Imagem de Bagre-africano
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Bagre Africano

Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822)

Behavior ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

It is not known whether this species in particular uses its pectoral spine to make sounds, but in other species of catfish this is very common behavior. This species has also been know to generate electic organ discharges, but it is not known if this behavior is communicative (Teugels 1986).

Communication Channels: acoustic ; electric

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Gunder, H. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Clarias_gariepinus.html
Hal Gunder, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Gunder, H. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Clarias_gariepinus.html
Hal Gunder, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Life Cycle ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

North African catfish lay their eggs in vegetation. The eggs hatch within 25-40 hours. The larvae are able to swim and are able to feed within 2 or 3 days. Growth is very rapid, with males reaching an ultimately larger size than females (Skelton 1993).

Development - Life Cycle: metamorphosis

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Gunder, H. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Clarias_gariepinus.html
Hal Gunder, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Because north African catfish are heavily farmed around the world, there are some adverse effects on native populations of fishes. North African catfish breed with native walking catfish, which produce some sterility when back crossing occurs (Na-Nakorn et al, 2004). Another adverse effect of fish farming in general is the effect of fish farm waste on the surrounding ecosystem. There are large amounts of feed and fecal matter near fish farms. This waste is further spread by wild fish and deposited an even further distance from the farm. This kind of dispersal has great effects on the environment. It affects the feeding behavior and performance of other aquatic animals, including other fishes, crustaceans, and mussels (Sara et al., 2004).

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Gunder, H. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Clarias_gariepinus.html
Hal Gunder, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( Inglês )

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Because of the abundance of this species and its lack of mobility on land and in water, it is preyed upon widely. Man is the primary predator, but others include leopards, crocodiles, and birds. The fish eagle and marabou stork are very common predators (Skelton 1993)

Known Predators:

  • leopards (Panthera pardus)
  • humans (Homo sapiens)
  • crocodiles (Crocodylus)
  • birds (Aves)
  • fish eagles (Haliaeetus)
  • marabou storks (Leptoptilos crumeniferus)
direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Gunder, H. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Clarias_gariepinus.html
Hal Gunder, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

North African catfish are elongate with fairly long dorsal and anal fins. The dorsal fin has 61-80 soft rays and the anal fin has 45-65 soft rays. They have strong pectoral fins with spines that are serrated on the outer side (Teugels 1986).

This species can attain sizes of up to 1.7 meters including the tail and can weigh up to 59 kg when fully grown. They posses nasal and maxiallary barbels and somewhat smallish eyes. Their coloring is dark grey or black dorsally and cream colored ventrally. Adults posses a dark longitudinal lines on either side of the head; however, this is absent in young fish. Adult's heads are coursely granulated, while the head is smooth in the young. The head is large, depressed, and heavily boned. The mouth is quite large and subterminal (Skelton 1993).

Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: male larger

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Gunder, H. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Clarias_gariepinus.html
Hal Gunder, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

North African catfish live 8 or more years (Skelton 1993).

Range lifespan
Status: wild:
8 (low) years.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Gunder, H. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Clarias_gariepinus.html
Hal Gunder, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

North African catfish live in a variety of freshwater environments, including quiet waters like lakes, ponds, and pools. They are also very prominent in flowing rivers, rapids, and around dams. They are very adaptive to extreme environmental conditions and can live in pH range of 6.5-8.0. They are able to live in very turbid waters and can tolerate temperatures of 8-35 degrees Celsius. Their optimal temperature for growth is 28-30 degrees Celsius (Teugels 1986).

They are bottom dwellers and do most of their feeding there. They are also obligate air breathers, which means they do spend some time on the surface. This species can live in very poorly oxygenated waters and is one of the last species to live in such a uninhabitable place (Pienaar 1968). They are also able to secrete mucus to prevent drying and is able to burrow in the muddy substrate of a drying body of water (Skelton 1993).

Range depth: 4 to 80 m.

Habitat Regions: tropical ; freshwater

Aquatic Biomes: pelagic ; benthic ; lakes and ponds; rivers and streams; temporary pools; brackish water

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Gunder, H. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Clarias_gariepinus.html
Hal Gunder, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

North African catfish have been widely introduced around the world. They are found as far south as South Africa and north into northern Africa. They have also been introduced in Europe, the Middle East, and in parts of Asia. They are potamodromous, which means they migrate within streams and rivers (Teugels 1986).

Biogeographic Regions: palearctic (Introduced ); oriental (Introduced ); ethiopian (Native )

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Gunder, H. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Clarias_gariepinus.html
Hal Gunder, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

North African catfish are omnivores. They are not specific in their food requirements. They are known to feed on insects, plankton, snails, crabs, shrimp, and other invertebrates. They are also capable of eating dead animals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, other fishes, eggs, and plant matter such as fruit and seeds. Because they are mobile on land, they are able to prey on terrestrial organisms. This species may also hunt in packs on occasion by herding and trapping smaller fish. They are also refered to as sharptooth catfish because of fine, pointed bands of teeth (Skelton 1993).

Animal Foods: birds; mammals; amphibians; reptiles; fish; eggs; carrion ; insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods; mollusks; aquatic crustaceans; other marine invertebrates; zooplankton

Plant Foods: seeds, grains, and nuts; fruit

Primary Diet: omnivore

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Gunder, H. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Clarias_gariepinus.html
Hal Gunder, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

North African catfish are an important player in certain ecosystems. In Thailand, they have been introduced as a farm fish. However, in these marshes and swamps where they are raised, there is a native catfish, walking catfish, that is nearing extinction. This is due to the population expansion of the the North African catfish. It is also due to the back-crossing of the walking catfish and the hybrid of the two species. This is also reducing the genetic variation of the native walking catfish (Na-Nakorn et al 2004). This species is also important in nutrient recycling in conjuction with rice fields. The transfer of nutirents takes place from the pond to the rice via fish feces, which increases rice yields (d'Oultremont and Gutierrez, 2002).

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Gunder, H. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Clarias_gariepinus.html
Hal Gunder, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

North African catfish are a very good food source for humans. They are farmed extensively all over Asia. Because of this, this species and other farmed catfish are involved with extensive diet experiments. These experiements are meant to find the best diet for optimal yield. One such study is attempting to find the optimal dietary carbohydrate to lipid ratio in the fish's diet (Ali and Jauncey, 2004). Another similar study is testing the digestibility of oilseed cakes and meals for use in the fish's diet (Fagbenro, 1998). There are many other studies that are testing similar ideas about the African catfish's diet to improve the success of the farms.

Positive Impacts: food

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Gunder, H. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Clarias_gariepinus.html
Hal Gunder, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

This species participates in mass spawning.

Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)

This species in known to breed in the summers after the rainy season. Vast numbers migrate to "flooded shallow grassy verges of rivers and lakes" (Skelton 1993). The eggs are laid in the vegetation.

Breeding season: Summer

Average gestation period: 25-40 hours.

Key Reproductive Features: seasonal breeding ; sexual ; fertilization (External )

Further research should be done on the amount of parental care given in this species.

Parental Investment: no parental involvement

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Gunder, H. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Clarias_gariepinus.html
Hal Gunder, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
William Fink, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Matthew Wund, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Kwando River Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por EOL authors
The Kwando River system is generally construed to consist of the upper Kwando originating in the Angolan headwaters, the middle reach Linyanti swamps and the lower reach Chobe River. The 170 centimeter (cm) in length north African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is the largest benthopelagic species native to the Kwando River system. Ion concentrations jgenerally in the rapid flowing river mainstem tends to be low in ionic content; however, swampy areas often contain higher concentrations of nitrate and other ionic components. Correspondingly, planktonic content is only appreciable at these slackwater portions of the river, notably in the Linyanti Swamp. The Kwando waters generally exhibit a lower pH level than the neighboring Okavango River, but have a slightly higher sulfate concentration. The 61 cm three spotted tilapia (Oreochromis andersonii) is another notably large benthopelagic species occurring in the Kwando waters. The 15 cm long benthopelagic thicklipped happy (Thoracochromis albolabris) is the only endemic fish recorded in the Kwando river basin.
direitos autorais
C.Michael Hogan
citação bibliográfica
C.Michael Hogan. 2012. Kwando River. Eds. P.Saundry & C.Cleveland. Encyclopedia of Earth. National Council for Science and the Environment. Washington DC
C. Michael Hogan (cmichaelhogan)
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EOL authors

Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Body elongate. Head large, depressed and bony with small eyes. Narrow and angular occipital process; gill openings wide; air-breathing labyrinthic organ arising from gill arches; first gill arch with 24 to 110 gillrakers; cleithrum pointed, narrow with longitudinal ridges and with sharpness. Mouth terminal, large. Four pairs of barbels present. Long dorsal and anal fins; without dorsal fin spine and adipose fin. Anterior edge of pectoral spine serrated. Caudal fin rounded. Colour varies from sandy-yellow through gray to olive with dark greenish-brown markings, belly white. Can be confused with: The morphology of the cleithrum appears as a useful character to distinguish the closely related catfish species, Clarias anguillaris and C. gariepinus . Elsewhere, the difference seems less distinct, although the presence of a pointed cleithrum is typical for C. gariepinus (Benech et al ., 1993).


  • Species 2000 Dynamic (Checklist Query).
  • Benech, V., G.G. Teugels & G. Gourene - 1993Critère practique pour distinguer deux poisson-chats africains, Clarias anguillaris et C. gariepinus (Siluriformes: Claridae). Cybium 17 (1): 83-85.
  • Rainboth, W.L. - 1996FAO species identification field guide for fishery purposes. Fishes of the Cambodian Mekong.RomeFAO. 265 pp.
  • Skelton, P.H. & G.G. Teugels - 1992 Neotype description for the African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) (Pisces: Siluroidei: Clariidae). Ichthyological Bulletin of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology. , 56: 1-8.
  • Vera, J. - 1992 Diccionario multilingüe de especies marinas para el mundo hispano.Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. Secretaria General Técnica. 1282 pp.

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Native of Africa, Niger and Nile Rivers. Also extending to southern Africa, in the Limpopo, Orange-Vaal, Okavango and Cunene River systems; and to the Levant with Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Widely introduced to other parts of Africa, Europe and Asia. Trade restricted in Germany. Several countries report adverse ecological impact after.

Size ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
To 150 cm; max. weight 60 kg. The record individual from the country of Malawi was 16.1 Kg

Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Freshwater, widely tolerant of extreme environmental conditions.The presence of an accessory breathing organ enables this species to breathe air when very active or under very dry conditions.Bottom feeder which occasionally feeds at the surface. Omnivorous, a general scavenger. Feeds on insects, crabs, plankton, snails and fish but also take young birds, rotting flesh, plants and fruits.During intra-specific aggressive interactions, this species was noted to generate electric organ discharges that were monophasic, head-positive and lasting from 5-260 ms. Spawning (between July to December) takes place during the rainy season in flooded deltas.

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
One of the commercially most important freshwater fishes in Africa. Caught with drawnets. The total catch reported for this species to FAO for 1999 was 27 220 t. The countries with the largest catches were Mali (15 091 t) and Nigeria (9 994 t). Has been imported for purposes of aquaculture and gamefish. Marketed live, fresh and frozen; eaten broiled, fried and baked.

Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Piscicola Infestation (Piscicola sp.). Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Gyrodactylus Infestation 5. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Henneguya Infection 4. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Chilodonella Infection. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Neodactylogyrus Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Macrogyrodactylus Infestation 1. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Polyonchobothrium Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Quadriacanthus Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Astiotrema Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Dolops Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Procamallanus Infection 14. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Diagnosis: body depth 6-8 times in standard length, head 3-3,5 times in SL (Ref. 34290) or 30-37% SL (Ref. 28714). Head somewhat between rectangular and pointed in dorsal outline; snout broadly rounded; eyes supero-lateral and relatively small (Ref. 248). Teeth on premaxilla and lower jaw small, fine and arranged in several rows; nasal barbels 1/5-1/2 times as long as head in fishes longer than 12 cm, and 1/2-4/5 of head length in smaller individuals; maxillary barbels rarely shorter than head, usually somewhat longer and reaching to a point midway between origin of dorsal fin and insertion of pelvic fins; outer mandibular barbel longer than inner pair (Ref. 34290). Postorbital bones in contact; lower part of head with 2 black, lateral bands (Ref. 81644). Contrary to other Clarias species, Clarias gariepinus has a high number of gill rakers varying from 24-110 (Ref. 248, 34290, 81644, 101841), the number increasing with size of the fish; gill rakers long, slender and closely set (Ref. 248, 34290). Distance between occipital process and base of dorsal fin is short; dorsal fin almost reaches caudal fin; anal fin origin closer to caudal fin base than to snout, nearly reaching caudal fin (Ref. 248). Pelvic fin closer to snout than to caudal fin base (Ref. 248) or about midway (Ref. 28714). Pectoral fin extends from operculum to below 1st dorsal fin rays (Ref. 248). Pectoral spine robust (Ref. 248), serrated only on its outer face (Ref. 248, 81644), the number of serrations increasing with age (Ref. 248). Lateral line appears as a small, white line from posterior end of head to middle of caudal fin base; openings to secondary sensory canals clearly marked (Ref. 248).Description: head large, mean 30.8% SL; frontal fontanel long and narrow; distance between end of dorsal fin and caudal fin short (0.0-7.6% SL, mean 4.3)(Ref. 81644).Colouration: 2 colour patterns can be discerned: uniform and marbled pattern; in uniform pattern, dorsal surface and flanks of body and dorsal parts of pectoral and pelvic fins are generally dark greyish-greenish black, while belly and ventral parts of paired fins are lightly coloured; in marbled pattern, specimens show irregular dark blotches on light coloured background above and laterally, belly and ventral parts of the paired fins are whitish (Ref. 248, 81644). Most specimens show pigmentation bands on both sides of lower surface of head (Ref. 248, 81644), but these might be absent (Ref. 101841). A series of light and dark bands may occur on caudal fin; proximal third of caudal fin lightly coloured while other part is dark; occasionally, irregular black spots may occur on caudal fin (Ref. 248). Never an irregular pattern of small white spots on body (Ref. 101841).
direitos autorais
Crispina B. Binohlan
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Phyllodistomum Infestation 8. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Sanguinicola Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Fish Louse Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Trichodinosis. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Life Cycle ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Oviparous. Spawning takes place during the rainy season in flooded deltas. The fishes make a lateral migration towards the inundated plains to breed and return to the river or lake soon afterwards while the juveniles remain in the inundated area. Juveniles return to the lake or river when they are between 1.5 and 2.5 cm long (Ref. 34291). First sexual maturity occurs when females are between 40-45 cm and males between 35-40 cm. Eggs are greenish. Incubations lasts little (about 33 hours at 25°C).
direitos autorais
Crispina B. Binohlan
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Trophic Strategy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Frequency of occurence in Caprivi: frequently in sandy streams, abundant in standing deep water, common in shallow swamps (Ref. 37065). Described in most papers as a bottom feeder, which occasionally feeds at the surface (Ref. 248). Omnivorous (Ref. 123180). Feeds mainly on fish as well as on plants and zooplankton (Ref. 248). Shows noctural feedings habits (Ref. 123180).
direitos autorais
Crispina B. Binohlan
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Morphology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 61 - 80; Anal spines: 0; Analsoft rays: 45 - 65; Vertebrae: 56 - 63
direitos autorais
Crispina B. Binohlan
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Migration ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Potamodromous. Migrating within streams, migratory in rivers, e.g. Saliminus, Moxostoma, Labeo. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.
direitos autorais
Crispina B. Binohlan
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Biology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Adults occur mainly in quiet waters, (vegetated fringes of) rivers and lakes, (isolated) pools (Ref. 248, 28714), irrigation and sewage effluent canals (Ref. 28714), and prefer rather shallow and swampy areas with a soft muddy substrate and calmer water (Ref. 78218). They may also occur in fast flowing rivers and in rapids (Ref. 248, 78218). Recorded as having been or being farmed in rice fields (Ref. 119549). The two known colour types appear to correlate with water turbidity and substrate type (Ref. 81644). Widely tolerant of extreme environmental conditions (Ref. 6465). Water parameters appear to play only a very minor role (Ref. 78218). The presence of an accessory breathing organ enables this species to breath air when very active or under very dry conditions. They remain in the muddy substrates of ponds and occasionally gulp air through the mouth (Ref. 6465). Can leave the water at night using its strong pectoral fins and spines in search of land-based food or can move into the breeding areas through very shallow pathways (Ref. 6868). Omnivorous bottom feeders which occasionally feed at the surface (Ref. 248), but essentially a predator feeding on crustaceans, insects and fish (Ref. 28714). Feed at night on a wide variety of prey (Ref. 6868) like insects, plankton, invertebrates and fish but also take in young birds, rotting flesh and plants (Ref. 6465). Migrate to rivers and temporary streams to spawn (Ref. 34291), and a major floodplain migrant, spawning throughout the flood season, in the Sudd (Sudan) (Ref. 28714). Also caught with dragnets. During intra-specific aggressive interactions, this species was noted to generate electric organ discharges that were monophasic, head-positive and lasting from 5-260 ms (Ref. 10479). Known as sharptooth catfish in aquaculture, a highly recommended food fish in Africa (Ref. 52863). Marketed fresh and frozen; eaten broiled, fried and baked (Ref. 9987).
direitos autorais
Crispina B. Binohlan
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Importance ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
fisheries: minor commercial; aquaculture: commercial; gamefish: yes
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Skerptandbaber ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

'n Skerptandbaber in 'n bak.
Jong skerptandbabers wat in Rishon Le-Zion (Israel) se rioolstelsel gevang is.

Die skerptandbaber (Clarias gariepinus) is 'n varswatervis wat voorkom in die Oranjerivierstelsel en alle ander riviere noordwaarts in Suider-Afrika; dit kom feitlik oor die hele Afrika voor. Dit staan ook bekend as die baber en in Engels as die Sharptooth catfish.


Die vis het 'n lang, bruin- tot swartkleurige lyf, en 'n plat kop met vier paar lang baarde om die mond. Die dorsale vin is lank tot amper by die stertvin en die anale vin is ook lank. Die kop is groot en plat, die oë is kein en die bek is groot. Die vis word tot 1.4 m lank en 33 kg swaar. Die Suid-Afrikaanse hengelrekord is 33.3 kg, Zimbabwe 30.845 kg en Malawi 16.1 kg.


Die vis kom regdeur Afrika voor in feitlike alle varswaterstelsels. Die vis oorleef gemaklik in slegte watertoestande en kan asemhaal met 'n spesiale kamer bokant die kieue. Dit kruip oorland om by ander waterplekke uit te kom en vreet feitlik enigiets. Die wyfie lê haar eiers gedurende die somerreën.

Sien ook


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Skerptandbaber: Brief Summary ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF
 src= 'n Skerptandbaber in 'n bak.  src= Jong skerptandbabers wat in Rishon Le-Zion (Israel) se rioolstelsel gevang is.

Die skerptandbaber (Clarias gariepinus) is 'n varswatervis wat voorkom in die Oranjerivierstelsel en alle ander riviere noordwaarts in Suider-Afrika; dit kom feitlik oor die hele Afrika voor. Dit staan ook bekend as die baber en in Engels as die Sharptooth catfish.

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wikipedia AF

Clarias gariepinus ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA
Clarias garie 080516 9142 tdp.jpg
Clarias garie 080516 9146 tdp.jpg
Alevins fotografiats a Israel.

Clarias gariepinus és una espècie de peix de la família dels clàrids i de l'ordre dels siluriformes.


Els mascles poden assolir els 170 cm de llargària total i els 60 kg de pes.[4][5][6]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba a Àfrica, Jordània, Israel, el Líban, Síria i el sud de Turquia. Introduït a altres països d'Euràsia.[4]


  1. uBio (anglès)
  2. Scopoli J. A. 1777. Introductio ad historiam naturalem, sistens genera lapidum, plantarum et animalium hactenus detecta, caracteribus essentialibus donata, in tribus divisa, subinde ad leges naturae. Prague. Introd. Hist. Nat.. i-x + 1-506.
  3. 3,0 3,1 Catalogue of Life (anglès)
  4. 4,0 4,1 FishBase (anglès)
  5. IGFA 2001. Database of IGFA angling records until 2001. IGFA, Fort Lauderdale, Estats Units.
  6. Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea i W.B. Scott 1991. World fishes important to North Americans. Exclusive of species from the continental waters of the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (21):243 p.


  • Burgess, W.E. 1989. An atlas of freshwater and marine catfishes. A preliminary survey of the Siluriformes. T.F.H. Publications, Inc., Neptune City (Estats Units). 784 p.
  • Eschmeyer, William N.: Genera of Recent Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco (Estats Units). iii + 697. ISBN 0-940228-23-8 (1990).
  • Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. 2905. ISBN 0-940228-47-5.
  • Ferraris, Carl J.: Checklist of catfishes, recent and fossil (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes), and catalogue of siluriform primary types. Zootaxa, 1418. 8 de març del 2007. ISBN 978-1-86977-058-7. PDF (anglès)
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River, Nova Jersey, Estats Units: Prentice-Hall. Any 2000.
  • Nelson, J.S. 2006: Fishes of the world. Quarta edició. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, Nova Jersey, Estats Units. 601 p.
  • Teugels, G.G. 1992. Clariidae, p. 468-495. A C. Levêque, D. Paugy, i G.G. Teugels (eds.) Faune des poissons d'eaux douces et saumâtres d'Afrique de l'Ouest Tom 2. Coll. Faune Tropicale núm 28. Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Bèlgica i O.R.S.T.O.M., París, França.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985.

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Clarias gariepinus: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA
Clarias garie 080516 9142 tdp.jpg Clarias garie 080516 9146 tdp.jpg  src= Alevins fotografiats a Israel.

Clarias gariepinus és una espècie de peix de la família dels clàrids i de l'ordre dels siluriformes.

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Keříčkovec červenolemý ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Keříčkovec červenolemý, zvaný též sumeček africký nebo clarias[2] (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell) je druh sladkovodní ryby z čeledi keříčkovcovitých (Clariidae).


Přirozeně se vyskytuje v Africe, Sýrii, Asii a Madagaskaru. Uměle byl vysazen v USA, Izraeli i Turecku. Má vysoké přírůstky a není náročný na obsah kyslíku. V akvakultuře se chová v Maďarsku, Rusku a od roku 1990 i v České republice.[2]


Oproti sumci () je menší, dorůstá délky 120cm a může přesáhnout hmotností až 40 kg. Sumečcci dostupní v prodeji se pochybují obvykle mezí 2–3kg. Tělo mají protáhlé se širokou hlavou s dvěma páry dlouhých a dvěma páry kratších vousů. Hlavu nekryjí žádné šupiny. Nízká hřbetní ploutev se táhne téměř od hlavy.[2]


Maso má šťavnaté ale tučnější. Má vysoký obsah bílkovin a je považován za kulinářskou specialitu. Kromě absence šupin je výhodou i minimální obsah kostí.[2]


  • Clarias robecchii (Vinciguerra, 1893)
  • Clarias smithii (Günther, 1896)
  • Clarias syriacus (Valenciennes, 1840)
  • Clarias tsanensis (Boulenger, 1902)
  • Clarias vinciguerrae (Boulenger, 1902)
  • Clarias xenodon (Günther, 1864)
  • Clarius gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)
  • Heterobranchus anguillaris (non Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Macropteronotus anguillaris (non Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Macropteronotus charmuth (Lacepède, 1803)
  • Silurus anguillaris (non Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Silurus gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)
  • keříčkovec jihoafrický
  • sumčík africký[3]


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-09]
  2. a b c d Sumeček africký [online]. MAKRO Cash & Carry s.r.o. [cit. 2016-01-12]. Dostupné online.
  3. ZICHA, Ondřej; MAŇAS, Michal; KOŘÍNEK, Milan. Clarias gariepinus (keříčkovec červenolemý) [online]. BioLib.cz, 2004-02-14 12:43:57 CET, rev. 2008-10-14 15:01:40 CET [cit. 2009-02-08]. Dostupné online.

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Keříčkovec červenolemý: Brief Summary ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Keříčkovec červenolemý, zvaný též sumeček africký nebo clarias (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell) je druh sladkovodní ryby z čeledi keříčkovcovitých (Clariidae).

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Afrikanischer Raubwels ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Afrikanische Raubwels (Clarias gariepinus) ist eine in Afrika weit verbreitete Welsart aus der Familie der Raubwelse (Clariidae). Das ursprüngliche Verbreitungsgebiet der Art umfasst Afrika mit Ausnahme des Maghreb, der Kapregion, sowie großer Gebiete in Guinea und möglicherweise auch die Spitze des Horns von Afrika. Außerdem kommt der Raubwels in der Levante und der südlichen Türkei vor. Das Art-Epitheton gariepinus wurde von der Bezeichnung Gariep abgeleitet, der Name des Oranje bei den Khoikhoi.[1][2]


Die Welsart wird in der Regel 70 bis 90 cm lang; es gibt jedoch Berichte über 1,5 bis 1,7 Meter lange Exemplare. Das Maximalgewicht liegt bei 60 kg. Die Tiere sind langgestreckt, ihre Länge ist 6 bis 8 mal so groß wie die maximale Höhe des Körpers. Die Länge des abgeflachten Kopfes beträgt 30 % der Gesamtlänge der Fische. Von oben betrachtet ist der Kopf rechteckig, von der Seite gesehen vorne zugespitzt. Die Augen sind klein, das Maul ist breit. Prämaxillare, Unterkiefer und Gaumen sind mit kleinen, nach hinten gebogenen Zähnen besetzt, die in Reihen angeordnet sind. Die Kiemenspalte ist weit. Im Unterschied zu andere Clarias-Arten hat der Afrikanische Raubwels zahlreiche Kiemenrechen (24–110) auf dem ersten Kiemenbogen. Sie sind lang, dünn und stehen dicht beieinander. Ihre Anzahl nimmt mit zunehmendem Alter zu. Rund um das Maul besitzen die Welse vier Bartelpaare. Die Seitenlinie ist als schmale, sich vom Kopfende bis zur Mitte der abgerundeten Schwanzflosse erstreckende weiße Linie zu sehen. Die lange Rückenflosse reicht vom Kopfende bis zur Schwanzflosse. Die Afterflosse beginnt kurz hinter der Körpermitte und erstreckt sich bis zur Schwanzflosse. Weder Rücken- noch Afterflosse haben eine Flossenstachel. Die Bauchflossen sitzen kurz vor der Mitte des Körpers. Die Brustflossen reichen vom Kiemendeckel bis unter den ersten Strahl der Rückenflosse. Der Brustflossenstachel ist kräftig entwickelt und an seiner Außenkante gesägt. Die Anzahl der Zacken nimmt mit dem Alter zu.[2][3]

Es gibt zwei Farbmorphen, eine gefleckte und eine einfarbige. Bei der Ersten wird die helle Grundfärbung von Rücken und Körperseiten von unregelmäßig geformten, dunklen Flecken überlagert. Die einfarbige Morphe hat eine sandfarbene, olivfarbene oder dunkelgraue bis schwärzliche Oberseite. Der Bauch ist bei beiden cremeweiß. Möglicherweise gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Bodengrund des heimatlichen Gewässers und seiner Fließgeschwindigkeit und der Ausbildung der Morphen. Der Schwanz kann mit unregelmäßigen, dunklen Flecken gemustert sein und bei einigen Exemplaren ist der vordere Abschnitt des Schwanzes mehr transparent bzw. heller als der hintere.[3] Die Anzahl der Wirbel liegt 56 bis 63. Das maximale Alter der Fische beträgt 15 Jahre.[2]

Der Afrikanische Raubwels kann sehr leicht mit dem nah verwandten Aalraubwels (Clarias anguillaris), mit dem zusammen er die Untergattung Clarias bildet, verwechselt werden. Ein sicheres Unterscheidungsmerkmal der zwei Arten ist die Morphologie des Cleithrums, ein paariger Deckknochen im Schultergürtel. Das Cleithrum des Afrikanischen Raubwels ist zugespitzt, schmal und mit länglichen scharfen Kanten versehen.[4] Außerdem hat der Aalraubwels weniger Kiemenrechen (16–50) als der Afrikanische Raubwels.[5]


Afrikanischer Raubwels beim Aufsteigen in den Oberlauf eines Flusses

Der Afrikanische Raubwels kommt vor allem in stehenden Gewässern und Überschwemmungsgebieten mit schlammigem Boden vor. Oft sind es Gewässer, die in der Trockenzeit austrocknen. Die Welse können in der Nacht aber das Wasser verlassen und mit Hilfe der kräftigen Brustflossenstrahlen kurze Strecken an Land überwinden um neue Gewässer zu suchen, oder sie überdauern für eine gewisse Zeit im Schlamm vergraben. sie können über ihre erweiterten, gut durchbluteten Kiemenkammern Sauerstoff aus der Luft aufnehmen.[2][1]

Der Afrikanische Raubwels ernährt sich von Insekten und deren Larven, Würmern, Schnecken, Fischen, jungen Wasservögeln, kleinen Säugern, Aas, Detritus, Wasserpflanzen und verrottenden Landpflanzen, Samen, Beeren. Mit ihren zahlreichen Kiemenrechen können sie aber auch Zooplankton filtrieren und als Nahrung nutzen. Die Nahrung wird überwiegend mit den Barteln am Boden aufgespürt und 70 % der Nahrungsaufnahme findet in der Nacht statt. Junge Buntbarsche werden oft in Kooperation mit Artgenossen erbeutet.[1]


Die Fortpflanzung findet während der Regenzeit statt. Die Reifung der Gonaden der Tiere findet bei steigendem Wasserstand statt. Zum Laichen wandern die Fische zu Beginn der Regenzeit durch Bäche und Flüsse, auch durch schnell strömende Gewässer und Stromschnellen, in Regionen, die überflutet sind. Beim Ablaichen schlagen die Weibchen mit dem Schwanz, um Eier und Spermien zu vermischen und die befruchteten Eier weit zu verteilen. Ein Weibchen kann pro kg Eigengewicht bis zu 60.000 Eier produzieren. Die Eier sind grünlich und kleben an der Vegetation unter Wasser. Die Jungfische schlüpfen je nach Wassertemperatur nach 20 bis 60 Stunden, bei 25 °C nach etwa 33 Stunden. Zunächst werden sie über ihren Dottersack ernährt, der nach 3 bis 4 Tagen aufgebraucht ist. Ihr Verdauungssystem funktioniert mit einem Alter von 5 bis 6 Tagen und sie nehmen von da an Zooplankton auf. Sie wachsen schnell und erreichen innerhalb von 30 Tagen ein Gewicht von 3 bis 7 Gramm. Nach dem Ablaichen kehren die adulten Fische in ihre Heimatgewässer zurück, die Jungfische folgen, wenn sie 1,5 bis 2,5 cm lang sind. Weibchen werden mit einer Länge von 40 bis 45 cm geschlechtsreif, Männchen sind dann 35 bis 40 cm lang.[2][1]


Der Afrikanische Raubwels wurde im Jahr 1822 durch den britischen Naturforscher William John Burchell unter der Bezeichnung Silurus gariepinus erstmals wissenschaftlich beschrieben.[6] Terra typica ist der Vaal oberhalb der Einmündung des Riet in der Kapregion Südafrikas.[7] Später wurde der Wels der Gattung Clarias zugeordnet, die schon 1777 durch den italienischen Naturforscher Giovanni Antonio Scopoli eingeführt wurde. Zusammen mit dem Aalraubwels (Clarias anguillaris) bildet der Afrikanische Raubwels die Untergattung Clarias innerhalb der Gattung Clarias.[8]


Der Afrikanische Raubwels hat ein wohlschmeckendes Fleisch und wird deshalb in zahlreichen Ländern in Teichanlagen und auf Reisfeldern gezüchtet, nicht nur in Ländern der tropischen und subtropischen Klimazone, sondern in erwärmten Zuchtanlagen auch in Ländern der gemäßigten Zone. Hauptproduzenten sind Brasilien, China, Mali, Ghana, Nigeria, Kamerun, Südafrika, Italien, Ungarn und die Niederlande. In Teichen zur Tilapiazucht werden Afrikanische Raubwelse eingesetzt, um eine zu starke Vermehrung der Buntbarsche und damit die Herausbildung von kleinwüchsigen Kümmerformen zu verhindern.[1] In den meisten Jahren von 2010 bis 2015 wurden jährlich über 50.000 Tonnen der Fischart gefangen. Die Produktion aus Aquakulturen lag bei 200.000 Tonnen und darüber.[9]


Da der Afrikanische Raubwels ein guter Futterverwerter ist und in hohen Besatzdichten gehalten werden kann, eignet sich die Art neben der Teichhaltung in tropischen und subtropischen Ländern auch besonders gut für geschlossene Kreislaufanlagen, die weltweit immer häufiger anzutreffen sind. Auch in Europa nimmt die jährliche Produktion der Art kontinuierlich zu.[10]

Bei der Produktion in Kreislaufanlagen können mit bis zu 500 kg Fisch pro Kubikmeter in der Endmast sehr hohe Besatzdichten erreicht werden, wobei ein Fisch auf etwa 1,5 kg Schlachtgewicht kommt.[10]

Neben dem normalen Afrikanischen Raubwels werden besonders in Kreislaufanlagen häufig Hybride mit dem Wunduwels (Heterobranchus longifilis) verwendet, welche eine höhere Filetausbeute haben, da die Weibchen keine Eierstöcke bilden. Auch die männlichen Hybriden sind unfruchtbar.[11]

Invasive Art

Aus den Zuchtanlagen und Teichen entwichene Exemplare haben sich in zahlreichen afrikanischen, asiatischen und lateinamerikanischen Ländern ausgebreitet und werden als invasive Art zu einem Problem für die einheimische Süßwasserfauna.[1] Im Atlantischen Regenwald Brasiliens wurde der Afrikanische Raubwels auch zu einer Bedrohung für die lokale Amphibienfauna.[12] In Europa wurde die Art bisher in Bulgarien, Kroatien, Slowenien und Tschechien nachgewiesen.[13]


  1. a b c d e f FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture – Cultured Aquatic Species Information Programme: Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)
  2. a b c d e f Afrikanischer Raubwels auf Fishbase.org (englisch)
  3. a b Melanie Stiassny, Guy Teugels & Carl D. Hopkins: The Fresh and Brackish Water Fishes of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa, Band 1, ISBN 978-9074752206, Seite 676–678.
  4. Benech, V., G.G. Teugels & G. Gourene - (1993) Critère practique pour distinguer deux poisson-chats africains, Clarias anguillaris et C. gariepinus (Siluriformes: Claridae). Cybium 17 (1): 83–85.
  5. Afrikanischer Raubwels auf Fishbase.org (englisch)
  6. William John Burchell: Travels in the interior of southern Africa. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, London 1822–1824. Online: Band 1
  7. Clarias gariepinus im Catalog of Fishes (englisch)
  8. Guy G. Teugels & Dominique Adriaens: Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Clariidae: An Overview in Catfishes (2003) - Eds. G. Arratia, B.G. Kapoor, M. Chardon & R. Diogo - 2 Vols, pp.487 - ISBN 1-57808-261-7
  9. FAO: Species Fact Sheets Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)
  10. a b Wels, Afrikanischer Raubwels | Aquakulturinfo. Abgerufen am 5. Januar 2021.
  11. African catfish. Abgerufen am 5. Januar 2021 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  12. Jean R. S. Vitule, Simone C. Umbria & Jose M. R. Aranha: Record of native amphibian predation by the alien African catfish. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences (2008), 3(2): 105–107
  13. Marina Piria, Dinko Jelkić, Ana Gavrilović, Ivan Špelić, Anđelko Opačak und Siniša Ozimec: First record of North African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Croatian inland waters. Front. Mar. Sci. Conference Abstract: XVI European Congress of Ichthyology. doi: 10.3389/conf.fmars.2019.07.00142


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wikipedia DE

Afrikanischer Raubwels: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Der Afrikanische Raubwels (Clarias gariepinus) ist eine in Afrika weit verbreitete Welsart aus der Familie der Raubwelse (Clariidae). Das ursprüngliche Verbreitungsgebiet der Art umfasst Afrika mit Ausnahme des Maghreb, der Kapregion, sowie großer Gebiete in Guinea und möglicherweise auch die Spitze des Horns von Afrika. Außerdem kommt der Raubwels in der Levante und der südlichen Türkei vor. Das Art-Epitheton gariepinus wurde von der Bezeichnung Gariep abgeleitet, der Name des Oranje bei den Khoikhoi.

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wikipedia DE

Pexhon-tchet d' Afrike ( Valão )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) landing on the ford after its jump upstream ... (16332780150).jpg

Li pexhon-tchet d' Afrike, c' est ene sôre di magnåve pexhon d' Afrike, k' on-z acleve eto dins les tchôdès aiwes des cintråles nawearinnes.

No d' l' indje e sincieus latén : Clarias gariepinus


Clarias garie 080516 9166 H tdp.jpg

Tiesse avou ût moustatches, cwate di tchaeke costé.

Istwere di l' aclevaedje do pexhon-tchet

E l' Edjipe, c' esteut en ene biesse consacrêye del deyesse Bastet (k' aveut ene tiesse di tchet).

C' esteut lu ki moennéve li solea, cwand i naivyive del nute, sol mouze dizotrinne (aiwe mitolodjike la kel solea aveut on batea po rpasser do Coûtchant å Levant).

On l' aclevéve dedja dins l' basse di Quarum, sol gåtche erive di l' Aiwe di Nîl, on pô pus hôt k' Guizé.

E 1968, on-z a apontyî les tecnikes d' aclevaedje a Bangui, el Cinte-Afrike.

Diviè 1970, on-z a amonté les prumîrès cinses pexhonreces e Vietnam.

Pu on-z a aclevé l' biesse e Braezi (1990) pu å Paragway (1996).

El Walonreye, il s' a bén mopliyî a l' acwariom di Lidje. E 1987, i fourit aclevé ås cinses pexhonreces di Tîhondje (Piscimeuse).

Produjhaedje daegnrece di pexhon tchet

E l' Urope, on l' acleve addé les tchôds sourdants u dins l' aiwe di rafroedixhaedje des cintråles nawearinnes.

E 2001, on produjha 3000 tones ezès Bas-Payis, 1000 tones el Hongreye, 750 tones el Beldjike.[1]


  1. (fr) Tropicultura (rivowe di l' Etraidance Eternåcionåle bedje), 2003, 21, 4, 189-198.
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Pexhon-tchet d' Afrike: Brief Summary ( Valão )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) landing on the ford after its jump upstream ... (16332780150).jpg

Li pexhon-tchet d' Afrike, c' est ene sôre di magnåve pexhon d' Afrike, k' on-z acleve eto dins les tchôdès aiwes des cintråles nawearinnes.

No d' l' indje e sincieus latén : Clarias gariepinus

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Clarias gariepinus ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Clarias gariepinus or African sharptooth catfish is a species of catfish of the family Clariidae, the airbreathing catfishes.


They are found throughout Africa and the Middle East, and live in freshwater lakes, rivers, and swamps, as well as human-made habitats, such as oxidation ponds or even urban sewage systems.

The African sharptooth catfish was introduced all over the world in the early 1980s for aquaculture purposes, so is found in countries far outside its natural habitat, such as Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, and India.


Jumping upstream in a branch of the Sabie River, Kruger N.P.
Specimen from Bogor, Indonesia (possibly cultivated)
Juvenile specimens caught in the sewers of Rishon LeZion, Israel

The African sharptooth catfish is a large, eel-like fish, usually of dark gray or black coloration on the back, fading to a white belly. In Africa, this catfish has been reported as being second in size only to the vundu of the Zambesian waters,[1] although FishBase suggests the African sharptooth catfish surpasses that species in both maximum length and weight.[2][3]

C. gariepinus has an average adult length of 1–1.5 m (3 ft 3 in – 4 ft 11 in). It reaches a maximum length of 1.7 m (5 ft 7 in) TL and can weigh up to 60 kg (130 lb).[2] These fish have slender bodies, flat bony heads, notably flatter than in the genus Silurus, and broad, terminal mouths with four pairs of barbels. They also have large accessory breathing organs composed of modified gill arches. Also, only the pectoral fins have spines.[1]


It is a nocturnal fish like many catfish. It feeds on living, as well as dead, animal matter. Because of its wide mouth, it is able to swallow relatively large prey whole. It has been known to take large waterbirds such as the common moorhen.[4] It is also able to crawl on dry ground to escape drying pools. Further, it is able to survive in shallow mud for long periods of time, between rainy seasons.

African catfish sometimes produce loud croaking sounds, not unlike the voice of the crow.

Natural spawning

Spawning mostly takes place at night in the shallow, inundated areas of the rivers lakes and streams. Courtship is preceded by highly aggressive encounters between males. Courtship and mating takes place in shallow waters between isolated pairs of males and females. The male lies in a U-shape curved around the head of the female, held for several seconds. A batch of milt and eggs is released followed by a vigorous swish of the female's tail to distribute the eggs over a wide area. The pair usually rests after mating (from seconds up to several minutes) and then resumes mating.

Parental care for ensuring the survival of the catfish offspring is absent except by the careful choice of a suitable site. Development of eggs and larvae is rapid, and the larvae are capable of swimming within 48–72 hours after fertilization.


The rearing of the African sharptooth catfish in Africa started in the early 1970s in Central and Western Africa, as it was realized to be a very suitable species for aquaculture, as:

  • It grows fast and feeds on a large variety of agriculture byproducts
  • It tolerates adverse water quality conditions
  • It can be raised in high densities, resulting in high net yields (6–16 t/ha/year).
  • In most countries, it fetches a higher price than tilapia, as it can be sold live at the market
  • It matures and relatively easily reproduces in captivity.
  • It tolerates difficult conditions in aquaculture


Clarias gariepinus could be easily crossed with Heterobranchus longifillis to get the so-called hybrid Hetero-clarias.[5] This cross has advantages over C. gariepinus:

  • Cannot reproduce (so does not spend energy on reproduction)
  • Has white meat (usually preferred by customers)

A major disadvantage of the Hetero-clarias hybrid, though, is its susceptibility to stress.

Allegedly, other hybrids have been supposedly produced, such as one with C. fuscus, exported to Indonesia from Taiwan as Lele Dumbo, a much higher-yielding variety than the local C. batrachus, despite the truth of such hybridization being rather invalidable. [6]

Parasites and diseases

C. gariepinus may host several species of digeneans, in addition to other endo- and ectoparasites.[7]


  1. ^ a b Ecotravel South Africa Archived 2011-01-25 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ a b Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2014). "Clarias gariepinus" in FishBase. March 2014 version.
  3. ^ Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2014). "Heterobranchus longifilis" in FishBase. March 2014 version.
  4. ^ Anoop KR, Sundar KSG, Khan BA & Lal S (2009) Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus in the diet of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus in Keoladeo Ghana National Park, India. Indian Birds 5(2):22-23
  5. ^ B.J. Roosendaal, Fleuren & Nooijen
  6. ^ Khairuman & Amri, 2008 [1]
  7. ^ Jansen van Rensburg, C., van As, J.G. & King, P.H. 2013. New records of digenean parasites of Clarias gariepinus (Pisces: Clariidae) from the Okavango Delta, Botswana, with description of Thaparotrema botswanensis sp. n. (Plathelminthes: Trematoda). African Invertebrates 54 (2): 431–446.[2]

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Clarias gariepinus: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

Clarias gariepinus or African sharptooth catfish is a species of catfish of the family Clariidae, the airbreathing catfishes.

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Clarias gariepinus ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El bagre de dientes afilados (Clarias gariepinus) es una especie de peces de la familia Clariidae en el orden de los Siluriformes.


• Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 170 cm de longitud total y los 60 kg de peso.[1][2][3]

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentran en África, Jordania, Israel, el Líbano, Siria y el sur de Turquía. Introducido en otros países de Eurasia así como en Brasil y la Argentina.[4]


  1. FishBase (en inglés)
  2. IGFA 2001. Database of IGFA angling records until 2001. IGFA, Fort Lauderdale, Estados Unidos.
  3. Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea i W.B. Scott 1991. World fishes important to North Americans. Exclusive of species from the continental waters of the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (21):243 p.
  4. Casciotta, J.; A. Almirón, L. Ciotek, P. Giorgis, O. Říčan, L. Piálek, K. Dragová, Y. Croci, M. Montes, J. Iwaszkiw, & A. Puentes (2016). Visibilizando lo invisible. Un relevamiento de la diversidad de peces del Parque Nacional Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina. Historia Natural 6 (2): 5-77.


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Clarias gariepinus: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El bagre de dientes afilados (Clarias gariepinus) es una especie de peces de la familia Clariidae en el orden de los Siluriformes.

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Aafrika angersäga ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET

Aafrika angersäga levik

Aafrika angersäga (Clarias gariepinus) on kalaliik sägaliste (Siluriformes) seltsi angersägalaste (Clariidae) sugukonna angersägade (Clarias) perekonnast. Angersäga on demersaalse eluviisiga magevees elav kala. [1]


Aafrika angersägal on selg tumepruun või must, küljed hallikad ja kõhualune valge. Angersäga pea on lapik. Tal on suur ja lai suu koos nelja paari poisetega. Ta võib kasvada kuni 1,7 m pikkuseks ja kaaluda kuni 60 kg. Keskmine pikkus on siiski tagasihoidlikum – 90 cm. Tema eluiga on lühike, kõigest 8 aastat.[1]


Angersäga esineb looduslikult üle kogu Aafrika, välja arvatud Loode-Aafrikas.[2] Ühtlasi on ta kõige laialdasemalt levinud kalaliik Aafrikas. Teda esineb ka Lähis-Idas. Vesiviljeluseks on teda ka toodud Brasiiliasse, Vietnami, Indoneesiasse ja Indiasse.[3] Ka Eestis on angersäga kasvatamise huvi kasvanud.

Angersäga elab erinevates mageveelistes keskkondades. Peamiselt elutsevad nagu rahulikes vetes, nagu järvedes ja tiikides. Nad eelistavad elada pigem madalas ja soises paigas, kus on pehme ja mudane pinnas. Kuna angersäga kasvatatakse ka üleujutatud riisipõldudel, siis on ta elutingimuste suhtes üsna leplik liik. Angersäga elab ka kärestikulises vees. Ta talub hapnikuvaesust ja kõrget pH taset. Kasvamiseks on talle parim temperatuurivahemik 28–30° C, kuid eluks sobib temperatuurivahemik 8–35° C. Angersäga saab hakkama ka vähese hapnikusisaldusega vetes, olles üks väheseid sellise omadusega liike. Angersägal on võime ka eritada lima, mis takistab kala kuivamist, ja kaevata end mutta, kui veekogu on kuivamas.[4]


Angersäga on kõigesööja ehk omnivoor. Puuviljad, seemned, suurselgrootud, plankton ja surnud loomade liha võivad kõik olla osa angersäga menüüst. Angersäga, nagu ka teised sägalised, on öise eluviisiga kala, seega sööb ta peamiselt öösel.[5]

Angersäga vesiviljeluses

Angersäga sobib väga hästi vesiviljeluseks. Ta on kiire kasvuga ja talub suurt asustustihedust. Lisaks sellele ei ole ta kuigi nõudlik vee puhtuse osas.[3]

Eestis kasvatatakse angersäga Võrumaal Paadi talus sisebasseinides. Avo Leok hakkas esimesena Eestis angersäga kasvatama sisebasseinides ning nüüdseks müüb ta angersäga üle Eesti.[6]


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Aafrika angersäga: Brief Summary ( Estônio )

fornecido por wikipedia ET

 src= Aafrika angersäga levik

Aafrika angersäga (Clarias gariepinus) on kalaliik sägaliste (Siluriformes) seltsi angersägalaste (Clariidae) sugukonna angersägade (Clarias) perekonnast. Angersäga on demersaalse eluviisiga magevees elav kala.

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Clarias gariepinus ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Clarias gariepinus Clarias generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Clariidae familian sailkatzen da.



  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Clarias gariepinus FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Clarias gariepinus: Brief Summary ( Basco )

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Clarias gariepinus Clarias generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Clariidae familian sailkatzen da.

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Jättikonnamonni ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Jättikonnamonni (Clarias gariepinus) on ankeriasmonnien heimoon kuuluva afrikkalainen kalalaji. Sillä on hengityselin, jolla se voi jonkin verran hengittää ilmassa olevaa happea.[3]

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Kala on enimmillään 1,5 metrin pituinen. Väriltään se on harmaa ja selkäpuoli on vatsapuolta tummempi. Keskiruumiissa on kauttaaltaan vaaleita laikkuja.[3]

Levinneisyys ja elinympäristö

Jättikonnamonni on alun perin afrikkalainen sisävesikala. Se esiintyy lähes koko mantereen alueella, muun muassa Nigerjoessa ja Niilissä.[2] Ihminen on levittänyt lajia Eurooppaan ja Aasiaan.[3]


Jättikonnamonni syö sekä kasveja että eläimiä. Se saalistaa veden selkärangattomia eläimiä, kaloja ja lintuja. Se syö myös haaskoja ja hedelmiä.[3]


  1. Freyhof, J.: Clarias gariepinus IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3. 2014. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 19.1.2015. (englanniksi)
  2. a b Clarias gariepinus (peilipalvelin) FishBase. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (toim.). (englanniksi)
  3. a b c d Antal Vida, Tamás Kótal: ”Jättikonnamonni”, 365 kalaa. Suomentanut Eeva-Liisa Hallanaro. Vince Books, 2006. ISBN 978-3-8331-2547-8.

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Jättikonnamonni: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Jättikonnamonni (Clarias gariepinus) on ankeriasmonnien heimoon kuuluva afrikkalainen kalalaji. Sillä on hengityselin, jolla se voi jonkin verran hengittää ilmassa olevaa happea.

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Poisson-chat africain ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Clarias gariepinus

Le Poisson-chat africain (Clarias gariepinus) est une espèce de poissons-chats de la famille des Clariidae. On parle aussi de grand silure africain.

Brève Description

Pouvant atteindre des dimensions records de 1,70 m de long pour un ‘poids’ de 60 kg, C. gariepinus est un sinon le plus grand des siluriformes présents en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient[1],[2]. Il est muni de 4 paires de barbillons, d’une tête au museau arrondi et d'une nageoire dorsale unique se prolongeant jusqu’à la caudale. Sa nageoire anale se prolonge encore plus en arrière vers la caudale.

Sa coloration varie du brun beige assez uni à un beige moucheté de foncé, avec de plus en plus de foncé en allant de la queue vers la tête.


Cette espèce vit en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient[1]et est utilisée en aquaculture très au-delà de son aire de répartition originelle[3],[4]. C'est en effet une espèce avec une forte importance économico-alimentaire, surtout à l'échelle locale.


Références taxinomiques

Notes et références
  1. a et b C. Lévêque et Guy G. Teugels, Faune des poissons d'eaux douces et saumâtres de l'Afrique de l'ouest = The fresh and brackish water fishes of West Africa, Institut de recherche pour le développement, 2003 (ISBN 2-7099-1526-X, 978-2-7099-1526-7 et 2-7099-1527-8, OCLC , lire en ligne)
  2. « aquaportail fiche espèce »
  3. (en) E. M. Romanova, V. V. Romanov, V. N. Lyubomirova et L. A. Shadieva, « Increase in nonspecific resistance of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in industrial aquaculture », BIO Web of Conferences, vol. 17,‎ 2020, p. 00122 (ISSN , DOI , lire en ligne, consulté le 31 août 2021)
  4. (en) « The nomenclature of African Clarias species used in aquaculture », Aquaculture, vol. 38, no 4,‎ 1er juin 1984, p. 373–374 (ISSN , DOI , lire en ligne, consulté le 31 août 2021)

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Poisson-chat africain: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Clarias gariepinus

Le Poisson-chat africain (Clarias gariepinus) est une espèce de poissons-chats de la famille des Clariidae. On parle aussi de grand silure africain.

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Lele dumbo ( Indonésio )

fornecido por wikipedia ID

Lele dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) adalah sejenis lele budidaya yang berasal dari Afrika. Dibandingkan dengan lele lokal (lele kampung C. batrachus, dan C. macrocephalus) lele dumbo berukuran lebih besar dan patilnya tidak tajam sehingga disukai konsumen. Kelemahannya adalah dagingnya lunak dan mudah hancur bila digoreng.

Nama "dumbo" diberikan karena ukurannya yang lebih besar daripada rata-rata lele lokal Asia Tenggara.


Lele dumbo di baskom.

Secara alami ditemukan di berbagai tempat di Afrika dan timur Tengah. Mereka menyukai air tawar yang tenang serta kubangan buatan manusia, bahkan mampu bertahan hidup dalam saluran air buangan. Ikan ini sekarang dibudidayakan di Asia Tenggara (termasuk Indonesia) sebagai sumber pangan. Persilangannya dengan lele lokal Asia Tenggara telah dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kualitas daging dan telah dibudidayakan dengan nama sama.

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Lele dumbo: Brief Summary ( Indonésio )

fornecido por wikipedia ID

Lele dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) adalah sejenis lele budidaya yang berasal dari Afrika. Dibandingkan dengan lele lokal (lele kampung C. batrachus, dan C. macrocephalus) lele dumbo berukuran lebih besar dan patilnya tidak tajam sehingga disukai konsumen. Kelemahannya adalah dagingnya lunak dan mudah hancur bila digoreng.

Nama "dumbo" diberikan karena ukurannya yang lebih besar daripada rata-rata lele lokal Asia Tenggara.

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Afrikinis šamas ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Afrikinis šamas (lot. Clarias gariepinus, angl. African sharptooth catfish, vok. Afrikanischer Raubwels, rus. Африканский клариевый сом) – šamų plėšikų (lot. Clariidae) šeimai priklausančios žuvys, sugebančios kvėpuoti oru ir vaikščioti sausuma.

Afrikiniai šamai sutinkami visoje Afrikoje, Viduriniuose Rytuose, kur jie natūraliai gyvena gėlo vandens upėse ir ežeruose.

Tai naktinės plėšriosios žuvys. Minta medžiodamos kitas, mažesnes žuvis. Savo ganėtinai didelės burnos dėka šamas gali praryti santykinai didelį grobį – žinoma atvejų, kai šamų aukomis tapdavo vandens paukščiai. Afrikinio šamo galva didelė, iš viršaus plokščia, oda be žvynų, minkšta. Ties burna ši žuvis turi 4 poras ūsų, kuriais jaučiamas skonis ir kvapas.

Afrikinai šamai yra labai gyvybingos žuvys, kurios sugeba išgyventi itin sudėtingomis sąlygomis. Afrikoje, kurioje nuolat kyla sausros ir išdžiūsta upės bei ežerai, šios žuvys išlipa į krantą ir sausuma nukeliauja į kitus vandens telkinius, esančius iki 4 km atstumu. Jos geba ropoti sausu paviršiumi, kas leidžia išgyventi pasišalinant iš džiūstančių vandens telkinių, sugeba ilgą laiką tarp lietaus sezonų gyventi sekliame negilių vandens telkinių purve.

Pramoninis auginimas

Afrikinis šamas yra plačiai žinoma rūšis, kaip galima auginti uždarose patalpose, panaudojant moderniąsias akvakultūros technologijas. Tinka intensyviai auginti uždaroje vandens cirkuliacijos sistemoje dėl savo ypatingų savybių: gero skonio, mažo kaulingumo, greito augimo, atsparumo ligoms, nereikalavimo ypatingų auginimo sąlygų, omega3 riebalų rūgščių gausos. Jų auginimas greitai atsiperka dėl jų spartaus augimo – viskas, ko reikia, tai tam tikros temperatūros palaikymas, tam tikras apšvietimas bei teisingas maitinimas. Palyginus su europiniu šamu, afrikinis turi mažiau riebalų, jo mėsa tamsesnė, sudėtyje yra daug baltymų, beveik nesijaučia specifinio žuvies kvapo . Šią žuvį galima kepti, virti, rūkyti, o Vokietijoje netgi gaminamos delikatesinės dešrelės iš šamo mėsos.[1]

Per metus 1 kubiniame metre vandens galima išauginti iki 1 t afrikinių šamų. Iki prekinio 1 kg dydžio išauga per 7 - 9 mėn. Kadangi savo prigimti yra plėšrūnai, gana anksti ir net nelabai skiriantis dydžiu, esant maisto trūkumui, pasireiškia kanibalizmas.




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Afrikinis šamas: Brief Summary ( Lituano )

fornecido por wikipedia LT

Afrikinis šamas (lot. Clarias gariepinus, angl. African sharptooth catfish, vok. Afrikanischer Raubwels, rus. Африканский клариевый сом) – šamų plėšikų (lot. Clariidae) šeimai priklausančios žuvys, sugebančios kvėpuoti oru ir vaikščioti sausuma.

Afrikiniai šamai sutinkami visoje Afrikoje, Viduriniuose Rytuose, kur jie natūraliai gyvena gėlo vandens upėse ir ežeruose.

Tai naktinės plėšriosios žuvys. Minta medžiodamos kitas, mažesnes žuvis. Savo ganėtinai didelės burnos dėka šamas gali praryti santykinai didelį grobį – žinoma atvejų, kai šamų aukomis tapdavo vandens paukščiai. Afrikinio šamo galva didelė, iš viršaus plokščia, oda be žvynų, minkšta. Ties burna ši žuvis turi 4 poras ūsų, kuriais jaučiamas skonis ir kvapas.

Afrikinai šamai yra labai gyvybingos žuvys, kurios sugeba išgyventi itin sudėtingomis sąlygomis. Afrikoje, kurioje nuolat kyla sausros ir išdžiūsta upės bei ežerai, šios žuvys išlipa į krantą ir sausuma nukeliauja į kitus vandens telkinius, esančius iki 4 km atstumu. Jos geba ropoti sausu paviršiumi, kas leidžia išgyventi pasišalinant iš džiūstančių vandens telkinių, sugeba ilgą laiką tarp lietaus sezonų gyventi sekliame negilių vandens telkinių purve.

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Ikan Keli Eksotika ( Malaio )

fornecido por wikipedia MS

Ikan Keli Eksotika atau nama saintifiknya Clarias gariepinus adalah tergolong dalam ikan air tawar.[1]


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Ikan Keli Eksotika: Brief Summary ( Malaio )

fornecido por wikipedia MS

Ikan Keli Eksotika atau nama saintifiknya Clarias gariepinus adalah tergolong dalam ikan air tawar.

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Afrikaanse meerval ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

fornecido por wikipedia NL


De Afrikaanse meerval (Clarias gariepinus) is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de kieuwzakmeervallen (Clariidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1822 door Burchell.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Clarias gariepinus. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 02 2013 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2013.
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Tawada ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL
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Tawada[2], stawada[3], sum afrykański[4] (Clarias gariepinus) – gatunek słodkowodnej ryby sumokształtnej, jeden z największych przedstawicieli rodziny długowąsowatych (Clariidae).

Zasięg występowania

Afryka oraz azjatycka część zlewiska Morza Śródziemnego (Jordania, Izrael, Liban, Syria i południowa Turcja). Gatunek introdukowany w wielu krajach Afryki, Europy i Azji. W Polsce hodowany od 1990 roku[5].


Głowa szeroka i płaska, z dużym otworem gębowym w położeniu półdolnym i z 4 parami wąsików. Oczy małe. Tułów spłaszczony grzbietobrzusznie, trzon ogonowy spłaszczony bocznie. Długa płetwa grzbietowa i odbytowa, płetwy piersiowe małe. Może dorastać do 170 cm długości oraz wagi ciała do 60 kg. Wykazuje dużą odporność na zmiany warunków środowiska. W naturze zasiedla wszystkie typy zbiorników z wodą słodką. Preferuje wody spokojne. Może oddychać powietrzem atmosferycznym. Ryba wszystkożerna.

Znaczenie gospodarcze

Mięso suma afrykańskiego nie zawiera ości i ma smak podobny do mięsa cielęcego. Pierwsze próby hodowli w Polsce podjął Zakład Ichtiobiologii i Gospodarki Rybackiej PAN w Gołyszu. Poziom produkcji suma afrykańskiego w Polsce systematycznie wzrasta – z 60–80 ton w latach 90. XX w. do 500–600 ton rocznie w ostatnich latach[5].

Zobacz też


  1. Clarias gariepinus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Krystyna Kowalska, Jan Maciej Rembiszewski, Halina Rolik Mały słownik zoologiczny, Ryby, Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 1973
  3. Grabda, E., T. Heese, 1991. Polskie nazewnictwo popularne krągłouste i ryby. Cyclostomata et Pisces. Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierska w Koszalinie. Koszalin
  4. Adamek 2001 ↓.
  5. a b A. Witkowski, J. Grabowska. The non-indigenous freshwater fishes of Poland: Threats for native ichthyofauna and consequence for fishery: A review. „Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria”. 42 (2), s. 77–87, 2012. DOI: 10.3750/AIP2011.42.2.01 (ang.).


  • Jerzy Adamek: Sum afrykański. Technologia chowu. Olsztyn: IRŚ, 2001. ISBN 83-87506-64-8.
  • Clarias gariepinus. (ang.) w: Froese, R. & D. Pauly. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.fishbase.org [dostęp 20 lipca 2009]
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wikipedia POL

Tawada: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

fornecido por wikipedia POL

Tawada, stawada, sum afrykański (Clarias gariepinus) – gatunek słodkowodnej ryby sumokształtnej, jeden z największych przedstawicieli rodziny długowąsowatych (Clariidae).

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wikipedia POL

Clarias gariepinus ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

O bagre-africano (Clarias gariepinus) é uma espécie de bagre da família Clariidae que é formada por bagres de respiração aérea.


Os bagres-africanos são encontrados em toda a África e Oriente Médio, e vivem em lagos de água doce, rios e pântanos, bem como em habitats criados pelo homem, como lagoas de estabilização para tratamento de esgotos ou até mesmo sistemas de esgotos urbanos.

O bagre-africano foi introduzido em todo o mundo no início da década de 1980 para fins de aquacultura, sendo encontrado fora de seu habitat natural em países distantes, tais como Brasil, Vietnã, Indonésia e Índia, onde se tornou uma espécie invasora causando importantes impactos ambientais. O Bagre Africano é uma espécie carnívora e muito resistente. Quando foi introduzido em águas brasileiras, causou diversos impactos na fauna nativa e por isso é considerada espécie exótica, com potencial invasor. Ele se adaptou ao ambiente onde foi introduzido, desenvolveu grande poder de reprodução e dispersão, causou a extinção de animais e plantas e a modificação do habitat, entre outros impactos. Por não possuírem predadores naturais e um apetite insaciável, a espécie exótica invasora se multiplica rapidamente, competindo ou mesmo se alimentando diretamente das espécies nativas. [1]


Saltando rio acima em um afluente do Rio Sabie, Kruger N.P.
Espécime na Indonésia
Bagre-africano jovem capturado nos esgotos de Rishon LeZion, Israel

O Bagre-africano é um peixe grande, semelhante a enguia, geralmente de coloração cinza escura ou preta nas costas, desbotando até uma barriga branca. Na África, esse bagre foi relatado como sendo o segundo em tamanho apenas para o vundu das águas da Zambézia,[2] embora FishBase sugira que o Bagre-africano ultrapasse essas espécies em comprimento e peso máximos.[3][4]

C. gariepinus tem um comprimento médio adulto de 1 m (39 in) a 1,5 m (59 in). atinge um comprimento máximo de 1,7 m (67 in) TL e pode pesar até 60 kg (130 lb).[3] Esses peixes têm corpos esguios, cabeças ósseas planas, notavelmente mais planas que no gênero Silurus, bocas largas e terminais com quatro pares de barbelas. Eles também têm grandes órgãos respiratórios acessórios compostos por arcos branquiais modificados. Além disso, apenas as barbatanas peitorais têm espinhos.


É um peixe noturno como muitos bagres. Alimenta-se de matéria animal viva e morta. Por causa de sua boca larga, é capaz de engolir presas inteiras relativamente grandes. Sabe-se que ingerem aves aquáticas grandes, como a Galinha-d'água.[5] Também é capaz de rastejar em solo seco para escapar de piscinas de secagem. Além disso, é capaz de sobreviver na lama rasa por longos períodos de tempo, entre as estações das chuvas.

Às vezes, o bagre-africano produz sons barulhentos altos, não muito diferentes da voz do corvo.

Desova natural

A desova ocorre principalmente à noite nas áreas rasas e inundadas dos lagos e córregos dos rios. O namoro é precedido por encontros altamente agressivas entre machos. O namoro e o acasalamento ocorrem em águas rasas entre pares isolados de machos e fêmeas. O macho fica em forma de U curvado em torno da cabeça da fêmea, mantido por vários segundos. Um lote de sêmen e ovos é liberado, seguido de um vigoroso movimento da cauda da fêmea para distribuir os ovos por uma ampla área. O par geralmente descansa após o acasalamento (de segundos a vários minutos) e depois retoma o acasalamento.

O cuidado dos pais para garantir a sobrevivência da prole do bagre está ausente, exceto pela escolha cuidadosa de um local adequado. O desenvolvimento de ovos e alevinos é rápido, e os alevinos são capazes de nadar dentro de 48 a 72 horas após a fertilização.


A criação do bagre-africano na África começou no início de 1970, na África Central e Ocidental, sendo uma espécie muito adequada para a aquicultura, já que:

  • Cresce rapidamente e se alimenta de uma grande variedade de subprodutos agrícolas.
  • É resistente e tolera condições adversas de qualidade da água.
  • Pode ser aumentada em altas densidades, resultando em altos rendimentos líquidos (6–16t/ha/ano).
  • Na maioria dos países, alcança um preço mais elevado que a tilápia, pois pode ser vendido vivo no mercado.
  • Amadurece e se reproduz facilmente em cativeiro (comparativamente).
  • Tolera condições difíceis na aquicultura.


Clarias gariepinus pode ser facilmente cruzado com Heterobranchus longifillis para obter o chamado híbrido Hetero-clarias.[6] Esse cruzamento tem as seguintes vantagens sobre o Clarias gariepinus:

  • não pode se reproduzir (por isso não vai gastar energia na reprodução).
  • tem carne branca (pode ser preferido pelo cliente).

Desvantagem do híbrido Hetero-clarias:

  • suscetível ao estresse

Parasitas e Digeneas

Clarias gariepinus pode hospedar várias espécies de digeneas, além de outros endoprasitas e ectoparasitas.[7]


  1. «Espécies exóticas invasoras - saiba mais sobre o Bagre Africano». Consultado em 30 de dezembro de 2021
  2. Ecotravel South Africa Arquivado 2011-01-25 no Wayback Machine
  3. a b Ed. Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel. «Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)». www.fishbase.org (em inglês). FishBase. Consultado em 27 de outubro de 2019
  4. Ed. Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel. «Heterobranchus longifilis (Valenciennes, 1840)». www.fishbase.org (em inglês). FishBase. Consultado em 27 de outubro de 2019
  5. Anoop KR, Sundar KSG, Khan BA e Lal S (2009) Galinha-d'água Comum (Gallinula chloropus) na dieta do Bagre-africano (Clarias gariepinus) no Parque Nacional Keoladeo Gana, Índia. Aves Indianas 5(2):22-23
  6. B.J. Roosendaal, Fleuren & Nooijen
  7. Jansen van Rensburg, C., van As, J.G. & King, P.H. 2013. Novos registros de parasitas digênicos de Clarias gariepinus (Pisces: Clariidae) do Okavango Delta, Botswana, com descrição de Thaparotrema botswanensis sp. n. (Plathelminthes: Trematoda). Invertebrados Africanos 54 (2): 431–446.[1]

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Clarias gariepinus: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

O bagre-africano (Clarias gariepinus) é uma espécie de bagre da família Clariidae que é formada por bagres de respiração aérea.

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wikipedia PT

Кларій нільський ( Ucraniano )

fornecido por wikipedia UK


Це досить великий сом, сягає довжини до 1,7 м при вазі 60 кг. Середня довжина становить 1-1,5 м. За своєю довжиною суперечить з Heterobranchus longifilis за звання найбільшого сома Африки. Голова велика масивна, пласка, кістяна. Рот широкий, витягнутий до очей. Також має великі допоміжні органи дихання, що складаються з модифікованих зябрових дуг. Спеціальні дослідження показали, що надзябровий орган містить тільки повітря і найбільш ефективний при вологості повітря 81 %. Обидва органи — зябра, і «легені» — необхідні для життєдіяльності, але надзябровий орган важливіше. Тулуб вугроподібний. Грудні плавці мають шипи.

Забарвлення спини синювато-чорне або темно-сіре, черево — біле.

Спосіб життя

Зустрічається в прісноводних озерах та болотах, гирлах річок, в самих річках і зрошувальних каналах, ставках. Здатен видавати гучні звуки на кшталт квакання. Активний вночі. Живиться різними безхребетними, рибою, дрібними тваринами, водоплавними птахами, падлом.

Віддає перевагу температурі води від 20 °C до 30 °C, переносять зниження температури до 8°С, терпимий до невеликого рівня солоності. Коли води Нілу спадають і канали висихають, сом буває змушений повертатися в русло річки. Інколи повертається суходолом, за допомогою змієподібних вигинів тіла. Повне припинення дихання зябрами призводить до смерті через 14—47 год. Якщо йому перепинити доступ до поверхні води, він гине вже через 9—25 год., а без води і повітря гине за кілька хвилин. Найкраще почувається, коли концентрація розчиненого у воді кисню перевищує 4,3 мг/л та існує доступ до поверхні. Якщо умови в водоймі не відповідають цим вимогам, він відповзає до іншого.


Нерест відбувається переважно вночі на мілині, затоплених районах річок озер і струмків. Залицянню передує дуже агресивні сутички між самцями. Залицяння і спаровування відбувається на мілині між ізольованими парами самців і самок. Самець лежить в U-подібній формі, зігнутої навколо голови самиці. Запліднення ікри відбувається у декілька етапів. Інкубаційний період триває 48-72 години (в залежності від температури води), з'являються маленькі личинки, що згодом перетворюються на мальків. Вони швидко зростають.

Це доволі витривала риба, добре переносить несприятливі умови, добре розмножується у неволі. Це призвело до промислового вирощування нільського кларія, який може давати 6-16 т на рік, світове виробництво щорічно становить більше 90 тис. т. Виведено гібриди нільського кларія з Heterobranchus longifilis.


Батьківщиною є Північно-Східна Африка та на Близькому Сході, з давніх-давен відомий в річках Ніл та Йордан. Спочатку його інтродуктовано в Центральній та Західній Африці, згодом — у прісноводних водоймах Бразилії, В'єтнаму, Індонезії, Східному Тиморі, Індії, Туреччині, Нідерландах, ФРН, Україні. Нідерландська компанія Fleuren & Nooijen з річним обсягом виробництва 2 млн молоді є постачальником для рибних господарств до Ізраїлю, Нігерії, України і Коста-Рики.


  • Jansen van Rensburg, C., van As, J.G. & King, P.H. 2013. New records of digenean parasites of Clarias gariepinus (Pisces: Clariidae) from the Okavango Delta, Botswana, with description of Thaparotrema botswanensis sp. n. (Plathelminthes: Trematoda). African Invertebrates 54 (2): 431—446
  • B.C.W. van der Wall und H.J. Schoonbee (1975): Age and growth studies of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) (Clariidae) in the Transvaal. South Africa. J. Fish Biol. 7: 227—233.
  • W.J. Viveen, C.J. Richter, J.A. Janssen, P.G. van Oordt und E.A. Huisman: Practical manual for the culture of the African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Department of Fish Culture and Fisheries of the Agricultural University of Wageningen, Wageningen 1986: 121 pp.
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Cá trê phi ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá trê phi (danh pháp hai phần: Clarias gariepinus) là một loài cá da trơn thuộc họ Cá trê (Clariidae). Chúng sinh sống ở châu Phi và Trung Đông, trong các sông, ao, hồ, đầm lầy nước ngọt.

Phân bố tự nhiên

Chúng được tìm thấy khắp Châu PhiTrung Đông, chúng sống nước ngọt tại các hồ, sông, và đầm lầy, cũng như môi trường sống của con người tạo ra, chẳng hạn như ao có quá trình oxy hóa hoặc các cống của hệ thống xử lý nước thải tại đô thị. Cá trê trắng châu Phi đã được giới thiệu trên toàn thế giới vào những năm 1980 nhằm mục đích nuôi trồng thủy sản, do đó được tìm thấy ở các nước xa bên ngoài môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng, chẳng hạn như Brazil, Việt Nam, IndonesiaẤn Độ.

Thói quen

Nó sống về đêm như nhiều loài cá da trơn khác. Nó ăn động vật sống, cũng như đã chết. Với cái miệng rộng của nó, nó có thể nuốt chửng cả con mồi tương đối lớn. Nó đã được biết đến đã ăn nhiều loài chim nước như Gallinula chloropus. Nó cũng có thể trườn trên mặt đất khô để thoát khỏi hồ bơi khô. Hơn nữa, nó có thể để tồn tại trong bùn nông trong thời gian dài của thời gian, giữa mùa mưa. Cá da trơn châu Phi đôi khi tạo ra âm thanh lớn ộp ộp, không giống như tiếng hót của chim.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

Tham khảo

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết chủ đề bộ Cá da trơn này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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wikipedia VI

Cá trê phi: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

fornecido por wikipedia VI

Cá trê phi (danh pháp hai phần: Clarias gariepinus) là một loài cá da trơn thuộc họ Cá trê (Clariidae). Chúng sinh sống ở châu Phi và Trung Đông, trong các sông, ao, hồ, đầm lầy nước ngọt.

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wikipedia VI

Африканский клариевый сом ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Группа: Рыбы
Группа: Костные рыбы
Подкласс: Новопёрые рыбы
Инфракласс: Костистые рыбы
Надотряд: Костнопузырные
Серия: Отофизы
Подсерия: Siluriphysi
Семейство: Клариевые
Род: Кларии
Вид: Африканский клариевый сом
Международное научное название

Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)

Clarias lazera
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 164125NCBI 13013EOL 205045

Африканский клариевый сом[1], или мраморный клариевый сом[1], или нильский клариас[1] (лат. Clarias gariepinus) встречается по всей Африке, включая водоёмы Сахары, в бассейне реки Иордан, в Южной и в Юго-Восточной Азии.

Выловленные африканские сомы, Замбия.

Развит специальный орган для дыхания атмосферным кислородом. От жаберной полости отходит древовидно разветвлённый наджаберный орган, стенки которого пронизаны множеством кровеносных сосудов и имеют очень большую поверхность. Иными словами, это настоящее лёгкое, заменяющее жабры, когда рыба находится вне воды. Специальные исследования показали, что наджаберный орган клария содержит только воздух и наиболее эффективен при влажности воздуха 81 %. Полное выключение дыхания жабрами приводит к смерти через 14–47 ч. Лучше всего кларий чувствует себя, когда концентрация растворённого в воде кислорода превышает 4,3 мг/л и доступ к поверхности возможен. Если условия в водоёме не отвечают этим требованиям, он уползает в другой. Оптимальной средой обитания африканского сома является вода с pH 6,5–8,0 и температурой 25–30 °C, но также хорошо он переносит температуру 12–18 °C, устойчив к перепадам температуры, переносит уровень соли в воде до 10 промилле. Данный вид достаточно всеяден: он может питаться водяными жуками, моллюсками, рыбой, растительной пищей и даже отбросами органического происхождения, но в природных условиях является, главным образом, хищником. По форме тела напоминает серого сома и угря.

Эти рыбы генерируют электросигналы длительностью от 5 до 260 мс, но только в присутствии чужака того же вида. Чужак в ответ либо пускается наутёк, либо принимает вызов и тоже испускает разряды. До укусов доходит редко — по большей части бойцы расходятся. Когда они теряют друг друга из вида, на расстоянии 30–40 см, генерация электрических сигналов прекращается.

Есть 4 пары «усов», зубы как у европейского сома. Чешуи нет, цвет кожи зависит от цвета воды, обычно мраморный с серо-зелёным оттенком. Достигает возраста икрометания (половой зрелости) через 1–1,5 года, его вес в это время составляет 400–500 г, а длина — около 300–400 мм. В длину представители этого вида достигают 170 см и веса 60 кг. Живут около 8 лет.

Африканский клариевый сом может поражаться несколькими видами дигенетических сосальщиков.[2] Заражение паразитами полностью исключается при разведении клариев в установках закрытого водоснабжения (УЗВ).

Объект промышленного рыбоводства.

В установках УЗВ в Сибири данный вид выращивает рыбопроизводственный комплекс полного цикла "Агастия" (г.Новосибирск). На данный момент мощность производства составляет 200 тонн в год.


  1. 1 2 3 Систематический список позвоночных животных в зоологических коллекциях на 01.01.2011 // Андреева Т. Ф., Вершинина Т. А., Горецкая М. Я., Карпов Н. В., Кузьмина Л. В., Остапенко В. А., Шевелёва В. П. Информационный сборник Евроазиатской региональной ассоциации зоопарков и аквариумов. Вып. 30. Межвед. сбор. науч. и науч.-метод. тр. / Под ред. В. В. Спицина. — М.: Московский зоопарк, 2011. — С. 193. — 570 с. — ISBN 978-5-904012-09-0
  2. Jansen van Rensburg, C., van As, J.G. & King, P.H. 2013. New records of digenean parasites of Clarias gariepinus (Pisces: Clariidae) from the Okavango Delta, Botswana, with description of Thaparotrema botswanensis sp. n. (Plathelminthes: Trematoda). African Invertebrates 54 (2): 431–446.[1]
direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Африканский клариевый сом: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Африканский клариевый сом, или мраморный клариевый сом, или нильский клариас (лат. Clarias gariepinus) встречается по всей Африке, включая водоёмы Сахары, в бассейне реки Иордан, в Южной и в Юго-Восточной Азии.

 src= Выловленные африканские сомы, Замбия.

Развит специальный орган для дыхания атмосферным кислородом. От жаберной полости отходит древовидно разветвлённый наджаберный орган, стенки которого пронизаны множеством кровеносных сосудов и имеют очень большую поверхность. Иными словами, это настоящее лёгкое, заменяющее жабры, когда рыба находится вне воды. Специальные исследования показали, что наджаберный орган клария содержит только воздух и наиболее эффективен при влажности воздуха 81 %. Полное выключение дыхания жабрами приводит к смерти через 14–47 ч. Лучше всего кларий чувствует себя, когда концентрация растворённого в воде кислорода превышает 4,3 мг/л и доступ к поверхности возможен. Если условия в водоёме не отвечают этим требованиям, он уползает в другой. Оптимальной средой обитания африканского сома является вода с pH 6,5–8,0 и температурой 25–30 °C, но также хорошо он переносит температуру 12–18 °C, устойчив к перепадам температуры, переносит уровень соли в воде до 10 промилле. Данный вид достаточно всеяден: он может питаться водяными жуками, моллюсками, рыбой, растительной пищей и даже отбросами органического происхождения, но в природных условиях является, главным образом, хищником. По форме тела напоминает серого сома и угря.

Эти рыбы генерируют электросигналы длительностью от 5 до 260 мс, но только в присутствии чужака того же вида. Чужак в ответ либо пускается наутёк, либо принимает вызов и тоже испускает разряды. До укусов доходит редко — по большей части бойцы расходятся. Когда они теряют друг друга из вида, на расстоянии 30–40 см, генерация электрических сигналов прекращается.

Есть 4 пары «усов», зубы как у европейского сома. Чешуи нет, цвет кожи зависит от цвета воды, обычно мраморный с серо-зелёным оттенком. Достигает возраста икрометания (половой зрелости) через 1–1,5 года, его вес в это время составляет 400–500 г, а длина — около 300–400 мм. В длину представители этого вида достигают 170 см и веса 60 кг. Живут около 8 лет.

Африканский клариевый сом может поражаться несколькими видами дигенетических сосальщиков. Заражение паразитами полностью исключается при разведении клариев в установках закрытого водоснабжения (УЗВ).

Объект промышленного рыбоводства.

В установках УЗВ в Сибири данный вид выращивает рыбопроизводственный комплекс полного цикла "Агастия" (г.Новосибирск). На данный момент мощность производства составляет 200 тонн в год.

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

尖齒鬍鯰 ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Clarias gariepinus
Burchell, 1822




 src= 維基物種中有關尖齒鬍鯰的數據

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wikipedia 中文维基百科

尖齒鬍鯰: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科


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site do parceiro
wikipedia 中文维基百科