Imagem de Itauara alexanderi Robertson & Holzenthal
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Itauara alexanderi Robertson & Holzenthal

Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Zookeys
This species is similar toItauara emiliasp. n., Itaura lucindasp. n., andItaura stellasp. n., as discussed under each of those species. Each of these species possesses an inferior appendage process, a dorsomesal process on tergum X, and rather sinuous parameres. Of these species, Itaura alexanderiis most similar toItaura stella. Both of these species have similarly shaped dorsomesal and ventrolateral processes of tergum X and both have apically bifid inferior appendage processes.Itauara alexanderican be distinguished fromItaura stellaby the length of the parameres, those ofItaura alexanderibeing much shorter. Additionally, the inferior appendage process ofItaura alexanderiis broader than that ofItaura stella.Itauara lucindadiffers fromItaura alexanderiin having a forked paramere and an inferior appendage process that is not bifid.Itauara alexanderican be distinguished fromItaura emiliabased on differences in the shape of the dorsomesal process of tergum X. Adult. Body, wings, and appendages fuscous, intermingled with rufous or golden hairs, tibia and tarsi tawny brown. Wings with white transverse line along anastomosis. Forewing slightly broader past anastomosis, but with margins nearly parallel, apex rounded. Forewing venation incomplete, with apical forks I, II, and III present; Sc and R1 distinct along their entire lengths; fork I sessile; fork II petiolate, stem about the same length as fork; fork III petiolate, stem longer than fork; Cu1 complete, reaching wing margin; Cu1 and Cu2 intersecting near anastomosis; row of erect setae present along Cu2; A3 absent; crossveins forming a relatively linear transverse cord; discoidal cell longer than Rs vein. Hind wing margins nearly parallel, tapering only slightly past anastomosis; apical forks II and V present; Sc and R1 fused basally; A2 absent. Tibial spurs 1, 4, 4, foretibial spur extremely reduced and hairlike. Sixth sternal process thumb-like, apex rounded, associated with oblique apodeme posteriorly. Male genitalia. Preanal appendages absent. Segment IX ventrally narrow, broad medially; anterior margin rounded; posterolateral margin membranous or very lightly sclerotized; sternum IX without modification. Tergum X incompletely fused to tergum IX with membrane or lightly sclerotized region ventrolaterally; dorsomesal margin with single, downturned, elongate process; dorsolateral margin without processes; ventrolateral margin with paired, broad flange-like setose process consisting of upper subtriangular lobe and lower subquadrate lobe. Inferior appendages present as apically bifid, setose process produced mesally, broadest at base and fused to phallobase ventrobasally, with 2 pairs of small digitate lobes ventrolaterally, each bearing a seta. Parameres present, paired, inserted in membranous lobe, arising laterally from endotheca, sclerotized and rod-like, relatively short, sinuous, directed ventrolaterally, apex pointed. Phallobase reduced, lightly sclerotized. Phallicata forming a long sclerotized dorsal sheath extending from phallobase, narrow and straight mesally, distal portion broad, curving dorsally. Endophallus membranous, enlarged and convoluted when invaginated, with 1 upper and 1 lower lobe.
direitos autorais
Desiree R. Robertson, Ralph W. Holzenthal
citação bibliográfica
Robertson D, Holzenthal R (2011) Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Itauara Müller, 1888 (Trichoptera, Glossosomatidae) ZooKeys 114: 41–100
Desiree R. Robertson
Ralph W. Holzenthal
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