add some bubbles to the nest under construction.[1] Pelvic fin movement differs between sexes; males move their pelvic fins in a side-to-side fashion, while females open and close their pelvic fins.[6] The male often dives to the bottom to retrieve plant debris; filamentous nest materials are preferred, which are knitted together in the nest by the male. The male creates an upward water current with its tail fin that lift plant materials up. Then, the male uses its developed pectoral fin spines to cary the plant materials to the nest. The male uses its mouth and pectoral fins to incorporate the plant material into the foam mass of the nest.[1][6] Females neither have developed pectoral fin spines nor do they help in transporting plant debris.[6] The end result is a dome-shaped nest made up of loosely interwoven plant material on top of tightly interwoven plant material, held up to the surface with a layer of foam; the eggs will be laid on top of this foam from below.[1]

Spawning occurs during the daytime.[1] There is indication that the female drinks the sperm and that fertilization takes place after the sperm has passed through her digestive tract. The male and female form the "T-position", where the female places its mouth over the male's genital opening and collects the sperm in the mouth. The female rests at the bottom for 30–60 seconds, and then swims to the nest, turns upside down, and lays the eggs in the nest.[1] H. littorale is a multiple spawner. Investing in reproduction is high in females since they can spawn up to 14 times during a 7-month breeding season and each spawn consists of 6,000–9,000 eggs. On average, two to four females spawn simultaneously, resulting in an average number of 20,000 eggs per nest.[1] The adhesive eggs are located in the centre of the nest under the plant debris above the surface of the water, and not in contact with the oxygen-depleted swamp water.[1] The male guards the nest during incubation; incubation of the eggs takes two to three days depending on the temperature in the nest. The male also regularly supplies foam to the nest. Guarding and maintenance of the nest occurs day and night.[1] Once spawning has been completed, the male attacks females that have deposited their eggs in the nest. Despite intense predation pressure on eggs and larvae, the male's guarding behavior extends for only one or two days after hatching.[1] The male attacks with its large pectoral spines erect; the attack consists of rapid propulsion towards its target followed by a sharp lateral turn, which causes the rough outer edge of pectoral spine to drag across the target and cause abrasion.[4]

Relationship to humans

H. littorale is a valuable resource extensively fished in the deltas of the Amazon and Orinoco.[1] In Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname, and Trinidad, this species is an extremely popular food fish.[1]

H. littorale is commercially cultured in Trinidad, Guyana and Suriname. It fetched a price of US$8/kg in 2001 and there are local and foreign ethnic markets for the fish.[9]

H. littorale is also an aquarium fish.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Hostache, Gérard; Mol, Jan H. (1998). "Reproductive biology of the neotropical armoured catfish Hoplosternum littorale (Siluriformes - Callichthyidae): a synthesis stressing the role of the floating bubble nest" (PDF). Aquat. Living Resour. 11 (3): 173–185. doi:10.1016/S0990-7440(98)80114-9. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2007-07-04.
  2. ^ a b Persaud, David I.; Ramnarine, Indar W.; Agard, John B. R. (2006). "Ontogeny of the alimentary canal and respiratory physiology of larval Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock, 1828): an intestinal air-breathing teleost". Environ Biol Fish. 76 (1): 37–45. doi:10.1007/s10641-006-9006-7. S2CID 32798440.
  3. ^ a b c Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2007). "Hoplosternum littorale" in FishBase. July 2007 version.
  4. ^ a b c d Winemiller, Kirk O. (1987). "Feeding and reproductive biology of the currito, Hoplosternum littorale, in the Venezuelan llanos with comments on the possible function of the enlarged male pectoral spines". Environmental Biology of Fishes. 20 (3): 219–227. doi:10.1007/BF00004956. S2CID 13881541.
  5. ^ a b c Reis, Roberto E. (1998-05-14). "Hoplosternum Gill 1858". Tree of Life Web Project. Retrieved 2007-07-04.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h Andrade, D. V.; Abe, A. S. (1997). "Foam nest production in the armoured catfish". Journal of Fish Biology. 50 (3): 665–667. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.1997.tb01957.x.
  7. ^ Nico, Leo G.; Walsh, Stephen J.; Robins, Robert H. "An Introduced Population of the South American Callichthyid Catfish Hoplosternum littorale in the Indian River Lagoon System, Florida". Florida Scientist. 59 (3): 189–200.
  8. ^ Weber, Roy E.; Fago, Angela; Vali, Adalberto L.; Bang, Anny; Van Hauwaert, Marie-Louise; Dewilde, Sylvia; Zal, Franck; Moens, Luc (2000). "Isohemoglobin Differentiation in the Bimodal-breathing Amazon Catfish Hoplosternum littorale" (PDF). The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 275 (23): 17297–17305. doi:10.1074/jbc.M001209200. PMID 10747999.
  9. ^ Ramnarine, I.W. (2001). "Hatching trials with eggs of the armoured catfish Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock)". Aquaculture. 198 (1–2): 123–127. doi:10.1016/S0044-8486(01)00504-X.
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wikipedia EN

Hoplosternum littorale: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Hoplosternum littorale is a species of catfish (order Siluriformes) belonging to the Callichthyinae subfamily of the family Callichthyidae. It is known as tamuatá in Brazil, atipa in French Guiana, hassa in Guyana, kwi kwi (or kwie kwie [1]) in Suriname, cascadu or cascadura in Trinidad and Tobago, and busco or currito in Venezuela.

Hoplosternum littorale
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wikipedia EN

Hoplosternum littorale ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Hoplosternum littorale es una especie de peces de la familia Callichthyidae en el orden de los Siluriformes. En Brasil es conocido como tamuatá, en Guayana Francesa como atipa, en Guayana como hassar, en Suriname como kwi kwi o kwie kwie, en Trinidad como cascadura, en Argentina como cascarudo y en Venezuela como busco conchua y curito.


  • Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 24 cm de longitud total.[1][2]


Durante la estación de las lluvias, los adultos comen grandes cantidades de quironómidos, mientras que en la estación seca se alimentan principalmente de insectos terrestres, micro crustáceos, dípteros acuáticos y detritus.


Es un pez de agua dulce y de clima tropical (18°C-26°C).

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra en la mayor parte de Sudamérica en las cuencas del río Amazonas y río Orinoco y al este de los Andes, en la cuenca del Plata (excepto en el Río Salado del Sur.

Uso comercial

Es criado comercialmente en Guayana.


  1. FishBase (en inglés)
  2. Meunier, F.J., N. Journiac, S. Lavoué i N. Rabet, 2002. Histological characteristics of the skeletal growth marks of the Atipa, Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock, 1828) (Teleostei, Siluriformes), in the swamp of Kaw (French Guiana). Bull. Fr. Piscic. 364:71-86.


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Hoplosternum littorale: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Hoplosternum littorale es una especie de peces de la familia Callichthyidae en el orden de los Siluriformes. En Brasil es conocido como tamuatá, en Guayana Francesa como atipa, en Guayana como hassar, en Suriname como kwi kwi o kwie kwie, en Trinidad como cascadura, en Argentina como cascarudo y en Venezuela como busco conchua y curito.

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Hoplosternum littorale ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Hoplosternum littorale Hoplosternum generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Callichthyidae familian.



  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Hoplosternum littorale FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Hoplosternum littorale: Brief Summary ( Basco )

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Hoplosternum littorale Hoplosternum generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Callichthyidae familian.

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Rantamonni ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Rantamonni (Hoplosternum littorale) on aitopanssarimonneihin kuuluva pohjakala. Se on kotoisin Etelä-Amerikasta.

Rantamonni kasvaa noin 21 cm pitkäksi. Sitä tavataan Amazonin, Orinocon ja La Platan vesistöissä.[1]

Rantamonni elää suoalueilla. Kuivan kauden aikana se syö monia maahyönteisiä.[2]


  1. Hoplosternum littorale Planet catfish. Viitattu 15.12.2012.
  2. Hoplosternum littorale (peilipalvelin) FishBase. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (toim.). (englanniksi)

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Rantamonni: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

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Rantamonni (Hoplosternum littorale) on aitopanssarimonneihin kuuluva pohjakala. Se on kotoisin Etelä-Amerikasta.

Rantamonni kasvaa noin 21 cm pitkäksi. Sitä tavataan Amazonin, Orinocon ja La Platan vesistöissä.

Rantamonni elää suoalueilla. Kuivan kauden aikana se syö monia maahyönteisiä.

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Hoplosternum littorale ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Hoplosternum littorale est une espèce de poissons-chats (ordre des Siluriformes) d'Amérique du Sud appartenant à la sous-famille des Callichthyinae (famille des Callichthyidae).

Pimentade d’Atipas selon une recette créole guyanaise

Il est connu en Guyane sous les noms d’Atipa bosco ou Bosko en créole guyanais, Bata ou Katiina kuikui en nenge tongo, Kali walu en kali'na, Kareu en palikur, Katrina kwikwi en saramaka, Atpa en wayana, Tamuata en portugais du Brésil et Cascudo en français aquariophile[1].

On l'appelle encore Tamuatá au Brésil, de Hassar au Guyana, Kwi kwi (ou Kwie kwie[2]) au Suriname, Cascadu(ra) à Trinidad et Tobago et Busco ou Currito au Venezuela[3].

Il peut mesurer jusqu'à 23 centimètres. L’espèce a été décrite pour la première fois en 1828 par Hancock. Gill en déterminera le genre en 1858. L'atipa est très recherché pour la gastronomie dans sa zone de répartition, mais les populations ne sont pas menacées.

Il ne faut pas confondre l’Atipa bosco avec l’Atipa rouge (plus ubiquiste dans les pripris et en forêt) et l’Atipa grand-bois (fréquentant les bras morts des criques forestières).



L’atipa (Hoplosternum littorale) est un poisson à écailles ossifiées rappelant par sa physionomie certains poissons préhistoriques cuirassés. Il peut se déplacer à terre grâce à deux petites nageoires ressemblant à des pattes, d'où son nom créole "atipa". En saison sèche, il s'abrite dans un cocon de mucus qu'il creuse dans la vase, et respire par les intestins l'air qu'il avale[4].


Il se nourrit la nuit de débris végétaux, d'insectes et d'autres invertébrés aquatiques. Il peut également se comporter en charognard.


En Guyane, on le rencontre dans les pripris, marais et mares du littoral.

Aire de répartition

Son aire de répartition s'étend de l'Orénoque (Venezuela) au Rio Paraná Argentine[1].C'est un poisson préhistorique.[réf. souhaitée]

Dimorphisme sexuel

Le mâle (~250 g) est légèrement plus gros que la femelle (~150 g). Le premier rayon de la nageoire pectorale est orange chez le mâle[5].


Lors de la reproduction, en début de saison des pluies (décembre-janvier en Guyane) le mâle (parfois aidé de la femelle) construit un nid flottant en bulles, fait de mucus aggloméré à des végétaux. Au cours de la parade nuptiale, la femelle recueille le sperme du mâle dans sa bouche, dépose ses 5 000 à 20 000 ovules dans le nid, puis les arrose de sperme pour les féconder. Le mâle surveille ensuite le nid et se montre agressif pendant les 96-120 heures d'incubation. Les alevins se nourrissent de zooplancton (rotifères, cladocères)[1].


Plusieurs travaux traitent de l'élevage de l'Atipa[3],[6],[7].

Notes et références

  1. a b et c Pierre-Yves Le Bail, Philippe Keith et Paul Planquette, Atlas des poissons d'eau douce de Guyane - Tome 2 : fascicule II : Siluriformes, Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle - (Patrimoines naturels : 43), 1998 (ISBN 978-2-86515-117-2), p. 180
  2. [1]
  3. a et b (en) Gérard Hostache et Mol, Jan H., « Reproductive biology of the neotropical armoured catfish Hoplosternum littorale (Siluriformes - Callichthyidae): a synthesis stressing the role of the floating bubble nest », Aquat. Living Resour., vol. 11, no 3,‎ 1998, p. 173–185 (DOI , lire en ligne [PDF])
  4. Paul Planquette, « L'Atipa », Nature Guyanaise (SEPANGUY), Cayenne, no 2,‎ 1989 (juin), p. 8-13 (lire en ligne [PDF])
  5. « Hoplosternum littorale (Callichthys argile) », sur aquabulle.forumperso.com, 21 avril 2014 (consulté le 5 janvier 2018)
  6. Gérard Hostache, Patrick Vallat et Christian Tessier, « Maîtrise du Cycle d' Elevage de l'Atipa », Nature Guyanaise (SEPANGUY), Cayenne, no 4,‎ 1990 (avril), p. 33-41 (lire en ligne [PDF])
  7. Gérard Hostache, Biologie de la reproduction de l'atipa, hoplosternum littorale (teleostei, siluriforme, callichthyidae), thèse de doctorat, Rennes, Université de Rennes I, 1994 (lire en ligne), p. 58 p. + annexes
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Hoplosternum littorale: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Hoplosternum littorale est une espèce de poissons-chats (ordre des Siluriformes) d'Amérique du Sud appartenant à la sous-famille des Callichthyinae (famille des Callichthyidae).

 src= Pimentade d’Atipas selon une recette créole guyanaise

Il est connu en Guyane sous les noms d’Atipa bosco ou Bosko en créole guyanais, Bata ou Katiina kuikui en nenge tongo, Kali walu en kali'na, Kareu en palikur, Katrina kwikwi en saramaka, Atpa en wayana, Tamuata en portugais du Brésil et Cascudo en français aquariophile.

On l'appelle encore Tamuatá au Brésil, de Hassar au Guyana, Kwi kwi (ou Kwie kwie) au Suriname, Cascadu(ra) à Trinidad et Tobago et Busco ou Currito au Venezuela.

Il peut mesurer jusqu'à 23 centimètres. L’espèce a été décrite pour la première fois en 1828 par Hancock. Gill en déterminera le genre en 1858. L'atipa est très recherché pour la gastronomie dans sa zone de répartition, mais les populations ne sont pas menacées.

Il ne faut pas confondre l’Atipa bosco avec l’Atipa rouge (plus ubiquiste dans les pripris et en forêt) et l’Atipa grand-bois (fréquentant les bras morts des criques forestières).

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Hoplosternum littorale ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


Hoplosternum littorale is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de pantsermeervallen (Callichthyidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd in 1828 gepubliceerd door John Hancock.[2] In de handel kan men de soort wel tegenkomen als "kwiekie," "kwie kwie," of "kwi kwi."

De vis wordt beschouwd als een lekkernij in Suriname, waar de kweek wordt gestimuleerd.[3]

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Hoplosternum littorale. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 02 2013 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2013.
  2. Hancock, J. (1828). Notes on some species of fishes and reptiles, from Demerara, presented to the Zoological Society by John Hancock, Esq., corr. memb. Zool. Soc. In a letter addressed to the secretary of the Society. The Zoological Journal 4: 244–246
  3. LVV stimuleert kweek van kwi kwi
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Tamoatá ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

O tamoatá ou caborja (Hoplosternum littorale; Hancock, 1828) é uma espécie de peixe demersal de água doce, com preferência por águas pantanosas, pertencente à família Callichthyidae, ordem Siluriformes.

O tamoatá é uma espécie de grande importância comercial na Venezuela e nas Guianas, e é utilizada como alimento por uma grande parte das populações ribeirinhas do norte do Brasil.

Também chamado popularmente de viramorro no Vale do Paraíba - SP, este peixe de aspecto pré-histórico pode se locomover fora da água por distâncias não muito longas, utilizando-se de movimentos arqueados e da textura "de armadura medieval" de suas escamas; daí o nome viramorro.

Esta espécie apresenta respiração aérea facultativa, sendo parte do intestino médio o órgão acessório para a respiração aérea. A região do intestino onde ocorre a respiração acessória caracteriza-se por estar sempre cheia de ar, ser transparente e possuir a parede muito fina e ricamente vascularizada.

Devido ao facto desses animais possuírem respiração aérea facultativa, serão provavelmente muito vulneráveis quando expostos ao petróleo, já que em meio aquático a maior parte deste poluente se localiza na camada superficial da coluna de água, podendo prejudicar a tomada de oxigénio destes peixes, caso o ambiente se encontre hipóxico.

Na bacia amazónica, a espécie ocorre ao longo da rota de transporte do petróleo, desde a área de extracção, localizada na província do rio Urucu, até ao terminal da cidade de Coari, e em toda rota de transporte Coari-Manaus. Pode assim ser utilizada como espécie bio-indicadora em caso de derrame de petróleo.

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Hoplosternum littorale ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK


Загальна довжина сягає 24—26,3 см (в акваріумі — до 17 см). Спостерігається статевий диморфізм: самиця більша за самця. Голова велика. Очі маленькі. Рот широкий. Є 2 пари вусиків, на нижній щелепі. Тулуб кремезний, округлий у розрізі, валькуватий, вкритий 2 рядками кісткових пластинок, що сходяться в середині тулуба. Черево майже голе. Спинний плавець помірно високий, довгий, з жорсткими променями. Жировий плавець невеличкий, біля хвоста. Грудні й черевні плавці середнього розміру. Перед нерестом жорсткі промені грудних плавців самців помітно потовщуються, на їхніх кінчиках з'являються гачки. Анальний плавець довгий, з короткою основою. Хвостовий плавець прямий, дещо зазубрений.

Забарвлення тіла й плавців чорно-блакитного кольору, безпанцирна частина черева — бруднувато-біла. Існують особини з зеленуватим відливом та плавцями світло-сірого кольору. Під час нересту промені грудних плавців самця стають бурими.

Спосіб життя

Насамперед населяє тропічні водойми з невеличкою течією або зі стоячою водою, болота, дренажні канави, полюбляє мулисті ґрунти. Здатен дихати зябрами та за допомогою будови свого кишківника. Активний у сутінковий час. Живиться донними організмами та детритом. Шукає здобич, риючись у ґрунті.

Статева зрілість настає у 1,5 року. Розмноження відбувається в сезон дощів. Під час нересту самець разом з самицею будує кубло (діаметром 30-35 см) з пухирців повітря, які випускає з-під зябрових кришок, та шматочків рослин. Самиця відкладає від 6 до 9 тис. ікринок діаметром 1,8 мм. Самець охороняє кладку. Інкубаційний період триває 2-3 дні. Цей процес повторюється 14 разів протягом 7 місяців розмноження.

Є об'єктом промислового рибальства місцевого рівня, особливо в Суринами, Гаяні та Французькій Гвіані.

Тривалість життя до 4 років.


Мешкає у водоймах значної частини Південної Америки: від Венесуели до південної Бразилії та північної Аргентини, а також на островах Тринідад і Тобаго. Найбільш поширені в басейнах річок Оріноко, Амазонка, Парагвай та Парана. На сьогодні також завезено до США, де зустрічається в річках північної Флориди.


  • Andrade, D. V.; Abe, A. S. (1997). Foam nest production in the armoured catfish. Journal of Fish Biology. 50 (3): 665—667. DOI:10.1111/j.1095-8649.1997.tb01957.x
  • Reis, R.E., 1997. Revision of the neotropical catfish genus Hoplosternum (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes: Callichthyidae), with the description of two new genera and three new species. Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwat. 7(4):299-326
  • Ramnarine, I.W. (2001). «Hatching trials with eggs of the armoured catfish Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock)». Aquaculture. 198 (1-2): 123—127. DOI:10.1016/S0044-8486(01)00504-X
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Hoplosternum littorale ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Hoplosternum littorale là một loài cá da trơn (bộ Siluriformes) thuộc về phân họ Callichthyinae của họ Callichthyidae. Nó được gpo5 là tamuatáBrazil, atipa tại Guyane thuộc Pháp, hassar tại Guyana, kwi kwi (hoặc kwie kwie [1]) tại Suriname, cascadu(ra) tại Trinidad và Tobago, và busco hoặc currito tại Venezuela.[1]

Hoplosternum littorale

Mô tả

H. littorale phủ vảy giáp và lưng-bụng được nén chặt lại.[2] Loài cá này phát triển đến chiều dài 24.0 cm (9.4 in) TL.[3]

Cá trống phát triển chiều dài trung bình cũng như chiều dài tối đa lớn hơn cá mái, và vào mùa sinh sản, tạo ra những túi mỡ vây ngực và một vây ngực thuôn dài uốn ngược thường có màu hơi đỏ. Con trống chỉ có các vây uốn ngược này vào mùa sinh sản.[1][4]

Phân bố

H. littorale có phạm vi phân bố rộng nhất trong họ Callichthyidae. Nó hiện diện khắp Nam Mỹ, phía đông của dãy Andes và miền bắc Buenos Aires, gồm cả Orinoco, Trinidad, những sông ven biển Guiana, sông Amazon, sông Paraguay, hạ lưu sông Paraná, và miền nam Brazil.[5] Nó có mặt từ Venezuela và Guyanas tới Argentina.[6]

Loài này cũng đã được du nhận tới phá Indian River của Florida.[5][7]

Sinh thái học

Khi không sinh sản, các hành vi của H. littorale kiếm ăn và di chuyển chủ yếu diễn ra về đêm.[1] Tuổi thọ tối đa được biết đến là 4 năm.[3] Chế độ ăn của H. littorale gồm chủ yếu động vật không xương sống và mảnh vụn tại đáy nước.[1]

H. littorale cư ngụ tại vùng nước tỉnh hoặc đầm lầy.[1][3]

Chú thích

  1. ^ a ă â b c Hostache, Gérard; Mol, Jan H. (1998). “Reproductive biology of the neotropical armoured catfish Hoplosternum littorale (Siluriformes - Callichthyidae): a synthesis stressing the role of the floating bubble nest” (PDF). Aquat. Living Resour. 11 (3): 173–185. doi:10.1016/S0990-7440(98)80114-9.
  2. ^ Persaud, David I.; Ramnarine, Indar W.; Agard, John B. R. (2006). “Ontogeny of the alimentary canal and respiratory physiology of larval Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock, 1828): an intestinal air-breathing teleost”. Environ Biol Fish 76 (1): 37–45. doi:10.1007/s10641-006-9006-7.
  3. ^ a ă â Thông tin "Hoplosternum littorale" trên FishBase, chủ biên Ranier Froese và Daniel Pauly. Phiên bản tháng July năm 2007.
  4. ^ Winemiller, Kirk O. (1987). “Feeding and reproductive biology of the currito, Hoplosternum littorale, in the Venezuelan llanos with comments on the possible function of the enlarged male pectoral spines”. Environmental Biology of Fishes 20 (3): 219–227. doi:10.1007/BF00004956.
  5. ^ a ă Reis, Roberto E. (ngày 14 tháng 5 năm 1998). “Hoplosternum Gill 1858”. Tree of Life Web Project. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 7 năm 2007.
  6. ^ Andrade, D. V.; Abe, A. S. (1997). “Foam nest production in the armoured catfish”. Journal of Fish Biology 50 (3): 665–667. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.1997.tb01957.x.
  7. ^ Nico, Leo G.; Walsh, Stephen J.; Robins, Robert H. “An Introduced Population of the South American Callichthyid Catfish Hoplosternum littorale in the Indian River Lagoon System, Florida”. Florida Scientist 59 (3): 189–200.
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Hoplosternum littorale: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Hoplosternum littorale là một loài cá da trơn (bộ Siluriformes) thuộc về phân họ Callichthyinae của họ Callichthyidae. Nó được gpo5 là tamuatá ở Brazil, atipa tại Guyane thuộc Pháp, hassar tại Guyana, kwi kwi (hoặc kwie kwie [1]) tại Suriname, cascadu(ra) tại Trinidad và Tobago, và busco hoặc currito tại Venezuela.

 src= Hoplosternum littorale
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濱岸護胸鯰 ( Chinês )

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二名法 Hoplosternum littorale
Hancock, 1828




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濱岸護胸鯰: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

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